THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, JUNE 18, 1017. 11 MEDICAL DR. E. R. TARRY, :o di;c BLDG. I' ILL'S. FISTL'LA CUIIE1X Dr. U.' H. Tarry curst piles, fistula and tbr recta diseases without surgical op erations. Cure guaranteed and do money paid until cured. Write for boot oo rec tal disease with testlmonlsla, ItL'HTUKK sue..' ens fully treated without a urKH-ul operaliu.i. Call or writ Dr. Kr"k H Wniy. 406 Bte Bldg Chiropractors. lM-s. Juhntoii,ja2fi W O. W BldR. D. 62. I) H. KNOl.LENBER 0." HA NITAKUTM. T.ady attendant, 24th and Farnam. D. 7295. Tr. C." j "Lawrliic." halrd" Bldg D. lr. Frances fawsoa, lift a Hose Hide. T. 2366. DentistB. jr. nrinlliuryN'o pulii, 'sn wl '. W. Hid it I Taf t' Den t R rn'3nH RoaT" Blda"p2 1 i7 PERSONAL TH K Salviitlon Army Industrial Horn so licits your old clothing, furniture, magi sines. We collect We distribute. lMioue Jjouk. 4120 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1110-111-1114 Dodge St. UATHS tuwi MiaMttutS". Central llntb Insti tute. i6t)Q Harney St, Doug. 7097. Open evenings. MISS FISHEK, sulphur, steam baths and massaKe. 879 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 1559. MAE B RUG MAN, scientific masseuse and bat ha. l'U3 Karbarh Blk. Red 2727. ALfj H1UHT privatu maternity home, liest care. 2i)? Bristol. Web. 210S. LULLLA WEBSTHH. mauage and nwnl curlng 618 I'axton Bll. Red 2400. MANlCUltlNU. i-lectrlc and scientific mas sage. 107 8. 171. St Miss DeBar. PRIVATE licensed niHterntty home. 38th St. Phone Colfax 204t SCIENTIFIC mass'fte. bZ9 Bet Bldg Phone Douglas 8372 Edna Williams, musBagei" bath. 228 Neville. AlanlcurliiH and mass. 1633 Farram. R. 19. BATH a. niHwwge. Phone Douglas 8761 K. BftOTT. M litis. Vl2(riUrTiy7V.'nhG. Horses Live Stock Vehicles FOR SALE Beautiful small Shetland" iTony age 3 years. Call Wbnter 11H3. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security, 140, 6 mo., II. goods, total cost, 18.60 140, 6 mo., endorsed notes, total cost, 12.60 Smaller, large aiu'ts, proportionate rate, PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 433 Rose Bldg., ICth and Farnam. Ty. 666 LEGAL RATE LOANS 24.00 1240.00 or more Easy payments. Utmost privacy 340 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 2286. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY AUTOMOBILES WILLYS-UVERLAND, INC.. i:SED CAR DEPT. Douglas 3290. 047-49 Farnam St. Touring cars ;nd roadsters of Overland, Studebaker, Maxwell. Ford. Oakland. Mitchell, Bulck and Hudson makes. TERMS II DESIRED. Prompt attention given to all Interested out-of-town buyers. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 220! Farnam St. Douglas 3310. mc Light Bulck, roadster $700.00 3915 Ford roadster 225,00 1916 Maxwell , 375.00 1916 Overland Roadster 475.00 BUDSON 2i speedster, Kiaxson rn, speed ometer, Bosch mag. and 6 tires, $120. Yale Twin. In perfect shape, 160: 86x4, 86x6, 32x3 H tires cheap; Bosch d. 6 mag,, Kellogg 4-cyllnder air pump. Crosstown Garage, 316 S. 24th St KEW 36x4 red-cop clln. case and tube, $23.00, a 1 moat n :w 36x4 Firestone S. S. vhsq and tube, $15.00, and good 36x5, v2x3 t'r(,s and tube, cheap. Crosstown Garage, 316 S. 24th St, WE will trade you a new Ford for your old one, INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO., 30th and Harney. Douglas 6251. FORD cars, electric light doubled by Ever bright sieadlfier, $2.60, guaranteed. All Ford service station. 7-PASSENGER Hudson touring car; irt fine tdiape; also two bicycles; party leaving ':tv. Box 4632. Bee. TIRE REPAIRING, First-class work at reasonable price. THE TIRE SHOP, P. P. Crow. 2518 Far nam. Doug. 4878. ItADE your old battery In on a guaran teed Ever-ready storage battery. Free In section of any battery. Ever-ready Stor age Battery Co.. 1206 Farnam St C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. 2210-1 S Farnam St. Douglas 853. Almost any make at reasonable prices. SEAL bargains in used tires, expert tire anil tube repairs. G. & G. Tire and Vulcaniz ing Co., 2423 Leavenworth St. Tyler 1261W. Work called for and delivered. rVANT ED FOR-SPOTCAS H, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 1107 Farnam St. Doug. 6035. TELL Sl BINKLEY. WE BUY AND SELL USED FORDS. 2818 Harney St., Dong. 1640. BARGAINS in used Ford cars Hoimes-Ad- klnsCo.. 4911-17 S. 24th. Phone 8. 271. 