THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1917. Men Higher Up Are Called To Stand In Maloney Investigation Lawyers Hint at Perjury in Police. Probe by Council CflBUnod From Pf On?.) tionable character of the Melson place on South Nineteenth street, as testified to by Ungcr Tuesday after noon. He also denied giving any irregu lar orders to Sutton and Linger at the Owl club, but admitted that on one occasion he did meet these de tectives at the club and told them that a saloon man had con, plained of per secution by the morals squad and suggested that they should not dis turb women if they were merely eat ing in a restaurant annex of the sa loon if they wore habilaments ap proved by polite society. The inside workings of Kugel's spe cial investigators were brought out in detail by Attorney Baker, who questioned one item of $237 which Kugel explained was for cigars, beer and other expenses. The superintend ent of police explained that his spe cial men took companions with them to visit places as regular patrons and thus obtain evidence upon which the morals squad later worked, Sutton Traveled "Fast." Kugel could not tell Attorney Ba ker whether 514-16 South Nineteenth street had been raided. Officer lin ger testified Sutton took him there ostensibly lor investigation, put left Sutton when he observed certain local amenities being indulged in by button, us detective leader. Mrs. Fred Allen of 2510 Hickory street testified she frequented the Melson place and knew of its char acter and inadvertently, through process of fine-tooth combing by At tornev Baker, admitted that her vis its to this house were not anoroved by her husband when he learned of them. Mrs. Allen testified that during tel ephone conversations with Mrs. Mar caret Rohr of Florence the latter re lated that Mrs. Melson said she was being urged to "stick to her Sutton story-' by "Spike," adding that she was to receive 5200 for her testimony. and in one instance specified that the amount was to be $100. The ap pearance of Mrs. Allen was to dis- crenit tne testimony or jvirs. unr, who testified she had no recollection of having mentioned to anybody any reference to a money consideration for Mrs. Melson a testimony. Mrs. Bird Leaves Town. Charles Bird, negro, husband of Jo sephine Bird, was the first witness called at this morning's session of the Malonev hearing. Attorney Elmer Thomas questioned the witness regarding the departure of Mrs. Bird to Kansas City last Sun day. It is very evident that Mrs. Bird left Omaha to avoid being called as a witness in this case, stated Mr. Thomas. Bird said: "My wife and I had a quarrel last Sunday and she went to Kansas City, she may stay there for ever or she may atay a day." Thomas offered in evidence charges hied last December by Jo sephuie Bird against the city detec tive department, charging payment of money. The mayor explained that when the charges were hied by the Bird woman the council offered to have a hearing, but the complainants failed to appear. Attorney Thomas added that be had Mrs. Bird sum moned as a witness, but she disap peared. i Kugel Contradict XJnger, Commissioner Kugel recalled by Attorney Thomas: "You recall that Officer Unger said he met vou in Fete Loch's saloon in June, 1916, and had lunch there with you. Is that a fact?" "Never met Unger at Loch's place." ' ua unger ever complain to you regarding Mrs. Melson s placer "He did not" "Did he ever speak to you of Sut ton and Mrs. Phelps having been at tne Meison placer ' "He never spoke of that to me." The superintendent of notice en tered a direct denial of Unger's testi mony regarding having met his boss at Fete Loch's place. Kugel denied any knowledge of the Melson place having been brought to his notice as a disorderly house. Attorney Thomas did not question Kugel regarding Un ger's testimony on the Owl club or Kugel's reference of Unger to Johnny i-yncn. Money for Testimony, Mrs. Fred Allen. 2510 Hickorv street, related a telephone conversa tion with Mrs, Margaret Kohr over telephone. "Mrs. Rohr told me she heard Mrs. Margaret Melson was urged to tes tify by "Spike" and that she would receive $200 for her testimony and she said Spike told her to stick to her button story. Once she said it wat flUu." Different on Tuesday. On Tuesday Mrs. Rohr testified sh had no recollectiot. of having sooken to anybody regarding Mrs. Melson's expectations ot receiving money for her testimony in this 1 aring. Mrs. Rohr said Mrs. Melson spoke of a new dress, but not ot any money, and she could not even connect the dress with the testimony. "Stike," referred to by Mrs. Allen, has been referred to at the hearing as the husband of Mrs. Melson, the woman wh- testified re garding