THE BEE: , MONDAY, JUNE 1917. 3 " Want Ad Rates CSS THE TBLEFHONB If oo eannet mi. venleDtl, aria, qi .end '.n your ada. Aak for a Want Ad Taker and too will re celee tne hid a ooO eenflc aa whin de livering your ad at thl. office. ' PHONE TYLER IIHW. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSB EVEMNO KPITIONS II:M M. UOHNUiO EDITIONS li:M P. HO AD TAKEN FO- LESS THAN !M, ONE TIME, OB lESf THAN IN a OAT. 4 CASH WITH ORIIEB. I A get Solid (No Dlaplay .) V PER WORD. EACH INSERTION. If Paragraphed or Dteplayed la Larger 1yp! 10 par Una ona lima -e pr una. I or mora conraoutlv. lo.rlloDa. SITUATIONS WANTED. Waakly rata S Pr Una CARD Or THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. 10a par Una each tuaartloa (Minimum charge, 10 oanta.) MONTHLY RATE FOR STANDING ADS. (No ohaxfa of copy allowed.) Ona tin J-' Two Unaa or mora M.10 ALL POREION ADVERTISING UNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS. fe par word ona I1" mo par word, two or mora eonaacntlva Inaartlona. SPECIAL COMBINATION BATE. Oa Land, Pool try and Othor Adv.rtl.Uta;. THE OMAHA BKfc 60,000 dally. I aTH CENTURY PARMER lo'er 110.000 weakly.) A combined circulation which will raaeb both tba city and rural' re.ld.nt. Bpeolal Reaj. Ratoa. Bala. I Inaartlona IB Omaha Bee and I Inaertlon Id 10lb Century Farmer, per word. . . . ... la 7c f Inaartlona :a Omaha Baa and 1 inaertlon la 10th Century rarniar. par wo.-d .....l.tta lie (ftintraet twtaa on appUeaUon.) Movie Program Downtown PRINCESS. Ul! IJOUOLAS RUTH ROLAND in No. 3 of . "THE NEGLECTED WIFE." North. ALAllO, MTU AND FORT JACK MULHALL in "THE OUN MAN'S OOSPEL," ANIMATED WEEKLY. ALBAMBRA. J4TH AND PARKER . DOROTHY DALTON in "THE DARK ROAD. . DIAMOND, , J4TH AND LAKE FLORENCE LA BAD1E in "WHEN LOVE WAS BLIND." GRAND. 1TH AND BINNET BABY MARIE OSBORNE in "SUNSHINE AND GOLD." LOTHROr, ' 24TTl ANI' LOTHIIOP EARLE .WILLIAMS in "APARTMENT 29." PARK, 1TH AND CALIFORNIA RED FEATHER ALL STAR FEATURE, "POLLY PUT THE KETTLE ON." EDDT LYONS AND LEE MORAN COMEDT. South. LLO, :TH AND LEAVENWORTH MAR1R DORO In "CASTLES FOR TWO," "FATTT" ROSCOE ARB1ICKLE In "A RECKLESS ROMEO." BOULEVARD. 13D AND LEAVENWORTH WILLIAM FARNUM, "A TALE OF TWO CITIES." ROHLFP, !STH AND LEAVENWORTH DOROTHY PHILLIPS in "A DOLL'S HOUSE." West DUNDEE, B1BT AND UNDERWOOD EARLE WILLIAMS in "THE HAWK." South Side, MAOIC, 7 2ITH AND N LOUISE LOVELT and ALLAN HOLUBAh 'THE FtEt.p"'oF HONOR.", DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. M'NEIL. Robert F. She funeral of the lata Robert T. MoNell will be held at hla former reetdenca, gi6 Bo, 32d Ave., Tunaday. June J,.a x. p. nv Interment Proepect Bill cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. E. L. DODDER CO., Director., r. B. rare. Mgr., I3d and Cuming Sta Phone Douglaa S7T. Auto ambulance). I1ULSB R1EPEN. undertakera and am. balmara, T01 s, lfftrl. Douglaa lize. Burn JOHNSTON. amUlmera and fu naral director.. 7IT S 14th St. Tylar 17. JOHN A. OENTLUUAN. undertaker and ambalmet. fljea iiavenworin iioug innw. FLORISTS. fattiNa a mambar of tba National F lor let a' Telegraph Dell vary aaaoelatlon, wa ar In poaltlon to dell vary flowera on ahort notice anywhere lo tha U. or Canada. Haae A BwoDooa. rioriaia. tAIlOKBT aaaortment of freah flowera. L. HENDERSON. 1519 FARNAM. LEE L. LARMOR 1114 Douglas nt. Douglaa H144. Parker rtower a nop. 411 iLHth. d. 1101 THE) FERN CRT. 601 8- Hth St, Doug MM. BATH, National riorlat, 104 rarnara St A PONAOHI'B. 112? Ilarnv Dnug 1"01 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Btrtha Harry L. nd Huel .May Nil. -- ia9T Rurrftttta. hov: Tharlaa and Nellie Dice, 8H1I Temple too avenue, boy; Charlea and Martha BraalL 1813 North Thlrty-fourth. girl; George and Mary A. Fortar, 3U4 Woo I worth avenue, girl; peter A. ana wa ttirfsa wtch. 1614 North Fifty-ninth avenue, girl; Clement J. an 4 Margaret Farrell. 1417 Iodge, girl; William ! end Stella Her rlnaton. 40S5 L. arlrl : Ouv R. and Ella T. Bailey, 6!3 North Thirtieth, girl; Frederick and Frefla L. Warah, 017 South Nineteenth, girl; Joeeph and Blenora PoipichaL I7 South Twenty-fourth, girl; Harry and Min nie Whltebrook. 321 Can, boy; Chriatuphar ' and Ida Riddle, 1400 South Twenty-flftb, girl: Johan and Andelo Pltrovakl. 4407 South Thlrtjr-aeventh, boy; Johan nd Kfa Chroatik, 4ioi Boutn Tweniy-vnin. ooy; William and Emlle Terry, N, boy; Clrlrvo and Covotta Curoo, (04 Pierce, boy; , Balvatora and Carraela Vechlo. 71t Pacific. boy; Antonio and Nora Dtmaurlo, 1 131 Hnuth Fourth, rtrl: John and Mary Baumar, 3404 North Sixty-ftrat, boy; Frank , and Rrama M. Haloy, 1411 Caldwell, boy; Ueorge tnd Teream Krlfbaum, Fortieth and S, boy. Deatha John A. Brand ley, ST years, tioa pltel; Charlea P. Dohrman, 40 yeara, hoapl- l tail uOI rtlicninga, n yeara, noepuai i Martin Konath. 64 Seara. hoanltal: Wil helmlna Poeach, 71 yeara, 1008 Bouth Kourtb; Mary E. Ooddard, 4 yeara. 1041 Asuth Twenty-fourth; Matthlaa Scholl. 41 yeara. hoxDttal : Guat Arkadla, S3 yeara, Omaha: Jamea X. Jonea, 71 year. 461J r South Twenty-second; Alblna Homolka. II yeara, honpitai; rrancia j. uerm, it yeara. r,i34 webater. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following permit to wed have t U.ttnrt' t Nam and Real dene. Agf, William Nelson. Spalding, Nab Clara B. Manafleld. bpaldlng, Neb S3 Alfred R. Bandatedt, Omaha ti LI I He B. Lehmann, OroaHa.. SI rharlea H. Pool. Boone. la SS Genevieve Cayler. Boone, la..., 10 Harold 8. Kemp, Omaha.'. 36 - Salome K. Ingman, Omaha... S4 Maurice P. Adama, Omaha... 11 Doll WUlett. Omaha 2 Lra Carroll. Council Bluff a, la.. ....... S3 Tuna Hanson, Neoia, la 10 Oeurge A. Meyer, Bennington, Ala... over SI v, Marl Hamann, Omaha over IS John C. KuehU Benson, Neb SS Mart Relmera, Millard, Neb SO John H. Maaon. Omaha ever i: Ma I. King, Omaha ......over 1 Ouy X. Rhyno, Omaha 14 . Fances M. Pearl, Omaha SO Fritf Mueller. Omaha .i....over S Cecelia Carroll, Omaba..... ..over 1 Hiram H. Avery, Florence, Neb 17 KJtanor R. Morgan, Florence, Neb..... Prank B. Epees, Sioux City. Is..'