Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 13

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3 B
-is Going On
in Society Circles
(Continue d from rag. Two)
City and Denver. In the latter city
they will be the guest of Mrs. Frank
u:em. .
At the Field Club.
E. V. Mulligan haoTsix guests and
0. S. Goodrich had four at the Field
club dinner dance last night.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Harris had in
their party Mr. and Mrs. L .M. Hol
liday and Mrs, Holliday's sister, Mr.
and Mjs. Allen Hamilton, Mr. and
Mrs, A. H. Nabstedt and Mr. and
MrsMrs. E. H. Schuenenuin.
Mr. and Mrs. i.. r. Bayer enter
tained at dinner at the Field club Sat
urday night Messrs. and Mesdames
C. D. Sturevant, William R. Wood
and J. A. C. Kennedy: Miss Beulah
Sharpe and Mr. Ernest Wernhcr of
New York.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McLaughlin
hadjwith them at the Saturday night
dinner-dance at the Field club:
.M..ssrs. and Mesdamts
J. ft Davis ot YY. 0. Goodrich.
Um Moines.
JHss Louise Goodrich.
Mr. lylo Hubbard.
At the Country Club.
Miss Marjorie Smith had as her
dinner guests at the Country club last
night a party of young people, in
cluding: Misses
Ortrude Stout.
Emily Keller,
Erna Reed,
Messrs. v Messrs.
Philip Chase,- Charles Burgess.
Avuilam Ltvormore, Itobert Wood.
Ju-lson Squires,
Miss Virginia Offutt had in her
party five of .the students at Fort
Omaha who were friends of her
brother, Jarvis, at Vale.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. T. Belt enter
tained a party of thirty-four young
people for their daughter, Dorothy,
and her guest. Miss Margaret Perkins
of Franklin, Tenn.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wheeler had
a party of tweny-four dining with
them. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Cowgill of
Chicago were the ho,nor guests.
Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Page had a
party of sixteen with them. Parties
of six were entertained by Mr. and
Mrs. Clement Chase, Mr. and Mrs. S.
S. Carlisle and Mrs. F. A. Nash.
Harry Tuke. . J. A. Cavers and War
ren Blackwell each had five guests.
Miss Marjorie Howland had four
guests, as did also R. V. Cole.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed and Mr.
and1 Mrs. Philip Metz each had sight
guests, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Love ten,
and Mrs. Ben Gallagher, nine.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Brady Had
a lamily party at the club last even
ing which included Mr. and Mrs. T.
L. Davis, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Rob
erts and Mrs. Hal Bradv.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShane en
tertained for Mr. and Mrs. Jack
bourke ot Portland, (Jre. In their
party were:
Messrs. and Mesdames
Jack Bourne, W. V. Hosford
tV, T. Burns. W. 3. Foye,
Miss Blanche Bourke.
Mr. Harry McCormlck.
Seymour Lake Country Club.
Comblimentarv to Wr.. and Mrs.
Thomas Parker of Beunos Aires,
beautifully appointed dinner was
given Friday evening, followed by
dancing. Baskets of pink sweet peas
formed the center piece, and the place
cards were decorated to match. Cov
ers were laid for:
Meassrs and Mesdames -Thomaa
Parker, B. M. Laverty,
0. R. Orchard. W. B. Tags,
C. H. Marling. H. P. Cote.
N. R. Bryson, w. F. Bavlnger.
Pr. and Mrs. R. E. Schlndel.
Mlases Misses
Gladys Gorham. llortenso Eada.
Hampton, eb.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Dennis enter
tained at dinner, the decorations being
red and white peonies, ihe guests
included: '
Messrs and Mesdames
Floyd Finch, Misses
Jtov l'rohser. Theo. ltclgren.
Beatrice Farror, TCvelyn I'rossr.
Edith Finch. 1 Mm. . E. Finch.
Mr. Dean P. Sunderland, who has
iust returned from college, had with
'him Mrs. R. E. Sunderland, Mrs.
Frank Field and Miss Penelope Ham
ilton, i
Mr. F. AoBroadwell, jr., entertained
the following at a dancing party:
Mleses M)eses
I.llllan Head. Josselyn Stone,
Margaret Powell, Lillian Henderson,
Zeta Mullahy. Bather Knapp.
Clara Llndley. '
Messrs Messrs
Walter Gilbert, Jamea Smith.
William Campen, Harold Henderson,
Reed Zimmerman. Mark X.owe.
