Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1917, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. XL VI NO. 313.
A LlmlES
Woman Sleuth Takes Stand
This Afternoon; Bessie Wit
son Says Wolf and Dolan
Not Referred to Her. '
Mrs. Elsie Phelps will testify this
-afternoon in the Maloney case before
Attorney Elmer Thomas, or th
prosecution, announced at the ad
journment yesterday afternoon he
would call the woman detective today
and probably will have a few minor
witnesses on the stand before he calls
the woman star of the hearing.
The council will hold a regular
meeting this morning for routine busi
ness, but on Wednesday morning will
resume the all-day sessions on the
Malonev charees.
The session yesterday afternoon
was not marked bv the thrills which
accompanied former meetings The
most exciting incident of the after
noon occured when a woman in the
balcony dropped her parasol and nar.
rowly missed a man s neaa.
Bessie Wilson on Stand.
Tin- chief witness of the afternoon
n Rrssir Wilson of 707 South Six-
' " teenth street. She identified herself
is a keeper of furnished rooms. In
her testimony she mentioned Captain
Maloney, Harvey Wolt, William s.
Dolan. Officer Cooper, G. W. Wahely,
Ai-i- Mat. Hnffaker. Peterson and
Gift, first names unmentioiied Da-e
Rankin, Mrs. Hinckley ana Chants
Slje testified that Maloney did not
refer Wolt ana uoian to ner m tun
nriinn with her stolen automobile.
The prosecution alleged that Maloney
had thus directed t lie two men .10 utr
wiili a rernmmendation. . Her testi-
mnnv showed that Malonev told her
Pipkin, then doing special automobile
work in the ponce department, m
her case and that she should pay no
attention to "them," referring to me,. rtti-tivi atftnriatton.
- - Mr and Mrs. Charles Gille, 320
North Thirtv-tliird street, testifie4
to alleged neglect by Maloney In
prosecuting a man said to have been
arrested for entering the Gille home
' three years ago.
Saw Wolf on Corner.
Lou Crawford, 1802 North Six
.nth street, testified to having ob
eervrt Harvev Wolf "standing on the
corner" when her place was raided a
few months A",o.. ,
The substance of Miss Wilsons
testimony was that Maloney did not
attempt to interest ner in me u
Detective association wncn snc
ported her stolen car.
Attorney Rine:
"What did Maloney say to you
nhnnr Wolf and Dolan r
"He said he would send him to my
place regarding Mrs. Hinckly.
"Your place raided when you were
convicted :
"Yes. Barta and Walker raided
my house."
Women In the Case.
"Tin vnu know why laloney
should send Dolan and Wolf to your
place?" ; . i
"I don't know, except that Hinckly
woman lived across the street.
"What did Maloney say about Mrs.
Hinckly?" . - -
"Something about a man she was
to marry."
"Did you think Dolan and Wolf po
lice officers?" ... ,,
"Well, Mr. Hoffaker told me-Wolf
was around with Maloney quite a bjt
"Who gave you the check for $300
for the car the check you said was
"'"He'sfgned his name G. W.Wahely."
"Who was the police officer hat
wanted to go to Grand Island with
"Officer Cooper. hwas on motor
cycle squad then."
"Why did you accept the check
without investigating Wahely'S finan
cial resposibility?"
"Because ArLMay had accepted a
check and thought he was all right."
"How do you suppose parties inter
ested in this hearing knew you had
anything to.testify?"
"I called Sir. Sutton."
Nothing from Maloney.
Attorney Baker:' "Did you tell Sut
ton that Wolf .and Dolan went to
you and presented Steve Moloney's
personal card, stating they were all
right? Had any written communica
tion from Maloney( whatever?"
'No." '
"Who was present when Wolf said
he knew where the car was and would
get car and thief for $150?"
"Mr. Rankin."
Denies Chadron Evidence.
Judge Baker elicited from the wit
ness denial of the evidence offered
at Chadron, that Maloney had sent
(Continued on Fag-a Two, Column One.)