. 40 kiss M. Cockrell. Sioux City, la 33 Thomas T. Davis, Carlisle, la 44 Mamie Riding. iDdlanola, la SS . William C. Welt il. Albion, Neb 1 Julia" B. Hall, Petereburg. Neb 33 BUILDING PERMITS. Building permlta bave been iMued aa lol- lowe: . August Sundberg. 3022 Web.l.r, r.palra, left, ' LOST-FOUNDREWARDS MAHA A COUNCL BLUFFS HTAKBT RAILWAY COMPANY Prsoni bavin ot mm. artlal would do well lo cfill up th off Iff of tlit ()mlii A Council bluff Street Rill way Company to ascertain whether they lft It la the treet car Many articles etch day r turned tn and th company ta anxlou to restore them p th rightful owner TAKEN from the writing; table at the Mil lard hotel, mahogany cane, fold h-'ftd; In arrlhed W. H. Calboun, iyv. 7-67, Nov. 7. ISO?. Addre-a 2o; Jlarnuy street. Re ward. No queatlons. IF YOU lo anything and will advertise It hera- you will surely recover It tf found by an boot person. If you find anything of valu. the honest way la to advartia for tha owner . LOST License No. 6S486, Neb. and Diam ond tire on demon table rim, between West Point and Pllger. Liberal reward. Tr. Jullua Llngenfelder. Plorra, Neb. LOST Delta Sigma Delta fraternity Mick pin. Call Room 214, Dec BMg. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. ATTENTION, FURNITURE BUYERS. Do not buy any furniture, ruga or atovca until yon hav seen ua flrat Wa offet you a 136,000 STOCK OF HJGH-GUADU, FUR NITURE. RL'GS. STOVES and COU PLETS HO aim OUTFITS for pratlcatlW your own pricu. Wa are forced to vacate our four-atory warehouse, and ta an tire contents muat b aold at one. Hal takea place at our aalea room at tba corner of Hlh and Dodge streets. o Dot (all to sttund. It la an opportunity of a Ufetlms. Hundreda bava already taken advan tage of this wonderful opportunity. Why don't youT STATE FURNITURE CO., P. 1117. Cor. 171b and Porta-. 6ta Omaria. BAKUAIKS In furniture. Ice boiua, gaa alovoa, ruga, bade, china and kttcben cant nete. tablea, cliutra. bulfata, dreaaera, trunke, aullcaaen. Full uno of poultry net tlnr. ecreen. 130-47 N. 2ftb. Web. 1607. ,CK CUEAJ1 tablea, off. fur., cbalra. refrlg.. Ice ooolere, garden hoao, porcb furniture, Vlctrolea and planoa. Loyal e'urn. Co., 1123 N. Hth. City Film. Co.. 107 So. Htb. FOR BALE Beautiful mahogany writing deak. New. Will aell cheap. Bog 4817. Bee. HUhH right down and get your ahara of all ktnria furniture at aacrlflce. f0 N. l.tb TOR SALE Refrigerator, go-cart and din ing table. 4123 N. :eth. Pianos and Musical Imtrumenta. BECKWITH Concert Grand Piano, handaome lnetrument, chap for caeb. Wal. 2S59. 412 Webeter St. rOR SALE Cornet, King model, 3221 How ard, Douglaa G203. Herluf Krogli. Jewelry, Diamonds and Witches. roil ORADUAttON Watchea and rlusa at Frledman'a. 1211 Pouglae. Ivumber and Building Materials. SAVE HALF on beama, columna. brick. H. Orne, Lumber and Wreck. Co. Web. Iefl4. Clothing and Furs. II, UANDiunlform ault and cap, 10. Web ater loo. Printing and Office Supplies. Watere-Rarnhurri! Pig Co.. 624 i "S 131b St Cameras and Kodaks. RFYfl CAMERAS, every click a plc "JJAU tura. Oreen'a Pharmacy, lttb and Howard. Billiards and Pocket Tables. FOR BALE B1LL1AHD TAULtCS, brand new oarom and pocket, with complete outfit,, 150i second-hand tables at re duced prloea; bowling alley and eupullea; saay payments Cigar atore fixtures a ai.cllty. Send for catalogue, THE BRUNSWICK-BALK B-COLLLNDER CO., 40i-l Bouth 10th St. Sewing Machine ""SOWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and part of all aewlng machlnoe. MICKKL ' , NEBRASKA CTCLB CO., Hth and Harney Sta. Doug. IMS Typewriters and Supplies. "EACH THOUGHT A PEARL." Did you ever think how much time and monoy a, typewriter wu14 esve you? Rent one from us. Remington Typewriter Co., S01 S. Iflth St. Phone Doug la e 1284. TYPEWRITERS aold. rented and renatrtrd. rten i an Oliver typewriter s month ror 15. Central Typewriter Kichange, 190& rarnam. Guaranteed Typewriter. 110 and "iip." Write. for Hat. Midland Typ. Co.. 1404 Dodge. ' Miscellsneoul BIN DING TWINE. Beat International and Pilgrim Standard Twine, 17H centa per lb. for cash, F. O. D., Lexington, Neb., aubjct to Immediate acceptance and prior aal. H. P. NIELSEN A SONS, ' Lexington, Neb. OMAHA PltLOW CO. Feathers steam renovated and aiade up In freah ticks coat half th price of new pillows. Call us for samples of ticking and prices. 1907 Cum ing. Douglas 2467 WB HAVE moved to new location. We buy. sell ana make drake, aatea, showcaaea, belong, etc Omaba Fixture and upply Co,, B. W. Cor. 11th and Douglaa Sts. Phone Doug. 87X4, IRON FKNOE FOR SALE, T" Sot feet of heavy ornamental Iron renoe; l xeet Mgn. THOMA S REALTY CO.. It Keellne BMg. BECKWITH Concert Grand Piano, handaome lnetrument, cheap for caah. Walnut 2359, 4BI3 webater St. v FOH SALE Aeparagtia for canning, 60c a market basket. Phone eoltax 318. , 'WANTED TO BUY ELECTRIC motor wanted: Second hand and not beyond repair, single pha t0 cycle 104-30S or 110-320 volt sliea from to IS ho re power; must be low In price, box T-8Q, we. DESKS DESKS' , DESKS New desks, ued deaka, boughU sold and traded. J. v. tteea, iwi ran .am. v. ie PHONB DAVIS He appreciates value. win pay quick and a tura c lory pncea tor Eurnuure, aiovei ana greionoiae. UABNEY 3730 NONE BETTER OLD CLOTHING tPAHS H 1(1 H EST PRICES. DOUOI.AS 8031 dCjlXXVllXO ciothea, aboea, trunka. eta R.d I2. Re... Doug, iost DIAMONDS . BOt BkVoS rf 'CO CASH PAID for diamond. Eatatca ap- praised. Reeae jeweiry o.. - "' FALSE teeth. 31 per et up. Mall to H Vnnltm. ww necaiur. ,man, a uitnifn nnuirht. Ktoier. Ioval Hotal Bldg BO( 1KB bought. 