1917cTlALMERS 6-:;ii touring, perfect 4001 S. 24th. Tel. Korlh 4360. Wc. are in uscii Ford men. & Exchange-, 110 S. 17th. Auto Salvage BERTSCHY "Kan-Fix-It," Southeast cor ner 20th and Harney Sts. Douglas 2552, WANT modern six auto for clear Browne 11 Hall district lots. Canan McCague Bldg. FOR SALE Cinders for driveway and walks. Douglas 137. Electric Starters and Repairs. ALL MAKES REPAIRED. STRAHLE & ANDERSON, INC. 316 S. 19lh St. Douglas 5488. Tires and Supplies. TIRE PRICE WRECKERS. THIS IS NO 2 IN 1 TIRE. Second-hand tires and tubes; expert tlrt and tube i palrl-.g. Douglas 8872. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 1403U Jackson. Agts, wanted. Omaha. Neb Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing. "Service car al ways ready." Omaha Garage, 20X0 Har ney St. Tyler t,56. Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Baysdorfer. SI? N. 18th. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor U. Roos. "The Motorcycle Man," 27tb and Leavenworth. MUST SELL AT ONCE Bar ley-Davidson bicycle, almost new. Will sell reasonable. F. E. Cossairt, room 15, tho Creighton Block, POULTRY AND PET STOCK ENGLISH coach dug, light black spots, 3 months old. Webster 3401. Former Omaha Man Is Married in the East Announcement conies to Omaha of the marriage of Benson H. Rowley to IJorothy Hines, at Lansdonne, Pa., on June 2. Miss Hines is the daugh ter of Mrs. John C. Hines of Lans downe and Benson Rowley is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowley, who went from Omaha to Philadel phia about five years ago. Benson Rowley is a graduate of Central High school and attended Clifton Hill grade school, and won honors as an athlete while in school. Mr. and Mrs. Rowley will make their home at 14.3 Delevan avenue, Newark, N. J., in which city Mr. Rowley is employed. PERSONAL MENTION. Richard Kitchen and family have gone to Glen Isle, Colo. Mr. Kitchen will return in a few-days, but his wile and child will spend tho summer there. Mtta Sophia Fay man, well known In Oma ha wearing appartl cin lt s, Is now associated with the Nebraska Clothing company, fs an Htstant buyer of wumens' whIsu, dresses and skirts. Mrs Mary A. Krr-ha, who has twen with the Nebraska Clothing mmpany for several yeara, ha been advanced to the position of assistant buyer of women's suits and coats. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Market Good All Week; Packers Buy Hogs at Ten Cents Lower; Lambs Higher. Omaha, June 16, 3917. RrcMpts were; Cattle. Hops. Sheep. Official Monday 6,6711 4,96 5,761 Official Tuesday Mt6 7,30a 6.&'-'9 Official Wednesday... 6,642 1,361 Oftlcl.H Thursday 6, flu ,!U4 6.849 Official Friday 1,191 7,11s 693 Estimate Saturday .... 150 6,600 Six days this weefc. .35, 23 37,38 15.630 Same days last wewk. .iiS.WH 69,3ri3 16,660 Same days 2 wks. BKO.:4.S9t 47,343 14.424 Same days 3 irk. ro.21,20(i 67,5,15 21,436 Niuno days 4 wits. st'0.2l,5B 41,275 :'3.9i7 Same days last year.. .16 370 69,366 9,7i6 Receipts and disposition of live stork at the Union Stock yards for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. C , si. & St. P 4 Wuhafh 1 Missouri Pacific 3 1 Union Pacific 22 C, A N. W., east 1 C, & N. W., west 42 O., St. P.. M. & 0 6 C, B. & Q.. west 10 r R. I. & V., east 4 C t. R. 1. P.. west 1 Illinois Central Chicago, Great Western 1 Total receipts I 4 DISPOSITION HEAP. CaUl. Hogs Morris & Co i,C7 Swift & Co 1,460 CudHhy Pkg. Oo 1.978 Armour & Co 1,683 .Schwartz & Co...., , .... 22.x J. W. Murphy 1,680 Cudnhy. Kansas City... 3S7 .... Cudahy, Fort Worth 67 .... Totals 194 8,6i6 Cattle There were no cattle of any con aerjueiicn today, but for the week receipts lire qulto liberal, amounting to 25,243 head. While this ts n as large as some recent weeks. It is 10,000 head larger than a year ago. The demsnd has been good and the mar ket in a very satisfactory condition from start to finish. The beat beef steers aro strong to 2Co higher, while other grades are at least strong a compared with Isat week. Cows and heifers, well finished ;nd of good quality, have held their o.i, but medium grades havs suffered sharply, being around 25&0c lower thnn last week. Stock ers nnd feeders have been In light dmand as usual at this season of the year, and tho market has shown little or no change. Quntatlonon cattle Good to choice beeves. I12.75ilil3.ri6; fair to good beeves, $12.00 12.75; common to fair beeves. $10.2512.00; good to choice yearlings $12.5013.26; fair to good yearlings. $11. 