THE BEE: OMArTA. THURSDAY, JUNE 21. 1917. Nebraska BOARD OF CONTROL CLASHES WITH SMITH State Auditor Claims He May Strike Out Bills Meeting His Disapproval; Courts May Decide Issue. (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, June 20. (Special.) Has the state auditor authority to refuse to draw warrants for claims allowed liy the State Board of Control from tate instiutions under the board? This is a question which will prob ably have to be settled by the courts, the state board of control taking ex ceptions to action of Deputy Auditor Fred Ayers in cutting out an item for flowers for Mother's Day for the in mates of the Geneva ' Industrial School for girls, amounting to $7.(J5. The bill was for $54.50 and covered meats and the like tor the mstiution with the flowers bill added. State Auditor Smith holds that cording to the constiutiou he has the right ot strike out any item or refuse to draw warrants for any bills com ing before him. Judge Holcomb of the Board of Control holds that after the board has examined a bill coming from a state instiution under control of the board and orders the same paid, that the auditor has no authority to cut out any item or refuse to draw a warrant for the same. He says that t lie matter will be taken to the courts for settlement of the point. M'KINLEY PLANS BIG DRIVE FOR ARMY SATURDAY (Continued "From faff One.) large number of vacancies in the grade of second lieutenant in the line of the army. Under a recent ruline of th War department young men who now enlist in the army are eligible to take the examination for commission at any time after their enlistment. The War department is offering splendid inducements to college men and col lege graduates to enlist. Graduates of recognized colleges and universities are exempt from the maior portion of the subjects laid down for the exami nation for commission. "Due to the addition of fifty-one regiments recently added to the regu lar army ano to tne tact that a large number of noncommissioned officers will be given temporary commissions lor tne war, a large number of non commissioned officers will be needed. Men who enlist now, who are studious TTnd ambitious, have an excellent op- tmrumiiy lor rapid advancement. "An enlisted man, after one year in llir army has the opportunity of en uring West Point. Young men of military age who are ambitious and de--it'e promotion, should start in their military work at once. Men who waif will be handicapped in the matter of promotion. Hold Jobs Open. "A mail's pay starts at'-$30 per month and increases as he gains pro motion. In addition to his pay, his clothes, quarters, board and medical attention are furnished. After a man has been designated for service under ihe selective draft he cannot then en list in the regular army. "I have sent letters to 300 represen tative business men in Omaha and I hope that each one will devote at least a part of the afternoon of Sat urday, to stimulate recruiting. A great many young men now feel that if they give up their position to enlist in the army that they will be left out in the cold after the war is over. "If employers would assure their men that those who enlist in the army will be given preference in the matter of employment after their re turn from service, it will cause a great many men who to respond at once to the call to the colors." Obituary Notes MBS. H. I. M'DONWLD, formerly .Miss .lenuve Miller of this city, died nt her home twelve m!leB northwest of Alnsworth Wednesday morning after a brief illness. She was born In I'mului in i 8 70 and went to school here. In 1900 she was married to 1. I. McDonald and moved to Browu county on Luke, whore she lived until the fall of 11)16, when ho moved to Alnsworth. Mrs. McDonald is sur vived by, her husband, Bix daughters, Mrs. Allene Thomas of Seottsblufl', A! 11a Lennu. Mabel Loise. Laura Belle, Mary Virginia and Hally Cope; her mother, .Mrs. Christian Miller of Omahn; one sister, Mrs. C. C. Cope, and three brothers. Philip, Henry and tieorKc. Interment was in the Grand l'rairie cemetery. The Weather Kor fiobraska Unsettle and probably .showers. Tmpraturm at Omaha Yesterday. fi Hour. Deg. 8 p. ni n s a. m.., !!!!!"