f 12 1'HE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JUNE 18, 1917. .wn :;; rlwr;;, .!;!:i:i;"..!1'i:;'i1::!!'ji:;ii'!::!';!:;:!:;:fi:i:-;:-:i::i';vi.i:rii:i:"::': i.sTTiiMipnTTFTH . . Your I Am Greatest E: I am more powerful than the combined armies of the world. I have destroyed more men than all the wars of the world. I am more deadly than bullets or shrapnel. I have wrecked more homes than the mightiest of siege guns. I am responsible for wasting in the United States alone more than $300,000,000 Each Year I spare no one and find my victims among the rich and the poor, the young and the old the strong and the weak. I make widows and orphans. I massacre thousands upon thousands of wage earners every year. I am so big that I cast my shadow over every field of labor, from the turning of the grindstone to the moving of every railroad train. I, your greatest enemy, I am every where-in the home, on the streets, in the factory, at the railroad crossing and on the lakes, rivers and the seas, I destroy, crush and maim the helpless. I tak all but give nothing. - You are warned against me, but you heed not the warning. II Amra Cairelessiniess This Campaign is Supported in the Interest of the Piihlic by the Following Manufacturing Companies, Firms and Public Service Corporations: American Smthing and Refining Co. Alfalfa Butter Co. Associated Manufacturing Co. Bee Publishing Co. Beebe It Runyan Furniture Co. Brown Truck Co. Bruce Drug Co. Carpenter Paper Co. Carton and Banlu. Chicago Lumber Co. Cartn Elevator Co. Consolidated Lumber and Coal Co. Cooke Co., J. P., The Central Coal and Coke Co. Capitol Garage, The Draka-Williamt Mount Co. Day Rubber Co., John Drummond Motor Co. Di.brow, M. A. Co. Eggerss-O'Flyng Co. Ferry Screen Co. Fairbanks-Morse Co. Cate City Hat Co. Grain Dealer' Nat'l. Mutual Fire Int. Co. Guarantee Fund Life Attociation. Gordon Van Co. ( Home Casualty Co. Howard Stove Workt. H. J. Hughet Co. Hanlghen Co. Iten Biteuit Co. Imperial Sath and Door Co. Independent Lumber Co. Kirschbraun & Sons, Inc. Kimball Laundry. Lion Bonding Co. Looie-Wilet Biscuit Co. Lininger Implement Co. Murphy, Andrew eV Son. Missouri Valley Oil Co. Midland Class eV Paint Co. McKeen Motor Car Co. Monarch Mfg. Co. Xarth Marsh. icCord-Brady Grocery Co. 4ash Sales Co. National Fur and Tanning Co. Nebraska Manufacturers Casualty Ass'n. Nebraska Telephone Co. National Refining Co. Nebraska Moline Plow Co. Nebraska A Iowa Steel Tank Co. Omaha Council Bluffs St. Ry. Co. Otis Elevator Co. Omaha Electric Light and Power Co. Omaha Folding Machine Co Omaha Warehouse Co. 4 Omaha Fixture and Supply Co. Omaha Hide and Fur Co. Omaha Cold Storage Co. Omaha Crockery Co. Omaha Printing Co. Omaha Cut Glass Co. Omaha Taxicab Co. Omaha Transfer Co. Omaha Health and Accident Ass'n. Oliver Chilled Plow Works. Pioneer Glass ec Paint Co. Peters Mill Co. Parlin 4 Orondorff Plow Co. Paxton 4 Gallagher Co. Paxton etc Vierling Iron Workt. Paxton-Mitchell Co., The, Ralston Bank. Sample-Hart Motor Co. Standard Oil Co. of .Nebraska. Sunderland Machinery and Supply Co. Sunderlend Bros. Co. Smith A Co., M. E. Standard Chemical Co. Standard Furnace and Supply Co. Sweet-Land Candy Factory. U. S. Supply Co. ' Wolff Manufacturing Co., L. mmmmmmmiim iiiii!swii4ii.iiiii!.!i:!,!i!i.Hi!.ii:K!i!!jipiw imiiihw miiii a ii!!iP!l g!iHmi an ,i liiiiiBgiHiiiiiijiiieiffliiiiiy'i! aiM'ii; kih; hi: mmmzwmmmmeSmmmmsi 1