THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. .1UNR IB, 11)17. 15 I Impromptu Weddings Staged. It'i hard enough to tell what any young people bent on marriage will do, but when yonng men of the medi cal profession take the great notion into their heads you never can tell what will happen. Announcement is made today by Mrs. John F. Coad of the marriage of her daughter, Irene, to Dr. Thomas E. Dailey. Although the engagement of the these two young people was announced some time ago, their wedding plans have been a deep secret. Just when they planned tne 11 1 tic coup no one knows, but the fact remains that without any previous announcement they hied themselves to St Cecilia's church Thursday at 6 o'clock and there were united in marriage by Rev. Father Gatelv.- lhat nisht they left for trip in the Canadian Rockies, further destination unknown and length of stay indefinite, rnends say that Miss Coad is a real girl and that Vr, Dailey is a "regular man;" therefore, they conclude that their private little wedding minus fuss was just the thing. Another marriage in which a young doctor is concerned is 'that ot Miss Florinda Young of Macedonia, la., to Dr. George Pratt of Omaha. These two young oeonle had been olannine a wedding for some time in the faljJ but war changed all the plans, i Dr. Pratt is a member of Dr. Donald Ma crae's hospital unit, which expects to be called at any time to f ranee. 1 he ceremony will be performed Saturday afternoon at 4 o clock at the beauti ful home of the bribe's mother, Mrs. T. J. Young, in Macedonia. Miss Le nore Youne will be her sister's maid of honor and Mr. Robert Connell of this city will be best man. After a short trip east they will be at home in Omaha until such time as Dr. Pratt is called to service. Miss Young is a charming young woman with many friends in this city and Council Bluffs. She was gradu ated from St. Mary's at Knoxville, III., and later attended the University of Nebraska in company with -her sister, Miss Lenore Young, and her brother, Mr. Mason Young. She is a member of the Pi Beta Phi' sorority and has been a frequent visitor at the affaics of the Omaha alumnae chapter. Dr. Pratt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Pratt of Chicago. He is av graduate 6f the University of Ne braska and of Rush Medical school in Chicago. His fraternities are Beta Theta Pi and Nu Sigma Nu. WILL READ PEOLOGKJE AT NATURE MASQUE. Girlish Charm and Quaintness -j- i i i - i - a rysrJi , n ss i sar..-, , i Extra Specials in Fancy Boots For Saturday Only MRS. MIRIAM P. BOYCE. Allied Nations at Lawn Fete. A lawn fete at Mrs. John L. Ken nedy's home, "Binnie Brae" Fairacres, under the auspices of the Equal Fran- chise society, is being looked for ward to as one or the most inter esting events yet to take place for the War Kelief society. The affair will be June 3C, from 3 until 8 p. m Booths of the allied nations will be arranged attractively, and looked after by prominent Omaha women oome ot tne Dooms will contain a fortune teller, ice cream marnuee, fish pond, garden booth, homemade cakes and candy, ana Daiioons. fony rides will Sso be indulged in. A jitney service will be arranged for at the end of the Dundee car line. Tickets for adults will be 50 cents, and for children 25 cents. These may be secured trom W. K. Mathews bosjc store, Mrs. Helen Sorenson Kiddoo, Mrs. E. C. Twamley, and Miss Daisy Doane. he American booth will be super vised by Mrs. Willard Hosford, Mrs. Glen Wharton, Mrs. Tom L. Davis, Mrs. G. A. Meyer, and Mrs. Vrolter Roberts; Japanese booth will be su pervised by Mrs. Edwin Swobe and Mrs. A. V. Kinslerj French booth, - Mrs. S. S. ,Caldwell, Miss Mae Ma honey, Mrs. J. E. Davidson; British, Mrs. W. A. C Johnson, and Mrs. J. T. Stewart, 2d; Italian, Mrs. Warren Blackwell, Mrs. Sam Rees, jr., Mrs. Ward Burgess, Mrs. Arthur Guiou, Miss Grace Allison and Miss Marion Kuhn. Mrs. A. E. Root will have charge of the balloons; the garden booth, Mrs. Milton Barlow, Mrs. Charles Offutt, Miss Virginia Offutt, Mrs. Victor Caldwell and Mrs. Louis Nash. The fortune teller is to be a secret. Mrs. H. C.jSumney will serve ice cream, marquee. Mrs. Eva Wal lace, cake and candy; Mrs. Twamley, lemonade, and Mrs. Westbrook will have charge of the fish pond. Others assisting will be Mrs. E. M. Fair field, Mrs. E. A. Wickham. Mrs. A. C. Metcalf. Mrs. Eva Wallace. Mrs. James Richardson, Mrs. C. H. Johan nes and airs. Aitred Uarlow. Mrs. Miriam Patterson Bovce will read the prologue . to the nature masque, "The Spirit