Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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The Om'aha Bee
Entered at Omaha poetofflee u irai iUn nittn.
Bf CM". Hill.
Jell as teass m soata. o aorreai.el
OallJ WlUWOI ui;4w i 32 li
CnnUil aad Iiuiao,., " .7X8
Cnolag WUoul oi 15 I im
aZdoMM Aun of aIeas Of bMmluttf u Mwl I Oouu
Hm, CbnalalloB Department,
Ml t artn. enow or postal onlor. Onlj Meet Stearns "
pervaat el kmU sooounu. Paraooii obese, stospt oe Onuu and
Mstera oaeneom. not accepted.
Msen-4ta US BOIdlni. SMriSSriiSt'lS"UU'
Uouth Omebe-SM N St. Now fori !nW fifth A TO.
SuSlI wiSe-H K. Natl M. v ui-k - LCTT
Uncola UUJO Building, Wsshlnstcn-rlg Hut it, M. w.
AoVlreas oomeeleotlone toltliu to nsa u SUclU Battel Id
Omsba Boo, Editorial Depertaieat.
56,469 Daily Sunday, 51,308
Aforaee otnttlttloa for the moflthl sapsolbed aad twori 10 br thrifts
wiuiona, Clitulsuooi NsaM.
Subscriber, learlng III efty should km Ths Ih uIM
M them. Addrooe changed oltoa ae regueotool.
Evidently the city dump is not getting all the
business in sight.
All yau give the Red Cross will help some
body, so come on in.
He who walks or runs, works or plays, may
Reed the signs of the times in the injunction.
Pa Rourke should have started his tour in
Denver and maybe the team's record would look
The finest line of bunco steering abroad just
now is that which hitches German hopes on war
indemnities. -
That somebody ought to have control of the
police force is fairly well established by the stories
being told at the investigation.
French expert have come from the front to
train American birdmen for service. They'll find
1 ft fin lot of youngsters waiting for the chance
to go "over the lines."
Uncle Ssm ia now on guard in Irish waters
against the U-boat peril, and here's hoping his
weather eye is as good on this as it has been on
ether important occasions.
Federal revenues for the fiscal year are well
ever the billion mark, with eight days to go on.
Thit U a fairly respectable sprinkle preceding the
financial deluge of war taxes.
Wheat and flour prices have been coming down
ver since the "stabilizing" influence of speculating
was removed last month. This may be looked on
as one real victory for public opinion.
Great Britain and the Allies are said to be
spending for supplies in this country an average
of $3,000,000 an hour. The nation's crop of Wal
lingords are thus shunted to the piker class.
; Attorney General Reed may save himself and
the supreme court a. lot of worry if he will only
take notice that Washington hat ruled that any
drink concoction containing alcohol is an alco
holic beverage.
Nebraska's drouth began too lata in the fiscal'
year to affect government revenue perceptibly.
Next year things are bound to look differently, un
less the remainder of the wet belt tees itt duty
and lets it soak in.
The lordly spud atill clings to itt lofty perch,
but the gardea patches here and hereabouts will
work a change in the conditions toon after the
glorious Fourth, when all the folks will be revel
ing in home-grown new potatoes.
Secretary Daniels it right for once in his ca
reer, at least, when he demands of the governor
of Rhode Island that the state use its authority'
to clean up moral conditions at Newport, Other
tjtiae Uncle Sam may again be compelled to "in
de" sovereign ttate
AU Junkerdom ia enraged and sort fore and
ft over the lathings applied by President Wil
ton in his Flag day address. Old-time school
toasters are holy terrors in that line. In the pres
ent case what junkerdom experienced is but a
foretaste of what is coming from the same source.
Increased 'demurrage charges In Nebraska
tarries considerable steam for speeding up ship
ments and increasing the efficiency of rolling
fctoclc Closer co-operation between shippers and
railroads in loading and unloading and prompt
movement of cart would Quickly end the perplexi
ties of transportation and swell the business and
Income of both parties.
Neutrals and Wheat
-Ne York Turns-
Neutral governments in Europe will be in
formed by the new food administration, dis
patches from Washington sav. that if thev wih
to get foodstuffs from this country they must
supply ships to carry them. This may be equiva
lent to saying that grain will not be withheld if
ships are sent for ft. These neutrals want wheat.