! f MS (,1 j a. m (it Cl 'L1 10 a, in 7 ii CI ilwS 3 P- m 79 -Ti XJ P- "1 78 C p. in ad ?l&s s ? ! Comparative Leroln Kerord. JUT. MHl. 1915. 18U. -Iliglicst yesterday..., H2 66 74 95 lowest jt'Mterday t5 67 65 62 Aft an tf ni pprature ,.74 l! 7g I't-onfpitjition T. .13 .05 .00 Tempertiture and precipitation departures from the normal: Normal temperature iz Kxcuaa for tho day , Total Ufk-leiicy sinco March 1 !.!s3J Normal prcctpltH tion H tni-h Deficiency fc,r the dny 18 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 13.67 Inches Kxceiis ulnce Mart-h 1, 1917. . . r, 1.23 inches Deffrleney for cor. poriod 6.20 Inches JJoflclem-y for cor. period IBIS.,, l.47lochen Report! From Stations at 7 P. M, station and State Trmp- irisrh- Rain- of Weather, 7 i. m flicyenne, clear 82 tin Davenport, rain ?t S4 TJonvrr. part cloudy 7:' so ties Molnep, clt'ar 74 Dodge City, cloudy sm: hij f'hli'afn, clear l m North IMattr. clear ;i so Omaha, loudy ;a m, I'uehlo. part cloudy k2 Rapid City, clear G:' J Salt Luke City, clear..., SO so Nmita Ft. clear ,o Htifrliian, clou.Jy 1. 1 r, Niuux ciij, mill v: Valnnn. part cloudy., 1 ,.; .f lii'iiva, t.rScc r,f ,!. , .j. i,,,.. fall. DRUGGISTS GATHER AT NORTH PLATTE State Convention Gets Down to Business at Annual Ses sion in Lincoln County Town. Xorth Platte, Xeb., June 20. (Spe cial Telegram.) The thirty-sixth an nual convention of the Nebraska State Pharmaceutical association opened nere yesterday morning with an en rollment of 200 at the Franklin audi torium, where business sessions will be held. The opening address by Mayor Waltenmath was followed by a talk by the state president, John E. O'Brien of Omaha. A "get acquainted meeting was held Tuesday evening. The Wednesday session opened with the president's annual address, reports of officers and committees. An . illustrated address was delivered at the Keith theater by I'rof. Henrv Kramer 9i Philadelphia and wives of the delegates were given an aulomo-l bile ride to points of interest around the city. A seven-course banquet was held in the Masonic hall at 8 o'clock. John Fetter of Maxwell, second vice president, presided as toastmas ter, and responses were made by Dr. R. A. Lyman of Lincoln, J. H. Stone of North Platte, Jack Schull of Omaha, William VVeidner of Lincoln, A. V. Pease of Fairbury, John O'Brien of Omaha, F. E. Ewing of Creston, D. J. Fink of Holdrege, Harry Harper of j.incoln. Prof. C. L. Kreitzcnger of Tremont. T. Leary of Council Bluffs, Harry Murphy of Omaha, Orel Jones of Oconto, William Brookley of Edgar. On Thursday officers will be elect ed, a parade and wild west perform ance given and the convention will close with a ball at the Masonic hall, Wonder Tells Kearney Men What Is Wrong With Road Kearnev, Neb,. June 20. (Special.) James C. Wonders, government road expert, Omaha, yesterdav filed with the Commercial club a report of tne condition of the main traveled south road, extending to the new Platte river bridge, a road built under government supervision. The road is of clay and sand and it has not been giving satisfaction. Wonder stated that this was due to a lack ot mois ture on the road immedittely after it was constructed, causing the surfac ing to blow loose. Eventually the en tire crown was ruined. The road will have to be pdowed up immediately after a rain and given another chancy to knit. The expert states that it will, if properly settled, make the best dirt road in the state. Reception for McFadden On Return From East Fremont, Neb., June 20. (Special Telegram.) Charles Roman and Warner, Fremont boys, who were brought here from Dakota City on instructions from United States Com missioner Whitcomb on a charge of being slackers, haveb een released from custody. The lads proved to the satsifastion of the authorities that they were too young to be eligible to draft. R. D. McFadden, manager of the new Hotel fathhnder or rremont, was given an informal reception by seventy-live