THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 22. 1917. Briej City News Haro Bool Print It New Bocoa Fnm. Metal dies, pressw'k. Jubilee Mfg. Co. Eloc. Fans. ..50 Burresa-Granden. Platinum Wedding Rings Edholm. For Carey Cleaning (Tell) Web. 392. Hardware Men Banquet Tonight The hardware dealers will be ban queted tonight at the Paxton hotel. Try the noonday 35-eent luncheon at the Empresa Garden, amidst pleaa ant aurroundings, music and entertain ment Advertisement Goes to Colorado Miss Isabelle Graham, teacher in the Mason achool, haa gone to Colorado for the sum mer and while there will continue her work in English in the University of Chicago correspondence school. Gives Employes a Picnic Max Ro senthal of the Palace Clothing com pany treated his employes to a bas ket picnic in Klmwond park Tuesday night Fifty-five guests were pres ent. Striking Teamster Fined William McGlynn, 4314 Emmet street, paid a fine of $2.60 for assaulting Lawrence Bhephard. McGlynn, a striking team ster, objected too strenuously to Shep hard'a driving a team Monday with out joining the union. j Date of Picnic Changed Douglas County Association of Nebraska Pio neers has changed the date of its KaoUAf nn at Milter narlr frnm June 23 to Saturday, June 80. A big basket of lunch and a cup of coffee ire tne two requirements ror tnose who wish to attend. Suffragists Oppose Referendum As president of the State Suffrage as sociation, Mrs. E. M. Barkley has sent out the following for coworkers to "get into your local papers:" "The names of Nebraska men who are will ing to sign the petition to disfranchise the women will be printed in the pa pers of their respective towns. It ahould be of Interest to the women to know these men." More Precincts Are to Be Added So Women Can Vote Election Commissioner Moorhead submitted to the city commissioners a tentative plan or redistricting greater Omaha into twelve wards. Mr. Moorhead's proposal is to have the wards divided by main thorough fares, which would eliminate, for in stance, the present division of some wards by Dodge street. It is pro posed to have the Third ward bounded by Charles and Dodge streets, from the river to Thirteenth street. The new ward division is neces sary on account of the recent annexe ation of Benson and Florence. On account of women, voting at the rext election it will be necessary to add thirty-five voting precincts. There are now 106 precincts. The law requires that voting precincts shall be created on the basis of the voting population, or one voting place for each 300 voters. Sergeant Burnside Will Drill Ambulance Company Sergeant Burnside, United States army, has been obtained as drill mas ter of the Omaha Ambulance com pany, the personnel of which will be announced the middle of next week. "Applcations have been made by eighty-five men in the last two days, most of whom live in Omaha and are of unusually fine caliber," said Dr. Charles Hull, chairman of the ambu lance committee. "Arrangements now are being made to secure the Red Cross ambulances, all of -which will be Fords, so if they upset on the battlefield or a muddy road in France they can be turned right side up by the help of a few men," he added. They are not expected to arrive for five weeks. The committee isTMpeking a train ing field, -which it hgpes to have by next week. Summer Movies for the Kiddies at the Theaters Friday night summer programs for children are being given at many of the moving picture theaters under the direction ot tne educational de partment of the Omaha Woman's club. At the Suburban theater this week Gladys Hullette will appear in "Pots and Pans Peggy" and a comedy, "Luke's Honeymoon, ' will be shown. Douglas Fairbanks in "In Again, Out Again, will be tne attraction at tne Lothrop theater. William Duncan and Nell Shioman in "Through the Wall" will be given at the Apollo in com bination with a clack Diamond com edy. Saturday morning at the Muse will be given the Edison Conquest pro gram, including "The Portrait in the Attic." Robert Louis Stevenson's story "Kidnaped" and "He Couldn't (jet Up in the