THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. JUNE 19, 1917. Nebraska TREASURER HALL SOME ADVERTISER Puts Name on Office Door When Title of Office Only Adorns Every Other One, in' State House. 'From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, June 18. (Special.) Is State Treasurer George Hall a per manent fixture in the state house? I'otv the first two years of .his of '.licial career as treasurer, Mr. Hall allowed the offices to remain with the old and much worn paper put on by his republican predecessors. Carpets full of holes and otherwise the worse for wear, remained upon the floor. Now all is changed. Bhight and beautiful paper adorns the wall and there is an indication of prosperity on every hand. On the outside door lias been painted in letters so plain that the "wayfaring man though a fool need nof err therein," the magic wSrds, "George E. Hall,. State Treas urer." Looks Like Fixture People wonder if this is an indi cation Mr. lall expects to continue indefinitely as state treasurer of Ne braska and that he has forgotten the constitutional injunction "Four years shall ye serve and no longer." Some people say Mr. Hall expects , to be a candidate for the democratic nomination for the United States sen ate against his old friend, Attorney General Reed, and that the name up on the door is simply keeping his name before the public "lest we for get." When Governor Moretfead was chief executive he issued a warning against writing names on any part of thestate house and proclaimed a reward of $25 for information lead ing tothe discoverey of any individ ual who "defaced" and part of the building by placing his name thereon. Doors of offices of other state of ficials bear name of the offive only. Mr. Hall has seized time by the forelock and has indicated he has a strangle hold on publicity. State Defense Council Urges Precautions at Meetings 7 Lincoln, Neb., June 18. (Special Telegram) The state Council of De- tense today sent out instructions that extra precautions be taken wherever patriotic rallies are held, special dep uties to guard places o meeting are addressed and it is urged that all packages be denied within the build ing without previous examination; that speakers refrain from shaking hands with the crowd, especially where handkerchiefs are held in the hand or a bandage appears on the hand. Although investigation of the hall or stand where the meeting is held and especial care of the speakers is urged. J he order is promulgated by the adjutant general. Dr. E. O. Weber of the department ot mediation and sanitation urges extra care in preparing food for sol diers and a guard over all food and tvater tp be used for troops. Stock Yards Company Wants Higher Corn Ctjargc (From a State Correspondent.) Lincoln, June 18. (Special.) Gen .era! Manager Buckingham of the Union Stock Yards company, with At torney Norris Brown appeared before the State Railway commission today in an effort to have the rate charged for corn to shippers raised. The present rate is one fixed by the commission after a hearing about , year ago and is 10 cents above the average price paid for corn per bushel the month previous. . The company contends that this is insufficient and quoted prices at other points charged by stock yards com panies running from $2 to $2.25 per bushel. ' Members of Guard Count In Army Draft Quota 'From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, June 18. (Special.) Many rumors are coming to the governor relative to the matter of counties re ceiving credit on the quota of men changed to each county on the draft. The governor has announced that fill counties will be credited with all men now in the National Guard. If n company belongs to any of the regi ments of the state guard their men will count in the quota charged to that count)'. Judges of Supreme Court Go , Overland to Bar Meeting tFrom a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, June 18. (Special.) Judges of the supreme court started for Scottsbluff today in an automobile to attend the session of the State Bar association 'which meets here this week. All seven judges were in he party except Judges Hamer and Cornish. Former Fremont Man Killed. Fremont, Neb., June 18. (Special Telegram.) Frank S. Beaumont, for merly of Fremont, was electrocuted at Deadwood, S. D., while in the employ of the Consolidated Light and Power company as electricion, according to word that reached Mrs. Beaumont, who was visiting her par ents in Fremont. Mr. Beaumont was .50 years of. age and is survived by liis wife, mother and three sisters and one brother, who reside at Clarks ville, Ten. Selects Nurses' Examining Board. . Pierre, S. D., June 18. (Special Telegram.) Governor Nortfeck has