6 B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNET 17. 1917. Flashes from Filmlari PHOTO PLAYS FOR, OMAHA DEVOTEES T ! BIG CONVENTION OF MOVIE MEN AT HAND State Exhibitors to Meet in Omaha Tuesday and Crowd Is Looked For. The iN'ebraska State Branch of the Motion Picture Exhibitors' League of America is to noia a convention ai the Fontenelle hotel this coming Tjiesdav. A big turn out is expected and exhibitors are to be present from all parts of the state. Many attempts at forming an organization hirve been made in the past, but somehow or other they have failed to become permanent owing to misunderstand ings on the part of the exhibitors lo cated out in the state. At the present a number of them are under the impression that the Omaha bunch are trying to "hog" the whole thing. This is not the casK The exhibitors in Omaha really feel the need for such an organization, and thought that by forming one and getting a charter they would start the ball a rolling. Therefore this convention has been called for Tues day and every exhibitor in the state owes it to himself to lay all business aside and close his show if necessary and come to this meeting. There is "'a great need for an organization and the only manner in which a success ful one can be formed is for everyone to "do their bit," get in the harness, and all pull tdgethcr. The meeting is called for Iffo'ilock and delegate will be elected to the national convention to be held in Chi cago, July 14 to 21. At this writing a special car has been chartered and ' the hopes are to make it more thaq one. A complimentary noon lunch eon has been planned for the ex , change men. Newspaper representa tives and out-of-town exhibitors and many other treats are said to be in store for the exhibitors. The present - officersof the organization, who are v bending all Jheir efforts to making 1 this a great meeting are i H. M. Thomas of the Strand, president; Wil fred Ledoux of the Empress, F. P. Eager of Lincoln, C. E. Preston of Superior and A. R. Pramer of the Alhambra are' vice presidents. R. D. ' Shirleyof the Muse is secretary and , x trasurer, , . . Charles Ray Shows He's There With Some Real Athletic Stuff Everybody knows that Charley Ray is an athlete and in the new Tri-angle-Inco drama. "The Millionaire Vagrant," by J. G. ' Hawks, whjch shows at the Strand Wednesday and Thursday, he performs feats of agility that will excite enthusiasm among the fans. The first scenes reveal him in his palatial chambers with his fellow chappies, ne of whom declares that every man is a potential thief. Charlie resents this and an argument ensues, with the result that the young mil lionaire goei down Into the slums to . i a prove mat ne can live ana nourian , a dollar a day earned in a factory sweatshop. The slums do not prove as placid pt atmosphere as .the comfortable quar ters to which he has been accus tomed. He becomes mixed up with some officer who are attempting to ' arrest a girt on a trumped-up charge As an outcome of the altercation, Charlie has h take flight across tene ment roof tops, leap wide apertures, clamber down Waterspouts and bal ance himself perilously 'on window i- ledges., After making a spectacular dive through a skylight he is captured by (the gang. He is not a submissive cap tive, however, and before the end of the scene he gives a display of strength that testifies to regular hours, daily work in the gymnasium and an outdoor mode of living. Inci dentally he gives further justification lor the titles "Wonder Boy" and "the typical American player, which critics have bestowed. . Picture of Thrills Tries Moreno's Nerve as Rider Two of the finest riders among the . thousands who gallop before the mo , lion picture camera appear in "The : 'Magnificent Meddler," the Greater , Vitagraph Blue