Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1917.
State Officials Make Effort to
Send Entire Brigade to
Front at an Early
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, June 21. (Special.) Or
ders were received today that the new
Sixth regiment would be ' mustered
into the federal service immediately
and equipped for foreign invasion.
The men must line up within a
very short time and with the end in
jtew of hustling matters Governor
Neville, through Adjutant General
Hall, issued the following message
which was sent out to all towns where
efforts are being made to enlist men
for the new regiment:
"Information received from War
department that Sixth regiment will
be recognized providing it is ready for
rnusitre in the very near future, pos
sibly rive days. Wire this date if you
can raise 100 to 150 men between the
ages of 18 and 45-, physically sound as
far as you .can determine, and officers
will be immediately ordered to inspect
and muster in your organization this
week. If you cannot raise 100 men,
wire approximate number you can
have ready. This regiment, if or
ganized in ime, will be drafted for
foreign service with the Fifth and
Sixth Nebraska infantry, July 15. Ex
pedite, no time to lose."
.. Forty Towns Compete.
Over forty towns have put in appli
cation to raise a company of Guards.
I'jobably some of these will not be
able to get a full company, but it is
hoped that more than enough men will
be found in all of them to fill the
quota required for the three -regi
tncnts and thus a brigade can be
It will b: not only a .great thing
lor the state to have a lull bngatl
from Nebraska, but it will mean more
to the men to form a brigade for for
eign service. Home folks can then
follow the fortunes of the Nebraska
brigade through all its activities, but
it nor enougu men enlist to torm
brigade the two regiments will be put
in jome-otner Brigade perliaps and
uius iusc mucii oi ineir identity.
All Work Together.
"It can be done easily." said Gen
eral Hall t.ns morning, "if the people
of Nebraska will only realize what it
means to have the Nebraska boys a
together. I want to see everybody
get busy and push for 1 brigade. The
order issued today should put every
man on Ins tiptoes and make mm rea
lize that it Nebraska is to have a part
i lithe coming crisis, a part that will
count for better service of everv indi
vidua! enlisting from the state, and a
better record for the boys as a whole,
a strong, all-together pull right now
will produce the mucli-tlesircdTesult."
Herman Hoferer Fatally
Hurt When Car Turns Over
Primrose. Neb.. June 21. (SueciaLi
Herman Hoferer, aged 19, died last
mgnt trom injuries sustained m
: auto accident Monday night.
He was on his way to town from the
home ot his sister, Mrs. W. H. Dob
i son, two miles southeast of town, in
' his roadster when something went
wrong with the lights. He reached
i to adjust them and lost control of
the car, which skidded and threw him
He was the son of William Hoferer,
i a well-known resident of Creiahtnn.
I The body was taken to Creighton for
! interment.
Cbadron Man In Washington.
Washington. June 21. tSneclal Telegram.)
Ex-Mayor Ben Lownthall of Chadron and
hia wife are In Washington and called upon
Congreaaman Klnkatd yesterday.
Red Cross Drive On In
All Sections of the State
Alliance.'Neb., June 21. (Special.)
Alliance and Box Butte county
Jiave entered the campaign to obtain
'funds for the Red Cross war fund
with a zeal and a spirit never before
expressed in the community.
The committee in charge ol this
wort under the chairmanship of
Frank Was. has undertaken the
; most titautlc advertising propaganda.
! possiDie. Kea tross steamers are
I floating from every car. Pennants are
strung across the street. The orna-
i mental lights are all painted with Red
Cross signs and the city Seems to be
I- turned entirely over to that organ
ization until the required amount is
: obtained.
The results so far.indicate that Alli-
. ance will obtain its full quota for the
Red Cross.
j Edgar, Neb., June 21.5-(Special.)
A unit of the Rod Cross society was
organized here last night. Forty-six
persons gathered at the opera house
and agreed to take hold of the work.