7645912.50; common to fair yearlings, $10.00U,75; good to choice heifers, $10.25H.50; good to choice jvs, $8.7510.75; fair to good cows, $8.76 &: common to fair cows, $6.00ti8.7r; prime feeding steers, $10.O0lgill,00; good to choice feeders, $9.50(10.00; fair to good feeders $h 6049.50; common to fair feeders. $7.00frf 8.60; good to cholre stoekers, $9.6010.50; stock helferB $8.25ifel0.60; stock cows, $7.00 10.00; stock calves, $S.6011.0u; veal calves. $10.0014.60; bulls, stags, etc., $7.00 Q11.00. Hogs Some eighteen loads failed to sell yesterday and these added to the fresh supply made total offerings of pretty good wlze for the closing day of the week. Sell ers found themselves up against the same deal they have been fighting for three or four days, namely an extremely bearish feeling on the part of packers, and they were forced to make concessions again. : For the kind they wanted shippers paid prices that were pretty nearly steady with thb best time yesterday. They bought their hogs largely from $16 40 downward and paid an extreme top of $16.45. The packer trade was, however, mostly 10c lower every .lump in the road. Some sales were no more than a nickel, but on the other .hand there were others that looked ns much as 15c lower and the average cost of the packer droves was right close to a dime below, yesterday. There market was never active and it took most of the morn ing to move everything, though in the end nearly everything sold, clearance being the. best in several days. Representative salex: No.. Av. Rh. - No. Av. Ph. Pr. 90. .177 240 14 83 80. . ISO 160 14 3n..:-L'7 40-14 90 31. .211 81. .203 71. .194 14 93 70.. 21-3 70..U.-.4 68. .48 37. .29 13. .256 400 15 00 40 15 03 . . 15 13 80 15 i 15 20 .258 280 15 2 80 15 30 ... 15 40 43. .m 70. .217 80 15 36 40 IS 45 PIGS. 34. .143 14 25 Sheep Lambs showed a sharp reaction from the big decline this week, and while a generally firmer trade was expected, the advance was a surprise to all hands. Light receipts all around the circuit and a con siderably better demand were the principal causes of the upturn. With a light run Monday, packers paid prices that were at least 26c higher than the close of last week, and on each suc ceeding day there was a similar upturn, medium kinds showing even more advance than that at times, Friday not enough was here to make a market, but the feeling was that, had a normal run showed up, the mar ket would have been anyway 26c higher. The result is that closing quotations on best lambs of all kinds are $1.25 higher than a week ago, while medium stuff shows more advance than that In many casrs. The best spring lambs are selling at $17.00$ 17.50, with others on down, according to quality. Thursday clipped lambs, none of which were really toppy, reached $15.25, and a top of $16.60 was safely quotable Friday, all these prices being the highest In two weeks or more. Quotations on sheep and lambs: T.ambs, shorn, $14. 50 16.50; spring lambs, $16.00 17.50; spring Iambs, culls, $12.00 14.00 ; lambs, feeders, $12.0015.00; yearlings, shorn, $11.5O13.O0; wethers, shorn, $10.00 (ft 11.00: owes, shorn, $B.0010.25; ewes, culls, shorn, ?6.008.00. St. Louis Lire Stock Market. St. Louis, Mo., June 16. Cattle Receipts 500; market steady; native beef steers, $7.50 13.00; yearling steers and heifers, $8.60& 13.25; cows. $6.0011.00; stoekers and feeders, $6.00(g-10.00; prime southern beef steers, $8. 0011.50; beef cows and heifers, $4.25y9.00; prime yearling steers and heifers, 17.50 10.00 ; native calves, $6.00 14.75, Hogs Receipts, 8,000; market steady; lights. $15.4015.70; pigs, $10.00)14.25; mixed and lute here, $15.4015.90; good heavy, $15.8515.5; bulk, $13.40 15. 85. Sheer) Receipts. 100; market steady; clipped lambs, $13.00015.50; clipped ewes, $9.00W10.00; spring lambs, $12.00 17.75; canners, 4.00(&)I-.75. Kansas City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, Mo., June 16. Cattle Re ceipts, 1.500; market steady; prime fed steers, $lS.506f 13.50; dressed beef steers. $10, 00(512. an; western steers, $9.001:1.30; cows. $6,500)11.00; heifers. $8.60(13.00; stoekers and feeders, $7.50 11. 