Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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    THK OMAHA SUNDAY KKli: JUNE 17. 1017,
5 A
One-Third of the Accidents
Sustained While Tinkering
Around Home Are
Statistics are frequently misinter
preted and twisted to back up some
pet theory or prejudice. The old say
ing that figures don't lie is a half
truth, and figures without an inter
pretation often convey information
which is far from actual facts.
The Conference Board on Safety
and Sanitation, of which Magnus W.
Alexander is executive secretary, has
just issued a most interesting and il
luminating pamphlet under the title
"Facing the Facts." This booklet
shows that straight statistical think
ing is possible. It presents figures
on industrial accidents, so analyzed
as to show to what extent workers
actually are being injured and the
decreases which has been brought
about by modern safety efforts.
Not Safe at Home.
The morbid-minded person who
simply reads that a certain number
of thousands of workers were injured
in industrial occupations during a cer
tain year, might not feel so gloomy
if he analyzed the figures and discov
ered that probably six-sevenths of the
injuries reported as such would
not be noticed had they occurred in
the home or in the garden. The sensi
tive citizen also would be comforted
if it were pointed out to him that
about one-third of 1 per cent are
fatal injuries, about 1 per cent result
in permanent injuries, and the remain
der are minor injuries.
A number of surprising compari
sons are made in the pamphlet. For
instance, of 370 fatal accidents in
Massachusetts during a certain year,
ninety-five occurred in factories, while
275 occured in street and building
construction, on railways, and other
work, outside of factories. During
the same period, 374 deaths from
whooping cough and measles occurred
among children. The remarkable fact
is set forth that industrial work is
really the safest occupation in this
In Industrial Fields.
The reports of the United States
government are cited to show that in
all factories, mines, railroads, steel
mills, and other industries, one work
er out of each 1,500 is killed annually.
Outside of industry, one out of every
1,000 is killed annually. But in manu
facturing only one out of 4,000 is
killed annually. The fact is surpris
ing, but true, that in farming ont out
of every 2,000 meets death each year;
this represents considerably more
of a hazard than the one in 4,000 in
general manufacturing.
It is deduced from dry statistics
that the law of gravitation is respon
sible for the most and the worst acci
dents, not excepting machinery. More
men and women are crippled or killed
from falling or because something
falls on them, than from any other
cause. Four times as many people
are drowned every year as are killed
by machinery. This includes those
drowned while bent on pleasure and
those drowned in the pursuit of busi
ness. The moral is found in the appli
cation of the universal remedy "Per
sonal Precaution is the Greatest Safe
guard." Iron Trade Review.
Strike of Mexican Textile
Workers Settled by Arbitration
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
Mexico City, May 20. A strike of
textile workers in the federal district,
the State of Mexico and Vera Cruz,
has been settled by arbitration, in
which C. Lopez de Lara, governor of
the federal district, played an impor
tant part. The strikers were given
increase in wages ranging from 25 to
100 per cent, graduated according to
the wages now received. Workmen
earning less than 75 centavos a day
were given 100 per cent increase,
while those earning 4 pesos or more
received 25 per cent. As the former
wages were based on a ten-hour day,
however, the actual increase in pay
under the present eight-hour law will
ittain those figures. Piece workers in
the textile trades secured advances of
from 40 to 100 per cent.
Taken to Protect the
Canal From the Raiders
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
Ancon, Panama Canal Zone, May 3.
To protect the Panama canal
against surprise movements by raid
ers and to secure peaceful commer
cial ships against possible harm
through confusion, General Plummer
has established what are known as
"defensive sea areas" off both en
trances to the canal. They are in ef
fect ante room sections, where every
ship must present its credentials and
undergo inspection before entering
the canal.
Hair Made Beautifully
Wavy While You Sleep!
Just think, girls! You apply a little liquid
Umerine at bedtime and in the morning
your hair has a prettier wave and curl than
probably it has ever had. The wa vines s
looks perfectly natural, and the hair is sleek
and glossy like plush. It will remain in curt
the longest time, regardless of heat, wind or
moisture, and you won't have to be con
tinually fussing with loose strands or fly
ing ends.
Liquid silmerine is of course entirely
harmless. It leaves no sticky, greasy or
streaky trace. It has the peculiar quality
of drying in beautiful waves, creases and
swirls. It is also an excellent dressing for
the hair, keeping it delightfully soft and
silky. A few ounces from your druggist
wilt Isst for weeks. It is best applied with
a elean tooth brush, drawing this down the
full length of the hair.