So do our allies. As Secretary Houston says, 'the
task of maintaining their subsistence is at once
a political and moral obligation and a military
Last week's crop report shows that we may
expect 656,000,000 bushels of new wheat. Prob
ably last year't thort crop of 640.000.000 will be
exhausted before the harvest. In normal times
we need 620,000,000 bushels for ourselves. Unless
' consumption here is reduced, only about 36,000,
000 of the new crop can be exported. Recent esti
mates say acreage in Canada has been decreased
by 8 per cent Our allies will need more in the
year than they have imported in the last twelve
months. France, for example, must have pearly
twice as much. Thev will look to thii country
. and Canada for the greater part of the 540,000.-
u ousneis ot wheat and the JW.WU.UUO bushels
of fodder grain which they must buy. Our ex-
fiorts of wheat have been growing rapidly in the
as two months. They rose from $19,295,000 in
MarcB to J4456U.UUU m April. The quantity
shipped from the United States and Can
ada advanced from 4.545,000 bushela in the third
week of May to 6.179,000 in the fourth and 8,447,
000 in the first week of hine.
It may be impossible to supply the wants of
our allies. How can we afford to let European
neutrals have wheat, even if they furnish the
ships? If some of them had kept for their own
use the American wheat and other food which
they sold to Germany they would not need so
much now. The wants of our own people and our
war partners demand consideration first. We can
not see that any American wheat will be left for
neutral nations which have prolonged the war by
supplying food to the people and soldiers and sub
marine sailors of Germany.
Delay Exasperating, but Not Fatal.
Some impatient critics are inclined to rail at
the government for not making faster progress
in war preparations. These should restrain them
selves, for the delays experienced, while exasper
ating, are not fatal. We are just coming to real
ize how unready we were, but the world has be
fore it the marvelous spectacle of an hundred
millions of people giving over the pursuits of
p'.ace and adapting themselves to the unaccus
tomed business of making war. Confusion under
the circumstances in inevitable and unavoidable,
but the determination of all aids in the solution
of difficulties otherwise insurmountable.
Some part of the trouble is due to the shifting
of plans, this arising in a large measure from na
tional inexperience in the work undertaken. Our
army machinery was pitifully inadequate to the
great task thrust upon it, but it is rapidly being
expanded to meet the tremendous demand, and is
achieving its purpose finely. The people are
moving, not under the goad of a Kitchener, but
in response to a tremendous impulse, slowly de
veloping order out of chaos, and shortly will give
the world a splendid example of the mobility of
a democracy and its capacity to adjust itself to
emergency conditions. We had no organization
competent to undertake the formation of a de
fense on the scope contemplated, but we are
moving in harmony to the accomplishment of a
great end, and the result is not in question.
America "drifted into the war stern foremost,"
but the good old ship is surely being righted, its
course laid dead ahead and presently it will move
majestically and irresistibly to the goal. A little
bit of patience mixed with patriotic enthusiasm
will help a lot these times. We are doing many
things and doing most of them well and the ef
fective whole soon will be brought into view.
' Bohemia'! National Aspirations.
Effort! of Omaha Bohemians to compel Elec
tion Commissioner Moorhead to change their
designation on registration records from Austrian
to Bohemian under the heading of nationality
brings to view one of the really important phases
of the war. The Czech struggle for independence
it one of the tragedies of history. As Poland was
dismembered and divided among stronger powers,
so Bohemia was swallowed up in the Austrian
empire, because of internal divisions. This con
quest has not brought the Bohemian to the point
of giving over his desire for national autonomy,
nor has even Ireland clung 'more tenaciously to
the hope for home rule. In the course of the
"Thirty Years' War," the population of Bohemia
was reduced from 2,000,000 to 700,000, and the
Austrian conquered only when the manhood of
the little kingdom was exhausted.
The iron rule of the Hapsburg has been felt
here as nowhere else, but the Czech has reso
lutely refused to amalgamate with the German.
At ttrength returned to the people, the effort
to secure autonomy was renewed. Since early
in the eighteenth century agitation and demon
stration to this end have been carried on vigor
ously and continually, steadily growing in force
until before the present war broke on the world,
Bohemian opposition was recognized as the most
important element of. danger to the Austro-
HVinganan throne.
