10 THE BEE: - OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1917. LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Make ' Another High Mark When Beeves Sell for $13.70; Hogs Are rive Cents Lower. Receipt, were: Official Monday ,. Official Tueadey .. Official Wednesday allmat. Touraday Omaha, Juna 21, lilt. Cattla. Hoga. Sheen, 1.773 1.3(4 10.411 11,111 11, 0 GRAIN 1HDJRCCCH Cash Trade Centers on Corn Market, With Liberal Re ceipts, Good Demand and Firm Prices, 6.049 , S.949 . 6,161 3.T80 3,1.84 :,sio s,so Four days this week. 21,869 Sims days last week.26,03 Sent days 3 wks. sgo. 23,800 Sam days 1 wks. ago. 21. 724 Same daye 4 wkt. ago. 27,38 Sam days Isst yesr.. 14,732 Receipts and disposition of live stock at tb Union Slock Yanis, Omaha, (or twenty (or buura ending at 2 o'clock yesterday: Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. H'rs. RECEIPTS CARLOADS. 39. : 14,961 80,738 16,630 90,868 13.617 46,660 i9,:;o 46,366 35,336 r , yt. a st. p i 4 Wabaalt s 1 .Missouri Pacific II 5 Union Pacific 21 30 C. A N. W., east.... 6 3 C. N. W., wot 26 55 C, Ft. p., M O.,.. IS 16 O. B. & Q.. cast 6 C. B. A O.. west.,., St 2 r., It. I. A P. east.... 10 0 C, R. I. Jfc P. west.,,. .. 2 llllnoia Ontral 3 2 Chicago Great West.. .. 4 Total receipt 164 164 UlSPOalTION HEAD. of of Cattla. Hogs. Sheep. Morris A Co . ISO 1.824 668 t . . . Swift and Company,. 710 t,2IQ 2.670 Cudahy Packing Co,.. 7fl s.nos izb 7"' Armour A Co 971 2.43 1,741 Scnwarts A Co... 04 .... ' J. W. Murphy 994 .... Lincoln Packing Co.. & .... .... So. Omaha Pack, Co. 1 Will or, 67 ! Armour, Denver .... 1 47 ' Cudahy, Kansas City.. 39 .... .... Mwlft, Kanaaa City.. 13 Swift. Denver 1,460 P. B. Lewis 44 J. P. Root A Co 7 J. H. Bulla is ' i Rosenst-jck Bros...... 6. .... .... ( j Sullivan 21 ' .... ' .... Christ. 22 Tliftins ......... ..... .... Huffman ,..., I ...7 .... RMh T .... .... f Meyers IS .... i Glasaberg 4 .... .... Banner Bros I .... .... John Harvey 41 t ' Dennis A Franrls,.,, 1 I Jensen A Lungren..., 10 .... I ' O Day 24 Other buyers til .... S3 Totals 4.138. 10,66$ 9.14S Cattle Receipts of cattla wers fair for Thursday, about 1,700 head, but th. four days supply has been nearly MOO smaller than s, week ago. Quality was hardly as good as on Wednesday but the market was of the earns general character, both pack era and shippers paying steady to stronger prices for the good to choice cattle of all weights, while the fair to common cattle were stow sate and unevenly lower. Another newJhlgh mark was mads today when soma 1.659-pound beeves landed at $11.70. Com pared with a week ago the choice cattls are selling at somewhat atronger prlcea and medium and common cattls anywhere roan 10 to 26o lower. In cows and halfers there was Terr little activity. Buyers took hold of the cornfed stackers In pretty good shape and paid ateady prices, but neglected the grassy and half fat stuff, and It was slow sals and decidedly lower. Veal calves, bulls, stsgs, etc.. were In very limited supply and just about steady. 4 Business In Blocker! and feeders waa very quiet, with no great change In price one way or the other. "Very little good Blockers srs coming at this ttms and com nioner kinds of stockers ar showing a de elded ly lower tendency. ijuotatlons on Cattls: Good to choir fcaevee. I1S.IO0U.7O; (sir to good beeves, Si9.O00l2.7S; common to fair beeves. $10 80 4911.76; good to eholc yearlings, $13,760 13 28; fair to good yearlings. $13.00d 12.K0; common to (sir yearlings. llo.J6tfU.18; good to cholcs heifers, $10.16011.50; good to choles cows, tv.7601O.7fi; fair to good cows, SI. 76010. 00; common to fair cows, I6.OO0S.6O; prims feeding steers. $10,000 1100; good to cholcs feeders, 10.00010.00; fslr to good feeders. SI. 0001.00; common to fair feeders. I7.OO0S.IO; good to choice stackers. SB. 60010.60; stock hslfera, I1 160 10 60; stock oows, 17.00010.00; Stock calves. $ 10011.00; veal cslves. 