Another dancing party included:
Helen Sturgese,
Gretchen .Swohoda,
Howard Douglas,
Katherln. New
branch. P. B. Walrath.
U. S. Harkson,
Mr. Harry C. Christianson had as
his guests:
Maude Cochran,
Jj. E. Link. ;
Mjirle Jorgenson.
A. ChrlstenBen.
Belden. sou.
Mr. A. Clirlstensen.
Affairs of Past Week.
Rev :.nH Mrs. E. D. Hul'
icom Park Methodist chttrh, enter
tained the Barathea class at tne
church (Thursday evening. iol
lowiner officers were elected to serve
'or the last half of this year: Prest
Jent, Mr. W. M. Temple; -etary.
Mrs. C. A. Ule; treasurer, Mr.
'ohn L. Correa; hustler's committee,
Mrs, W. M. Temple: flower commit
tee. Mrs. H. A. Niles: secretary of
foreign missions. Mrs. Charles W.
Pipkfn. After the business meeting
the evening was spent in games,
music and singing. Mrs. Harry Black
played the piano. Sixty were present.
Ihe Barathea .class is one of the
largest Sunday school classes in the
city, and is composed of the young
ma'rxied neople of the church.
Mrs. Richard Weaver entertained
the Big Twelve Whist club at her
home Thursday. Those with high
scores were Mesdames H. J. Walrath,
Richard Weaver and R. J. Dellonoy
On Friday evening Miss Helen
Morris entertained at a miscellaneous
ihower for Miss Bell Malek, whose
marriage to Mr. Charles Lukovsky
!akes place Tuesday. Music and
james furnished entertainment for the
evening. Those present were:
Tda Schipporelt,
Johanna Uetlsch-
ftusste Mesmer.
Lula Grie-b,
Chrlaty Hoskovec,
Gertrude Anthes,
Nell Rourke.
r. F. Kilmer,
hll Jewett,
:i!sworth Devereaut,
Ellen Anthes.
Christine Peterson,
Edith Morris,
Clara Bublitz,
Catherine Mergen,
Helen Morrla,
Daisy Petre.
B. J. Morrll.
1 Messrs.
Jamea Kllmar.
Stork News. ,
A 6on was born to Mr. and Mrs.
.Williara J. Hoti .
Popular South Side
"5 .
Council Bluffs
Social Activities
Monday evening Miss Agn&s Harris
entertained the members of her bridal
party at dinner at her home on Park
avenue. A rehearsal for the wedding
followed the dinner.
Monday afternoon Miss Dorothy
Felt entertained a number of friends
in honor of Miss Lucy Spoone.r. A
honeymoon book was prepared by the
guests for the bride and decorated
with pictures cut from magazines.
Later in the afternoon refreshments
were served on the porch.
Miss Spooner was the guest of
honor at an informal dinner given by
Mrs. George Camp on Monday even
ing. Announcements have been received
of the marriage of Miss Lois Wood,
formerly of this city, and Mr. George
A. Francis of Frederick, Wis., which
took place Monday at the home of the
brides parents at Mountain View
ranch, Buffalo Oap, S D. After
August 1 Mr. and vMrs. Francis will
be at home at Frederick, Wis. -Tuesday
afternoon the members of
the St. irancis Alumnae association
held a picnic at the boat club. The
afternoon ind cvediing were very de
lightfully spent, although the lunch
eon was served indoors on account of
the wind.
Miss Lucy Spooner was the guest
of honor at a dinner given Tuesday
evening by Mrs. F. F. Everest. The
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Spooner,
Mr. and Mrs. Perry of Manning, Miss
Gertrude Tinley, Miss Spooner and
Mr. Bennett.
Miss Ma-dcleine . Alice Cleaver,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al Cleaver,
and Mr. Fred 'Burton Randall of
Omaha were married Tuesday after
noon at the home of the bride's pa
rents. ''The ceremony wasperformed
by Rev. Frederick W. Evans of the
First Presbyterian church. The bfide
wore her going-away gown of sand
colored Poiret twill, with a corsage
bouquet of pink and white sweet peas.
The house was beautifully decorated
with pink and white peonies, palms
and ferns. Among the out-ot-town
guests vwere Mrs. V. D. Randal,
mother of the groom; Mr. and Mrs.
Al 'Randall and familv. Mr. and Mrs.
