THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. JUNE 22, 1917. uEAYY FIGHTING ALONG AISNE FRONT Fresh Divisions of Germans Makes Violent Assanlt on French Line Near the Laffaux Mill. (AaaactatoS Fraae War Summary.) .iome hcary fighting is in progress uii the Aisnc front in northern France, where the French are en. tacnchtd in favorable positions tfter their notable advances in the spring campaign. The Germans apparently have heavily reinforced their troops in this sector by men brought from the Rus sian front and one such division was sent into the fighting directly after its arrival, making an attack yester. day between the Ailette river and the Laffaux mill The assault! while along a front of apparently less than s mile, was of extremely violent character. The French stopped the German rush, suf fering only a slight penetration of their first line at two points aggre gating between 600 and 700 yards, Fans reports. French Counter Attack. Even this slight gain was partly negatived this morning when a French counter attack resulted in the recapture of a portion of the lost ground. The crown prince I troops lost heavily in the righting and the French captured fifty prisoners. Berlin's report on the attack of vestcrday claims the capture of more than 1,500 yards of trenches. The French official statement also announces progress made by General Petain's forces northeast of Mont Carnillet, in Champagne. During this fighting five aviation machine guns were taken irom the bermans. ' French Official Report Paris, June 21. The French this morning recaptured part oi tne posi tions trained bv the Germans in jester. day's attack on the Aisne front east of Vanxaillon. the 'war' office an nounces. The battle was waged with extreme violence, the German! em ploying fresh troops from the Rus sian front Heavy losses were surtereo by the Germans. In the Champagne last night the French gained ground northeast of Mont Carnillett . German Official Report Berlin, June 21. (Via London.) German troops yesterday etormed the French positions northeast of Sois- sons, on tne Aisne Iront, atong a width of 1,500 yards, the German army headquarters announced today. WHOLESALE CUTS . IN FITZGERALD'S LIST CONTINUE (fraibmef nat fit Ona.t legal talent to make protests before the board. . -1, . . t The board Is holding nlaht sessions in addition to sitting in the morning ana afternoon. The following list shows' some of the reductions made by tne board in last twenty-four hours: Ooodrloa Bibber eomaaar, trass 110,000 ta ),W. Farnaa tVuaefc raitauraat, from ll.M ta SOS. Harler batal, from S1M0S tt SI.SIS. aanfore bout, from 110,009 to 111, 006. Marks Broa.' Saddlarr company, from Si to Hiaa Ball Hatok, nUUtaary, tram 14.100 so 11.000. Arthur Onto. 401 irath rortr-nnt strait, aanonal, from $M6o to 11,410. Cut to One-Fourth. B. A. Ritslno, 401 tooth TMrtr-alntk etraat, aarnnal. from ta 11.500. Omaha Papa Staok eompaar, IIO.OOS to 11.000. w. u Hurfmaa Ante company, tram III, eoo to W. T. annua, 141 aVntk twantr-fonrtk etraat, panonal, from It. 400 to It. 140. Haaklna Broa. A Co., soap niaDufaotursrs, front 140,000 to IDF.O00. standard Motor Car oompany, from 110,- S00 to 47,100. Charlas B. Ranalds, 131 Park evsnua, panonaU from 1000 ts 1110. Arnatatn oompenft slotatne, from $10,000 to 411,171. ahtrwin-wnilams eompanr, palats, from to 111,000. One-Tenth Loft. M T. Martin, 1114 Wanatar street, ar- aonal, from IMOI to 1500. Onoral Maroaatlla company, from $59,000, to tio.oeo. U. r. Raitaurant, 1111 Dodga straat, from 11,600 ts lioo. I -Da Lival Sapamtor oompany, from 10,000 to 11,000, Mrs, 3. Bartar, Sill straat, par aonal, from IS0O ts S100. C rlalton, nil Cumlnf straat, parsoaal. from lioo ts 1340. Amflrlean Sugar oompany, from 117,11 to 410,410, Baas Piloting oompany, from $09,000 to $44,000. Standard Tarnaee A Sopply oompany, from 410.000 ta $10,000. Kins Oola company, prorlalone, from $40,00t ( $11,41$. Bee Want-Ads Produce Results. The Weather For Nebreaka Partly cloudy; vneatttad. .Tsmparatnrss al Omaha, Yesterday. Hour. Dev. $ a. m 04 S a. m 01 f a. m IS S a. m si S a. m. $5 10 a. m so 11 a. m TO It m. fl 1 P. m II S p. m T4 S p. m. T5 4 a n H p. tn 14 p. m TS CompafOltv local Beeare. HIT. 10t. 101$. 1114. Hlshut yaatarday 70 . 0T TO II Lowvat yeatarday.... It . 