The following were elected officers:
President, Rev. V. C. Wright, vice
president, Dr. G. R. Woods; secretary,
Miss Bertha Osby; treasurer, C. A.
Cedar Rapids, Neb., June 21. (Spe
cial.) Cedar Rapids has organized an
auxiliary Red ross with C H. Wil
son, president; E. L. Sargent, secre
tary, and H. L. Robinson, treasurer.
On Tuesday a canvass of the sur
rounding country was made by eleven
automobile loads of young women
and young men, with the result of se
curing 418 members and $000, and
finished the day with a box social at
the city hall, adding $75 more.
Kearney, Neb., June 2!. (Special.)
In one afternoon a number of spe
cial committees of the Commercial
club raised $5,000 towards the $10,000
Red Cross fund which Kearney is
asked to contribute as its share of
the big $100,000,000 national fund.
This amount was raised entirely
among business men and represents
only about half of the men to be
seen by these committees.
Broken Bow, Neb., June 21. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The Custer County
Red Cross chapter held a session here
and raised $1,225. A canvassing com
mittee was appointed and $2,500 is ex
pected by tonight.
Grand Island, Neb.. June 21. (Spe
cial.) The committee for the Red
Cross campaign fund is meeting w ith
excellent success, particularly in the
surrounding country and smaller
towns. Cairo was already oversub
scribed on Wednesday morning by
$200 and reports that its oversubscrip
tions will be $500. Chapman reports
similar progress, while almost equally
encouraging reports have been re
ceived from the Doniphan and Wood
Kiver committees, farmers are con
tributing liberally and it is expected
that Hall county will raise at least
Avoca, Neb,., June ZI. (Special.)
At a mass meeting held in the opera
house here last night over $800 was
raised in t-bout five minutes for the
Red Cross. W. A. Robertson and J.
P. Falter of T'lattsmouth were among
the speakers.' The committee in
charge expects to raise about $15,000
in Cass county this week.
Silver C,reck, Neb., June 21. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Harry B. Fleharty,
of Omaha, made a stirring address on
loyalty and what a citizen's bit should
be in the world wide war and helped
organize a Red Cross branch here
will fifty members. Total attendance
500. Mr. Fleharty made one of the
best talks ever heard here.. He was
ably assisted by Charles Wooster,
Rev. M. Lebar, Rev. M. Mead and Mr.
Gray of Central City. The officers
of the organization are: C. A. Frazier,
president-; Jack Torzan, treasurer;
Mrs. S. M. lorrance, secretary; Mrs.
James Riley, chairman membership
committee; Frank Layton, chairman
of the finance committee.
Eastern Concern, Said to Be
Part of Trust, Acquires Su
perior Company from
Past Week Favorable for
Vegetation and Farm Work
Lincoln, Neb., June 21. Summary
of weather and crop conditions in Ne
braska for week ending June 19, 1917,
says: The last week was favorable for
all vegetation and farm work pro
gressed without interruption. The
temperature averaged about 5 degrees
below normal.
Showers occurred on Tuesday and
Friday, but the rainfall was light, the
total for the week being generally
less than a quarter inch. In some
eastern counties the total was slightly
more than a halt inch, while some
central stations report noam during
the week. Kain is now needed m
.some- sections.
The condition of corn has improved
somewhat. Cultivation progressed
nicely in the greater portion of the
state and fields are free of weeds. In
some western counties early corn is
yellow, bin the late planted has good
color. Cut worms did a little dam
age in the northwest, necessitating
tne nrst crop ot aitalta was cut
quite generally and is in fair condi
tion. Wheat, oats, rye and barley are
doing well. Potatoes continue in
good condition, although there are a
few reports of blight in some south
eastern counties. Pastures and gar
den truck are good.
