Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUKE 22, 1917.
The Omaha Bee
EUrd tt Omab pcwtotTie m Mon4-IaM nalUf.
Bf Urrttf. tfy MiL
iHtll ik) Mu4 ...4 WW.IM, -St DM Fu. V' W
(Hi it mMtum MwHUr Mt I 00
Coini sod Muatu- "100
C'wina rtuwil HianU.. .......... -"- "
lund.t Hm onlf " lot
Uni iMm T ebifit nf tddrM w irrteultntr tm iWifT It Ombi
U. 0"-ttlatkA UtpattawiiL
MBit H Van. . r tutta) order On.) l eant auaina UM
parmt ami II anounli. f'rataJ aftavk. aseaot e Qaulv. antf
aatum -ritfuna. an( arwtad
Unata-riw m Hiilldl'ift. t:bicar-i'.,Ci Um muWna,
fcuU. (hnaba-ail N St. Tuf-I Fiflb .
Omnrtl Hloffa-ll Mtn aX it lmia-Hw B'k. of Ooaint-tiaanla-U(il
nultrtlna- Wuhtnttno-IU li(b W. H
AiAnm anMiufiwli'aa rvdlini la anil adltotlat . U
Omaha ttta. Mtlnrlal IWirtisT,t
56,469 Daily Sunday, 5f,308
.mm ahuietii tot u iimniIM MHfftM w. iwi I. M IMIsfct
ttilllai. nrculetio. yimeer.
SubecrlBOT. leaving Ik. city tb.uU ev. rh. Bm mIM
I. them. Ad4riM caongeo) m llln riquntiA
Chadron it welcome to Ihe show until the
home (oiks get their breath again.
Poor old Ananias! How hi. laurel, shrivel
up in the heat of modern competition.
Attorney General Reed ii iome fixer. It re
main, only to tec how hi. plan work. out.
Newport', opinion of the .ecretary of the
navy cannot be printed owing to the limited 'stock
of asbestos paper.
Old Sol ii doing hi. duty these days, too. and
above all the other lounds you can hear the corn
grow in Nebraska.
Assessor Fitzgerald had a great time putting
tax valuations up, but keeping th'eiv there is
quite another thing.
Under the proposed suffrage plan of Great
Britain women mutt be 30 years of age or over
to swing the ballot. Do you get that, girls?
Boston's honor and loyalty is again vindicated.
Bunker Hill day passed by without unduly em
phasizing the provocation for the celebration.
i1 Haiti has broken with Germany and Mexico
leans that way. Another mission to Washington,
seems assured and prospects brighten for more. J
s Various reasons are given for the huge uplift
In federal revenue from tobacco. The chief cause
may be traced to the activity of the campaign
As a change from more profitable tasks the
butter and egg boards of Chicago are putting up
informing. quotations for the benefit of the federal
grand jury;
Omaha in first place in the recruiting recqrds
looks might good. But we have been in the spot-1
light so long our modesty is proof against even
this flattery. .
The White house pickets presume too much
on public patience and native deference to the
sex. The banner incident mildly suggests that
the police disband the pickets and end the ailly
Submarines piled an extra score on the bot
tom of the sea last week. The chase is hot above
and below the surface, and the victor in that part
of the, war game is beyond the guess of the
prophets. '
.Affair in Spain are calm and lovely. Alphonso
is on the job and not a worry loafs around the
throne. Perfectly delightful, the diplomats say.
Still, 'the national censor sits on the news, lid
with tireless teal,
Official opinion privately expressed suggests
the widening view among the jurymen that a
change in the police department would conserve
public interests mightily. The public arrived at
that destination some time ago. ,
Pen pictures of shell holes on the western
batllrfront clearly explain why the cavalry arm
of the service remains hobbled far in the hack
ground. It resemble, the vision of , "Miittel
liuropa" in having no show t all. '
It is worth while noting as the war drags along
that the cowboy mayor of Chicago .hows speed
as a practical patriot. His new drive for the
flfshpots added the first liue trenches of the
school board to his political defenses. I
A San Francisco school teacher, to whom the
Has means nothing, has jicen permitted to resign.