selected as members of the state board of examiners of nurses, Mrs. Elizabeth Dryborough of Rapid City, Clara Involdson, Flandreau and Johanna Hegdahl of Redfield, these being selected from a . list furnished by the State Nurses' association. They with a member of the State Board of Health comprise the new board. Fear Contractor Has Taken Life. Fremont, Neb., June 18. (Special' Telegram.) Charles D. "Simmons, a cotfacfor, disappeared from home ten days ago and no trace; has since been found. He had been in poor health for several months and made threats he would take his life. Simmons was 50 years of age. He recently completed a large grading job north of Fremont. Fremont Man Weds in Chicago. Chicago, June 18. (Special Tele gramsBenjamin F. Kalk, Fremont, Neb., was licensed here today to wed Miss Jeanettc Miller, Chicago. THE RED CROSS SPIRIT SPEAKS By JOHN nMU.EY. tCommiisionor of Education for the State of Keiv Tork and" Chairman Albany County Chapter of the Tied Croee.1 I. Wherever war, with Ite red woee, Or flood, or fire, or famlae goee, There, too. fo 1 ; If earth la any quarter quake Or peelUence Ite ravage makee, Thither 1 fly. II. I kneol behind the eoldlert' trench, I walk 'mill ehamblei' smear and etenrh. The dead I mourn; I hear the etreteher and I bend O'er Frits and Pierre and Jack to mead IV hat sheila hare ton. IK. ' I ea wherever mea may dare, I go wherever woman's care And love eaa live. Wherever strength and skill can bring ftnrcease to ttumaa suffering, Or solsoe give, IV. I ojelned upon Haldora's shore: With Hospitaller Knlghls 1 bore Tha first red cross: T was the lady af the lamp; I saw In Solferlno's camp '1 be erlmsoD loss. V. ' I am ynur pennies and your pounds; I am your bodies on their rounds of pain afart I am you, doing what you would If yon were only where you rould- Your avatar, VI. The cross which on my arm I wear, The flag which o'er my breast 1 bear, Is but the sign Of wltnt you'd sacrifice for htm Who suffers on the hellish rim Of war's red line. Copyright, 1817, by American Bed Cross. All rights reserved. elected: President, Rev. W. B. Bobb; vice president, Mrs. A. Lansing; sec retary, B. R. Hedgliiy treasurer, J. G. Hoviland. Coal Ship and Submarine Borh Destroyed in Duel New York, June 18. In a battle be tween a crippled, stranded British steamship ami a submarine off the Italian coast in May, both craft were destroyed, according to members of the crew of the American steamship, Hilonian, who arrived here today. The Hilonian itself has already been reported sunk off the Italian coast on May lu, the crew being landed at Alhcnga. On the same day an unidentified British freighter car rying coal was also torpedoed, but the captain managed to run his ship into shallow water before it partly sank. Two days later, the American asserted, the submarine returned to the attack and launched a torpedo which hit the steamer amidships and almost blew it apart. As the sub marine came to the surface to ob serve the effects of the shot, two deck guns on the stern of the freighter were turned on it. A six-inch explosive shell hit the U-boat and it was seen to turn over twice and split squarely in two befora going down. Nebraska Pensions. Wsi,hlnglon. June 18. (Special) Pen Ions granted: Nebraska, Bllsaboth Yah entitle, Lincoln, t:'TC timmet A. Bnllivan has been appointee) pctnuster st Trill City. 8. P., vice B. Wg Payne, removed. Big , Auto Which Carried School Children Is Burned Kearney, Neb., June 18. (Special.) Seven St. James parochial school children had a narrow escape from in jury Saturday night, while autoing to jreiion wnere tney were to stage a school play, the automobile caught fire. Fortunately the driver of the ma chine discovered that the machine was on fire and he brought the big car to a standstill, relieving it ot its pas sengers and all stood back at a safe distance, awaiting the explosion of the gasoline tank. The accident took place two miles east of Buda. The car, Deionging to Dr. A. L). Cameron of tnis city, is a total loss. Shubert Raises $500 For Red Cross Campaign Stella, ATeb., June 18. (Special.)