Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JUNE 18, 1917.
Leading Omaha Business Men
Want Those Who Have Taken
the Course in Commercial
Many leading Omaha concerns arc
today employing graduates from
Boyles Collegf. The following is a
partial list of students recently placed
in good positions in this city:
Marl Peterson, has been placed In a per
manent poaltlon stenographer tor Nathan
Rom bar g.
Aans Levfrman employwri hjr the Red-mond-Ulchl
Company aa stenographer.
Oha Relmera, hat hen placed aa
fwmptometer operator with ttaa Burgess
Nah Company,
BiekleL Andarenn, '17, has secured poal
' tlon aa bookkeoper for tha United Biatea
Bupply Company.
Fern Buckland and Helen Zea, hava bean
doing aoma office work for tha Central Fur
nit itra Company,
Halan Col burn, lies been aettng ai typist
for tha Oman JElactrlo Light and Power
Ethel Robertson, waa recently employed
aa typtat by tba Darlow Adrertlalng Agency,
Marl Hanrahan hag bn acting aa
operator tor tha Hartman furniture Com
Franoea Church I II, hee baan amployad aa
typiet for Axel Anderson.
Chiiatlna Pataraoo haa baan amployad aa
tenographar by A. H, Benson, with offices
la lha Baa BulUlng.
Orsta Jackson has a position as operator
for Harden Broi.
Hylrta Fltoh, has been acquiring aoma
veluahla atperlanre as stenographer for tha
International Tim Reoord Company,
Bailor a College.
Prof. E. t.Puls, extension department of
Ytellevua college, will spend hla vacation at
Bellevue this iummr. Prof. Pula will con
duct classes In expression for Omaha Bust
nasi man daring tb lammir at his studio
In the T. M. C. A. Building, Omaha.
Tb Bellevue Red Croaa unit has been do
ing splendid work In prsparlng hospital sup
pile. Every meeting Is attended by every
n of tha thirty members. Plan are now
n foot for taking op food canning as a
conservation measure. On of the mem
bar of tha unit, Miss A. A. Jackson who
baa heal oharg of oannLnf elasae in Omaha
will diraot tha work.
Prof. J, Edward Erlokson left Saturday
piomlnff for Moonhead, Minn,, where h
aspects to spend three weeke.
Among tb alumni vie! tor an the oolleg
pill for the oommeneement rciaes Tues
day wr Mr. and Mrs. Frank H alderman
and Mr. and Mrs, O. I. Webb, who mo
tored to Bellevue front Pawn City, Mr.
webb was toaatmaatar at the Alumni Ban
quet Monday evening, and Mr, Ha Merman
who waa prominent in atbletlo atrcles while
In eollega, organised a ball team of alumni
for an Alumni-Varsity baaa ball gam
which waa played Tuesday afternoon.
Dr. Charles B. Hoi ley, head of tha Educa
tion Department, Bellevue College, left
laturday evening for tha Unlveralty of
til I no Is, Urban. Illinois, where he will teaoh
i th University Hummer School.
John D, Haskell, Wakefield, Nab., waa a
Visitor at Bellevue Col leg Tuesday morn
trig. June 11, at th annual commencement
ixorelsw of th oolleg.
Th Vocation Boreas.
Inasmuch as II per cent of th children
f th United flutes ieav school before tha
a of It, tt follows that a large per nt
become wag earner without any specif to
preparation and without means of asoer
talnlng for what they ara fitted. Th re
sult 1 wasteful to th Individual, to his fam
ily, to his employer and to society. Th
vocational guidance movement throughout
th United States haa arisen to meet this
Th present war situation Intensifies th
liaed for vocational guidance. It Is Impera
tive that every American boy and girl who
must antsr Industry should do so thought
fully, that there may ba no tost motion. It
to imperative that a (creator number than
avr go on to oolleg because th educa
tional work and tb raoonatruotlon of En-1
rop devolve upon th United g-tatea, We
wilt need double th number of trained peo
ple In -th next few years.
Th vocation bureau stimulates Interest In
continued schooling by showing th In
creased personal power and earning eapaalty
of tha better educated. It supplies Informa
tion concerning place wher th various
types of training may be secured It fur
nlaha Information conferring th trades.