1O.OO014,SO; bulls, stags, etc., 17.00011.00. Represent tlvs ssles: - BEEF STEERS, Ko. Ar. Pr, No. A Pr. 2. ....... SOS IS 2ft 74 170 St 71 4......W 910 10 10 i m u is ft ...ins u 10 16. .......1038 1 23 949 20 1260 34 It0 12 IB SI .'1116 IS 00 I II tl I 11 IS I 11 so II 786 f 20 I ... SIS 10 76 10 ..1061 11 IS 49.. 981 12 00 31 1137 12 10 S... 106 12 40 II... 1141 12 71 1 1331 12 10 11 1224 II 10 COWS. l. ....... IBS I :S . 6B I B0 1 60S T 60 t 966 I IS S 10S I 76 S6 I 00 10. ...... .114 10 16 6........ 938 10 90 I. ...... .1230 11 00 1 1290 11 6 Hogs With llberst runs both her -and at Chicago, the market reacted a llttl bit this morning, prices being very rnsven, snd ss a general thing about so lower than yes terday. What good tights shippers bought early wers steady or clos to ItJ but their purcnases were net so largo as on previous days of tbs week. It was In th packer market that the lrregulsrlty was noted. On tb earlier end of th tiud killer buyers weft able to our- chas a good many hoga that ,wer all of aw mo lower man yesterday, individual loads being pointed out that were a big lOr lower. On later round a, however, valuea showed some Improvement snd a great many hogs sold at not over So lower figures, whll some wr a I moat ateady, especially towards tb wtndup. dales wers mads Isrgely at I1S.1O01S.S9, and, as was ths ess yesterday, there Was a sprinkling of the least dealrabls stuff on down, while brat heavies reached a top of 116.70. Compared with last week's close, ths market Is generally 20o higher, Best hogs of all weights show more Improv. ment than the medium to plain grade. Reprasentatlv sales: , No. Av. Fh. Pr, No. Av, ft. .141 1(0 14 IS S8..I6S 16 10 44. .136 160 16 30 77.. m 160 16 SO 7S..3SB . 16 60 T6..247 . IS SO 60.. 361 PIUS. II 00 SheepToday's receipts of sheep snd Iamb were larger than for any prevtoui day i this week, but Just about half ths arrivals wr consigned to packers and th balance of the offerings found a fairly ready outlet at price that wers strong to, In spots, as much as 10c higher. Th best of th clipped lambs, mates of yesterday's 1 1146a, moved up a dims, set ttrrg a new top for th month of 110.66, Most ' of ths other clippers offered were big weights and sold under $16.00, s band that averaged nlnetyfour pounds, bringing 116.16 and two cars of 103-poundere eel ling at 116.0. It might be noted that lambs of this weight are not meeting with much favor at any of tb markets. Today's ar th first tbst have been hr for some time, but the light demand en- eaatern dressed mutton markets (or heavy lamb la making packers Ilsht shy of weight, and they can be ex pected to sell well below the prices handles aro bringing. Th beat native springers hero sold at $11.00. Rangers wsrs lacking again today. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, shorn, handy $16.00016.66; lambs, shorn, heavy, $16.00016.00: spring lambs. $16,600 11.60; oprlng lambs, ouila, $11.00 0 16.60; lambs, feeders. $12.00016.26; yearling a, shorn, lll.OO01S.tO; wethers, shorn $10.00 vii.ov; ewes, enoro, sv.uutf lo.&s; culls, shorn, $$.0008.60. ' Representative sales: No. 791 fed shorn lambs ., 400 fed shorn lambs .... 64 natlv spring lambs 36 cull spring lambs . 