14- -03 .71 Moan taniparaturo II 00 . Tl II Precipitation "... .01 .Of ,00 1 Tamapartnro and praclpltattoB gaperteraa rrom Iba normal! Normal tamporatnra ....... Tl Dcftclancr tor ttao day s Total dafleloncy alneo March I.. Ill Normal precipitation .11 Inch Deficiency lor tha day.. . ,. . .11 Inoh Total rainfall alnca lurch 1. ...11.40 Inches Enceaa alnca March 1 l.Mtnobea Deficiency tor cor. period. 1010.. $.11 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1111.. 1.00 Inches Beporta from Maltose al TP. M. Station and State ' .- Temp. Bleb- Baln ol Weather. T p. ra. aat. fall. Cheyenne, oloudf J..,,, Tl ' Tl - ,0$ Davenport, part. etoeay Tl SI ...00 Denver, Clouoy 10 II Dee Moines, eloedy.... TS TO - Dodse City, L sloody. IS - to Oklahoma City, clear., tl to North rietto, clear .... 10 Tl Omaha, clear T , II Pueblo, cloudy Tl to fUpld City. pt. cloudy.. TO 70 Kanaaa City, clear..... S4 . II Santa re, cloudy ...... T4 ' II Kowlcar.. perl sloudy., Tl 14 "loot cits, pt, cloudy., l 70 Valentino, clear SI at T Indicates trace of preclpltattoa. Unpatriotic Teacher Permitted to Resign San Francisco, Cal, June 21. Followmz her admission that she hat made disloyal remarks about the United States government and the American flag, Misa Dora T. Israel, teacher in the Ban Fran cisco public schools for nearly sev enteen years, waa permitted to resign last night, it was announced. When called before the Board of Education to answer charges of disloyalty preferred against her, Misa Israel declared she could not teach children to honor the flag, which she said meant nothing to her. She presented her resignation after making thia statement. U. S. SOCIALISTS STRICTLY NEUTRAL American Delegate to Stock' holm Conference Says the Party is Thoroughly International Stockholm, June 21. Dr. Max Goldfarb, one of the American so cialists having arrived here, declares in s report submitted to the Dutch Scandinavian committee that: 'Although the United States is al ready in the war, I can say that the position of the American socialist party as a whole is strictly neutral and thoroughly "International." The report calls, for the creation of a permanent socialist committee to work for a permanent peace. A second recommendation dealt with the composition of the congress which will be called upon to settle the issues of the present strut-trie and demands a "congress Of repre sentatives of the nations snd not of the governments. Dr. fjoldlaro continues! "The governments have forced upon the masses this terrible war. Let the masses force upon the gov ernments such sn international ar rangement as would make a repeti tion of this carnage impossible," Says He Speaks (or Leaders, Dr. Goldfarb told the committee that he spoke in the names of Morris Millquit. Victor iJerirer and ot tne whole American socialist party, which he said "is heart and soul with you and wilt gladly abide by your deci sions, tending to save the world from the Horrors ot war. His report declared further that there is no war feeling among the mass of workers of America. r Three delegates from the Italian minority socialist body, Labriola Raimondo, Lerda and Cappa, the re publican deputy, have arrived. Not Official Delegate. Although Dr. Goldfarb, who is con nected with the Forward of New York, described himself on his ar rival at Stockholm as representa tive of the American socialist party, socialist leaders in this country state he has not been authorized to act on behalf of the party. Abraham- Ca- nan. editor ot the forward, said yes terday Dr. Goldfarb was not ,an American, but a Russian citizen. SECOND BANNER OF SUFFRAGISTS IS TORN BY MOB (Centtaoed Prom rase One.) and Elihu Root, "of deceiving Rus sia" in saying tht United States is a democracy and pleading with the Russian mission to demand the en franchisement of women in the United States. Men Tear Banner From Frame. The banner was In front of the White House gates only for a few minutes and the crowd that collected was not large. A man passing in an automobile about the time the sen tinels brought it from their head quarters stopped his car, walked over, tore part of it off and resumed his journey, refusing to give hit name. A few minutet later after the crowd had grown a little and after a few thoutt of "traitors," a man who gave his name as George