1U 8 16th. Tvler Mi. HIGH prleea aid for old clothes, 4714. ANNOUNCEMENTS Arcordeon Pleltinl ACCORDEON. .Ua, knlfa, .uubur., boi pl..tlng, covered 'buttone, all al.ea and atylaai n.m.tiicning. picuv .uiu., l.t cut work, buttonholes pennanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATINU CO Oppoalt. Br.Dd.l. Stors 100. lut Brown Bldg Douglaa ItSI VAN ARM AN Uru Pleating and Button Co,. H6-7 1'aston Blk. Douglaa gll. Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co. IS) Ramga Bldg. Phon. Pout. Ilt. Detectives. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION. 00 le' ,iet. oa. pme. rvn JAMES ALLAN. Ill 'Neville Blk. Evidence let N.t. Bk. Bldg. Phone Tyler aeie. eecureq in ail caaea lyier ,ub. S D. JOLLY. 611 Paxton. Red 7401. Cleaners and Dyers. t'PIECIl ault ateam et..ned !reae.d. II prAeed, 18c MO. Harney Red !!. Chiropodist. Ctrl. 3. Burtord. S0 Pa.ton Bldk, R. HT Batha. MA8SEDSB. tiatha, manicuring, phyalcal cult. Mlu Walker. 194 Novllle-Blk. D. 47. R1TTENHOUSE Sanlt.rlumi all klnda hatha tin-114 Balrd Blk.. 17tn A Douglaa CENTRAL Bath In.tltuta, ItOt H.TO.J Iloual.a 707. Katella Royca. maea., chip, lit Neville Blk. Bakeriei. . . ; OKT. MAN'S " NEW RNOLAND BAKKBT. 115 N. HTH. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKS! AND HATDEN RKOTHER8. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKLD OOODS. Blacksmiths. BlackamlthlnB. law: mower .harp.n'g. litrs inoir.r. tor .ale. A. Smith A Son. W. SbTl Brass and Iron Founderies. Piixton-Mltcheil Co., STth and Martha 81. OLSJ&N ft SCHIGER, lvacksov7$T. ANNOUNCEMENTS Carpenters and Contractors, LFSSARD BON. SOS! Curding. Ty. 181 Dress Making. MRS H, T Mottaa. bin H Hill Kxp. drr-iimuXfr. Sewing by day. Wal. TERRY Dressmaking Co.. antb and Farnam Everything for Women. SWITCH EH madf from, combing. $ strand. II. Whatr 41f. , SOU Grant lt. Furs Stored FURS 'stored, lf aned and remodeled, i price. Fare dyed. H. Rothholi,, Furrier, Harney zn:i. .'a i b avonworui. Fixtures and Wiring. riTTPItfTM K'otr'o waahlng machlneM, U U XVIVlii aifectrte Irona and reading lampa. 2223 Cuming St. Doug. 8611. Hat Cleaners. AM klfrla hata cleaned and rehlocked; la dlB' hata tpwHal. 1 H20 Hnrngy. B, 407)1. Masseures. HA89AOIC. cblropody Att Head, S0S-J4 Balrd Bldg.. 1 7th and Douglca. D. UhH. FRKD C. ALLKN. aclentlflc maaaeur; Swed lab maaaage and vapor hatha. ItftT Dodga. intrl liVth Inat., 1506 Harney. Doug. 7097. MI8S WEST, manicure, maaaage 210 N. 17. MISS HOLLAND. HI Neville Blk. Oxy-Acetykne Welding. Expert Welding on All Metals. H. W. LEVF.RINU. 3I) 8. 12th St. D. S7. Patent Attorneys. STURGES A STUROKS. U S. end torelgn pat.nt. and trademark. SS0 Bee Bldg. PATfcNTS"Droctirfcd7o7ught and .old. Inter national Patent Co.. .83 Brando!.. D. SS9I. Insurance. BANKERS- LIFE OF LINCOLN, 118-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. -Dong. Hit. Lawn Mowers Sharpened. CARL JARL. 1701 Leavenworth St. D 41177. Osteopaths. Mr.. 3. R. Mustek, aulplior. .team and auca lyptue bathe. 402-3 Knee Bldg. Ty. Z3S3. Painting and Paper Hanging. TO BltlOHTEN VOL'R HOME SKU FRED PARKS. Wall Paper. Pttlnta and Glea.. Picture rramtng, Painting nd P.per Hinging. 4055 8. H4II1 Pbon. 8 101. Pianos for Rent. 18. BO per mo. A. Ho.p. Co.. 161 Douglaa. Rautime. ' L..rn to play popular muelo f I. leaaona Tailors. CRONSTROM'S PANTAI.ORIHM Room I Patterann Blk., 17th and Kar p.m. Douglaa 6407. J. Cronetrom, Mer chant Tailor, cleaning, pressing and . re pairing PaaI in rt 1.UV.UI,. . Oraaha Roeflng Co.. comp., gravel, asphalt Shingle pattern roonng .hlngl. coattng. All kind, of repairing, ill Bee BMg. D. 1043. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dres. suit for rent- 3ts ft. nth John Fciqinao. D. 31ZI. Safes. BARGAINS, ltll rarnara. J. J. Derlght Bar Co. SAFES Shoe Parlors- SHINE, clean, brims,. 1322 Farnam. Towel Supplies. Pmaba Towel Supply. 107 8. Hth. D. 6:1 Wedding Stationery- WEDDINO .nnouncem.nt. and printing. Douglaa Printing Co.. Tel. Douglaa 644. Where to Eat EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS. NEW DELICATESSEN, 1S06 FARNAM. BURROUOH'S CAFE. OMAHA, NEB, (Service), LINCOLN, NEB. .16 8. 18th. . 131 & 13th 8L BUSINESS CHANCES POOL and billiard hall. S tablea and other fixture, all In zlrat-claia condition; muat ell thla month because of health; good, live town. Addreaa Bert WUley. Grafton, Neb. , HAVE dandy uroponltlon for live man frith a lew nundred dollar who can devote his time to modiern money-making bualnesa. Well eecured, co-operative Film and Supply Co., 210 Bromley Bldg. FOR SALE A well eatabllahed tea, coffee ana pic nusinen at a bargain for quick vale. Would take good land fur part. Own era have other buslnraa. Box Y T4, Boe. FOR a practical baker and confectioner. a good opportunity to buy half Jnterrvat or all. W H. Hall, Rome hotel. Phune irouuifl z&si. FOR HALt The Del Rey Lunch Room, ureston, la. Cheap rent, a money maker. S.i lee about $16 per day. Address Fred Torn, care I)el Rey, Creeton, In. IF YuU want to sell or buy a bualnesa or rooming nous call on tiuich A BorghotT. 7.0 World-Herald' Bldg Phon V. S210 A BLACKSMITH ahop with.iull equipment for caie or trad tor real estate. Wlh a quick aal. - Box fit. Bee. MOVING PICTURE machines, new and r. duiii, an ma kq; supplies, western (sup ply Co.. till Nat. Bldg. MOTION picture machines (new and re- oullt), theatnra supplied. Omaba Film Ex change, ios a 14th at FOR BALE CI tear, candy and bock store 14 years in business, o toer interests reason tor selling. 6i South loth. FOR SALE Good hotel In lively Neb. town. cheap ir taken at one. Bent reasonable. Box T 73, B 6KLL or trad trocar y" and shelf hard war store. Address Bog 164. Auburn, Neb. FOR PALE A good, clean hardware stock In a good location In Omaha, Box 4890, Be. TO GET In or out of bullosa call on OANGKnTAD. 