TUB BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, JUNK 'Jl. 1U17 11 EAL ESTATE IMPROVED Wtst. WEST FAKXAM HOVE. Tliia house is on a fine, larce. east (rout lot. and tn one of th best utreets In this district. Only a Mock from line, Turuer Fark and tbu new Tate school. This houso his i rooms, In completely modern and ia in good condition. Posses non ran b given within thirty days, will he glad to mxke arrangements to show vooi Ihrousli tlic house, Addrewii U lir X. 32d Ave. CREIGIf, SONS & CO., REALTORS. Douglas SCO. iPS Bee Hldg. 7 BOOMED ALL MODERN HOUSE, WLST. Tbli In a two-story bouse with oak floors and oak finish, on first floor with fine fireplaee In living room, but water lie at, full -sued lot, garage in rear, pav ing all paid. If you are desirous of ob taining a beautiful home la ono of tho boat residence, districts In Omaha you should not overlook thia opportunity. We are of.erlng this at the unheard of bar gain price of 13.21)0: $300 rash, balance monthly like rent. Call TRAVKR BROTH BUS, ell First .N.u'l Bk. Bid if.. Douglas vVEST FARNAM- 85,250 Never been occupied. Seven rooms, with fireplace and built-in bookcases; oak finish on the firat fluor; oak floors throughout; white enamel and birch ma hogany on the first floor. This is a bar gain and can in alio easy terms. Want an offer. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 919-30 City National. HKALTUHS. WAVERLY PARK. 8-room bungalow. Just completed, all modern, oak finish in living rooms, beau tifully decorated; full cement basement, with hot and cold water; east front lot, nicely sodded; price $3,40O; $:'U0 down, balance terms; located on 47th Ave., near Bedford, south of Fontenelle park. C. G. CARLBERG, Realtor, 810-313 Brandels Theater Bldg. WEST FARNAM HOME I rooms, brand new and all modern, oak finish downstairs, white enamel kitcben. 4 bedroom, all In white enamel; good at tic; rooms all decorated: corner tot, south front Price only $5., 50. 11,000 cash balance monthly. THE BYRON REED CO., Phone Don,. S7. SI! 8. 17th. TWO FINE HOMES. Cathedral district, new 7-r., sleeping porch, oak finish, a complete home. Bar gain price. Florence boulevard, nearly new 6-r., oak rtntsn, nrepiace. east front, corner lot. WRIGHT & LAS BURY. I. 162. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT BARGAIN. t rooms, newly nalntcd and decorated, fine corner lot, $2,650, Easy terms; at least $600 under value. ALLEN & BAR RETT, 613 Bee. Doug. 7768. ELEGANT West - Knriiiiir home, $6,500. F. D. WEAD. 310 South lSth St. D. 171. North. WHY PAY RENT? $3,256.00 new bungalow, 8011 No. 28th Ave, near Blnney Ht. 2 blocks from car- line; good neighborhood ; five rooms and bath; oak floors throughout except kitchen which la maple; four rooms fin ished In oak, kitchen finished In pine, and white enamel bathroom, full ce mented cellar and good attic partly floored. Owner will lake a reasonably fair cash payment, and balance name as rent. Why pay rent when you can get a-n equity in a home with every month ly payment? Better see me about this at once. C. A. GRIMMEL, (Realtor) 149 Out. Nat. Hk. Bldg. Phone D. 1615. NORTH SIDE Seven-room house, all modern, full sized lot on corner, streets paved. This prop erty Is on Burdotte , easy walk to 20th or 24th car. Will give some one a bar gain. Owner loft city. ALFRED THOMAS, 308 Fat nam Bldg. NEW HOME AT A BARGAIN EZ TERMS . Juat completed, brand new five-room home, all on one floor, oak finish in par lor and dining room; oak floors through out; corner lot, 60x120; located one block eaat of Deaf Institute, at 4301 Ohio St. The price Is'only $2,85 for quick sale. It will beat paying rent. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 7 Omaha Nat. Bk.- Bid. Tyler 49C. MILLER PARK OWNER LEAVING CITY IS COMPELLED TO SELL. G-room, strictly modern, full 2-story house on Prettiest Mile. Oak finish and oak floors, built-in bookcases and fire place, plate rails and paneled rooms. Cor ner lot, east front on paved street. This can be bought at a bargain. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 537 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 17M. NICE BUNGALOW AT A SACRIFICE PRICE OWNER LEAVING CITY Five rooms and bath, all on one floor; fine attic, large basement, everything complete; located on east front lot, within one block of two car lines, and the price hi only $3,20o. Easy terms. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bid. Tyler 49. NEAR MILLER PARK Dandy new 6-room bungalow. Price only $3,300 for beautifully decorated, right up-to-the-minute bungalow; has fireplace, bookcases, china cabinets and all the latest features; floor drain, etc.; lot 424x 120; located within two blocks of Miller Park school and car. This Is positively the biggest snap In the city. For appoint ment to sen call OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bid. Tyler 496. I AM OFFERING my home for sale at 2616 Ames Ave. ; all modern ; six rooms, be sides halls and Ice room; oak finish first floor; full basement; a complete home and In good repair. See me for prices and terms. I. N. HAMMOND, 210 S. 1HTH ST. NEW HOUSE FOR AUTO Nearly now, 6-r. and sleeping porcb; oak and birch finish ; all handsomely deco rated; modern In every wny; choice lot; paved street; near Omaha university. Price only $4,500, or will take a good lot or small house as part payment. RASP BROS.. 210 Kocllne Bldg. Ty. 721. South. AN 8 -room home, mod. in eveiy way, fine condition, large lot. "WALKING DIS TANCE" TO BUSINESS CENTER, $8,250; VERY EASY TERMS. INTERSTATE REALTY CO., 939-SO City Nat'l. Douglas figfiS. j.N'E 6-room ana one 4-room cottage, both on one lot; fine condition; live In ontj and rent the other. Price for both. $2,760. Very easy terms. No. 2433 Suutb 30ib St NORRIS & NORMS, 400 Bee Building Phone Douglas 4270. MONTCLAIR BUNUALOW. Atacco construction, I large light rooms Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price $a,goa. Saay terms. Another new build ing for 13.460 Call Douglas 1721 day a Walnut 1630 evenings. FULL lot on Georgia Ave east of Hans com Park, $l,ot0. F D WEAD. ilO 8. 