Industrie and prof batons, It places boys
and atria In part time employment to en.
able them to continue In school. It places
in dealrahla permanent employment tnoae
whose horn ctrcumatanoes make further
schooling ImpoMlble.
Kearney ft tat Normal aebool.
Th rural school department has a very
large attendance and la receiving wonder
ful help from tha rural arhool organisation
of eighteen pupil- from th Collins school
for demonstration work In the claases under
Ml- Twetten.
Th special departments under Mr. Wor
lock and the piano under Mrs. Strong ars
receiving a large patronage during thla sum
mcr term
Mlsa Effle Abbott 1 attending th Wel
le an unlveralty for th eummer term, com
pleting the work for her degree.
Mies Florence DePew, who completes the
four yean of voice training under Montague
Wo r lock, give her public recital next Fri
day evening.
Plans are being mad for a apeclal meet
ing of Intereat for county superintendent!
and rural school people for the three daya,
June 28, tl and 10, when leading educators
will bi present.
Mlsa Lulu E. Wirt and Miss Evelyn Ditty
are planning to attend Columbia unlvsrslty
during Its summer term.
A very aucceaaful meeting of fifty-nine
women took place In the domeatlo science
department on Friday and H turd ay of laat
week, where they had apeclal training In
canning vegetables and fruits.
T, W, A. Clark and wife of Klrkavllle.
Mo., but formerly of thla Institution, where
Mr. Clark waa head of the department of
education, were given a hearty welcome at
chapel hour laat Friday morning. They
were aocompanled by hla sister, Mini Esther
Clark, head of the Latin deoartment of
Peru State Normal school.
Unlveralty of Omaha.
Th University of Omaha has Just closed
Its moat prosperous year and preparations
now are being mad for th opening of the
next semester Ha p tern bar 10.
There were eighteen graduates this year,
thirteen of whom received first class city
state teacher' certificates, Th enrollment
for the year waa 16.
A new building, Joslyn hall, a three-story
brick structure, waa added during th year.
The new structure was made possible by the
nneramy or umana business men and
Hnaldfl Joalyn hall the university has a
large, apaolous, brink gymnasium building,
Th structure wa named after John Jacobs,
son of Mrs. M. O. Maul, who contributed
largely to Its erection.
Th splendid equipment enables th stu
dent to take up moat any subjeot and either
complete hla coura ther or prepare for
worn at otner scnoois.
Hummer school starts Monday and wilt
oontlnu for a period of eight week. It Is
xpotd that at least 100 will enroll for
th coura. Beside oolleg work academlo
studies are offered to fill th demand of
high school and prepatory students. A
number of addition have been mad to
th teaching staff to car for tb expected
larga attendance.
T. M. 0. A. Summer
With a registration of fifty students Sat
urday noon, tha Young Men' Christian as
sociation vacation school, which opens this
morning, expects no airneuity in enrolling
110 student before th term gets underway,
Teacher from Central high school will In
th main hav charge of th atudle. E. B.
McMillan, second vie principal at Central
high school, will act aa principal. H alao
will teach mathematlc and sclencs.
May lomers, dean of woman at Central
high achool, will teach Oerman; Buaan Pax-
son, Latin: JnH McDonald and Kath-
4 C.f 1 ACYCh Art. "X7Vnr An It
wa.wgv Ivl T UillVlI
BT. CHARLES. MO. . - -
Now entering ita 87th year. Searches
out and meats tha fittlrfdoalnaoria of each girl.
Beautiful siuromidlpga, modern building and muId-
Thoraogh eoarees of. Instruction hi Arts and
Nosis, K praaeloa, Art, Home Eranctaiea.
sears, Juurnaliam. Seerttarlel work ana
e leading
Uomi iMasars, fu
Physical Training.
eplleges and universltfe. Competent Inttraetors Is
Lindenwood sirla stud w-li
life I Interesting and aosao-llka.
with each student.
sloe and sympathetic
rAneflmelAMi aI If nta SiMBtlonal ad.
vviiiKi loivi v ui music i-
In Piano, Pips Organ, Volee and Violin? Coooarta
Ti i wvrl 1 .w5 aooaimans, Loesui
wwwbjs vvunaaity isr inwasiv nasi
Itorles with bet and sold running
oeatloB gives
BSieal afudr.
new BKxiero nutorles with bet and eold running
water In saebrooia U0.W01aprovemenUlBlrean
to mlnatea from Bt. Lauta. Two direct Unea tt
ot catalog and book of rlewsddrei
Bwc 30 St. Cherloa.Mo.