140 fed shorn swes ....Ill 1 4 cull shorn ews ... , 104 Omaha, Juns 1, 1917. Th cash trad today was centered In ths corn market and thers was a good mand for this cereal, with prlcea quoted from UOlc higher, while the bulk fit ths Mine wire ma an si to aavance. Wheat receipts showed a silnht Increase. but the demand for this ceresl continued exremely dull and thers were not enough saios roponea to giv a definite Idea tb c bangs in value, th only sals portea up to noon being a part of a car of No, 3 mixed wheat, which brought $3.40, me saiea or corn wers tstrly light compartaon with tb heavy rccalpta, bu this was dus to the fact that traders d: not get together very readily and not be cause of any lack of demand. Most of the corn samples of the No, and No. 3 grsdes brought $1.63 but there were quite a few ssles of No. Z yellow ana no. s wnus mane si There was a fairly good improvement in me aetnano lor caan oats, but tbe tradi this market was limited because light offerings. ' inn market generally was quoted from stcany to c higher. No. a white selllm at ttfic, while No. 3 whit brought from OL. noirj ana no. 4 wntte sold at 66 "Ac Th rye and barley markets war very quiet, with no arrivals, and these markets were quo tea stesny. Clesranrea were: 'Wheat and flour aqua! to i ,zi 3,09 bu. ; corn, 144,000 bu. ; oats. Primary wheat receipts war 488.000 bu. and shipments 390,000 bu., against receipts or 767,000 bu. and shipments of 701,000 bu. isai yesr. Primary corn receipts wers 171,000 bu. and shipments 731,000 bu., against receipts or bus.uvv du. ana snipments oi iso.ouo du. Primary oats receipts wer 118,000 and shipments 167, 000 bu,, against rtrelpta or 66!. ono bu. and shipments of 660,000 bu. isst year, CARLO RECEIPTS. WhesL Corn, Chlcsgo SO Minneapolis 92 D ninth M Omaha 23 Hamms City 31 Louis 31 Winnipeg 471 These sales wsrs reported today: Wheat No. S hard winter: 1 car, a, I mixed: 2-6 car, $2.40; 2-S car, o. 3 durum: I car. fi.vo. Sample; Si.io. Corn No. 9 white t V cara, 11.64; car, 11.634; 4 1-6 ears. $1.63tt. No. a white: 1 csr, $1.63; 1 car, H.63H No, 3 yellow: b cara, $1.64: 1$ car. 11.63'i. no. a yeiiow; a cars. l car. si.sbu No. 2 mixed: 6 cars. $1.64; 1 car, $1.6314; is cars, 11.63 no. I mixed : t cars, $1.34, No. 4 mixed: t car, II, 3. No. 0 mixed; 2-6 car. $1.63. SampI mixed: 1 car, 11.5S1, oats No. g white: 3-6 car, 6c. No. whit: 2 cars, 664,0; cars, 66 c; 1 csr, 66c. No. 4 white: 9 cars, 46 4c. Sample white:, l car. ettto. No. 4 mixed; 1 car, 66U0. 1 Omaha Cash Prices Wheatt No. t hand, $2.4302.tf; No. S hard, $2.40 0 3.41; No. t bard, $3.8002.40. Corn: No. 3 whit, 11.630144; No. 9 Whit I1.62H 01.634 ; no. wmt. 6i.a0i.sxi; no. 0 wait, $1.3U01.6S; No, whit. $1.6201.63: No. 2 yellow, (1.63HC1.64; No. I yellow, $I.63U 01 64: No. yellow. ll.680l.e3K: No. 6 yellow, $1.621401.63: No. yellow. $1,620 1.63: No. I mixed. Il.6ltt01.84: No. I mixed, 11.6301.63; No. 4 mixed, $1.63410 1.63; No. 6 mlved, $l.3tt01.63; No. 6 mixed, $1.6301.62. Oats: No. 2 whits, 6644066c; standard. 6l066o: No. I white, 6 6 at 66 ic; no. wnu. HHotta Bar ley: Malting, I1.1S01.IS; No. 1 feed, $1.13 01.11. Rye: No, I. 92.2702.31; No. I, $3.3603.21. Local range of optional Close. NEW YORK STOCKS Market Segisters Many Irreg , ular Recoveries from the Secent Low Quota tions. 13i 174 42 Oal. 120 1 48 5.4 11.76. I car, Art. Will. July Sep. Corn, July Be p. Deo. Oata. July Hep. Dec. Open. t ,1 1 71 1 "HI 1 41 1 ot OH ll HUh. L. I iu I US 1 42: 1 0. OH t2H : 171 mil, 140 101 oh eon fiH Tea. I III 1 13 1 1 41S1 I 01 , (OH SOU II H1 lot 17S lie 140H 1106 60 1H Chicago olo.ln. prlcea. turnlebed Th. Bee by Logan A Bryan, .took and grain brokara, 315 South Sixteenth atrMt. Omaha! 31. .1,4 ...J!7 70. .207 i..3M 7. .300 10..120 , Bh. Vr. 120 It 00 10 II 11 ... II tl 120 It 21 ... It Ct ... It 70 Ay. .... 13 ....103 .... HI to wea, Pr. II tt It 00 It to 14 00 1, 10 8 00 Art Open. High. I Low.l Cloae. I Tea. wu rn n July i 01 IM 30H I 08 101 Sep. 1 10 1 10 17tH 1 7IH 110 . Corn. July 1154 J tl4 m 1 ISH H Sep. 141 1 414. 