She should also be permitted to hunt tip a land
where her "international mind" will have plenty
of lime to work in its own peculiar way.
The unreasoning "sulTs" who put the'r cam
I paign above the aafcty of the nation ought to look
up the example Of Mrs. I'ankhurst, who is about
as militant as any could well wish, but who
agreed to "be good" while the liberties of the
whole people weve in danger.
"Good for Nebraska"
BaJtlmers Am.rlc.a-
As .-. preliminary to co-operating- with the ni
tional government in preparing for Ihe war emerg
ency all the slates ot the union have made stir
veys of resource's. In some instances these siir
vey reports convey enlightening information about
what is being done in an unusual way to the
purpose of increasing: the food vield. As a farm
products state Nebraska ranks second only to
Kansas and the survey report of Nebraska, which
hat been published, doubtless suggests accurately
the trend of stimulated farm effort in the central
west. While the wheat yield of Nebraska will be
far below the 1916 yield, there is in prospect an
enormous increa.e in com, beans and potatoes.
The reoort a.v. that the nntatn arrtiffs hi
been increased l(X) per cent in the eastern part
of the atate and 50 per cent in Ihe western part.
There will be i,000,000- acres increase in corn
planting this year as compared with last year.
There n a 2,500 per cent increase in the acreage
, of beans and it is in expectation that the poultry
yield will be lOMOO.OOO pounda larger this vear
than last vear. There will be a record-breaking
crop of alfalfa. If Kansas, Iowa, Illinois. Indiana
ind Missouri hit the agricultural pace aa Nebraska
seems to be hitting it the high cost of food, is
due to take a long drop.
Last year Nebraska planted 7,000,000 acres
tp corn and produced 2f,000,000 bushels. This
year there will be 9.000.000 Nebraska .ere. tn
ton and the yield should be around 270,000,000
bushels. Corn means pork and poultry eggs and
butter. The aurvey newt from Nebraska it
cheering, ;
I -
So Everyone May Know,
The Bee is from day to day receiving letters
for publication whose writers do not seem to
grasp, or do not want to grasp, Ihe position which
every patriotic newspaper must take in this war.
Some of the letters we are asked to print are in
the nature of defenses of Germany's ruthlessness,
or assualls upon Great Britain, or arguments in
palliation of the destruction of Belgium, or jus
tification of the killing of the innocent, on the
Lusitania, So all may know just where The Bee
stands, we reproduce here this letter returning
one of these rejected contributions:
I am reluming your enclosure, which 1 take
it you wish back, inasmuch as I cannot see my
way clear to giving it space in The Bee under
existing conditions.
In your present, as well as your previous let
ters, you fail to distinguish between helpful
criticism of the government and placing palpa
ble obstructions in the way of marshalling the
forces of this country for the successful prose
cution of the war. The Bee does not propose
knowingly to permit its columns to be used to
discourage enlistments or response to other war
demands or to engender friction with nations
fighting this battle with us or to promote prop
aganda against the American cause.
Since you refer to Benjamin Franklin, let me
refer .'or justification to Franklin also where
in hit autobiography he explains his refusal to
print abusive letters, as follows:
"W! enever I was solicited to insert anything
of that kind and the writers pleaded as they
ginerally did, the liberty of the press my an
swer was that I wou'd print the piece sepa
rately, if desired, and the author might have
as many copies as he pleased to distribute him
self, but that I would not take upon me If
spread his detraction." us repeat that regardless of opinion pre
vious to the war declaration there cannot be two
sidet for loyal American citizen! when the United
Slaves it actually engaged in war with a foreign
enemy. It must be "America first" and no back
Russia and the United States.