Nebraska Wesleyan
College of Liberal Arts
Teachers' College
School of Art
Conservatory of Music
School of Expression and Oratory
For Information and free bulletins, address
University Place, Lincoln, Nebraska
St. Joseph Veterinary College
Accredited by Ftdcral Government.
Write for Catalogue
Address R. C. Moore, President
or E. A. Logan, Dean.
Dept. 2, 9th and Mary Sts. :-: St. Joseph, Mo.
Crete, Neb.
Our young people, even In time of war, owe it to their country
nd to themselves to make the most of themselves.
2-year or 8-year courses preparing for law school, medical
school, for engineering, etc.
Teachm' Cerlific.t.i After or 3-r..r Couri.t.
Address the Dean for Information
srlne Lowry, English; Ada Atktnson, his
tory and civics, and Frank fiulgard, mathe
matics and science. Mary Alice Land is will
tsach French.
High school students will be allowed two
credits at the close of the term, provided
they pas th iamtnat!ons. It Is desired
that student who are contemplating to en
roll, elgn up at one so that they may not
be delayed la starting their work.
Hastings College.
Commencement exerolses were held In the
Presbyterian church. Dr. K. A 8telner of
the Chair of Applied Chrletlanlty of Or!n.
nell college, delivered a powerful address
on th subject "Nationalising America.'' A
baiter choice of speakers couia not nave
been made on account of Dr. Stein era
peculiar knowledge of American and Euro
pean conditions.
Trie mem hers or tna graduating ciaes re
eclved the following degrees: Pachelor of
Kc fence Dorothy Vincent Buck, Helen Keith,
Lucli Kent), tiienn T. Kennedy, J esse I,
I'urdy and Fsrn L. Warner. Bachelor of
Arts Minnie M. Dutche, Helen J. Hallock,
Octavla II. Jonea. Ada Mart Kee. Rllla
Scherlch. Mildred E. Van Every and Carl R.
Ir. Purdy and Mr. Keeler received their
degrees "In absentia." They are members
of the United States coast artillery and are
now stationed In Hawaii. Alius Ada Kee and
Miss Helen Hallock rncelvod "cum laude"
Th Currens' Blbllral prize was won by
Mlsa Kether Brherlch, '19; aecond, Mlaa
Margery Mkely,
The temperance prise, home contest, waa
won. flrat by MIm Delta Hnwen. '18. and
serond, K I wood Murray, '2'). Mies Bo wen
alao won first place in the state contest with
a prise of f&0. The Junior essay oontest was
won by Mlas Frances Wllsnn, '19.
Forenslo H's were awarded to I, Wendell
Taylor, Albert Theobald, Luther 8teln, Lee
Mfddleson for debate, and to Mlas Delta
Bowen for oratory, tllenn T. Kennedy and
Ueorge Dowen participated In forensic work,
uut naa won tneir h in preceding year.
Hammlll College.
In 1902 Hammlll college waa started In
rnunrll Bluffn In a small room on Went
Broadway with ode pupil. Today It occupies
a large floor space In the True building,
Right h street and Broadway and enrolls
hundreds of students sacb year,
Thea young people tome .not only from
Council Uluffa, but from Iowa, Ncbraika
and aa far dlstsnt aa Illinois. Many como
from Omaha each day to take advantage
of the excellent training given there.
Ther era many apeclal features at this
school that attract young people. The
president of the college, W, J. Hammlll,
never employs solloltors. Thla results In the
better quality of students enrolling. The
Inatruotlon It entirely Individual: this re
sults In thorough personal training. The
IIIH1I llflllllXHM
They Kay Word of the
World Today.
The Hammill College
Business Institute
746-748 W. Broadway
Council Bluffa, la.
hat organized its business
courses on the Plan of Effi
ciency. This explains why It Is studed
by the higher class students
Its graduates are so successful.