of Walden Wood," to be given at Hanscom park at 4 o clock Saturday afternoon for the benefit of the. Red Cross and thr Woman's Service leaizue. She re places Mrs. Harry Doorly, who is out of the city and will not be able to return in time for the performance, Everything1 is in readiness and points to a most successful perform ance, Miss Arabell Kimball, promoter, and"fiss Mary Irene Wallace, direc tor, are greatly pleased with the re hearsals. Indications are that the weather will be most favorable. In the event that it should rain the per formance will be given at 4 o'clock Monday. One of the attractive features of the performance will he the singing f ti, t ,-..:ii:,-'' i... r c Mclntyre, with orchestral accomoani. ment, under the direction of Henry lox. as a closing number the audi ence will sing "The Star Spangled Banner. There will be 100 nerformers. eluding dancers and an orchestra of about fifty nieces. J. F. Letton. manager of the Fon ttnelle hotel, has offered the use of his collection of flags of the allied nations to be used at the park Sat urday. Mrs. I. T. Stewart. 2d. ill nave charge of the concession sale of re freshments at the park, proceeds of which will go to the comfort kit Sec tion of the Red Cross. Because the masque is given for a war relief benefit. Commissioner Hummel has consented to nermit the sals of tickets in the park. WHAT could be more attractive for summer's varied uses than , , this fascinating little frock to the left an(L.its accessories? Pale gray shantung is used for the skirt and Eton jacket, and the girlish little frilled waist which peeks from under it is of gray foulard, spotted in round blue .circles. The ha and parasol are of silver white organdie. The hat to the right is an enor mous canotier of purpjfc maline, cir cled by row after row of narrow straw braid. An edge of' Japanese aigrette gives softness to the brim. Have YouEver Thought tiow HeedUss Women Are About Breaking Their Word When U Suits Them? Ladies' Lace Boots Eight inch tops, black vamps, white cloth tops SATURDAY ONLY Ladies' Lace Boots Nine-inch tops, black vamps, mustard tops and heels SATURDAY ONLY No. 179 U Discounts nu $5 U a pair - J P LADIES LACE BOOTS Eight-inch tops, white kid varrms. Nile cloth tops, covered heels SATURDAY ONLY No. 128 $C25 a pair Cut out this ad and bring to our tor and recelva a 25c bottlo of polish with evary pair of shoot. FREE Shoe Market No Gomiiii Deliveries Temporary Location Commissions 1607 Farnara St. Wedding Plans. Mrs. M. A. Bradley announces the date of the marriage of her daughter, Frances Mary, to Mr. William C. Raapke, son of Mr. Louis Raapke, as June 26. The ceremony will be performed at 9un the morning at St. John's church. Miss Bradley will be attended by her sister, Miss Eva Bradley, and her brother, Mr. Alphon sus Bradley, will be best man. A wed ding reception for seventy-five guests will be given at the Louis Raapke home from 8 to 11 the same night. Mr. Raapke and his bride will then leave for a wedding trip in the east,-after which they will be at home at the Hunter Inn on July 15. Notes of Interest. iir. N. H. Hawkins of Seneca, "eb., is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. E. G. Hum ! I'rey. Mrs. James A. Gilmore leaves Sat urday for a six weeks' trip to Cali- iornia. Miss Mabel Peterson will leave Sunday for an extended trip to the Pacific coast. She will visit friends enroute in Denver, Colorado Springs, Ogden and Reno. Miss Annette Davis and Miss Mar guerite Motter of St. Joseph, who have been visiting Miss Helen Sten ger this week, leave Saturday for their home. Mr. and Mrs. Owen McCaffrey, who have been visiting in the south for the last three weeks, returned this morning. v Omaha Elks to Hold Flag - Day Exercises Sunday The Omaha Elk. will hold their annual flag day exercises Sunday'aft ernoon. There will be a military paraue si i:w p. m. by the troops irom rort v.roon ana port Umaha, uniiormea section ot the Elks carry the big iBryne & Hammer in tne parade and a large oi meniners ot the lodge drew, will follow the flae to park, where ritualistic exercises will open at 3:30 p. m. Hon. Frederick Sheperd of Lincoln, judge of the dis trict court, will deliver the patriotic Omaha Uni to Equip Gym With Donation by Mrs. Maul The greater part of the $2,000 fund given to the University of Omaha by Mrs. O. M. Maul will be .used to increase the equipment of the Jacobs gymnasium, according to Dr. U. h. Jenkins, president. Mrs. Maul was the principal contributor when the gym nasium was