B. Montgomery of Richmond, Vs., walked over and tore the remainer of the banner from its frame. After the last shred of canvas and been removed the police dispersed the crowd, miss Lucy Burns ot Mew York and Mist Catherine Morey of Boston held the banner. No attempt was made to touch them, either by tne ponce or tne crowd. inscription on Banner, The banner was inscribed: "President Wilson and Envoy Root are deceiving Russia. They say 'We are a democracy. Help us win a world war so that democracy may survive." "We, the women of America, tell you that America is not a democracy. Twenty million women are denied the right to vote. President Wilson is the chief opponent of their national enfranchisement Help us make this nation really free. Tell our govern ment that it must liberate its people before it can claim free Russia as an ally. . ;i Three Red Cross Gifts Over Half Million Dollars New York, June 21. Three indus trial corporation contributions to the Red . Cross fund today aggregated nearly three-quarters of a million dol lars. The American Locomotive com pany declared a dividend of $250,000 and the National Lead company one of about $200,000, while tie Cities Service company created a special Red Crosa fund of $250,000. , "PeopliTV ; change from coffee to j P0STUM trn I k better their A X-health Omaha Pours Gold Into Folds of Old Glory for Red Cross tOsBUansd From rocs Oae., ate Alumnae; Mrs. A. L, Fernald, president of the Omaha Woman'a club: Mrs. E. B. Manchester, supreme guardian of the Woodmen Circle; Mrs. J. E. Simpson, worthy matron of the Eastern Star, and Scoutmaster hnglish. Every woman's oritanization in the city ia urged to be present to assist in the work. Posters for Windows. "Don't be ashamed to look your own home in the face and yon will if it hasn't a Red Cross poster in the window by Saturday night," is the slogan adopted by the Omaha Ad club, which is assisting tne Ked Cross war fund to roll up Omaha's auota to $210,000. "From everv indication there will be few homes in the city whiclt- will not have this badee ot oatnotism tn their window by the end of the week," said a member of the com mittee. One patriotic mother telephoned the headquarters that she had given two sons to the fhg, one to the army and one to the navy, and she was ready to hand two days' pay instead of one t. the couls when they came one for each of her lads. The Scout headauarters arrarsred to take tel phne calls from anyone who desires a Scout to call, or who has been overlooked. South Side Subscriptions. Union Stock Tarda ...$ $.000 rbmnloyes 010 Rtoclf Tarda National Bank., ........ 3,100 Kmiiloves 1,210 Llvo Stork National Bank l.ioo Kmptoyes ,, 02G Packera' National Bank ,. 1,000 Trariee' Live Stock Exchange........ 2,000 Tradera' Live Stock Exchange mem- bare 1.100 rVirimteelon man 1,100 Miscellaneous ,,..,. 136 Total .'. $20,110 The auota of the South Side was $25,000. Johnston Will Manage Evans Hotel at Columbus R. W. Johnston, past president of the Northwestern Hotel Men's asso ciation, and one of the most widely known hotel men in the middle west, will manage the Evans hotel at Co lumbus, Neb., which has just passed to the control of the Nebraska Hotel company of Lincoln. Mr, Johnston until recently ope rated one of the Lincoln hotels. His experience embraces operation of leading hotels at Fort Dodge, la., and Waterloo, la., and other hotels in the middle west. In bis new capacity he will not only manage the Evans, but will serve as a director ot the Ne braska Hotel company. The Evans it to be one of a chain of hotels to be owned and operated by the Nebraska Hotel company, which are building now at several places. The Evans is a handsome structure, only three years old. with modern hotel equipment , . Lowery Boun dOver; Charge Receiving Stolen Property Ray Lowery, brother of Mrs. Elsie Phelps, star witness for the prosecu tion in the. Maloney investigation, was found guilty of receiving stolen property snd bound over to the dis trict court in oolice court vesterdav afternoon. The appearance bond for tne district court, fixed at SaUU was signed by Fete Loch. A special aession of police court was held by Judge Madden. Interest was added to the case bv the fact that at the recent police investigation tne statement was side athat nonce officers refused