Morning, ine same program will be given at the Bcsse on the South Side at 1 p. m. Woman Fined for Having Her Grip Full of Booze Mary Zorick, Thirty-first and R streets, paid a fine of $100 and costs for illegally having intoxicating liquor in her possession. She was arrested last Saturday at the Burling ton station upon her returri from St. Joseph. In a suit case which she car rying was found eighteen quarts of whisky and one bottle of alcohol. She said she was bringing it for her per sonal use. Omaha War News Omihi took flrnt pine imonf recruiting" offices of the Contra! division of lh United States army Car last week. Enlistment! far the week, th total sine March 21, are rlvfti : Since Week. March 3!. Omaha . 18 l.&lf Kansas City 17 2,280 Chicago, ITS 2.291 St. Louts 1.52ft Minneapolis 124 2.732 Cincinnati 114 1,1M 1ph Moines 80 1,322 Detroit 7 1.237 Peoria 3 896 tii'lfHnapolIs 2 1.43 Milwaukee 6 s95 Lexington S3 26b St. Joseph 14 B. l,tran. the Ifi-year-old guard, who hai hud both feet rut off on account of an acci dent sURtained while crossing the rail road tracks lHt week. 1 reported to be rajiidly Improving. Thursday's activities at th army recruit ing station brought the total number of enlistments up lo 4.247. leaving 6fi3 to be rcrulted In this district befors Juno 80. At this rate tho daily average must be at least fifty-six. When, it was decided to attempt to enlist enough for the full iurta before June 30 It was estimated that the dally average would be fifty-five. From the city of Omaha Itself 344 now are needed In order to fill tbe city's quota of 744. Herman Boissll. a Mist ant chemist St the cltv asphalt plant. 1114 Nicholas street, hae THsred m the Rlxth Nebraska National (luarda, the new regiment which Is being recruited. Printer's "Devil" on The Bee Now One of Uncle Sam's Fighting Tars From printer's devil to a bluejacket has proven such a transformation to George Shaw that he has written his brother, Earl Shaw, 4708 North Twenty-ninth sfteet, that he "wouldn't change back to his old life for the world." "We have so many goods things to eat we can't hardly wait from one mess call to another. They treat us fine. We drill hard, but that's all forgotten when we take a plunge in the evening and listen to a band con cert." George Shaw enlisted as an ap prentice seaman at the Omaha navy recruiting station May 7 and was sent to Newport News training station May 28. With him went William Conkling, 3036 Meredith avenue, a boyhood chum. The former "printer's devil" had a hankering to join the navy since he was IS years old. His brother re fused to give his consent until re cently, when the lad became insistent. His parents have been .dead for a number of years. He is 19 years old. Before enlisting George Shaw was employed in the composing room of The Omaha Bee. In the picture he is shown beside the steering wheel of an old "man-o-war." Harry Palmer Has an Appendicitis Operation Harry Palmer, young Omaha at torney, was operated on for appen dicitis at Immanuel hospital Wednes day. He is reported to be getting along satisfactorily. Owing to his illness the regular meeting of the Noonday club, of which he is a prom inent member, was omitted Thurs day. , WHIPPERMAN LAID UP BY MER BITE Cement Man Halted in Hia Work of Recruiting Com pany for the Sixth Nebraska. A bite on the ankle by a black spider June 9 has disabled Frank Whipperman, president of the Omaha Concrete Stone company and presi dent of the Mid-West Cement Users' association, so that he has been unable to be at his plant for a number of days. He is still confined to his home, with his ankle and leg badly swollen, and within the last few days the swell ing has moved into the arms, so that his arms and hands are swollen to double their normal sie. Mr. Whip perman's physician says he is making some, headway, however, and that he will probably make a steady recovery now. Mr. Whipperman did not know when he was bitten. He noticed a growing pain in the ankle after he had been mowing the lawn. When this grew so severe that it was very annoying he consult the doctor. "There is a