Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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Government Will Not Accept
Any Portion of $700,000,000
Oversubscription to Lib
erty Bonds.
Kana City, Mo, June 17. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Nebraska'! Liberty
bond contribution was announced
Saturday as S17.800.700. Omaha's
total is $8,685,950; Lincoln, $1,871,
700; country banks, 17.235,050. Ne
braska's quota, figured in advance of
the campaign, was 16,500,000.
McAdoo Gives Decision.
Washington. June 17. Secretary
McAdoo announced Saturday that no
part of the great oversubscription to
the Liberty loan would be accepted
and that his statement of May 10, in
which he declared that the issue
would be limited to $2,000,000,000,
stood good now at then.
llr. McAuoo's announcement will
result in paring down hundreds of the
larger subscriptions until the total
reaches the $2,000,000,000 limit. How
much will have to be taken from the
amount the country offered to take
was still an unknown matter tonight,
x he ovcrsuhscripion will not fall be
low $700,000,000 it seemed certain and
way go as high as $900,000,000.
The grand total of subscriptions will
not be known until Monday at the
earliest. In disposing of reports that
the amount of the issue might be en
larged to include all offers, Mr. Mc
Adoo issued the following statement:
Allotments Not in Excess.
"Allotments of Liberty bonds will
not be made in excess of the $2,000,
(100,000 offered. I announced this on
May 10. when the details of the loan
were first published.
"I have asked the reserve banks to
tabulate separately and on supple
mentary lists the subscriptions re
ceived yesterday, June 15, after noon,
in order that I may be in a position
to consider in making allotment of
the $2,000,000,000 of bonds those ap
plications which through no fault of
the? subscriber were not recorded on
"It is impossible to foretell what
decision will be reached in this mat
ter or to determine the basis upon
which allotments will be made until
substantially definite returns have
been received from the several federal
reserve banks. The organizations of
these banks, unusually efficient as
they are. have been overwhelmed by
the multitude of applications received
at the last moment.
To Accept Small Applications.
"1 shall avail myself of the right re
served in the circular offering th:
londs to allot in full upon applica
tion fur .smaller amounts of bonds
and In reduce allotments on applica
tion (nr larger amounts, as such ac
tion v ill he clearl) in the public iu
lernt." Mr. McAdoo today acknowledged
vi'.hjtfimiccialim the work .of the
foric of puliliciiy which aided in the
flotation of e loan.
"The Liberty loan campaign," he
aid, "was ciintially one of educa
tion and without the generous and
patriotic support of the press of the
nation, the nope of those in charge
that it would be a popular loan would
not have been realized. The untiring
efforts of the newspapers throughout
the campaign were a constant inspira
tion to the various other groups of
''At a time when news space was at
a premium the Liberty loan was fea
tured at length. The foreign language
press in thirty-six languages gave
daily proof of the undoubted loyalty
of peoples of foreign birth,
"t shall be most grateful to the
press if this acknowledgment is given
wide publicity.''
Reports to the treasury at the time
of cosing today from all reserve
hauls aiai'ril that the work of tabular
inn returns was progressing at all
banks and in several cases it was stag
ed tabulations probably could not be
finished until Monday.
(Coalition! from Fan Ont.)
regard to holding up mails, even if
the sacks' do contain daily papers:
"By referring to my letter of the
first inst., with reference to Idaho
mails, you will note that I stated
that Mr. Johnson desires that all un
important mail be withheld. That tf
in doing so some daily papers of remote-
origin be withheld, you would
be protected in the matter.
"I will ask you to give this matter
careful attention, not only with ref
erence to Idaho, but to all mails that
are being withheld. There seems to
be a tendency at this time to let
mails go forward that had previously
been held, and the volume of mails
on trains is increasing.
"Please give this matter close at
anA that all who ar in-
iciit.vjii, iiv - -
structed to withold mails are doing
their duty in tnis respect, anu mat
the volume of paper mail sent out in
trains is reduced to the minimum."
The Weather
for Nebratlta Monday, fair and warmer,
for Iowa Monday, fair and warmer.
Temperature at Omaha leatertlay.
ii 'l Hour. Cf.
(a. m.,
t a. m..
7 a. m..
8 a. m. .
. SI
, 60
. S3
. 61
. !