Lowery bonds in an endeavor to prevent him testifying against Steve Maloney. A brother of Paul Sutton. Omaha detective who startled Omahs by his charges directed against Maloney, was an interested visitor and fre quently made suggestions to the at torney for the defense. Nebraskans to Fort Riley For Medical Training (From Buff Correspondent.) Lincoln. June 21. (Special.) The following list of men are de tailed to rort Kilcy, Kan., to the medi cal deoartment train intr camo for three months' intensive training: Flrat Lieutenant Cart C. Heed. Earl B. Braklne, Roy P, Bryion, DtMbert 1 Hib berd. Rotlyn R. Raitich, Fred Suchland. BtirKeante. Merlin D. Upton, William R. Rddr, Ltimir j, Drainey, ore k. i. mh thenr. Prlvateei Brloe R. Wtleon. Rar W. Hatch. Georae T. Kauffman. Claude 8. Lan- baro. Fatal J. Fallen, Clarence v. uotcnau, Prank 11. Copley. m Summer Tourist Fares TO THE AJ1 trains vis WASHINGTON Latest types of modern electric lighted steel trains. Famous dining car service. Drawing room, compartment and loung ing observation sleeping cars. $1170 Chicago to Olz? New York Enjoy the Great Circle Tour-wtia abctoa of routaa, tnoludlps rail and walar. 34 40 Chicago to "ST iNew i one CwnalwudlntlT low far rovnd tripe St Aoatao and Jartay Coaat Kaaorta. , AH trains leave Qrand Central Station, Ftfth Ave. and Harritoa 8t, 63d 8U Station, twenty-five ohiutes later. Tickets maybe purchased at the City Ticlcat Oflica, 236 South Clark St, at Grand Central Station and at all prin cipal botalt) also at 63d St, Station and South Chicago. G. C KLJtTCTC Tralleg tanangar AtanO SUWotnnwa of Uia World BKK.OaM0M.Mak. FbSMDoualaatw . Baltimore & Ohio "Our Panff t PLACES READY FOR FORT SNELLING MEN All Students Who Win Commis sions Will Be Assigned to Active Duty at Once. Minneapolis, Minn., June 20. (Spe cial Telegram.) Advices from the War department indicate there will be immediate duty for every atudent at Snelling who receives a commis- on. Originally it was understood stu dents receiving commissions, but who were not assigned to duty with the draft army, would be held in reserve, but the sending of so many officers of the regular army to France has created many vacancies. Students who receive commissions here will 1, assigned to duty not only with the draft army, but with the spe cial bianchet such at quartermaster!' corps, and so on. The efficiency board today recommended the dismissal from the camp of thirty additional stu dents and the board will consider the eases of fifteen tomorrow. Ten stu dents will leave Sunday to take a course of training in aviation at the school to be conducted by Ohio State university, Columbus, O. Artillery Training Begun. At the training camp at Fort Snell ing the artillerymen started work ing with the guns loaned by the First Minnesota artillery, while the infan try companies divided their time, in part, between the rifle range and fur ther drill and conference in infantry problems. The cavalry troop con tinued work in outpost duty, Enlistine boomed a trifle and re cruiting officers gave credit to the military aspect of the Red Cross oarade. Details surrounding applications for the tecond training camp for officers at Fort Riley, Kan., in August are an nounced. Men of more mature age are wanted for this camp. The promotion of Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Johnson of the Thirt sixth infantry to a colonelcy was an nounced at the fort He is expected to be assigned to the Fortieth or the Forty-first infantry. Following the group of dismissals, when twenty men were excused from camp, another group, smaller in num ber, was given the freedom of the landscape. Efficiency boards are pass ing upon the merits and demerits of the men and additional dismissals are forecast in the next day or two. This will, it is believed, end the dismis sals, save for rule breakages. The camp took on a more warlike appearance when the artillerymen started the morning's work with the eight guns loaned them for training fiurposes by the rirst Minnesota artil ery. The guns were stationed on the parade in front of the hospi' .l and the future gunners were given first in struction in handling them. Cleaning was the first part of the scnool ot heavy gunnery to wnicn tne cadets were Introduced. Although the guns have been put in condition