THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 191. AMERICAN NOTE IS EXPLAINED TO JAPS Japanese Ambassador Cables Government Exact Intentions of United States Toward - ,i China, Washington, Jane IS. Atmaro Sato, Japanese ambassador, discussed with Secretary Lansing today the scope ind purpose of the coming Japanese diplomatic mession, which is expected to place the relations of the two countries on a better basis. All the complex diplomatic questions concerning the revolutionired far east will be gone Into, it was stated. The recent misunderstanding in Japan over America's note urging the Chinese factions to restore order was stated afterward to have been cleared up. Ambassador Sato has cabled his government that the false text carried in the Tokio Asahi from its New York correspondent was not an actual note from this government, but merely the comment of some Washington corre spondent uponit Britons Take Hundred Thousand War Prisoners London. June 15. More than 100,000 prisoners have been taken by the British during the war, James Ian Macpherson, parliamentary sec retary to the war office, announced in the House of Commona today. Up to the end of last May 76,067 Prisoners were taken on the western ront, to which must be added at least 8,000 for the month of June. In Mesopotamia 10,900 prisoners have been taken since July, 1916. In Egypt the number of prisoneri taken since July 1, 1916, is approximately 8,739. On the western front the British armies have captured 434 guns since July 1, 1916. In Mesopotamia 132 guns have been taken since the begin ning of the war, exclusive of those lost at Kut-EI-Amara and subsequent ly recaptured. In Egypt eighteen guns have been taken. The territory regained by the Brit ii on the western front since July 1, 1916, amounts to 600 square miles. Sterling Would Know About Army Contracts (From Stmff Corrwpondeat. Washington, June IS. (Special Tel egram.) Senator Sterling, South Dakota, introduced a resolution today directing military affairs committee to investigate certain contracts made in connection with building of new army cantonment. The resolution calls for sweeping inquiry to contracts themselves, material used, wages paid and other mattera in order to give the senate an appreciative idea of methoda employed in establishment of these camps for soldiera. Liberty Loan Bonds Oversubscribed at Lsast One Billion (f u.ll.u mm ! Om.1 REAR ADMIRAL WINTERHAL. TER Probably will be ..Iwl.d by Secretary Daniels as commander of the Atlantic fleet to succeed Admiral Henry T. Mayo, who it toon to be retired. SWSSMMMMSHtl .1 W JJUH1 l I n I jld vuraaHAitza. tHi Butte Strikers Ask for A Federal Investigation Butte. Mont., June IS. A commit tee from the Metal Mine Workers' un ion, whose demands tor higher wages and improved working conditions were refused yesterday, was expected to see United states District Attor ney B. K. Wheeler today and ask him to request President Wilson to send representative of the Depart ment of Labor tn Butte to investi gate working conditions in the mine. i The new unipn's demands were announced today lor tne nrst lime Dy John McCarthy, chairman of the Metal Mine Workers union, who pre sented them to the employers. The demands are for recognition of the union. So for the daily wage of un derground workers, examination of mines monthly and improved working conditions. , Several mines that were shut down because of the fire in the North Butte Mining company properties re sumed work today. It is said by mining men that at least 3,000 miners in Butte are not working. Man Refusing to Buy Bonds Loses His Job Tampa, Fla., June 15. Ernest Kre- her, president of a shipbuilding com pany here, whose refusal to subscribe to the Liberty loan, caused a strike of ship yard employes, has resigned at a call meeting of the company's board of directors. After electing t new president and directors instructed him to purchase Si.vw worth ot Lib erty bonds. WHEN IIKAIV WEARY Tekse Hortford's Aflld Plimphete and reltav the neftdaoh due to mental atralo. worry or ovorwork. Non-slcoholle. Bur e