Wife Beater at Broken
Bow is Sent to Jail
Broken Bow, Neb., June 21. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Frincis Crumb, a
farmer living in the. southwest part
of the county, was arrested by Sheriff
Wilson on charge ot heating his wife
and stepdaughter. He is alleged to
have used a hammer and milk stool
on his wife and, a tug strap on the 12-
ear-old girl. Lrtib pleaded guilty to
day before Judge Ford and was sen
tenced to three months in jail, the
limit. The court remarked that he
pvas only sorry the sentence could not
be six vears.
The cement plant which has oper
ated at Superior for some years has
been sold to an eastern cement con
cern. Some time ago -holders of
the bonds of the Superior firm
bought the plant at a receiver's sale.
The plant is in Nebraska, but the
quarries are largely in Kansas. This
made it necessary for the action to
be handled through separate courts in
the respective states. The-bondhold-crs
bought the Kansas property eight
months ago. They then reorganized
and operated for a time, and now
comes the report tha. they have sold
to a large eastern concern, which, it
is said, virtually throws this promis
ing little Nebraska plant into the
hands of the big cement trust.
The acquisition of this western
plant by the big eastern concerns is
looked upon by big users of cement
as only one more step toward the
complete, control-.of the cement busi
ness of America byNjie trust. Cement
users say cement already is ridicu
lously high, and that the buying un
of small plants is a part of the plan
of the big concerns to get complete
control and squeeze on still heavier
prices. '
Buy Kansas Plant
Only last March the Lehigh Cement
company of Pennsylvania, bought the
plant at Iola, Kan., and is How operat
ing ty iu crvc sunic ut tne atijaceni
territory ana some ot tne western ae
, Fear is expressed among some of
the western cement men that these
small plants as they are taken over
by the bigger ones will be dismantled, that the quarries will be allowed
to lie idle while the price is put UD
on the output ot tht eastern mills.
r.. t. Bruce ot Omaha was presi
dent of the Superior concern.
Aged Laurel Man Hurt
In an Unusual Accident
Laurel, Neb., June 2h (Special.)
Chris Weseloh, a farmer four miles
from Laurel, met with an accident
yesterday afternoon that may cost
him his life. He led a team in from
the field after dinner and was water
ing them. Being weary, he sat upon
the pipe that conducts the water to
the trough. In some way the horses
managed to get a halter strap under
the pipr and in jerking their heads
dislodged it, throwing Mr. Weseloh,
who is 70 years old, several feet into
the air. The fall broke his right hip.
Mrs. Weseloh was in the house rest
ing and did not hear his calls for
help. After lying there about ail hour
he managed to crawl to the house. He
was taken to a Sioux City hospital.
News Notes of Lindsay.
Lindsay, Neb., June 21. (Special.)
At a special election held today the
proposition of .bonding the village lor
$9,(101) carried. "
Earl Westbrook and Miss .Edith
Johnson Vcnt to Columbus, where
they weremarried Monday,
The eighth grade graduates received
their diplomas at the Holy Family
school hall. I hey were eight, in num
ber. The pupibjgavc their play, "The
Two Orphans.
"You will always find us here,
ready to take care of your
dental needs."
Heavlast Bridge
Work, per tooth,
Brat Silver Fill
ing! 50tf
Btft 22 k Geltf
Wonder Platea
worth $15 to $28.
$5. $8. $10
W pteai you or refund your money.
14th and Farnam 1324 Farnam St.
Phone Douglae 2872.
Do You Believe In Me?
Manager Strand
1417 Farnam St.
Let the Talking Machine Dealer
Tell You Why His Particular Talk
ing Machine Is the BeSt
Then Ask Him These Questions
L ""VUI Slicing machine ever been compared In public witl the
voices of artist who maEe records for It?
J. If o, where? Who were the artists? How many reonle heard
the comparison, and in what newspapers can I find a report 0? it?