British Union Jack
Taken Up Bunker Hill
Boston, June 18. The British union
jack was taken up Bunker Hill for
the first time today in a military and
civic parade commemorating tne his
toric battle between the American
minute men and the English red
coats, 142 years ago. It fluttered at
the head of the bagpipe band of the
New Brunswick Kilties battalion,
236th Canadian Overseas regiment,
on its farewell appearance Before re
turning home after a two weeks' re
'cruiting campaign there.
Meat Investigation to
Begin in Chicago July 2
v Chicago, June 18. The federal
trade commission investigation of
the cattle and meat problem will be
gin here July 2, it mi said in the
, federal building today. Stock raisers
from western farms will be the first
Leaders Start Out to Solicit
Their Allotment; Wattles
Speaks at the South
Side Exchange. ...
Omaha's captains of industry who
voluntarily abandoned their business
for the entire week to devote' theif
effrits the success of the Red
Cross finance campaign, and inci
dentally speed up the end of the war
started out bright and early yester
day to solicit funds from every section
of the city.
Long distance' telephone calls from
bankers in the state kept the wires
sizzling with generous offers of as
sistance. W. M. Morrow wired that Scotts
bluff county guaranteed to exceed, its
apportionment of $17,500.
Norris Brown is in Piattsmouth to
speak at the organization rally pf the
Red Cross there.
Word has also come that Seward is
organized to co-operate in the cam
paign. Talks at South Omaha.
'G. W. Wattles, chairman of the fi
nance committee, spoke at noon at
the South Omaha Livestock ex
change in the interests of the cam
paign. It a mere handtul ot men could
contribute over half of Omaha's al
lotment, which it $250,000, Greater
Umaha will undoubtedly swell the
fund to more than the required goal."
said one of the captains, "the Omaha
wage earner is getting behind the
campaign, .even-rnakiug sacrifices to
do so."
, Early Supdav morning after the
Ad club's stirring appeal In the ca
pers appeared, the telephone rang atl
the Ked Cross headquarters.
Ihis is Mr. , said the voice
at the other end of the wire. "You
would not know me if you saw me
on the street. I have not much
money, hut I want to help win this
war. I have bought a Liberty bond
ana? am paying for it at the rate of
$5 a month! Now my wife and I want
to help the Red Cross.
We are pour and to pledge an
other $50 to the Red Cross would
mean actual hardship. I thought if
Kcouldturn over my Liberty bond
to the Ked Cross tund, it would help
If you will take it you are welcome
to it, and God knows I wpuld gladly
add another $50 for the boys at the
tront it 1 could.
Gives Liberty Bond.
He was told to bring his bond to
the headquarters.
It isn t much in money, but think
what it means in sentiment,' said
Chairman Wattles. 'There are hun
dreds of thousands of men-who will
come forward once they understand
the meaning of the campaign. Doubt
less, this contribution represents
more actual patriotism than many a
subscription of $5,000 or even $1,000,-
000. With men with spirit like this
back of the flag and Red Cross, how
could the campaign .fail?" he added.
Captain rred Davis team which is
just announced, is as follows: O. T.
Eastman, C. H. Pickens, K. A. stew-
art, JrW. Parish, Fred Castle, M. W.
Dimery, Harry A. Wolf, J. W. Holm
quist and H. A. Tukcy.
Boston Labor Rejects 1 N
The Seattle Resolution
Boston. June 18. A resolution sent
here by the Central Labor council of
Seattle, Wash., calling on all organ
ized wage earners to demr.nd the Te-
peal of the army draft act and asking
that thers be no relaxation of the
present restrictions onoriental immi
gration was unanimously voted down
by1 the Boston Central Labor union
last night.
American Ambulance Chief Killed
In an Air Accident in' Champagne
Paris, June 18. Benny Woodworth
of San Francisco, chief of the first
section of the American ambulance
eld service, has been killed, and
Lincoln Chatkoff, of 'New York City,
pilot in the Lafayette squadrilla, dan-
gerously wounded in an airplane ac
cident, according to the Paris Herald.