F. E. Randall and family, Mrs. R. M.
Finley, sister of the groom, of Valley,
Neb.- Mr. and Mrs J. W. Graham
and Miss Lucy fngersoll of Boofte,
la. Mr. and Mrs. Randall left on an
early tram for Chicago; Milwaukee
and other points. After July 1 they
will be at home at 2424 J street.
Mrs. Leltie Montgomery enter
tained the Garden club Tuesday after
noon. A very delighttul paper on
orchids was Kiien by Mrs. A. P.
Hanchett, while Mrs. E. H. Sylvester
discussed the wild varieties. June an
nuals furnished material for a general
discussion and some time was spent
an inspection of Mrs. Montgom
ery's garden, where she has a very
unusual collection ot peonies ana
roses. Mrs. Jonn u. wooawara win
entertain the club next Tuesday.
Mrs. H. Hanley, Tabor, has been
the guest of Mrs. A. E. Mitchell, com-
g here tor the White-flams wea-
Mrs. Audrey L,oyd entertained
Tuesday at a shower for Miss Barrett.
Most of the afternoon was spent in
hemming towels which were later pre
sented to the guest of honor by the
hostess. She received a number of
beautiful gifts and novel ways of pre
senting them proved very amusing.
Tuesday evening Miss Agnea Har
ris and Mr. C. Evans White were
marriecr at the home of the bride's
mother. Mrs.- Mary E. Harris. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.
Frederick VV. fcvans ot tne first
Presbyterian church. Miss Harris,
niece of the bride, acted as bridesmaid
and Mr. Fred Rowat of Des Moines
was 'best man. Miss Marie Harris,
sister of the bride, was maid of honor
and Mr. Ray Eusden of Mame was
usher. Arthur Harris, nenhew of the
bride, was the ring bearer and Cath
erine Scarr was the nower girl. I ne
house was beautifully decorated with
palms and smilax, roses and lilies.
The bride went to the altar on the
arm of her brother, Dr. E. E. Harris
of Grinnell, and was preceded bythe
other members of the Vidal party.
She wore white tulle over ivory pussy
willow satin, with a silver bodice and
band of silver lace at the bottom
Points of the drapery were caught
with lovers knots of silver and the
court train was caught at the shoul
der with silver knots. The veil was
fastened into a cap with a wreath of
orange blossoms and she wore bro
caded silver slippers. Her bouquet
was of bride's roses and swansonia.
The Lohengren wedding march was
played by Professor Cox, accom
panied by Mrs Cox, who also played
several selection before the cere
mony. During the cerenjony he play
ed the love song from Jocelyn. Those
who assisted in the dining room were
Miss Gertrude Clark, Miss Lenore
Beveridge, Miss Elsie Schmidt, Miss
Frances Ouren, Miss Eula Klcbb,
Miss Dorothy Ferguson and Miss
Aletha Putnam. Those in the parlors
were" Mrs. J. C. Aid, Mrs. A. J. Dui-
fee, Mrs. Charles Putnam and Miss
Irene Jones. Out-of-town guests
were Dr. and Mrs. c.. E. Harris and
daughter, Elinor, Grinnell; Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Harris and children.
Orient; Mrs. Addie Harris. Santa
Barbara, Cal.; Mrs. C. H. Hanley,
Shenandoah; Mrs. Ankeny, Corning;!
Bride and Attendant
A- -I
J "v
v ; v x
- V ,
Zauva. Deed
Miss Lucinda -Bray, Mrs. Elizabeth
Spittler, Sidney; Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Harris and Miss Esther Thomas.
Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. W hite left on
a late train for Estes Park and other
western rfoints and will be gone about
two weeks. Alter Julv 15 they will
be at home .to their friends at 200
Park avenue.
At 8 o'clock Tuesday evening Miss
Grace Wesley, daughter ot Mr. and
Mrs. A. F. Wesley, and Mr. Bellinger
Drew were married at the home of
the bride's parents. The ceremony
was performed bv Rev. J. E. Cum-
tnings of Bcfltany Presbyterian
church nd w as witnessed hy about
my iriends and relatives. 1 he bride
wore her traveling gown of brown
silk and carried a bouquet of roses.
The couple were attended by Miss
Gertie Nickell and Mr. Harry Drew,
brother of the groom. No announce
ment was made of the plans for the
wedding trip or the date of their re
turn. For the present they will make
their home with the bride's parents.
Wednesrkay evening Mr. and Airs.
G. F. Spooner entertained the mem
bers of their daughter's bridal party
at dinner.