. 71
11 a. m 76
IS noon., ft
1 p. m 81
I p. m S3
S p. m 86
4 p. m 87
8 p. m.. Is
p. m 7
7 p. m 86
Lecal Teiupevatnre Record.
1117. mi. 1III.1IH
Hit-heat yentarday.... 88 77
Lowest yesterday 60 84 60 68
Mean tomperatura.. 74 68 60
JTeclpltatlon T. .66 .00
Temperature and precipitation departure
Trora tbo normal:
Normal temperature .. 72
Kxceas tor the day
Total deficiency nines Starch 1 83:
Normal precipitation 17 Inch
lieflclency for the day 17 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1... .18.67 Inches
Kxcesa since March 1. 1817 1.64 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period In 1816 4.84 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period In 1816 1.69 Inches
U A. WaUAH, Meteorologist.
American Commissioner in
Petroprad Tells Slavs This
Nation Will Fight With
Them Against Foe.
(Continuril from Tan On..)
and that our two great nations will
march side-hy-side in the triumphant
progress of democracy until the Old
order everywhere has passed away
and the world is free.
Military Autocracy Threatens.
"One fearful daigir threatens the
liberty of both nations. The armed
forces of a military autocracy are at
the gates of Kussla and the allies.
The triumph of German arms will
mean the death of liberty in Russia.
No enemy is at the gates of Amer
ica, but America has come to realize
that the triumph of German arms
means the death of liberty in the
world; that we who love liberty and
would keep it, must fight for it and
fight for it now, when the free demo
cracies of the world may be strong
in union and not delay until they may
be beaten down separately in succes
sion. "So America sends another message
to Russia that we are going to fight
and have already begun to fight for
your freedom equally with our own,
and we ask you to fight for our free
dom equally with yours. We should
make your cause ours and our cause
yours, and with a common purpose
and mutual helpfulness of a firm al
liance, make sure of victor- over our
common foe.
"You will recognize your own
sentiments and purposes in the words
of President Wilson to the American
congress when on the second ot last
April, he advised a declaration of war
against Germany. He said:
Germany ! Challenge Accepted.
'"We are accenting this'challenge
of hostile purpose because we know
that in such a government (the Ger
man government) following such
methods, we can never have a friend:
and that in the presence of its organ
ized oower. always lying in wait to
accomplish we know not what pur
pose, there can be no assured security
for the democratic governments ot
the world.
" 'We are now about to accept the
gage of battle with this natural foe
to liberty, and shall if necessary,
spend the whole force of the nation
to check and nullify its pretensions
and its power. We are glad, now that
u ii ili facta with no veil of false
pretense about them, to fight thus for
the ultimate peace ot ttte worm ana
for the liberation of its peoples, the
German peoples included; for the
rights of nations, great and small and
the privilege of men everywhere to
choose their way of life and of
Must Make World Safe.
" 'The world must be made safe for
democracy. Its peace must be
planted upon the tested foundations
of political liberty. We have no sel-
hsh ends to serve, we uesire no con
quest, no dominion. We seek no in
demnities for ourselves, no material
compensation, for the sacrifice! - we
shall freely make. We are but one
of the champions of the rights of
mankind. We shall be satisfied when
those rights have been made as secure
is the faith and thereedom of na
tions can make them.'
"And you will see the feeling
toward Russia with which America
has entered the great war in another
clause of the same address. President
Wilson further declared:
"'Does not every American feel
that assurance has been added to our
hope for the future peace of the
world by the wonderful and hearten
ing things that have been happening
within the last few weeks in Russia.
"'Russia waa known by those who
know her best to have been always
in fact democratic at heart in all the
vital habits of her thought, in all the
intimate relationships of her people
that spoke their natural instiiict, their
habitual attitude toward life.
"'The autocracy that crowned the
summit of her political structure,' long
as it stood am', terrible as was the
reality of its power, was not in fact
Russian in origin, character or pur
pose, and now it has been shaken off
and the great, generous Russian peo
ple have been added, in all their naive
majesty and might, to the forces that
are fighting for freedom in the world,
for justice and for peace. Here is a fit
partner for a League of Honor.'