business men on his re turn from Buffalo, where he was chosen president of the National Greeters' of America ten days ago. Dodge County Goes After Quota of Red Cross Cash Fremont. Neb.. Tune 20. (Special Telegram.) A campaign for Red Lross lunds in Dodge county was launched at a meeting Monday eve ning, following a dinner at the Com mercial club rooms, at which talks were made by S. S. Sidner, T. L. .Mathews, raul Co. son, Congressman Dan V. Stephens and Frank Knapp, the latter chairman of the executive committee in charge of the "drive'' A committee of 100 Frejnont business men is soliciting from 400 Fremonters who are expected to contribute $10.- 000. Dodge county has been allotted $27,000. The remainder will be raised in other towns. arge Class Confirmed by Bishop Duffy at Anselmo Anselmo, Neb., June 20. (Special.) One hundred and twelve persons received the sacrament of confirma tion at the hands of the Rt. Rev. Hishop Duffy of Grand Island here Sunday. The bishop was assisted by Rev. Father McLaughlin, Sargeant; Rev. Father Cornelius, Broken Bow; Rev. Father Traynor, Hyannis, and the pastor in charge of Anselmo, Rev. Father Minogue. The people of this faith came for twenty miles to attend the ceremonv. . CONSERVATION IHE old-fashioned way was mS to cut up ar. estate. The newer, better way is to hold it together for he mutual advantage of its beneficiaries. Let us tell you how to arrange it so that your affairs may go on in the orderly way you have planned; instead of being wound up and dismembered to the dam age of your estate. YANKS AND RED SOX DIVIDE DOUBLE BILL Both Games of Double -Header Are Decided by Boston and New York in Ninth Frames. New York, June 20. New York and Boston divided a double-header here today, the locals taking the first, 3 to 2, and the world's champions win ning the second. 3 to 1. Both contests were decided in the ninth inning. Score, first game: First (ram BOSTON NEW YORK. AB H.O.A.E AB.H.O.A.B. Ifooper.rf 4 110 Ollrad'i.rf S 1 0 0 l t 0 0 uarry.Zft OHtgh.lf .3 c;ard'r,3b lMaleel S 1 (irirps.m . ! to 1 0 hortsn.lf OMlller.rf. 4 1 3 1 0 CBaker.Sh .4 0 ! t 0 4 t 3 a 0 Aanew.o Thomas.e Leonard.p ! 0 8 1 OAIea'dr.r. S 0 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 O'Ninimk'r 110 0 0 4 1 0 0 OMng'svP 3 0 2 S 0 -Baum n 1 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 ! :s It 3 Totala S4 8 K 1 hen wfnnfnir run scored. One out Hatted for Alexander In ninth. Batted Mogrtdgc In eighth. Bolton 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ; New fork 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 13 Two-baae hit: Gardner. Home run: Hen rys. (21. Uase on balls: Off Mogrldjre :. Hits: Off Mogridge. 7 In eight Innings. Struek out: By Mogrldge 3. by Leonard 2. Umpires: Dineen, McCormlck and Owens. Second game: BOSTON. NEW TOKK AB.H.O.A.B AB.H.O.A.E 4 0 10 0 Hnoper.rf 4 14 1 Ollenryx.rf Barry.Bb. 3 Hen'li'n t Janv'iOb 0 t"iatnr,lb C 1 OanTr,3b 2 Wlkr,cf 3 Shorten.lf 4 Scott.sV. 4 Thomaa.c 3 Ruth.p... 3 nicii.if 0 OMalac-l.b 4 117 0 0 OPlpp.tb . .4 0 14 2 1 0 OMllIer.of 4 13 0 1 1 0Hartir,.1b. 4 0 2 3 0 1 OPerk'h.cM 3 1 2 t 0 0 OWalterit.c it 1 3 2 1 0 OCullop.p ,1 1 0 3 0 1,n.'kr t 0 0 0 0 1 ORussclt.p 0 0 10 0 2 o Totals 32 I 27 19 1 Totals 28 6 2 7 0 Miller out, lilt fcy bin own battd ball. Batfpd for Harry In eighth. Batted for Cullnp In seventh. Tloston 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 C2 S New York ... .00000010 01 Two-bae hits: Hlfrr,, Walters. Three-baao htt: Seott. . Doubln play: FeckintwuKh, Mal re nnd Plpp. Bane on balls: Off C'uMop 2. Hits and earned runs: off Cutop, 4 and 1 In seven Innings. Struck out: By Cullnp 1, by Runsell 1. by Ruth 6. Umpire: Owens, Pl neif sml'MrCormlck. Time of game; One hour Und. flrty-two minutes. Error Costly to Tigers. Detroit, June 20. Spencer's error on a throw tq the plate In the eighth permitted Miller, running for Siwertd. who had doubled, to score with the run that gave' St. Louis a, 3,to 3 victory over Detroit. Score: ST. I.OtllS. DETROIT. AB.H.O.A.E. AB H.O.A.E. Shotton.If 3 0 2 0 Austin. 