I Then Come to Vt and Ask
time same wetttons
A boat
"The Phonograph with a
These Will Be Our
1. Yes, more than 500
2. In most of the prin-
' cipal cities of the U. 8
Ai , L. , t ' including Omaha. More
than thirty different artists have appeared in these comparisons, in
cluding Rappoid, Case. Miller, Middleton and Chalmers; 500,000 people
have heard these tests and the music critics of 500 newspapers have admitted-in
the columns of their papers that the New Edison actually
Re-Creates the human voice so perfectly that the Re-Creation cannot
be distinguished from the original when both are heard In direct com-
ffitTttTwSrir we WT you to he8r greate8t
Rouse's Edison Parlors
. Cor. 20th and Farnam Sts. Phone Douglas 7782.
New Style of Trunk
Swindle is Attempted
Grand Island, Neb., June 21. (Spe
cial.) Gus Niarhos. a Greek, for
merly of Wood River, Neb., but now
of this, city, has been arrested on a
charge of attempt to swindle the
Union Pacific railroad.
Niarhos checked a valise at Fair-
btity a week ago. In'sonie clever
manner he regained possession of the
valise without surrendering the check,
according to the officers. A few days
later at this end of the line he called
for a trunk to correspond with the
check. The baggageman was unable
.Jo find it.
After some delay, Niarlios put in a
claim for $M damages for the trunk.
alleging that its contents consisted of
several suits, silk shirts and the like.
The police discovered that Niarhos
was registered at the Bouquette hotel,
but was not occupying rooms there.
His room in another block was lo
rated and searched" in his absence.
His trunk was found in the room
When confronted with the details of
his deception he is said to have con
fessed. The police founj $8,000 in
cash on liii person when he was
taken into custody. Niarhos main-.
tains a new boot shining parlor in
this city.
M. Kataman, StSR nouth Twetilr-aavanth
tret, atvtl I-oula Adrama, 4411 South Twafi.
ty-nlxth atrt, Junk dralara ara bald,
rhftrax! with raralvlnr atolan property.
Hit and Miss Rag
Rugs,, 24x36 Ins.,
regularly 55c, spe
at .
Blue and White
Rag Rugs, 25x50
Ins., regularly 85e,
at ....
Complete Stocks and fo) O
Fine Savings in the o)
Friday and Saturday
THERE ARE BO MANY things to buy when real hot weather oome, that every woman feels the extra tax upon
her pocketbook and naturally looks to the store, that gives her the widest range for choice and the lowest price
for the best value. With the most completely stocked Basement in this Western Country, we are able to offer
you pot only the widest range of the best styTes, but alio economies not to be obtained elsewhere, because of our
immense buying power and prestige.
The Right Styles at the Right Prices
In This Remarkable Array of Ready -to-Wear
NEW TUB SPORT SUITS, made of the- new Q Q C
fancy figured Sport materials, special. p0.it0
A good many stylos of Skirts and Coats to match. Big collars and pockets; new
smock effects. Copies of high priced Silk Sport Stihs reproduced in new fancy fig
ured Tub Suitings; any size to fit women and misses.
PRETTY .Taffeta Silk and Crepe de Chino Silk Dresses for Summer wear. Made of
good quality Taffeta and Crepe de Chine with Georgette sleeves; fancy embroid
ered pockets, big collars; all new colors, black and staple colors also; QC
Special Friday and Saturday at ( )j)0;73
You can buy pretty, new, right up-to-the-minute Summer Dresses.
Street Dresses, Porch Dresses', Sports Wear and Fancy White and
Colored Dresses. Hundreds to choosTlrom, made of finTwhJte and
colored materials, Fancy Figured New SportTiresses, with big pock".
ets, big new collars, the New One-Pieoe Billle Burke Dresses, and
you can find just the dress you want, at Justine price you want to
- py
Prices $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 up to $10.00
SILK STREET SKIRTS Pretty and practical stripe or plain, two very special lots;
many different styles to noose from , '. ...
SPORT TUB SKIRTS, in ,the new fancy
effects, all white and fancy figured
sport materials; many different kinds.
Made into dozens of different styles. A
wide range for choice at each price.