0C; bulls, $7.0(l9.6O; calves, $7.00013.26. Hogs Receipts, 600; market higher: bulk, $1&.1616.B0; heavy, $16.75015-85; packers and butchers, $16.S0Q15.S0; light, $14,769 15.46; pigs, $13.60014.50. Sheep Receipts 300; market steady; lambs, $16. 0017. 50: yearlings, $10.00 12.u0; wethers, $9.0011.00; ewes, $8.76 10.75. Chicago Live Stock Market, Chicago, June 16. Cattle Receipts, 1,000 head; market weak; native beef cattle, $9.00 &13.70; stoekers and feeders, $7.3010.60; cows and heifers, $6.0011.80; calves, $10.50 4fU5.50. Hogs Receipts, 9.000 head; market un settled at yesterday's average; bulk, $15.20 15.90; light, $14 6015.75; mixed, $15.U0 16.00; heavy, $16.000 16.05; rough, $15.00 j 15.20; pigs, $10.0014.59. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,000 had; market firm; wethers, $S.80fle 1 1 .36 ; Iambs, $10.5016.00; springs, $13.50t&18.00. Wl.nix City Live Mock Market. Sioux City. Ia June 16, Cattle Receipts, 300 head; market steady; beef steers. $10.00 fcl3.60: fat cows and heifers, $8.60 11.26 : canners, $6. 008.00; stoekers and feeders, I7.00& 10.26; calves, I.00p3.0": nulls, stags, etc., $8. 00 Q 10.60; feeding ocwa and heifers, 6.758.75. Hogs Receipts, 6.G00 head; market 5c lower; light, $14.75016.00; mixed. $15.00 if 1 u . 1 o : heavy. $15.1615.30; pigs, $12.60 13.50; bulk of sales, $14.9015. 20. Sheep No receipts; market steady. fit. Joseph Live Stock Market. St. Joseph, June 16. Cattle Receipts, 100; market steady: steers, $9. 0013.6fl; cows adn belters, $6.00012.75; calves, $8.00 &)i:t.60. Hogs Receipts, 3,000 hend; market steady; top, $15,75; bulk Of sales, $15.00(3 15.75. Shep and Iambs Receipts, 250; 1 tents higher; Iambs, Jia. 00 & 17.60; ewes, $6.O0 10.00. Dry (ioods Market, New York, June 16. Dry Goods The dry goods market remained strong and ntilet to day. Tentative prices on woolens and wor steds for spring of 1918 were above anything yet seen. Burlaps held firm. GRAIN AND PRODUCE Corn Prices Are Higher, With a Few Wheat Sales Made at Higher Fig ures. Omahn, June 16, 1917. The demand for corn was excellent again today, and while the market was strong at somewhat higher prices, the trade was a trifle slow, as buyers and sellers did not get together very readily. The wheat market was also quoirn nigner. but the demand for this cereal was mt over live and only a Iw sales wcro reported up to noon. oats were very strong in comparison wim wheat and corn, the market being quoted from 2i to 3'ic higher and sellers re ported a good demand Tor all gruoes or this cereal, but tin trade was not very heavy because of tight arrivals, there being only eighteen ears reported. The rang of tno wheat margei was rroin unchanged to 2c higher, the advance being noted In the No. 2 hurd, which sold at $2.90 to $2 92. All grades of oats sold very readily on the adance. the So. 3 white selling up to tiSc and 7c, while the No. 3 white brought 69ac to 6&e, aim the lours ruiea uroumi tfc o 68V. The rye market was quoted steady, with light receipt, and barley sold from steady to 2c higher, wltn a lair inquiry xor an grades. Clearances were: Wheat and flour, equal to 571.000 bushels; oats, 338,000 bushels. Primary wheat receipts were 510,000 bushels and shipments 377.000 bushels, against receipts of 677.000 bushels and ship ments of 627.000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 944.000 bush els Hnd shipments 520,000 bushels, ngshift receipts of 413.000 buyhels and shipments of 748,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 679.00 Obtish els and shipments 82B,000 bushels, against receipts of 621,000 bushels and shipments of 866,000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oal. Chicago 34 K'l lis Minneapolis 157 Ituluth 17 .. Omaha 32 181 n St. IrfHilB 64 44 37 Winnipeg 5ti7 These sales were reported today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter, 2 cars. $2.92: 2 8-5 cars, $2.90. No 2 hard winter. 2 cars, $2.87. Sample hard winter: 3-6 car, $2.60; 1 car, $2.52 4j; i car, $2.60; 2-6 car, (2.40. No. 4 spring, 3-5 car, $2.25. No. 3 mixed. 2-5 car, $2.70. Harley No. 4: 1 car, $1.30; 3-5 car. $1.25. Corn No. 2 white: 4 2-5 cars, $1.67. No. 3 white: 2 cars. $1.67; 1 car, $1.66 , No. 2 yellow: 6 cars. $1.67. No. 3 yellow: 2 cars, $1.67; 1 cr. $1.66 No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $1.67; 2-6 car, $1.67. No. 3 mixed: 4 cars, $1.67; 1 car, $1.66. No. 4 mtxd: 2 cars, $1.66 tf. No. t mixed: 1 car, $1,664, Sam pie mixed: l car. $1.64. Oats No. 2 white: 2 cars, 70c; car, 69 c. No. 3 white: 1 car, 6944c; 4 cars, 69c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 69c; 1 car, 69UI'; 1 car, 68c. inaha Cssh Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard, $2.89(2.92; No. 3 hard, $2.862.H7; No. 4 hard. $2.752.85. Corn: No. 2 while, $.