Ribbon feature, which -' , shows, at the Empress the first four ' days of this week. Antonio Moreno . and Mary Anderson are at Jrome in the saddle and in this picture display their horsemanship. Fine riding, in deed, for a score of cowboys and Mexican bandits -are introduced, in action of the play. Antonio Moreno fierforms one of the most thrilling cats when he leaps from a tree to the back of a galloping horse. In making this scene, Mr. Moreno.had three accidents and narrowly escaped serious injury each time. Once he fell out of the tree. An ' other time he dropped too late and . the horse got by before he could , land in the saddle. Once his feet caught in the martingale and the actor was dragged for fifty yards. Once he leaped too soon and landed astride on the horse's head. On the fourth attempt he made the leap perfectly. The story of the, young reporter , trying to reforrrf the bad man of the western town surely gave the Vita- graph players many thrills before it had been produced for the benefit of the great number of picture lovers in search ot sensations. Sessue Hayakawa Does Alt But Irish and Swedes . 4I have got them stumped on two lines of part I can not play, smiled Sessue Hayakawa. the Japanese star, who will be seen at the Muse theater Sunday. Monday and Tuesday in the Lasky-Paramount production, "Jag uar's Claws," "and those are an Irish Soliceman and Swedish characters. 1 elieve I have played every other nationality on the map; I have been Japanese, Chinese, East Indian, West Indian, Hawaiian and now in "Jaguar's Claws' I am claying a Mexican not a nice Mexican, either it isa Mexi can of the Villa type, and I am very cruel and bloodthirsty. .. "However, if my role as t Mexican in "Jaguar'a Claws will do anything towards showing how Mexicans are treating the Americans in Mexico, I will feel that I have done some good. In my next picture I go back to a Japanese role-the only villainous thing 1 do is drown .the villain eii." , . ' tfif,tsr,! SJOTHoS-IKgc?!! "HI winter. Stars Who Will Shine on Screen for dun Caprice -Sessue AT THt MAO It ' AT THt LOTMROP Bills for Current Week Sunv Tody and Monday William Fox pre aflnta Stuart Holme In "The Broadway Sport," a novel drama. Mr. Holmes playa the part of lleieklah Dili, an awkward, be spectacled gawk. Ha goes to New York and attempts to break all speed record on the great white way. - Haarry Myrs and Rosemary Theby are shown In their latest comedy, "Jumping Jealousy," and current events of the world In motion pictures com plete the program. "The Soul of a Magda lene," a alx-ectMetro wonderplay, starring Mme; Fe trove, will be shown on Tuesday and Wednesday. Wonderful ecenes, showing the Interior of an exclusive Fifth avenue modleto's establishment, are shown. Mr. and Mrs. Bldney Drew are also shown. In "Her Anniversaries.'' On Thursday, Friday and Saturday Manager Goldberg offers Robert Warwick and Gall Kane In "The False Friend," a glowing romfttcs In which the hero loses his aweetlwart and his standing In the world through the villainy of & false friend. Kmpress Wlda open' gambling- and a western dance In full swing are graphically ahoWn In the "Magnificent; Meddler." the Greater Vitagraph Blue Rlnpnn feature, the Jeature attraction at the Kmpreas for tlte Irat four day of the week. The setting of the play, which records the moral end poltttcal reclamation of a bad Mule border town are plcXurepqu. Charlie Chaplin In his latest comedy, "The Immigrant," Is one of the cleverest things he has ever done, of fering an almost unlimited opportunity for the dtrplay of his fun-making genius. Chaplin Is releasing very few pictures now adays. Ho picture of Ms will be presented to the public unless It la aa near perfect; as any comedy ran be. The remit of this new policy Is plainly visible In