How to Look Years
Less Than Your Age
The most aged face will look younger after
the use of ordinary mercolised wax for from
ten days to two weeks. This remarkable
substance, because of its peculiar absorptive
power, actually removes the thin veil of
faded or withered outer cuticle, a little at a
time. Gradually the fresher, more youthful
skin underneath is revealed. This absorption
process being a purely hygienic one, an en
tirely natural complexion is acquired quite
different from the artificial complexion,
which appears anything but girlish, though
often hearing painful evidence of childish
ness. An ounce of mercolized wax, obtain
able at any drug store, is sufficient to re
ja venule any complexion. It is put on like
cold cream at bed time, and removed morn
ings with warm water.
To eradicate such age marks as wrinkles
and furrows, make a wash lotion by dissolv
ing one ounce of powdered saxolite in one
half pint witch hazel. This has wonderful
astringent and tonic properties. It quickly
effaces all kinds of wrinkles, no matter how
caused, making the skin firm, smooth and
foung looking Advertisement.
Win Honors Eastern Schools
Des Moines Business Men Ask
Order Restraining Attorney
General From Enforcing
Blue Laws.
Omaha girl graduates at eastern
schools finished with the usual high
honors attained by local young
women. Miss Flora Buck, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Buck. 2007
Sherman avenue, was elected to Phi
Beta Kappa at Vassar, where she was
graduated last week. Miss Buck is a
high school graduate of 1912 and spent
a year traveling in Europe before en-
tering Vassar. She expects to pursue
a post-graduate course at the Univer
sity of Wisconsin.
Miss Amy Nelson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Nelson, 2413 North
Eighteenth street, will graduate this
month from the University of Michi
gan, Ann Arbor. She is a member of
the Delta Gamma sorority. She grad
uated from Omaha High school in the
class of 1913.
Safety Razors Are Urged for
the Soldier Boys Who Go
to Firing Line Over
When, during the Spanish-American
war, the Spanish officers met
Americans for the first time in friend
ly communication, at the capitulation
of Santiago, they were surprised to
find that the American soldier 'was
clean shaven.
Few officers in the United States
service affect either mustache or
beard. As a rule they are better look
ing than the continental soldier.
The bar! arian trims his beard and
hair to become frightful in the eyes
of his enemy. The bearskin and sha
kos of Napoleonic armies were
adopted to add height and rightful
ness to the appearance of the sol
dier. All, or nearly all, of the European
armies encourage the mustache. The
bigger the mustache the fiercer the
soldier. The French soldiers call them
selves "poilus" as a tribute to their
hairiness of visage.
When the British went into the war,
the young men composing the army
were as smoothly shaven as the
American private. But a lack of
safety razors for razor factories are
turning out shrapnel has given them
the appearance of continental war
riors. When we send our soldiers to
France, let them have the distinction
that in the kit shall be a razor, and
that the approach of a clean shaven
man in uniform shall iuJicate that
here comes an American Syracuse
Change of Front.
"Going to make a garden ihla yesr?"
"No, I have boarded grubs, worms and
Insects long enough."
"I'll aeep ehiofcens this year and let the
aforesaid grubs, worms and Insects board
them. Kansas City Journal
(From a 8taff Correspondent.)
Des Moines, la., June 16. (Special
Telegram.) In an attempt to bar At
torney General Havner and police
from arresting them again under blue
laws for opening Sunday, one candy
store and .wo drug stores today ap
plied to district court for a restrain
ing order against these officers. The
plaintiffs arc the Gutshall randy store,
the Irwin drug store and the Dickson
drug store. All were freed of charges
of violating the Sunday closing law in
municipal court this week. They
charge Havner had threatened to ar
rest them for reopening.
Begin Survey of Camp.
L. P. Wollf of St. Paul, army engi
neer, and a corps of assistants reached
Des Moines today to go over the
grounds chosen for the cantonment
camp for the Thirteenth division at
Camp Dodge. The engineers will lav
out the tract, which consists of 3,500
acres, at once. A complete sanitary
and waterworks system will be
planned and the camp laid out in
streets after the plans of a modern
city. City and county authorities are
planning to enforce all laws to keep
the vicinity of the camp clean morally.
Colored Troops at Fort.
Many colored men from all parts
of the country are arriving at Fort
Des Moines daily to take training as
officers of colored troops. None but
negroes of standing in their home
communities are being received.
Many of the men are graduates of
educational institutions.
Yeomen to San Antonio.
The next general conclave of the
Brotherhood o( American Yeomen
will be held in San Antonio, Tex.