The exchange of pourparlers between the Root
commission and the provisional govtrnment at
Petrograd is fraught with the greatest of signifi
cance for the future of democracy. It involves
notialone the relations between the Russian and
American people, but jn a greater measure than
appears on the surface of the course of free gov
ernment. The strongest and most influential of
democracies it giving advice and counsel to the
newest and pointing out the way to tuccest in
the great undertaking of popular government.
One question raised by Minister Tereschentko
as to the terms on which America participates in
the war ought to be frankly anawered. Some of
our own people have difficulty in exactly under-
tanding why we have entered the conflict. The
Jnited States it not a party by treaty to the
terms of the alliance that binds England, France,
Russia and Italy in the quadruple entente. We
have become a volunteer aHy, animated by the
loftiest of motives, indispentibl't to the cause for
which our allies contend, and must be left free
to aid at best we may. The faith of our people
is solemnly pledged to thit great cause and the
world knowt this faith wilt be kept, Russian
leaders rely on It, but their task at present it )o
get the facta before their own people. To con
vince the mujik of the ditinterettednett of the
United States, when he hat tuch good reason to
distrust all governments, it not an altogether
easy undertaking. Men at the head of the Rus
sian provisional government know it it to the
United Statet and not to Germany they must look
for the assistance needed to establish freedom for
themselves and their posterity. They proved this
when they expelled Grimm, the German social
ist, who came with the kaiser's proffer.
The Root commission it charged with a tre
mendous responsibility, but itt tuccess is as
sured because of its sincerity and the pledge of
the American nation back bf it.
Rallr'oadt Moving to Real Economies.
While expert accountants and attorneyi are
presenting figures and arguments on behalf of
the railroads petitioning' for permission to in
crease their rates, the'Vactical operating forces
of the several systems are busy contriving work
able plana to get greater service out of exitting
equipment at lest expense. One way, already
discussed by The Bee, it to load freight cart
to nearer their maximum capacity and by to do
ing to increase their utility. Another it to induce
patrons to load and unload with greater tpeed,
thus returning cars to service sooner, and through
the combination to add fully half the number to
the freight cars in existence simply through bet
ter use.
One of the most important of recent devel
opment! in railroad practice hai to do with the
use of fuel. Thit problem hat forced itself to
the front and good management hat compelled
attention it now it receiving. How to burn coal
to as to secure the maximum of its latent energy
and to transmit that liberated power into tractive
effort lias long been the study of the engineer.
The greatest advance in thit science it now ex
emplified in the use of pulverized coal. Fuel
Crushed to impalpable dust is fed into the fur
nace and there consumed. The result does away
with ashes, cinders, sparks and other objection
able products of ordinary combustion, achieves
a high percentage of the theoretical energy of
the' fuel and in actual service has evaporated 50
per cent more water per pound of fuel than comes
from coal burned under ordinary service condi
tions. Advantages flowing from this new use of
fuel are too many to be here catalogued, but
are tinderajond by practical railroad men.
Electrification of railroads is inevitable, but
pending that time the adoption of the pulver
ized coal for steam-making purposes on locomo
tives will effect such economies as will awell net
earnings materially. " Practical men are busy look
ing for the ways to meet the transportation prob
lems of America and operation from Wall street
may yet give way to the management of men
who know what they are doing.
The alarming hurry call for more cars put
out by Ohio coal operator! brings a aharp reply
from the general manager of the Louisville &
Nashville railroad. The "short and ugly word" is
omitted, but the spirit is there. What little basis
existt for cir shortage alarm! ia due to the opera
tor! who fail to expedite cart offered and manipu
late shipments for extra profits. In. spite of the
juggling practiced, the railroad company moved
1,100,472 more tont of coal this year than in the
same time last year. Apparently the "holler" of
coal miners is a means of diverting attention from
the "main chance."
