Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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Briej City News
flan Bool Prist It Now Boon PrtM
Metal die, presaw'k. Jubilee Mfg. Co.
Eleo. Fans. ..50 Burgesa-Granden.
Platinum Wedding Rings Edholra.
For Carey Cleaning (Tell) Web. 393.
Trj the noonday 35-cent luncheon
' at tn Kmpress liaratn. amidst pleas,
ant surroundings, music and entertain
ment Advertisement
Both Judges Here Monday Federal
Judges Munger and Woodrough will
be on the bench In the Incal division
of the federal court next Monday, each
hearing a case.
Two Given Freedom Judge Day,
sitting in divorce court, granted a de
cree to Myrtle Soffer Home from How
ard Home and freed Cecil M. Back
ers from Carl H. Backers.
Mrs. Carlson Alleges Cruelty
Louise J. Carlson, suing Arthur J.
Carlson, foreman of a garage, for di
vorce In district court, alleges cruelty.
They were married in Omaha April 8,
Get Back Stolen Money The desire
to learn In advance their success in
new fields caused the loss of $20 to
Reese Sparks of Elton, Wis., and El
mer Harper of Aroma Park, 111. They
stopped In at the Mark fortune-telling
establishment on South Tenth atreet
and had their pockets picked. The
money was returned when the police
arrested Lena and Rosy Mark of 31b
South Tenth street and Mary ano-
vith, living at 2508 N street. South
Side. Two of the gypsy women paid
lines of $20 and -costs and one was
(Continued From Pave One.)
attended ninety-four county conven
tions during the year, eight district
and ten special meetings. He traveled
6.256 miles doing Sunday school work
and delivered 444 addresses.
Three Necessary Requisities.
Owning the the reports taking so
much of the time of the afternoon, the
addresses were cut short. Marion
Lawrence, Chicago, spoke on "Or
ganization, ttticiency and frepared
ncss,'' contending that these three
things have become the necessary re
quisities in the conduct of successful
business and that the application is
equally as necessary in church and
Sunday school work.
Mrs. Maud Junkin Baldwin spoke
on "emperance Education in the Sun
day School," expressing the opinion
that if temperance is taught in these
schools and impressions made upon
the young minds, there will be little
danger of the boys going wrong later
in life.
Ralph N. McEntire speaking to the
topic, "Why Eight Boys Left Sunday
Sschool," blamed the fact to the Sun
day schools not having been made in
teresting. Immediately following adjournment
of the general session of the conven
tion, members of the Teachers' Train
ing Alumni association, to the num
ber of fifty, gathered at the Hotel
Castle, where they sat at their annual
banquet. There they were addressed
by Rev. VV. E. Raffcrty of Philadel
phia. At the early meeting Mrs. Margaret
Ellen Brown presidefl. Richardson,
Brown. GosDer. Otoe. Nemaha and
Pawnee counties were awarded ban-'
ners in "the cradle roll contest, in
these four counties there is not a
Sunday school that does not have1 a
cradle roll class. The banners are
of green and white, representing
growth and purity, respectively.
Mrs. Maud Junkin Paldwin, Chi
cago, spoke on the "Church and the
Home Working," using charts in her
illustrations. Mrs. E. H. Tipton ex
plained the methods employed in
teaching, and "r.- Warner, Lincoln,
c nducted the cradle roll memorial
service, illustrating the importance of
holding funeral services without
frightening children who ittend
Convention Program.
Today's sessions will be as follows:
Theme "Our Future."
T..xt "Be Ihou faithful unto death, and
1 will give then a crown or life.' Rev. 2:10.
(Doom closed between 8 and ! o'clock.)
8:00 BlMe atudy hour; openinn sonirs;
service of prayer; Bible study. "Philipptan
Studies" Dr. Tltup Lowe.
9:05 Denominational and union reports.
American Sunday School union. E. E. Dillon,
Aurora; Baptist. Dr. J.' D. Colli s. Lincoln:
Brethren, Dr. E. R. Mathers. Falls City:
Church of the Brethren, Rev. Virgil C. Fln
nell, Enders; Congregational. Rev. S. H
Buell, Lincoln: Disciples of Christ. Rev. Dan
C. Troxal, Falls City; F.vangellcat, Rev.
Theodore A. Marks, Lincoln; Episcopal,
Charles I,, Hopper. Omaha: Lutheran, Rev.
C. H. Lswls Emerson; Methodist, Rev. C.
P. Lsng, Tlldcn; Presbyterian, Rev. Ralph
It. Houseman. Omaha; United Brethren,
Rev. H. H. Heberly, Lincoln: United Presby
terian. W. E. Nlchol, Mlnden.
10:20 Address, "Plugging the Leaks,''
Ralph N. McEntire.
10:65 Address. "Teaching Through Per
sonality," Miss Nannie Lej Frayser.