this great com edy feature, which will be ahown at the Empress starting Monday matinee. Strand Will ism 8. Hart and Charles Rav are the principal performers at the Strand this week, Hart atartlng the ball rolling eunoay in nis latest characterisation "Wolf Lowry." So popular la Hart with Omaha fans that Manaaer Thomas haa ar- Tunged to havo this picture remain for three nays' snowing, instead of two, so, the change of program next -week will occur Wednesday, Instead of Tuesday. Charles Ray, another tmunually popular Strand per former,. Is seen Wednesday and Thursday in - me rauuoanire vagrani' aaja 10 be an unusuany interesting picture, while the Keystone comedy Is called "Her Torpedoed Love." Frlflay and Saturday another Ray picture, full of aunnshliie and tears, called 'The Clodhopper." Harry Silverman and his orchestra can. be counted on to give the beat there la la musical accompaniments. Muse Today and for the next two days the attraction at the Muss will be-'Senoue Hayakawa in "The Jaguar's Claws." and Ruth Roland In the fifth episode of "The Neglectrd YVlfs." Seusae Hayakawa Is seen as a Mexican a cruel, merciless bandit, who with his band of followers, whom he rules by fear, terror ises a certain oortlon of northern MmIco. The aupportlnr caat la unusually capable. Tom Moore, Frltai Brunette, Marjorle Daw, Maoei van Huron and Tom Format), dlao lav tha moat effective sort of team work. One of tha blr thrills In "Tha Neglected Wife" comes at the end of tba picture when a houseboat la blown up In the river. For Wednesday and Thursday tha attraction wtll be Karl Williams In "The Soul Mas ter," a story of a man's aout burned out In disillusionment, but reborn In the afterglow of shattered faith. "The War' plcturea will also be ahown with this picture. Friday and Saturday the offering will be Margaret II llngton In "The Inner Shrine." The screen version Is taken from-aha book of the same name by Basil King. The cast Is an all-star. Hobart Bosworth, Elliott Dexter, Jack Holt and others. Bmndels "The Dark Road." a faatura photoplay starring . Dorothy Dalten, will be tha attraction at the Brandeia today. The story la of an English officer of ancient lineage, who marries a woman of startling beauty, but of doubtful parentage. He Is called to the front In the great war and leavea nis wire In the custody of h(a rala. Uvea. She amusca herself by ensnaring the young and only son of the family and when he In turn Is railed to the front she fol lows a Spaniard to London; letters from hrr husband are Intercepted br her lover. who Is a tierman spy and used by him to give Information to the enemy. Hipp K la Hatl will be star of The Lit tle Orphan" to be presented tn Bluebird photoplays at this theater today and Mon- J day, when one of the prettiest etorlea over, told In pictures will be unfolded on the ! screen. ThKday and Wednesday one ot the Idols of the acreen, J. Warren Kerri gan, will be the ottering In "The day Lord Warring.' It la Just the type of picture that won him most of his popu larity. The offerings for the balance of tha week will be announced later. ,, Alhambra Seen a Owen will be the at traction at this theater today In a Tri angle play, "A Woman's Awakening." The fourth chapter of E. K. Lincoln In Th Adventusva of Jimmy Dale' and Oeorge Ove j In a comedy, "The Flying Target," i HEARST PATHE NEWS 5ynop.1i of Evnta, Csvmd In Hht.I P.to. News, Rtlu! Tod.,. NEW YORK CITY Wall known ioci.t, people attend a eardtn party on Govern, or', liland In aid of the fund for loldiera' widow. WASHINGTON. D. C The blr Well can not accommodate all th baiineas men omln from all parti of the country to fh)it the proposed method of taxation ,."