140H 1 42H 141S lie., t 07 VI 1 0, 104 u 1 01 101 May 1 oih 1 os 107 H 1 oo d lot Oata. July H !H lis 41H tl", Sep. I2U 134 11 tin II Die. 13 IIS taS 34)4 U Pork. Aly It 0 II 10 II I: II 10 II 10 Hep. II 00 II II 31,11 II II 81 1C Lard. - July 11 11 II 31 17 11 0 II II Hep. 31 It II 47 Vi II 77 11 10 II It Blbe. , July 11 10 11 41 Vi IT in 11 17 U It 10 Sep. II 4714 11 I7H II 4S II I7H 11 47 Chicago Un Stock MukH. Chicago, Jun. II. 4?atU. Recelpta, 40,. 000; market weak; nattv. beef ateere, It.tO wie.eu; aiocK.ra ana leeaere, te.,0910.00; cow. and heUera, 11,11911,70; oalvea, 111.10 Hoge Receipt.. '11.000: market weak; 10. unaer yeeterday'a average; bulk, I1M0A li lt: rolled, lit.ioait.oi: heavy, lis. loo lt.io: rough lit.10Oit.30; pi,., 111.10 Sheep and LainbaRMOtpta. 1,0001 w eirong; wetner,, tv.lBVia.OQ; ewea, I.10tl0.7t: lamb., 1U.009H.J6; aprtnga, . St. LouU Llv. Stock Market, St. Loul,, Mo., Juna II. Cattle Reoelpta, 1.700 head: market ateady; native beer eieora, .i.ouqyis.eo; yearllnga, tl.tooil.lt; cow., 18.004 11. ot; atookor. and feeder., Id 00 viv.vv; prime aouinern peer ateera, I8.000 . ""ri wp, ...jerje.uv; prim. year. llnga, I7.50O10.00; natlv. calvea, 10.000 og.necelplfc 7,500 head: market eieaay; ugni, tia.40Olt.at; plga, tlo.000 14.36; mixed and butohera, I16.5001t.06; good-heavy, lt.v0Olf,t0; bular'of galea. tlt.tooit.16. Sheep and Lambih Tteclpta, 4,100 head; '"'.- maner, uiippea lamoa, eiB.uuoio.00 clipped ewe., ll.00O10.00: aprln. lamba. .iu.uuviB.auj cannorav t.ooot.t0: cupped, I.7.00O7.50. Kanaaa city Lira Stock Market. Kanaaa City, Jun. 11. Cattle Recelpta. 4,0o: market ateady: prime fed ateere, li:.30Oll.t0: dreaeed beef ateera, 11.10 012.1S; weatern ateere. ID.00013.tO; cowa, 14.10011.00; helfera, lt.50913.OO: atockera and feeder., t7.tooll.io; bulla, l7.00OI.it; calvea, I7.00O13.2I. ' Hoga Recelpta, 1,600: market ateady; bulk. tll.10O16.il; heavy. Ill.75016.tl; packer, and butchora, I16.B6O15.I0; light, !l!.71lt.40; plga, lll.i0O14.40. Sheep and Lamba Recelpta, 2,000; market higher: lamba, lll.O0Wlt.IO: yearllnga, 111. 00911.00; wath.ra, t 09911.60: .wea, 11.76 O12 00. Mou City I.lr. stock Market. Sioux City, law Jun. 11. Cattle Recelpta, 1,300 head: market ateady: beef ateere, IIO.O0912.I0; fat cowa and helfera' .to0 12.16: cannere, li.to9t.00; atockera and feedera, 17.60910.00; calvea. lt.00OU.60; bulla, ataga, ttc, 17. 00 0 10.86; feeding cot and helfera, I6.50OI.60. ' Hoga Recelpta, 7.000 head: - market ateady to 60 lower; light, 116.00 916.30; mixed. I1I.30O1I.40: heavy, H6.40O15.t0: pl,. Ill.760 13.lt; bulk of aaloa. 111.109 Sheep and Lamba Rec.lple, 101 head; market atronff, Enporattd Applee and Dried Fruit. New Tork, Jun. II Evaporated Applet-" Dull but firm. Dried I Fruit Prunea and ralelna culeti aprlpotaj and peechce eteady. I I I PUBLIC SALE At ARW00D DAIRY, June 26t 1917 ; Our atlr herd of grad Guerwsey and Helitel cattle aU Dairy reh. mtnu deluding 1817 Forss-A-Truck. wagons, horsss, otc 5sJ cornice at 10 a. a. A. splendid pUc U cur what you ae4 lit th famlnf or dairy accuiMtiona. Fro Utaca at stoosu MILE AND A HALF WEST OF ELMWOOD PARK-OMAHA, NEBRASKA New Tork, uJn 21. Dliregarding a fur ther accession of bearish tent mien t tn pro- feaelonal quarters today's ma rite t registered many irregular recoverma from recent Ion quotations. What the trading lacked lr volume, the turnover being almoat the email- est for nearly- a fortnight, was neutralized in breadth, operations being fairly welt distributed. Oslns wer grcalat In theae apecialttes which have suffered from speculatlvs prus aure. Motors, eoulnments snd ahlDDliiK were Biimuiaiea oy reports or tne cloning o: government contracts on baaes which al lowed a fair margin of profit. Coppers owed tneir strength to a m liar conditions. Call monev din not re Drat Its caxlmum of the preceding day. mont loans being made at per cent from wnirn tne rats tell to per cent before the cloae. Quotations for lime loans wer nominal In the absence or actual supply. This Istter condition do notrd the anxiety existing In forthcoming payments on the liberty loon and midyear intcrfac ana aivtaeni aienursemnnts. Bonds were Irregular with alight ensnares. Total sales par valu $1,085,000. Liberty oonns cnangca nanus st psr in limited amounts. United States 'registered 2's and coupon 4's rose a point on call and Panama coupon and registered 2's loat 214 oer cent on can. Number of sales and quotations on lead ing stocks; Saiea. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet ftugar... 800 94 94 . 94 Amerlran Can 2,200 484 47 47 Am. Car F'ndry 10,600 Tit 73 7s Am. Locomotive... 3.K00 1i OO 71 i 10,900 108 104 14 1074 4,3(10 118 1Z0V4 300 U2 133 122 40, 30 'i 0 29 I 1,600 83 814 H2'i 1,300 100 1004 100 2.600 n: 1104 11114 U0 Wfr Am. BraelL St lief., Am. Sugar Rut.,,, Am. Tel. fe Tel.,.., Am. Z., L. A 8.... Anaconda Copper.. Atchison A. O. A W. I. B. 8. Baltimore & Ohio. a. 4c 8. Conner, Cal, Petroleum.... Canadian Pacific, Central Leather.... Chftfrapeake & Ohio M. as 8t. P.... Chicago AN. W... C R. I. A P. ctfa. Chlno Copper Colo. Fuel A Iron.. Corn Products Ref. 24,oo uruciois Bteel 63,000 ,000 600 60 400 76 700 1.100 66, II i BU '4 74 65 61 U 32 20 160 9314 50 76 119 4-4 6 14 33H 834 Cuba Cans Sugar.. 1,300 434 43 43tt Distillers' Securities 12,700 264 i ti Erie 800 25 '4 25 "4 5 Oaneral Elefltrlo... 2v0 U7 US General Motors.... 12,300 1174 1144 1164 Great ivo. via evo mi ivi Gt. No. Ore ccfe... 1,200 22 31tt 31 Illinois Central... Inspiration Copper, 4,100 !4 31,909 i&4 900 804 400 37 Int. M. M. pfd Inter. Nickel. Inter. Paper K. C. Southern.... Kennocott Copper.. Iulsvllls Naah. Maxwell Mo tore,,.. Mez. Petroleum,, 511am! Copper. . ... Missouri Pacific... Montana Power.,.. Nevada Copper.... New York Central. N. t.. N. H. A II.. Norfolk & Western Northern Pacific... Pacific Mall Pacific Tel. & Tel. Pennsylvania ..... Plitaburgii Coal. . .. Ray Con, Copper.. Read In a Rep. Iron A Blue I 63 300 45 14 600 2,700 Mm, Oft 10S M4 39 384 as 22 44 4S 135 404 49i 94 1,200 :'i 2H S6V 404 294 14 23 H 904 3SU 400 I: 124 800 700 6,800 23, 91 'i 39 '4 S34 0i,i 200 1034 10314 103 '4 604 28 27 274 200 ?,100 2,000 10.400 9,800 28 52 H S3'4 28 954 90 27 93 ll 27 84 208 2,000 ISIS 13 136 6,400 184 1614 1$$ 62 '4 63 '4 38 98 'i 90 27 93 27 86 62 65 28 04 89 26 93 27 83 206 Bhattiick ArU, Cop. 600 Southern Pacific... 800 Southern Railway. 1,900 Sturjebaker Corp... 20,000 Texaa Company.... 9"0 Union Pacific II. tt. Ind. Alcohol. ll ft. Steel 141.70Q 127 126 137 ft 8. Steel pfd.... 800 117 117 117 Utah Copp-r J.200 111 108 110 Wabash pfd. u -sots Western Union. 92 Wofttlngbouse KUc. 1,800 52 61 61 Bid. Total sales for the day, 680,000 ahares. New York Money Market.' Now Tork, Jun SI. Mercantile paper 6 per cent. ' Hr Mr In ir Exchange 8 0-fl a JS DIMS, M.tz: commercial 60-day bills on hanks, $4.71 : commercial 60-day bills, $4.71 Hi demand. $4.75; cables, S4.7. Oliver-nar, vac, jnexicaii uonro, pint Bonds Government and railroad, Irregu lar. Time Loans strong; so aays, so aay ana months, nominally t&6 per cent. Call. Money Easier;, high, $ per cent; low, f per cnt; ruling rate, per cent; last loan. 4 per cent; closing bid, 4 per nnt; offered at 4 per cent. U. 8. 2s, reg... 96 Int. M. M. s. . . . 91 do coupon ... 96 "K. C. 80. ref. ba 96 'U. 8. 9s, reg... 98UAN. nn. 4s... 91 do coupon ... 98 M.,K. A T. 1st 4s 68 TT. a 4s, reg... 106 Mo. P. gen. 4s... 60 do coupon ...106 Mont Power 6s.. 9S Pansma 3s cpn. 8& N. T. C. deb. 4s. 106 A. F. Hec. 6s.... 95 No. Pacific 4s... 87 A. T. A T. 0. 8s.9$ do 3s 03 Anglo -Pre neb Ss. 93 Ore, 8. L. ref. 4s $6 Arra'r A Co. 4s 10 Pao. T. A T. 6s.. 96 Atch. gen, 4s... S9 Penn. oon. 4s. .101 B. A O. 4 88 dogeo. 4a... $5 Cent, Leather fie. 99Readlng gen. 4a 90 Cent. Pacific 1st. 84St.L.