11:30 Address. Dr. W. Edward Raffety,
Ph. D.
Free Course in War
Time Food Problems
Miss lone Duffy of the Vant Sant
school will do her bit for Uncle Sam
by offering a course in war time food
problems to Omaha housewives and
heads of public institutions free of
charge. Miss Irma Gross; domestic
science instructor at the Central High
school and home economic contributor
to The Bee, will give ninety-minute
lecturer to the classes which will
meet twice a week at the Van Vant
One course will be given on Tues
days and Thursdays from 10:30 to 12
a. m. and the other on Wednesdays
' and Fridays from 10:30 to 12.
The school was first planned as a
live-day course with a tuition fee of
25 cents a lecture. "Owing to the fact
that there were no other agencies in
the city during the summer for the
scientific study of food values, and
the- immediate need of co-operation
with Herbert Hoover's food conser
vation campaign, I felt too patriotic
to eliminate some people who might
not come," said Miss Duffy. "I jnly
asl; that those who attend will be
willing to impart their knowledge to
others," she added.
All reservations must be made by
Saturday of this week at the Van Sant
school, 220 Omaha National Bank
building, or by telephoning Douglas
Omaha War News
Th tirnal corpi rcruttlnf atatlon at the
Army buUdlnf I offering a number of non
com mluJonid offlcershlpa to recruit.
Army rrulU for this dintrlct now num
ber 4,220, and the number necessary to
complete the quota tn 690. For the city of
Omaha 367 men are needed to fill He quota,
as only 377 have been recruited to date.
Aecordln to advlcea from Fort Snetllnir,
Prexel Slbbernien hai been aeslgned to field
artillery, the tralnlnr echool for which ti
located la Sparta, Wle., and be will lave
for there tn about two weeks. His brotiier,
Albert, will remain at Fort Bnelilor
Scenes From Religious Pageant
To Be Enacted at the Auditorium
i r' 1 rA ,Vv mm
feiiAlsli'ik ' i III jS
. HGr m
fl:vj'A.,. i
Upper, left to right: Queen
Bernice, Festus and Agrippa,
in the scene, "Paul's Triumph."
Lower: Religion, Education
and Youth, with "Religion"
lighting the way. Berna Fade
a "Religion," Catherine Hodg
es as "Education," and Arthur
Head as "Youth."
Pageant Scenes Are
Taken From Bible
A pageant of religious education,
depicting the whole history of re
ligious from the time of the
patrfarchs through all tlie series of
graded work to the present day, will
be given at the Auditorium Thursday
evening as one of the features of the
state Sunday school convention.
Dramatic scenes, taken from the
old and new testaments, will be pre
sented. One of the scenes will be
'Ezra Teaching at the Water-Gate."
The Woman's Christian Temperance
union will present a scene in which
boys and girls, dressed in white, will
be grouped about Joan of Arc mount
ed on a white horse.
In the picture are shown three of
the characters, Queen Bernice Festus
nd Agrippa, in tne scene called
Paul s Triumph."
Another scene of especial signifi
cance is 'Opportunities for Service,"
in which a Christian youth in Sir Gala
had costume and a Christian maiden
appear in tableau with all lines of
business and the professions grouped
about them.
There is a beautiful drill of eight
een young Indies, symbolizing spirit,
mind and body, representing the par
ents' department. While the drill is
in progress the parents enter with
little children scattering flowers be
fore them.
This is one of the most comprehen
sive pageants ever written. The char-
Armour & Co. In Chicago In order to enlist
ins Mxtn regiment or tne Nebraska Na
tional Guard. In view of his experience
with the packing company, he will probably
be placed In the quartermaster's corps, ac
cording to officials at the recruiting station.
Dr, A. H. Hippie, dean of the Crelghton
Dental college, has been appolntod prelimin
ary dental examiner of applicants to the
dental reserve corps. United States army.
The dental corps Is part of the medical
department of the army, there helnr one
dental surgeon for each 1,000 enlisted men.
Dental surgeons have the rank of first lieu
tenant. Members of the reserve corps are
:omm!sBloned for five years and are sub
Ject to call when needed.
Private Arlo Coons was the man whfc had
the toes of his left foot cut off by a
street car .Monday and not Scrgsanl? To-
bey, aa was first reported.
Men who registered on June S under the
selective draft law are at liberty to en
list In the United States marlnos at any
time prior to their selection for military
service, while any man of registration age
who fstled to register will not be accepted
for enlistment with the 'soldiers of the
see, is was announced at marine corps
headquarters leday.
acters of the Old Testament scenes I give a vivid understanding of the cus
dressed in costumes of the Orient toms and life of our forefathers.
753 Residents of Nebraska
registered at Hotel Astor
during the past year.
1000 Rooms. 700 with Bath
A cuisine which has made
the Astor New York's leading
Banqueting place.