!fi.T?fM Paralyte American (nduetry IN FRANCE The United Bute. I. already repreiented In the atrunle for democracy. Hundred, of volunteers have joined the American Ambulanct Corps. LONDON. ENGLAND King Georte artel, a delegation of New Zealand women, who eame to .Id Red Croas work for their native troop. CHICAGO, ILL. "Bob" Simpson. Vnlvarslty of Missouri noted athlete, capfuree the I2o-Mrd hurdle at tha Western Intereol legfote meet , falo HI I Cody. Idol of roun America. LINCOLN, NEB.-Mls. Ruth Law. ch.-npioij, aviatrlce, flies over the country to I awaken the people of the financial neeus I of the war. . BUY A UBBRIY BOND (Cartoon.) ; 1 pccommsiw. r if& yv- fCi fen luWi? - . (AA MJ ' mm 7U.. SIP aw IWl as. ' m V ' AT THC tHPRCSf AT THC SUN 'A Peep Into Photoplays Coming Soon Vlviao Martin lack Pick ford , Oeorge Be ban , Johnny and Km ma Ray . , Norma Tvlmadge Robert Warwick . . , ;;tl Kane , William Rnseell ,. Mary Mllea Mlnter , Margarita Fischer Myrtle (soma let Id Id tn In In ,..ln In In In In .in .tn .In Kitty Oordon. William Desmond. Enid Bennett Viola Dana Harold Lorkwood . . Uladys Hiilette.,.. Mary MacLareo. . . Mary Anderson . . . . ...In ...In ...In ...In ...in ...in ...tn will complete the bill. Monday Dorothy Dal ton In "The- Dark Road," will hold at tention. Rnhtff Valeaka Suratr wilt he the at traction offerer! at this theater todey In a William Fox 'feature, "The New York Poa cock." Mlsn 8uralt-ts noted for the brilliant array of gown displayed tn tha action of tno play. 'Monday Dorothyi rmnips in the screen version of Uienrlk Ibsen's play, "A Doll's Houne." It Is produced by.Bhifblrd and la said to be good. Bryant Washburn will be the attraction Saturday tn "Skin ner's Dreis Suit," one of the heat comedy dramas the screen haa ever seen. Dundee There will he no sTow at this theater today. Monday Earle Wtlllamsj In a Vltngraph ' production, "The Hawk." Tuesday WHHam 8. Hart In "The Square Deal Man." Attention la also called to the attraction for Friday, Oladya Hulette In "The Candy Qlrl." I Bonlevard William 8. Hart will be the attraction at this theater today In 'The 8q iare Deal Man.' Monday and Tuesday William Farnum In "A Tale of Two Cities." a William Fox superfeature de luxeDeorge Walnh Wftftnftarlav fn '"Hlvh Ffnonr, unrl Thursday Baby Marie Osborne In "Sun- shine and Gold." Alamo Mary McLaren and Eddy PqJo will be featured at this theater today In a. Bntterfly production, "Money Madness." Eddy Polo, tha,athlete, will do many stunts that call for great muscular strength. Mon day Jack Mulhalt In "The Gunman's Gos pel," the Animated Weekly and other good roe Is. Diamond William Nigh will be featured at thla theater today in a William Fox feature, "The Blue Streak." Not only la Mr. Nigh the featured player but he la also the author of the story and directed its production, which Is some tatik. Monday Florence La Badle In a Pathe Gold Rooster play, "Wheu Love Was Blind," and a good comedy. . Park "Shorty" Hamilton will be the fea ture attraction at thla theater today In "Shorty Cuts Down the High Cost of Liv ing," "Grant, Police Reporter," will be on the same bill In "The Rogue's Pawn;" Helen Olbson In 'The Sidetracked Sleeper" and Ham and Bud will complete the bill with a comedy called "The Ghost Hounds.1? Mon day a Red Feather feature, "Polly Put the Kettle On" with an all star cast and Eddie Lyona and Lee Koran In "A Burglar by Re quest" Apollo Paulina Frederick will be the star today In a Paramount offering, "The World's Great Snare." "Shorty" Hamilton In "Shorty Lands the Master Crook" will also be shown. Monday a big double bill, Marie Doro in a clever comedy-drama, "Castles for Two," and "Fatty" Roacoe Arbuckle In the second of his greater comedies, "A Reckless Romeo," Lothrop GaVIe Williams" will be the at. traction at tbta tkeater today and Monday In a comedy-drama, "Apartment St." The Hearat-Pathe News will be ahown In con