4S2 Be Bldg Doug 3477. I guarantee sale of any business or real tat F. V Knteat. B Bldg.. Omaha. DOVD 8AL1B AND AUCTION CO lift W. O IW. Bldg. Red 118&. MEDICAL WHT BUFFER T Latest and Moat Sclenttftc Treatment for All Dlaeaaea . Or. Charlea Barnes, M3-624 Koa Bldg txamlnatLnn ana uonsuitanot rre. n i uunng inou sand. WHT NOI TOUT Del-ys are dan. gerou. If you can't call, write. Hours s, m. co p. in.; o a:u evetvngs sunaay oy appointment DR. E. R. TARRY, UO BED BLDG. PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. B. R. Tarry our piles, fistula and othsr rcta. dlaeaaea without aurglcal op tattona. (Mrs guaranteed and no money paid until cured- Writ for book on rec tal dteas with testimonial. RUPTURE successfully treated without a aurgicai opera ho.l Calf or writs Dr. Frank H wray. 30B Bee Bldg PR E A PES. S01 Paxton Hlk. Doug. 6738. Chiropractors. Drs. Johnston, U25 W q W. Dldg. D. 6629, Lady attsndant Hth and Farnam. D. 129 Dr C J Lawrence. Balrd Bldg P. 8461 Dr. France Ptwaon. 603 Rose Bldg. T. S3C6. Dentists. . br7' Bradbury". Ko pain, til W. W. gldg. Tail's Dent. Itrra.. 3ui Rot Bldg. D. S1S0 PERSONAL THS Salvation A.m Industrial Honu o licit your old clothing, furniture, maca- alnea W oollect. We distribute). Pbon Doug. 41J and our wagon wUI calL Call and inspect ouf new bom. 1110.1HJ.U14 - Dodge BL , BATHS and mawbg" Central Bath lnatl tut, ifiul Harney St Doug. 7097. Opn sveninga. MISS FISHER, aulpbur, steam baths and maaaage. 37 Bran. The. Bldg. D. 169. MAG BRUUMAN. Scientific masstu and otna juKarnacn Blk Red 2 727. LUELLA "WEBSTER, massage and' runl curing 818 Pant on Blk. Red 1400. MANICURING, elfrtrlo and V'lfntlflo mas aaase. 107 S. 17th St. Miss DeBar. ALL RIGHT private niaternlty horn. Uest care. n')a i-jrigioi, vb sans. PRIVATK licensed maternity bom. 4418 N. istn st. fnone coimx imi BATHS, masage. 1802 Farnam, Boom S. l ii'iuo Luuninn 0101 SCIENTIFIC maas-iRa. 620 Be Bide Pbon uouifias 3 it. Edna William, ainatiaage, bath. 2S8 Neville UaiilcurtnR and mas lt23 Farram. R. If. BATHS, mawng-. Phif Douglas 761. Ij. uroT, eMsss, tm Uanisy. aXtil. AUTOMOBILES , WlLLYS-oV ERLANU, INC., USED CAR DEPT. Douglas 32VO. 3047-41 Farnam St Touring car end roadster of Overland. BtudebaUer, Maxwell. Ford. Oakland. Mltcheli, Bulck and Hudnon makea. TERMS II DESIRED. Prompt attention given to all Interested out-of-town buy.r AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, Z209 Farnam St Douglas 3310, 1911V Light Bulck, roadster $700.00 19U, Ford roadaUr 226. 01 1914 MuxwtMl 375.00 1914 Overland Rondater 471S.nn iiUUauN 20 spevdatttr, Kutssuti 111, spuud- o meter. Boscb mag. and 6 tire. 1120. Yale Twt. In perfect shape. 160; 14x4. 18x6. !2im tires uhnap; Boscb d. mag.. Kellogg 4-oyllnder air pump. Croastown Oarage. B16 S a4th Sty NEW 34x4 red-cop ciln. caae and tube. 4J3.0O, almost n -v. lisx Firestone n. o. case and tube, $16.00, and good 36x6 eiZxatty tires and tube, cheap. Croastown Garage, 3 1 6 R. 24th St. WQ will trad you a uw Ford for your old on. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE! CO.. 10th nd Himev Dousla BZM FORD car, electric Jlght doubled by Ever- brlght ateadtrier, ti. 00, guaranteed. All Ford sorvlre stations. 7-PA88BNOER Hudson touring: car; In fln shape: io two bicycles; party leaving elty. Box 46C2, Bie. TIRE REPAIRING, Flrtr lnt work at reasonable prices. THE TIRE SHOP. D. F. Crow, 261 Farnam, Doug. 4878. TRADE your old battery In on a guaran teed Ever-ready storage battery, free In spection of any battery. Ever-rady Stor age Battery Co.. 12tift Farnam St. C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. ' Uaed Car Dflpt 2316-11 Farnam St Douglas 868. Almost any make at reasonable prices. REAL bargains In used tires, expert tire and tube repairs. G. ft G. Tire and Vulcanis ing Co., 2423 Lpuv en worth St. Tyler 1241 W. Work caMd for and delivered. WANTED FOR WPOT CAHH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 2107 Farnam fit Doug;, 6026. TELL A BIN K LET, WE BUT AND SELL USED FORDS. 2318 Harney St. Doug. 1D40. BARGAINS In used Ford car Holmes-Ad- kins uo., 411-17 B. 24 tn. Phone d. 27 1817 CHALMERS 4-80 touring, perfect 4001 o. awn. lei. Bouin iaiu. WB are the used Ford men. Auto Salvag ft Exchange, no 8. 17th. BERTHCUT "Ran-Flx-lt." Southeast cor- ner 20th and Harney Sts, Douglas 2663. WANT modern alx auto for clear Brownell Hall Vet lota. Canan, McCague Bldg. FOR SALE Cinders forVdrtveway and walk. Douglaa US7. Electric Starters and Repairs. ALL MAKES REPAIRED. STRAHLE ft ANDERSON. INC. 818 S. IStb St. Douglas E488. Tires and Supplies. TinE PRICE WRECKERS. THIBIS NO 1 IN 1 TIRE. Second-band tires and tubes; expert tire and tube i ali ;..g, Dntglaa 8872. COMBINATION TIRB FACTORY. 14ftim Jackson. Ants, wanted Omaha. Neo Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing. "Service car al ways reaay, umana us rage, aviv uar ney St. Tyler 666. Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward fo magneto wa cau't repair Colls repaired. Haysdorrer, 219 N. 18th. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E T - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor H Roos. "The Motorcycle Man." 27 th and Leavenworth. MUST SELL- AT ONCE Harley-Pavldson ntcyol, almost new. will sell reasonable, P. E. Cossalrt, room 16, the Crelghton piock. SITUATIONS WANTED MAN and wife want larm work or ranch. BflpeJ-at house or complete charge de sired. No children. Box 3102, Bne. Male. YOUNG married man, 26 years of age. with nigh icliool experience, desire poaltlon where there Is a good chance of advan cement. Has liat some clerical experi ence. Can give best of' references. Call Black 2421 Council- Bluffs. YOUNG man of 20 deslrea poaltlon as bank DooKKesper. . Has one year experience. Can furnish excellent referencea. George Llpkat, Springfield. Neb. Phon Spring. lie i a jui. EXPERIENCED chauffeur, 23 year old. wants poaltlon. private or truck driver. Well recommended. Call "Con," Tyler nuv. Leave aa areas. YOUNG man, four years' office experience and first-class chauffeur, wantn steady position ; best of references. Box 4941, U-e. FIRST-CLASS carpenter and mason, handy at anything; can also drive car; would leave city. ox eooa, Bee. GARDENING, flowers, shrubbery a special. ty, aiao general nous cleaning, web. 3046. WHITEWASHING, Window washed, rugs beaten, ecreena repaired, hung. Wal. 1868. HOUSE and lawn man; wall papur cleaned i'uuiM ona. wiuiam 1'eianay. HOUSE and lavVnman wants work by day. Joseph Baker. Douglas 8694. FINE paint, carpet and paper cleaning at cut prices, woug. is4i. FOR plowing A .ulflvallng. Call Doug. 279. Female. CATERER Competent Danish alrl who thoroughly understand planning, cooking and serving luncheons or dinners for mall and large partlea; reasonable prices. Box DAY or hour work by competent white woman. Would go out and care for chil dren or neip give dinners. Web. 4468. PLAIN and fancy clothes carefully laun dered, called Xor and delivered. Webster 4ZX3. EXPERIENCED practical nurse want post tlon old people a specialty. Doug. 6206. WOMAN wtth 1 months' old baby wants nouseworK. - we aster 2110. POSITION as P. B. X. operator, S years' experience Call 8. 1686. Laundry and Day Work. TWO reliable colored ladle want day work washing. Ironing or cleaning. Tyler 3967. WANTED By reliable colored woman cleaning and laundry work Harney 6767 EXP, laundress, fine cloths specialty. H. 1904. DAY work. husectan)ng. col hniv 1 4379 LAl'Nl'HV or rimming, day work Wnb 2978 WORK, day or week. Mrs. Cramer. Dg. 8879. Bundle wash g. tron'r Mrs, J C. Col. 3491 LAUNDRY to take home. Webster 2669. WANTED Pay vork. Douglaa 4997. ahlng Call Walnut 3269 HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WANTED Office clerk under -1 year, mvt be competent; chance for advance ment. Apply Cudajiy Packing Co., 14th and Jonee. BOOKKEEPER, $100; bookkeeper. $86; bookkeeper. $76; steuo., $7; many more. NO FILING FEE. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPERS. $90, $85, $75, $60. Stenographer, $35, $76, $60, $50, $10. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 1st Nat. Bank. BOOKKEEPER and Stenoiraoht r. $40. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N, 734 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED An experienced grocery clerk at Washington Market. 1407 Douglaa tft. Professions and Trades. WANTED One hundred non-union boiler makers and helpers and handy men. Will pay- boilermakera 55c per hour and helpers 30c per hour and upward. . DRAKE WILLIAMS MOUNT CO., ' Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE Professions aad Trades. WANTED A harncasmaker who wanta a good, steady Job and who I willing to learn vulcanlalng. Henry Gerkeu, Fort Dodge. la. STRUCTURAL draftsmen and checker wanted; state age, experience and sal ary wantd. 8t. Joseph Structural Steel Co., Ht. Joseph, Mo. DRUG PuSITluNS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO 1HI6-14 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED Men to work In scrap Iron yard; steady work and good wagea. Western Smelting and Refining Co. MEN WANTED on retail ire wagon. West Omaha Fuel and 1c Co., 48th and Leaven worth. LEARN barber trade; low rate now. Call or write Barber College. 1124 Douglas bt. Salesmen and Solicitors. ADDITIONAL territory haa been added to tnis district ami we can use tnree more salesmen. Men with magazine selling experience preferred. Apply 608L Brown Bidg SOME good reliable live wire automobile salesman to sell one of the fastest Bell ing cars. Only experienced salesman need apply. Reliable house to worfc with. Box 4&7D. Roe. SALESMAN WANTED Call between 4 and 6 p. m. Ask for Mr, Gallatin, Omaha Gaa Co., 1509 Howard. SALESMAN WANTED. Call A23 8 tfitb St Agents and Canvassers, AGENTS wanted on wonderful seller. Phone at on. Walnut 3132. Boys. i BOvS turn good wages while learning fade. Just HKejjHtlng paid to go to school Must be 16 years old. GORDON-LA WLEHHxCO.. Itb and Dodge. Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Slen, women learn the barber trade, few weeks completes, pay while learning. Catalogue free. Rate now on. Call or wlte. lift Bouth 14th St., Omaha. LEARN barber trade; be Independent; more than mak your expenses while learning. Wages or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. 1403 Dodge St TKI-C1TY BARBER COLLEGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 407 S. SQtb gnd-2069 Farnam- Miscellaneous. SIIOVELERS wanted to unload coal by fhe ton; good pay and ateady work; apply Sunderland Bros. Co. North Yard,-' 2 4th anfl Taylor atreets. South Yard, SOth and Hickory atreets. Went Yard, 42d and Izard atreeta. LABORERS for quarry and grading work. Steady employment. Wages $2.60 (6 $6.00 per day. NATIONAL BTONB COMPANY, LOUIS- VILLB, NEB. ATTENTION, farmers If you want help we can supply you. Blurr city Employ ment Bureau. 916- W Broadway. P 4.11 LABORERS wanted; steady work; good wagea Apply aunaenand Bros. Co.. west fard. 4 2d und Izard Sts. LABORERS for Lewtslon, Mont. Ship dally. Free fa. Emerald Lab. Agy., 8324 S. 10. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER and atenographr, $S5. .stenographer, fine office, $ti6. Dictaphone operator, fGB. Filing clerk, Co. Bluffs, $36, NO FILING FEE. SEE US AT ONCB. THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. CIGAR GIRL. $8 week; steno., $66; steno., siu; steno., ssu; typist, ir.a; dictaphone onr.. thb: aist hkknr thfl BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENC3 ASSN., iso3 vr. o. w. Bid p. STENOGRAPHERS, $10; $76; $65; $60; $40. jJiccapnone opr., sio to it.5; typist, $40. Steno. and Diet. Opr., $50; BUI clerk, $50. WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 1st Nat. Bank. STENO.. law office. 