Omaha was a candidate, but San An
tonio won by a big vote. Resolutions
were adopted at the meeting here urg
ing prohibition as a war measure. A
juvenile department will probably be
organized by the order. This was
made possible through a law passed
by the last general assembly o Iowa.
Big Flag Day Celebration.
Flag day was celebrated in Des
Moines by a monstrous parade, staged
in the evening under the direction o
the hlks and Yeomen lodges, and a
patriotic meeting at the coliseum, at
which former Congressman Pickett
was the principal speaker. The meet
ing at the coliseum was taken advan
tage of to secure recruits for the reg
ular army and fifty men enlisted.
5.000 Carpenters to Be Used.
ft is the plan of the government to
let the contract within a few tiavs for
the erection of the buildings at Camp
Dodge, the conscription camp for the
1 hirteenth division. Nunc J.tKH.' build
ings will be erecled. Heretofore one
contractor has been awarded the en
tire contract and has sublet the work
in building similar camps, and it is
possible the same plan will be fol
lowed here. More than 5,000 carpen
ters will he used on the work. I he
camp must be ready to receive the
men by September 1.
Control Board Lets Contracts,
Contracts have been awarded bv the
state board of control for a number
of new buildings at the women's re
formatory at Kockwell City, work on
wnicn will start at once. W. r.
Kucharo to. of Des Moines was
awarded the following contracts: In
dustrial school building. S2.206: cot
tage, $2(i.h32; pump house, $t75. The
Des Moines Plumbing and Heating
company secured tile following cen
trales: numbing and heating cot
tage, $8.3o8; Industrial school, $4,770;
water and sewerage system, $2,375.
the Ues Monies bridge and Iron
company was given the contract for
the erection and completion of a wa
ter tank at $5,000.
Leach Heads Bankers.
S. M. Leach of Adel was todav
elected president of the Iowa State
Hankers association. He has been in
the banking business in Adel for many
years. The association yesterday
adopted a resolution against the war
tax on checks as proposed by mem
bers of congress. CoDies of the reso
lution were (orwarded to the mem
bers of the Iowa delegation in con
gress. The bankers say that such a
tax will induce people to use currency
and will require the banks to carry an
unusual amount of currency.
State G. A. R. Encampment.
The Iowa state Grand Army en
campment is to be held in Daven
port June 19 to 21. Governor Harding
and his staff. Department Commander
Mills and other officers of the Grand
Army will leave Des Moines on a
special train which is to leave over
Rock Island at 8 o'clock next Tuesday
morning. The program at Davenport
includes a big campfire Tuesday night,
a parade at 2 o'clock Wednesday and
a river ride Thursday afternoon.
High Cost of Living Means
Higher Salaries in Mexico
(Correspondence of Ths Associated Press )
Mexico City, May 15. Taking into
consideration the high cost of living,
a number of the members of con
gress have started a movement for
an .increase of their salaries June 1.
A bill shortly will be introduced in
creasing the salary of a deputy from
Wi pesos a day to 20 pesos.
Galapagos Lie Close to Steamer
Lanes and Would Make
Fine Site for Naval
Ancon. Panama Canal Zone, May
8. Keports keep coming to the isth
mus of a growing inclination on the
part of the people of Ecuador to of
fer the Galapagos islands for sale to
the United States. The handsome
price paid for the Virgin islands is
said to have made a great impression
on Ecuadorians.
The Galapagos islands have long
been economically worthless to Ec
uador, but all suggestions to sell them
have been hailed by opposing politi
cians as an intrigue to deliver the
territory of the country into the
hands of foreigners. It may he that
the conduct of the United Slates to
ward Latin America under President
Wilson has mitigated the distrust of
the United States and inclined the Ec
uadorians to consider more leniently
American possession of the islands.
J'heGalapagqs JieaboutJWmilcsJ
southwest of the canal, close to the
road of steamers plying between the
canal and New Zealand, Australia,
and the rest of Oceania and the lower
East Indies.
It is asserted that the site would be
a strategic point for naval operations,
an outpost in the defense of the ca
nal and a haven for ships of peace
or war in a vast stretch of lonely
sea. The population o the group is
reported as about 400 persons
Do You Believe In Me?
Manager Strand
Preliminary Opening
Omaha's New Amusement Rasort
New Mammoth Coaster, Old Mill,
Roller Rink, Carrousel, Penny
Arcade, Etc.
Free Moving Pictures
Ideal Picnic Grounds
Transfer to Lakeview at 16th and
Locust Sts.
Be Carfare.
Fire Years
at 1324
We Please
You) or
Your Money.
