THE BKK: OMAHA, THUKSDAY. JUNK 21. 1917. The Boy Scout Is To Your Home Coming ? The Boy Scout is on the way to your home today. He's coming to get your promise to give One Day's Pay to Save a Soldier One day's pay! Your earnings for only one of the 365 days in the year. A small thing to aska small sum to give It is only one cent for each three, dollars you earn. Yet that "One Day's Pay" from you and from me the income from each Omaha home for just ONE DAY will raise the $210,000 that the Red Cross needs as our share to help save the American soldiers who will be wounded on the battlefields of Europe who would otherwise perish for want of a drop of water, a bandage over a bleeding chest or the skilled touch of a woman's hand on a feverish brow. So the Boy Scout is coming for your pledge. You will give it cheerfully even gladly. Doubtless you are one of the thousands who have said you would one of the thousands who told the 200 patriotic women who telephoned every home in Omaha .Wednesday that you would "Give One Day's Pay to Save a Soldier" One day's pay from all of us will furnish Field Hospitals Base Hospitals Am bulances Nurses Drugs Surgeons Bandages and the scores of other things ne cessary to bring back to health the sick or wounded American soldiers fighting for you and me. The Scout Asks No Money Only a Pledge The Scout will hand you a pledge card. Write in the amount of "One Day's Pay" for your family. Sign the card, and write your name and address plainly. . That's all. The Scout will take your pledge and in return will give you a window sign, like the picture at the top of this page. Hang this sign in your window. It will show all Boy Scouts who pass your door that you have made your pledge. It will show your neighbors and all who pass your home that you have "done your bit" to help some American soldier perhaps your own son, brother or sweetheart to escape the fate of dying alone and unaided in that awful waste between the first line trenches that horrible stretch of ground where thousands writhe in agony from wounds that sear like red-hot irons. We must not let the American soldier perish there and he will unless you and I provide the Red Cross with funds to send men into that hell where "angels almost fear to tread," to rescue him from "No Man's Land." We Have Helped! i 1 f - TrWffl Have Yom? Don't be ashamed to look at your own house. Put this sign in your window. Show the world that you have done your part to save a dying soldier. iiiiiiiiii ill w i rrr s. r-" -X. - 1 1 i - . IIIIIIIIII II DO NOT ASK THE SCOUT TO TAKE ANY MONEY. All he wants is your pledge card. The Red Cross will look after the collection of the money when your pledge is turned in. And, remember, you have four months in which to pay. One-fourth of your pledge is payable July 1 another one-fourth Au gust 1 another one-fourth September 1, and the rest on .October 1. An official receipt will be sent to you by the Red Cross for every penny you pay, ' Help the Scout to Save a Soldier Do not hold back your pledge because you may think it too small. Sign for what you can give if it is only $2 or $3 you can spare, give it give more if you can. , Every cent counts. If you haven't talked this matter over with your family, do so today tonight at once. Remember, the Boy Scouts have 40,000 homes to visit. It is a tremendous task but they have accepted it cheerfully even eagerly because it is one of the things they can, do. They cannot fight in the trenches they can only help you to fight with your dollars. So, Thursday and Friday and Saturday, they are giving their time their youthful vigor and unbounded patriotism to their country. They are asking for YOUR AID in a noble cause the cause of hu- manity. We know that you will give it and that you will . v Be Ready When the Boy Scout Calls SPECIAL NOTE It is possible for the Omaha Ad club, on behalf of the Red Cross, to go before the thousands of Omaha homes with these full page messages of mercy, only because of the splendid patriotism of the great Omaha daily papers, each of which has generously donated $1,000 in advertising space to this great cause. THE OMAHA AD CLUB. M IT mi i rui Ml rut - :r J I n PLf!