Woodworth went to the headauar-
ters oi me utayette squaarnia in
Champagne on Friday evening, where
he met his friend, Chetkoff. They
decided to fly over and visit some
comrades at the camp of "the Storks,"
Captain Guynemer's squadron, about
six miles away. Chatkoff rose to a
height of about 150 feet and com
menced to execute a series of evolu
tions, beginning with several spirals
and then nese diving .toward the
Eve witnesses sav that when near
the ground the pilot seemeed to make
an effost to right the machine in
order to rise again. Chatkoff either
miscalculated the distance1 or some-
Members Are Warned They
Must Take Responsibility
for Prices if They De
feat Measures.
Washington, June 18. The food
bills were pushed to the front in botli.
houses of congress today and with
the personal influence of President
Wilson pressing for their immediate
parage u was more man iikciy tnai
nothing else would be done until they
were disposed ot.
A letter from President Wilson t
Representative Borland was made
public this morning, in which th
president warned opponents of the
bills that should they defeat them
they must be prepared to take th
responsibility for food conditions and
prices which were predicted to fol
President Wilson's Letter.
President Wilson in his letter said.
"A certain disservice has been done
the measure by speaking of it as thi
food control bill. The object of the
measure is nut to control the food of
the country, but to release it from
the control of speculators and other
persons who wilt seek to make inor
dinate profits out of it and to pro
teci me people against tne extortion
which would result.
"It seems to me that those who on
pose the measure ought very serious
ly to consider whether theyare not
playing into the hands of such per
sons and whether they are not making
tncmseives responsible, should tlicy
succeed, for the extraordinary and
oppressive price of food in the United
States. toodstutts will of course,
fhevitably be high, but it is possible
by perfectly legitimate means to keep
them, from being unreasonably and
oppressively High. .
The bill was explained to the house
by Representative Lever as a meas
ure which would harm no honest
business man, but would drag
"crooks" and speculators into the
Opposition is Ready.-
The great majority of the house
greeted the opening ot debate with
bursts of applause and approval, but
the opposition was silently making
ready for its attack.
In the senate the opposition also
twas ready. Led by Senator Reed of
Missouri, senator smith of Georgia
and Senator Gore ot Arkansas, all
democrats, k was contended that the
first food bill, already passed and now
awaiting conference wi h the house.
contained provisions to check specu
lation and price fixing, which made
the second bill unnece ary.
Revision of the house war tax bill
by the senate finance committee
promises to proceed with less speed
now that the food control legislation
has precedence in the senate. Mem
bers said today they did not expect
to complete the bill inside of two
weeks, and that its consideration will
be delayed until the food bill is dis
posed of.
Because of the absence of several
senators the committee postponed ac
tion upon Senator Penrose's motion
to consider the 5 per centrofits tax
proposed tor publishers.
Option Tax Stands.
The committee decided to Reject
amendments by senator Sherman ol
Illinois, advocated by grain dealers,
to modify taxes upon options, failure
and "scratch" sales. Senator Sher
man proposed that the tax be levied
upon the actual amount of cash in
volved in sucht'rades and not upon
the gross turnover involved.
The committee decided to retain
the lax as now written in the bill.
Britons Plan Reprisals
For Air Raids on Towns
London. June 18. Reolvine to a
series of questions in the House of
Commons this afternoon as to
whether the British Kovernment had
decided upon reprisals for the Ger
man air raid upon England, Andrew
Bonar Law, member of the British
war council, said the government in
tended to take steps not only for dam
aging the enemy, but for preventing
raids on England.
thing went wrong with the appara
tus, for the machine never altered its
course, but plunged headlong and
buried its nose in the earth.
Woodworth was killed instantly,
one of his legs being severed and the
other crushed, suffering in addition
other terrible injuries. Chatkoff sus
tained serious internal injuries, frac
tured his skull and suffered other
wounds. He now lies in a critical
Great Grandson of Poet.
San Francisco- Cal., June 18.
Benjamin R. Woodworth, 30 years
old, whose death in an airplane acci
dent was reported early today, from
Paris, was the son of Mrs. Ruth
Woodworth, Sari" Francisco, and a
great-grandson- of Samuel Wood
worth, author of "The Old Oaken
Bucket." Mrs. Woodworth learned
of her son's death in a cablegram
from Arthur Schell, his cousin, who
accompanied him when he enlisted
two years ago in the American am
bulance corps.
