The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER Fair VOL. XLVI NO. 312. OMAHA. MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 18, 1917. TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. AMERICA AND RUSSIA TO FIGHT SIDE BY SIDE IN THE GREAT WAR FOR WORLD DEMOCRACY AND HUMANITY; EVENT OF INTERNMlONAL MOMENT AT PETROGRAD AMERICAN PEOPLE REMOTER SILENT, SOLEMN OATH THAT KAISERISM MUST COME TO END Vast Crowd at Auditorium Hear Impassioned Appeals For Support of Red Cross; Judge Salinger, Native German, Arraigns Emperor William as Autocrat Who Must Fall. "Suppose an overlord would send a lieutenant to Omaha and order every man to South Omaha and confine them there in the cattle pens until they could be herded into box cars and shipped to Mexico. That is what the overlordvhas done to the Belgians." In this was the graphic painted some of the kaiser's outrages in the world war before a vast audience Saturday night at the Auditorium. The meeting marked the beginning of the Omaha as this city's share of in the United States for the raised tnis weeK. A military thrill was added at the opening of the meeting, when the Fifth Infantry band from Lincoln Marched up the aisle, playing the Star Spangled Banner. The men were dressed in khaki uniforms and led by Captain Hazsel. The band took its place in front of the stage, where it played several selections during ttmevening. "What shall we flo for the young men who must go out andyfight our battles in this war?" asked Mr. Wattles. "It is the duty ot every man and woman in Omaha to contribute to the Ked Cross in order that our boys who go to the front shall have every possible care and comfort that can be provided for them. PRIVILEGE TO GIVE. This is more than a duty. It is a privilege, a privilege that we should prize and that every right-minded and loyal man and woman will avail him self and herself of. "Wc have lived so long in peace and prosperity that we scarcely realize what war means. We have become careless of the liberty we possess: We are unprepared for the stern realities of war.:'i'hjose af, us who cannot go to the TrBnt can at least have the privilege of giving to provide comfort to those who go. It is our duty and our privilege as a Christian community and a Christian nation." An impassioned arraignment of Germany was made by a native of Germany, Judge Benjamin I. Salinger of the Iowa supreme court. In a voice that trembled and while his fist smote the table he declared: "There is the sharpest distinction betv-eeu. the aspirations of the hearts of the German peopleSand those of the last of the Hohenzollern family. 1 love the German people as those of my own blood and I pity them as no one who docs not know them well can pity them. "When I was 9 years old my par ents borrowed money from relatives in this country to come to America. They had become convinced that a small ruling family such as that in Germany cuts off the opportunities of the common people to the last degree. Kaiser Stands Alone. "Today the kaiser stands alone in the world as the one absolute ruler who does as he pleases with anybody in his realm. Nowhere else on the 'footstool' is there a ruler who still dreams that might is right and that the era of the cave man is not past." Equally stirring was Judge Salin ger's patriotic tribute to the flag and his feeling reference to the work of the Red Cross. He said: "In the excitement of war not enough attention is paid to the branch of the work which ministers when the din of battle is stilled, the ever busy hands that are cool on fevered brows and nurse the isddiers through the nights of pain and bring comfort and surcease of sorrow to those who have fought the good fight. "In giving this JIU.OOO the people of Omaha are only paying in a small way for the blessings which will come to them through it. Is it too much to ask that you, from the safety of your homes, shall give this sum in or der that the boys who go out to fight your battles shall tight the better and bring the sooner the downfall of that one great disturber of the world's peace?, America's Heart Throb. "We could get the millionaires to give this. One man might be willing to give it. But that would rob the fund of most of its value. It is to be given by the people, the common peo ple, rich and poor alike so that the soldiers to whom it shall minister and the poor whom it shall help shall know and feel the throb of the great heart of the American people. "What will the suldicrs think if a single life is lost because we arc too busy or too parsimonious? This great Ked Cross movement is only another manifestation of the activities of this, our beloved country, a-eountry which (Continued nn Vngft Two, Column Four.) Form New Organization To Resist Conscription Philadelphia, June 17. A resolution to resist conscription was adopted at a 'meeting of delegates representing thirty-one socialist and pacifist societ ies in this country, which have formed an organization known as the Peoples' Council for Democracy and Peace. The present plan is the launching of a campaign against forcible mili tary service by the distribution of literature and public weekly meetings. language Gurdon W. Wattles campaign to raise $210,000 in the $100,000,000 to be gathered Red Cross. The money is to be OMAHA WOMEN GIVE FEAST FOR PASADENA BOYS Red