&S.F.adJ-6a., 66 C. A O. ov. 6s... 888o, Pac cv. is... 99 C, B. A Q. Jt. 4a 96 do ref. 4s 86 tCM.ASt.P.g.4B 948o. Railway 61.. 98 CR.LAP.ref.4s.. 70Tez. A Pac. 1st. 16 C. A 8. ref. 4s 79 Union Pacific 4s. 93 D. A R. O. ref. 6s 67 do cv. 4s 19 Pom. of & 6s, '21 96 U. 8. Rubber is.. SS Ertfgeu. 4s.... 61 U. a Steel 6a. ...104 Gen. Else. 6s. ,.101 "Wabash 1st. ....100. Gt, No. 1st 4s. 94 -W. Union 4s.. 81 1. v. ret. 4a.... it bii. torxered. CHICAGO GB"'V MARKET. Exccllant Crop Progross Palls Down Wheat Prices, But Short la July Option IS Test Trades. Chicago, Juna 31. Excellent eron progress tended to pull down wheat prices today, but shorta In th July ontlon mad us of thee banc to ven up trades. The result wss an irregular market with tb clos un settled, lo net lower to an advance of 3c at $2.03 for July and St. 71 for Septem ber, Corn gained 01o and oats, e c. In provisions the result ranaad from 6c decline to a rls of 40c. Reports both from th winter wheat belt and from the spring crop region, told of encouraging rarra conditions. Th outlok In fact was so good that foreigners wer said to be th chief sellers of the Sep tember delivery. Buying was slow, a cir cumstance which Seemed due In some degre to uncertainty regarding the shape that th food bill would have on coming finally from congress. Tn this connection bears laid stress on Washington advices relating to labor protests against high prices. Buch attention was given to an estlmats by a leading authority that the 1917 domestic yield of winter wheat would aggregate 467,- 0000,000 bushels, instead of 373.ooo.ooo bushels, th total suggested by the govern ment's flguses for June. export demand trom th entente and from th Dutch government put strength Into corn. Further rains In th southwest where of 1st drought had been complained of. tailed to act as mor than a temporary offset. Seaboard purchases had a bullish Influence on the oats market. Serious damage re ports from Kansas counted also In mak ing valuea higher. Provisions averaged higher owning In th main to support from packing interests. At first weakness prevailed In view of lower quotations on hogs. umcago uasn vnce wneat! wo, x ana S red and 2 and 2 hard, nominal. Corn: No. yellow. si.Bi.70: No. 3 yellow, si. 69 a 1.70; No. 4 yellow. $1.681.69. Rye: No. 2, nominal. Barley: 91.10idil.48. Seeds: Tim othy. $4.0097.76; clover, $12.0017.00. Pro visions: Pork, $39.20; lard, $31.47tt021.S7; ribs, $.1,350:1.76. Butter Unchanged. Eggs Higher; receipts. $.145 esses; firsts, 28Q'29o; ordinary firsts. 3!:ic; at msrk esses Included, S8tfS9c. Potatoes Unchanged ; receipts, new, $0 ears; old, 4 cars. Poultry All vs, lower; fowls. 20 He New York CioMrsl Market. New Tork, Jun 21. Flour Weaker; spring patents, $13.16911-40; winter patents. . tc.uvii.i., minor iiriitniaS f...f.v.,4i Kansss straights. $12.90612.40. ' Ry Flour Easier: fair to good, $11.60 ii.ibi cnoice to fancy, sn.soois.zs. Ry AtEasier. No. western. 32.40. e.L 1 flw nor. Wheat Spot, easier; No. 2 bard winter, ss.w. Corn-Spot, easier; No. I yellow, $1.80 0. 1. 27 New Tork. Oat Spot firmer: standard, 72 Sic, Hay Easy; No. 1. $1.16; No, 2, $1,000 i.vi'; pta. a, bokjuoc; snipping, soqisbc. Lard Easy; middles, west, $21.00021.10. Cofre Market. ,. New Tork. June 31. Coffe futures opened at a decline of 2 to 6 points under a renewal of scattering liquidation, while there also appeared to be a little trade sell ing of the later months. The comparatively amal offerllngs wore absorbed around 7.83c for December, however, and the price rallied later to 7.82c on covering with th market closing net unchanged to 2 points lower. Sales 47,600. June. 7.67c; July. E7.7fic: August, 7.73c; September, 7.76c; October, 7.80c; November, 7.84c; December, 7.87e; January, 7.91c; February 7.96c; March, S.Ole; April, 8.06c; May. 8.11c. Spot dull; Rio 7s, 10; Santos 4c. 10. Offers of Rio 7s were reported at I.6O0 Lon don credits In the cost and freight market, hut ho cash - offers were reported from Santo. The official cable showed a de cline of 60 rels at Rio. Santos futures wer 60 rels higher. Van a City Geera! Market. Kansas City, Jun 21. Wheat No. 2 bard, $2.6002.80; No. I red, $2.4603.40, July 12.06; September, $1.83. Corn No. 9 mixed, $1.S301.