ooltu. Advartlaomont. TO TAKE OYER SHIPS UNDER CONSTRUCTIO War Budget Bill Allows Gov. ernment to Pick Up Steel erobant Vessels Now Being Built. Washington, June IS. The vast amount of steel merchant shipping un der construction in American yards probably 2,000,000 tons will be taken over immediately by the government under power granted in a provision of the war budget bill signed today by President Wilson. The announcement was made today at a conference of the country's steel ship builders with the shipping board and its emergency fleet corporation. Shipping now on the yards will be hurried to completion by the' institu tion of a system of double and triple working shifts and when the ways are cleared of present contracts the fleet corporation will begin construction ot its great fleet of standardized vessels. Men from Torpedoed Ship Nearly Starve London, June 15. Two further in stances of the inhumanity of German submarine methods have just been published. Ten members of the crew of the British steamer Kariba, which was torpedoed without warning 230 miles from land on April 13, were picked up after twelve days spent in an open boat. For seven days they had been without food and two of the survivors died after their rescue. Another boat with twenty-one men has not been heard from and it is feared it was lost with all on board. The British steamer Caithness was torpedoed without warning on April 19, while 240 miles from land. The captain and twenty men were drown ed and the remainder of the crew were found in a capsized boat on which they had drifted for aixteen days without food. Only two were alive when the boat was picked up. Expect Vote on Priority Shipment Legislation Today Washington, June IS. After an other day of fruitless discussion of the bill empowering the president to order priority in railroad transporta tion of troops, war supplies and ne cessities, administration leaders to night planned to force a final vote on the measure tomorrow if possible. Opponents of the bill privately ad mitting thta they have been opposing it not only because of its provisions, but chiefly to block the waiting food control legislation, promise continued opposition. , Italian Mission Passes From South Into West Memphis, Tenn, June 15. The Italian war mission, on a tour of the country passed through from the south to the west tonight, when they left for St Louis after a day of enter tainment and sightseeing here. rd out thiat in each district the farm ers have not Varveated their crops and therefore ae not in as strong a position to ansver the call as they will be after the harvest. Districts in which i located the ; great industrial plants of the country reflected e tremendous demsnd for the so called baby bonds. The $S0 issue will be by far the most popular, it is believed. The total number of subscribers to ell denominations, It Is estimated, will exceed 2,500,000. This . is ten times the number of persons In the entire, nation who hold securities of any other sort. Small Allotments Fast The small investor, officials de clared today, is to receive the full amount of his subscriptions. Every $50 and $100 bond subscribed for, it - u tn K !anrf This ores ages a widespread paring down of i : j i - great inuiviuieu ouuai iiiv. .nmfflimliv Avincr the Ameri can flag from the Philippine to the Virgin islands subscribed to the loan. Fairbanks, Alaska, the most northern town on the continent, sent e gener ous subscription. From the Pansms ranal zone subscriptions totaled $250,- 000. r Tidal Wave at Finish. New York has over subscribed its quota to the Liberty loan by many hundreds of millions of dollars. Al though at the closing hour of noon .the tabulators were at least six hours behind in recording the tidal wave of subscriptions that have been pouring in since yesterday, it was estimated the total part:cipation of the New York Federal rese've district would amount to at least $1 200,000,000. The first sale of the bonds on the -New York stock exchange was at par and 1.5U. Later one 101 oi , 000 sold at 99 and 49-SOths. The next sale was again at par. The Weather Temrtar at Omaha rwterdaj. Hour. Pr ft a. m... a. lit..,.. T a- m bs ft ft. m,.., t ft. r 10 ft. I U it . m i IS m 1 p. ID 8 3 p. m....... 7 1 p. m... TO 4 p. m.. ...a 71 t p. nr.., . 