Thursday morning at 8 o'clock Miss
Lucille Brackctt, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L. C. Brackett, and Mr. Bernard
C. Conlon were married at the par
sonage of the Holy Family church.
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. Father W. J. Quinn. Miss Ha
zel Conlon, sister of the bridegroom,
was maid of honor and Mr. Gilbert
R. Brackett was best man. The
bride was beautifully gowned in white
georgette with bead trimmings and
carried a shower bouquet of white
roses. Thcmaid uf honor wore a
gown of old rose taffeta, and carried
pink roses. After the ceremony the
wedding breakfast was served at the
home of the bride's paren'-. Mr. and
Mrs. Conlon left for Colorado
Springs. After July 1 they w''l be at
home at 221 Feurth street.
Miss Frances . Flood entertained
Thursday everting in honor of Miss
Emma Hutchinson, who is to marry
ilr.W. H. Green next week.
Wednesday afternoon Miss Mig
non Sorenson entertained at a shower
in honor of Miss Hutchinson.
Tuesday eveninsr Miss June Seniff
entertained at a shower in honor of
Miss Ona Senift. The evening was
spent in writing recipes for the
bride-to-be, after which a mock wed
ding was performed. The bride was
Miss Ida Ingalls, the groom Miss
Elizabeth Crissman, and Miss Buclah
Jones the minister.
Thursday afternoon Mr. James
roncia ana Miss uertrude Hooker,
Otis, Colo., formerly of this city, were
quietly married at St. Paul's church.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
W. E. Mann.
Miss Lucy Spooner, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. K Spooner, and Mr.
Harvey Childs Bennett of Los An
geles. Cal., were married Thursday
evening at the home of ihe bride's
parents. Rev. Frederick W. Evans
performed the ceremony. Miss Ger
trude Tinley was bridesmaid and Mr.
George Spoonei was best man. Lit
tle Jack Everest and Elinor William
son were the ribbon bearers. Miss
Elsie Tinley and Mr. Folsom Everest
followed, holding the ribbons. The
Mendelssohn wedding march was
played by Mr. Will Bennett, brother
of the groom. The bride entered on
the arm of her father, followed by the
other members of the bridal party.
She wore a beautiful gown of Van
Ralte net with trimmings of chantilly
lace. Her veil was caught u, with a
band of net and sprays of orange
blossoms. She carried a shower
bouquet of white .brides roses. The
house was beautifully decorated with
lilies, roses, peonies and palms. Out-of-town
guests were Mr. and Mrs. E.
C. Perry of Manning, Mr. W. H. Ben
nett and Mr. Clinton Snooner. Chi
cago, and Mr. George Spooner, Bos
ton. Mr. ana Airs. Bennett left for
the west and after August 1 will be
at home at Los Angeles, Cal.
South Side '
Social Circles
Mr. and Mrs. E. Guv Hodzes.will
soon leave for Oklahoma, where they
will make their future home.
Miss'E; V. Wester is spending her
vacation at Lincoln.
Mrs, Mert Morril is visiting her par
ents at Alexandria, Jeb.
Mrs. Edgar lacksonand children
will spend part of the summer near
Valentine, Iveb.
Mrs. Merlin Finlay of Valley vis
ited her mother this week. She was
also a guest -at the Cleaver-Randal
wedding in Council Bluffs on Wednes
day. The girls of St. Martin's church
held a weincr roast Thursday
The P. A. M. 15. eirls of Grace
Methodist church met at the home of
-Miss Jl,aude Rogers to elect officers
for the next year." Miss Caroline
Colin was elected president;- Miss")
tjrace suiter, treasurer, and Miss
Maude Rogers, secretary. Misses Eva
Zieger; Ruth Orchard, Ruth Johnson
and Nona Zieger were elected at
social committee.
The graduating ex-ercises of the St.
Bridget's school was held at the
South Side Orpheum on Thursday
morning, followed by a breakfast at
the school hall.
ThfTKeno club is Dlamilne a dance
at Hanscom park pavillion to he
given in honor of the South Side
boys who have enlisted or will soon
A farewell party in honor of the
graduating class of Garfield school
was given at the home of Mr. and ;
Mrs. K. L. Bernard by the eighth'
As. The house was decorated in the
school colors, crimson and guld. The
evening was spent with games and
music, followed by a dainty luncheon !
served by tlu: hostess, avi.-tcd by the '
eighth A girls. Those present were:'
Thelma Wells,
Nona Ztegcr,
Bertha Hxnisn.