"That partnership of honor in the
great struggle for human freedom the
oldest of the great democracies now
seeks in fraternal union with the
vounaest. Practical and specific meth
ods and the possibilities of our allies'
co-operation, the members ot the mis
sion would he glad to discuss with the
members of the government ot Kus
M. Terschenecko. responding to
Mr. Root's address, said:
The Russian people consider war
inevitable and will continue it. The
Russians have no imperialistic wishes.
We know that you have none.
"We shall fight together to secure
liberty, freedom and happiness for all
the world. I am happy to say that I
do not see any moral idea or factor
between America and Russia to Li-
vide us.
"We two peoples Russia fighting
tryanny and America standing as the
oldest democracy hand in hand will
show the way to happiness to n'
tions great and small."
M. Terschenecko rose from a sick
bed to attend the presentation. He
said that Russia's revolution was
based on the wonderful words uttered
by America in 1776. He read part of
the Declaration of Independence and
exclaimed: "Russia holds with the
United States that all men are created
free and equal.
JI. lerschenecko sketched the his-
by saying tha. the Russians, enslaved
tor centuries, threw on all the old
order just as the wind blows the au
tumn leaves from the forest. Russia
now faces two problems, said the
minister, the necessity of creating a
strong democratic force within its
boundaries and the fighting of an ex
ternal foe. Then he declared for war
and expressed unbounded confidence
in the power of Russia to meet the
Cadet Edwards, Back
On Vacation, Buys Bond
Cadet Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Walker Edwards and a student
of Wentworth Militarv academv. Lex
ington, Mo., is spending the summer
vacation with his parents.
Young Edwards, who is a member
f T..-
oi ine junior omcers reserve corps,
bought a Liberty bond this week.
Walthill Man Would Have
Buss- Americans Teach
New Republic of
Walthill, Neb., June 17. (Special.)
Carl lireatman, a Russian living at
Walthill, hs devised an ingenious
plan for the enlightenment of the
Russian people and their instruction
concerning principles of a republican
form of government.
Mr. Brcatman has written the fol
lowing letter to Secretary of State
Lansing concerning the idea:
"By way of introduction, I will state
that I am i Jew; that I was born in
Russia, served four years in the Rus
sian army and came to this country
at the age of 24 years. I am now 37
years old.
I am deeply interested in tne part
Russia is playing in this war and in
the situation that it now finds itself,
and now that I am a citizen of the
United States, I want to serve it, and
in doing so I feel that I am serving
II mankind.
"1 know Russia and its people and
I believe I know its needs at this time.
The common people do not compre
hend what is being done or what the
new government means to them. The
Russian officials wno may go among
them arc viewed with suspicion and
do not have the confidence of the
Would Send Russians Back.
'If the iovcrnment in Washington
would choose three to five hundred
common people who were born and
reared in Russia and who are natural
ized citizens, and arrange to have
them return to their home districts
and explain to these people their new
government and our own form of gov
ernment, ma to outline to uiem in
their own way the advantages we en
inv in the United States and what
they mav expect under a similar form
of republic tell it to thcin, not as an
official, but as one of their fellow
men who has lived in this great re
publicthey would be convinced and
they wouia unite ior ineir new gov
"1 am so certain that great work
could be accomplished along this line,
that even though I am a married man
with family, I would gladly go as one
of the party of delegates, because 1
feel that in doing so I could render
great service to the United States and
to Russia. A united Russia will ac
complish more in ending this war than
in sending Z.uuu.uuu men to r ranee,
"if I could see you and talk with
you personally I could convince you
of the necessity of sending the dele
gation to Russia at once. The states
men tnat you sena to nussia win
reach the high officials, but it will
take common people from this coun
try to reach and unite the common
people of Russia."
(Continued from Tare Ons.V
ceived gallant support from the
Pasadena Red Cross Glee club of six
teen voices. lhe young women
mingled in with the crowd and made
things decidedly homelike.
Two German police dogs are a part
of the hospital train's equipment.
They are trained for active service at
once, and will retrieve wounded sol
diers and carry mesages for a distance
of a mile. Despite the fact that they
are dubbed German police dogs, they
have sworn their allegiance to Uncle
Sam. They are a gift to the organi
zation by Winston Ford of Pasadena.