18th St. Doug. 171. V. VERY neat little home on the South Side. Price $600. Terms; $100 cash and $10 per month. Tel. Doug. 2596 STRICTLY modern bungalow, 6 rooms. 22nd and Ames Av Webster 4228. Miscellaneous i. B. ROBINSON. Real Estate and Insur ance 442 Be Blda Douirlai H097 TRUMBULL. Bk Bldr 1306 1st Nat. MAHA Trading Co. ami C'Ims Meth iimv to Bloom 18, Patterson Block. REAL ESTATE Investment GOOD INVESTMENT 27TH AVE & HARNEY On 27th Ave,. 80 feet south of Har ney, we have 41 ft. of ground running entirely through the bloek 160 feet with th same frontage on 2th street. 'The 27th ave. frontage Is occupied by two cot t ii tees, numbers 406 and 8, bringing in $35.0ll per month. This l a very desir able location for an apartment building, brick flats or garage. This price Is far below the selling price of any adjoining ground. See us for price and terms. HIATT COMPANY, 24S-7-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler V 6.63 ACRES ON PAVED ROAD A FINE HOME SITE AND INVESTMENT In the renter of n community of l.ono people and many fine homus; couth and fiist front, south slope; on Ilenx-on Oar dens Jitney mute. Priced to sell. Call 'lyler to and uk for Mr. Manvllle. Office open evenings. 7 till 9. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1614 Harney Street. APAKTMKNT. $75,000 Income 12 per cent; one year old; very fine location; mortgage $25,000 ana win accept szu.uoo In trade; bal ance casn or negotiable papers. CALKINS & CO., Iiouglac 1313. City Nat. Bank Hldg SLSK US FOR INVKSTMKNT AND SI'KClTLATlVK PROPERTY. A. P. TCKEY & SON, RKALTORS. i'JP rirpt National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE B'nea. Pr'pty DISTRICT COURT ORDER TO SELL RE TAIN m IIVBSS PROPERTY. Located 16th and Vinton Ht., on main umuim and Mouth Slue street oar lines Hint-story building, 30x70 feet, on lot 34. X leei oy atiOUE 11U JuOt, at 1618-1619 Vinton St. Property proposed to be sold at Court iiouno (cast aoorj at 9 o clock a, m, Saturday, June 23. K. W. Slmera!, Attornev. CITY TRUST CO.. ADMINISTRATOR. Hth and Harney Sts. Phone Douglas 789. H A. WOLF, Realtor. Ware Blk Specialist in inwnrnwn nnjunew oropertv REAL ESTATE Other Cities BUY Real Kxtate In OLIVER, The New Steel City. The city with a future. Near the U. S. Steel Corp. $25,000,000 plant, which Is almost compietea. Lots are NOW $260. Write now for Information. Frank J." Clfford. 301-2 Commerce Bldg., St. Paul Minnesota. REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTING houses to rent or sell on smiill cash payments; have parties waiting. Western Real KsWite. 413 Karhach Blk. I). 3607, LIST your 6 and 6-room houses with Ed ward F. Williams Co., bUI Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. D. 420. LIST your 6 and 6-room" houses with" us. WE SELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY . Co., Tyler 49fi. SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGER AT OKOOOJI. Cottage for rent by the day, week, month, or season at Lake Okobojl. Suit able for party of ladies or for mixed families. H. E. Peater, Arnolds Park, la. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TRACKAGE Fine site on B. M. R. R.. slse 95x165, can be bought chonp. C. A. Qrlm mel. Phone Doug. 1615. FINANCIAL CITY AND FARM LOANS 6, 6 and 6 per cent Also first mort gages on farms and Omaha real estate for eale. J. H. Dumont & Co., 416-411 Keellne Bldg.. 17th and Harney. $1,300 MT(JE bearing 6 pet. semi-annually, secured by property vlaued at $3,700. Tal-mage-Loomls Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bid?. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages THE best NPCUrlty for jour money la a good a or tt per cent farm mortgage; fourteen yearn' exporlenre making real estato loans; no losses. Whits & Hoover. Omaha Nat'l Bldr. FARM MORTGAGES. Well secured .bearing pet. interest. HARLEY J. HOOKER, 40 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. Tyler SCSI. 6 PER CENT to 6 per cent on beat clasa city residences In amounts 12,000 up; also farm loane. Reasonable commlsalon. PETERS TRUST CO., 1S22 Farnam St. FOR SALE. Ten shares of Ralstnn Realty Co. at one-half par value. Address M. 8. Dean, 1825 Peoples Oas Bldg.. Chicago, 111. MONUY to loan on Improved faring and rancheg. We also buy good farm mort ganes. Klnke Inv. Co., Omaha. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loane. City National Bank Bldg. SHOPEN & CO., PRIVATE MONEY. $10,000 PER CENT first mortgage se cured by farm worth $26,000, near Omaha. E. H. Lnugee, Inc., G3R Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. FARMS. u k hhh hJ it. k. CO.. loin Omaha Nat'l. FARM and city Joans, 6, 5 and 6 per cent. W. H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1648. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sta. 5 Of MONEY HARRISON & MORTON. U 916 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Hldor. 5 CITY LOANS GARVIN BROS., Om, Nat. Bk. Bldg. LOW RATER C. G. CARLBERG, 312 Bran- dels Theater Bldg. D. US 5. Stocks and Bonds. LISTED and unlisted stuck. Investment securities, industrial stocks. ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW & CO., bu umana wattonni HanK Miflg. Abstracts of Title. TCurv Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., IVCIi 305 r i7,h a eround floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON Represent prompt pay Insurance com pfinles, 610 BrnndelH Bldg., Omaha. Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. i,O00-ACRE ranch, 75 per cent good farm land, alt good grass land; R. R. runs through track. $25,000 worth of lmprove m nts; fine for colonisation; good term. Kit Carson Home Builders, Kit Carson, Coin. 48H ACRES eastern Colorado farm, 120 acres uroitert, only m an acre. Terms. 8. 8. & K. K. MONTGOMERY, 527 City National Bank Bldg. Iowa Lands. A BARGAIN. Improved Harrison county, Towa, ISO acre farm for sale on easy terms. Trice $110 ppr acre. ARCHER REALTY COMPANY, f.fiO Brandels Bldg. Missouri Lands. GREAT BARGAINS $5 down; $5 monthly. buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only $200. Address Box 808, Excelsior Springs. Missouri. Nebraska Lands. KIMBALL CO. SECTION $12.50 Per Acre Cli acres 12 milea north of C. P. R. It. Hurd soil, about one-half valley land, biiluncp rolling ; well settled neighbor hood, 4 farm houses In sight from land; county rapidly filling up with actual farmers; land price advancing. We believe t his is I ho best buy in K I nibn 1 1 Co, Price $12.50 per acre ; no trades. If you are too busy to Inspect It personally let us show you a report by a dinhiten sted largo land owner and ranchman who Inspected It for ua. J. H. DUMONT & CO. HQ-ID Ketltn-j Bldg. Phone Doug. C60, FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. DON'T PAIL TO INVESTIGATE THIS. ICO acrea of well Improved, perfectly level land, located 1 miles nf Battle Creek and 7 nilles of Norfolk. In hitch state of cultivation. An excellent quarter lor fUft per acre. BIG 4 REALTY CO., 1016-111 W. O. W. Hldg. Doug. !(. 160 ACRES, Improved, only t miles from Emerson, Neb.; every acre good farm land; there Is about IS acres pasture that will feed two head per acre; about 6 acres alfalfa and 20 acrea clover, and a dandy orchard and grove, at only $146 per acre, on easy terms, u. . ttuii. uaimna. weo. l.L'NO ACRES, N. W. Loup Co.; 2 seta im provements. 160 a. fenced on each aec tton. $3.50 per acre. $1,600 mtg. 6 pet Bal cash. INTERSTATE REALTY CO., 919-30 City Nat. n0Uff- 8!6j' SO ACRES Irrigated, fine, level, black land" near Bridgeport, Neb., very cheap, terms; crop goes with laud. S. H. & It. K. MONTGOMERY, 627 City National Hank Bldg. SMALL Nebraaaa farms on easy payments & acrea up We farm the farm we sell son. The Hnngerrord Potato urowers Association. 16th and Howard Sta.. Oma ha Dotiirlas 9371 FOR SALE Best Urge body high grade, medium priced land In Nebraska; vry little money required. C Bradley, nor bach. Neb. 120-ACRE improved farm tVt mlle from Benson. Well situated and with good roads. F. D. WEAD, 810 a tilth St. Wead Bldg Texas Lands. GOOD corn land. East Texas. $26 an acre Get my free book. W S FRANK. 201 Neville Block. Omabn Miscellaneous. $1,000 Down Secures 150 Acres, 8 Cows, Pair or Horses and Poultry, mowing machine, horae rake, plow, harrow, cultivator, wanon. buggy, ha menu, maple ugur evaporator, tank, 1,600 buckets and ttpnuis; 2,000 sugar maples, 60 apple and pear trees; esttmat ed that wood and timber inurkuted should pay for entire property; S-rooin house with cellar and running spring water; barns, poultry, wagon and sugar houses; telephones, mail delivered, near neigh bore. Invalid owner's iulck ?ale price for everything $2,760. with J1.000 down and easy terms. I in mediate poeM' with income from the start, Traveling Instructions to see It are on page 9, "St rout's Spring Catalogue." Write now for your free ropy. K. A. STROUT FARM AGENCY, Dept. 3072, 205 So. 18th St., Omaha. Neb . OWN A FARM HOME Here's a .chance for Independence for wage earners and farm renters. Investi gate our low terms for small or large tracts In Michigan's fruit and clover belt. $15 to $25 an acre. 10 A. $j to $25 down; 20 A. $10 to $50 down; 40 A. $25 to $100 down ; balance una 1 1 monthly or yearly payments. Excellent for general Tanning, stock, dairying, poultry, vegetables, fruit. Near towns, tuliools, good transportation Big booklet tree. Swlgarl Land Co., J 1262 First Nat. Honk Bldg., Chicago!)!. MiO ACRES, all good black loam soil and -lay subsoil, good buildings, near a town of 10,000. Write us for price and further particulars. Mid-West Land Co., 1067 Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1166 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Bessie L. Ralph and husband to Helen W. Blair. Davenport street, ninety four feet west of Forty-eighth street, south Bide. 0x135 $ 1 E. L. Thomas and wife to E. E. Ben nett, Thirty-first street, 144 feet Bouth of Jackhon street, east side, 140xl&0 l Barney A. Krltfcnbrlnk and wife to Alice Quad', southwest corner Thirty-first and Orover. 