the alleged ii.discretions at the Melson home, 516 South Nine teenth street. i Attorney Baker asked Mrs. Allen: "Were you ever at Mrs. Melson's place at 516 bouth Nineteenth street?" "Yes." "Day or night?" - "Both." "Who were you with?" Will Not Reveal Companions. "I refuse to say. I will not incrimi nate myself or anybody else." "Lady or gentleman?" "I haven't said. 1 am not saying." ''Were you there with Maloney;" fNo." "Drink any beer there?" "I did." "Who paid for it?" "Persons who were there." "Men or women?" "I will not tell." "See Paul Sutton there?" "No. sir." ."Did yon know the place was an ass ignation house?" "1 did." "Why did you go there?" "I am not stating." "Who is your husband?" " "A plumber," "Lives with you?" "He dois." "Did he know you were at the Mel son placer" "I don't care to answer that ques tion." "Did you tell your husband?" "I did not." "Did he find out?" "He did." "You refuse to state why you went to the Melson house?" "I refuse." Sorry She Was in It. "Just what did Mrs. Kohr say to you over the telephone?" "She said Mrs. Melson was crying and that hpike told tier to stick to it and she would get $200 and again she said it was $100, and she was sorry she was in it." "From whom did you understand the money was to he paid, when you spoke to Mrs. Rohr?" she said the money was to come from Steve Maloney." "You did not remember Malonev's name when Attorney Thomas ques tioned you. Why didn't you?" "Didn't remember it." "Arc you interested in this case?" "I am not." Just Hung Around. "And yet you have hung around here four days." "Others are doing the same thing." "Who was the man or men you went with to 516 South Nineteenth street?" "I refuse to answer." "Mr. Mayor," said Baker, "f want to discredit this witness and show that she wants to injure Steve Ma loney by giving hear-say evidence through four persons." Attorney Thomas: "Why insist upon anything that would not nave a bear ing on tins case and injure persons not parties to this case, No Confidence in Witness. Attorney er: "1 refuse o have Maloney assassinated in this manner. This woman should not be allowed to come behind Maloney with a dagger unless we know from whence this dagger comes. We should know the Llsity of this woman's position. I have no confidence in this witness for a minute. She admits having been at the Melson place, but will not say with whom she went." Mayor Dahlman "I am satisfied this woman went to this assignation house with men. but I don't believe it would be fair to drag in these out side parties." Baker resumed : W ere narties with whom you went to 516 South Nine teenth street ma ':d or single?" I did not see the marriaee certi ficates." Went In Taxi. "Did you go to the Melson Dlace alone or with companions? On foot or in a hack?" "Not in a hack; it was a taxi." -"Where did you take the taxi?" "Don't remember." "How long have you known the person you went with?" I knew huh eight or nine years. "Then it was a him, was it?" "Yes." "Was he a friend f he family?" "No." "Just a friend of one member of your family? Yes, sir. "You are sure that Mrs. Rohr men tioned Maloney a name when she spoke of the money to be paid Mrs. Melson, are you?" i am sure. "How much do vou exnect to att for testifying here?' Am not looking for anything. "Do you expect any protection?" "I do not." Knew Mrs. McCunt. Attorney Thomas: "Do you know Mrs. McCune. or Mamie Jones, who has been men tioned in this case?" "I do." "Do you know if Mrs. McCune was staying at Melsons' house?" Yes; when she was getting a di vorce. You said Mrs. Rohr snerificd Hif. fercnt sums of money in different con versation, did she?" "Yes, sir, she did." Sutton Objects to Kimonss. Paul Sutton, recalled hv Attnrnrv Thomas: "State details of Kueel meeting? vou' and Unger at Owl club." The caotain told us Kueel would be at the Owl club. Unger and I went. Kugel asked us if we were persecuting the Scsto place and if we were raiding every night. I told Kugel we found women there in ki- monaa and some were prostitutes. I told Sesto to have the women in his resturant dress decently. Sutton Not at Melson Place. That was the onlv time von smv Kugel at the Owl club?" 