Lucien Littleheld, a memDer ot tne
Pasadena crowd, has planned to or
ganize a dramatic club among the
boys. He played with the Lasky Film
company for four years, and prior to
that time spent three years with a
midlle-western stock company.
iwenty-six of the boys would have
been graduated Saturday from the
Pasadena High school. "We've been
nicely treated all along the line," said
Kenneth ruessle, formerly ot the
Pasadena Star, "but this is the first
time we ever got a spread like this.
I'm not trying to say how grateful the
boys are to Omaha. Pasadena is a
long way off, but it makes a fellow
forget that when he meets a crowd
like this." Mrs. C A. Hull and Mrs. A.
F. Jonas were in charge of the affair.
(fontlnned from' Page On.)
red, white and blue. We are here.
not only to pay. tribute to the flag
but to encourage the young-men who
have answered the call, and to pledge
them we will care tor those they leave
behind. ,
Thousands attended the exercises.
In front rows of seats were members
of the Grand Army of the Republic,
Women's Relief Corns. Loval Legion
and Spanish War Veterans. On the
plattorm were officers ot the lodge ot
tlks. the Mid-West concert band and
the Menoma chorus. Troops from
Fort Crook, under Colonel W. L.
Baehr, marched from Elks' club
corps detachment from Fort Omaha
added a picturesque touch to tne
scene. During the formal program
James E. Carnal led the Menoma
chorus in several patriotic numbers.
Mayor Uahlman read a history ot the
flag and officers of the Elks offered
Building of the Liberty Bell, a
pretty number in which they used sec
tions of flowers. 1 he lodge olhcers
also presented their flag day ritual.
"Your Flag and My Flag."
Rev. T. I. Mackay of All Saints'
church Aread "Your Flag and My
Flag." assisted by nine Bov Scouts.
directed by Morley Young. The Mapes
Drum corps participated in the pro
gram. A feature of the parade was a flag,
fifty by thirtv-five feet, carried by
Elks. T. B. Dysart, exalted ruler of
Omaha Lodge, No. 39, B. P. O. Elks,
presided, and was assisted by his
brother officers. During the con
elusion of the program Chaplain
Mackay read Bret flartc's "Reveille."
Lvsle 1. Abbott read the "Elks
Tribute to the Flag." Major E. E.
Sterricker of the fifth Nebraska in
fantry had charge of the movement of
troops in the parade.
"ALL THAT WAS LEFT OF THEM" Like the far-famed
"Light Brigade," the Foreign Legion hat gone "into the jaws
of death, into the mouth of hell," and today there are but
two of the original member left. They are standing next
to the nurse and are Edward J. Bouligny and Jack Casey.
They are Americans. '
Americans Give
Oath Kaiserism
Must Come to End
(Continued from 1'ase One.)
does those things that make men love
it the on: country where a poor man
can live in peace and dignity as well
as a rich man. Avail yourselves of
this great opportunity."
Dr. Donald Macrae ot council
Bluffs told of the actual working of
the Red Cross in war time and de
clared that the people who remain at
home ought to be willing to giv; all
they make in excess of expenses dur
ing the war if they want to be on a
plane of liberality equal to that of the
Militarism Must Fall.
A. W. Jcfferis, in the course of his
address, made a strong plea tor the
Nebraska National Guard.
'Thank God for the Nebraska Na
tional Guard regiments," he said. "We
must fill them up to the 'iniit. And
the Red Cross must have our full
support. It would be criminal care
lessness to sena our ooys wiiuout
making every preparation that money
and effort can make to give them com
fort and the best of care.
W. F. Gurley declared: "The Ameri
can people, 100,CJO,000 strong, have
registered in high heaven their silent,
solemn oath that kaiserism and mili
tarism must fall. The power of
armed autocracy will, crumble into
dust when confronted with the
strength of democracy which rests
with simple dignity upon the declara
tion which tne feasant or uainee
made for democracy nearly 2,000
years ago."
Resides the militarv band Desdune s
band contributed some stirring music.
The Grand Army of the Republic
contingen marched to the Audi
torium, led by a drum corps, ine
Grand Army quartet sang several se
lections. No Appeal for Funds.
Mayor Dahlman was on the stage
and was slated for a speech, but as
the program proved long, he asked
to be excused.
No appeal was made for funds at
the meeting except the statement by
Chairman Wattles that the subscrip
tion cards found ill the seats could
be filled out and handed to the ushers.