built. The money raised at that time, however, was not suffi cient to fully equip the buildingk A full line of gymnasium equip ment will be installed. The running traclc will oe completed and rein forcedr A large swimming pool will be placed in the basement and more shower baths will be added. Some new lockers will be part of the new material. Basinger Back from Visit To Riley Cantonment Camp General Passenger Agent Basinger of the Union Pacific is back from Kansas and while there he spent sev eral days at fortKiley looking after trantportation matters in connection with the movement of troops. According to Mr. Basinger there is great activity at Fort Riley. The work of constructing the armv can tonment camp buildings is under way and hundreds of mechanics of all kinds are fit-ding employment. The fort is on the Kansas line of the Union Pacific and is reached only by this road. Junction Citv. six miles away, has a north and south road. llllllllll!l:illllllllil!llliaillllllllllil!lll!ltlUUI TOILET REQUISITES! MS By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. "Hello! Hello! Oh, I'm so glad I caught you I just must see you. Leta have dinner together tonight, I have some things I want to talk over with you. You have an engage ment? Oh, please, please break it- I really need you. Surely you won't fail me. The tone sounds desnerate bar. ried. And you picture Virginia as really suffering, needing your advice, your help. Your eneaffement is fnr theater with a group of people who can manage verv wan without vnn and Virginia needs you. You arrange for your cousin Carrv to go to the theater in your place ana give up regrettuity your last op, portunitv to see the clever and amim. Ing play at the Lyceum which is to dc withdrawn atter that evening s per formance. But Virginia needs you; you cannot fail her. At 6:30 just as you are setting off to meet Virginia, the phone rings norsln Vim... '- . -e-"" iietm vi.c giccis you. ,"Oh, my dear. I'm so elad I tfht you I didn't want you to itart off on a wna goose cnase. jack Lacey j iisi mica me up ano asKed me to see that clever new play which is closing tonight and I knew you wouldn't want me to miss it." You gasp. Virginia is going with Jack Lacey to the very play which you gave up because she "needed" youl Do you protest? Then Virginia tearfully asks you how you can be so unkind. -She is lonely and blue and she telephoned you because she felt you could helo over her hart place, but seeing that clever play at the Lyceum will be even better for her. Of course, if you insist on hold ing her to the engagement but she wouldn't treat you that way. Do VOU accent Virginia' rMtM.c breaking of the engagement with you in favor of one with Jack Lacey? You encourage her in her cavalier attitude toward her engagements with women wnen opportunities to go out with men come along. You let Virginia feel that she is privileged to make and break engagements at will to pick and choose and please herself rather than to abide bv anv schedule which has been made and which in cludes her. Your very, willingness to break an engagement for her encour aged Virginia in her casual attitude toward keeping appointments. A cavalier attitude toward engage ments is I fear me more character istic of women than of men. Even rather fine women have a feeling that they have a right to pick out the in vitations which most appeals to them and to cancel any other which inter feres with it. A group of us were discussine a young dramatist recently and we all agreed that one of the reasons we liked Henrietta so much was because she was completely denendahle. One of the girls summed it up like this. it sne promised to meet me at a tea room for luifch and the duke of Argyle came along and invited her to a feast at his castle, she'd keep her date with me. She's a wonder never knew a girl so decent to others even when there,' are men at stake. But I don't know another air just like Henrietta." Ihere are not verv manvl T ran find excuses a-plenty for this failinte but I wish it were not there to be excused. . Men1 generally object to makinir engagements far ahead. They say very frankly, "When evening conies along, I may not feel one bit like going ice-skating. I may want to stay and feed togs to the grate lire. I hate to tie mysejj up so far ahead. Let me call you up some evening when I'm juM in the mood and wVU motor out to one of those cute little places in Westchester and have din ner and a few dances." And you sav to vourself: "Hnw selfish rflen ar: Thev're terrihtv