'Not sure. I may have seen him at a dance." "Anything said here vou would like to explain now?" "Could have explained at the time." "State whether you and L'nger were ever at Melson place together." "I was never at 514 or 516 South Nineteenth street with Unger or any body else." Could Not Smoke Cigars. "Did you ever see the Davis woman who testified?" "Arrested her once." "Did she ever give you any money at any time?" "She, nor any oilier woman, or man, Rave me money. "Did Honeywell give or offer you any money at any time? "He did not, but he left twenty-five cheap cigars for Cunningham and my self. I smoked one cigar and Cunning ham smoked one and gave the rest away." "Did you ::now Honeywell?" "Yes. I and Officer Anderson were after him for impersonating an offi cer." Attorney Baker:. "What did the Davis woman say to you?" "Called me a degenerate." "And you denied it?" "I certainly did." Attorney Rine: "Did you ever re ceive any money while officer of police force from any man or woman, for orotection?" , "I have not "Do you know of any police officer naving received money.' "No." Kugel Refutes Unger'a Story. Attorney Rine recalled Mr. Kugel. "Did you ever direct Officer Unger to Johnny Lynch?" "I did not." "Did you ever give orders regard ing prostitutes being in any certain places, such as restaurants?" "I asked you for an opinion and you said they had a right to live and eat. Attorney Baker: "Did you ever say these women could collect at any place with mothcrhubbards on?" "Let me tell you about the Scsto place. Scsto came to me and com plained that the morJs squad was bothering women when they were only eating in hist place, and I said if they wore proper clothes they need j not uisturo tnem wnen only eating. He Knows Lynch. "Do you know Johnny Lynch?" "Oh, yes, I know him." "Did you ever give any directions from the Owl club?" "One day I reported to the station. I wanted to see Sutton and Unger, and in the evening I telephoned the station I was at the Owl club and met them on the dance floor and told them. Sesto complained against the morals squad." "But you had been told by Sutton that these women had been improp erly clad, weren't you?" "I don't know how they were clad." What is Disorderly House. "Did you know what constituted a disorderly house?" 1 have my own opinion, but I did not know legally until I got an opin ion from Assistant City Attorney Te I'oel. A placj could be a disorderly house without having lewd women there." "You askeu' Te Toel as a matter of protection to yourself?" "For myself and the officers. Some times they were not sure if a place was disorderly." "Did you tell the chief what Te Poel said about a disorderly house?" "1 did not. I supposed he knew." "You did not know of disorderly houses that were. not pulled. Did you know anything about 514 or 516 south Nineteenth?" "No. I only know what the rec ords show." "Will you bring in the records?" Brings in Records. Mr. Kugel went to his office and obtained the reports, which he handed to Attorney Baker, with the remark that he might find 514 or 516 South Nineteenth street in the reports. Baker resumed examination of Kugel: "You have a woman in your secret service employ, have you? "Yes, a Mrs. Cox." "How many men?" "Two." "Who are they?" "I ain't going to tell you who these men are, because that has nothing to do with charges against Maloney. I have one man working right now and the chief may have some." Says Ask the Chief. "If I would ask you to put on a man to do detective work, would vou do it?" "1 might put hiin on myself." "Give me the names of the special investigators whose services have terminated." "I refuse to. You can ask the chief. I will not." "I insist that you tell me." "It has nothing to do with this case. "I think the public is entitled to this information. Let us not ide too much. Let us uncover a little." Kugel's Expense Account. "Do you know how much money you have drawn from the treasury for these special services? "1 could not without looking up ihc checks." "You drew $2.17 in May. 1917. Who and what was that for?" "I have told you that sometimes my investigator would take a friend or two with him." "What salary did you pay these spe cial investigators?" "They sent bills for what they thought their services were worth." "Have you the details of their bills?" "I usually destroyed those papers so nobody would know who those men were." Money for Beer. "What was $237 in May for?" "Cigars and beer and expenses." "And you spent the taxpayers' money and now you cannot explain how the money was spent." Attorney Thomas contended that Mr. Baker was going beyond the range of this investigation of Steve Maloney. Baker resumed: "And these persons who spent the money were the judges of how much should be spent and how were they?" Objection by Thomas sustained. "I find amiroximatelv $2,000 spent in the manner you have stated. Can you state to whom and for what man ner money was spent?" "I can by the checks." "What work was done for this money?" "I think the records will show." Sutton's Reports. "Are these reports signed by any body? "No. I knew who was doing the work when they came in. "Who's reports are these?" "Those are Paul Sutton's." "This report refers to house at 420 south thirteenth street. What