nection, Thursday Harold LockwoosT and DUNDEE NO SHOW TODAY Monday Earle Williams in "THE HAWK" ALHAMBRA24;. SEENA OWEfy in "A Woman's Awakening" No. 4 "Jimmy DU" Geo. Ony. DIAMOND - WILLIAM NIGH in "THE BLUE STREAK" PA D Itf 16TH AND A 1 1 CALIFORNIA Today ' "SHORTY REDUCES THE HIGH COST OF LIVING" Grant Polka Reporter Ham and Bud Helea Gibson la "A Daughter af Daring ALAMO fort' stI! Today . . y MARY MACLAREN and . EDDY POLO '. , . -IN "MONEY MADNESS" v Omaha This Week 41 the Hipp WW Oalton AT THi STKAH "Forbidden Paths" ...Paramount "What Money Can't Bay'., Paramount Took of Canyon Camp", Paramonnt "Casey, the Bandmaster" tieneral 'The Moth" Nehnlck "Tba Road to Love". geltnlck "The Woman In Black" , Mutual "The Weakness of the Strong' Mutual "Melissa of the Hills" Mutual It tie Miss Missionary" .Mutual "hsck to tne mmttive" Bliwbird "The Divine Sacrifice"..... World 'The Spy" ! Vox "Time Locke and Diamonds' Triangle "The filrl. Glory"... Triangle "AJaddln's Other Lamp"..,, Metro 'Lnder Handicap" Metro "The streets of Illusion" ...Path 'The Plow Woman'.., Butterfly 'The Pretenders" Vitagraph May Allison In a Metro Wonderplay. "Pidgin Island." Special attention Is called by Man ager Jensen to the attraction for Friday and Saturday, which will be Douglaa Fairbanks In the first picture made under the banner of his own company, "lu Agalo, Out Again." Magte (South Side) Oeorge Walsh, the Lktng of smiles, will be the featured player at this theater today olny in The Book Agent." Monday, lAulse Lovely and Allan Holubar In a Butterfly picture, "The Field of Honor." Tuesday and Wednesday, Theda Bara In a WMMam Fox super feature de luxe, "Heart and Soul," on a lavish scale and with a patriotic theme running tbrrugH It. Suburban Sarah Bernhardt will be tea tured at this photoplay theater today In "Mothers of France." The story Is a modern one, with the battlefields ot France aa the background. The Keystone intended for showings last Sunday will be on the btll to day, and It la billed us the funniest Key stone ever filmed. A riot of fun aid laugh ter. Tuesday Clara Kimball Toting In' a superfeature, 'The Price She Paid," with an added performance in the afternoon. Grand Muriel Ostrtche and Arthur Ash ley will be featured today In "Moral Cour age." Ham and Bud In a comedy are on the same bill. Monday Bable Marls Osborne tn "Sunshine and Gold," a pleasing comedy drama. What Do You Want? Don't expect more than you pay for. Surely you'll find your money's worth In nearly any old picture, but In case you are bunked tell the manager In a few well chosen words. Don't foget that you only pay about the price of an Ice ceeara soda for admission, and It laata many Urate longer. SUBURBAN 34th and ABM Av. . T O'D AY SARAH BERNHARDT in -MOTHERS OF FRANCE" And th Kayiton, v "HER NATURE DANCE TUESDAY1 MATINEE an6 M&ht CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In -"THE PRJCE SHE PAID- APOLLO TaUphona Humj 1806 - 28th and Lmwarlh Today at 2, 3:45, 8i30, 7:18, 9. Pauline Frederick in "THE WORLD'S GREAT SNARE" MONDAY Marie Doro in- "CASTLES FOR TWO" Rotcoe (Fatty) Arbuckle , in "A RECKLESS ROMEO" TUESDAY Barnay Barnard WEDNESDAY Myrtla Stadman THURSDAY Kathlyn Williams .FRIDAY Nail Shipman SATURDAY Muriel Oitricha "YANKEE PLUCK" RQHLFF Leavenworth Today at 2, 3:45, 5:30, TlIS and Valeska Surah "THE NEW YoltK PEACOCK" MONDAY " Dorothy Phillips "A DOJLLHOUSE" V TUESDAY George Fawcett , Thomas Sanchi x in "THE COUNTRY GOD FORGOT' WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Norma Talmadge In a Superfeature -THE LAW OF COMPENSATION" FRIDAY Ethel Barrymore ta "THE AWAKENING OF HELENA RITCHIE" . SATURDAY . . Bryant Washburn "SKINPJER'T DRESS SUIT" Exposures BY KILOWATT CHESTER CON KLIN la a dummy, for this week only, out Call (oral wa. The K aye tone