Construction -of Cantonments
Will Not Be Complete by
September 1, as Had
Been Planned.
Washington, June 18. Unless there
are unforeseen developments to hurry
construction of the sixteen canton
ments for training he new national
army, the first increment of 65O-.000
troops will not be in training by Sep
tember 1, as generally has been sup
posed, and in fact may not get into
training for six weeks thereafter.
the first body ol othcers for the
new army, now being trained in
camps throughout the country, is to
be turned out in August to make room
for the lext body. -This was arranged
on the plan of having the draft com
plete, exemptions disposed of and
troops ordered in training camps by
September 1.
J he cantonments for the new armv
will be built under a special form of
contract, under which no overcharges
will be allowed. 1 lie maximum profit
on any contract has-been fixed at
Food Crop Will Be
Enormous, Says Blanchard
Chicago. June 18. "The orosnecls
for a record breaking food yield are
such that 1 can see no iustification
for abnormal prices," said S. J.
Blanchard. chief statistician of the
federal reclamation service, who has
just completed a survey of crops on
reclamation projects in Colorado,
New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Idaho, Ne
braska and South Dakota. He esti
mated that while gross returns from
theslr projects were $38 an acre last
year, they would be $40 tins year if
properly harvested. '
British Transport Sunk
By Submarine; 63 Lost
London, June J8. The British
transport Camerontan, with a small
umber ol troops on board, was tor
pedoed and sunk by an enemy sub
marine in the eastern Mediterranean
on June 2, it was officially announced
tonight Sixty-three persons, includ
ing the captain of the transport, are
presumed to have been drowned.
The Sunday Score
Advertising In The Bee
IWerficId Agency Messurement)
Leads All In Display
Local Display ,1069
Foreign Display 117
Automobiles 836
Classified 595
Total.-:.., 2618
Local Display 1157
Foreign Display... 199
Automobiles 379
Classified 736
Total 2471
Keep Your Eye On The Bee
Us a Bit
Fuel Worth Many Millions of
Dollars Wll Be Paid For
at Prices Fixed by Fed
eral Commission.
4 ' I
Washington, June 18. Secretary
Daniels has ordered coal and oil pro
ducers to supply the enormous quan
tities needed, by the navy at price6
to be fixed later by the president,
when the Federal Trade commission
has determined a fair rate. The navv
will usc'lSO.OUO Ions of coal and 50,
000,000 barrels of oil puretiased under
this application ot the authority
granted by congress.
Fix Price for Steel.
Similarly, steel for the entire navy
building program is being bought at
a rate fixed when Secretary Daniels
rejected the proposals of the steel
makers ifc too high.
Secretary Daniels said todav that
the coal operators proposed to furnish
navy coal at a rate of $2.95 a ton at
the mine. The navv has been navine
$2.88 a ton delivered. The secretary
directed the companies to ship imme
diately, the orders being prorated
among the producers, agreeing to pay
a tentative price of $2.33 at the mines,
pending a report from the Federal
1 rade commission.
Handsome Profit for Producers.
Oil quotations submitted. Mr. Dan
iels, said, ranged from $1.58 to $1.86
a barrel, delivered at j'ort Arthur,
although the present rate is 89 cents
a barrel at that point. The 'depart
ment directed the producers to fill its
orders for 50.000.000 barrels, leavinn
the question of price to be determined
uy-ttie trade commission.
The arrangement regarding steel
orders, the secretary said, leaves a
handsome profit" for the producers.
Zeppelin Z-48 Lost in
Raid on English Coast
Berlin, (via London,) June 18. The
zeppelin Z-48 was lost with all on
board in Saturday night's raid on
southern England, the admiralty an
nounces. J
Weed Out More Poor Material
In Fort Snelling Officers Camp
Minneapolis, Minn., June 18. (Spc
cial Telegram.) There was an omin
ous rattle of tinware around the of
ficers' training camp at Fort Snelling
when officials selected twenty men
who had been reported as making un
satisfactory progress and attached
tickets to the gate to them. This, it is
intimated, is just the beginning of a
two or three-day campaign to get rid
of every misplaced enthusiast or
slacker in the camp. It rame inci
dental to the starting of work of the
second period following the reorgani
zation ofyesterday.