Bohemia stands not as Hungary, a partner
in the empire, but as a crownland. It is the rich
est of Austrian provinces, where agriculture,
mining and manufacturing are extensively and
profitably carried on. Itt people are advanced
in the arts and sciences, and education is gen
eral, 5,500 schools serving the 6,000,000 inhabi
tants, almost half of these schools being Ger
man. The line between the German and the
Czech is clearly marked and sharply drawn, and
racial antipathy holds them apart. The present
war it likely to see the realization of the Czech
dream of national independence, and contains
the possibility of the pan-Slavic combination that
may hold in its political control the destiny of
eastern and' central Europe.
Possible Relief from Famine Threats.
Reporti tabulated by the International Insti
tute of Agriculture at Rome, covering the winter
wheat tituation in the northern hemisphere, show
probable relief from the famine tituation, at least
as regards winter wheat. The world crop will
not be up to the high mark of two years ago, but
it may not fall to very far behind that of 1916.
British India, not generally recognized as a com
petitor in this line, it reported to have a greater
acreage than the United States, with a large in
crease over its last year't sowing and an ad
vance over itt five-year average. Spain and
Switzerland also show increases, while the de
crease in the plantings in the other countries has
already been reckoned with. Harvesting is in
progress in various parts of the world now, but
it wilt yet be many weekt before the aggregate
yield can be definitely ttated. With normal re
turns from the planted acreage and a careful use
of the wheat in store and to be grown the sup
ply will be found ample to ttave off any general
hunger during the coming year. This doesn't mean
that the farmers may neglect their crops or war
rant extravagance in the use of foods anywhere
by anybody. The situation still justifies utmost
of economy.
Serious Businett.
An Omaha parent has returned from a visit
to his son at one of the training camps with the
comforting gossip to the effect that the young
men now preparing for service may never be
lent out of the country. This is devoutly to be
wished and would be mighty consoling to every
body, if it had any good foundation. Parents
should face the stern facts, however, and not de
ceive themselves with any vain hopes. There is
no assurance that the war is likely to end within
the year. No man can say even approximately
when ft will close, but the best informed critics
give as their opinion that the struggle will con
tinue for many months. Germany is far from ad
mitting it is beaten and able men in that coun
try yet profess to see victory ahead. British and
French armies are straining every energy to win
and, while they are gaining, the progress is dis
tressingly tlow. Defection of Russia will give
the Germans access to new supplies of food and
material and enable them to continue the war un
til finally put down by immensely superior forces,
which can be supplied only by America.
Our young men who are now going into the
service of their country must be ready to get
into the ' fighting, must count on getting into it,
and must one and all regard the war quite the
most serious undertaking we have engaged in at
a nation.
Gradually and grudgingly German opinion of
the United States as a force in war is being re
vised upward. A disposition to avoid repeating
the blunder made in underestimating Great
Britain't military power, indicates a revival of
common sense beyond the Rhine,
The People's Theater
By Frederic J. Haskin
Washington, June 18. At the foot of the
Washington monument, picturesquely and appro
priately environed by towering chestnut trees,
has recently been erected the newest American
institution a government theater.
It was built by Colonel W. W. Harts, who is
the army engineer in charge of Washington's
parks and grounds. A leading spirit in promot
ing the idea was Mrs. Christian Hemmick, a
woman of some local fame at a dramatist, who
has been author and stage director in a majority
of the theatrical efforts put forward by Washing
ton society folk. Mrs. Hemmick has already given
two plays in this new sylvan theater. A sort of
restoration of the continental congress has also
been staged there and a local Patrick Henry,
correctly costumed, has stirred the multitudes by
demanding liberty or death.
At the second and most recent performance in
the sylvan theater occurred an incident whose
significance is perhaps not truly appreciated. A
number of reserved seats had been set aside for
prominent dignitaries of various sorts, leaders in
art, society, diplomacy and other invited guests.
But the dignitaries were late in arriving and out
side the reserved seat section was an impatient
crowd of small boys. The small boys rushed the
ropes in force and took possession of the seats
and there they stayed. THey saw the show from
close up and the invited guests had to sit on the
grass a hundred feet away.
The sylvan theater idea is one that has been
growing for several years, along with the inter
est in pageants, depicting the lives of town and
counties, and outdoor and folk dancing. It is
hard to say just what is back of this movement.
Perhaps that slow-moving and inchoate, but all
powerful, intelligence known as the leop!e, feels
that the drama it sees on the stage is no real
expression of its thoughts and feelings, and
so .it is trying to create a drama of
its own. Certain it is that the folk drama
and the folk dance are coming back. A
good many people think that the American com
mercial drama is going back. Perhaps there is
signficance in these two contemporary movements.