was done with this report? "These reports were given to the chief and the morals squad ordered to investigate. sometimes it might take six months to get a place." "Here is a report of all assignation houses. Did it include South Nine teenth street?" "I do not know." "Were your morals squad men ever pulled?" "Yes. One night Paul Sutton and two companions were taken." "Was- Mr. Marshall one of your secret service men?" Objection sustained. Mrs. Melson Still 111. Attorney Thomas announced Mrs. Margaret Melson still is ill. "It is . it our desire not to place Elsie Phelps on the stand until Mrs. Melson has concluded her testimony, because wc contend Mrs. Melson does not know Mrs, Phelps," said Mr. Thomas. "We have the rieht ,o show that Mrs. Melson never saw Mrs. Phelps," added Thomas. Attorney Baker pledged that Mrs. Melson will not appear until alter Mrs. Phelps has testified, if that is agreeable. Mr. Thomas insisted that Mrs. Mel son must return and he further in sisted that she shall return before he calls Elsie Phelps. Use Chadron Testimony. Commissioner Butler: "We are try ing Captain Maloney, and why not take the transcript of the Chadron case for any further evidence. We cannot stay here alt ' ear. . Butler added: "It is evident the police department is disorganized. If the absent witnesses can not be brought in, I think we should con clude this hearing and proceed with the general police investigation after we have considered the testimony that has Leen offered in the Maloney case. I am goinf, to recommend to the council that in the general police It helps one to keep in good condition to have a daily ration of Grape-Nuts FOOD The entire nutriment , of wheat and barley, and the mineral salts of the grain, all combine to make a delicious food, easy to digest, and a wonderful upbuilder of body, brain and nerves. "There's a Reason" The Cause of Gout, Bright's Disease, Rheumatism (Br VALENTINE H. PIERCE, M. D.) According to the consensus of opin ion of most medical men and scien tists, such as Garrod. Minkowski, Hans, Vogt and Reach, the cause of gout is due to an accumulation of uric acid in the blood. The same ef fect hannenft in rheumatism, and pre ceding the stage known as Bright's disease an auto-intoxication process has been going on, the liver and kid neys could not do the work and the individual suffers the conseauences. High living, the eating of meat more than once a day, over-eating, fre quent chilling of the body all mav contribute to the poisoning. in such cases the very best treat ment is to prevent or remove the cause. Diet and exercise if rjossible: drink plentifully of water a pint of hot water with a piece of lemon squeezed into it morning and nipht. and take before mealB a tablet of Anuric (double strength). This An uric can be obtained at almost all drug stores and it drives the uric acid out of the system by stimulating the kidneya to better action. Thus many cases of trout, of rheumatism or Bright's disease may be prevented or cured by taking this simple rem- eay in time, ana in tne painful and serious cases of rheumatism and gout it invariably relieves and often cures the worst cases. When vour kidnevs feel like lumno of lead, when your back hurts or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or you are obliged to seek relief two or tnree times during the night, when yuu BUIier Wlin airlc henrlnhe nv dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheumatism when the weather is bad, ask your druggist for Anuric. I have found in practice that Anuric is more potent than lithia, and in most cases it will dis solve the uric acid as hot water does sugar. Advertisement. ENUS IOVPENCIL 17 Black Degrees and 2 Copying. For those) who demand the beat investigatiot all witnesse who tes tify will be protected." Wants Women's Testimony. Attorney Baker: "I would prefer that tisie neips should go on stan here, or am willing to accept the Chadron transcript, but it must be one or the other." "It is a matter of identification that I am afte I want Mrs. Melson to point Mrs. Phelps out in room if she can. I want to show that Mrs. Melson uttered a monstrous lie when she said she saw Mrs. Phelps at her house," continued Attorney Thomas. Are Chasing Rainbows. Attorney Rine: "I think we should take a recess until we can get Mrs. Melson here." Butler: "And suppose she should leave the city?" Rine: "And then the council could determine just how much her evi dence is worth." Baker: "Let Mrs. Phelps take the stand and dispose of that phase of the case. Ninty-nine per cent of the testi mony of this case has nothing to do with charges against Captain Maloney. We are chasing rainbows." Steve Toth, garbage hauler and hoa: raiser