hole here where some thing bit you," said the doctor. "Have you been bitten by a black spider?" Whipperman did not know that he had. The doctor told him there is a large black spider with two red spots on it, which is about the only spider really poisonous in this sec tion. The next day one of Whipperman's sons killed two black spiders as big as the end of a man's thumb. Each had two red spots on it. They had gained entrance to the house some way, and Mr. Whipperman believes they came in with the bedding and mattresses which had been put on the grass for an airing during the recent housecleaning activities at the Whip perman home. Mr. Whipperman, who is a Spanish war veteran, was organizing a com pany for the Sixth Nebraka regiment of infantry. His present misfortune has greatly delayed his activities in this line, as he has been unable to hustle for more recruits. Instead of hustling recruits he is compelled to spend whole days in the doctor's office swathed in hot packs to eliminate the poison from his system. Irish Meeting at the ' Paxton rK"' Sunday To discuss what is i . rized in a petition as "a very inyuriaut sub ject which has been entirely ignored," the Irish are called to meet at the Paxton hotel, parlor B, Sunday after noon at 2:30. The achievements, his tory and tradition of the Irish people are to be talked over. The proclama tion or petition asking the Irish to appear at the meeting is signed by the following: Joseph McMahon, J. G. Sherry, Mrs. James Roach, Frank O'Connor, T. J. O'Neill, Thomas Lynch, W. C. Fraser. T. F. Kennedy, C. J. Smyth, Louis Kavanaugh, Mrs. T. F. Quinlan, Miss A. C' Moran, Mrs. M. L. O'Donohoe, Miss Mary Radford, C. F. Connolly, T. R. Mullen, M. J. Harrington, Joseph McCaffery, E. F. Leary, Dan Harrigan, Patrick Duffey, Charles E. Fanning, T. P. Redmond, Joseph J. Breen, T. W. Fitzpatrick, John H. Hopkins, Charles Burns, Morris E. Anderson, M. J. Grady, Miss Zita E. Kavanagh, Gene Melady, Jerry Howard. Law is Passed Regulating Dances and Fortune Tellers The city council passed ordinances regulating public ranees, clairooyants and fortune tellers and the sale of foods. The Board of Public Welfare will have charge of the dances. Foods ex posed for sale in any form must be protected from contamination by dust or flics. Dealers in futures must file applications for licenses which will be revoked if terms of the ordinance are violated. Tor YOUR PROTECTION POST T0ASTIE5 are wax-sealed to keep them good ! 1 jSoaSy. u rv lit 4 GEORGE SHAW. Army Reserve Corps Needs Butchers, Baker? and Cooks The following classes of men are needed in the quartermaster, signal and medical reserve corps being re cruited by Lieutenant Wilbur at the Army building, Fifteenth and Dodge streets: Men of good character and posses sing at least a high school education, for service in the field hospitals and ambulance companies, medical reserve corps. For service in the quartermaster re serve corps: Farriers, cooks, butchers, bakers, skilled laborers, wheelrights, wagonmasters, clerks, norsesnoers, saddlers, mechanics, teamsters, labor ers, packers (pack train company). For service in the signal reserve: Chauffeurs, motorcyclists, Morse operators, carpenters, clerks, barbers, mechanics (automobile), cooks, men with knowledge ot care ot worses. switchboard operators, linemen, cable solicers. cart drivers, saddlers, tar- riers, international Morse operators. Men having at least a high school education with no special qualification other than the desire for advancement After enlistment in the enlisted re serve corps a man continues in his ordinarv vocation in civil life until such time as the president sees fit to call out the reserve. It is urged that all men having any of the above listed special qualifica tions enlist in the reserve, where they will be of the greatest service to the government, Straw Hats Silk Shirts Wash Neckwear PEASE BLACK CO. 1417 Farnam St. A Nebraska Corpora tion handling a safe and conservative 7 investment, desires to engage the services of a few high grade stock salesmen. Applicants must be men of strong