The Business men prefer
and call for our graduates.
Writ Us.
school Is organized on the "office practice
plan" of efficiency, which results In great
practical training that places a graduate
la th beat of condition for further success.
Th summer school thla year is now at
tended by a great number of high school
graduatesand teachers. Students may en
ter sny day. Hutlafactlnn la guaranteed.
Da Meritt Military School.
The De Merit te Military school, conducted
by Edwin De Meritte, A. B , Jackson
Springs, .V. C, la an opon sir school for
boys. This Institution la particularly well
qualified to develop boys from 10 years of
ags up into clean, manly men. Boys who
hav been fortunats to secure their prepara
tory work at this school have been well
grounded in the fundamental of all sub
jects necessary for the successful prosecu
tion of their studies In the high Institutions
of learning In the country. The mental de
velopment of these men of tomorrow Is
thorough In every detail, but equally Im
portant la the care and attention given
thetr phyalclal requirement. The military
character of the school gives the public
plenty of drilling and outalde exercise, The
drilling la mild, yet complete.
Located about 700 feet above sea level.
In the aand hills of North Carolina, where
th winter ar mild and the aummers
never excessively hot. It Is ponslble to con
tinue the outdoor work of th boys th year
'round. Golf course, tennis courts, rifle
range, swimming pools and a small lake for
canoeing and boating are some of th fea
tures the boys have access to at all times.
School Notes.
Miss Luella Allen has Just rlo.sed her
most successful year of violin teaching. She
will remain In the city until the 1st of Au
gust and will accept pupils wishing In
struction on th violin, mandolin or guitar
until that time.
Academy of Visitation.
The Academy of the Visitation st 8t.
Louis, Mo., commences It eighty-fourth
year with th opening of th school term
nent fall. Its long life tell hatter of Its
success and usefulness than anything that
may be said of this- Institution. The acad
emy ll conducted by the Order of the Bisters
St. Francis' Academy
Columbui, Neb.
A N'liool for girls, rrmdiieted by the Sliteri ot
Bl. FnncU of Perpettul Adoration. Boys iiudtr 12
yetri admitted. "oimlute courses In Academlo, Com
mercial and Jflemmiarr Departments. Music. Physi
cal Culture, riasi Drawing, Paint Inc In OH md
Water and Hi In a. Elonutlcn and all klndi of useful
and ornamental needlework. The Academy U ac
credited to th StiU tlalrsralty. Write for Toll aartlc
Ulan. Adsreu SlaTtR M. AO N ELLA, Suptrlerm.
idl and College
Standard co-educational insti
tution. Fully accredited. Thorough
ly competent faculty of eighteen
membera. Variety of courses with
degrees A. B. and B. S. Also pre
paratory, commercial, normal, mu
sic and art.
Next session opens September
twelfth. AddresB
R. B. PEERY, President,
1 confronts us. For weeks past 1
we have averaged over three
i times as many calls for office i
help as we could fill. Why not
i .nroll now and help solv. th. 1
problem ?
5 Complete Equipment, Sup. i
? rior Faculty, Fireproof Build- ?
ing, Low Tuition Rat...
B.autiful Catalog "B"
fro. for th. making.
Nebraska School i
! of Business !
I Ent.r any time. ;
President ?
? H. F. CARSON, Secretary. I
Lincoln, Neb.
tmsonly COLLEGE TOR WOMEN inthetwinoiih
Uimtw tt U4 Ncnt CMrtl Aucmlim til Cclltft andlUOHi Graduau SclwoU q
FACULTY. Carefully selected, atle and experienced.
COURSU. CoUtUtleada to A. B. Degree. Borne Economics, leads to
B.I. Degrw. Alt. Mute.
BUILDINGS, Larga, sanltujr, are-proof, single, attractive rooms.
liTUATlON. 100-acre nark, oralookuu the Mlsaualppi.
tor CotLloa Biiurrm. ni thill OJUs of llu Dmh . 1064 Randolph St., 51. Paul. Mimn.
for High Scaoofc Pawsctin, odarui Pruutpal, Dtrkom Holl. Ceiliii of St. Cotktrin
2064 Randolph Strtot, St. rani, Minw.
Do you wish to become a successful busi
ness man, physician, teacher, lawyer, musi
cian or an intelligent man or woman in any
line of labor? Then go to Grand Island
College. Secure there the preparation
which you will need for life's work.