(!6fc fi?l.7; No. .1 white, $1.66 4 fa 1 67 ; No. I white, $l.fi6$rl.664; No. 5 white $l,b&'u 1.6; No. 6 while, $1.660 1.65m No. 2 yel low. $1.66'48il.67; No. $I.661.67; No. 4 yellow, $1.661.66; No. & yellow, $1,654 1.66; No. 6 yellow, $1.651.64 4; No. 2 mixed, $1.66 4 4ji 1.67 ; No. 3 mixed, $1.66ff 1.67; No. 4 mixed, $1.661.664; No. 6 mixed, $1,664 L664: No. fi mixed. $1,644 fcil.66. Oats: No. 2 white 6970(; stand ard, 6944i69$ic; oX, 3, white, 69 Vi fi :; No. 4 white, 68 4jJtiSJ4c Hartey: malting, $1.20($1.36; No. 1 feed. $1.171.21. Ays: No. . $2.28)2.30; No. 3, $3.2702. 29. Local range of options: Art. Open. ( High. Low.) Close. Tea Wheat July I 2 21 2 fl $21 I $1 224 Sep 1 92 1 91 192 1 92 192 Corn. July 1 67 1 68 157 1 64 U Sep. I 47 1 48 147 1 474!l46 Dec. 1 08 1 104 10-8 1 IO4H074 Oats, 1 July 2i 6$ 27i 62 & 2i Sep. El 4 614 514 514 514 Den. 52 62 bih 52fr 52 Chicago closing prices, furnished Tho Bee by Legan & Hryan. stock and grain brokers, 315 South Sixteenth street. Omahn: A Pt TJOpoji". f-lligh.J Lojv.y Closa.rYeH" W'ht. " ' " 1 July S Jt 3 23 221 2 21 4,223 Sop. 1 90 1 96 194 1 9641194 Corn. j July 1 554 1 37 155 1 6614 1554 Sep. 1 47 1 50 1474 1 48 147 Dec. 1 10 1 121. 109 1 09i 110 Oats. July 644 6H C4H 05 644 Sep. 684 64fc 63 634 53 Dec. 66 66(&4 55 65 654 Pork. I July 8 3& 3S 45 S 15 38 40 .18 30 Sep. ES i j 38 70 38 40 38 65 28 65 Lard. I July 21 324l 21 674 21 30 21 66 121 42 Sep. 21 65 21 85 21 60 21 85 2l 62 Ribs. j July 20 21 074 20 85 21 05 20 92 Sep. 21 1741 SI 30 21 lfll 21 274121 17 CHICAGO ;kyi markkt. Increased Offerings In Texas Wheat Has Bearish Effect t Decline Marked At Close. Chicago. June 16. Increased offerings of new wheat from Texas had a bearish In fluence on prices today. During almost the entire session the market ruled lower ami the finish was unsettled at 4 to 14 net decline, with July at $2,214 nd Sep tember. $1,954. Com closed unchanged to lc higher, oats a shade off to up, and provisions at an advance of 10c to 22c. Jjowii turns In the wheat market be gan at the outset. One of the reasons was a current estimate that as much as 60,000, 000 bushels still remained In the United States for export before July 1, not count ing bread and seed requirements. Bearish sentiment whs Increased later by word that new wheat was being moved in Texas at a cost less than for old wheat,' and by evi dence that tho new crop offerings from the southwest were expanding noticeably In volume. Corn rose sharply as a result of active commission bouse demand. It was current gOBBlp that about half of the domestic visible supply was under contract for ex port. Expected warmer weather during next week led to much realizing, however, by holders in the last half hour. Frost re ports and seaboard demand gavo firmness to oats. Crop advices remained favorable, but sellers worn scarce. Liberal warehouses stocks depressed the provision market for a time, but later a de cided rally took place, the result of profit taking by shorts. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: Nob. 2 and 3 red and N'os. 2 and 3 hard, nominal. Corn: ."So. 2 yellow, $1.7241.72 ; No. 3 yellow, $1,624; No. 4 yellow, nominal. Oats: No. 3 white, 70(271c; standard, 70(9) 71 4c, Rye; , t'JAb. jJatjey, nominal. Kpcos: Timo thy, $5.60)6 8.00; clover, $12. 00 17.00. Pro visions: i'ork, $36.40; lard, 121. bbiQ 21.66; ribs, $20.80. Butter Higher; creamery, 3248364c Eggs Receipts, 24,436 cases; unchanged. Potatoes Unchanged; receipts, new, 30 cars; old, 2 cars. Poultry Alive, lower: fowls, 204c. New York General Market. New York, June 16. Cornmeal Finn; coarse, $3.38. Corn Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow, $1.84i, C. t. f., New York. Wheat Spot, nominal. Oats Spot, firm; standard. 76476c. Tallow Easier; city specials, loose. 