Cross Unit on Way to Training Camp at Allentown, Pa., Entertained at Lunch- feonat Mn'm Station. One hundred young men, members of the Pasadena Red Cross unit, were entertained royally here Saturday when they passed through OmaTia on their way to Allentown, Pa., mobili zation point for the medical corps that is being trained for service in France. A double-T table had been arranged on the grassy plot just west of the Union station, and here the Californ ians were served by young Omaha women. The happy, hungry crowd piled off the train, which had been pulled up on a siding, gave two "college yells," one for Omaha and the other for the Golden West, and "fell to." No chairs were provided, and none was necessary. The young women hurried about their duties of serving, the young men hurried about their duties of dispos ing of what was placed before them and many curious onlookers lined the Tenth and Eleventh street viaducts to witness the novelty. "Regular banquet;" "O, you eats!" "I like Omaha." and other apt ex pressions broke from the soldier boys. After the luncheon, cigars and cigarettes were passed around, and the string sextet of the Westerners struck up a few popular airs, and re- (Cootinnttl on Pare Two, Column Three.) Lord Northcliffe Pays Visit to President Waehhlcrlnn Tun,. 17 T nrrl W1'- viiiil, juau v.,. dig uiiiiau wdi mission, called on President Wilson yesterday and the two talked together for sev eral minutes. Previously the British peer had discussed plans for further financial co-operation between the ;ua uanA c i, n..:.:..i United States and the allies with Sec retary McAdoo. Chinese Civil War Now Reported in Full Swing New York, June 17. A cablegram foreshadowing extensive military op erations by six of the Chinese south ern provinces against the government was received here Saturday by the Chinese National league of New York from its headquarters in Canton. The league claims to reprsent politically the six provinces and to favor China's entcry into the war on the entente side under a liberal republican gov ernment. Rare Day in June The Lovers of the Great Outdoors "What is so rare as a day in June?" asked a mere man Sunday afternoon, as he tarried in one of the parks to slake his thirst with a draught of the world'- original drink. Municipal -nd concerts in Miller and "Spring Lake parks drew thou sands to those rest and recreation centers. Flag day exercises by the Elks in Hanscom park were attended by "a large and enthusiastic crowd," this description having been approved by the censor. Public bathing places at Municipal beach, Riverview, Spring Lake and Morton parks were patronized by the crowds of amphi'ous earth-beings. Boulevards and other highways k xRoot, n Council of Ministers Pledges This Nation's Support to Great Slav People Now Striving to Gain Freedom AUTO BANDITS SHOOT FIVE TIMES AT DETECTIVES WOLF AND PIPKIN IN MURDER PLOT Attempt Made, to Assassinate Two of Principals in Police Investigation; Car Rid dled With Bullets. Omaha gunmen, unknown to the police, attempted to murder Charles W. Pipkin and Harvc,- Wolf, of the Omaha Detective association, Satur day night. They escaped, leaving no clue to their indentity. Fie shots were fired. Three bul lets jre their way through the ma chine in which Pipkm was sitting when the would-be assassins speeded past in another car. Pipkin and Wolf had been riding about town earlier in the evening and had a short while before the shooting pulled up in front of-the Royal apart ments, Twenty-seventh and Farnam streets, where Wolf lives. Wolf had gotten out of the car and was leaning on the side of it talking to Pipkm who was seated at the steering wheel. The car was facing south in Twenty- seventh street. Fired Point Blank. According to Pipkin, they did not hear the other car approaching until it started to speed ui about fifty yards behind them. Almost simul taneously they heard a shout form one of the men in the car and then shot. I he -bullet passed directly over the seat Wolf had just left and crashed through the base of the wind shield, shattering the glass. tietore the men realized what was taking place, the machine was upon them and four more shots were fired point blank at Pipkin and Wolf. One of the bullets pierced the hood of the car and passing through it narrowly missed Pipkin's leg. The bullet could not be found in the car. Another bullet hit the side door of the car, and, glancing off, dented the rear guard. J he machine carrying the gunmen turned west in Harney street at such a terrific rate of speed that only two of the wheels held the ground. It was seen to turn at 1 wentv-ninth street, where it disappeared. When it was turning the corner Pipkin jumped from the machine and he and Wolf returned the fire. Each of the men shot three times at the fleeing car. Pipkin sairj he thought at least one of the shots took effect. He says he heard one of the men in the car, cry out. Witnesses to the shooting declare that there were no lights on the car from which the shots came. Several persons, say that it w as a Buick. Neither Pipkin nor Wolf were able to distinguish the voice that came from one of the men just prior to the first shot. Both said there were three men in the car, ' Pipkin, declared he knows the party (Conttnuril on Tate Two, (iolmnn live.) Superintendent Johnston Is Transferred