Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1917, AUTOMOBILES, Image 32

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    4 D
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Says All Factories Bound to Be
Kept doing and Some
More Than ' Before
the War.
The following brief interview with
Henry Ford, president of the Ford
Motor company, Detroit, speaks the
patriotic and optimistic vision of one
of the world's most remarkable men:
"Our country your country and
my country is at war. All else must
be forgotten. To end this terrible
struggle we must win. We've got to
win; there is no other answer. I am
an American. I want to do every
thing I can for my country, to shorten
the;' conflict and to win with the ex
treme minimum loss to the United
. States.
"I have offered our Highland Park
plant to the government for any use
to which it may desire to use it. We
are now making 2,500 ambulances
there and if President Wilson or con
gress can suggest anything else for
us to do we will be only too willing
to comply."
"What effect do you think the war
will have on your business?" was
asked Mr. Ford.
He was silent for a few minutes
ind then replied: "There is no rea
son for the country to be alarmed.
While this war overshadows every
liing. it does not mean that the wheels
of industry will stop or slow up. On
the contrary, they will speed up. The
factories will win for us just as surely
as will the men on the firing line.
When a nation is striving toward a
single end there is bound to be plenty
to do. It is not difficult to understand
And Henry Ford, patriot and opti
mist, is everlastingly right.
Some Merchants Throttle
Growth of Their Business
"Almost all merchants want to see
their business expand," say Mr. W.
M. Locke of the Haarmann-Locke
Motors company. "Yet aome mer
chants ire throttling such expansion
. by (ticking to archaic horse and
wagon delivery systems.
"Such a merchant is handicapped
because his horses and wagons can
only cover a territory radiating three
or four mile from his store. When
his customers move out of his small
district he 'must give them up, for he
cannot profitably make deliveries to
them. As this loss amounts to many
good customer! in the course of a
year he finds it difficult to secure
enough new customers to replace
those he lost and it is practically
impossible for him to show any in
crease in his annual volume of busi
ness. But if he has a good motor
truck delivery system he can profit
ably deliver within ten or fifteen miles
in all directions from his store. He
can then retain the trade of the old
customers who move and the new
Vade he naturally secured is that
much addition to his yearly volume
of business. Besides that, the man
who sticks to the out-of-date horse
and wagon system is bound to see
many of his customers taken from
him by hit more progressive competi
tor who uses i motor truck delivery
Concord Club Will Use
Haynes Car to Picnic
"It hat been definitely decided," as,
serts C J. Corkhill, local Haynes dis
tributor, "that Haynes car will be
used exclusively to convey the mem
bers of the Concord club to and from
their annual picnic at Valley, Neb.,
June 26.
Mr. Corkhill has recently made a
trip through several sections of Ne
braska and reports an excellent crop
outlook. With the exception of a little
extremely low land in valleys not
properly drained, crops look as if a
record was jn eight. None of the
farmers teem to have any fear re
garding the outcome. They are all
".v ' ' Y
'i- v
Map showing the route of the Lin
coln Highway Sweep Stakes race
from San Francisco to New York
and side trip to Galveston. This race
was a sales race and the contestants
advanced according to the number of
sales made. New York, the original
goal, was termed 100 or full quota.
Alter reaching the origional goal the
fast ones continued on their way to
Galveston, which was termed 206.
St. Louis, Omaha, Youngston,
Ohio, and Phoenix, Ariz., won the
"Lincoln Highway Sweepstakes", the
national carriage sales contest of the
Packard Motor Car Company, ac
cording to announcement made by
Henry Lansdale, carriage sales man
ager. The contest was started February
22, and was an unqualified success.
The cities of the United States hav
ing Packard dealerships or branches
were divided into tour sections. Di
vision "A" comprised the largest
cities. St. Louis won with 115 pet
cent of her quota sold. The St. Louis
territory is controlled by the Packard
Missouri Motor Company.
Kansas City is included in this ter
ritory. Detroit was second with 103
per cent of quota; Cleveland was
third with 102 per cent. Philadelphia
was toiirtn witn mki per cent.
The Orr Motor Sales Company of
Omaha sold 200 per cent of quota,
which by the way was the third high
est record made in any of the di
visions, all contestants included. The
next four in division "B" are as fol
lows: Washington, 147; Seattle, 144;
Indianapolis, 127; Atlanta, 113.
Youngstown, Ohio, won in Division
C and Pheonix, Arizona in Division
1 Built for Discriminating Buyers g
More fully than ever before does the 1917 Paterson meet the desires
of the critical motorist.
'"TIT: The srraee of Iti deiim- twccplng tramline with double cowl lt roomy body, Iti toft, deep cushions,
ttt many other marks of uste and embodimecu of comfort all have been provided because discriminating
' motorists appreciate these features.
' Six-cylinder Continental Motor of forty-five horsepower, Delco Startini and Lighting, Stewart
Vacuum Feed, Hotchkiss Drive, with two universal joints these standard units, well known to judicious
automobUists, arc typical of the Ps tenon's quality construction.
- So If you are an exacting, motorist one who knows and appreciates true motor worth we invite
your critical inspection. We will value your opinion whether you purchase a Paterson or nt.
Omaha Distributors.