84x130 600 Patrick T. Smith lo Lucy Chase. Tnniy-nmtn Htrewt. 120 foet south of E struct, oast aid. 60x150 800 Walter B. Dudley to Charles W. Mar tin & Ln., Madison avenue, 165 feet east of Sixteenth street, south side, 45x127 1 William F. Roesslg to Conrad W. ttrnst, uauman street, 253 feet west of Twenty-eighth avenue, north sido. 42x120 i.nno bueiia 13. Alendenhall lo C, B. & Q. it. k, lo., coutncHst corner Fourth and Homer 42x130 r,n Frank L. Kernan and wife to James w . Lindy. Lake street, fifty feet west of Forty-third street, north aide. 60x1 .it i Charles Horn and wife to Florenca M. sanuncrg, Mayberry street, 180 feet east of Forty-fourth street, north side, 45x108 4sno Jennie Byar to American Security Co., aeveniuenm street, nriy-lour feet north of Webster street, wcBt side, 66x78 1 Conservative Savings and Loan asso ciation to Mary J. Rlne, Twenty eighth avenue, 252 feet north of Cuming atreflt. east side. 31xl2Ji. t Charles W. Martin and wife lo Eric t. Huuman, Madison avenue, 165 feet east of Sherman avenue, south side, 45x127 2,000 Cotton Market. New York, Juna 20. Cotton Futures pened weak: Julv. 26.90 iA2K ftnhDr. 27.762u.D0c; December, 2&.65tj25.66c; Ja..- Cotton futures closed irregular; July, 26.55c; October. 26.43c: Decfmihur Sfifiic- January 25.64c; March. 25.76c; spot aulef middling, 36.80c. The cotton market closed steady at a net decline of 66 to 82 points. Liverpool. June 20. Cotton finnt. tav good middling, 19.65d; middling, 19.J9d; low iwuuim, 4D.vuu, aaies, s.uuu oaies. Minneapolis Grain Market. ents, 60c lower, quoted at $13.76; first clears 50c lower, quoted at $12.00; other gradea no Barley $1.011 .46. Rye $2,385? 2.40. Rran $27.00(28.00. cash, No. 1 hard, $2.572.62; No. 1 north ern, $2.62igi2.&7; No. 2 northern, $2.37 Corn No. 3 yellow, $1.041.62H. Oats No. 3 white, 644t3 65fcc Flaxseed $3. 07& 3.1 2. Sioux City Live Htnek Market. Sioux City. June 20. Cattle Recelota 3.. 200 head; market for killers steadv: miock ers weak; beef steers, $10.00(9)13.60; fat cows and heifers, $8.60i9l11.2&; canners, $0.00 I&8.00; stockers and feeders, $7.5010.00; calves, $9.00013.60; bulls, stags, etc., $7.00 ju.-ti, lUBMiiiB cows ana miners, sii.ttuiai Hogs Receipts. 9.200 head: market strong; lights, $14.9016.20; mixed, $15.20 (flio.ja; neavy, it.,3ii (y n.tso ; i'Irh, 11.75 13.25; bulk of salev, $15. lfttfr15.46. isheop and Lambs Receipts. 600 head: market 25c tilgher. St. Joseph Ltve Ktork Market. St. Josenh. June 20. Cattl Herein tn. 200 head; market steady: steers. 19. 00413.26: cows and heifers, $6.00 1 2.26; calves, $9.0u nogs Receipts, 8,000 head; market slow nnd steady; top, $15.95; bulk of sales, $16.10 Hhwep and Lambs Receipts, 1,700 head: market steady to higher; lambs, $13.00 is. 25; ewee, $8.009.75. Omaha Hay Market. Receipts are lighter: market firmer on ihe better grades of prairie hay; lower grades aro selling slowly. Choice upland prairie, $23.0024.00; No. 1, $23.00033.00 no. J, il6.0Uisru.i(l; no. a, I9.004P12.0'J; No. 1 midland, $21,00 22.00; No. 2. $14.00 18.00; No. 1 lowland, SI 2.00& 14.00: No. 2. $8.0010.00; No. 8. $6.00Q6.60. Choice aU raua, a.i)u.'a.ou; no. 1. 121.0071) ZZ. 00: standard, $19.0020.00; No. 2, $16.00 17.00; ino. s, sii.uuqpiu.uu. oat straw, IS. 008. 50; wheat straw, $7.0007.60 Ht. Louis -rain Market. St. Loul.i, Mo.. June 20. Wheat No. 2 red and No. 2 hard, nominal: July 11.99: September, $1.79. corn No. 2. 11. 7: No. 3 white. 81.670 1.68; July, $1.42: September, $1.06. oats iso, J. nominal; No, 2 white nom inal. Kansaa City General Market. Kansas City, June 20. Wheat No. 2 hard, $2. 53 2.65; No. 2 red. $2.66 2. 80: July, $2.05; September, $1.80, corn io. 3 mixed, il.H&4M.6fi; No. 2 white, $1.66l.f,6Vj ; No. 2 yellow, $l.fl; July, $l.5f; September, $1.38. oats ."so. 3 white, 71c; no. 1 mixed, 7C London Financial Market. I Sliver Bar, 39'id per ounce. -Money 4T( 4'4 per rent. Discount Rate Short bills, 4i per cm threw months' bills. 4, per cent. LIVE STOCK MARKET New Top for the Season Made for Choice Beeves; Hog Prices Move Up Five to Ten Cents. Omaha, June tsi;. Rec-lpts wore: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Official Monday 6.049 5,772 ,Mt Official Tuesday ..... 6,949 HMSl 3.6R4 Ef.tlmato Wcdnosday .. 6,600 1 1,300 l.&ou Three days thli week. 17,698 27,4&3 H.619 Name days last week., IN. 187 20. KM 9,631 Same days 3 wka. ago.lfi.OOS J4,l6ti 1I.SH9 hum tlays 3 wka. uko.1K.IH9 24.1a; 9..U Sainu dnys 4 wk. ago. 12,3V 3H,4f7 1t,:40 hame daH last year.. 11, 905 2H, S9! 2S.671 Cattle Receipts of cattle Wero toloruM) libera) again today, 6,600 head, and tin three days' supply very llttlo different from a wick ago. in fact, the markot has ah very Utile change for several days. Both packers and shippers took (he good choice grades freely as steady to strong j rlces. forcing values lower on the fair to poor grades that come tn competition wilh the southoill and western grassers. Choice 1,600-pound beeves sold up to $1S.60 today, a now top for the season and the hltihettt price ever paid in una ha for fat rattle. Cow stuff wan in moderate supply nnd very fair demand, the desirable corn foil kinds commanding strong prices and grassy and half-Cat kinds selling somewhat lower. Business in Blockers and feeders was not very active, as Imth supply nnd demand were limited. Choice fecdera were fully steady, but common stock cattle were a drug on (lie market at mora or leas shaded fig ures. (Juotatlons on rattle: Good to choice beeves, $12.7&(l 13.65; fair to good boevvs, $12.0012.75; common to fair beeves, $10.25 (FMZ.OO; good to choice yearlings, $t2.50u' 12,26; fair to good yearlings, $11. 