only recently by an expert from Rock Is land arsenal, the inatructort gave the students a thorough course on gun cleaning. It was clean, poke and swine until the guns were dustless. Mules, for motive power were not trotted out of the post corral as most of the time was scheduled in the pre liminaries and kindergarten forms of artillery usage, but tomorrow the mules are to be forthcoming. Already the pleasurable prospect ot watching the artillerymen wrestle with the mules has spread through the cav airy and infantry units and the ar tillerymen in the making are dubbed mule whackers along barracks row. Steamer Trunks are Very Practical for Short Vacation Trips We have them in all grades $5.50, $6, $7, $10 u $20 Freling&Steinle "OMAHA'S BEST BAGGAGE BUILDERS" " 1803 Farnam St WE LIKE SMALL REPAIR JOBS. EAST Arc Oar CbwiV Al Sere H tl " H ffl W i NEED 300,000 MORE MEN FORTHE ARMY Secretary of War Urges Re cruits to Come Forward for Cavalry, Engineers, Artil lery and Signal Corps. (From s Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, June 21, (Special.) The secretary of war has asked the State Council of Defense to give as much publicity as possible to the following: "The cavalry, engineers, coast ar tillery, signal corps and quartermaster corps of the regular army have al ready been brought to war strength. "Forty-five thousand recruits are need at once to complete the new regiments of infantry and field artil lery. "Twenty-five thousand additional recruits are desired at the earlist prac ticable date to fill vacancies in order that the war strength of 300,000 men may be maintained. "Facilities are in readiness for placing these 70,000 men under proper training. Any delay in obtaining this num ber will necessarily cause the loss of invaluable time. It is the earnest desire of the War department that 70,000 single men be tween the ages of 18 and 40 years, who have no dependents and who are not engaged in professions, busi nesses, or trades vitally necessary to the prosecution of the war, be en listed in the regular army before June 30, 1917." THOMPSON BELDEN 6, CO. , VApasfiion (FpnferbrWmpn A New Shipment: Fancy Turkish Towels and Wash Cloths Brocaded weaves with beau tiful colored borders, in new designs Individual size, 25c and 35c. Larger Bize, 50c and 75c. Extra large size and very fine weave, $1 and $1.25. Fancy Turkish Wash Cloths with assorted border at 5c and 8 Vic. . Linen Section. Summer Furnishings For Mem i Refresh your appearance with a few of the hand some bat wings and four-in-hands. The Men's Shop is offering . cool, clean, smart washable ties for warm days. When soiled they are never spoiled. Fancy Half Hose Inter woven, Phoenix and Wayne Knit; plain shades in silk, lisle and cotton. We can please you as to weight, as well as quality. To the Right as You Enter Out Size Hose, Two Good Qualities Out size black cotton and black lisle hose, with ribbed tops, 45c Very sheer black silk lisle with garter tops and double soles, at 75c. rnoTOPi-AYS. lVffTTQlT llllilllint k T K y af litlilliillil'il l am nvuaa rw m mua it, Amuaameat. . Today Saturday I MARGARET f ILLINGTON j In the Famous Story by BASIL KING I "THE INNER SHRINE" I "Her Fractured Voice.' Paramount Comedy Bray Pictograph. Saturday, 10 A. M. I "Kidnapped." "He Couldn't Get Up in i the Morning." Comedies. I ni:iliiliiliiliiii.iiiniiiliiliiliiliiliimtili;lt!l!ii:!lniiili AMUSEMENTS. BRAND El Stat 8G3Hot MR. LEO. LARGMAN PRESENTS Mme. Fannie Reinhart tmi bar campaar of Yiddish Playara IN "LOVE AND RICHES" PRICES: 35c, BOc. Tc and SI. 00 EMPRESS GARDEN OMAHA'S FINEST RESTAURANT AND AMUSEMENT CENTER MLLE. MARION IN CLASSIC DANCES ASSISTED BY MARTINEZ RANDALL HELEN MeCORMACK Emartataatarit thai "Entartarna" ADAMS' So Wffarant JAZZ BANT) INSANE YOUTH SLAYS MOTHER AND OTHERS Albert Ludicek Kills Three Members of Family and Takes Own Life Near Toledo, Ia. Toledo, Ia., June 21. The entire Ludicek family, consisting of Mrs. Joseph Ludicek, her two tons, James and Albert, and daughter, Helen, were found dead shortly before noon today, at the Ludicek farm, eight miles northeast of Toledo, by Joe Buresh, a son-in-law of Mrs. Ludicek. A rifle shot had been fired through the head of each. The weapon, a .22 calibre target rifle, was found be side the body of Albert, the eldest of the dead