Perhaps some village pageant writer will develop
into a genius who fires the groundlings as did
Shakespeare in Elizabethan days, and perhaps
out of this movement will develop a real Ameri
can theater, which will not have to import most
of its comedies from England, its light operas
from Vienna, its fantasies from Ireland.
At any rate it is certainly a healthy thing for
the drama to get outdoors again. That is where
it was born. The Greek tragedies were given in
the open and so were the Miracle plays.
Of course, putting the drama into a ''ouse im
proved it in many ways. The actors no longer
had to shout and bellow. Furthermore they were
compelled to refine their art by studying manner
and modulation and learning to use the expres
sions of their faces. It would have been impos
sible in the old outdoor theater on the village
green to stage a play where the wiping away of
a tear from the heroine's left eye t is an impor
tant bit of business or where a loole of horror on
the face of a listening man thrills the audience.
Most of the audience would be too far away to
"get" these things. The outdoor drama has to
be spectacular and sonorous. There must be
"alarums and excursions," If the hero pauses to
reflect he must walk up and down with his chin
in hit hand and thunder out his reflections.
Likewise, the outdoor drama had to be dra
matic. The type of drama in which Reginald,
while squeezing a lemon into his tea, tells Gwen
dolin his conception of the Cosmos in 10,000
words, would not stand a chance on the
outdoor stage.. The multitude could neither hear
Reginald nor would they listen if they could,
Undoubtedly, the indoor theater tends to degen
erate into a mere argument which is no more dra
matic than a dictionary. 1
The new sylvan theater at Washington has not
yet attracted very wide attention and yet every
one should know that, it is here a thing of tre
mendous possibilities. Why should it not become
a clearing house for the nation's folk drama? Why
should not pageants, local and amateur plays,
choral societies, that have succeeded at home and
want to try a larger field, corrte to the sylvan the
ater in Washington? Here is a real opportunity
to make the drama safe for democracy.
Our Fightng Men
Robert L. Bullard.
Colonel Robert L. Bullard, U. S. A., who has
been recommended by the president for promo
tion to the rank of brigadier general, was born
in Alabama in 1861 and was graduated from West
Point twenty years later. Few of the new briga
dier generals, if any, have had a more excellent
training. As a line officer he served with the
Tenth United States infantry for seventeen years.
At the beginning of the war with Spain he was
made a captain in the commissary department, but
immediately afterwards became colonel of the
Third Alabama infantry. Later he became colo
nel of the Thirtieth United States infantry, with
which he served in the Philippines. Later he wat
transferred from the staff to the line and as colo
nel of the Twenty-sixth United States infantry
he has been in Texas for some time.
John J. Morrison.
John J. Morrison, who has been nominated by
President Wilson to be a major general in the
regular army and who is expected eventually to
command a division in France, has long been
known in the service as a hard-working, profes
sionally zealous soldier of high ideals and stand
ards. He was born at Charlotteville, N, Y., in
1857 and entered West Point at the age of 20.
He served throughout the Santiago campaign and
in the Philippines. He was selected as an ob
server with the army of Japan during the cam
paign m Manchuria in the Russo-Japanese war.
General Morrison is an honor graduate of the In
fantry and Cavalry school and is also a graduate
of the Army War college.
Peyton C. March.
Colonel Peyton C. March, recommended by the
president for promotion to the rank of brigadier
general in the regular army, has been in com
mand of the Eighth United States field artillary
at El Paso. Colonel March was born in Pennsyl
vania fifty-two years ago, was graduated from
West Point in 1883 and was assigned to the ar
tillery. He wat assigned to the field artillery
when that arm was organized as a distinct branch
in 1907. He served as major and lieutenant colo
nel of the Thirty-third United States volunteer
infantry in the Philippines. He is a graduate of
the Artillery school, has served two years in the
adjutant general's department and four years on
the general staff. .
People and Events
Jess Willard paid $105,000 for the wild west
show and attached it to his champion belt. The
romance of the show has lost as much of its
glitter as the belt.
Joseph Stehlin of Brooklyn was "too sliort" for
our aviation corps, so he sped to France, where
he followed his bent successfully and ranks high
in the fighting corps of flyers.
Quite a babel of tongues grouped in
this country without -training the contents of the
melting pot. Officially, however, one common lan
guage serves. In Austria-Hungary things offi
cial are different. All lawt must be promulgated
in fourteen laaguages, which imposes on lawyers
uncommon proficiency as linguists.