The officials in charge now have
through company commander reports
a good line on every man in the
camp and the disturbers, inattentive
or otherwise objectionable from the
military standpoint are to be cleaned
out without waste of time in attempt-
. ,' '
Mills Will Sell Steel to
U. S. for $5630 a Ton
Washington, June 18. A basic
price of $58.20 a ton was fixed tor
steel plates in contract for ten steel
ships signed tqday by Chairman
Dennsn of the shipping board, Fu
ture contract!, will be let at that
price instead of $95 paid for steel in
some earlier contracts.
Other Members Reduce Assess
ments Over the Protests of
County Assessor Fitz
gerald. It is plain from current develop
ments that all is not harmony in the
county board of equalization.
County Assessor Fitzgerald, who
sent, out notices to more than 5,000
taxpayers, including corporations, big
business houses, factories and, indi
viduals, advising them of wholesale
boosts which total millions,, seemed
to be "peeved" this morning when the
board overrode 1iis action and voted
to accept several schedules as re
turned, instead of falling in line with
The county assessor alone voted to
raise several assessments which' the
other six members of the board re
rcfused to do.
A representative of the, Omaha C'as-
$75,000, appeared to protest. After
ncuring mm a motion was made and
seconded to accept the casket com
pany's schedule as returned.
Are Against Fitzgerald.
The vote was six to one, the county
assessor responding "no" to roll call.
Considerable time was taken up in
hearing various protests involving
sums,pf from $50 to $JU0.
The count: assessor insisted that
taxpayers make sworn statements be
fore the equalization board. -
"Cant we take a man's word for
smythmgt",raked Commissioner Me
lt's he law," persisted the county
assessor,'. V ' "
A. At another stage'of the mornlns-
'session County Clerk Dewey inquired:
"What's this board trying to do,
anyway? Assess people, 80, 85 or 100
cents on the dollar?" '
We're trying to get the full
amount, chimed in Denutv Countv
Attorney Bednar, who sits at the
county assessor's right hand most of
the time and acts as his official promp
ter, wnue ucpuiy county Assessor
Manoney sits at fitzgeralds left as
another of his "official advisers."
Ill five and a half days the equaliza
tion board has heard only about 300
protests, the majority of them com
promised upon, and the county asses
sor's boosts sustained in only a few
instances. ,
Business houses and corporations,
whose raises involve hundreds of
thousands, and in some cases mil
lions of dollars, are known to be pre
paring to fight the boosts to the fin-
ish. Thoy are expected to come be
fore the equalization board In the
week or so.
Hundreds cf communications from
indignant taxpayers are being received
daily by the equalization board.
One of them, addressed (o the coun
ty assessor, was from T. E. Beebc,
who was raised from $50 to $300 on
household goods. He oftVs to sell
the whole batch for $100.
"You need ail, my boy," he said to
the county assessor in his letter.
George E. Rowe, 6010 North Twenty-fifth
avenue, who was boosted on
his household goods wrote to the
coui.ty assessor;
"Why don't you get some of the
old maids and bachelors living in
hotels and boarding houses? There
are hundreds of them with consider
able properly and they're not paying
one cent of taxes." , v
War Robs Yale Class
Day of Its Features
New Haven, Conn., June 18. The
picturesquencss of class day at Yale
university departed today with the
carrying out of a war time program
lor commencement. I here were few
banners or class flags flvine and the
only emblem of the historic class day
arrangements was the planting of ivy
oy tne academic seniors.
ing to make officers of them. This a
record-breaking dismissal list, but it
is intimated others will follow.
Another demonstration ol militarv
efficiency was given at the training
camp today, when without a halt or
p.-usc of any sort the new training
regime was adopted without confu
sion or delay. Bright and early the
men were out at work the infantry
in pistol handling and field work, the
latter work in instruction in advance
and rear guard details.
The batteries of the artillery divi
sion were feigning new problems
pending the arrival of guns, and the
cavalry troop and Ninth complny of
the infantry cadets were out on the
rifle range, tasting for the first time
in the camp the toughness of their
shoulders- to the recoil of the Spring
field 'rifles loaded with heavy car
tridges. ,;,.,
Developments Indicate Advance
of Large Expedition Up
the Vardar Valley
from Macedonia.