70 p. m T 1 p. m.t p. m l Conpeufttlft) LocaU Record. . 1MT. 1116. Ui'. 1114 RlfbMt ytterdr..f 71 73 13. fl UwMt yfltehlay.,,, 4t M H 64 Mean temperatara.,.. 0 Iff 70 TO FrocplUtlon ........ .00 T T .00 TempereUur and precipitation departure from tbl normal at Omaha yeaUnUyi Normal tamptratura. . Tt Ifeflclancy (or th- day... IS Total deficiency ftlneo March I..... 138 Normal precipitation .10 Inch Deficiency for tha day .10 Inch Total rainfall ilnca March ..11.11 Inches Kxcoaa tinea March 1... S.OIInchea Ueflclenoy for cor. ported. 1111. 4.40 Inchei Deficiency for cor. parlod. 101ft. l.Tilocbaa Beporta Frota Station at 1 F. M. Station and Btata Tamp, Ttfh lUtn of Weather.' -' T p. m. oat fall, of Weather. T p. nu tat. fall. Cheyenne, clear. 70 , 74 .00 Itavenprt. pari cloady. 01 CS .00 Denver, clear.... TO 70 .00 Dea Mo Inc., clear 00 48 00 Lander, clear..... 00 81 . .00 North Platte, pt cloudy TS OS .00 Omaha, clear 71 .00 Pueblo, olear 70 78 .00 fcauld City, clear...... 10 o .00 Hanta He, clear 7S 00 .00 ttheradaa, part cloudy.. 10 IS .00 01oux City, clear 70 78 .00 T" indicate trace; f precipitation,- ' I JL WELSH, Meteorologist. EN, They're HERE! The classiest and niftiest lino of Straw Hats ever shown in the city. The shapes are those favored for this season. Pick yours tomorrow. All $5) AU Styles U Shapes -PANAMAS- A Shape for Every. Head $3 Buy Your Panama Here and Save Money These Values Cannot Ba Duplicated in Omaha HOLFS 1421 Douglas Street Just a Few St.p. From 15th St. RETAILERS PDT FORTH KICK ON TAX INCREASES (Continued from Page One.) BALLOONS FREE i at Beaton's, Saturday With Every Purchase In Any Department 60c Hays' H..lth 2Se 60c Durham Duplex Razor and Blad Be 2 Bo Lustrit. Neil Enamel.. 16c BOe Syrup ot Figs J4e 25c Mennen'e Talcum Powder, for U 2 Be Colgate's Talcum Powder, all odors 1S $1.00 Bingo Tablet, for the nerves S7o 25c Graves' Tooth Powder. 14a 50c Doan's Kidney Pills... S9o 60c Sloan's Liniment S9o 60c Orazin Tooth Paste... 34. 26c Sanitol Tooth Paste.,. 16. 26c Mentholatum IS. 25c Woodbury's Fecial Soap, for 1 $1.00 S. S. S 79. 60c Kodol Dyspensia 34c 25c DeWitt's Little Early Ris ers, for ....16c 25; Beaton's Cascara Tonic liver Pills 16. 60c DeMars' Bensoin end Al mond Lotion 25e 60c Nadinola Cream Z7 60c Egyptian Face Powder, 27e $1.00 Teniae 79. , Mail Orders Receive PHOTO DEPT. Films D.v.lopcd Free Prints, 814x314 3c Prints, 2ttx4U 4c Postal Cards 6c (Post Paid) We rent Cameras at 10c per day. $2.60 Cameras ....$1.60 25c Photo Albums 15c M. Q. Developer, 6 for.... 25c Most complete line of Phots Supplies in the west. Write us for quotations. Cenklin'. S.lf.Fillini Fountain Penh Always reliable. Always ready. Once Conklin Pen, el- ' ways a Conklin owner. From $2.50 to $10.00 We are agents In Omaha for Conklin and Waterman Foun tain Fens. PERFUMES $1.75 Djerkiss Extract, per ounce $1.00 $2.25 Houbigant'e Idee) Ex tract, per ounce $1.59 $2.60 Mary Garden Extract, per ounce , $1.69 Our Prompt Attention. BEATON DRUG CO. 15th and Farnam. keen that the imposing of the pro posed great increases in tax valua tions would cause an actual lost of business to the city of Omaha and Douglas county. "The tax valuation of the city rf Omaha compares very favor ably indeed with those of other cities and to unduly increase the valuations in Cmaha would of necessity result in other .cities being favored for branch establishments by manufac turers and large eastern jobbers. "Under all of the circumstances we rsspcctfully petition your honorable body not to increase the personal tax valuations in the general manner pro posed; but we do not wish to be un derstood as questioning the propriety of examining into such individual cases where appropriate increases might be justified. "If. uoon careful study, it should be found that she personal tax valua tion should be increased in Douglas county, it is respectfully submitted that a