There vas applause when Mr. Wat
tles spoke of the meeting of Friday
"There were only a few of us in
that room," he said, "but we collected
more than $1.00,000.
A larse reoresentation of the Mes-
co-Burnasco Red Cross auxiliary ar
rived at the Auditorium after the
stores closed. This is an organiza
tion of employes of M. E. Smith &
Co. and the Burgess-Nash company.
Headquarters for the finance cam
paign which opens Monday morning,
are in Room A, on the mezzanine
floor of the Fontenelle hotel. The
publicity bureau is in the adjoining
Room B. rooms were donated
by t' i hotel.
Many Volunteer Services.
C. F. McGrew, auditor of the finance
committee, appointed A. ). Long ot
the McNish Cattle Loan company as
cashier. Mr. Long volunteered his
services for the week.
Two accountants will be furnished
by the Nebraska Telephone company,
and Miss Ruth Randolph, a teacher,
tendered her services if needed.
The Burroughs Adding Machine
comoanv furnished automatic ma
chines for taking account of subscrip
tions ana loianng collections cvcij
dav. The telephone company in
stalled a telephone in the headquar
ters free. 1
The Omaha Ad club will assist in
the publicity of the campaign.
McCord-Brady donated $2,500 this
morning to the Red Cross finance
campaign fund. Hal Brady said that
more would have been given had the
firm aot contributed at nine other
branch houses.
Wears Kaiser's Picture;
KUxmalitz Now in Jail
Chicago, Tune 17. The observing
eye of a policeman Saturday caught
sight of the features of Wilhelm II,
emperor of Germany, adorning the
fob of Max Klixmaliti of Indiana
"Why, that's the emperor," Klix
maliti said proudly, when he was
brought up short by a hand on his
He was arrested and held for in
vestigation when he said he worked
in a munitions factory.
18, 1917.
Auto Bandits Shoot
Five Times ' at
Wolf and Pipkin
(Continued from rate One.)
behind the shooting. I'ipkin and
Wolf immediately telephoned every
garage in the city and every county
road is being watched.
The affair is similar in many
respects to the Rapp-Schroeder
case, fhree men figured in the triple
murder, which was the outcome of a
oolitical fight. The shooting of Satur
day night is supposed to be connected
wim tne umana iactionai political
fight, growing out of the Chadron
conspiracy affair, in which Pipkin and
Wolf fieure prominently.
Suspicion points to gunmen hired
for the purpose of disposing of men
who are thought to hold damaging
The case in some of its aspects
also parallels the Rosenthal case in
New York, in which Herman Rosen
thal was shot down in front of the
Metropole hotel by east side gunmen,
who were later apprehended and paid
the penalty of their crime in the elec
tric chair. It was for this crime that
Charles D. Becker, high police of
ficial, the man behind the killing, suf
fered the death penalty.
While the affair of Saturday night
did not result in a tragedy, the inten
tions ot the gunmen, Fipkin declared,
was to "get" him and Wolf. The bul
let marks on the machine are evidence
of the fair marksmanship.
M. E. Smith Employes Buy
$25,000 Liberty Bonds
M. E. Smith & Co. employes dis
played their patriotic spirit and will
ingness to do their bit for Uncle Sam
by holding a Libertv bond campaign
June 11. More than $25,000 of bonds
were sold, many employes purchasing
trom SiM to SMXJ worth.
When one of the office boys was ap
proached oy a campaigner, he said:
"Yes, I want some bonds. I'll take
$200 worth, and 1 will pay cash for
them, too.
Wireless Telephone to
Be Used in Naval Work
Washington. June 17. Experiments
with wireless telephony have proved
its practical value to such an extent
that it will be used by the navy in its
war operations along with wireless
Residents of Ne
braska registered at
Hotel Astor during
the past year.
$2.50 and 3.00
Doublc $3.50 and S4.00
Single Roumi, with bath,
M.50 to $6.00
Double $4.50 to $7.00
Parlor, Bedroom and bath.
$10.00 to $14.00
Times Square
At Broadway, 44th to 45th Streets
the center of New York's social
and business activities. In close,
proximity to all railway terminals.
You hava swollen feet and hands! Stiff
achy joints! Wlittrp shooting rheumatic palm
torture you. You have achtnr bark, pain In
tha lower abdomen, difficulty when urlnat
ln! Look out! Those are danger fctgnala.