The American Red Crott organization tcored
a notable businest victory when it conscripted
the tervicet of H. P. Davidson of the. house of
Morgan. Financier and organizer of proved abil
ity, Mr. Davidson bring! to the Red Cross the
power and prestige of financial America. The
campaign to raise $100,000,000 in eight day! exem
plifiet characteriitie breadth of viiion and graip
of big-thinga, ' ;
The Albanian Tangle
By Frederic J. Haskin
Washington, D. C, June 19. Recent dis
patches from Rome state that Italy has declared
its intention of supporting the independence of
Albania. As an independent nation, Albania has
had a short life and a hard one. Established in
February, 1914, the coming of war in August
threw the country again into the midst of a seeth
ing kettle of military activity. The interval from
February to August was enlivened by rebellions
that amounted to civil war.
The situation in Albania, it is safe to say, has
been among the problems that did not greatly
worry the average American. Albania is an out-of-the-way
and little-known principality, even to
the people of western Europe, and as for Amer
ica, even six months ago few people could point
to it on the map without making a search. There
is the incident of an American who wrote to a
friend in Albania, and the letter went to Albany,
N. Y. There a well-informed postal clerk
marked it, "Not Albany. Try Asia."
Vet it is not more than a conservative state
ment of fact today to say that the satisfactory set
lement of the Albanian situation it of vital im
portance to Americans. We have definitely cast
off our traditional policy of political isolation, not
irom choice, but from necessity. To insure peace
in America there must be peace in Europe. The
vexing Balkan question, which has kept Euro
pean statesmen awake o' nights for the last two
decades, has become an American question, too.
As President Wilson so clearly pointed out on
Flag day, the real ambitions of Germany lie to
the eastward and not to the west. "Berlin to
Bagdad," is the empire that the Prussian war
lords have chosen for the foundation of an auto
cratic power to overshadow the world.
Albania is in many ways the key to the Balkan
situation. It dominates the road from the Ad
riatic to Constantinople. A proper settlement
of the Albanian question is vital to the safety of
Italy. Racially, the Albaniant with the Greeks
are the only counterpoise to complete Slavonic
domination in the Balkan peninsula.
Here again tne Albanian situation touchet
very closely one of the great American princi
ples which we are upholding in thit war the
right of nations and peoples to be divided along
racial rather than political lines. The Prussians
are. attempting to build up an empire designed
solely on principles of military and economic
strategy. All sorts of peoples are to be held to
gether or arbitrarily cut apart, irrespective of race
or nationality Serbs, Croats, Magyars, Czechs,
Teutons, Turks whatever lands happen to fit into
the Prussian scheme.
On the other hand, the allied democracies have
declared that the rights of a people to remain
united by ties of blood and' by their own free
choice are paramount. The Albaniant are as dis
tinct a nationality as the Irish or the Danes.
They are one of the oldest races in the world and
they have maintained themselves as a distinct race
in a way that is a remarkable instance of race
persistence. A thousand years before Christ their
great city of Scutari was" the capital of a nation.
Since then they have been conquered by one na
tion after another. For3,000 years they have been
subject to different peoples and yet the blond
Albanian mountaineer is as distinct a type today
as the Swede or the Russian. Five hundred
years ago a body of Albanians moved across the
Straits of Otranto into Italy. Today their de
scendants are still readily recognizable among
their Italian neighbors.
Sd long as Turkey held Albania the situation
was not acute for Italy and Austria. The Turk
was too weak to make use of the advantage that
the possession of Albania implied. But after
the Balkan war Albania was one of the principal
spoils of the Balkan allies. These latter pro
posed to partition it among themselves. Serbia,
Montenegro and Greece, all members of the alli
ance, are all neighbor! of Albania. Serbia in
particular wanted a large share.