to Dayton Dayton, O., June 17. (Special.) Frank D. Johnston of Omaha has been appointed superintendent of the mailing division of the Dayton post office. .Mr. Johnston's home is in Omaha, where he makes his head quarters as superintendent of the Fourteenth division of the railway mail service. Mr. Johnston was born and reared near Dayton. His original appoint ment to the railway mail service was made twenty-nine years ago and he cp.fpH rnti I In itmicl,. einrp In 194.' he became chief clcrk-at-large of! the Sixth division. In 1911 he was as signed to Omaha as assistant division superintendent. Two years later Mr. Johnston re ceived another promotion to the su perintendency of the Xcw England division and was transferred again to Omaha in 1915. Brings Out All were lined witli thousands ot gaso-line-consuininr vehicles, bearing fami lies and parties hither an '. thither. One was a new machine, because the driVer honked his horn as loud as he could and as often as he could. Supervisors assigned by the Board of Public Recreation guarded the kid dies in their play activities. The new merry-go-rounds, recently installed, suggested the thou that perpetual motion at last hid been discovered. Picnic parties dotted the woodlands of the outer precincts of the city. Golfers traversed the links in quest of reduced waist lines and lost golf balls. This first touch of the good old summer tiny: was a novel experience for Omaha. Head of the Pathfinder Flood Waters Cause Platte to Overflow Casper, Wyo, June 17. Flood waters from the Pathfinder dam caused the Platte river to overflow today and homes along the lower levels near here have been inun dated. The water is rising two inches an hour. Melting snow in the mountains caused the high water. ELKS PAY THEIR RESPECTS TO OLD GLORYAT PARK Picturesque Military Affair at Hanscom Park Attended by Thousands of Omaha People. "When a power tramples upon the common instincts of humanity, it is time for humanity to protest. For centuries the rights of neutrals and non-combatatns have f recognized and yet the kaiser tires on all with submarines, recognizing neither age, sex nor nationality," stated Frederick Shepherd of Lincoln, addressing a large gathering Sunday afternoon in Hanscom park, where Omaha Lodge of Elks held their annual flag day exercises. Frequent applause greeted the ex pressions of the Lincoln man, who was speaker of the day. Sunshine, martial music, khaki-clad columns of soldiers, flags, flowers, veterans of '61 and a chorus of male singers con tributed to the success of the occasion. Old Glory Makes Heart Beat. During his patriotic address Mr. Shepherd said: tvery'tnans heart beats a little faster -when his eves behold the flair of his country. We love our national emblem because it was borne aloft in the first instance to represent a free people. To the timid it extends an in vitation to the land of equality and opportunity. Our flag has been a pil lar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night to the American people. It led the way through stress and storm during the revolution. It will continue to go on to victory on the battlefields across the seas. Must Be All American. "In the main the Germans of the United States have been good citizens and have followed the flag in all that the words imply. 1 want to prophecy tnai wnen mis war is over ami tne record has been read, a full com plement of young Germans of this couutry will have fought on the west ern front for liherly and America. Wc are at war with the Germany across the seas, with the Germany that ex cuses indiscriminate destruction oi the plea that the end justifies the means. There is room no longer in the United States for a man who is any les than all American. Our president and the congress who arc our rcpresciitalives-have declared war and every citizen' should stand by with his life, his heart and his means. Must Suppress Infamy. "The Germans of this countrv. as far as I know, are reasonable people f VVI "am n.s me insolence to say. that other nations shall give up the I use of the high seas. Such a thing ! will not be permitted by the free mi-1 tions of the world. When a nation thus seeks to excuse its infamy, tn:n-; kind should gather from every clime i to suppress it. This is a matter of! nations exercising police power to! subdue the outlaw nation that would l.j a law unto itself. The1 United States has responded nobly and the . country today is resplendant with thej (Continue,! on I'njtfl Two, Column Thri-O Farrand on Way to France To Fight White Plague Denver, Colo., June 17. President Livingston Farrand of the University of Colorado left Denver last night for j the Atlantic coast to take a steamer I for France, where he will supervise1 organization fur the tight of the Rockefeller foundation and the; French government against ttihcrcu-j losis. F. P. Psnlc Marin nirpr.tnr I Of the Union Stock Yards E. P. Peck Saturday as elected a director of the Union Stork Yards at a special meeting of the board. He fills the place made vacant hy the death of the late T. J. Mahoney. . S. Commission, In Address to MAILS HELD UP UNDER ORDER AT C. D. TERMINAL Statement Shows That Em bargo Still Holds Good Even Against the Daily Papers. Knibargo laid on mails by the Postoflice department is 'not ended, as was supposed. Also, while congress is threaten