840-850. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N, I'd f irst iNat'i nana mag. WE NEED stenographers, bookkeepers stfid tiiuuouw .. i-'Jtyprraiivi neierenca jo. LAD1' bundle wrapper, must be experienced. Apply in own hand writing. Box 4878, Bee. 2 TYPISTS $35 to $40 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDQ. WANTED First class stenographer. Address Box 4770, Bee. Professions and Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone Company offers an exceptional opportunity 10 young ladles to learn local and long distance telephone operating. Permanent positions, opportun ities for advancement; good wages. A salary 1 paid while learning. Parent desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other dotal! are especially Invited to accom pany tbe applicant. Apply to C. F. Lambert. 1807 Douglas St LEARN hariW trade 1402 Dode SL Household and Domestic. WANTED Woman for general housework In country home, no washing or Ironing, five In family; state fall particulars In first letter. Box 4965, Bee. WANTED A refined, middle-aged woman for light housework In a small family, nice home, light work and good pay. Harney 5339. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, good cook, no waahlng. ref erences. Mrs. A, B. Warren, Telephone WANTED AT ONCE GIRL FOR GEN ERAL HOUSEWORK. GOOD WAGES. 117 S. 33D ST. HARNEY 741. WANTED Experienced second girl, four In family, good wage Telephone E. M. Moraman. 224 N. 32d Ave. Harney 84. WANTED A competent general housework, girl, good plain cook wanted, high wages, references required. Harney 611. WEB. 1265 has much to do with the suc cess of your music. Cbas. L. Fish, piano tuner. Web. 12f.3. IF YOU are a good working girl, come to 114 North SOth St, Small bouse and fam ily. Don't phone. WANTED -An experienced second girl, with references; good wage. Phone Mrs. Dixon. Harney 68. WANTED Girl for general housework, nt washing; cars of children. Tel. Walnut 3fi8. WANTED A competent white girl for .second maid. 3608 Jackson. Harney 3397. GIRL for general housework; good wages, but must be competent. 8707 Jones St. WANTED Competent white cook; two In family. 604J3. J7th St. Tel. Harney 238. FOR sewing machine repairing, call ih sewing machine doctor. Douglas isaar WANTED Girl tor general housework. Call Walnut 2420. " Miscellaneous. A LADY who works and ha a home would Ilk a lady companion to stay with her, room rent free; a rare opportunity. Box $308, Bee. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED -Name men and women wishing government pas' Hons, $75 month- Hun dred war appointments. Box Y 41. Bee WANTED Men and women of pleasing ap pearance. Salary unliVlted, Call Room 829. First Nat'l. Bank Bldg. EDUCATIONAL VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Business Administration. Advertising Finance and Investments. Banking A ten weeks' course In above subjects, by profedsor from the Unl. of Nebraska, begins June 13th. Day sessions for women Evening sessions for men and women Two forty-five minute lectures each week In each subject. Take any one or all Tuition. $12.50 per course each subject. War-Time Food Problems. A six week's course In above subject, by a teacher of domeatlc actenc begin June 18th. day aesatona only. Forty-five minute lectures da y Tuition T.u per course The business world needs women. Enter any Monday for Shorthand, Typewriting Bookkeeping and oaer courses of train tng for business. Day classes meet between 8:00 and 1:00 Evening classes between 6:30 snd 8.00. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BOYLES COLLEGE DAY SCHOOLt. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Book keeping, Bhorthaiu. atenotypy typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branch. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1665C 18th aud Harney Sta. PRIVATE tutoring by a college graduate. WHlglv references. Call Har. 4727. OR RENT Suburban MOST beautifully located home In Omsha. Completely furnished, leaving ciiy, win lease as long as en year. 710 Calhoun SV Florence, Phons Florence 47. FOR RENT ROOMS Hoteli. ' Exceptionally fine rooms, V CUlilglAm detached or private Inn batha: very low weekly rate for summer. Apply Farnam at Uth. j HARLEY HOTEL I0TH AND FARNAM Special low rates lo permanent guests. ' COOL, cheap rooms, $2 wk.; apt with kltrhennttes. OODK HOTEL. Co. Bluffs. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS1 If you fll to find th room you deslr amoug these ad cell at The Be offlc for a Room List Gives com p let description of vacant rooms n all parts of th city. New Hats issued every week. LARGE room In beautiful home, facing par It, solid mahogany furniture, windows faring south and east, one mile from post office, just a few steps from Farnam car line. No other roomer or children. Will rent to business man only. Give refer ences In first letter. Address Box 4992, Bee. VERY CLEAN AND COOL ROOMS, ALL MODERN; GOOD LOCATION; BY THE MONTH. LOW RENT. 2818 N. T.H ST., OR PHONE WEBSTER 1808. LARGE front room on first floor, vast ox. posure. Cool tn hot weather; suitable for one or two. Ianscom park district, block to carllne; easy walking distance to center of city. Harney 1461. EAST front room; not large, although quite comfortable. Block to carllne, twenty-five minute walk to 16tb and Far nam. Hanscom park district. Rent reaa onahle. Harney 1461- THE choice of two rooms In modern pri vate home; cool for summer, a trees and porch, ono block from Hanscom park. Reasonable. References. Call Harney 4368. ili PARK AVE. Nicely furnlBhed front room; modern home; walking distance or convenient to Farnam car; reasonable. Harney 4f3. 