Trouble Ii with .your kidney. Uric acid
poisoning In one form or another has yet
In. It may lead to dropsy or fatal Bright'!
disease If not checked.
Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Capsulea Immediately. They are an old
preparation, used all over the world for cen
turies, combining natural healing oil and
herbs. Well known to physicians and used
by thousands In Hhelr daily practice. The
rapsuloii aro not an experimental, make
ehlfl ''patent medicine' or "salt," whose
effect la only temporary. They are a stand
ard remedy and will act naturally, gently
and quickly. But when you go to the drug
BlKt, Insist on retting the ure, original
Haarlem Oil In Capsule.. He sure the name
GOLD HKIUL, is on the box, three slaes,
and thus protect yourself against countwr-
Slav Officials Drive From
Country Socialist Who
Received Teutonic
Petrograd (Via London), June 17
Fresh attempts on the part of the
Germans to conclude peace with Rus
sia have been exposed, with the result
that the expulsion from Russia lias
been ordered of a prominent socialist
internationalist, a citizen of Switzer
land, Robert Grimm.
Two days ago the provisional gov
ernment leceived from a reliable
source a copy of a dispatch addressed
by Hoffman, a member ot the Swiss
Federal Council, to Grimm. Apart
from the separate peace offer con
tained in the dispatch, Hoffman re
ported that Germany and its allies
were ready, to begin general and im
mediate peace negotiations if Russia's
allies ware willing.
The provisional government appar
ently was informed that this dispatch
had been nanded to Grimm by the
Swiss minister at Petrograd.
Socialists Investigate Charge.
The government requested the so-
cialist members of the cabinet, M.
Tseretelli and M. Skobeleff, to de
mand explanations from Grimm, who
was their colleague, inasmuch as,
though a foreigner, he was beginning
to plav a prominent role in Petrograd
as the mouthpiece of the international
ist pacihst propaganda.
An official statement issued today
declares that Grimm denied to the
cabinet members that the Swiss minis
ter had transmitted to him such a dis
Old Wheat Flour Mabfea Better Bread Than New Wheat Flour.
This price on Gold Medal Flour it good for only a short time. We placed big
contract before prices got ao high and have a surplus We are giving old customer,
and new ones the benefit until stocks are reduced, then the price will be advanced.
These prices are to consumers only orders from dealers will not be accepted.
No Better Flour Milled Than our Tip. C? 7A C1 CO
Our Tip Brand Flour, per 48-lb. sack 24-lb. sack,
An Excellent Health Flour.
Economy Brand Flour, 48-lb. sack
25c can Toileteer, like Sanlflush 17c
Macaroni, Spaghetti, Noodles, pkg....8c
Sunbrite Cleanser, can, 4c; 3 for.... 10c
Matches, box, Sc; 3 for 13c
Good Toilet Paper, 5c roll; 3 for 13c
10c sack Good Table Salt 7c
Shredded Wheat Biscuit, pk? 12c
16-oz. cans Condensed Milk 12c
Large Loaves Good Bread 9c
Spider Leg Japan or Gunpowder Tea,
per lb., at '. . .46c
Ice Tea, per lb 27c
Best Grade Tea Siftings. .......... 15c
Cider Vinegar, gallon , 20c
White Vinegar, gallon 16c
36 Clothes Pine 5c
Dandy Dried Peaches, lb 14c
Cabbage, sound heads, lb 4c
Onions, California White, lb......4V3c
Yeast Foam, pkg., 4c; 3 for 10c
2-ln-l or Shinola Polish, 8c; 3 for,.. 22c
PETERS' PASTE A dandy shoe polish,
for 4c
Gold Dust Washing Powder 22c
Catsup, Armour's, large, 22c; small, 13c
Cudahy's 711 Castile T Soap, bar. ...4c
Pyramid Washing Powder, extra good,
25c pkg., for 19c
Salmon, lb. cans. Chum.'. ......... .17e
Beat Pink 19c
Best' Alaska Red.,..,' 25c
Via Rock Island Lines
(Round Trip Fares from Omaha.) (1) (2)
San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Cat. $60.50
San Francisco and Los Angeles, Cal., one
way via Portland, Ore $78.00
Portland, Ore.; Seattle, Tacoma, Wash S60.50
Vancouver, Victoria, Prince Rupert, B. C. . . $60.50
Spokane, Wash.; Hunting, Ore $60.50
Butte, Helena, Mont $60.50
Boise, Ida $57.00
Ogden, Salt Lake, Utah $35.00
Yellowstone Station, Mont $37.00
Yellowstone National Park, including com
plete tour of park with hotel accommoda
tions, 5 days $89.00
Yellowstone National Park, including com
plete tour of park with camp accommoda
tions, 5 days 0 P0
'Mesa Verde National Park, Colo $47.00
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colo. $27.00
Glenwood Springs, Colo $33.00
Duraneo, Colo $42.00
Leadville. Colo 30.00
Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Colo $20.00
Trinidad, Colo 23.00
Phoenix, Ariz $56.00
Fares in column (11 in effect daily.
