Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 11

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    Sunday Bee
Neivs' of the Week in Social Circles .' Activities in Women's Realm
Sextet of Lovely Br ides
Who Wed in Month of Roses
The Omaha
x.- ' . " -raa''.. M
HAT broader interest in liie j have the pleasure of greeting for a
nave wc an jusi now man mc long lime, nc is vivacious, cnarm-
many June brides? If you do
not actually have one in youi
immediate family,- surely
some of your friends are numbered
among-the happy' young people whose
nuptials form such an .important topic
at this season of the year. :If you
have neither a member of a bridal
party in your family nor a friend on
matrimony bent, yon must out of pure
human sympathy be interested in the
pretty young things and list to our
Miss Martha Dale, daughter of Mr.
aiid Mrs. John F. Dale, whose mar
riage to Mr. Alexander Loomis, son
of Mr.' and Mrs. N. H. Loomis, will
be celebrated June 30, is one of the
most charming brides society will
ing and altogether good to look at
and to meet.
Pretty Miss Gertrude Kopald now
Mrs. Max Lowenthal. was a bride of
al'hlursday. Everyone who saw her in
her lovely wedding attire exclaimed
over her engaging simplicity of man
ner and her beauty. Mrs. Walter
Wightman, formerly Miss Nelle
Cahill, was a bride of Wednesday. She
is the Liberty bond bride, for instead
of a wedding trip her patriotic hus
band made her a gift of Liberty
bonds. They had planned to travel to
Honolulu, but now will go only to
Denver, their future home.
Mrs. Clarence Nelson until June 4
was Miss Olive Myrtle Atkisson. Her
marriage day was the same as that of
Miss Marguerite Yocum, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs R. E. Yocum, who is
now Mrs. Emit Hofmann.
Miss Katherinc Davenport is one of
the'pretiy brides of this present week.
On Wednesday her marriage to Mr.
"Yleorgc Loran Howell, son of Mr. and
Mrs. r, a. Iloweu win oe soirninizen
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick V. Clarke. Only ret.
atives and -intimate friends will be
present at the wedding ceremony
which will be an evening affair.
Smith Side society is interested in
the marriage of Miss Mary McCul
loch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
McCtilloch, and Mr. William Nixon
which takes ptace Wednesday at high
noon. The wedding of Miss ffildred
Cooper, daughter of Mrs. George M.
Cooper, to Mr. Leo Brent Bozell. ts
another interesting wedding o Wed
uesdav. Miss Margaret Parkj weds
John R. Wilson of Portland next Sat'
.urday. .
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SocialCalendar . yJ ' lO? V
Monday- . M..s4 L i14.i I A W. P4 JKV '
Red Cross benefft bridge, Mrs T I , f , lr''fl" -J J . i
1 i. VW- V f v V y U ) vv v
t- ' i '
f irsi Exodus of Early
Summer Travelers Oh
Mountain, lake, ranch and seaside
call the fashionables to their summer
haunts, now that the graduates have
been graduated and most of the June
brides have been wedded. Lach de
parting train carries its pleastrre
seeking company,' while motoring
trips promise to be more than ever
popular this year. v1'..--
Mrs. John J.1 Haiiighcn expects to.
spend the summer in V irginia near
Fortress Munroe. where her on,
John, ha ifeeii stationed m the coast
artillery. He was one of a hundred
chosen from For Logan 1. Roof to
enter his branch of the service and
left Friday morning for his post. On
lune 25 he will receive, the degree of
M. E. from Cornell. Mrs. . Hani
ghch's departure will be delayed: un
til her two younger son?
their school work. Geary,' who
graduated from high school last week,
v,"ill take his Harvard exams this week.
Miss Hanna, Kopald accompanies
her brother. Kabbi Louis J. Kopald,
backto Buffalo next week ) visit
the family of her fiance, Richard Des
becker. In August she will be at their
Mimmer cottage in Chenjoiig Park,
Canada. Out-of-town guests at the
l.owcnthal-Kopald wedding Thursday
have all departed for their homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Saxe-of New
York plan -to be a,t Londonville, N.