3b 4 0 0 6 2 12 Ja'bson.rf 4 12 1 1 Young.2b 1 0 OVearh.lf 2 0 OHMman.rf 0 OVltt Sb 8 OSpehcer.o 6 OMltehell.p 0 0Boland,,i Bovereld c 2 1 0 Hale.c 0 0 0 M' 3 1 4 Pratt,2b $ 0 4 Plank, p 8 1 0 Miller 0 0 0 Totals. .81 7 27 16 I Ban for Severia tn sixth. :. Loot, 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 J Detroit t 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 : Two-baae hlta: Bush, Spencer SevereM. Reputation Established, A Future Guarantee We dare not jeopardize our priceless asset, Good Reputation, for a transitory Profit. We dare not misrepresent our goods or our endorsements. Consider this well! Reputation is the safeguard of inexperience. "Avoid those that make false claims." Whether or not a man has expert knowledge of Diamonds, Watches and Jew elry, he is safe if he puts his trust in merchants of good reputa tion. Why take a chance with small or un known dealers when your credit is good with Loftia Bros, ft Co., The Old Re. liable. Original Diamond and Wntrh Credit House. 409 South Sixteenth Street. Establiahed 1868. This business, "the largest of Its kind in the world," ia a monument to the proverb, "Honesty is the Best Policy." Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepackage proves it 25cat all druggists. TOO WEAK TO FIGHT The "Come-back" man was really never down -and -out. Ufa weakened condition be rause of overwork, lack of exercise, im proper eat in and living demands atimula tion to aatisfy the cry for a health-giving appetite and the refreshing Bleep essential to strength. COI.D MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the National Remedy of Holland, will do the work. They are wonderful 1 Three of these capsule each day will put a man on his feet before he knows It, whether his trouble comes from uric acid poisoning, the kidneys, gravel or stone In the bladder, stomach derangement or other ailments that befall the over-zealous American. Don't wait until you are entirely down-and-out, but take them today. Your druggist will gladly refund your money If they do not help you. Accept no substitutes. Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on every box, three sizes. They are the pure, original, imported Haarlem Oil Capsules. Advertisement. 1 1622 FARNttw sraecrl 11 Ml man. liases on bn.Hi off Plank. 1. Hits: Off ivon Innings. Struck out by Bo land. 1. empires Morlarly and Evans. tolllnV Triple X n. Chicago. June 20. Eridle Col loins' triple and Wambanfanaa' error gave Chieauo a 3-to-3 Vlclory over Cleveland toduy. Thv gam wau a pitching iiul between William and Covaleskie. Score: CL12VK1.AND. CHICAGO. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. 4 0 4 0 OUlbold.rf 3 12 0 1 .Iraney.lf rhap' 10 13 lU'eaver.Sb 4 1 3 0 0 1 2 0 Speak' 1 4 0 3 2 2 0 S 0 1 0K.roi's.:b g 2 01acki.ou.lf 4 0 4 0 O.lnmlll.lh 3 0 lKlsberg.aa S 0 (W.'liulU.u 3 0 OWill'ma.p U 0 Koth.rr Evans, 8 b 3 1 0 lillllnga.o O'Neill. o Allison 0 0 0 0 0 Turner.Sb 0 0 0 Totals. .28 4 27 6 1 CoVakle.p 0 0X0 arris Klepfer.p 0 0 0 Touts..: 4 24 3 8 Ran for O'Neill In eight. i. 'Batted for CovelesKlo In eighth, Cleveland 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 1 2 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 3 Two -ha on hits: Wambagansa (2). Three base bits: Li-lbolil, E, Col liny. Double play: Hubert to i; nnd II to Wllliama. Buaea on balls: Off Williams, 4; off Coveleaklc, 3. lilts: Off Coelcskie, 3 In seven Innings. Struek out: By Williams. 4; by Covoleakle, Umpires: Nallin and Connolly. Senators Out of Cellar, Washington. June 20 By defcatliiR Phil- udulplua, ii to 3, today Washington oltuibed out of In ft vlace niul forred the Alhlollt to the bottom. Tho IochU hit opportunely. Score: PHILADELPHIA. WASHINGTON. AB.H.O.A.B. AB U.O.A.K WlU.fls 1 0 8 S 0 8 1 2 3 1 1 14 1 3 8 1 1 1 0 OoHter.ab 0 tlllHti,ef 3 0 1 4 1 0 Bodle.lf 4 Bates. 3b 6 M' 4 3 OHIoe.rf I S 1 OMorgan.Sb 4 Sehang c 4 Oooch.rf 4 0 Olam'aon.lf 3 0 6 0 0 3 3 2 1 ' Z Ollenry.o 3 17 2' 6 OShnw.p 0 0 0 0 I rover, l.'b S Sehauer.p 4 0 Oalltu.p 3 2 0 0i Totals, .31 10 24 16 2 Totals. .28 7 27 S I Philadelphia 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ! Washington 0 10 0 12 10 I Two-base hit: Milan. Doublo plsy Judgu (unassisted). Bases on balls: Off Phaw, 8: off Gallia, I; off Pcbauer. 