personality and an en gag i n g appearance, who have a disposition to earn from $4,000 a year upward. To stock salesmen of this class we are in a position to offer every ounce of co operation necessary, not only for an immedi ate success, but for the future as well. If you feel that you can meas ure up to this standard, and are interested, ad dress Box 513, Lincoln, Neb. - Burgess-Mash Company: 'EVERYBODY STORE" Thursday, June 21, 1917. STORE NEWS FOR FRIDAY. Phone Douglas 137. Friday Down Stairs Store Uncommon Values In Notions Dust caps, each, 10c. Baby bibs, each, 5c. Fancy buttons, all kinds, doz en, at Sc. Darning Cotton, card . . . . lc Hair brushes, each, 10c. Clothes brushes, each, lOc, Elastic, all widths, yard, Sc. Skirt markers, each, 12lic. Skirt belting, yard, Sc. Bias tapes, bolt, Sc. Tatting shuttle, each, Sc. P Thimbles, each lc ) 6(Mnch tape measures, ea., lc. Dressing combs, each, Sc. Common pins, paper, 2c. Hair barrettes, each, Sc. Hair nets, with elastic, 5 10c. Bone hair pins, box, Sc. Wire hair pins, paper, 2c. 200-yard machine thread, spool 2 H c for Machine silk, all colors, spool, for 3c. Silk finish crochet cotton, the spool 4c, BurfM.Nah Co. Down Sulrt Storo A Big Special Clearaway Friday Of Women's, Misses', Big Girls' and Children's White Canvas Boots and Pumps IN every instance the sale price Friday is less than the Here's an idea of what the offering affords Women's 9-inch, lace, white canvas high shoes, $3.65. Women's 8-inch, lace, white canvas high shoes, $3.85. Women's 2-strap white canvas pumps, $1.85. Women's white canvas pumps and strap slippers, $2.65. Women's white canvas oxfords, ribbon ties, all have the covered heels and turn soles, $2.45. Child's and Misses' white canvas- strap pumps, neolin soles, pair, $1.65 and $1.45. Child's white kid and canvas ankle strap pumps, sizes to 8, pair, $1.19. present wholesale cost. Very Special , Women's Strap Pumps at $1.98 An unusual lot of women's patent, one, two and three-strap pumps and but ton oxfords, on sale Friday, at a price way below maker's cost, at, pair, $1.98. Burfoit-Naoh Co Down Stulro Stor Embroideries, 10c Pretty embroidered edges, insertions and headings, wide selection of new designs, spe- S: 10c Flouncings, 39c Voile dress flouncings, 40 inches wide, embroidered in colors, for cool summer dress es, special, at, yard 39c Allovers, at 25c Allover embroideries, dainty baby flouncings and fine swiss dress flouncings, 18 to 27 inches wide, the or yard adOC Pretty New Summer Waists At 49c ATTRACTIVELY made of voiles and organdie, in sports and trimmed models. The voile waists" have embroid ered voile bands down front, low neck, long sleeves. The sport models of organdie, with collars, cuffs and tie of striped and figured material, in assorted colors. Buriou-Nh Co. Down Sulrt Storo Petticoats, at $1.00 Petticoats of extra quality muslin, deep flounce of tucking and embroidery underlay, reg- Undermuslins, 45c Including gowns, combina tions, envelope chemise and drawers, also some aprons, rompers, dressing Atif sacques, etc "OC Women's Vests, 7c Women's white cotton vests, with low neck and wing sleeves. Very special, Friday, J at C Union Suits, 29c Women's union suits, low neck and sleeveless, white cot ton of good quality, OQ extra siie, special, at. . aSJvC Women' Hose, 15c ' Women's lisle thread hose, black or white, seamless, known as manufacturer's "seconds," extreme values, 15c Women's White or Colored Wash Skirts At $1.00 ANOTHER Friday special of out-of-the-ordinary sort, made In a variety of pretty and attractive styles of gabardine and linenes, with large pockets, gathered backs and belt, white and a few colors. Very special at $1.00. Women's and Misses' Summer Dresses $3.95 Voiles, lawns, marquiset tes and crepes, in sport and smock styles, 1-piece, pleated with belt, just the sort of dress for outing wear, $3.95. Mina Taylor House Dresses, 89c Known as factory "sec onds," striped, checked ging hams and percales, dark colors. 