$S; No. 3 white. $1.6401.64; No. 2 yellow. $1.68 01.64; July, $1.66; Sept amber. $1.39. Oats No, S white, 71c; No. 2 mixed, 7C. Butter Creamery. S6ct firsts. 83 c: sec onds, 32c; packers, 39 c Ji-ggs Firsts, 30c. Poultry Roosters. 14c: hens. lie: broilers, . 2S0. Oniaba Bay Market. Receipts are lighter; market firmer en the better grades of prairie hay; lower grades are selling slowly. Choice upland prairie, 323.00 24.00: No. 1, $22.00023.00 No. 2, $16.00 0 20.00; No. 3, $9.00013.00; No. 1 midland. $21.00023.00; No. 3, $14,000 18.00; No. 1 lowland, $12.00014.00; No. 3. $8.00010.00; No, 8, $6.0006.60. Choice al falfa, $22.90033.00: No. 1. $21.0022.00: standard, $19.00020.00; No. 3, $16.00017.00; o, a, tij,uu(Bui.uu. uec straw, es.outys.eO; wheat straw, $7.0007.60 St. Louis Grain Market. St. Louts, June 21. Wheat No. 2red nominal; No. 2 bard. $2.60; July, $2.01; September. $1.78. Corn No. 2, $1.68; No. 2 whit. $i.e$; Jdly $1.43; September, $1.07. Oats No. 2, 67c; No. 3 white nominal. Minneapolis Grain Mark. Mlnsnapoll. June 21. Wheat July, $3.31; September, $1.78. Cashl No. 1 hard. $2.6602.til; No. 1 northern; $3.610 3.56; No. 2 northern, $2.8602.46. Corn No. a yellow, $1.6101.63?.. Oats .No. 3 white. 6t066c. Flaxseed $3.1693. 20. Flour Unchanged. Barley 9Sc0$l. 43. Rye $2,2402.26. - Bran $2100038.00. St. Joseph Llv Stock Market. St. Jsseph. Juns 21. Cattle Receipts, 1,- S00 bead; market steady; steers, $9,000 13.35; cows and heifers, $8.00012.2$; calves, $9.00 914.60. Hogs Race lots. 10.000 head : prospects are for lower prlcea: top. $16.8$: bulk of salts, $16.0015.70. bneep ana Lambs Receipts. 3.200 neaa: market 36 0 6Oo higher; lambs, $13.00018.85; ewes, $6.00010.00. New Tork Dry Goods Uavrkaf. New York, June 21. Dry Goods Th Navy department ha been a large buyer 1 of cotton duck this week. Cotton goods- ruled firm today, desplt some second-hand offerings tn th print cloth division after too break in cotton. Jobbers are showing a wider Interest In th market. Dress goods are very tirm. Metal Market. New Tork, Jun 21. Metals Lead, dull; spot, $11.87012.12. Spelter, dull; spot East St, Louis delivery, $9.12 09.37. Cop per, firm; electrolytic, spot and nearby, $33.00034.00, nominal; third quarter and later delivery. $29.50032-00. iron, firm and unchanged. Tin, firm; spot, $63.60064.60. At London: Copper: Spot, 130; futures, f 129 Ha; electrolytic, 1143. Tin: Spot, 149; futures, 247. Lead: Spot. 30; futures, 29 10s, .Spelter: Spot. 54; futures, 50. London Stocks and Bonds, London. Jun 21. The American depart ment wss dull onth stock exchange today; Silver Bar, 39d per ounce. Money 404 per cent. discount Rates Short bills, 4 Pr cent; three months bills, 4 per gent. EVANS MOTE at Columbus Becomes Property of NEBRASKA -HOTEL CO. Will Be Managed by R. W. Johnston, well-known Hotel Man of Iowa and Nebraska. Standard Serv ice of Nebraska Hotel Co. Chain to be Inaugurated N June the 10th, a notable transfer of hotel prop erty was made when the Nebraska Hotel Com pany of Lincoln, Nebraska, took control of the Evans Hotel at Columbus, Nebraska, For the past three years the hotel, which, by the way, is olie of the finest hotels to be found in the state, outside of Omaha, has been under management of Mr. George A. Scott, who is retiring from the hotel business. The Evans Hotel is a beautiful brick and stone structure, built about three years ago, containing 76 guest -rooms, 24 of which contain private bath and the others with bath connepting. The entire equipment of the hotel is beauti ful in its simplicity. The lobby is trimmed with white Colorado Yule marble, and the floor is art tile. The stair- way also is Colorado Yule marble. It is furnished ele gantly in leather and lighted with the latest system of in direct illumination. The rooms are all outside rooms, With extra large one-light windows, and are furnished with the best furniture that money can buy. Every room has a telephone, and hot and cold running water. The hotel building is equipped with "Baker" refrigerating machines, and vacuum cleaning system. The Evans Hotel is one of a chain of hotels, to be owned and operated by the Nebraska Hotel Company. - This company, whose officers are alive to the opportunity that Nebraska offers to the promoters and builders of new modern hotels, are at the present time building at several good points where the hotel accommodations are prac tically none, or at the best, very old fashioned. The hotel business throughout the state, especially in the smaller towns has been neglected in the past and it is rather hard to understand the cause of this neglect when : one takes into consideration the large profits to be made in the hotel business when-the building and equipment are owned by a company and operated on a chain system. The chain system of operating hotels has proven, without ' a doubt, that it is the only way to Operate hotels, especially in the smaller towns, as a company like the Nebraska Hotel Company has an enormous buying power which in these days of high prices makes a world of difference in the net profits that a hotel earns. The Nebraska Hotel Company has in use practically the same system of checking and auditing as the "Harvey System" which has been a huge success,-vand which assures them the maximum of profits with a minimum of 1 loss. Another excellent feature jpf the chain manage ment of hotels, is that the service is standard, which means to the Nebraska Hotel Company, the same thing as Pull-i man service means to the Pullman Company. When stock in this company, which pays 7 dividends, was first offered to the public, the response was instant and grati fying.' For not only did the officers of this company re , alize the great future in the hotel business, but the invest ing people realized the same thing, and one thing alone that assures the company of absolute success is the hearty support and co-operation given them in towns when they build much-needed hotels. ,The Nebraska Hotel Company is to be congratulated in procuring the services of Mr JR. W. Johnston, who, by the way, is one of the most widely known hotel men in the middle west. Until recently he operated one of Lincoln's leading hotels, and previous to his coming to Lincoln, he operated the Waukonsa at Fort Dodge, the Ellis at Water loo, Iowa, and many other first class hotels in the middle west Mr.-Johnston is the past president of the North western Hotel Men's Association, arid a man of great en ergy and purpose. He is npt only an employe of this com pany, but one of the promoters and directors as well, which means that every detail pf the business win come under his experienced eye. In a word Mr. Johnston's interests and the company's are one, and that fact assures the stockholders that this company has efficient manage ment and the largest returns possible from this class of x investment. . "Thebusiness and financial affaire of the company are un der personal management of Mr. Frank E. Schaaf, who . is president and general manager of the company, Mr. Johnston's duties are the actual operating and supervis ing of hotels owned and controlled by the company. Nebraska Hotel Co., Lincoln. Neb. J , W. RIGHTER WOOD & CO., Props. leVssa .