$1.25, $1.49,$1 .69,11.95 up to $3.95
GIRLS' DRESSES, for Summer wear,
sizes 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years. Get your
summer supply now. Our stocks arc most
complete and the variety is great. Doz
ens of styles at every price and all the
newest materials. Prices
48c, 68c, 88c up to $2.95
$3.95 and $4.95
BUNOALOW APRONS-You will surely
have room for more of these much desired
garments. This is headquarters in Omaha
for Bungalow Aprons. Hundreds of really
pretty styles, new big collars, pockets and
beltsi Made of Percales, Chambray, Fine,
Gingham, etc. Prices
-68c, 78cK87c up to $1.95 '
Knit Underwear
Women's Silk Lisle Ribbed
Sleeveless Vests, sizes 4, 5 and
6, seconds of 25c quality, each,
at 15c
Infants' Wool and Part Wool
8hlrta, small slzea, ea., 25c
Misses' Gauze Cotton lAce Trim
med Pants, each, at 12c
Women's Fibre Silk Boot Hosiery,
seconds of 25c quality, at, pr 15c
Men's Black Fibre Silk Socks,
seconds of 25c quality, at
the pair..... 15c"
Children's black cotton Hosiery, at,
pair 10c
Children's Handkerchiefs,
each, at 2c
Boys9 Blouses
At Bargain Prices
Boys' Blouses, 30c
and 50c kind, at. . .
Many are slighfy soiled or
mussed. ,
Sport styles, regular collar
r;tyles or neckband styles.
A big square full of big bar
Boys' Wash Pants
Knickerbocker or Straight Knee Pants) full
75c values. Made with belt loops and splendid
for vacalioMi wear.
Gray stripes, plain grays and tans, tan stripes
and khakis. Sizes 3 to lb' Cf
years OUC
White Sport Oxfords
$2.65 a Pair ,
White Kid and White Nu-Buck, rub
ber and while Ivor)' soles, 14 Inch
Cuban heels, Goodyear welted
soles, slies 2'i to 7. i
Children's k'Mary Jane" Pumps,
sizes 4 to 8. Turn soles and spring
heel, comes In white kid, bronse,
black and gray, Q80. a pair.
Children's Barefoot Sandals,
tan upper leather, chrome
sole, stitched down,
slice 4 to 9, a pi 1777
Men's Shoes at $2.98
This lot Includes high grade Shoes,
also Work Shoes, all sturdy, desir
able and stylish, Russia Calf, made
up with leather or rubber soles,
English or high toe, lace atyle only.
Sizes from 6 to 11.
Alio Dull Leather, mad? up In but
ton or lace style, tip or plain toe, all
welted sole.
Basement. '
Domestics, Dress Prints, Etc.
The Genuine Everett Classic Dress Glnflhama. These most
reliable zephyrs, In all the wanted stripes anf 7r1
ifc v
small checks, at, the-yard.
36-Inch Dress and
Wrapper Percale, light
and dark grounds,
lengths to 15 yards,
sale, yard,
36-Inch highly mercer
ized Black Sateen, band
loom weave, permanent
finish, special sale, the
Beautiful 40-ln. printed
Voiles, all neat print
ings, and latern stripes,
on finest sheer woven
voiles, yd.,
36-lnch Fine Bleached Muslin, soft finish, staple
brand, off the bolt, the yard, at
Wash Goods Remnants, mill lengths and remnants from stock, fancy
Batistes, Voiles, Dimities, lawns, etc. While the lot "
lasts, yard, at C
Sport Suiting, 36 Ins.
wide, beautiful novelty
plaids, checks and
fancy combination
stripes, 25c and 35c
value, special, 1 J
at, the yd IOC
Mill Remnant 1, 27-Inch
fancy printed Batiste in
hundreds of pretty
stripes, dots' and fig'
ures, special Qng.
sale, the yd.. O 2C
The Genuine Indigo
Dye Apron Gingham,
nearest approach to
Amoftkeag, fast color, in
all the wanted checks
and broken effects.
the yard,
27-Inch Printed Voiles, sheer dainty fabric
for children's dress ind summer wear, at, yard .