Bertha Holme.
Ingrld Aim,
Mllada t hvai.
Cerreld r.urks.
Agnes Martin,
Clsik Nleinan,
Hugh Hodgons.
l'ephlna Milimn
Alma Ko!
Marian t'c
Helen .Miller
Florenro Ktier,
Lula Wester.
TVvron Heruard,
Klmer Strom,
L'tarcnce Christiansen. w alter ltiibln
Kalph Bernard. Charles Holmes.
Thomas Broadhurst.
The pupils of the sixth grade uf
St. Irideet's school entertained at a
surprise party in honor of Miss Agnes
riugerald at her nome lucsaay
evening. Ihe evening was spent in
games and music, followed by a
dainty, luncheon. Those presgnt were:
.Misses .Mlssee
IsaMle SuMhan, Anna Lyman,
Katherlne, Snlrl: Agnes FltigeralJ,
Luolle Considlne. Esther ciltldlng.
Cleoaphns Kelley, JeutKtta til.
Cecelia Gauithan. Katherlne Parks.
Katherlne Korbniakeruertrude McMsnus.
Messrs. Messrs.
William Yager, .Tames McLaughlin,
Carl Sexton, William Farrol.
Clark Walsh. Walter Hasburgh.
Arthur Cushln. Francis McDonald,
James Fltsgcrald. Louisa McDonald.
Mrs. Roy London entertained at
luncheon, followed by bridge, lues
day in honor of Miss Margaret Parks.
Mrs. Edward Anderson entertained at
a shower Friday evening in honor yf
Miss Parks, when about thirty Ruests
were present, One of the largest par
tics was an afternoon and evening
handkerchief shower given by Mrs.
S. I. Park on Thursday. Miss Parks
will be married to John Wilson of
Portland June 23 at St. Bridget's
The marriage of Miss Madge Clea
ver and Fred Randal took place
Wednesday at the home of the bride's
parents in Council Bluffs in the pres
ence of the immediate families. Mr.
and Mrs. Randal have gone to Chi
cago for a short honeymoon trip and
will be at home alter July 1 at .twenty-fifth
and I streets, South Side.
-Social Items
Mis. Hugh'Glasgow will entertain
the Dorcas society at her home on
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Grace Crowder of Pipestone,
Minn., who has been visiting her
grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Brew, re
turned to her home on Wednesday.
Airs. S. 11. Cunningham is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Bcardsley of Col
lege View, Neb., for a few weeks.
In honor of Dr. 11. II. Avery, who
was married last night, K. L. Platz
ntertained at dinner Friday at 'he
Empress Garden.
Lynn Hammond ot KancMph. in eh..
who has been the guest of his cousin,
Douglas Myers, the last week, re-,
tqtned to his home Wednesday.
,' Tlu weddinj of Miss Eleanor Mor
gan and Dr. H. H. Avery was sol
emnized Saturday evening at the
home of the brides' father, C. T.
Baughman. Rev. J. B. Butter offi
ciated. The bride wore, a gown of
white satin and carried bride's roses.
Shcwas attended by her sister, Miss
Therma Dell Morgan, who wore
white georgette. L. C Avery was the
best man.
J. A. Fuller was called to Thurston.
Neb.. Friday mornintr bv the illness
of his nephew.
Airs. W. H. Thomas left Fr div
for Canada, where she will visit
friends and relatives this' summer.
About fifty friends gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant L. Fox i
to hold a shower for Miss Rena Fo,
who was to have been married last
night to John1 Hanzlik. but Mr. and
Mrs. Fox, hearing of fhe coming of
the guests, arranged a surprise for
the party. When the guests had all
arrived Miss Minnie Biirkemn asked
the privilege of playing the wedding
march for practice, but during the ,
repetition the bridal couple entered
and were met by Rev. James B. But-1
ter, who immediately performed the
ceremony.. The surprise was com
plete, s hardly one of the guests re
alized wiiat was taking place until the
ceremony was almost over. Later Mr.
and Mrs. Hanzlik left for a wedding
trip to Chicago and other eastern cit
ies and will be at home in Florence
after July 1. Out-of-town guests at
tending the wedding were .Mrs. M. J.
Hanzlik of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs.
McCaflery of Valley, Mr. and Mrs.
Hines of Blair, Mr. and Mrs. T. M.
Show Your Colors
Put a "Spirit of '17" flag
holder on your auto; at the F.