76012. 70; common to fair yearlings, $10.000 11.76; good to choice heifers. $10.L'5q)11.0; good choice cows, $9.7SSno.;6; fair (o pood cows, is.wtfs.ii); com n um to fair rows, ifi.oott 8.75; prime feeding steers, $10.0047 11.00: good to choice feeders, $9,60010.00; fair to good feeders, $S.50fi9.60; common to fair feeders, .O0ip.S.6O; good to choice stickers, $9.60fl0.60; lock heifers, $ 27.fr 10.60; stock cows, $7.OO4plO,0O; stock calves, $8.50 Urn. on; veal calves, jio.ootf 14.60; bulls, stags, etc., $7.00 11.00. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Av. 1260 IS 25 3 929 12 Cfl 18 1106 12 76 12 11 SO IS Oft 16 1321 IS 15 10 1100 13 SO 26 1595 13 AO rows, .1065 12 SO .1203 1! 70 .172 12 90 .11K8 13 10 .1260 13 Zb .1331 13 40 ...890 6 00 1 1020 ... 9fi B f" 3 903 .. .1030 7 00 7 783 ... 872 7 26 2 776 ... 865 7 76 1 960 ...1050 8 2." 1 1040 ...946 9 00 20 92.1 26 6 76 7 16 7 60 8 00 8 6 9 6ft 9 85 ... 9B2 9 75 3 1126 ...1090 10 00 10., ...1117 10 hO I.. ... 9;iS 10 65 1,, ...13)0 ii nn 9., 871 10 40 130 )ft 60 1090 10 85 1236 11 40 ... 987 11 75 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ... 434 7 86 1.. ... 616 8 fiO 2.. ... 710 1ft On 8,. ... 688 11 00 22.. ... 642 11 75, 18... . . . 862 12 2u 16. . ... 873 12 70 28.. HEIFERS. ... 30 7 00 6.. ... 670 1 75 12.. ... t,n 8 26 7.. ...640 8 75 1... ... 930 10 75 BULLS. CO 8 40 (140 9 LO 17 10 76 834 11 tie 6fil 12 00 798 13 6H 821 12 90 740, 1 60 481 8 00 715 9 50 540 10 00 ...1040 ...1420 ... 620 ...1290 x oo :.. 975 8 !S 440 S 79 753 9 76 1276 10 00 9 00 9 86 .1630 10 10 1, 1680 10 25 ...1670 10 59 3. CALVES. 1020 11 CO ... 285 511 3 S28 9 00 ... 270 9 60 1 380 10 26 ... 410 11 00 6 306 11 75 ... 230 13 00 1 290 12 60 ... 3& 13 00 1 340 13 50 ... 1N8 lit 76 3 120 11 00 1.. . . . 160 14 25 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. it 415 7 90 6 73 1 430 8 60 1 'U "V Una Continued improvement In v!uen nil nrrnmrl lb mMFket loOU. and nil Urgent demand for anything decent here from bnlh shippers and packers, combined to boost the general market fully tunr, rreo iniyma by shippers, especially of the good light and butcher weight hogs, featured the msr- ket. between a fourth and a mini or me total offerings finding their way Into order buyers' hands at prices that were fully a dime lo, In spots, na mucn as ion nignnr. Ah a general thing packers did not show o.ulto this much advance, but their purchases were fully 60 to, in plenty 01 instances, iu higher than yesterday's general trade. Move ment was fairly active, and almobt every thing bad changed hands well befora 10 o'clock. The least desirable Kinds 01 stun, Including rough sows, highly mixed gradea and thin underweignts, nati a very irregu lar time of It. Borne of them Belling early at sharp advances, while others were almost unsalable at any price. There waa a sprink ling of this common stuff left after every thing else bad sold, but In the end the clearance was practically complete, Sales were made largely at $16.1515.C0 with scattering loads of the plainest stuff on down and a sprinkling of the most de sirable kinds upward toward $16.70, which was the top. Today's general nnrket Is the highest tn exactly two weeks, and, with the exception of one day, the top Is as high as has been paid this month. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. 8h. Pr. 78. .237 10 16 00 66. .270 160 15 16 66. .225 160 16 20 80. .202 120 15 25 44. .254 ... IS 30 61, .257 160 15 35 64..2K0 160 16 40 64. .266 320 15 45 68. .231 40 16 60 48. .206 80 15 65 36. .220 40 16 60 90. ,299 ... 16 70 Sheep Short work was made of today s light supply, packers who continue to bo ln urgent need of lambs being very eager buyers of the eight or nine loans mat were on offer. The trade was generally 60o higher than yesterday. No rangers were on offer, clipped lambs and native springers making up the entire run. The best of the clipped lambB. another cut of the ones that sold to sifi.so yestertiny, touched $16.49. and two or three bunches of decent to good, aturr som arouna sio.ia. The native springers that were on offer sold from $18.00 for a decent sort to $18.50 18.60 for the best that were here. Somo nn choice as those that brought $18.26 yes terday might have sold to $18.76. An tho prices that have been quoted show, the market Is fully $1.00 higher than at the close of last week and $2.00&2.&0 higher than it was at the low time ten days ago. The advance has been about as rapid as the dncllne nnd the result is that in a very short space of time al! but about $1.00 of the I3.00w4.ou slump tney surreren recently, has been regained, tops on clipped lambs being ln fart within 7&c or tno nignesi price ever pa-Id here. Quotations on sheep and Iambs; Lambs, shorn, $5.75ig16.50; spring lambs, $16.50 18.60; spring lambs, culls, $18.0015,60; lambs, feeders, $12.00 15.00; yearlings, shorn, $12.001S.IO; westerns, shorn, $10. 00 (ft) 11.50; ewes, shorn, $8.0010.25; ewes, culls, shorn, $6.00(g)8.