gradual per year increase would be the fairest and soundest method to be employed." Fraser Scores Fitzgerald. "You, "said W. A. Fraser, sovereign commander of the Woodman of the World, addressing the county as sessor, "since you have been in of fice, have done more to injure the business Interests of Omaha than can be overcome in ten years." Mr. Fraser made a return of $3,000 on his personal property and was notified by the county assessor that he had been raised to $7,500, and went before the board to protest. After hearing Mr. Fraser the equalization board, by vote of 5 to 2, fixed his assessment at $3,175. Corporations, big wholesale houses, factories and business houses raised to diizy figures by the county asses sor are knew to be preparing to fight the raises to the finish. No hearings have as yet been held on any of the big boosts involving hundreds of thousands, snd in some cases, millions of dollars. Of the 175 protests, which were compromised upon in most cases and the county assessor's figures sustained in only a few instances, heard and passed upon by the board in the last four days, practically all have been schedules involving comparatively small amounts. At the present rate of hearing pro tests, it would take the equalization board several months to hear them ' all. The time provided by law for the board to sit is twenty days. Members of the board believe it will be im possible to hear even a small percent of the protests by the last of the month. The board began work June 12- The equalization board sessions are costing the county about $12 an hour. During the first three days protests involving from $75 to $150 took up the time of the board for as much as a a half hour. Taxpayers wait in line to protest the raises made by the county as sessor. Military Property Issued to Minnesota Guard Missing St Paul, Minn., June 5. Late to day Governor Burquist announced that shortages of more than $38,000 and perhaps as much as $50,0000 of government military property issued to the Minnesota National Guard are disclosed by an investigation of 1916 recorda completed today in the office of Adjutant General Fred B. Wood. Bee Want-Ads Produce Results. Thonpson-Bclden Quality Silks and Dress Fabrics Present Many Special Values Saturday Imported Pongee, 69c 33 inches wide, natural color; a good weight that launders well. Heavy Tub Shirtings, (1.25 Values, 98c a yard A choice range of new styles and good colors, 32 inches wide. Crepe de Chine, $1.39 Ivory, flesh and pink, 40 inch, good weight. Colored Shantungs, $1.49, Formerly Sold to $3 yard Buy Shantungs for that sport blouse and skirt best for the purpose; col ors navy, rose, citron, Kelly green, gray and natural. Novelty Wash Skirtings, 25c Gabardines; regular 85c qualities at this price. English Voiles, 59c A fine quality, usually sold for 75c. Comes in an ex cellent range of colors; 40 inches wide SATINETTE The new material for Bathing Suits. It has a high satin finish and looks like silk black and ivory, in fast colors, 33 inches wide, 75c a yard. hehompson Belden Store Have You Seen "The Man of Galilee" By CARL THOMTAY A Marvelous $70,000 Painting Now on Exhibition on Our Main Floor i !' Imnnaaihl tn Describe all the Collars Women will find Georgettes, nets, org$ftfiies and piques in a most exceptional assort ment for suits and linen dresses. Collar and enff sets in or gandie, pique and Georgette. Besides Georgette and net vests, jabot collars and linen stocks. t The Blouse Store Myriads of wash blouses, of colors and materials to suit every fancy. Popular prices, 95c, $1.95, $2.50, $2.95. Georgettes do not wane in the eyes of the best dressed women. Profuse, indeed, are the attractive blouses for $8.50, $9.50, $10.50, $12.50. One Hundred Fifty New White Hats Saturday, $3.50 Just the sort summer days demand, are ready for mi lady's choosing, at this small price. White milan hemp, new white satin, as well as tail ored sport hats of Panama. It's a pleasure to select from such a variety. Second Floor Such Cool Dresses Voiles, daintily embroidered ; imported nets, English and do