sons, 21 years of age, who the coronor believes responsible for the tragedy, while temporarily insane. The coroner, after learning the cir cumstances, decided that no inquest will be necessary. Albert Ludicek's body was found lying on the kitchen floor, while his brother and sister were found in their beds upstairs and the mother in her bedroom adjoining the kitchen. Defense Council Takes Work of Patriotic League (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, June 21. (Special.) That the patriotic league of Nebraska has accomplished much along the lines for which it was organized, but that the work could from now on be bet ter done through the State Council of Defense, is the opinion of Judge Summer Wash Apparel MODERATELY PttlCEP Dresses, Coats, Suits, Skirts and Blouses of seasonable fabrics and attractive design Dresses, priced $7.50 Upwards Coats, priced $3.95 Upwards Suits, priced $19.50 Upwards Skirts, priced $4.50 Upwards Blouses, priced 95c Upwards For Baby Knitted Sacques and Bootees. Crochet and Knitted Sacques long; or short styles, made of Shetland floss all white or white with trimmings of pink and blue, the neck and sleeves finished with ribbon, 65c to $3.60. Bootees a large variety of wool, silk and wool and all silk styles long or short, 35c to 2.35. Infants knitted wash cloths and towels, crib sheets and summer weight night gowns. In fact all the comforts to keep the babies cool during the hot weather. Third Floor. White Sateen Petticoats, $1.19 A sale Friday in the basement. PHOTOPLAYS. CHARLES RAY IN 'The Clodhopper.' Today and Saturday ROBERT WARWICK GALE KANE '. IN "THE FALSE FRIEND" AHCSKMKKT8. . A Greater Lesson Than "DAMAGED GOODS" "THE ESCAPE" D. W. GRIFFITH, Praducar Brandaia Theater SATURDAY A THRILLING DRAMA OF SEX EUGENICS SCIENCE "THE ESCAPE" Br Pil Armitrong Product kr D. W. Griffith BRANDEIS onoen.?yay SAT., Conthraae tl te It P. M. All Saate 10c assftaaaniBnaraaiiianviaMiariiaiMaaaaaiiiiBsaHast W. D. McHugh, president of the league, in a letter to Chairman Joyce of the State Council of Defense, who asks that the council take on the answer to Judge McHugh, Chair man Joyce said in part: "The State Council of Defense has assumed and will carry on this educational cam paign, and we are heartened by the assurance that in the meetings we shall call we shall have the hearty support of the membership of the pa triotic league, which has a large mem bersip throughout the state." Notes from Beatrice And Gage County Beatrice. Neb.. June 21. (Special.) Mrs. J. G. Wiebe, for the last forty years a resident ot Beatrice, died last evening at 6 o'clock after an illness of six months of liver trouble, aged 71 years. Che is survived by four children, her husband having passed away six years ago. He established and operated the first lumber yard in Beatrice. J. W. Myers and Miss Ethel Fish bach, two well known voung people of this city, were married last evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fish bach, Rev. C. F. Stevens officiating. After the ceremony a wedding lunch eon was served. The groom is em ployed in the oflices of the Beatrice Cold Storage company, of which his father-in-law is president. James Krihava, a Bohemian farmer, died yesterday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Sudick. Car Stolen at Fullerton. Fullerton, Neb., June 21. (Special.) A new 1917 model Ford, belonging to D. D. Miller, was stolen from his barn Tuesday night. Bee Wants-Ads Produce Results. A Disposal v UT $3 85 Friday for pJeOaj About two hundred and fifty $5 and $7 pumps consisting of patent, dull and bronze kid styles. Ow ing to broken sizes we ad vise early attendance. AMV8KHEKT& Ail Unequalled Amusement Value. Today FIVE EMIGRANTS A Bis Tim Vaudeville Act In the True Sense of the Word. DU FRESNE SISTERS CRAIG AND WADE CARLO AND CO. Pathe Thanhouser Photodrama, Fcaturinf Frederick Warde in "FIRES OF YOUTH." William Fox Comedy "HIS BOMB POLICY" From 'leren to 'leren. Drop In Any Time. Henahaw Hotel Announci louncee I of I the Engagement MISS D'ARCY and company of ten entertain ers and muaictans Engagement Starts WEDNESDAY EVENING (6 to 12) Dance If You Like I I Wednesday and Saturday iDanaanU I Make Your Reservations Early I BEE WANT ADS SUPPLY YOUR WANTS For Only Q Per Word v JU A. WBLSH, JnateeraloSleh V J