comedian Is not a dum my of the deaf and dumb iort. but of the common or garden variety, likewise not In a private rapacity, but tn a Keyatone funlment. As a tailor's dummy, he measures up to standard and a few lnchea over. Th picture that Stuart Holmes Is shown In this week "The Broadway Sport" Is the 100th picture that the William Fox com pany baa made under their regular service plan. Remember tba "Thanhouaer Kid" that wis so dearly loved a few ago? She Is now back In the movlen again and makes her bow In the new Pathe picture, "The Fires of Aouth," but now she Is eight years old. It Is announced that Tie General Film Company Is about to release a new series "The Further Adventures Of Stinguree". It will be remembered that "The Adventures of Stlngeree" were a great success and True Boardman appears also in this later series bv the eame author. E. TV. Hornung, who has also written such plays as "Rat flea" and many others of this type. Some films are seemingly Just one flicker after another. Today above all dajs the motto of the I operators wilt be: "Be eure you have the right reel, then go ahead." Not that they are In the habit of getting the wronv reel, but they might get nervous today. Richard son's here. Beauty, after alt, is only film deep. Indications are that D. W. Griffith will not return from abroad for some time, from the fact that Lillian Oleh and her mother, who have been tn Europe with the director, were this week Joined by Dorothy Gtsh and Bobby Harron. It Is Understood that they have gone to join the others for the pur pee of making pictures In Europe, with the war locations serving as the background. The Constance Talmud (re Film Corpora tion has now been definitely, formed and the younger sister of lvorma is to be ex plotted as a star at the head of her own organization, under the direction of Lewis J, So snick. The contract Is aatd to be for a period of ten years. - Clara Kimball Toung has filed an ap pearance tn the suit brought by James Toung for divorce, Indicating that she will fight against such a decree being granted. Oh, well, when you come to think of It, the life of a movie actress Is not all a bed of roses. MY HERO VY IMS. V By Dick Willi. t often go to the movie plays, and Mary he goes, too, An' sometimes we will see them fillumg on the screen twlcet through. We know the movie heroes and herowlnes, every one; We talk 'em over afterwards as back t'hum we come, An' though I think Ml Ptckford la as dainty as a fslry, An' sweet "Sb pte, believe me, she has noth j tng on my Alary. She'll pick out Warren Kerrigan, an' aa we reach: our shack She'll say, "He's awful flnj, but uotl good lookin" like youf Jack" I gay, ''Oh quit yer klddla. ' but ehe's serious as can be. For I'm her Francis Busbman an' she's Grace Cunard to me. An though I've saw the pretty gals wot act with Hart anJ Carey. They're good enough In their own way, but nothm' like my Mary. . Them gals will make me laugh and some times brush a tear away, But for a steady diet gtve me Mary any day; I've saw them actresses aa kids, aa amps an' herowrnes; They change In every bloomtn play a doses different times. I like a gal as always Is tha iams an doesn't vary. I look at them, bat press her hand an' thank God for my Mary. Please, movie fans, try to find some other words beetdee "swetl" and "rotten" to de scribe a picture. Your dictionary will be more than pleased to hero you. Charlie Chaplin says that his goal Is 910.000,000, (We could have mafle It more, but -was afraid of wearing out the '0.)' When tbli Is acquired be is going to settle down. ' MAGIC TEH TODAY George Walsh Book Agent" MONDAY ' Louise Lovely Allan Holubar in "The Field of Honor" TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY THEDA BARA "Heart and Soul" . F R I b A Y Dorothy Phillips "A