But from Albania to Italy, across the Straits
of Otranto, is a bare fifty miles. Whoever holds
the Bay of Avlona is in a position to threaten
supremacy in the Ardiatic, which all Italian
ttatesmen recognize at vital to Italian
aafety. Austria, on the other hand, was watching
anxiously the rise of the Slavic nations in the Bal
kans. The Teutonic 'element dominates Austria,
but it has about all the Slavs that it can control,
and it ia to its interest to keep the Slavs of the
Balkans weak.
The final disposition of Albania Is one of the
fjreat problems of the war, like the Polish prob
em and the problem of Alsace-Lorraine. The
Albanians are a distinct race. With the Greeks
they form the only body of non-Slavic Europeans
in the Balkans. If they are to be established as
a single state theirl boundaries will have to be
wider than the six powers drew them. The por
tion assigned to Montenegro, for example, was
the result of Austrian domination to the north
ward. The natural growth of Montenegro would
be to the northwest. The Austrian provinces of
Bosnia and Herzegovina are allied to Monte
negro by blood and sympathy. But the military
power of the Teutons forbade any expansion in
this direction.
It is safe to say that Italy desires an inde
pendent Albania and thit it probably the desire
of the allies, even of Serbia. What the pan-Ger-inans
plan to do with this bit of territory is
known only to Berlin, but it is hardly probable
that the desires or the national rights (of the Al
banians have been considered.
people and Events
"I would rather have my husband a crippled
hero than a 100 per cent slacker," said Mrs. Cecil
V. E. Hall of Dallas, Tex., whau informed her
husband had enlisted In the engineering corps.
That's the spirit which gives patriotism the glow
of purity.
Henry Miller, former president of the Wabash
railroad, now a member of the special commis
sion named by President Wilson to help recon
struct the transportation systems in France and
Russia, began his railroad career as an apprentice
in the Burlington shops at Hannibal, Mo.
A strictly high class bunch of stock boosters
operating as the Emerson Motort company are
up against trouble in New York. A receiver is
gathering up the remaint of the company while
the federal grand jury linet up the members on
charget of using the mails to defraud in stock
jobbing operations.
Opponents of food regulation at Washington
decline to tackle the puzzle why bread loaves
which sell for 13 cents in Detroit sell for only
9 cents across the river in Windsor. Weight and
quality are the same and wheat prices vary little
on either side of the boundary. The contrast is
more marked abroad. Bread made from Ameri
can flour sells for less money in London than in
New York, although wheat in going across ab
sorbs a stiff ocean freight rate.
A burglar convicted in Chicagfe assumed an
alias, refused to give his real name and thus
spared his family the public ignomy of a con
vict son. A high school graduate and a college
man, he drifted into bad company, became en
tangled in the meshes of cabaret women and
robbed to get the wherewith. Belated respect
for his family came toe) late. They know his
downfall, and, though spared the barb of public
knowledge, the secret sorrow remains to burrow
and deaden hearts of innocent kindred.
The new police judge of Dallaa, Tex., wasn't
on the bench long enough to grasp the workings
of the game of periodic raida on denizens of the
underworld for the customary percentage in the
shape of fines. Naturally he blundered at the
start. A flock of pink women, pulled the night be
fore, lined up in front of the bench. Sizing up the
crowd, he turned to the officers and innocently
asked: "Where are the men?" The query re
mained unanswered and it passed up to those
who ruminate on the inequalities of law enforce
ment. - ' ' " '
pvjHasvasac-pavr-jt M
Proverb for the Day
Distance lends enchantment to the
One Year Ago Today In the War.
Greek government acceded to de
mands of Entente powers.
Ruwlana won control of the entire
erownland of Bukowlna.
London received report! of serious
uprlalng against the TUrki In Arabia.
In Omaha Thirty Years Ago.
The beautiful head, "The Spirit of
Unrent," by Mlaa Carol M. Albright la
on exhibition at the Excelslorl office.
The annual department rifle com
petition between selected marksmen
of thla department commenced on the
Bellevue rifle range, under the di
rection of Colonel Henry with Cap
tain Cyrun A. Earnest, Eighth in
fantry, in command.