mestic ginghams, tissues, Geor gettes and linens, all so sum mery and gay with clever shades and skillfully designed in a refreshingly new manner. A very attractive collec tion is priced at $15. The price range be ing $7.50 to, $55. New Wash Skirts w So practical, but attractive in both style and fabric, as suring the utmost in service at a moderate cost $5, $6.50, $7.50. A DIP In These Bathing Suits Soon Jersey cloth and mohair one and two-piece suits, in black, navy and colors, with strik ing trimmings of Kelly green, red, black and white. Also solid shades of heather, gold, purple, cardinal and white. $2 to $6.25. Black cotton tights, 85c. Caps, either all rubber or cloth with rubber linings, plain colors and fancy ef fects, 35c up. Bathing shoes, in white, black and colors to harmon ize with the suits. Children s bathing suits, in 2 to 14 year sizes. Third Floor A Complete Store for Needleworkers The popularity of knitting is bringing women to this store because they are thoroughly well instructed here in all phases of the work. Knitting Needles Steel, am ber and bone; correct size for all styles of work. Extensive assortments of the Beit Yarns to be found on the market. Third Floor. Hosiery of Like Quality Has Seldom Sold For So Little FOUR SPECIALS "The Family Hose" of black silk lisle with colored tip ping to avoid confusion, a style that needs no introduc tion to Omaha women who have known it so favorably. An excellent wearing 50c hose, Saturday, for one day only, 39e a pair. Eiffel pure dye silk hose, lisle tops and soles, white and black. $1.25 regularly, Saturday, $1. Children's black silk lisle hose1, sizes 5 to 8H, 35c quality, Sat urday, 25c. Infants' and Children's Socks, a very large assortment, 29c A Day of Special Prices On These Well-Known Toilet Articles Babcock's Corylopsia Talcum, 10c Massatta Talcum, 10c. Bocabello Castile Soap, 79c a bar. Hygienic Cold Cream, in one-pound jars, 69c tream De Meridor, 18c Pebeco Tooth Paste, 29c Ribbons for Hats New gros grain, picot edge and moire ribbons, now to much in vogue for milan and panama hats, in great variety of summer colors. Ts th Right As Ysu EnUr Women's Summer Underwear Gauze envelope chemise suits, white, 65c; pink, 75c Fine ribbed lisle union suits, low neck, fitted or wide Jcnees, $1.25. Pumps, $3.95 and $4.95 Short lines of this season's styles, all from regular stock Gray, Ivory, Champagne, Blue, Bronze, Black and Patent Leathers. An early selection is advis able, as we haven't all sizes. Sold Formerly up to $7. Summer in the Men's Shop Smartest Ties You Ever Saw To wear with your new shirts. To help you enjoy the summer season. Fbur-in-hands made of regular silk shirtings, heavy broadcloths, crepe de chine and tub silks. Strines and plain shades. Also English foulards and ramchundas in four-in-hand and bows; Grenadines and pon rees. Nowhere will you find such good styles. New! Manhattan Shirts Patterns that will appeal to the man of good taste. Come to "The Men's Shop" for silk shirts. We are showing quali ties that stand the test, sizes 13tt to 18. Also 36 and 37 Inch sleeves In stock. Jewelry for Men Links for French Cuffs. Fins and bar links for soft collars. Many new effects worth see ing. A full assortment of Jew elry for evening dress wear, too. A Summer of Comfort Begins with soft collars. Put on a style that suits you. Have either round, square or pointed corners, high,' medium or low, just as you prefer. Choose from silk, madrxs, pique or Oxford, Earl and Wilson, Triangle and Arrow makes. For fifty cents we have a new Delpark soft collar and it's a beauty. The Man's Shop The Economy of Quality Is lore in Evidence Every Day The Clothes of a Summer Day Coats for Dress and Motor Wear , Linen and mixtures, $6.75 to $35. For motoring is this new full length waterproof of light weight mixture ; a clever belt ed style, priced $25. Hand in Hand With Plans for Summer Travel Is This Sale Event The appeal of these reductions hand tailored suits, priced as low as $14.75. Woolen coats in the clearaway for as little as $10.50. A Small Charge for Alterations. J 1