White Goods Specials for Friday
36-lnch Silk and Cotton Dress Goods In light and dark colors, .
stripes and Jacquard effect for tKeTTndareh ni
it; at, yard, DC
in Materials, Remnants of erlnted ! Another ln nt i.
36-lnch Spoh Materials,
In white and tan
grounds, all this sea
son's designs and color
ings for middles, skirts,
sport suits, etc., 36
Inches, Ihe
yard, at....
Remnants of printed
and woven Voiles, ac
cumulation ' from our
regular departments,
worth to 50c the yd..
27, 36 ind 40 Inches,
the yard,
Another lot
White Novelty Dress
Goods Remnants, which
have accumulated from
our many White Goods
Sales, 36 and f"
40 Ins., at, yd... IOC
Gwdy rlniook, soft finish, free from filling,
f'orynaklnn, cool sumn"rundermu"silns, 36 Ins., yardT
at, yd...
Linens--Hue k Towel Ends 4c
$1.25 Scalloped Cloths, 99c
These are made of a flno quality
mercerized Damask, In the round
or square scalloped, all around, 66x
66 Inchra, special, each,
50c Towels, 35c
About 50 dozen, full Bleached Turk
ish Towels, hemmed ends, pretty
fancy colorings, very Qf
special, each, at jDC
25o Padding, 19c
This is the fleeced quality, 60 Ins.
wide, to protect your ta- t ft
ble, the yard, at...., IMC
Extra: $4 Spreads, $2.98
For Trlday, we will place on sale,
100 Spreads, in the Crochet, also
Satin Marseilles, Cut Corners, Scal
loped Ends, ajl very pretty pat
terns, your choice, An An
eacb, at Pt20
Men's Suits
$10.00 and $12.50,
Men's and Young Men's Suits, that
are at a saving-of from $3.00 to
$5.00 in Worsteds, Casslmeres and
Tweeds. '
All sties- $10 and $12.50
Khaki Pants, $1.00 to $2.98
Hundred! of pairs of Khaki
Pants to choose from; waist
sizes, 30 to 44, prices, at
$1.00 t. $2.98
Men's Work Pants, 3 Big Lots,
$1.98, $2.98, $3.98 These come in
striped Worsteds, Casslmeres and
Tweeds, and they run in all sizes
for men and young men. at
$1.08. $2.98 "d $3.98
We are Omaha Distributers for
Carhart Union Made Overalls.
Hardware, Paints, Etc.
ly priced for Friday.
Ami" Oil
8tove, the
kind with
the high
flame that
cooks quick
ly. Speclal
. $11.49
Paint, dries
quickly with a hard
lossy, wa
terproof fin
ish, a quart
can, at 490
Scythe, Snath and Biide,
complete, at $1.98
: a
Portable sj
lined and warranted good bakers,
special for Friday, at $2.19
O n -B urnir
Ovens, same as
foregoing, special
Friday, at $1.98
Small size heavy
Japanned Gar
bage Can. -59c
Large Size Ja
panned Garbage
Cans, at 790
Men's Shirts .
and Underwear
55 Dozen Men's Nainsook Athletic
Shirts and Drawers, cut extra full
and wftll made; regular 29o quality,
special Friday, each, at igu
128 JOozen Men's Work ;
Shirts, made of good quality ,
blue and gray Chambray,
alio Corded Madras, In ia
lorted shades of blue, gray
and tan. Many of these are
samplea ,and worth 65c and V
T5c each all sizes, 14 to 17, '
, ipeclal Friday, at......5Qc
86 Dozen Men's Sport Shirts, tn
neat stripes and plain colors, col
lars and bosom pleat trimmed; just
the shirt for sport and hot weather
wear. Special for Friday, at. .650
Basement. ,