Y.. until October.
Mrs. Harry Cuininings has gone to
Dulufh to visit her brother before go
ing on to Bamff and Lake Louise.
Mrs. Cummings will return in the
T. . Bruue,r has returned jrom ;
Clear Lake, where he made some im
provements to his summer homj on
Sunset Beach. Mrs. Bruner remains
i! for ,the summer. Mr.
will go again later and remain uifTtl
Mrs. Arthur Mullen expects to leave
the middle of the week ta spend the
..summer on the Mullen ranch in Mon
tana. Mrs. Frederick Krug and Miss Krug
of Fort Crook, accompanied by Miss
Vies Coad, left last Week for Dubois,
Vyo., where they wjll be on a ranch
of Mrs. Krug's brotlier. Miss Coad
will be gone about a month.
Miss Florence Lacy left for Butte.
Mont., to visit a-week with he broth
er, Mr. T. E. Lacy. She will spend
the remainder of the summer with her
sister, Mrs. P. H. Wickhani, on their
ranch in Boulder, Mont.
Hary McCoruiick left Saturday for
lis Wyoming ranch.
Missjialcyon Cotton left Thursday
o attend the graduating exercises at
vVellesley. She will then go to visit
a friend in Schenectady for three or
Jour weeks before going to Chicago
to speml the rest of the summer with
her mother.
Mrs.- Charles Marple and Miss Jo
sephine Marple left Friday foe-Stead's
ranch in Moraine Park; Colo.,' where
they spent last summer.
Mrs. Harold Pritchett with her lit
tle daughter, left Thursday for Lake
Minnetonka, where she has a cottage
for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. H.
M. Haodley have taken Mrs. Pritch
ett's house for two months, leaving the
Blackstoije, where they have been
staying. v
Clarke-Thummel Wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. George .Hamilton
Thuminel have issued cards for the
marriage of their daughter, Stella
Liuisc, t rreuerick Werst Llarke
at noon on Tuesday, July ), at Trin
ity cathedral, followed by a wedding
nreaKiasi ac Mr. ana .virs. xnummcis,
vjhen oijjy relatives and some of -the
younger set are to be 'included.
There, ai to be no attendants ex
' cept the maid of honor. Miss Kath
arine Thummel, and the best man,
ieorge B. Thummel. Mr. Clarke and
lis bride will make their home at
Douglas. Wyo. , .
Mr. Clarke is expected to arrive
from Douglas about the end of next
week and there will doubtless be a
Yates, hostesses
High school alumni dance
Happy Hollow club.
Fidelisi club card party at Happy
Hollow club.
Tuesday '
Browning-Dickey wedding.
Women's bridge luncheon, at Field
club. . ..!
Dinner-dances at Carter Lake and
Happy Hollow 'clubs.
Bozell-Cooper wedding."
Stirling-O'Connor wedding.
Howell-Davenport wedding.
Seymour Lake Women Golfers'
Luncheon for Miss Martha Dale at
Happy Hollow club, Mrs. Selwyn
Doherty, hostess.
Nixon-McCulIoch wedding at high
Dinner-dances at Country and
Field clubs.
Le Mars club, dancing party at
Keep's academy; v
Lake Bowling club lunch
eon. Dinner dance at Seymour Lake
Country club.
Saturday -.
Wilson-Parks wedding.
Dinner-dances at Country, Field,
Happy Hollow and Carter Lake
clubs. ,
Dinner for Miss Martha Dale and
Mr. Alexander Loomis, given by
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gordon.
Delta Gamma luncheon, Mrs. Coe
Buchanan and Mrs. Brandon
Howell, hostesses.
Society Enjoys Races and Masque;
More Delightful Events Promised
Continued on Pge Iw Column One.)
, CupM' 8 Darts
Rev. and Mrs. John Calvert of Ben
son announce the engagement of their
daughter Gertrude to Mr. Roy M.
Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
Young. Thewedding will take place
in July. Mr. Young is a University of
Nebraska graduate. Miss Calvert fin
ished at the Benson high school in
this year's class.