ing to increase the rate of postage on newspapers to a prohibitive point, the postolfice department is instruct ing railway mail clerks to delay the delivery of daily newspapers entrusted to the mails. Moreover, government official mail is held up through the same means, even such an important matter as the referring to the draft registration be ing delayed by the orders in force until after the draft was over. Statement From Clerk. One of the men high in the local service, whose name must be sup pressed for obvious reasons, gives The Bee tins statement: "June M an article appeared in an Omaha paper in regard of the economy of the railway mail scrvici This article reads very good, espe cially to those who do not under stand the true conditions as they are Why is it that concerns that do all the way from $1(1,000 to $5,000 .... i ! ' ..f .. i : i tvi.ii.ii ui iitnci using a year nave tried their best to get rclieXiram 'hil Posthftice department on account of tne uciay ot tneir advertising mat ter? W hy is it that advertising from the Postoflirc itself, mailed at Wash ington for States in the west, were handled in the Council BlulTs terminal as late as June 12, this matter com, lining instructions to the county clerks and sheritfs of the western states in regard to registra tion day? TRis will hardly have reached their destination in time to do any good. Answers Superintendent. "Mr. Johnston, the superintendent challenges any one to show where there has been such delay. Of course it is possible, that can be done, but not probable, as that employee would itist lay himself open to suspicion and that is what Mr. Johnston is af ter. The public, no doubt, is easily won over to the thinking of the de partment when articles appear that read like the our which appeared ill the Omaha paper, hut when the actual facts are known they hardly believe it when it is told them. Furthermore it says, 'no piece of mail is in the Terminal more than H hours.' Why is it necessary to have it in the terminal that long, when there are trains that can handle this mail going out west before the twenty four hours are up? Again I say that I know personally that sonic mail is in the terminal as long as forty-eight hours and more, and if the public had access to the terminal no doubt they could find mail more than twenty-four hours old, any time of the day. "As far as daily papers are con cerned I am attaching an official let ter which 1 wish you to print in con nection with this, by this the public can sec that the daily papers arc not given so much consideration as the de partment claims." Order to Hold Up Mails. The letter referred to contains the following explicit instruction with (Continued on Two, Column One.) Negroes Can No Longer Ride on "Prepay" Orders Savannah, Cm., June 17. To dis courage the movement of negroes to the north, the Central of Georgia, At lantic Coast Line, Soiilhcrn and Georgia & Florida will no longer ac cept "prepay rder" transportation for them. The prepay order method of sending money from the point where the negroes arc wanted has been em ployed largely by those interested in getting large numbers out of the SUlltll. Two Killed, 16 Hurt When Zeppelins Raid English Coast London, June 17.--Twu persons were killed and .sixteen injured in last night's air raid, during which a Zep pelin was biutiglit down. Thr official repurt of iIm- raid was given uut here luday. "Last night's air raid carried out by two enemy airiip. One air ship crossed the Kentish coast at about - a. ni. and dropped six bombs on a co.'tt town According to the latrsl police reports, two persons j - n,0rr were no casualties or dam wctc killed, sixteen were injured and; ages ill West AiigHy " M. Terschenecko, In Response, Declares Russia Will Con tinue War; Ambassador David R. Francis Presents Mission at Marinsky Palace; Event That Promises to Make World History. Tells America Russia Will Continue the War M. Terscheu ko, re spending to Mr. Root on behalf ot the council of ministers, stated Russia's posi tion on the war, as follows: "The Russian people consider war inevitable and will continue it. The Russians have no imperialistic wiMies. We know that you have uone. "We shall fight together to se cure liberty, freedom and happiness for all the world. 1 am happy to say that 1 do not sec any moral idea or factor between America and Russia to divide us. "Wc two peoples Russia fight ing tyrany, and America standing as the oldest democracy hand-in-hand will show the way of happi ness to nations great and small. jTV :: ,f f ". .. f ,n " fcUHU boot; To Resume Police Probe Before City Council at 2 Today Hearing of charges against Captain Steve Maloney will be resumed at 2 p. ill. toilay by the city council. 1 he commissioners sat sixteen hours, dur ing five days last week, listening to evidence offered by the prosecution and defense. Among the witnesses to be heard arc Elsie Phelps, detective, who fig ured in the Chadron affair; llcssie Wilson of 7116 South Sixteenth street and Mr. Maloney. The commissioners expect to com plete the Maloney case before Thurs day afternoon, when six Omaha de fendants of the Chadron conspiracy case will leave for Dawes county for appearance in district court on Friday morning. The Otnalia men who are bound over in Dawes county are: Captain Maloney. Harvey Wolf, Charles W. Pipkin, Gust A. 