174c. Lard Dull; middle west, $21.65 asked. Other quotations urn hanged. Hutter Firm; receipts, 12,819 tubs: creamery, htgher than extras, 38(ff"hV-; creamery, extras (92 score), 37 4 &'37 c; firsts, 364&374c; seconds, .15 36c. tjKKB fa lean y; receipts, .12,343 rases; rresn gathered extras, 32 (fr34c; fresh gathered storage packed firsts, 31632c; fresh gath ered finds, 29 4 & 30 4c. Cheese Steady; receipts, 2,330 boxes ; state, fresh specials, 23&234c; state, av erage run, 22422ic. Poultry Alive1, quiet; chickens, Slfftnic; fowls, 26c; turkeys, 18&i20c. Dressed, steady; prices unchangod. Minneapolis (iralq Market. Minneapolis, June 16. Flour Unchanged. Rye $2.462.48. Harley 11.0061. 45. Bran $27.60$28.60. Wheat July, $2.38: September, It.Mfc ; cash, No, 1 hard, $2,986)3.0:1; No. 1 north ern, $2.93 2.98; No. 2 northern, $2.83 'corn No. yellow. $1.94',i1.66U. Flaxseed $3.1703.22. Kansas City General Market. Kansas City, Juno 16. Wheat No. 2 hard. $29f2.97; No. a red, $2.842 90; July, 13.25'i; September. $1.99. Corn No. 2 mixed, 11.69; No. 2 whit. tl.694yl.69 4 : No. 2 yellow, $1.691.634: July, $1.6X4; September, $1.45. Oats No. 2 white, 704c; No. 2 mixed. 664c M.tal M.rk.t. New York, Jun 16. N'o mate, rial changa baa been reported In the uop- per market during tliu lust wtek. The scarcity of oftvrings lur delivery itu hide of August has become more marked, tint demand hns been comparatively quiet. To day's quotations f'r spot umt nearly elec trolytic w. io nominal, at -f3.0iH( S4 hp, while prices ranging from about $ down to $?9.30 wcro mimed for Hit id nurtil-r and Uter dnllverlca. lion was strong, wtlli prices unchanged. OMAHA C.KNKR.Vf MARKKT. Fruits Orange., navel. 2S8s, H24s, $3 :.n piT box; 100, 2Hi. 2-0, $S.:.: 126, 150. 17:. JO0, $!.t'0; Valencia, higher. Lemotte. fancy, 300a. SilOs, $5.75; cbouo 300, :!;, $:..25. Grspefrult, Hds. $4.50; 4is. $4.75: Lis. $3.25; 64s, 80. 96s. $5.76. l'inenpple. $:: 25. Cherries, California. $2 8ft Apricots, $2 50. Peaches, $175. Plums. $2.0 pur crate. Ha iiriiuh, 5c p-T lb. W aiernielons. 3c per lb. Vegetables Potatoes, old, $3.60 per l"i.: new. 64c per II.; cabbnge, 4c pT ll'.J sis pnragus, 60c pfr dux.; lettuce, I 25 crate; lettuce, doK., Hoc ; cucumbers, $1.75 bskt. ; tomatoes. 4-bskt $1.50 bskt:: onions, Hr mudn, $1.75 crate; wux, 2.25 crate; red, ;ie in. holesnle prleo of beef cuts: No. 1 ribs, 21c; No 2, 20c; No. 3, 17c: No. 1 chuck. Km". No. 2, 6c; No. 3. 16c; No. 1. loins, 27c; No. 2, .'14c; No. o. 204c: No. 1 round, 19c; No. 2, 19c; No. a. 174c; No. 1 pliiUs, 144c: No, i. H4o No. 3, 14c. Celery Large Florida, elegant stock, per dos,, $1.00: crates, containing S or 4 dux., per crate. $3.60. Kggs, p-r rrni 17 70. Hutter. fresh, per lt., :10c. Poultry Live, broilers, 1 ' to 2 lb. en. h, per lb., 2llc; hens. isc; old cocks and stags, i:ic; turkeys, fat. 22c: turkeys, old toms. 20c; Buy From These Omaha Firms Premium Oleomargarine Sweet Pure Clean Will Cut Your Butter Bill in Half Sold By All Dealer, SWIFT & COMPANY WASTE BEST GRADE NO. 1 WHITE 151-8c BALE LOTS Bemis Omaha Bag Co. Omaha, Neb. Moving, Packing, Storing, Shipping Phone Douglas 394. INSURES SATISFACTION Fireproof Storehouse Entire Block, loth to 11th, Davmport St. Vaults, Cesspools and Grease Traps Cleaned At Ordinance Kates or by contract Tel. Douglas 1387 The City Garbage Co. Manure and Ashes Removed Office, 12th and Paul St,., OMAHA, NEB. BEE ;deeartmentj Makes the Best Halftones On Earth PEOPLE'S ICE & COLD STORAGE COMPANY Manufacturers of Distilled Water Ice 350 Tons Daily Capacity Telephone Douglas 50 Telephone Douglaa 6967 Western Heating and Plumbing Co., Joe Johnston. Proprietor HEATING and PLUMBING SANITARY ENGINEERS 1810 St. Mary'a Ave., OMAHA, NEB. SAVE 25 PER CENT Of Fuel Cost Let Us Solve Your Heating Troubles Economy Vapor Heating Company, Douglas 5060. lip du.'l.-, lull feathered, fal, lie; r-c.., full tealll-le.l, frtl, 10c; piK-ollS. doi.. s.'.c. Delicacies Frogs: Jumbo, do $3.50; In rite, do 4 , S: .6" : medium, do . $ 1.73. Shrimp' IVelid. git!., $.' Oil; headless. $123; ci, ib merit, lump, gal., $3 25; shad ro.t, pulr. Mc; turiiA meat. ICc: lobsters, green, 32c: boiled, .e in -e. --K.moy Sutr.s, 43; No. t, Dome-die. I", Ulei k .1.: ; t ins. I'loslco, ;'M.j ; Tt splets. Veuiitf Ainctleitn. :s; lHue l..iln loul,. Mmlicrger, :in; New York wlille, i'U; French Hotnu'lort, i'5, KUti - Fresh trout, No, 1. 17c lb.; freh will l.d Kit, 1 3e It), ; fresh el low plkf. 13c II'.; ftc-h pickerel lc !i ; fresh henltm. 