"Enlist In the army of our satisfied patients. Perfect health re
quires perfect teeth. Our skilled and experienced dentists will solve
your teeth problems. Moderate charges consistent with high-grade
Beit Silver CA,
Fillini Owt
Best 22k
Gold Crowns . . .
I Heaviest Bridge
Work, per tooth
Wonder Plates Worth tC ttO CIA
$18 to $25 " Vvr
Hourst 8:30 A.
M. to 6 P. M.
and Saturdays
, Till 8 P. M.
Not Open
14th and Farnam Sts.
1324 Farnam Street
Phone Douglas 2872.
NOTICE Out-of-town patrons
can get Plates, Crowns, Bridges
and Fillings complete in en day
No Students.
The newest and most deliriously ' j
different drink refreshing, cooling ? i 1' 1 " "
.. H . I Jr'au; I 1 . ,SSl . v
itf lbfg(o)(gfe
mmWfM You should try a glass of this rich, T
nJtjiAt XcWleX fruity, energizing aristocrat of bever-
hSMMiiWS. You wiU Iike St h hw a ?
fragrant, original, spicy flavor, a T
kWllPO "snappy" taste, j
PMKlk. 1001 Good 1
t''T'drm There's Nothing Like It-
Pk AVSVW WT ,fv That's Why You'll Like It. I
Vli.t- A, J I I 1 U I 11 fl
. n fiT w ? I I ii cretonnes
Commencing Monday, Store Closes at S P. M.
Except Saturdays, When It Will Be
Porch and
Sun Room
Fourth Floor.
Take Your
Time to
Look Around
Summertime a True Delight
When Furniture on Porch and Lawn Creates Cool
Resting Places from the Fiery Sun and Hot Winds.
Comfortable Maple Porch Rockers, with hand
woven cane seats. Special value $2.35
A round dozen or more Fiber Swings, similar to
illustration, ready to hang, from $10.00
Englander Couch Beds, one or the other, as you
wish, converted in ten seconds $17.80
Folding Canvas Cots (6th Floor), from $3.78
Canvas Covered Couch Hammocks with all steel
frame and wind shields, with chains complete,
for $7.50
Well Built Swings in oak that will enhance the
value of your porch this summer, from. . . .$9.00
White Enamel Steel Beds, fitted with durable re
silient link springs, 8 feet 6 inches wide, for $7.25
Special Garden Seat with restful back, 6-ft...$2.8S
Beautiful Ivory and Frosted Brown Reed Furniture for the sun room chairs,
arm chairs, rockers, chaise lounges, tables, taboretts, tea carts, standard lamps; bright
cretonne and handsome tapestry are the upholstery coverings.
A Fine Brass Bed
Of Very Smart Design
This Bed is satin fin
ished, of strong con
struction and unusual
ly smart design ; priced
below the present day
cost, at $24.00
60-lb. first quality
white cotton Imperial
Mattress, covered in
high grade art ticking,
with roll edge and four
rows of stitching. .$17.50
Sagless Springs
Guaranteed for 25 years
against sagging, stretch
ing or breaking, price, $9
1 1 f I
Delightful Gifts for
the Bride to Be
The Martha Washington
Sewing Table (illustrated
above) is but one of very
many beautiful pieces that
will be treasured in her home
as long as she can remember
the dear friend that gave it.
Select With Care Those Summertime
Draperies and Window Curtains
Appropriate window curtains, hangings and slip-overs will re-create your
sun room and bed rooms this summer as nothing else can. The transforma
tion is inexpensive and our drapery men are here to help you in the spirit
of true service.
Manufochrtj by
ManalactuT.T, Cooranrs.rf Purt Product,
Cfne-.r Alt. Aoot sW, BUch Star. Sarwarilla. etc
Paxton & Gallagher Co.
Joens Candy Co.
Curo Mineral Springs Co.
In brilliant colors and
masterful designs. The
approved hanging for
summer time use and the
moBt effective in the
hands of the skilled home
craft worker. Price, yd.,
18c to $2.00
Sunfast and Tubfast
Drapery Fabrics
We are still able to guarantee
quite a large percentage of our
drapery materials against fading
to sun and water. These are shown
in all the desirable drapery color
ings, in effects suitable for any
room. Prices from $1.25 to $4.50
a yard. I
Inexpensive Muslin
For summer time use, both ruf
fled and plain hemstitched; dots
and small figures. Prices, per pair,
at $1.65, $2.00, $2.25
Vudor Porch Shades, fa all
lizes for standard Porch or Bunga