556 S. ' 2hTH Nicely furnished, connecting room xor inree young met,, 90 apiece por month; walking d lata, nee; private home. Harney 4604. WITH private famtlyrane double room, well furnished. In strictly modern flat; walking distance. 603 b. 22d St. Phone Douglas 8140. LARGE, nicely furnshed room In private residence, business .district, desirable for refined gentlemen. Telephone Douglas 6694. 2601 FARNAM Desirable aummer rooms In business district, private garage; ev erything strictly modern. Harney 8706. 303 8. 28TH, Corner Farnam St. On or two modern front rooms; walking dis tance; reasonable. Douglaa 6498. YOUNO lady wants roommate. Nice, cool, comfortably furnished room. Apply to Miss Davis. 1138 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 1314 S. 10TH Gentleman desires refined young man as roommate, employed; ref erences exchanged. Douglas 7078. 2047 DODGE Attractive furnished front room; suitable for one or two; reasonable; close in. Douglas 5476. COOL aouth room, all modern. 3 windows, large closet, walking distance, block to car. Tyler 931-J. , ROOM for rent for the summer at Carter Lake club, to members only. Telephone Webstar 614. 3614 MASON Nice front room, suitable for two also smaller room, modern home, Douglas 6266. ROOM, strictly modern; suitable for two; home privileges, Harney 6010 Sunday or evening. PLEASANT room In strictly modern home; rent reasonable. Walnut 3726. 4206 Mason. TWO beautifully furnished rooms, all con veniences, very reason)!. Webster 40f6. 2 33 CAPITOL-Ntcely furnished cool rooms for gentlemen; walking distance. HAA SCO M Park district. One large front- room, private residence. Harney 6471.1 FURNISHED rooms for one or two gentle. men. 417 rf, IStb St. UOUgla 4707. 3121 DOUGLAS Cool, well ventilated south ruom, with closet; nicely furnished, FURNISHED room; lady preferred; private family; reasonable. Harney 4844. PLEASANT .SLEEPING ROOM ; EVERY CONVENIENCE. 2685 HARNEY. 216 N. 17TH ST. Nicely furnlahed rooms, close ln Douglas 6893. LARGE north room, $1.75, walking dis tance. 838 So. 22d St. , - MODERN furnished room. 1614 N. l'4ih St., colored. Webater 3401. RONT room. Close in. Reasonable, Second floor. 5919 Douglas, TWO very pleasant modern rooms on car line. Walnut 3319. 1611 HOWARD Fura, rmi $2.50 week up. THE SCRANTON, furnished rooms. Dg. 7458. Housekeeping Rooms. 230$ DOUGLAS Two or three modern housekeeping rooms. Call Douglas 8591 No children. 3608 DHWEY AVE. 2 modern, nicely fur nlshed front rooms, close In; laundry prlvllegp. LIVING room, kitchenette, sleeping porch, en suite; newly furnished; modern. Web star 7158, 2532 CAPITOL Completely " furnished; walking distance; cool; fins residential district 2018 HOWARD Completely furnished rooms; private boms; bath floor; laundry privileges. 2675 ST. MARY'S AVE. Front room with kitchenette; good new furnishings; strict' ly clean; walking distance. TWO cool housekeeping rooms, $3. Leavenworth St. 1302 DOUGLAS One large front room, fur nished complete. Call Dougla 8541. 313 S. 2tith St.: furnished rodm, with kitchenette. laundry privileges. Doug 6353. CLEAN room, close In; reasonable. , Har ney 6738. ' 816 N. 20TH ST. Nice cool rooms; walking distance or on car line; laundry privileges. Board and Rooms. IF YOU are looking for a large airy room, In a modern, private home, that you can feel contented to call your home, call Har ney S478; well furnished, good board and walking distance; referencea. 118 S. 26th Ave. 2919 WEBSTER For two, large front room: modern home; excellent board; nice neighborhood; no other roomers. Har ney 1533. 2037 DODGE Large front room with alcove; finest of board; hot and cold water' In room; walking distance. Vyler lh7H. GREY GABLES. 302 N. 20 th Excellent board and room. Douglaa 4420. , Als6 board without room. FINEST furnished room In the city; cool; on car line with board; suitable for two. Webster 2589. FURNISHED room with board; business woman preferred-; modorn apartment; Harney 8746. " WEST Farnam district, southeast front room for two ladles; board optional. Har ney 3854. ' 215 N. 23 D BOARD and room; reasonable. Phone Douglaa 7752. Unfurnished Rooms. S48 S. 24TH AVE. Two or three unfur nlshed rooms, with use of gas. FIVE heated rooms near Catholic- church, not over $26. Walnut 3838. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartment. FURNISHED Apt. for nummer. Court. References exchanged. Tyler 1570-W. j Drake Phone 5-ROOM furnished apartment, with sleep ing porch, for Julyand August Harney 531.4. APARTMENTS, all les and price, splen did location. 24th and Farnam D 1472 BEAUTIFULLY furnished apartment, 26tb and Harney. $B0.uu. uoug. i&iz. $301912 Burt. 4-r. outsldo apt. RING WALT, Brandels Theater BMg. 3027 FARNAM Three furnlahed room apartment with private bath. Harney 1389 Mod 4-r. Apt. Har 4141 or Wal. 2257 Houses. OWNER'S corner home, with garage; first floor. French doors, twin oeos, line anaas. Couplo only. Tyler 1501. aoutn bide Modern new home, near Field Club, July and August Attractive. Phone Harney 230. FURNISHED house In West Farnam dlatrlct, 438 North 88th St, Harney 2591. DUNDEE, T rooms, modem, east frc it, John N. Frenier, Douglas 654. WANTED TO RENT Miscellaneous. ' WB bav several good tenants for all mod en. house and apartments, f. D. WE AD. Sl$ & 17th SL Doug, ill, r FOR RENT HOUSES "West. DUNDEE, 704 N. So. mor". 7 rms $40.00. J.jhn NFrentT. Douglas 5a41 12S SU. J6TH ST. $58. 130 So. !6th fiU 446 Phone uwner. uuusim 3T7 DAVENPORT St.. $ rms., $42. 50. X. U. Benner Co. I. M'".. I1X rooms, ull modern; walking diatsnc. Tel. Harney Z" s. hlftf-rrt y $23.50 BEAUTIFUL 6-ruoin and bath, jt mndrn. 216 lirana Ave. D. !. Douglus 38 or Colfax 3111. FOR HUNTr-7-Hoom. strictly inoUern house, 7 cherry trees snd garden patch 5-ROOM and bmh. newly decorated and paintud. $15. 