More than twenty-three teachers will
?ive instruction in Grand Island College,
who are specialists in their chosen branches,
having won honors in the best universities in
our land.
School Opens September 11, 1917
Departments of Instruction: College
Courses, Academy Courses, Normal Courses,
Business Course, Conservatory of Music.
For further information, or for Cata
logue, address the President,
Edward F. Jorden, Ph. D., D.D.
Grand Island, Nebr.
of tha Visitation and possesses complete
equipment and a large list of subjects com
prist the course of studies. Tha homelike
atmosphere of the buildings and surround
ings and tha maternal care aji van tha girii
by the sisters make It an Ideal place for
girts to secure an education.
Nebraska Bualneea College.
The casual observers little realize the
serious problem thst has confronted the
employer of "commercial help" during the
laat several months. Not only Is desirable
help srsree and sometimes even impossible
to obtain, but salaries are in many Instanres
nearly double what they were twenty-four
montba ago.
The llablltty of being called to the colors,
through the selective draft or otherwise,
has had a derided influence on male en
rollments In the school-. This la amply II
luatrated hy the June, lfl7, enrollment at
Nebraska Business college which, while far
above tha normal June enrollment, was
marked by a very email percentage of boys.
90 per cent of those seeking admission to
the school being of the gentler sex.
Already the enrollment In this hustling
achool exceeds that of a year ago, and the
managers are busy putting thHr houae In
order. Installing the latest and mist ap
proved equipment, adding to the faculty
and otherwise preparing for a record
breaking attendance when tha autumn term
opens, September i.
DeMeritte Military School
Jackson Springs. N. C.
An open air school for young hoys, 10
to 14. Prepares for College, tha Scientific
Schools, West Point, Anapolia and Busi
ness. ,
Camp Algonquin, Asquam, N H.
Special Term
of 1
Lesions and the t
Use of Small
I Pupils thoroughly prepared for
teaching and concert work. I
308 Lyrlo Bldf . Phon. D. 8704. i
m a
I I Military Academy
j J Y Oldest Military School
I L West of Mississipi River
I Located in Lexington, a school town on the Santa
Fe Trail. 43 miles from Kansas City. Life is stirring
at Wentworth. Here is a school that arouses and
(directs the natural vigorous instincts of boyhood.
Rated an "Honor School" by the United States Gov-
I ernment. Junior and Senior Divisions of
Reserve Officers Training Corps
(Prepares for college, national academies or busi
ness life. New gymnasium. System of athletics
reaches every student. Small classes, insuring indi-
I vidual, personal attention. Contact with strong,
healthy boys and with men teachers who are vitally
interested will develop the best in your boy.
For Catalog, address
YYY Washington Ave.
Lexington, Mo.
For Boys and Girls Opens Monday, Sept. 17th
534 S. 40th Street. Phone Harney 5654.
Mrs. E. A. Holyoke, Principal.
Brownell Hall
Founded 1863
and Young Women
Preparation for Bryn Mawr, Smith, Vassar and Wel
lesley. Special courses for high school graduates. Unusual
advantages in piano, voice, domestic science and expres
sion. French, German and Spanish. Gymnasium and out
door sports and dramatics.
For catalogue address the principal
The University
j of Nebraska
l will in the coming year and during the war continue to do its work as
i effectively as possible in order that the normal life of the country
I will not be unduly interrupted. It stands prepared to train physi-
f cians, engineers, teachers, business men, farmers, druggists, law-
i ers, social workers, etc., for future work. These young trained men
I and women will represent our country's efficient reserves to replace
I the work of those who are being called to military service.
I All departments of the several colleges and school will give in-
i struction as heretofore. The University opens
First Semester, Wednesday, September 12.
I Second Semester, Thursday, January 31.
I Summer Session, first week in June.
Students may enter at any one of the above dates.
I On any point of information, address
Station A.
Lincoln, Neb'.