2. Hlls; Off Gallta, 0 In seven and one-third Inning Struck out; By Shaw, 1; by Rchauer, 3; by UHllla, 6. Umpires: undo brand O Loughlln. Pershing Confers With Joffre. Paris, June 20. Major General PershinK, the American commander, had a lonsr conference today with Marshal Joffre in regard to Amen- ran attairs. general 1 erslnng will visit an army engineering depot to morrow and later a large airdrome, Additional Sport on Page Eight UNION OUTFITTING CQ LADIES'SUITS $12S0-$1750-$2250 Ladies' Coats at V3 Off Summer Dresses $7.50 to $16.50 Ladies' C.nval Oi- t QO ford,, ipecial, at . P1 .IO Ladiu' Fibra Silk Ho. OC worth 50c, ipecial.. asOC Pay Only $1 or So Per Week On Any Purchase You Make Men's Summer Suits $12.50 to $27.50 BOYS' SUITS--350.$450650 AM itylei, sizea and colon. Vary Good Valua. Sooner or later you will buy your clothing at the Union. Why not sooner? UNION "People', Store" OPPOSITE ROME HOTEL Alkali In Soap Bad For the Hair Soap should be used very carefully, if you want to keep your hair look ing its best. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle and ruins it. The best thing for steady use is just ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil (which is pure and greaseless), and is better than the most expensive seap or anything else you can use. -j One or two teaspoontuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and even ly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lus trous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every mem ber of the family for months. Adv. Throe-base hit Off Mitchell, Mitchell. 7 In By Mitchell. I M. W. A. INSURANCE RATESINGREASED Amended Charter Providing for Advance of Twenty Cents Per Thousand Dollars Is Adopted. Chicago. June 1'). An amended charter providing for on increased in surance tax raic of JO cents per $ 1 ,000 was adopted today at the triennial convention of the Modern Woodmen of America. The war rk was given as the reason for the increased rate. The new charter will rcuuirc the ap proval of the secretary of stale and the state insurance commissioner and a messenger left tonight for Spring field in an effort to get the approval to present to the convention. There is also a movement on foot to raise a W,(H)0,(KHI fund to care for the families of members who expect to go to the front. It lias been en dorsed by state caucuses, but the by laws require unanimous consent for a special assessment for such a fund. Ritualistic work was exemplified at sea tonight, by a delegation of Woodmen from Omaha, who char- Store Closes at 5 P. M. D Saturday No Other Children's Shoes Are As Sturdy or Lingerie .Blouses for Warm Weather Wear Dimity, Voile, Batiste, Jap Silk FOUR of the best materials for smart, cool, comfortable Summer Blouses. Scores of styles testi fy to the ingenuity of the makers and their thorough recognition of the fancies of the feminine mind for Summer 1917. Lace Trimmed models, with cluster tucking. Semi-Tailored models with Jabots, Frills, Fichus, etc. A very remarkable assortment to choose from. $1.00, $1.45 and $1.95 Second Floor Duplex Fireless Cooker The Housewife's Best Friend in Summer You can put your Sunday dinner into a Fireless Cooker in the morning, go out for three or four hours, and when you come back you will find the various foods ready to serve, cooked to a nicety. This means emancipation for every woman, and this is only one of the benefits from the many that we could recite. One-hole Cookers . $10 We recommend the Duplex as the best Fireless Cookers Baiement tercd the steamer Theodore Roosevelt tor the purpose.. During the trip, the Koosevelt scraped ou the rocks at a shallow place in Lake Michigan, but no damage was done and no one was hurt. The steamer returned to port under its own power. Notes From Beatrice And Gage County Beatrice, eli., June 20. (Special.) The Ked Cross drive began here yesterday when $1 1.0J8.50 was raised by Beatrice residents, S. D., R. J. and YV. H. Kilpatrick, D. S. Dalbey and the Beatrice National bank sub scribed ?5,000 each. The $500 con tributors were W. 1'. Norcross, First National bank, I'nion State bank, Dempster Mill Manufacturing com pany. George While of Malvern. Ia.. ar rived in the city yesterday with a string oi race horses, being the tirst to reach here with entries for the cir-1 cuit races to be held June .'