In the height of his active career at a pub
lisher in England Lord Northcliffe owned forty
five different publications. He has dropped most
of them and centers his energies on the London
Times. No one in his employ, works more than
five days a week. Everyone is given a vacation
once a year and if an employe desires to leave
England and travel Lord Northcliffe pays half
the expenses,
' c "
Proverb tor the Day.
Dead men's thoea lit well.
One Yenr Ago Today In the War.
The Skouloudts cabinet In Greece re
signed. German forces halted the Russian
drive In Volhynla.
Lieutenant Immelmann, noted Ger
man airman, shot down on French
front by Lieutenant G. K. McCubbin
of the royal flying corps.
In Omaha Thirty Years Ago Today.
The condition of Alfred Borenson,
managing editor ot The Bee, whose
toot was injured by a nail, la much
better and the doctor aay he will be
out In a few days.
The Nebraska Brick and Terra Cotta
company filed articles of Incorpora
tion with the following incorporators:
Charles A. Avery, Parker D. Monroe,
William Kllton and Hubert Probert.
The Literary and Scientific club ren
dered a program at the Omaha Busi
ness college, corner Sixteenth street
and Capitol avenue, In which the fol
lowing took part: Prof. Wiehle, Nel
lie Hatcher, Mme. Ernater, Prof. Dai
ley, L. H. Baer, B. A. Weihle, L. S.
Lewis and Julius S. Cooley.
E. O. May tie id, late editor of the
South Omaha Times, has sold out his
Interest in that paper, purchased a
new outfit and left for his future home
in Reynolds, Neb., where he will start
a bright republican weekly.
At the commencement exercises of
Crelghton college the following took
part in the program: Alfred Don
aghue, William I. Do ran, Thomas Lee,
Dennis O'Neill, William Waddel, Ed
Lowry, Roderick Murphy, James Da
vis and Albert Murphy.
Charles G. Newman and Miss Ella
B. Drey were married at the residence
of Mrs. Hayes, King and Caldwell
streets. Rev. C. W. Savidge officiating.
This Day In History.
1736 Enoch Poor, who led the
American attack at the battle of Sara
toga, born at Andover, Mass. Died
near Hackensack, N. J., September 8,
1759 Alexander J. Dallas, known
a the father of the famous United
States bank, born In the Island of Ja
maica. Died at Trenton, N. J., Janu
ary 16, 1817.
1777 British were driven from New
Brunswick, N. J.
1798 President announced the fail
ure of the commission sent to France
to make peace.
1867 The republic was re-established
In Mexico, with Bonlto Juarez
as provisional president.
1916 Engagement between United
States and Carranza troops near the
Mexican town of Carrizal.
The. Day We Celebrate.
Brigadier Oeneral Charles J. Bailey,
U. S. A., born in Pennsylvania fifty
eight years ago today.
Dudley Doolittle, representative In.
congress of the Fourth Kansas dis
trict, born at Cottonwood Falls, Kan.,
thirty-six years ago today.
Reginald H. Ferard, rector of Edin
burgh academy, who urges the Impor
tance of maintaining a high standard
of education during the war, born fifty-one
years ago today.
Daniel C. Beard, celebrated Illustra
tor and author, born in Cincinnati sixty-seven
years ago today.
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
The "good old summer time" offi
cially begins today.
The New York State Bankers' asso
ciation begins its annual convention
today at Lake Placid, N. Y.
The activities of commencement
week at Harvard university will be
brought to a close today with the grad
uation exercises.
Mexico today will be en fete in cele
bration of the fiftieth anniversary of
the downfall of the Maximilian em
pire and the re-establishment of the
The Italian war commission, headed
by the prince of Udine, is scheduled
to arrive in New "York City today for
a visit that will continue over tomor
row and Saturday.
Ways in which the libraries can best
serve the country during the war are
to be discussed by the American Li
brary association at its annual confer
ence opening today in Louisville.
Of more than usual interest, be
cause of its relation to industrial prob
lems arising from the war, will be the
forestry conservation congress, which
meets in Pittsburgh today for a three
day session.
Governor Estaban Cantu of Lower
California is to be the guest of honor
at the friendship festival which opens
today at San Diego. The purpose of
the festival Is to cement friendly rela
tions between the United States and
Mexico and to stimulate social and
commercial relations between the peo
ples of the two nations.
8 tor yet t of the Day.