'I vice, William S. Do lan and Philip Wincklcr. The city council will sit this morn ing ill regular session as committee of the whole for the usual weekly grind of routine business. Soldiers and Workmen Oppose Separate Peace Pclrograrl, June 17 (Via London. June 17. ) A stirring proclamation placing the council of workmen and soldiers' delegates on record as ir revocably opposcil to a separate peace was adopted by the council Saturday a large, number ot houses were dam aged "The second raider attacked the east coast town of West Anglia at alxjtil J JO a. ni. It was heavily jdu'llcd by guns oT the anti-aircraft defense and driven ott. It is prob able it was damaged by gun fire. Shortly afterwards this raider, after dropping a number of bombs in open places, was engaged and brought duwn in flames by a pilot of the royal '''"' H " ' Petrograd (Via London), June 17. "America sends another message to Russia that we are going to fight and already have begun to fight for your freedom equally with our own and we ask you to fight for our freedom equally with yours." said Elihu Root, head of the American mission to Rus sia, in addressing the council of minis ters last night Mr. Root in his address laid stress on American diiinteredness in the war except ao far at conserving de mocracy was concerned. In Russia, he declared, America sees "no party, no class, but great Russia as I whole, one mighty, striving, sopiting democ racy." M. Terschencko, minister of for eign affairs, responded for the council of ministers to Mr. Root's address of sympathy and good will on the part of the American government. FRANCIS PRESENTS ROOT. The American ambassador, David H. Francis, presentee', the Root mission to the ministers in Marinsky palsce, explaining that the members ol the mission had come to Russia to discov er how Ai. erica can best co-operate with its ally in forwarding the fight against the common enemy. The presentation was very li.formal, only a few Russian official, and the members of the American embassy attending. M. Kerensky, the youthful minister of war, just back from the front, wore the khaki blous of a com mon soldier.' The ministers listened with rapt at tention to Mr. Root's addrc 3. which was an impressive utterance both in substance anil manner. Mr. R001 spoke. . s follows? 1 in "Mr. President and Members of the Council of Ministers: The mission for which I have the honor to speak is charged by the government and peo ple of the United Slates of America with a message to the government and people of Russia. The mission comes from a democratic republic. "Its members arc commissioned and instructed by the president, who holds his high office as chief executive of more than one hundred million free people by virtue of popular election, in which more than eighteen million votes were freely cast and fairly counted pursuant to law, by univer sal, equal, direct and secret suffrage. "For one hundred and forty years our people have been struggling with the hard problems of self-government. With many shortcomings, many mis takes, many imperfections, we still have maintained order and respect for law, individual freedom and na tional independence. ' How U. S. Has Grown. "Under the security of our own laws we have grown in strength and prosperity. But we value our free dom more than wealth. We love lib erty and we cherish above all our possessions the ideals for which our fathers fought and sacrificed that America might be free. "We believe in th; competence of the power of democracy and in our heart of hearts abides faith in the coming of a better world in which the humble and oppressed of all lands may be lifted up by freedom to a heritage of justice and equal oppor tunity. "The news of Russia's now-found freedom brought to America univer sal s tisfaction and joy. From all the land sympathy and hope went out to the new sister in .he circle of democracies. And the mission is sent lo express that feeling. Democracy to Democracy. "The American democracy sends to the democracy of Russia a greeting 01 sympathy, friendship, brotherhood. God-speed. Distant America knows little of the special conditio s of Rus sian life which must give form to the government and laws which you are about to create. As we have developed our institutions to serve the needs of our national character and life, so, wc assume that you will 'cvelop your in stitutions to serve the needs of Rus sian character and life. "As we look across the sea we dis tinguish no parly, no class. Wc see great Russia as a whole, as one mighty striving, aspiring democracy. We know the sell-control, essentia! kindliness, strong common sense. courage and noble idealism of the Kussiau character. "We have faith in you all. We pray for God's blessing upon you all. We believe you will solve your problems, that you will maintain your liberty ttJoniinurtl nn Intt Two, Oliimn Two.l Class of 296 Men Is Graduated From Princeton Princeton, N. J., June 17. Prince ton university vesterdav eraduatrrl 'Ql'l mPtl in'.,,,. .,-rd on war service and their degrees were conferred in absentia. Honorary degrees were conferred upon ambassadors and ministers of the allied .ountries at war with Gcr ,,,3,,., ........ f c... Lansing, Herbert C. Hoover and otli- s. I-JHV i 1 1,,. 1 ,,,, ,.-,...,. features were eliminated because of the war.