Mr. 'and Mrs. George Goth an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Clara, to Mr. Clarence
Thrapp. The wedding will take place
in me near luturc.
Mr. and "Mrs.-Villiam Pitt Logan
of Belgrade, Neb., announce the mar
riage of their daughter, Lois, to Mr.
Alfred C. Kennedy, son of Mrs. Al
fred Kennedy of Omaha, which will
take place Tuesday morning at 8
o'clock. Rev. Edwin Booth of Nor
folk 'will perform the ceremony. Mrs.
Alfred Kennedy and family and Mrs.
W. W. Grigor will be the only Omaha
people to attend the ceremony. After
a short weddingfrip Mr. Kennedy and
his bride will be at h6moin Omaha
July I. ;
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Career an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter Alice to Dr. Sanford Gif
ford, son of Dr. and' Mrs. .Harold
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Malek announce
the marriage of their daughter Bess
to Mr. Charles C Lukovsky will take
place Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock
at the Church of the Assumption.
After a wedding trip in the cast the
young people will be at home iu
ID you have an enjoyable time
last w&ek?.. With such a full
week how could you have help
ed it? Of course, to begin
with, it was semi-centennial
week, featured by a sure-enough cele
bration down at the capital, city, but
then, very few of the women folks
were interested in that. Mcn-about-town.
shook hands with their old
friend "Teddy", a fact not particu
larly interesting in sbciety, don't ye
know. Truth to tell, the very days
that the celebrating was being done
in Lincoln the crust of Omaha's social
pie attended the all-absorbing canning
school in the high- school .building.
The story is in circulation, a man who
vows that with his own ears he heard
a woman say it, told the tale, that af
ter her pah of peas had been cooked
ten minutes (was it ten or more?) the
woman asked her instructor whether
she should take them off and wash
them I My, the man thought that was
rank ignorance.
During the middle of the week we
were treated to a little diversion in
the form of driving races out at the
county fair grounds. That was per.
fectly charming sport, you must
know, with thej:xcitemcnt of "hosses'
(they say that no self-respecting fan
calls a horse a horse, it is always a
!'hoss"), the fun of watching the
brightly garbed darky jockies, the
shouting of the "Coney Island" min
and all other attendant circumstances.
Flag day was a specialty gala oc
casion, for then society chose to grace
the races with its presence more than
at any prcvious time. The boxes were
filled not only with racing men. wear
ing 'iewners'" cards, but with pretty,
smartly dressed women. One of the
most fetching costumes seen was the
one worn by Airs. George brandeis
tightly closed petals. Her summer
furs were as appropriate as becoming,
for the day was cold. A huge gray
fur scarf completely enveloped the up.
per part of her figure.. In another box
Miss Eugenie, Patterson was the cen
ter of a group of the younger set.
Pretty Miss Edna Pctersotr was
very much in evidence as head usher
and taker of Red Cross money, fot
all receipts above actual expenses,
about $1,000 in all, were turned over
to the local Red Cross chapter. She
and a bevy of other girls, among
whom two ot'the most strikingly
pretty were Mrs. Will Schono and
Miss Rita Chabot, acted as uhers fori
the boxes and later counted the pelf.
The judges' stand was hung with
large American flags, as befitted the
occasion, and one whole side was
painted in red, white and blue. Most
exciting and most romantic, if not
most admirable of the races, were the
running races at the close. Our fa
vorite jockey was a little bow-legged
darkey with a round jolly face, who
looked like a boy, but who had little
tuffs of gray hair sticking out from
under his pink and green satin jockey
Lest, however, you should think
that the races were the only iinpor-'
tant events of the pasj week in Oma
ha, we call attention to the artistic
performance given yesterday after
noon tor the benefit of the Red Cross
?nd National League for Woman's
Service, Mrs. Myron Learned's na
ture masque, "The Spirit of Walden
Wood."- Who could have failed to
enjoy that pretty open air perform
ance! It was alive with the lightsome
spirit of its charming author, whom
we are proud to have in our midst.