DoU's House" BOULEVARD ?X7, Thirty-third and LaaTanworth Su. TODAY William S. Hart "The Square Deal Man" MONDAY AND TUESDAY William Farnum v in "A Tale of Two'Cities" WEDNESDAY George Walsh in "High Finance" THURSDAY Baby Marie Osborne in "Sunshine and Gold" Friday IRENE HOWLEY Saturday WILLIAM RUSSELL I 7 i Filmland Favorites FREDERICK. WAffDS Frederick Wards was born in War rington, Oxfordshire, England, in 1851 and received his education in London. His tirlt stage appearance was in 1867 at the Lyceum theater in Sunderland. He played stock - in England for seven years and then came to this countryas leading man GRAND Bu'"ui today' MURIEL OSTRICHE "MORAL COURAGE" MONDAY Baby Marie Osborne in "Sunshine and Gold" BILL HART in WOLF LOTOY Today Monday Tueoday At the ,3trand j jjl "The Triumph of Right" X TODAY AND MONDAY STUART HOLMES in "THE BROADWAY SPORT" TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY MlVlE. PETROVA "SOUL OFAn"MAGDALEN" MUSE TODAY MONDAY AND TUESDAY Sessue Hayakawa and all-star cast, including Tom Forman, Mabel Van Buren, Marjorie Daw, Fritzi Brunette and Tom Moore, in "The Jaguar's Claws" Here it m itory of a Mexican bandit and an "oil-well" town that doei not even pause tor punch after another. RUTH ROLAND in The Home of the IN ADDITION TO A WONDERFUL VAUDEVILLE PROGRAM aa. 1 I As. ' IV IViary Anderson ana niuniu mureno IN v "THE MAGNIFICENT MEDDLER" Can you imagine a young eaatem reportar running reform newspaper in a wlld western town? Well, that's what Monty (Antonio Moreno) tried, and the experience he went through with tho "western bad men' make for a picture that will hold you from start to finish. v A GREATER VITAGRAPH. SUPER-PICTURE EXTRA ATTRACTION TODAY, MON., JTUES., WED . THE HIGHEST fj awl I A I H !3 afl 1 1 PAID ACTOR VimillC WIIUIIII OFTHESCREEN IN HIS LATEST CUMfcOT SUI.L153 "THE IMMIGRANT" IP IT IS A CHAPLIN, YOU KNOW YOU'LL LAUGH n i- a.- r:. "I .. n vrap 111 - J a... Admission 1c and 25c ' AmusamentJaJuajJneqnaJlad AnywheVa at Booth's theater. New York, in ! 1874. lie has toured Ulis country (or twenty-tour years in tne snanespear ian and classic drama in all the prin cipal cities. One of the most peculiar circumstances in his moving picturn career is that he has been under the direction of his son, Ernest C. Wardr. who is one.of 'Jlr. Thanhouser's reg ular directors. Among the Than houserrathc releases starring Mr. Wardc are "King. Lear," "The Vicar of Wakefield," "Hinton's Double," and is now appearing in his latest success, "The Fires of Youth," which also presents little Helen Badglcy, known for a few vears as "The Than houser Kidlet." His address is Than houser, New Rochelle. New York. LOTHROP Lothrop Today EARLE WILLIAMS in ' "APARTMENT 29" Tuaaday WM. RUSSELL Thursday LOCKWOOD AND ALLISON' Friday and Saturday , , DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "IN AGAIN OUT AGAIN" (Admission 10c) - TODAY AND MONDAY ! Bluebird Photoplays t Presant Sweet, Delightful j ELLA HALL 1 In tha Prettiest Photoplay ' Ever Screened "The Little Orphan An Interesting, Compelling Story of a Little Belgium Refugea - TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY J. Warren Kerrigan - 'The Gay Lord Warring'M IbrandeisI j THEATRE j Iia. ANY SEAT m ! ANY 5tAl A ANYTIME 1UC : luc I TODAY 1 to (Continuous) 11 P. M. j Dorothy Dalton J j "The Dark Road" j I A Vampire Picture of Pro- I f nounced Type I CLEOPATRA REINCARNAT-' ED, WITH MANY MEN HER I VICTIMS 1 SEE AND JUDGE! j "Tha Fake Wife" I "Tha Great War'a Demands" , I "The Betrayed Officer" .. "The Friend's Treachery" "Tha German Spy" "The Triumph of Rig THURSDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY ROBERT WARWICK "THE FALSE" FRIEND" breath, but Big Double Show II J me continuous. I I -aM & "The Neglected Wife"" M 1 1 a m II -Hi