(AMorUted PrM War Summary.)
Important developments are fore
shadowed on the Macedonian front,
following the abdication of King; Con
stantine, by reports today of a with
drawal by the British without pres.
sure of their advanced positions east
of the Strums river on the extreme
easterly end of the front and pro
nounced reconnoitering activity by
the allies' forces along the Vardar.
It has been frequently pointed out
by military observers that virtually
the only practicable route for a suc
cessful advance to cut the lines of
the central powers in the Balkans and
reclaim Serbia is up the Vardar val
ley, along the railway line there. The
present activities seem to point to
the probability that an offensive by
General Sarrail in the only likely sec.
tor that embracing the Vardar area
is imminent.
Strengthen Right Flank.
Had this been decided upon it
would be a natural move for the Brit
ish to relinquish the advanced ground
they held along the Struma and with
draw as they have done to the bridge- '
head near the river, thereby strength
ening the allies right flank for de
fensive purposes, while the offensive
stroke was-delivered by the center.
An aggressive move, it would seem,
has now been made possible by the re
moval of the menace to the allies
from the rear, which existed as long
as Constantine was on the Greek
throne and his pro-German political
advisers in control of the Greek mili
tary situation.
Both the Russian army ' and the
Russian hav't are giving more evi
dence ot aggressive intent. RtcenT"
J Gerniaa-and-Austrian istatements have
instanced increasing activities by the
nussian military torces in various sec-,
tors, notably Volhynia and Galicia.
where the great BruSsiloff offensive
was in full swing at this time a year
Russians Get Busy.
The Russian naval arm also has
been so largely in evidence in Baltic
waters that Berlin announces it has
been found necessary to carry put
extensive air raiding operations on
Russian bases in this area.
In the Arras battle area the British
were subjected to a heavy counter at
tack on the new position tljey woti
last Thursday east of Monchy Le
l'reux.' They held fast to the main
point, the important Infantry hill,
but had to fall back from some posi
tions they had established farther in
Bulgarian Official Report.
Sofia, June 18. (Via London.) A
general retirement of British forces
along the Struma front is reported as
follows by the war office today:
"Macedonian front In the sector
between Lakes Butkovo and Tahinos
the British abandoned the advanced
position they had hitherto occupied
and returned to the bridgehead jkisi
tion on t'-.e left bank of the river,
Our troops occupy Ormanli, Barakli,
Jiima Kumli, Kcupri, Prosenik, Beg
likmah, Salman and Kakarasha."
' Britons Falling Back.
London, June 8. The British have
fallen back from some of their ad.,
vanced posts in northern France, ac
cording to an official statement "is
sued by the war office this morning.
The mam new positions are still
Paris, June 18. "Intermittent can.
nonading occurred at various points
on the front last night," says today's
official statement. "Our reconnoiter
ing parties penetrated the enemv
lines near Leintrey and southwest of
Senones, bringing back prisoners."
Germans Destroy Russ Base.
Berlin. June 18.-(Via London.)
German airplanes on Friday effected
a lauding 6n an island in the Bay of
Riga and destroyed a Russian base
there, it is announced officially. The
statement follows:
"Greater activity by Russian naval
forces in submarine and minewar.
fare made necessary defensive meas
ures on the German side, which had
the following results:
"On June 13 our airplanes dropped
explosive and incendiary bombs in
large quantities on Russian bases, ob
taining good results. On June 14 the '
military station on the Island of Ru- -neo,
in the Bay of Riga, was bombed
with visiNe success. On June 15 our
airplanes landed on the island "and
destroyed the remaining portions of
the base. All of our airplanes re
turned." Commerce Commissioner
J. C. Clements Is Dead
Washington, June 18. Commis
sioner Judson C. Clements of the In- ..
terstate Commence commission died '
here today. , .
Commissioner Clements had served
on the rate-making body since 1892'
and once had been chairman. He was
60 years old, a native of Georgia '
and before going on the commission
had served five terms in congress, .
representing the district of which hi
home, Rome, Gs., was the cente,r. -