If more of us could be animated by her
who occupied a box just opposite the sweet, bright, sympathetic spirit the
starter's line. Her hat was one of world would be a far happier place
the newi white satin sports' creations in which to dwell. ' .
which looked like a White flower yith ,. Society played twice th' week. .'At
Js than Tie IDaOenpcrf
nmtHUn Jtmm "ton
the regular dinner dances at each of
the Country clubs large dinner dance
parties were not only booked, hut
actually entertained. This weather is
just the element for devoted dancers,
because the slight chill of .the night
air is a biting1 invitation to trip the
light fantastic. Cool lake shores and
club houses, that arc bare and forlorn
at most hours of the day, become sud
denly populous when the orchestra
sends forth its tuneful notes bearing
the invitation to conic dance.
Monday night perhaps the largest
dancing party ot'-the season will be
given, because the company which
gives it is excedin&; great. This is the
reunion dance of high sihool alumni
it Happy Hollow club. Usually Ht
such affairs the young alumni ate the.
most eager to congregate, but here
and there will be seen a group of old
timers who have not forgotten the tics
which bind thm to O. H. s. ,
The regular weekly benefit (ymi
might think that we intend -to make
a church announcement) will be the
bridge party for Red Cross nd war
relict which Mrs. J. J. McMullcn and
Mrs. John T. Yates are giving at their
combined apartments on Monday.
Those who have had invitations! are
counting themselves fortunate, be
cause these hostesses have a reputa
tion for delightful functions. Tuesday
will be the resumption of get-together
bridge parties at the Field club. Mrs.
A.V. Shotwell, who managed the en
joyable parties held last year among
Field club worfien, is again at the
helm, which fact insures a successful
Gossip of Visitors.
The Misses Sue and Mary Hiirlhut
of Scdalia, Mo,, are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mccul
loch, having come to attend the
wedding of Miss Mary McCulloch
to Mr. John A. Nixon.
Miss Anne Russell has as her week
end guests Miss Vetona Pelcher of
Long Beach, Cal., and Miss Lucile
Gass of Lincoln.
Dr. and Mrs. Herman Sugarman
and son, Jerome, of Losvngclcs, Cal.,
are in the city for a few weeks. They
will be at home to their friends this
afternoon and tonight (t the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Sugarman,
Bishop and Mrs. George A. Beeches'
and Miss Ruth Beecher of Hastings
were at the Sanford last week, haw
ing come for the-Brownell Hall corn
mencement. Miss Ruth Beecjier re
mained here, the guest of Miss Emily
Keller, while the bishop and Mrs,
Beecher, accompanied by their othel.
daughter, Elizabeth, who is a Brown
ell Hall student, am their son, San
ford, motored home Wednesday.
Mrs. Harry Hebner of Chicago and
1 -year-old son left for her home in;
Chicago Monday night. Her mother-in-law.
Mrs. II. J. McCarthy, plans
to visit her soon.
Mrs. Luther P. Stewart of Foft
Robinson, Neb., who has been the
guest of Miss Margaret Riley for the
last week, left for her home Saturday,
accompanied by Captain Stewart, who
came in yesterday. Miss Riley plans
to spend a tew weeks at fort Riley
later in the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Frank, nee
Hazel Oberfelder, and Mr. Josepb
Oberfelder of Sidney, Neb., spent the
week-end in Omaha. The Franks
were married in Denver last week
and are enroute east on their wedding
The Rev. W. Clinton Birmingham
rfs at home from Taylor university at
upiana, ind. ne will visit Ins .par
ents, Rev. and Mrs. T. M. C Bir
mingham, until next week, when he
goes to take charge of a church in
the western part of Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Sieg and
children, Jane, Dorothy and Stanley,
jr., of Des Moines, la., motored to
Oii.aha PVitla., a,.,t ar a,,-.. Af
Sieg's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John T.
Twiss. They arrived to attend the
wedding of Mrs. Sieg's sister. Mist
Maebelle Twiss, Uj Mr, Harry ft. Fos
tor oi Chicago