&0. Representative Bales: No. Av. Pr. 7 shorn ewes Ill $10 25 3 cull ewes 84 8 00 24 native spring lambs.... 64 18 00 1 cull spring lamb 20 10 Ow 166 natlvo spring lambs 62 18 60 10 cull spring lambs 47 15 00 169 fed clipped ewes 122 10 00 St. L011U Live Stock Market. Rt. Louis, Mo., June 20. Co ttle -Receipts, 6,700 head; market steady; natlvo beef steers, $7.6018.60; yearling, $8.50)13.25; cows, $6. 00 (pi 1.00; stockers and feeders, $6.0OfH0.00; prime southern beef steers, $K.O0fj12.26; beef cows and heifers, $1.2 9.00; prime yearlings, $7.5010.00; native calves, $K.00r14.76. Hugs Receipts, 10.000 head; market higher; light, $16. 4616.86; pigs, $!0.00j 16.26; mixed and hutchers, $15.60'f 106; good heavy, $16.0016.05; bulk of sales. $15.50(916. 96. Sheep Receipts, 2,400 bead; market nfeady ; r lipped tambs, $13.00 (J? 16.60 ; ewes, $9.0010.00; spring tamhs, $16,00118.76; canners, $5.00$S.50; choppers, $7,00)7.60. Send for our Market Forecast and special report on Mid-Continent OIL 12 iwJth La Salle Street, Chicag, III. Long Distance Phone Harrison 4992 GRAIN AND PRODUCE Corn Receipts Large, but Hold ers Refuse to Sell Oferings at Decline; Wheat Trade is Dull. I uutti;i. .llin. Jii, 11?. The re. cipts of corn w. re owlleiH toduy and while there win a goml demand for lliln cereul tho trail" was n trifle (.low In getting started nn n number of the sellers were not disposed to sen their offering at a decline. th market being quoted from 2 to 2V- under the quotstlona of the prmiouf. da . The Ira de In w heat was extremely dull and the demand wic not even lroiig enough 10 take t are of the offerings, which were unusually llvhl. (he total arrival of wheat being uulv nine cni s while then' were only three curt, of this cereal reported Hold up 10 a lute linur J'hc oath market w ti equally as dull as was the wheat market and while prices were In all probability nominally lower It wan Impossible to give. the. exact mnite as there were no sales, of thin article- reported. The wheat inarUri was prolubl from Jir to 12c lower, a lart of a car of No. 3 bard srlllnii hi l:r.p while on the v'eviouw day the xitme guide of when! puld at $:'.!) &I3.62. Coin sold ihiutuI1 at (1. ',.. bill one cr 4 if No. 2 yellow, which was sold 011 shippers wclghls, biKtiKbt $l.(i3'4 and n few salej. of No. 4 mixed were ma do at $1 62S9.I fi: V Rye was firm and sold M-veril cditu above the quotation of the previous day while barley wu rather weak und ruled from So to 3e lower. Theo demand for these cereals wu mod oraleljg active, but the trade was- limited on accoimt of IIkM receipt. Clearances were: V heat and flour eiiual to 1.422, Unit bushels; corn, liJ.OOO bu.slicla; oats, 2r3,0Ufl bushelH. Primary wheat receipts were 41 2,00n bu. and shipmeni ti'L'.ooo lui. ngfthii-t 1 ceHplrt of 674, Ht u bu. and shlpiiiciiu of 373. UK0 bu. last year. Primary crn r eelpitt were 993,000 bu. and shipments &Sf,otHi lm. Hgalnnt reccipl" of 63l.Oa bu. und fhlptneuts of 47li,aoO bu. last year. Primary oats, receipts were 1.167,00ft bu. and shipment 812.000 bu. against receipt of 711',JO0 bu. and shipments of 126,000 Inn year. CAR LOT RECEIPT?. Wheat. Corn. Oals Chicago 23 J57 79 Minneapolis 1 "i3 Duluth K. ttmahn 9 124 12 Kansas City :3 13 li St. Louis 2i SI 4S Winnipeg ,V5 These sales were reported today: Wheal: No. 2 hard winter, 4 2-6 cars. J2.j0, No. 3 bard winter. I car, 12 ia, N,.. 4 hard winter. 3-6 car, (1.76. Screenings, 1 car, $1,26. Sample, uprlng. I car, $1.25, No 3 mixed, 8-6 car. $17... No. a durum mixed, 1 car, $1.76; 1 car, $1,76, No. 4 durum mixed, 1 car, $l,7i, Hye No. 3, I car. $2.M. Corn No. 2 white, I rar O-hlpper's welghtt.), $l.fi3;; 6 cars. $1.6)1. Nn. 3 while, 4 cars, $I.k;i. x,i. 2 yellow, 2 cars, fl.iCi; 5 3-6 earn. $1.63. No, yellow, 1 car, fl.iiiiV: 4 cars, $1.63. No. 2 mixed. 17 cars. H.C3: I ear. $1.62. No. 3 mixed. 13 curs, $1.6:1. No, mired, 1 car, 11.62; 2 cars, $1.62', OafsNo. 2 white. 1 car. 65 Sc. No. 3 White, 1 car, 6e. Mnmpl white, 1 car. Mc umnna i-asn i'rice--Vt beut : No. 2 hard. $2.482.6; Nn. 3 hard. $2.4112.48 ; No. 4 bard, $2.30(1(2.411. i,n,: n. 2 white, $1.62o1.63; No. 3 white, $1.62',il.fi3; No. 4 white. $l.ti2Srl,62 ; No. 6 while, $1.62ftl.2ij: No. 6 white, $1.81' 1.82 ; No. 2 yellow-, $1,62 G 1.63 : No. 3 Vr- Inw, $1.62 di'1.631, ; No. 4 yellow, $1.6?U 1.62; No. 5 yelow, $ 1.(12 fc-1.62 ; Nn. 6 yellow, $1.61 mf l.(i2; No. 2 mixed. $1.6JVHf 1.63; N. 8 mixed, $ 1.62 4. 63 ; No. 4 mixed, $t.6i!1.62 ; No. 6 mixed, 1.62p i.tx'; no. mixed. il.Gl 4 Oats: No. 2 while, 65( 65'ic; standard, 64l4flti6c; .NO. 3 White, Mtflirc; No. 4 White, 63 Ml I' 4- ifariey;. .Malting, si. 18)1.33) No. l feed, $1.1241)1.18. Rye; No. 8, 2.272.29; No. 8, $2.26(if2.28. Local rango of options: Art. Open, " High. I Low, cjowe. j" Yew, Will. I I I July I 2 Oil I 2 00 206 2 Ofi 120(1 Hopt 1 73 1 73 1.3 1 73 J 1 77 Corn. 1 July 1 66 1 65 165 1 66 167 Sept I 1 404 1 4l 14ft 1 40 I43i Dec. 1 06 1 05 106 1 05 107 Oa a. 1 July 69' 69 i 691 6flH 61 Sept j 61) 60 I 60 60 CO Deo f 61 H 61SI 51S 61 S 6214 Chicago closing prices, furmslmd The llee ty Logan At Bryan, stock and grain brokors, 316 South Sixteenth street. Omaha: Art, j Open. ) High. I Low.1 wht. 1 i July S 04 2 04 200 Hept 1 81 1 81 176 Corn. July 1 66 t fi5'i 151 Sept . 1 46 1 4IVHei, 2 01 1 80 206 181 1 524 1544 1 41145 PHOTOPLAYS. til (f t 7j ROBERT WARWICK fc-rl f1 PS I 1TJ ITS I TTI f-S til PTS' Li S ETI E t' IPI " : 1 ' f 1 ("l1 ( 1 1 1 III iTIi rTT! IT 1 'H IH fl tn f ! 