Fares in column (2) in effect daily after June 14th.
Fares to points designated () in effect daily after
June 15.
Special Round Trip Fares
On Sale Juno 25th, 27th, 30th; July 1st to 6th.
(Sixty Days Return Limit.)
Portland, Ore., Tacoma, Seattle, Wash $55.50
Vancouver, Victoria, Prince Rupert, B. C $55.50
W. alio h.T. many attractive Abakan Toura to of f.r.
Through daily Standard and Touriat Sleeping Car Serv
ice to California points, with choice of two routes.
For Further Information Inquire of
iih ur
1 :n
14th and
I R-iSj nmm
mm - - -
patch, denouncing; the whole affair as
a clumsy Gern n maneuver.
Grimm added that while at Berne
and Stockholm he had refused to en
ter into any such negotiations and
that as a socialist h refused to Itt
himself be made the instrument of im
perialist plans.
The two Russian ministers reported
to the cabinet that Grimm's explana
tion was unsatisfactory. Whereupon
an immediate expulsion order was
Editors of State to Be
Guests at the Den Tonight
The annual editorial convention of
Nebraska and Iowa newspaper men
promises to be the best in the history
of fie association in point of attend
ance, judging from the early arrivals
Mr.'and Mrs. A. B. Woods from
Gcring and Editor Gene Westcrfelt
from Bridgeport were among the first
arrivals Sunday, coming from the ex
treme western part of the state, and
by Sunday evening there was a big
crowd of the old-timers registered.
The convention will open this morn
ing and the publicity men will be busy
until '.Wednesday night.
This evening is editors' night at the
Den and Dad Weaver will introduce
several new stunts for this occasion.
One of the big entcrtai- .lent fea
tures of the meeting will be the an
nual luncheon at the cxchai.& build
ing at South Omaha Stock yards when
the editors vill be the guest of the
Stock Yards company, and be given
an opportunity to make a tour of in
spection through the different pack
ing plants.
Payne Investment Co.
Makes Several Sales
Payne Investment company reports
the following sales recently:
Guy M- '"-.nzle to Kobert Walter, 4815 Far.
nam. $5,400. "I
Winter li !s to Mary Schnetl, 2386 Laurel
avenue, 88,f.0.
24-lb. aack,
Corn Starch, per pkg 8c
Big Bottle Ammonia 8c
Best Grade of Canned Hominy, It's fine,
big can for 10c
Flake or Pearl Hominy, lb 6c
Phosphate Tip, Cherry, Orange or Grape
per bottle, 9c; 3 for 25c
Roasted Peanuts, per lb 13c
Sticky Fly Papers, 3 double sheets... 5c
7 double sheets 10c
APPLES Good, sound Washington
Ganos, box $1.90, $2.00, $2.25
100 bars of D C. Soap (case) $3.00
LEMONS Doten . ........ .16c and 19c
Kellog'a Drinket, 25c can for 21c
Tip Brand, colored, per lb 30c
(Very Beat Quality.)
Tip Brand, best quality white, lb., 29c
Cash Habit Brand, medium grade
per lb. carton 26c
Magnolia Brand, cheaper than lard
for cooking, 2-lb. roll 45c
Very Best Creamery, in lb. carton
per lb., at 43c
Best Fresh Eggs, dozen , .33c
Crisco 41e, 82c, $1.64
Sawtay 28c, 56c, $1.12
Omaha and
.1. S. McNALLY.
Division Passenger Agent
Farnam St.. W. O. W. Bldf.
jtf How