89c. Burgen-Naih Co. Down Stain Storo Ginghams, at 13 Vic 27-inch dress ginghams, pret ty plaids, small checks and 8tripos,i large selection of col ors, light or dark,.1ol at lOtC Remnants of Voile,, lOVic 2 to 10 yards in a piece, floral, figured and striped de signs, large selection of colon, 40 inches, at, yard 1U$C Striped Skirtings, 12 Vie Sport striped skirtings, in remnants of 2 to S yards in a piece. A big line of J OJL colors, Friday, yard lofilC Corsets, at 89c Batiste corsets, in pink stripe with mercerized embroidery trimming, low bust, long skirt, free hip, special, 39 C Ribbons, at 19c Moire and plain taffeta rib bons, for sashes or hair bows, 6 inches wide, white, black and colors, the 19c Middy Blouses, 59c Good quality jeans, large col lar and pockets, some with full belt, other straight style, as sorted trimmings, 59 C Stylish, Untrimmed White Hats, Three Groups, at 69c, $1.50 and $1.98 LARGE or small shapes, in good quality hemp, milan panama and milan hemp. Variety of new shapes. Trimmed free of charge, Friday, at 69c, $1.50 and $1.98. Special Friday 8:30 A. M. to 12 M. Special groups of small Untrim- med hats in a variety of shapes and colorings, on one big table, 25c Buroon-Nooh Co. Down Stuirt Storo Brassieres, at 25c An assortment of lace and embroidery brassieres, trim med both back and front. Very special, Friday, 25 C Rag Rugs, at 65c , Old Homestead rag rugs, hit or miss patterns, suitable for bedrooms, bathrooms and the like, 24x36-inch, 65 C T 67c Another Big Lot of Men's Shirts That Have Been Specially Reduced to FOR FRIDAY we offer a big lot of men's shirts, samples and seconds of a very high grade make, together with two cases of new shirts which have just been received. There will be hundreds and hundreds of shirts to select from, almost any kind of a shirt you can possibly want will be included in the assortment and the values are most extreme, very special at 67c. Men's Union Suits at 49c Sizes 34 to 40 only, good quality, made the most desirable way for the present season, white and ecru colors, reduced to 49e. Men's 2-Piece Underwear at 25c An assorted lot of Porosknit balbriggan 2-piece undergar ments for men and large boys, 23c per garment. Men's Work Shirts at 50c Panama linene and other good wearable materials, plain col ors and stripes, Friday, 50c. Men's Plain White Handkerchiefs, 5c With colored borders, excellent qualities, price, 8c. Men's Sample Vg Hose, 12 Vic Sizes to 10 H only, blacks, tans and grays, mostly samples, at 126c. Burreti-Naoh Co. Down Stalrt Storo Bed Spreads, $1.48 Hemmed bed spreads, crochet weave, good heavy weight, large siie, very spe- 1 AO cial, Friday, at. ... V 1 TfO Table Damask, 39c Mercerized table damask, 64 inches wide, heavy quality, snow white, good assortment of choice designs, at, OQ yard , ... 07C Turkish Towels, 14c Bleached bath towels, size 19x38-inch, good weight, soft and absorbent, special, Friday, at $1.65 a dozen, or, "I An each ItC Alarm Clock, $1.95 One-day alarm clock, in ma hogany finish, 6 tyxl 2-inch case, very special, 1 QC Friday, at V 1 fO Drugs and Toilets Bathing caps, special, 15c. Large automobile sponges, 59c. Large automobile chamois, at S1.49. Nail and hand scrub brushes, at 5c, 10c and 15c. Cocoanut oil soap, 6 cakes, 24c Lilac rose, toilet soap, cake, Sc. Peroxide soap, cake Sc. Vanishing cream, jar, 10c. Face powder, special, 10c. Massatta talcum powder, 12c. Hair brushes, 1 lot at 39c and 59c. Pebeco tooth paste, 29c. 1 -quart ammonia, 12c. Peroxide, bottle, 10c. Listerine, medium size, 34c. Burfoii-Naih Co. Down Stalro Storo These Are Remarkable Values for Friday in Blue and White or Plain White Enamelware Choice at 25c EVERY piece strictly first quality and the selection in cludes such a splendid assortment. 'Blue and white en ameled Berlin kettles White and white en ameled sauce pans. . White and white en ameled preserving kettles White and white en ameled pudding pans Choice 25c White and white en ameled mixing bowls. White and white en ameled wash bowls. White and white en ameled bake pans. Plain gray enameled tea kettles. a Burfota-Nftsh Co. Down Stalro Storo Captain McShane will be operated on to morrow at Fort Crook for hernia.