'TIT Mil ff 1 m iT Ei I It" II1 cTT'ltS yiiiiii IN "The Millionaire Vagrant" AMtSKMKNTH. Hamhaw Hotel Announce! 1 the Engagement of J MISS D'AREY and company of ten entertain- I ert and muiiciana I Engagement Start WEDNESDAY EVENING (6 to 12) I Dance If You Like Wednesday and Saturday IDantants I Make Your Reservations Early I sMMbW 8"9a1saja fJJMHs) EMPRESS GARDEN OMAHA'S FINEST RESTAURANT AND AMUSEMENT CENTER MLLE. MARION IN CLASSIC DANCES ASSISTED BY MARTINEZ RANDALL HELEN McCORMACK Ent.rt.lnm,nt that "Entertain." ADAMS' So niflr'nnt JAZZ BAND I CHARLES RAY I lv, 1 08ti 1 10 'lORfc! 1 0.IV1O8H Mnv 1 10il 1 10VI07 J 1 l109,4 Oats I t I I .Inly 3'i fiJJ'V 60 1 61 V 63 sepi rs l 6Pil us ' I He,-, H 54V 53', 1 5.1V 5l'i ; l'"fk. 1 I III .lnl , :n 1.0. j ;is sft Ms fiaj 3i so '.".8 Ne),t 1 .19 U I 39 16 'SH 86, 39 16 39 0ft Lard. I I I I Julv 21 70 21 To ':i y :i );i fin I 21 0 I :i jl:1 i r: s2 ! mi'-. ! ! Ill I July i 21 2:. , 21 3" Jl rt, 21 30 121 1.. Nept 1 21 i;. I 21 5(1 !2I 4"' 21 47 !2l 4" HICM.O GRAIN MARKET Rumor tt Impending Kmhargoes HiiugH About Mriivy Liquidation of Hales, Chicago, .tune ;'. Reports that President Wilson was likely soon to evrclso his power to place an embargo on Kialn Miipmcnlx thai nilsbl reach tl.Tmany through neutral touiitrlSH led to heavy It. initiating ales to day, efp. dally In com. l'rl. et. for tbsl cereal closed nervine, !, to 4c n, I lower. Wh.Mil a li declined, ftitl.-hhm 1c lo ie down, wilh Jul j al 2 01 and Hepiemt.er n( $1 so Oali loM 'iii'V to l'c Provisions gained 3'vc tn 15c. tleneral unloading by liidd"fi of cote ae eompiinled the talk of h probable sudileil tn fiiro in.'itt of einbaiKo I'-miln tonn. It wni aalil lliitt recent unnNUallv lai'K' purchaios id corn (in- Knroponn neutrsls hsd aroused Kiisplclon and t hat Hie new aul huHly of the pii-cideut could provide an effective bar 1 0 any ef the proposed hliunis falling into ;nii.N that wen- hostile to the Tnlled Stales. Itsiu thai broke .1 scrli.us drouth In north tais and In ( iktahoina c.uinteil 10 Hiinm vMcni In further weakening the mat ket. Hedging sales from the southwest bad n deprewKlng effect on wlnat. New crop offers InereastMl rapidly, but buyers were scarce exctpl at relatively low figures. Crop prospects continued to Improve. Rains In the spring wheat reitlon were deemed of particularly athuntaKc to the bear side 01 the murker Hiits werrt chiefly governed by ihe name Influences Ibat tilled othrtf gruln. epe,inlly corn. Seaboard houses bought oats on the Uiilnc. Aosertlons that the Belgian com minute, n was scelilnir offers helped to slreiiRlheii the provision mnrltet. I'pturns tn lb" vnlie of New York Money Market, New York, June 20. Mercantile paper, 5 per cent. Hireling Bx change Sixty day bills. $4.72; roiiiinertiiil sixty day bills on banks, $4, 71V cninnieretal sluty dav blllw, 4 7 1 ' j ; demand. $4.75; rabies, $1 76 7-16. SI her Bar. 77c; .Mexican dollars, 60 r. Bonds aovornmmt nnd railroad, steady to h"y, Time Loans Strotik; sixty and ninety dsys, 6SSi'' per cent; six mouths, 51?6Si per relit. Call Money Htrong; high 6'i per cent; low, 6 per cent ; ruling rale, 6 per cent ; laHt loan. 0 per cent ; closing bid, 6 14 per cent; offered at 6 per cent, U. S. 2s reg 9SVlnl. M. M. 6m,. 91 , it.) coupon ... MK. C. H. r. 6s 86 V. H. 3s reg ! A N. un. 4s 91 'i ilo eoupun .. 98 4 M K T 1st 4s 68 'i 11. H. 4s reg Hi4Vj,Mo. Pnc. g. 4s ft'4 do roupon ..H'4 Mont. Power 6s. 96 I'uiil. 3 coupon. . 87 4 N. Y C. deb. t!l06f Am. F. Sec, 5s.. 94 No. Parlflo 4s., S7't A. T, 4 T. r. 5s 98 1, do 9m 62 AiiRio-Krcneh 6s. 93' 0. S. I., r. 4s 86't Arm. A- Cn. 4'ns 9ftP. & T. 6s,. 96 Atchison g. 4s.. 90 Penn. 1011. 44sla B. & . 4n 88 'do gen. 4Hs 964 Crn. Leiith. 5s.. 994 Reading gen. 4s 614 Cen, Pac, lsi.. 84 fl h A fl F a 8s 66 C. O, c. 6s,. 8Ho. Puelflft c, bs 994 C B St. Q .It 4s 964 do reft 4s .... 864 tCM&KPgl4 96 South. Ry. 6l. , 98 C R I & P r 4s 7ft4'T.'g l'aclflotl 96 C. .V 8. r. 4 4s 79 Union Paclfln 4s 9B'4 1). A It. 0. r. ; 68 1I0 cv. 4s.... 89 lnm. of Can. 5a 96lr. H. Rubber 6s 86'4 Krle gen, 4s.. 61 U. H. Stoc) 6s, .1044 den. i;iec. 6s,.10ItWabash lat ...109 Ol. No. 1st 44 94 West. Cit. 44s 914 111. Con. r.-f. 4a 86 Hid. offered. Turpentln and KtMln. ftavanuhh June 20. (dls Turpentine, firm. AHc) sales, 320 ubls.; storks, 18, 796 bbls. RosinKIrm; sales, 1,211 bbls.; receipts, 1, 6R7 bbls.; shipments, 1 306 bbls. ; stneka. 63,. 768 bbls. (JUntallons: ' A, II, $6.40(16,50; D, 5.6ft(i 6.00; B, $6.50(6.ti6; F, $r..H5SJ5.80; (). $6.706.80: II, $6.754l16.8(l; , $&.M6.85; K $5.906.00; 61, $6.001jt fl.20 V N, $6,360 6,65; WU, $6.45&6.7U; WW, $6.806.90, MeiaJ Market. New York, June 3ft. -Metal Lead, dull; spot, $11. 8744(12. 184- Spelter, dull; spot Kast Ht. Louis delivery, $113419 374. Copper, firm; electrolytic, spot and nearby, nominal, $33.00$: 34.0 0;lhlrd quarter. $29.60 (1(32.00. iron, firm; No. 1 northern, $49,004$ 60.00; No. 2. $48.7649.76; No. 1 southern, $47.0OSf 48.00; No. 2, $40.60947.60, Tin, strong; spot. $63.5064. 