spoiled. They always want to do what they -enjoy 1" Perhaps they are selfish (we won't discuss that here and now and to day). But much can be forgiven men for the Sake of their honesty About engagements men have a ttmnorr sense of obligation than women. They may dbject to making them, but once they have committed them selves to a social course nothing but the Great God Business can interfere. Perhaps it is because women have generally to make the best of what is offered them because they are not free to choose their pleasures and en joyments and are dependent to a cer tain extent on others to offer them their social opportunities, that they do not feel bound down bv the lesser pleasures when the greater ones are offered. But there 'is no worse forin of sel fishness generally prevalent among women than their tendency to slip out of one engagement and into an other, regardless of who is being hurt and disappointed andilioroughlv discomforted by their defection. A sensitive girl is likely to feel real suf fering as a result of the treatment which another girl metes out to her when she serenely neglects to keep an engagement and calmly leaves her friend high and dry. Suppose you have planned to spend the Fourth of July on a country hike with another girl, and then some man invites you to take the day trip up the Hudson or to go to Coney Island? Before yOU aCCCDt. Sinn tn-rnnei.l.r what you are doing to the girl fvho is counting on yon to be her com panion for the holiday. ((MpndJuIy2) Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters They Bring Results I PALACE CLOTHING CO. I FREE AT THE PALACE SATURDAY! Come early Saturday and attend this wonderful value-giving sale and get a beautiful gift FREE. It'i our way of getting acquainted. SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER Beautiful h a n d painted Bread and Butter Plate. $1 Purchase Water Set, .con listing of half-gallon Pitcher and six Tumblers. $5 Purchase Hand- Painted 3erry Set, contistinff of Berry Bowl and 6 Dishes. $10 Purchase 42-Pieco. Beauti ful Complete Dia ler Set, decorated in gold. . $15 Purchase Geld Plllee LeaVe Wrlit Watch or Gen. tltman's Open Face .V.lch. fold plated Chain and Pea Knlfa attached. $25 Purchase Before the War Prices f Finaud'a Vegetal Lilac... 59c Pinaud's Eau de Quinine, ? small 43c I Pinaud's Eau de Quinine, i large 79c ? Bemmers' Velvetone Soap, made 5 of pure vegetable oils 10c ? per cake; 3 for 25c I Omaha. A " y S Elks willl: Lyf. t, I J. HARVEY GREEN, Prop., ONE GOOD DRUG STORE 1 Mta end Howard. Dotiflaa S4S. ittiiliiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiaiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii::!!!!,,!!!!,,!;! atl These pumps come in Pat ent Kid and Bronze, Turned or Welt aolei with Louis or meduium heels. All sizes, regular $6 and $7 values, special lor Saturday, 300 Pairs of Women's . Stylish High Grade WALK-OVER . PUMPS $998 500 PAIRS OF WHITE LIBERTY CLOTH AND WHITE OOZE BOOTS Splendidly well made. All sizes and widths, Regular 8, S9 and S10 values, special for Sat urday, at $4.98 & $5.98 L Phoenix and Onyx Hoiiery in all colors for men and women. WALK OVER BOOT' SHOP 317 SOUTH 16TH STREET. SPECIAL VALUE-GIVING SALE OF EXTRA FINE SUITS All men and young; men who attend this great sale will be brought face to face with the greatest suit values clothes-making :an produce. w I v - ' n 1 m this I Jy sted m ai v in See the ii e rremium: On Displa In Our Store See These Suits In Our Windows The best Suit ideas in styles, fabrics and patterns are found sale. Purest worsteds, pure wool velours, all wool pure wor- blue serges and wool summer suitings. Belters, plain backs, pockets in fact, every style, in all sizes. Summer Suits l-wool crashes and all-wool summer )l cloths; rich light and dark grays, i color mixtures and d7 Cf many others JJ JJ Hand-Tailored Suits AH the best and newest ideas in mod els, fabrics and patterns. Every suit is all wool through and t 1 C A A through tj ID. UU ft SPECIAL Men's Pants $U8 A wldo HetF of choice. panti, in cat Imered, Worst-ids, ierire, lit all .ilt en Ex trm wearing quality in plain colon, i r I pen and n o r a ) t y weaves n el .em fl l v-r y a Boys' Norfolks Two Pairs Knickerbocker The very swcllest Norfolk Suit Btyles, with extra pants, for boys 6 to 17; light and dark mixtures; best of pure wool suitings; magnificent, at. $3.98 Sample Straws Larue selection or all varieties oi men a C Q sample utraw hats. All sizes. Valata rffiC up to SS.GO. Special, at COK.i & DOUGLAS J auurcss.