- at the Christian church in Shubert last, evening, wmi Kev. .Mr. Pardee, flip nactnp as l.inor !?. U I.I dollars was subscribed and this fore noon enougn more Had been sub scribed to make the total nearly $300. Elder Pardee was chosen president, Elmer Ham, secretary; J. F. Shubert, treasurer. Ex-Governor J. H. Mre head, chairman of the Red Cross com mittee at Falls City, was present. Family Escapes From Burning Farm Home in Night Clothes Beatrice. Neb.. Tune 18 CSneriat Telegram.) The home of Joseph Wills, eight miles east of Beatrice. was destroyed by fire at 3 o'clock yes terday morning from an unknown cause and the family was forced to escape from the building in their night clothes. The loss is placed at $2,500, partially covered by insurance, Notes From Beatrice. Beatrice, Neb., June 18. (Special.) Attorney Fulton Jack left last eve ning for Washington, Ta., to attend the twenty-fifth annual, reunion of his graduating class. He was accom panied by his son, Juny, a member of Company C. Donald Hillyer. an obi Beatrice boy, wired friends from Omaha yes terday stating that he was enroute to Allentown, Pa and from there he would go to France to fight for Uncle Sam. v The Paddock hotel Saturday even ing turned over nearly $1,000 to the Red Cross society as proceeds from the three meals served during the day. E. L. May, proprietor of the hotel, , advertised that the money spent at his place would go to the Red Cross, and the hotel was a busy place during the day. Ascertain Rail Valuations. Stella, Neb- June i8. (Special.) Civil engineers working under the di rection of the Interstate Commerce commission ui the division of valua tions are wonting north from Kansas City on the Missouri Pacific railway, j TO STRENGTHEN THE NERVES Take Horsford's Acid Phosphate When nervous, ttred or restless: It restoree the system and Induces refreshing sleep. Buy a bottle. Advertisement. Aleged Slacker is Arrested at Broken Bow Broken Bow, Neb., June 18. (Spe cial.) Hal Carpenter, 22 years old, and a resident of Washington, la., has been arrested here charged with being a slacker. The sheriff of Wash ington county, Iowa, notified the sher iff's office here that Carpenter left home several weeks ago and he had reason to believe that he was visiting a relative in Custer county. Deputy Sheriff Thompson located Carpenter on a farm north of town and arrested him. He is now in jail awaiting the action of the federal authorities, who havevbecn notified. When arrested Carpented said his eyes were not- in good condition and for that reason did not register. Red Cross Auxiliary at Eddyville. Lexington, Neb., June 18. tSpe cial.) A Red Cross auxiliary with fifty-four members was organized at Eddyville Friday night by a delega tion of Red Cross workers from Lex ington. The following officers were Clothes Leadership Demonstrated To All Who Compare CCYy YST ANDERS cannot judge the 'B aim of a big gun; the elevation is confusing1." savs Herbert Kaufman. Men cannot judge the range of Greater Nebraska clothes-service without in vestigation and comparison. It is the aim of this organization to assemble in one vast stock the proven "Best Clothes Made in America." Our showing of Rochester. N. Y.'s cele brated productions the finest jour neymen tailored ready for - service clothes that money can buy empha sizes our determination to serve you with nothing less than the best. In Justice to Yourself See Our Superb Display of Spring and Summer Suits, '$15, $20, $25, $30, $35, $40 Straw Hat Days Are Here The early buyer al ways gets the satisfaction of wearing the new when it's NEW. STORE CLOSES AT 6 P. M. D'AILY EXCEPT SATURDAY, AT 9 P M. jj I' CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN I 1 T ; .. fair prices ftIf f fi55C Pair Treatmenttt:f4 I V Jt ta ,-Vj. f isj?5 . 'v 'VjVVhfv ", 'f v-'ri JlH 5 -t 'i''!-- "' . f- ("A , ?vCy, ,( ' - ',' 1 ' ' r'.i' .ill Cable Cbrd-40 Rubber Immune to Tire Fever JEHOLD how cord and rubber are fused into the flexible, powerful cable-cord which forma the ex clusive patent-protected body of a Silvertown tire. Note the rubber core, and how each cord 'tendon in the cable-cord lies completely encased in a cushion of rubber. Corded and cabled under high pres sure, which replaces all air in the ' fiber with rubber gum, it is fused with rubber as a cobbler's waxed end is waxed with wax. That fusion of rubber and cord, cool no matter how last the tire whirls, when cross-wrapped in the Silvertown's two-ply body, is the secret of Silvertown's IMMUNITY from TIRE-FEVER the internal heat rubbed up between the plies of many-ply tires .tne great "de stroyer of tires. With but two plies of strong, cool cable cord Silvcrtowns, trade marked, with the Red Double Diamond, are bound to outlast and outserve many-ply tires, with their multiplied tire fever, v Moreover they give a style, a smoother riding comfort and gaso line saving economy you can not afford to deny yourself. THE B. F. GOODRICH CO., Akron, Ohio Goodrich alto maka thcamou Fabric Tim Black Sajcty Tntuit Local Address, 2034 Farnam St. Phone Douglas 4334 pZ&l&)&&Z!i'Tyilvertown makes all cars high-grade Store Close at 5 P. M. Dally Sat urdays at 9 P. M. I brandeis Stores I Store Closes at 5 P.M. Daily Sat urdays at 9 P. M. WELCOME Nebraska Editors We invite you to visit Omaha's Greatest Retail Establishment. The development of this