on the river bottoms, was first witness called at afternoon session of the Maloney hearing before the city council. Questioned by Attorney Thomas, through a boy interpreter, he said in substance: "I am associated with Henrv Pol lock and others in a garbage hauling company, we have a district between Farnam and Harney streets, from Ninth to Twenty-sixth streets. George Brown told me if I did not join the company I could not have any gar bage. I was told 1 could put some money into the company and share in tne profits ot the sales of hogs. They told me Steve Maloney. Henry KPollock and ethers were in the com pany. Maloney Gets Pei Cent "Do you know whether. Steve Ma loney is interested in the company?" "They told me that Steve Maloney l.aned Henry Pollock $1,500 and that Maloney would get $8 out of every $1110 when hogs were sold." "What do you know of what Ma loney did in connection with this company?" "I don't know." Henry Pollock called. Attorney Baker questioned the witness: "Are you interested in a hog ranch?" "I am." "Who with?" "George Barna, Frank Veraby and Joe Suhuya." "Steve Maloney interested in your hog ranch?" (Continued on Pat fire, Column One.) One true Aspirin Only One TiUtbhtobtfenMllZ-litltBafMiaJIM CmmIm k Mel fiakim of u ud U ?1tndnufc"Aap!rio"(fbf. U. 8. Pat. OSteal ftp t nuuM tfaac tba noaaMtkodMtr of MlMiMeld to Umm ublata ud MtmlMl. or to nfcftote fioyw auBufMtoM, Beware of Substitutes The sole makers of gen uine Aspirin brand every tablet and every package with the Bayer Cross. "The Bayer Cross Your Guarantee if Purity" This Store Closes at 5 P. M. mm " The Store of Individual Shops ' ' We Claim That These Are the Very Best Girls' Dresses at $1.00 As a matter of fact, our customers tell us we have the best values in apparel for the younger generation, whether on sale or regular and the woman who shops around knows what she is talking about. The dresses are made of ginghams, percales and lawns in checks, plaids and stripes, sizes for 6 to 14 years. Every one an exceptional value. A Special in Middy Skirts, 65c They are soiled and that is why they are being put on sale Thursday at this very special price. Made of good, durable galatea, with and without waists. These middy skirts were formerly priced at $1.50. Bungalow Aprons 39c Now that school is out the girls want comfy everyday apparel and bungalow aprons head the list. For Thursday Aprons made of ginghams and percales, in light and me dium colorings, with elastic belt. Cool Togs for Tots Beach Rompers -2 to 6 Years 65c, $1.00 to $1.50 Just the kind of rompers all mothers like, because they give excellent service. Made of strong, serviceable wash materials, in light and dark colors. Very desirable for hot days. Children's Dresses, 69c A special assortment of children's dresses made of per cale, in light stripes and checks. Belted and empire models. Sizes for tots 2 to 6 years. Children's and Misses' Fabric Hats, $1.00 Just the very sort of a hat you will want for hikes, picnics, motoring and tennis. Included are a limited number of straw hats. . Creepers for the Baby 65c, $1.00 and $1.50 Made to withstand the strain of continual creeping. These come in colored or white, in all the new ideas, such as smocking, cross-stitch and embroidery designs. Sizes up to z years. Washable Hats Thursday 59c, $1.00 and $1.50 These hats are made of a splendid quality of washable pique, suitable for boys or girls aged 1 to 2 years. Large assortment to select from. TODAY'S AID TO BEAUTY Hair is by far the most conspicu ous thing about us and is probably the most easily damaged by bad or careless treatment. If we are very careful in hair washing, we will have virtually no hair troubles. An especially fine shampoo for this weather, one that brings out all the natural beauty of the hair, that dis solves and entirely removes all dandruff, excess oil and dirt, can easily be used at trifling expense by simply dissolving a teaspoonful of canthrox (which you can get at any druggist's) in a cup of hot water. This makes a full cup of shampoo liquid, enough so it is easy to apply it to all the hair instead of just the top of the head. This chemically dissolves all impurities and creates a soothing, cooling lather. Rinsing leaves the scalp spotlessly clean, aoft and pliant, while the hair takes on the glossy richness of natural color, also a fluffiness which makes it seem much heavier than it is. After a canthrox shampoo, arranging the hair is a pleasure. Advertisement. Special Summer Membership Omaha Y. M. C. A. Four Months for $5.50 Includes Locker Rent Take a Shower Bath and a Swim Every Day Free Swimming Lessons to Members Be Patriotic and Keep Physically Fit JL Bee Want Ads Traduce Results..