W. Woolworth 5 and 10-cent
7axton& Gallagher Co.- om ah a
; 7 r
Carter of Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Daun, Miss limes and Ernest Taylor
of Omaha.
Miss Jean Butter of York i spend
ing the summer vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrj. J, B. Butter.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Steyer left Sat
urday for Carroll, where they will
visit friends and relatives.
Captain W. J. Broatch left Tuesday
for Kansas City for a short business
Mis. Elmer Taylor and daughter
left Monday for Wyniorc, where they
will visit friends and relatives. Mrs.
Taylor's mother accompanied them.
The Masonic lodge of Florence
held its installation oi officers and an
nual banquet at the Fontenelle hall
Thursday evening.
Rev. T. C. Webster, who was badly
injured by an automobile a few weeks
ago, was sutliciently recovered so 'as
to be i.boTH town again.
' Louis Willie returned Tuesday
from a few days' visit at Grand Island.
Neb. He will move his family here
the coming week.
and we will send this outfit to your home immediately
Grafonola and Records
Consisting of Columbia Grafonola No.
75, mahogany, oak or satin walnut, and
your choice of six 75c double-disc Co
lumbia Records.
Perhaps you are surprised to learn that you
can get one of the "cabinet" Grafonolas
and twelve selections your own choice for so little
money. Come in and let us ylay some of the records for
you. We will gladly tell you about our liberal plan of pur
chase and arrange to send this Grafonola Outfit to your
home at once.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company
Store Hours Till September 1st, 5 P. M., Excepting Saturday, 9 P. M.
- V v
SociaJ Notes
Mr. and Mrs. Ballantine of Silver
Plume, Colo., will spend a few weeks
with Dr. and Mrs. Kaufman.
A party was given Tuesday evening
tor Mrs. Alartin Jensen in honor of
her birthday.
The Ladies's Aid society will hold
its regular kensiiigton at the home of
Mrs. Mast.
Mrs. Tout Courtney and daughter
left Saturday for Kansas City, where
they will reside. Mr. Courtney left
several weeks vago. '
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. T. 0
McGee died last Saturday and was
buried Sunday. He had been ill for
some tune with heart trouble.
The Ralston school closed Friday
with exercises at the church. Three
pupils graduated from the eighth
Suffers Severe Injuries
When Hurled from Machine
Calhryn Christenseh, 17 years old
residing with her parents on a farm
north of Florence, suffered concus
sion of the brain and severe scalp
lacerations wlien the automobile
which she was in, and driven by her
brother, K. T. Chnstensen, collided
with another, machine. The accident
took place on the outskirts of Mor
ence Friday afternoon. Miss Chris
tensen was removed to her home and
attended hy Dr. A. B. Adams. Her
condition is serious.
A sister 12 years old and a brother
7, in the car at the time, had narrow
escapes from j deafth. Both were
thrown from the machine and re
t laat 'v found
I don't limp and fuss and worry 1
don't scold and fret and bemoan my
taie ana my teet Bunion Comfort"
gave roe instant relief stopped the
pain instantly gradually reduced the
Inflammation and softened and dissolved
the bunion without one bit of Dain or
discomfort. You can wear regular shoes
no pads, plates or cutting just put on a
"Bunion Comfort" and away goes your pain
and away goes your bunion. Over 7Z,000
men and women have been cured last year
and we guarantee that you will 8od com
plete satisfaction with ('Bnnlnn r.nmfnrt"
or vou need not tuv one cent. Rttv i
box today try two plasters, and U you do
not find instant relief, return the remainder
and got your money back. We know what
"Bunion Comfort" has rinnet for others
we know wnat it can, do lor you so try
meal ai our expense.
Haines Drug Co., N. W. Cor.
15th and Douglas Sts
ceived slight cuts about the face. Mr,
Christensen was unhurt.
The driver of the other car ren
dered all possible assistance. Hn
name was not ascertained. It is said
that both cars were going at a mod
erate rate of speed. Both cars were
damaged badly.
(iriidiitillnti itt Benson -Graduation
exeri'iseH of St. Iiernard'8 school, Ben
son, will he held Sunday at S p. m.
on the school grounds. Father Gan
nun will deliver the addresa and .four
teen pupils will receive diplomas. . An
entertainment will lie given by the
children. Everybody is Invited. I
A Picture of the Boys I
Before They Leave -
For the Front -
No. 3 Rfsoettf Cam rose, plcluiW I
2K8vi .lichen , $2.00 .
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