remarkable business is in spirational in its achieve ment and forms one of the brightest pages in Oma ha's history. This business was bullil eii upon SERVICE and we would consider it a favor if you permit us to per sonalize that service for your benefit. Notions at Low Prices I. B. Kleinert's Rubber Sheeting, the yard, at 39 American Maid Crochet Cotton, the spool, at 6t Men's and Women's Sleeve Protectors, pair at. . . . Strong Wire Hair Pins, 8 packages for 5 Merrick's and Coats' Best 6-cord Thread, spool at 5 GirTs' Sock Garters, all fancy, pair at lfvC" B-yard Spools of Sewing Silk, the spool at. .3 Oil Cans, medium size, each at 5s Underwear Buttons, strong and large, card at 10 Hooks and Eyes, black and white, at 2HC Kid Curlers, all sizes, bunch at 10 Middy Lacers, all colors, each at 5 03-inch Shoe Laces, pair at 5 Clack and White Cable Cord, 12 yards for 5c Coat Hangers, each at 5k Main Floor Shoes and Stockings for All the Family Father Mother SisterBrother Baby. THIS BASEMENT SOLVES the Footwear problem for the entire family very satisfactorily. With an Immense stock of sturdy, stylish and reliable shoes at very reasonable prices and Hosiery in all styles and colors at lowest prices, economy may be practiced here with profit. ' The Shoes We Of fer For Mother Sizes 2Vi to 8, Widths AA to E. At $2.75 Comfort Shoe, hand turned soles, rubber heels, Vici Kid. At $1.98 Gray Canvas, Goodyear welted soles, l1. 4 -inch Cuban leather heels. At $2.48 Vici and Patent Leather Oxfords, , lace style and 2-strnp Pumps, Cuban heels. For Siater Sizes 2i2 to 7 and 11 Va to 2. To fit Misses 12 to 18 years and Girls 6 to 12 years of age. At $2.95 Gun Metal Calf, Patent or Vici Kid, cloth of matt kid top; me dium welt sole and -inch Cuban heel. At $1.98 Strap Pumps, Patent or Vici Kid clotn ot matt kid quarter: inch Cuban heel. For Father Sizes 6 to 11. " " " At $2.98 Vici Kid, plain toe, also in Calf- skin, plain or tipped toe. At $2.48 Heavy Chrome Calf Work Shoe, Blucher cut, half double solc. At $1.98 Palm Beach Oxfords, English or high toe. - ' For Brother Sizes 2'2 to 6 and 12 to 2. For youths 12 to 16 years and Boys 6 to 12 years. At $2.48 Gun Metal or Tan Calf, heavy double sole, button or Blucher style; sizes 2hi to 6. j At $1.49 Barefoot Sandals for Boys, Rui. i set Calf, stitched down soles, sizes 12 to 2. For the Little Tots 2 to 6 years. At IsSc-j-Mary Jane, Ankle Strap, hand turned sole, Aade in Bronze, White Kid, Gray and Vici Kid, sizes 4 to 8. At 65c Vici Kid Button Shoe, hand turned sole, patent tip, sizes 1 to 6. For Mother At 39c Hosiery for AH the Family Plr Fiber Silk Hosiery, black, white and colors, ribbed and garter fyps, all double heels, toes and soles. For Father At 25c a Pair Fine Lisle Socks, In black, white, gray and smoke; all double heels, toes and soles. For Children f" At 2Sc a Pair Fine and heavy ribbed Black Cotton Hosiery, sizes 6 to For Infant At 29c a Pair Infants' Ail-Wool Hosiery, in black, white, tan, sky, pink and red, sizes 4 to 6H. Baiemcnt The Patriotic WomeiLon the Farms can do their "bit" in tbe great task of producing more foqd by, Driving the So Simple To Operate Are A Woman Can Drive Them and many times when all the men are busy at otter jobs can the women on the farm be of inestimable aid by driving the GMCs with their enormous loads from the fields to the farm or to town. Their utter simplicity of operation and freedom from complicated action means a woman can man age them quite as easily as a pleasure car. "Put it Up to Us to SHOW YOU" With tbe war soon to claim thousands of men from productive industry, the task before 'the farmer today is more difficult than ever. Not only is he expected to produce greater quantities of food this year, but he will probably have to do soith a "help" problem before him such as he has never before experienced. Conse quently, he must look for assistance to those labor saving machines which will enable him to do his work more effectively and with less men. But the farmer who enlists the CMC truck into his ser vice has no fears. JIe knows it 'will speedily and satisfac torily handle his immense hauling prorblems. He knows that by means of the GMC he can cither dispense with entirely, or release for more productive work, the three or four teams usually rciiuireu 10 uo nis irucKing. What's more, he knows that the teaming the GMC will handle will be done at a far lower operating and upkeep ex. pense than by the old method, besides being done much quicker thus reducing the risk of spoilage from bad weath er, etc. , Nebraska Buick Auto Co. Omaha Lincoln Let Huff, Mgr. H. Z. Sidles, Gen, Mgr. HENRY St CO., Distributors ' Omaha, South Onha, and Council Bluffs. ' Sioux City ! 8. C. Doughs, Mgr. .1