The men were being drilled and the
burly, but good-tempered, sergeant
was almost in despair about No. 9 In
the front rank.
"Now try left turn again!" he
shouted, encouragingly. "It's quite
simple. Swivel round on the left heel
No. 9 groaned and mumbled: "I
wish you'd let us do right turn a bit."
"Why?" mked the sergeant.
"Because my left rubber heel is
coming unscrewed! was the reply.
Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph.
If It wasn't for th weather, what would;
we have to iy
When wsj mt eacb other and piss tha
tima of day?
Wa aay, "It'a warm thii morions, getting
hotttr evary hour,
Bafora tha day ti over 1 think we'll hava
a, ahowar."
Or, "It'a vary dry and duaty for tha month
of Juna,
Wa hope for a change of waathor, It can
not come too noon."
Or, "Tha northeaat wind to blowing, tha
lake la getting mad.
This la tha inaanait weather, I think, we
avar had."
Or tha farmer waltca out, looks about and
scans tha sky all over,
'Tha day seems fair, with balmy air, I
think wall cut soma clover."
Or, "The frost ta on tha grata, the wind Is
getting coM."
(These changes, they have always been, for
weather Is very old.)
Wa hava to take It as It comas, don't biamt
tha weather man.
Ha's trying hard to pltaae us; doing the
best he can,
Tha weather la erratic, of a hundred dif
ferent kinda.
Fitful, ever-changing, Ilka men of many
T. Kfv. b w have It. to somewhat ilka
tha weather.
Quit a, well-matched ttfcm travel wall to
gether; But life soon tires of the pace, falls down,
qutts tha race.
The weather goes on forever throughout
time and apace.
So If you're loat for conversation don't
know what to aay.
Take the weather tor a topic for It's with
va evary day,
Culls Fitzgerald a Bird.
Omaha, Juna To tha Editor of
the Bee: The new assessor he Is a
Eird. They coma and you make a
statement of the value of your prop
erty of which they are tjot competent
to judge the value. Then they notify
you by mall that they raised It 60 to
150 per cent. I have a amall stock of
groceries. I put It In for all It'a worth.
In fact, more than it would tell for
now. I get notice that they double
the value. How l that?
Honey-Made Morals.
Omaha, June 20. To the Editor of
The Bee: The show Is on! , The spot
light of acandal, public and private,
la centered upon some promintnt citi
zens of Omaha. After Indulgence and
playing with fire somebody' finger
was burned, with the subsequent ex
posure of some of the loose pioraiity
in which our respectable elements are
dabbling. Delicate perjury, exquisite
lying, subtle hypocrisy, combined with
the coarser and more vulgar exhibi
tions of money-made morals, are be
ing delightfully displayed to the pub
lic eye.
Who cares? 'The church peacefully
pursues Its undeflled and uninter
rupted course. Ministers still pray on
hended knees with eyes tightly shut
against this Indictment of their hypo
critical ethics. Government officials
are having a huge holiday. Some
body's In the fry and aa long as they
are not they may aa well make merry.
They cleverly twist such occurrences
as these so as to make them serve
as delicious illustrations of the effi
ciency of the administration In ferret
ing out corruption and evil. The nub-
li' in general view this matter as theyfl
would a tight in a zoo. It Is exciting
and all that, but it has nothing to do
with them. Let the. keeper take care
of the wild animals. The newspapers
are having a grand old time of It. Sen
sationalism Is carried out to the ex
treme point; scandal la magnified to
distorted proportions: immoralities
and vices are flirted before the public
mind just the sameas Omaha was a
great center "for moral derelicts" who
like to hear smutty Jokes whispered
aloud in the crowd. Perhaps Omaha
does like to hear these smutty "sto
ries" whispered aloud that the little
children may hear and act accordingly.
At least, very few are doing anything
to prevent this from happening.
Well, what does It matter if the
rising generations are perverted with
shocking Immoralities and lewd infer
ences, murmurs of graft and bribery,
mutterings of corruption and inde
cency? Omaha, at least, sins In the
open and, like Mr. Undershaft, "un
ashamed." Morals? To hell with
morals! Children don't need morals.
Let them be like their mothers and
fathers. All that is necessary is
money. Get the money and when you
have the money you have morals.
You can sin and bribe your way into
secrecy. But, when somebody who is.
Slaying with the lire burns himself,
on't mention "morals." There are
no such things, especially now In
Surplus VcBOtablcs for Soldiers.