9c ll ; fresh bullhenlls. ITc lb; fresh hultbut. It' 4c lb: freh ibtflsh. 2"c lb; blai k c.t- bio . 1 1 4 lb. : frch salmon, red elimooK. U'.- lb; pink or royal w Idle chlnooU. Pic lb. : while perch, luo II. ; fret-h buffalo, drcsed. 12c Ib ; treli link cod. for cloak-, U4,- lb.; fresh Spftnixh mackerel. Ihtm1. 16c lb ; frewh burbot, ;.hlli!i"d. lie lb ; frer-h c( I, fresh lller, I ., . ; fresh bi.icl, bus-, O. ,S,. Hi.; tre:.h black bass, niedlniu, 22c lb.; frcsll croppies, 12j lKc IK; fresh led snap per, gulf, 14c lb ; fresh carp, dressed, 10c lb,; fresh mullets, round. 5c lb.; fre-h floun der... I2e 11. ; kippered saltiien, H'-lb. bus KeiK. p. r lb., market; Mpp'-tvd cod or grft -flh, H'-IK lM.-l.e-, neuKet (of fee Market. New oik, June 1, Coffee Fuiui-s Were dulfl aualn lodav, but prices were flitner on buying width renn'd to vmim from houses With cot ion I t'.t.te eo mice Mono. Some n I Itiloited this lo the continued light UrnzlllHii mo. im-nt nnd lelnilve ste.i.llneas of primary mark els. I'rlces opened iinchanKetl li 1 polni hlslb'f nnd cloned at a pel advance of Manufacturing Concerns Working Preparedness Plans as War Move The rumor is persistent a num lier of the larger manufacturing con cerns, particularly those the products of which may hi- used for army pur poses, may lc taken over by the gov eminent. The more far-seeing com panies are preparing to appraise their plants in order to he able to set a reasonable price at which the lands may he cither leased or entirely taken over. One large concern on asking (he appraisement committee of the Omaha Real Kstate hoard to perform this duty, the appraisement running to the neighborhood of $100,000. staled that they were very much pleased with the appraisement; that they considered it eminently fair, and ihat they had been carrying the property on ilicir books at about half the value set upon it by the commit tee. It is a singular fact that very few large concerns of this type have soiikdit expert valuations. The Omaha Heal Kstate board through its appraisement committee gets back of any appraisement that it makes. The committee is made up of men who are competent, and who have had long experience in Ihis work, and where there is any decided (liltereuee of opinion in the. commit tee the appraisement is taken up to the full hoard. A number of estates and corporations are availing them selves of this opportunily. Local Factory Sends Ice Machines to Iceland Nearly every civilized country in the world today is getting shipments of the ice machines made by the Ba ker Ice Machine company of Omaha. TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS NEW LOCATION 318 Rose Building 16th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 2186. Why Not Install a GAS WATER HEATER) OMAHA GAS CO. 1509 Howard St. Use HY-TEX BRICK Made in Omaha by Hydraulic Press Brick Company W. O. W. BLDG. A proven success. Combines real L-Vs Brush nnr! Vjieuum IfTRFIlYEEpI nAjJJ" your rugs clean on tho flour. No dusting AFTER sweeping. No beating or sending rugs to cleaners. Sanitary ALL the time. U. S. SALES COMPANY R. C. Doiier, Mgr., Factory Agent 677 Brandeis Building. Doug. 9261. W.I. 1266 (o 9 jmliits. Hales, 12,000 bags June, r tV; July, r.90o ; August, ",?4r; September, 7 SNe; Oetoher, 8.01c; November, 8 4c; De cember. 8 otic; January, 8.11c; February, 8 (6c; Msrch. S.Tie; April, 8,27c; Mn.V, S.iCo. Spot, cin.1, Hi.i 7s. loo; Sanies 4k 1l)'C. No freh offers were reported from Santos. Hlo offers were an Id to he 11 shade lower, with U to llo. cost and freight market nt .fiite, American eleilll. The official cables re portid an Hdvauce of 26 to 60 rein In SatltoS futures and :t 3-32d In Hlo exchange. 1 ChlcHgo Live Ntock Market. Chicago, June H Cattle Receipts, 1,000 head: market wenk; native beef cattle, $9.00 i 15.70; stoekers ami feeders, $7.3rtftf 10. fill; cows and heifers, $6.00ttf 11, SO; calves, $10.60 it 15.30. Hogs Re,-, pts, 9.000 head; market weak, 6c under 'tf rdtiy'e average; bulk of sales, $l,'.2iut 13 9a. light, $ 1 4. 65 t 16.75; mtxe.i, Invoiwi i ; heavy, $14.95M6.05; rough, $14 9ftfti'15,20; pigs. $10.3(114.60. Sheet, and lambs Receipts. 2. 000 head ; market th in; wethers, $ f 1 1 :13 ; ewes, $7.70 it 10 nn; lambs, $10.4otf 16,00; springs, $13,504(.00. SI. ltuU 4traln Market. St. T.ouiH, Juno Ifi. What -No. 2 red, $; No 2 hard, nominal; September. $1.98. July. $:.!. Corn No, 2. 