Single Rooms, without bath,
$2.50 and 13.00
Double 3.50 and 4.00
Single Rooms, with bath, 3.50 to (.00
Double 4.50 to 7.00
Parlor, Bedroom and bath,
np, e 110.00 to $14.00
limes Square
At Broadway, 44th to 45th Streets the center of New York's social
and business activities. Ia dose proximity to all railway terminals.
p.m. Limited
Lounge Gar Train
Well Equipped; Well Operated; Arrives Chicago 8:09 A. M.
Eastern Connections:
MICHIGAN CENTRAL at 9:05 a. m. and 10:30
a. m. for New York and Boston) 9:05 a. m.
for Montreal, Canada, tc.
PENNSYLVANIA at 8:45 a. m., 10 a. m. and
10:30 a. m. for Washington and New York;
9:30 a. m. Indianapolis and Cincinnati.
NEW YORK CENTRAL at 10:25 a. m. for New
' York; 10:30 a. m. for New York, Boston.
GRAND TRUNK at 12:10 p. m. for New York;
at 4:40 p. m. Montreal, Boston.
BALTIMORE & OHIO at 10:45 a. m. for Wash
ington and New York.
BIG FOUR at 8:55 a. m. for Cincinnati 12:55
noon, Old Point Comfort.
ILLINOIS CENTRAL at 9:15 a. m. and 12:30
p. m. for New Orleans, '
MONON at 8:30 a. m. for Louisville; 9:20 a. m.
for Cincinnati.
WABASH at 12:04 noon for New York and Bos
ton. NICKEL PLATE at 10:35 a. m. for New York
and Boston.
ERIE at 11:00 a. m. for New York.
Special Summer Tours East
A complete scheme of direct and diverse-route Eastern
Summer tours is announced that includes all vacation
localities and historical regions of the East, with New
York and Boston as destinations. Ask for eastern resort
publications and let us help you plan an attractive tour.
City Ticket Office, Farnam and 16th Sts.
Phones D. 1233. D. 3580.
Red Cross Activities
Th Little Woman'a club, rnmposed
of little girls llvtnic tn Dundee, gnvo
$15.15 to the Hed emus honpltHl up-
ply department al
the army hnlMlns,
where the DaiiKh
ters of the Ameri
can Revolution
and the patifhters
or I M ; work. Th
amount reuresents
the proceeds of
an entertainment
given by the club
members. Satur
day the club will
have a candy booth at Thompson
Belden', where they will cell candy of
their own make for the benefit of the
Red Crow supply department. MIm
Ore ta. Leslie la president of the club,
Miss Dorothy Jones vice president and
Miss Harriet Binder treasurer. The
other members are the Misses Marjo
rle Tancoast, Krnnces Wilson and
Joanne and less Trimble.
XixmI Kperlonecil Men- Special in
ducement is offered by the Omaha am
bulance company to men who have
had experience as servants In hospi
tal corps of the army or who have had
experience aa sergeants in the regu
lar army. The company needs at once
a first sergeant, a quartermaster ser
geant and a commissary sergeant.
Mrs. MoCague Heads Auxiliary
Mrs. John U McCague la chairman
of a new Red Cross auxiliary com
posed of fifteen women from the
United Presbyterian church. They will
meet June 27 to organise.
Th lda of th campaign was orlul
nated by Charlea Kothon, prenldent of tha
Ad club, and tha axtcutlva commute
placed their aarvlcas at tha dlapoial of
tlift Btd Cross.
Are Taken to Bellevue and Fort
Crook, With Luncheon at
the Live Stock Ex
change., A caravan of automolulu this
morning carried 104 tditorj of Ne
braska. Iowa and parts of South Da
kola through the streets of Omaha
and over the high drive to Bellevue
and Kort Crook. Many of the editors
had their wives and daughters with
them, so that the entire auto party
nude a chain of sonic thirty or forty
This was part of Omaha's enter
tainment oi the delegates now attend
ing the social meeting of the Ne
braska Press association in Omaha.
The high line drive to Bellevue and
Fort Crook was chosen because of its
scenic features, as the drive winds
along the ridge of the bluffs on the
west side of the Missouri river for
some fifteen miles and affords some
sweeping views of the river and the
distant bluffs in Iowa. Besides it
leads to Kort Crook, where many
thousands of troops in training are
now stationed.
The Union Stock Yards company
and the live stock commission men
were hosts at noon, when the editors
were entertained at the Live Stock
Exchange building for luncheon.
A short session for unfinished busi
ness is to be held in the afternoon
and a theater party is planned for
tnose wtm win remain this evenm
The Bloom of
Berries in your cheek
you can get It by cuttingi
out the heavy, expensive
foods of Winter that clog
the liver and burden the
kidneys. Here is a dish that
will clear the skin and givei
you the bounding buoyancy
of youth-Shredded Wheat
and Strawberries. All the
body -building material in
the whole wheat grain.1
combined with berries ori
other fruits.