Wymore, Neb., June 19. To the
Edttor-of The Bee: Individual gar
dens are large this year, due largely
to advice from the government through
the newspapers, and the surplus will
be allowed to go to seed or if gath
ered at all will be poorly stored, as it
will be considered a surplus which
would not be used. In order to save
this large surplus It becomes neces
sary to so arrange our labor as to
properly handle same and thereby con
serve the truck garden. The several
companies of the Nebraska National
Guard will go into camp on grounds
close to their home towns about July
15, 1917. Prior to that time a man
with authority should visit those com
munities having a National Guard
company to arrange for working pur
poses the Red Cross girls and the
Boy Soout companies.
The Red Cross girls will be asked
to canvass from house to houBe to' so
licit such vegetables and fruits as can
be spared from the family gardens.
Careful notation of what Is donated
on blanks, for that purpose should . be
made and signed by the donor. Small
flags should be used to stake out the
portion of the garden donated.
The camp quartermaster should
make a statement of the vegetables
and fruit requirement of his com
pany and file same with the Red
Cross society. The cards Ailed out by
the Red Cross gfrl will be given to
the Boy Scout companies, who in turn
will collect and deliver at such times
and in such amounts as will meet the
needs of the company.
When companies are called to the
mobilization camps It will then b nee.
essary to organize and solicit In com
munities other than where companies
have been located. This can be don
bv advertising that on a certain day &
car will be on the side track and when
filled will be sent to the mobilization
camp. This rapid method of gathering
and shipping will insure the fresh
ness and variety of vegetables and
will also give a large army of loyal
boys and girls a chance to help sub
stantially In this great war.
At the present price of food It
would mean a great saving to tha
government. Wood can be furnished
the camps In the same manner an
vegetables. Large numbers of old ties
are being burned long the railroad
tracks, which may be secured for the
asking, also drift wood along our
creeks and rivers as well as eoba on
the farms and crates and boxes at the
stores. When gathered In this man
ner will conserve a large amount of
fuel. We should have men, money
and ammunition to successfully con
duct the war, but with all these we
would lose by a shortage of food.
The above plan has suggested Itself
to me and I have outlined it briefly
and herewith submit It for the consid
eration of the Nebraska State Council
of Defense as a means to employ In
a practical manner, use the surplus
that would otherwise be wasted from
the Nebraska gardens.
Tho young mhaltern, who wm Iho ion
of a (puml and never omitted to rub In
that fact, wao laklns a nieaaasa from th.
Bcr-eral to tha gunnero.
"If you pleane." ha aaid to the major,
"father eaya will you move your funa?"
The major was in an Irate mood.
"Oh." ho rejoined, "and what In blase,
doea your mother aay 7" Boaton Transcript.
Mien Aacum Do you know, I often won
der why a ahip haa to weigh its anchor
every time It leavea port.
Mr. Dumlej- Why er tho weight ll con
stantly rhnnglng, you know, because of tha
er binnacles and things that accumulate
on the anchor. Philadelphia Press.
I it ia uoeloa. to talk anything but H
I the beat oils. if
t The L V. Wtholas Oil Company
Chicago to New York and
Return ...1 $31.70
Chicago to New York and
Return, one way via
Washington $34.40
Chicago to Boston and Re
turn $30.50
Chicago to Buffalo or Niag-
ara Falls and Return. . . .$18.35
Through Observation Library
Lounging Sleteper and Standard
Sleepers to New York. Write
A. B. Burrows
D. P. A., 787 Brandeis Bidg.,
We have builded upon the rock-ribbed
principles of honor a diirntfied under
taking business that ttanda veil in tha
entimation of our fellow townsmen. The
politeness of our burls) appointments
and the tactful courtesy of our service
have won distinction. We have business
connections in every' city.
Funeral Parlor. (Established IMS)
17th and Cuming Sta. Tel. Doug. 1060
lSrl jlL ! ' THERE'S THEO
fyi eSSoSS; "buy- sign laLfitttal
3 Stop at the Red Crown
sign lor clean, powertul,
uniform gasoline. Makes the engine
eager, full of life. Look for the Red
Crown sign.
Polarine Oil prevents scored cylinders;
lessens engine wear.
Q 5
I AM le5sens engine wear. kj I
Washington, D. C
Encloied find a two-cent stamp, for which you will please send me,
entirely free, a copy of the Marine Book.
Name .
Street Address.
j "A plumber."