2703 Seward St. Tel. Red 18hL 3TotE M MET A 6-room strictly modern cuL- good nelghiiornooo. vteosier J RMtiT, all modern; walking dletanc rt-at.oiM.blo rent. Pantry 6-ROUM, modern, $U month, 3019 Em met. Phone eb-itT 4.' MODERN J-rooiu house, 4tu and Oak. Call DoUglau 72o, Fivfe-ROOM modern house. Web 671. South. - NEW, modern brick hoube. seven rooms and leeplng p-rth, 4112 S. 24lh St Rent $40. Conrad Young, 422 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 1UJ. ' FOUR-ROOM basement, newly papered and painted, $13.20. CC0 S. ISth St. Call Col- fax 3iTi. MODERN, partfy furnshed, uxchauge for board of owner. Harney 1438. 4 ROOM HOUSE for rent, 2429 S. Hth. Webster 6719. ' Miscellaneous. PARTLY MODERN. 4-R, 511 Marthu fU $10.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 4-R. 2.'0- Fierce St.. $15.00 6- R. 2310 Saratoga St 1.00 STRICTLY MODERN. B-R.. 701 Dorcaa St $J5,"0 7- R. 1033 South 30th Ave "i.W 8- R. 3901 North 17th St 80, 00 g.R.IIrUo Fiiriiiim St 60, mi 10-R. 2221 Doilgo St 40. "0 9.R. 659 South 24 tli St 32. 60 FLATS. (ML SOS South St $2M0 (J.R3016 Dewey Ave "7.o0 APARTMENTS. STOECKEil, 823 South 24th St. 4-R. Apt. 10 $13 and $3 PORTER & SHOTWELL, 202 South 17th St. Doug. 6013. Offices with HOME BUILDERS. WHAT HAVE YOU FOR RENT In the way of four, five or six-room mod ern, up-to-date apartment? Preference wilt be given to those tn better districts of the city Want to deal direct with own- , ors; no agents. TE HOUSES in all b&rta 'of tW city. CRK IOH. SONS ft CO..f.08 Be B1g- FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. 8-ROOM3, garage, sleeping porch, hot water. neat, janitor BPrvn-c, a.'ivuh,jv. 1 Mod, fur. 4-r. Apt Har. 4141 'or Wal. 2267. North. FOR RENT-New four and five-room apt, all moder, steam heated in winter. 26th and Blondo. Webster 1902. South. BOSWORTH APARTMENTS v 2217-19 HOWARD. S room's and bath und dressing room, furnished and unfurntsheil. Unexcelled In the city. $26. 50 to $37.50. ARMSTRONG-WAfcSH CO.. Tyler 1636. R RALTOR8.) 333 Rose Bldg. Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. TEN-ROOM modern, close In, $30; Dougln.i 2161. . FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. DESIRABLE stcro room, moilorn front, metal celling, ateam heat 624-626 Su. 16th St; slzo 32x60; can be subdivided; low rent. Conrad Young. i:' Brandtts Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. LOW-PRICED modtrn offices, Farnam Bldg., 13th and Farnam, (Old 1st Nat Bank Btdg.) FIRST TRUST CO., Tyler NEW modern store on Leavenworth, btJ tween S4tb and 2Hli Sts., $0 to $60. JOHN W. ROBBIN9. 103 FARNAM ST. SMALL modero store room, steam bust. 1513 CatAtoI Aa. Conrad Young. 222 Brandels Theater. Douglas 1571. RESTAURANT with fixture, gas stoves, stools, at 1U7 South 15th Street Office and Desk Room. CHOICE office apace. Baird Bldg.. 17th and Douglas MeCague Inv Co Garages and Barns. LARGE GARAGE Will hold five cat. 3210 Farnam St. MOVING ANG STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, atoraga and moving. 219 N. lltb SL Phone Ln.jg la. 394. FIDELITY FREE Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant bouse sad apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and JaeKson ets. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert service; prompt attention. Yailt moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office. Central Furniture Store. 17tfc and Howard Tel D. 77S&. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household good and pianos; moving, packing and hipping OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 80S S. 16th St Dour las 4168. Globe Van and Storage Co. For rsal service tn moving, packing and Storing, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4.138. Maggard- Van and two men. $1.20 per hour. 17. r, Cs.M llni.ln. C I .... Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug, lfl. JP P1?l?'n Express Co. Moving . U. IXEjEjV Packing and Storsge, i;ir Farnsm Ht Wh ?74H Done 614fl MONEY TO LOAN e'l'K.VliXKE. pianos and notva as Bivurlty. $40, 6 mo., tf. goods, lutal cost, $3 50 $40, 6 mo., endorsed notes, total cost $2 60. Smaller, larce am'ts, proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN aoriETY. 132 Rose Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Tv 666. LEGAL HATE LOANS $24.00 $240.00 or more Easy payments. Utmost privacy. $40 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug 3235. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. 7 ROOMED ALL MODERN HOUSE, WEST. This Is a two-story house with oak floors and oak finish, on first floor with fine flreplaco in living room, hot water heat, full-sized lot, garage In rear, pav ing all paid. If you are dstrous of ob taining a beautiful home tn one of the best residence district in Omaha you should not overlook this opportunity, We are of.erlng this at the unheard of bar gain price of $3,250; $000 cash, balance monthly like rent Call TRAVER BROTH ERS, 818 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Douglas 6886. WEST FARNAM . HOME 8 rooms, brand new and all modern, oak finish downstairs, white enamel kitchen. 4 bedrooms, all In white enamel; good at tic; rooms all decorated; corner lot. south front Price only $5,750 $1,000 caeb. balance mommy. THE BYRi THE BYRON REED CO., Phone Doug 297 1 North. NORTH SIDE Seven-room house, all modern, full sized I"t on corner, streets paved. This prop erty Is -on Bur dot le , easy walk to i!0th or 24th car. Will give somj one a bar gain. Owner left city. ALFRED THOMAS, . 308 Fatnam Bldg. NEW HOUSE FOR AUTO Nearly new, 6-r. and sleeping porch: oak and birch finish; all handsomely deco rated; modern In every why; rliolee lot; paved street; near Omaha u-iHcrity. Price only $t.J00. or win jl,f n glloa i0i or email house as part payment. RASP BROS., 10 Kclia 1)14. Ty. 7;i' 1 ?