(, 27 and -8. Willie Fox, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fox of this city, was struck by an auto at the comer ot Thirteenth and Court streets yester day and rendered unconscious for a few hours. It is thought he will soon recover from his injuries. brandeis. Stores Women's Smart Summer Dresses At $5.98 to $25.00 The smartest, most satisfactory and serviceable materials at prices to meet any pocketbook. Fashion caters to all tastes and generously too Never has a summer season brought with it a broader variety for choice. Sport Styles, with Colored Jackets and White Skirts. Tussah Tub Silks, Voiles (either plain or figured patterns). Linen and Ginghams in the clever tailored models without which no woman's wardrobe can be considered complete. Lovely colorings, smart trimmings, clever collars and cuffs, belts, sashes and bandings. Prices $5.98, $7.50, $8.98, $10 to $15 and upward Second Floor As Soft and Pliable And that is why Billiken Shoes for children are rapidly becoming a house hold word throughout America. The leather in every part, including the tolet, it softer; and more pliable than in any children's shoes made; made on the Billiken ex clusive footform lasts, which provide ample room for the whole foot, still fit perfectly; Good year stitched sewed soles. They're made of patent leather with dull kid tops, all kidskin and dull leath er with mat kid tops, in lace and button styles. " Sizes 2 to 6 for small children. Sizes 5 to 11 for children. Sizes 1 1 ; i to 2 for misses. Priced according to size And we have all sizes complete. Spacfalty- Shoa Shop far Child ran Main Floor, Rear to $12 Two-hole Cookers. . Announcement was received here yesterday of the marriage of Miss Bernice King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. King, formerly of Bea trice, to Sergeant John Joste, which occurred at the bride's home in Kan sas City. New Corn Remover in Big Demand, Say Druggists Sine, th virtues of Ica-Mlnt as a corn re mover Uaratii, known tn this country, drug gists have been having an extraordinary demand for this product and It la predicts! that thia autnmer women will wear smaller and prettier shoes than ever. Th. fact that this new discoverr. which ia made from a Japanese product, will actually remove cornsroots and all and without the slightest pain or aorenea,. is, of course, mainljr responsible for its large and tnereaa ing aale. You apply juHt a little on a tender, aching corn and instantly the aoreuess ia relieved, and aoon the corn ia so shriveled that It may he lifted out with the fingera root " Ice-Mint is a clean, creamy, enow-whit non-poisonous substance and will never in flame or Irritate the moat tender akin. Cutting or paring corns often produces blood poisoning, and people ara warned to stop it. Just ask in any drug store for a imall jar of Ire-Mint, which will cost little, yet la sufficient to rid one's feet of every corn or callous. You'll like it immenecly. Adv. Shop By Mail or Phone While Out of Town Four Fine Art Embroidery Offers Candlesticks, Lamp and Package Goods To demonstrate how good the savings of fered are, we point to just one of the four items the candle sticks we are offering are to be sold Thurs day by the pair, at the ordinary price of just one. Genuine Mahogany Candle sticks, highly pol-d 1 ished, a pair.. . Mahogany and Gold Table Lamps, 2 lights with full chain Xk" $4.75 Piano Lamps, in Ma hogany, 2 full chain sockets, nice heavy base, $15.00 and $2 0.00 ordinarily, r: $9.75 All Royal Society and Artemo Packages at HALF PRICE Third Floor $22.50 that We Know of.