A fine profrram waa presented at
Trinity cathedral by the following:
Prof. J. B. Butler, Mabel Fonda, John
P. William, Mra. Ida Mae Baldrlge,
Mr. Young, Mra. Cotton, Mrs. Merkel,
Mr. Wilklna and Mr. France.
Little Eva Sooy had a birthday
party at the residence of her father,
E. L. Sooy, at which the following
little guests were present: Flossie
Pratt, Eva Bell, Mabel Spalding, Mer
rlam and Grace Hancock, Mary Flan
nlgan, Fannie and Sldonle King, Mabel
Adams, Norma May Brown. Nettle
Blake, Callle Oroshel, Autumn O'Neil
and May Caldwell.
Mlaa Mary Alleaon and Jamea R.
Young were quietly married at 1140
North Seventeenth atreet by Judge
The sisters of Et. Mary's convent
have moved to the Cosmopolitan
building, on Thirteenth atreet.
J. C. Nattlnger and Miss Elmlra
Nattinger of Ottawa, 111., father and
alter of Secretary Nattlnger of the
Board of Trade, are visiting the sec
retary. Mr. and Mra. Marcus Parrotte are
occupying the residence of C. S. Par
rotte, 2025 St. Mary'" avenue, during
the summer.
Thla Day In History.
1863 Confederate advance column
entered Pennsylvania.
1894 Emperor William caused the
arrest of Imperial Chamberlain von
Kotze for sending scandalous anony
mous letters through the malls.
1896 Benjamin H. Briatow, secre
tary of the treasury in Grant's cabinet,
died In New York City. Born at Elk
ton, Ky June 20, 1832.
1897 Queen Victoria's diamond
Jubilee celebrated throughout the Brit
ish empire.
1906,Klng Haakon VII of Norway
and Queen Maud were crowned at
1916 British House of Commona
voted 15,000,000,000 loan for war
1916 Fortification appropriation
bill passed by United States house of
The Day We Celebrate.
J. Clark Colt waa born June 82,
1872, In Missouri Valley, Ia. He has
been in the hardware business in
Omaha since 1890, and la a booster
all the time. He also deals In auto
mobiles. Millard Mahlon Robertson Is a MIs
aourlan by birth and Is 60 years old
today. He Is president of "the Evans
Model laundry In this city.
Captain Tenney Ross, member of
the general staff corps of the United
States army, born in New Hampshire,
forty-alx years ago today.
Robert S. Lovett, executive head of
the Union Pacific railway system, who
la devoting practically all his time to
service in the Red Cross, born at San
Jacinto, Tex,, fifty-seven years ago to
day. Porter Emerson Browne, novelist
and playwright, creator of the now
famous vampire type of photoplay,
born at Beverly, Mas., thirty-eight
years ago today.
Isaac T. Pryor, Texas cattle raiser,
president of the American National
Live Stock association, born at Tampa,
Fla., sixty-live years ago today.
Princess Beatrice, eldest daughter
of the king and queen of Spain, born
In Madrid, eight years ago today.
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
Directors of the Jefferson Highway
association meet at St. Paul today te
discuss work to be done on the high
way thia summer.
The reorganisation plan of the Chi
cago, Rock Island & Pacific railway
is to be ratified by the stockholders
at a meeting to be held today at
Davenport, Ia.
The .Missionary Educational Move
ment congress, one ot the Important
religious assemblies of the year In the
south, opens today at Blue Ridge,
N. C.
Ohio women have been summoned
to meet tn state conference at Colum
bus today to organize preparatory to
entermg upon the expected wider
field to be created by the war.
Today has been designated as "Can
Conservation day" in Missouri, when
housewives are to mobilise every glass
Jar, tin can and earthenware vessel
fit to contain fruits and vecetables.