2010 Farnam St. Phone Red 2422
Dealers Wanted for Nebraska
' and Iowa.
i. - Manufactured by
E W. A. Paterson Company,
1 51,165 740 I
Gives Good Demonstration
A practical demonstration of the
Staude-Make-a-Tractor was made by
the Bliss Auto Sales company, local
agents, which proves quite conclu
sively that the Ford and the Staude
attachment make a winning combi
nation. A 5,900-nound capacity coal wagon
was loaded with 6,675 pounds of coal
and two men were preched upon tht
load for good measure. The Ford with
the Staude attachment then pulled the
load up a steep hill and backed it up
to a coal chute for dumping.
Many of the spectators expressed
doubt when the start was made, but
the evidence could not be disputed.
The Staude attachment maket the
Ford a practical motive power for
countless farm operations, such as
grading, dfagging, hauling grain to
market. The state distributors, Ru
therford & Harding,- report a grow
ing enthusiasm regarding the new
Sunshine Brings Buyers
Out Along Auto Row
, "If you could have observed the ac
tivities on the Automobile row last
week," asserts Carl Changstrora of
the Standard Motor Car company, "it
would dispell all doubt from your
mina rrgaraint tne war cloud and
thoroughly convince you that the tem
porary lull alone the row was due to
excessive rain and an abundance of I
work which had been forced upon
the farmers as a result."
The few davs of sunshine hroiiffht I
farmers in like it brings flowers from
buds. Not only did we sell an aston-1
isning numDer ot Aliens, but other
dealers along the row report a great
Why is W
the man u of
Vm Tires and Tubes 'nuf said,
What do you mean ?
Just what I say Lee Tires and
Lee Tubes are sufficient to make
any man who has them on his car
supremely happy.
What is your argument ?
If s no argument just a plain state
ment offset
And the facts?
Being free from punctures that'd
put ordinary tires out of commis
sion; feeling sure and confident
against skidding that even chains
don't give you under some .condi
tions ; knowing that the inner tubes
fit and are clear of weak spots
that's what the Lee line of tires and
tubes really mean. The little extra
cost can't be measured against the
eonfenonen of Lea users. Ask ,
Standard Tires
Ol vi mora ttra comfort
and mUaage than avat
before claimed for any
standard makt of tires.
Lee Tubes
Alwaysland an of ran
thickntsa and ragged
ns. They ara antrem
ly supple, tough, resil
ient and long wearing.
2052 Farnam St.
Phone Doug. 921
Motor Trucks Are Not Bought on Sentiment
Suppose it were up to you to buy a motor truck ! Suppose it
were up to you to show increased delivery efficiency and reduced
costs with that truck after it was bought!
You certainly would not be moved by romantic fiction. You,
as a good business executive, would want cold facts. You would
make your decision on such a certain set of facts, that your judg
ment would be unquestioned.
Two Truck Essentials
Now, there is only one reason for buying a truck. Note that
word reason. For trucks are bought on logic, not sentiment. A
motor truck must perform better than some previous transportation
agency. It must deliver better.
Without question the two qualities most desirable and abso
lutely essential to the successful operation of any hauling service
are : Certainty and Economy.
The Little Giant line of heavy duty trucks are a supreme ex
pression of both these qualities.
You Be the Judge
Regard this question of "which truck" in a serious, judicial
way. Consider that there is a size and type of Little Giant to ex
actly fit every business, and every condition of any particular
Remember, that the 1-ton, 2-ton and 3i-ton sizes were delib
erately and skilfully made over-size and super-strong, that they
were engineered to deliver better for less.
Then recall that Little Giant is a truck backed by a world
spanning organization, that has 23 years' experience in the build
ing of heavy engineering tools and machinery, backed by a $14,
000,000 corporation that never has, and never will, fail to perform
where it promises.
that thousands of their trucks have made good in over 175
kinds of business endeavor.
that most of these trucks have now given nine years' proof
of service.
that the specifications of these trucks set so high an effi
ciency standard, that they represent the most desirable hauling
equipment purchase that can be made by men who have things
to move.
This Ought to Close the Sale
And, remember, that the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. is the
only actual truck manufacturer that is producing a truck unit for
Fords, the Convert-a-Car.
It adds Little Giant strength to the Ford's best qualities, and
fits into the delivery holes of big business, as well as making speedy
delivery for the small business. Its tremendous ability to deliver ja
ton or under rush and with minimum cost, makes it a valuable
transportation unit, and no parts of the Ford are mutilated in any
way when applying the Convert-a-Car attachment.
Lastly, remember that an extra exclusive feature of these Little
Giant trucks is the Duntley Hydro-Pneumatic Gas Generator. It
saves over half the fuel cost. Using a half-and-half mixture of
kerosene and gasoline, plus steam and air, it gives more miles, more
power better delivery for less.
Now See These Trucks, Without Delay
Don't put off investigating the opportunity for cutting costs
that these trucks present you. See them at our display room
2429 Farnam street. Then tell us to match our time against yours
and we will prove how Little Giant means more profit in your
COUNTY DEALERS Increasing demand for Little Giant trucks and rosy future prospects make necessary a readjustment
of the territory under our control. To the right men, we offer a more than usual opportunity to build prestige and profit. The
demand for trucks never lets up. In July or February it is just the same. It's an all-year-round business. Write TODAY, or
better yet, telegraph your belief that you are the progressive, capable man we want;; that you can ably represent the Little
Giant truck in your community. Don't dodge this opportunity. ACT NOW !
Haarmann-Locke Motors Co.
Nebraska and Western Iowa Distributors Little Giant Trucks
2429 Farnam Street.
Phone Douglas 7940.