5Q. At London: Spot Copper, fl.10; futures, 20 10s; electrolytic, fill. Spot tin. 251; fntureH, 1239. Lead, spot, 130 10s; futures, fi 10c. Spelter, upot, 164; futures, 160. I'HOTOPLAAH. Today-- Friday-Saturday The Friend A tense story depicting the terrible consequence of an un scrupulous man's efforts to se cure the woman he was in fatuated with. A superb production with these two brilliant stars. t1 p Till H"1 1 pl 'T11'"?! (t! rS I "HU: M 'TI'T IT! f1"1?1! W I PT1 1 H!1! rrf TT1 1 : TTf 'lTl,, (I -TT T ' f 1 IFJ PfFI rT,7II I ( W ii ! I1 W3 : JB iTi TOO AY ONLY DOROTHY DAVENPORT In "The Devil' Bondwoman" AMIHEMENTN. LUMI-Lclt CHANGE VAUDEVILLE AND PHOTOPLAYS WITHOUT APOLOGIES DU FRESNE SISTERS The Up-To-Date Girl, in SONGS and DANCES CRAIG AND WADE TOO FOOLISH FOR ANYTHING A PATHE THANHOUSER PHOTODRAMA Featuring FREDERICK WARDE, in "FIRES OF YOUTH" A WILLIAM FOX COMEDY "HIS BOMB POLICY" Featuring CHARLES CONKLIN IN THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS DISTRICT FROM 11 TO 11. NEW YORK STOCKS Numerous Elements Combine to Bring About Unsettled Conditions in Wall Street. I N"iv Y.ni,, Jntic 20. iihdiawal of pua- lie p.iiilcipatlon, an advance in call money I to fli, i.cr rent, the hitch rate of thu year, frenh eoinplleatlotis In Ih" foreign situation nnd iinfavorablo weather oer western and southweslern tiirrf culture centers accounted in varying degrees for today'H further Im pairment of quoted vn lues. The litiiher money rates extended to time loans and on-'-d.iy illnenunis by the local Federal Reserve b.tnk, which were raised from 2 to 3 per cent. Reports of the gov ernment's Intention lo take over the opera lion of the roiiulry's Ii-stllng Industries met with prompt deoiHl from Washington. IWItnss were ;inhl itumt severe In Specu lailve IsMies. hut inilnuceil all divisions of (lie Ut Itiiiudlnv nil If. Price were dls tlnelly firm at Hie opening, but heaviness soon developed on persistent offering of uteels, copper, nils, augaiM ami numerous uncln"dfled Mockw 1'anljil rallies were Invarlnbly followed by reiiewi.I of selling for both accounts, the tdiort lneret. displaying especial activttv tn the war group. I". S. SleH offered lest resUiunce lo pressure, declining from 1284. Us best cnotalion of the morning, to H liotiitH under (hut level, Hi-t hihem steel new shares proved more vulnerable at ail extreme ln-s of f. v, poind to 135. " In Ihe final Pour Culled Statea steel led (bo active list 111 41 generHl recovery of I to 4 points from lowest levels, while Cruclbln sleet, distillers securities, rorn products and a few other hsiii-n which no their promi nence to pool activity made actual gains 01 1 cn ,1 poinix. Motors unit shippings were steadier than most other group, pronounced heaviness be ing shown by some of lh utilities. Total salrs 9:6,000 shares. Iliceipt of atiulher $11,000,000 In British gold hardening of llrcs and rublea, and a slight shading of f nines were the feature f ihn forelmi exchange market. Rends were heavy on recessions In high grade Industrial and railway Issues. Total sales par value $2,260,110, Liberty bonds held al par for full lots and other PnMed Hintcs( Issues wore unchanged on Number nf sales and quotations on the leading buk ka were: Sales. High. Law. .Clow, Am, Het Sugar... 60 9.", 4 94 94 Am. Can 4.40 4i4 it 474 Am. Cur A F'ndry, 1.300 ;5 11 73 Am. Locomotive.. 2,6on 71 4 A in. Smell. A Ref. 10,60ft 106 104 1044 Am. Sugar Ref ...,6,700 13ft jtau, H84 Am. Tel. ft Tel... 000 121 4 laifc 1)1 4 Am. 7.. (,. A S.' , i Anarnnda Copper . 11,300 82 81 8l Atchison 4,000 tot 1064 lftOS A. (I. , W. I, H, S. 2 100 113 109 1094 H. A 1 300 7!4 78S II. A S. Copper ... 300 41 414 414 Cel. Petroleum 'iiit 59 Canadian Pacific . 300 160 4 160 1694 Cenlral Leather .. 11,800 914 91 124 C. At 0 500 R0 69 69 4 C. M. A St. P. ... ,00 744" 74 74 C, A N. V 4'i0 110'i 110 1084 C. R. 1. A P. rtfs S rhino Copper 1.40i) 664 64 6144 Colo, Fuel A Iron.. 2,600 61 4 ' 64 Corn Preduciu Ref t,no 34 314 884 Crucible Steel .... 2,600 83 794 924 Cuba Cane Sugar 1 7. 1 00 44 42 4 43 4. I'litlllers Hers. .. 14,10ft 344 21 24 Krle 1,600 lit; 4 26 H at 4' Ooneral Klectrlu H? General Motors .. 16,000 JU4 113 1144'' (It, No. pfd iov Ot. No. Ore. r.tfs. 1,600 32 814 81 Illinois Centre! 108 Inspiration Copper. 6, 400 634 1 H 62 4 v Int. M. Marine pfd, 11,900 84S 83 II 4 Int. Nickel 8,200 404 89 29.4 lot. Paper 1,H00 284 86H 864 p' K. C. Hohthern 184 Kennecott Copper . 4,600 46 444' 444 Louisville A Nash 1244 Maxwell Motors .. 1,900 61 4 49 49 Mexican Pet 6,600 96 93 $4 Miami Copper .... 1,800 41 40 40 Missouri Pacific ., 1,000 29 29 19 Nevada Copper . 200 23 J3 4 23 4 N. Y. Central .... 1,100 91 10 90 N. Y.. N. Jl. A H 87 Norfolk A Western 1.400 123 123 124 Northern I'Hctfio . l,Z) 1031 1034 103 Pacific Mall 700 27 16 16 Pacific Tel. & Tel 86 Pennsylvania ., ,, 1,000 63 63 82 Pittsburg Coal .... 7,800 64 62 63 Ray Con. Copper . 3,700 2k a 8 ! ending 19,700 96 94 96 Rep. Iron ft Hteel 14,900 90 88 90 Mhattuck Arix. Cop. 200 26 16 26 Southern Pacific. .. 1.900 9 98 984 Southern Ry 2,200 37 97 87 Studebaker Corp... 38,100 86 86 844 Texas Co 3,30ft 210 306 206 Union 1 'a el fir .... 2,600 136 135 136 V. S. Ind. Alcohol 14,:n0 1G4 160 163 I'. B. Steel 249,700 128 125 126 H. H. steel, pfd,.. 117 man ronnor s.aon no ms io' Wabash, pfd "B". 2,100 26 86 36 Western Lilian Tots) Miles for the day, 938,000 sharca. PHOTOPLAY (4. GAIL KANE Ui FI,1"I,T,t,li p MUSE EARLE WILLIAMS in "THE SOUL MASTER" AMVNK9IENTH,, OF PROliKAM TODAY CARLO AND CO. ? ? ? ? THE MAN OF MYSTERY FIVE EMIGRANTS FROM THE OLD WORLD TO THE NEW 78