The Italian war commission now
visiting in New York City has ar
ranged to hold ceremonies today at
the Garibaldian memorial on Staten
Island. Representatives of all the
Italian societies in the the metropolis
will attend.
Storyette of the Day.
The enterprising company In the
Soudan has decided to lay a railway
Into the wilds, and, of course, many
blacks were employed in Its con
struction. One day the telegraph clerk at the
nearest civilized spot received a tele
gram from the negro foreman of ths
railway construction. . ,
"White boss dead. Shall I bury
"Yes." wired back the clerk. "But
first make sure that he la quite dead.
Will send another white bosa tomor
row." A few hours later another telegram
came from foreman:
"Buried boss. Made sure he was
quite dead. Hit him on the head with
a large shovel." Irish World.
Out upon th. ferttl. prmlrl.,
tn th. .itr.ordtn.ry
Wuurn country of Qqlvsra,
hsKKi rolcn..
Thar. Mrh man Som tat. own thlnklnr.
Th.r. 'mons trl.nd. tk.r. I. no winklns
And common wealth 1. Unking
Into chain., wharf nolshbor. do not battle,
Bat whin cowboy, hard th. c.ttl.
And th. iow,n' rMpora rattle
In th. train.
Ko en. want, to b. a kala.r
Nor an uw1at.d mlaar;
Ev'ryon. I frowlnt wl.r
On th plain..
There th. kins I. but another
Nam. for servant, b.lper. brother.
For th. sopl want no othor '
With the rein.
In a den they meet to crown him;
Then each year they vote to down him.
But he, knowing they renowa him.
Entertain. '
Take Mosukc to Fufwla.
Essex, Ia., June 19 To th Editor
of The Bee: We have Just read the
article In this issue by Carl Breutman
of Walthlll, Neb. Mr. Rreatman lit
undoubtedly right; his plan is fhe
most simple, and at same time would
be sure to be most effective. This
article should be printed in all papers,
and copies should be circulated every
where and a big push put behind
the movement to put into effect at
once exactly what he proposes. In
my opinion Mr. Breatman is one who
would be willing to go and tell his
people exactly what K is that America
wishes to do for the real Russia, the
common people. W. D. GAY.
Ad Oath of Allegiance.
Omaha, June 21. To the Editor of
The Bee: Here is "my oath of allegiance:"
This day I shall transfer my power,
be it large or small, to the side of
the Just. I shall henceforth be a h u
man with a human thought, forgetting
the wrongs and failures of the past.
I shall thia day become a soldier, ma
terially or physically, for the better
ment of the peoples of the world.
Trivial things shall I forget. Noth
ing shall blind me towards my duty
to all mankind. I shall this day do
aa the government of my kind deems
best. I Bhall answer the call of the
chosen. I shall conserve my food
supplies that the hungry may break
bread at my table that their body shall
exist to see the light of equality. I
shall add my mite to the development
of the Red Cross that my kind upon
the field of battle shall not bleed white
from need of care. From my purse
shall I buy the bonds of my govern
ment to aid in centralizing a great
relief to the world and spread democ
racy. All this I shall do in order that
the west shall bring to the blood-bespattered
old world" a new and per
manent relief.
From this day I shall look with
pleasure and honor upon my brother
who wears the uniform of the right.
To him who wears the stripe of golden
cord denoting his wounds I shall lend
a helping hand upon his return. To
his loved ones who must Buffer men
tal agony I shall give sympathy and
material help. His duty this day be
comes my duty, for he is my chosen
brother la this fight for the spread
of liberty. His God, his flag, his suf
fering shall be shared by me that
our freedom shall become a part of
all peoples. In adding to his success
I shall add to mine.
This oath shall I take unto me each
day as a man. I shall see that I ful
fill It rach day. No failings of the
flesh shall creep into my makeup to
harm Ihe duty I take in this oath.
This day and each succeeding day I
Khali take this oath in order that our
freedom shall not perish.
. CommonweaJthAML&oetoa
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