Wade t Niagam Foils, N. Y.
Do You Believe In Me?
Manager Strand
Burgess-Wash Company.
Wdn.sdy, Juna 20, 1917-
-Phon. D. 13T
New Summer Business Hours Daily 8:30 A. M.
To 5 P. M., Saturday, as Usual Till 9 P. M.
We Feature for Thursday
Three Charming Styles out of Many in
Summer Smocks
EorWomen and Misses at $2.95, $4.50 and $5.00
rE prettiest of styles imaginable, all ready to
be slipped into and worn. We picked out
the smartest fashions and the prettiest fabrics,
had them made up by careful manufacturers
and here they are at much less than you could
have them made tor!
The "Coolie" Smocks, $4.50
Of "Wonder-lin" in rose, yellow and
copen, with assorted colorings, em
broideries, round neck, long sleeves,
deep pockets and belt pictured on left.
The "Vogue"
Smocks, $2.95
Comes in white "Wonder-lin"
only, with embroidery in assorted
colors, "slip-over" model with
smart pocket, belt and collar pic-
Tk- r-ii- t .... .,'., w ..6..v.
The "Target" Smock, $5.00
Made of white "Wonder-lin," with belt and buttons of suede, coat style with
panel back, long sleeves and low neck, embroidery and belt in yellow and green
pictured in center.
Other models in "Trouville." "Wonder-lin" and organdie, $3.50 to $6.00.
Burata-Nash Co. JtconJ Floor
wcu TfflKft v' Ayr
Here's a Sale of Art Embroidery Goods
Of Especial Interest to Nearly Every Woman
THE woman interested in Red Cross work as well as the woman who likes to busy
herself with something in "fancy work" during the long afternoons.
Sale of Knitting Needles
Knitting needles of white or amber celluloid,
with knob ends, 10-inch, sizes 8, 4 and 5, for 25c
14-inch needles, sizes 4 and 5, for 35c pair.
10 or 14-inch Hollywood knitting needles,
sizes 6 or 7, for 15c pair.
Fleisher's Knitting Worsted
Officially endorsed by the Red Cross associa
tion and Comfort League of America, shades
112 khaki and 181 gray for the army, also blue
83, grays 181 and 183 for the navy, at 75c hank
or 40c skein.
Free Pamphlets and Lesson in Knitting
Pamphlets with knitting instructions free with
all the most wanted garments illustrated and
Daily lessons by experienced teachers in all
branches of Red Cross knitting.
Children' Stamped Dresses, 59c
Ready made dainty new Artamo designs for
embroidery. Excellent quality material.
2 and 4 years, special 59c each.
Stamped Linen Towels, 39c
Pure linen huck guest towels; designs for
French knot, crocs stitch and solid embroidery.
Two lots, 39c and 49c. Co. Third FIor
Stamped Pillow Cases, 50c Pair
Tubing pillow and day cases, in best quality
continental tubing, all new designs, 80c pair.
Cretonne Pillows, at 59c
Filled cretonne porch and summer house pil
lows, four patterns for selection, 59c each.
Embroidery Flo, at 10c Box
Eoyal Society four-strand embroidery floss,
10 balls to box, can be used for crochet also,
colors delft, navy, red, green, brown, acru, la
vender, gray, pink, light blue, 10c box.
Peri Lusta Slipper Cotton, 10c
Large balls, black, navy, gray, red, suitable
for crocheting bags or slippers, special lOe ball
Clearaway of Package Good,
At Price
Package goods from well known manufactur
ers; ladies' and children's wearing apparel, baby
pillows, carriage robes, pillows, scarfs, center
pieces, infant's dresses, children's hats, towels,
etc., H price.
Stamped Aprons, at 39c
Stamped fudge and fancy cooking aprons,
finished models on exhibition, 39c each.
Brown Linen Scarfing, at 55c
For crochet edge library scarfs or stamping
for embroidery, 18-inch width, 39c yard, 20
inch width, 45c yard, 22-inch width, at 55c yard.
C . ; t ' ry i i
oimuiMiitc irec ior inursaay only.
( Recevei
New Silk Jersey
Sport Coats at $12.00
el, plain or with
combination collars and
cuffs, a very uncommon
offering brought about
by a special purchase.
The colors are copen,
French gray, rose, green,
purple and canary.
All sizer for women and
misses; when you sec these
smart sport coats you'll ap
preciate our calling your at
tention to them. Co. Second Floor
Men's Sport
Down Stairs Store
AN accumulation of odd lots
and broken lines, includ
ing plain colors and fancy
stripes, "Panama linens," and
blue and white chambray; for
Thursday the entire group has
been specially reduced to 50c
Burtss-Ns,h Co. Do. Sulrs Stan