11.71 fl 1.7.; Jul. $1.0; No, 3 white. $1700 1.71 4 ; September, $l.4. flats No. 1, 70c; Julv. 63v; No. 2 white, nominal; September. 53 4c. 4) m aha Hay Market, ncclpta are lighter; mnrket firmer on better grade of prairie hay; lower les lire selling slowly. Choice uplultd A few weeks ago a shipment went cut to Barcelona, Spain. Not long ago a shipment went lo Iceland. A large part of the money thus obtained from the farthest ends of the earth is paid out in wages to labor here in Omaha. The company is now employing ninety men. Lacing Cord Factory Is In Prospect for Omaha A lacing cord factory is in pros pect for Omaha. O. A. Albrecht, well known in Omaha, who has for the past two years been manufactur ing lacing cord and lacing cord ma chinery at Grand Kapids, Mich., wants to move the factory to Omaha. The industrial committee of the Commercial club is seeking a suit able location for this factory here. The company not only manufacrurcj lacing cord, but also machinery for making the cord. At the start the company will employ about twenty five people, and later perhaps many more. New Loose Leaf Factory Hardly Can Supply Demand The Nelson Loose Leaf factory which moved to Omaha from Chi cago, is now operating at Tventy lifth and Leavenworth streets. Or ders are coming in fast and the fac tory can hardly keep the supply equal to the demand. In 1000, only eight years ago, the Loose-Wiles Biscuit company built us nrst wnidii yittin. WASTE PAPER IS MONEY w Save It 1 Don't Burn It We Buy It Omaha Paper Stock Co., Office and Warehouse 18th and Marcy Sts. . Phone Doug. 159. Omaha, Neb. D. 4500 D. 4500 SAFETY FIRST Merchants Taxi Company JACK HURLEY, Proprietor HIGH GRADE 'Hardwood Flooring Omaha Hardwood Lumber,Company Yards, 13th and California. Douglas 1587 FIRE DOORS SHUTTERS FIRE ESCAPES Omaha Central Iron Works, Doug. 490. 10th and Dodf Sts. prairie, 123. OOifj 24.00 ; No. 1, $22.OO22.0 No. 2, Jill. OU'-f 20,00; No. H, $9.0012.00; No. 1 midland, $21,001 2U.0O: No. 2, $14.00 tn llo: No. I lowland, $1 2.omj 14. on : No. a. $8.1111 (j 10 '"I : No. ;!. $i;.ii04j il.50. Choice ! i falfa, $22.Hil4( 23. (Ml; No. 1, $21,00422.00: standard. $19 00i( 20.O": No, 2. $16, ooft 17.00; N. 3. Iil.'ioy i;i 00. om straw, $3. 008. 50; ! wheat straw, $7.oi)fj7.50 Turpentine and Konln. Savannah. Juno 16. Tiirpenline Firm, 29c; sale, 285 bids.; receipts. bbls,; ship menls, lti l.bls.; stock, 17,706 bids. Rusln Firm; recelpta. 993 bhls.; ship ments, iao bbls. ; stock, i;;i.fl7n bids. Quote: A. H. 15.40; C. D, $B H0; K. $3,704 5.7i: F. C, II, $5.H0(ff5.Sfi; 1. $5 80 tff 5.90; K. $6.00rf 6 10; M. $6.l"1i6.20; N. $6.404f 6.60; WtJ, $6.55i6.70; WW. $6.63 fj( 6.S0. Cotton Market. New York. June 1. Cotton Futures opened steady; Jul), 24 35c; October, 24.20c; December, 24.44c; January, 24.53c; March, 24.72c Cotton Futures closed firm; July, 24 97; October, 24.68c; December. 24.80c; January, 24 .7:1c; March, 25.00c. Spot steady, middl ing. 25.30c, Hunk ClmrtngH, Omahn, June lfi Hank clearings for Oma ha today were, $5.6 19,150.64, and for the corresponding dity Inst year, $;i.29S,610.46. Tho totsl clearings for the week ending to day were, $:i5,975,lfi2 :I7, and for the corres ponding week Inst year. $22,080,191,116. Ncc Want Ads Produce Results. Ride a Harley-Davidson VICTOR H. ROOS The Motorcycle Man 2703 Leavenworth St., Omaha. Phone Harney 2406. National Printing Company v Printers : f Publishers r Binders Printers of Everything In All Languages. NATIONAL BUILDING, 12th and Harney Sts, Omaha. ALL GROCERS I.ltBOY rOHIJSB, PrMldwrt, OMAHA. Beat 22k Cold Crowns $4.00 Bridge Work, per tooth. .. .$4.00 Beit Plates, $5.00, $8.00, $10.00 McKENNEY Dentists 1324 Farnam. Phone Doug. 2872. rices MAO! rreoM OLD.1 TWO IN ONE IVULCANIZINSOOJ J516 DAVE Npspjj AU1U A WORLD POWER Wherever commerce goes march ing on you will find the Electric Motor turning the wheels of in dustry, constantly, quietly and ef ficiently. Electric Power is Dependable and Economical. . Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. BOILERS SMOKESTACKS Drake, Williams, Mount Company, 23d and Hickory and U. P. R. R. Phone Douglas 1043 Oxy-Acetylene Welding STANDP1PES TANKS WHITE PINE SASH DOORS FRAMES and WINDOW SCREENS Manufactured in Oma ha by JENSEN & JEN SEN, 43d and Charles Sts. Walnut 1058. WHITE PINE