Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1917, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 11

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
PAGES 11 TO 18
tin TralM, it Htt1i,
Ntwi Mtntf. IN.. M.
VOL. XL VI. NO. 811.
Young and Older Wili Meet
Monday Night at Happy
Hollow Club to Talk
Old Times.
Th Omaha High School Alumni
association will hold its annual re
union at the Happy Hollow club next
Monday evening.
That item may not excite you very
much. But, as there are. a few thous
and members of the association, it
isn't inappropriate to have a little
write-up of it in this column, written
by an alumnus and in this paper, pub
lished and edited by an alumnus.
We are a pretty high-brow associa
tion, by Zeus I (You see we use classi
cal exclamations.) We are the "non
plus ultra." (Latin words.) We
alumni use the ancient Latin quite a
bit. We know how to pronounce "e
pluribus unum" and all those words.
We are "alumni," you see. Ordinary
people would call themselves gradu
ate, but we use the Latin "alumni"
from the verb "alcre" meaning "to
The girls we call "alumnae, which
is the feminine of "alumni" as you
would know if you understood "Latin
like we do.
Knows His Latin.
We call the Omaha High school
"-.Im mstir" which means "dear
mother," as you would know if you
' unaersioou idim uc vc uv.
We know lots of other words, too,
like "sine die" and "Gallia est omnis
divisa in partes tres." Of course, all
this high knowledge has been secured
at the cost of burning the. midnight
oil. We, while our companions slept,
were toiling upward in the night. We
also know Greek. Oh, my, yes I Don t
.you wish you were an alumnus?
The association was organized in
1908. All graduates of the Omaha
High school are deemed members of
the association. This year, for the
first time, all the high schools of
Greater Omaha are united in the as
sociation. Joins Young and Old.
The annual reunion is quite an af
fair. It brings together giddy young
graduates of the lf.test class and
graduates of forty years ago. all with
a common interest and a common
"alma mater," the good old "O. H.
William L. Randall is president this
year. Members of the association
are today professional and business
men of the city and of other cities.
They are found in legislative bodies
and the halls of congress. Some of
them are-teaching ia..the institution
from which they graduated. They are
a company of useful citizens of which
one may well be proud. And dear old
"alma mater" up on the hill is still
turning out others who are prepared
jlive useful and honored lives.
Business First.
The annual reunion is an informal
affair which begins with a business
meeting and continues with dancing
and visiting. The high school "yell"
apt to be heard. Groups gather
and compare notes and tell what
teachers were there when they were
there, and so on. And the orchestra
plays and alumni and alumnae whirl
in the merry dance.
Half a buck (Xo, no, this is an un
seemly expression for an alutanus to
employ. Let ns say "fifty cents").
Fifty cents admits to all. You see,
alumni, though ve,ry brainy, indeed,
are not snobbish.
Tickets are on sale at the Sherman
& McConnell drug stores, and the as
sociation vants to see a big attend
ance. This year's graduates are es
pecially invited. . -
THIRTY YEARS IN THE SERVICE 'The distinction of being
United State marine for thirty year belongs to Gunnery
Sergeant John Shea, who hat just been "read out" of the
tervice on account of old age. When a man i "read-out"
hit entire record from the date of his enlistment is publicly
proclaimed by his commanding officer, and is one of the
highest honors accorded an enlisted man.
i ? m
ii v- o. a s
il J lif
Omaha Uni Summer School
Is to Open Next Monday
The regular summer school at the
University of Omaha will begin next
Monday morning. The enrollment,
Miss Anderson announces, has been
unusually heavy this spring. All im
portant academic and university sub
jects will be offered and in addition
special courses have been arranged
to meet the demands made by the
present war conditions.
Among those already enrolled are
some from Creighton, Nebraska uni
versity, Nebraska School of Medicine,
the Omaha high schools and from
schools of the surrounding states.
Leave Stolen Car in Garage
Of Friend, Who Tells Police
Frank O'Brien, Keystoire hotel,
tnd Nick Mercuric 627 South Twen
tieth' street, were arrested Thursday
night charged with stealing an auto
mobile at Plattsmouth. The car was
found at Fortieth and Burdette streets
where they had put it in the garage
of s friend who discovered it when
he came from work and immediately
notified the police. Witnesses accom
panied by the sheriff came up" from
Plattsmouth and will take back the
car and thieves. .
Doctors Wives to Welcome
Pasadena Red Cross Unit
Omaha will give a royal welcome
to the Pasadena Red Cross unit of
ninety men, who spend one hoor here
late Saturday afternoon. Mrs. A. F.
Jonas and Mrs. Charles A. Hull head
a committee of doctors' wives and
women of the loca' Ked Cross chap
ter who will serve a lunch to the
Californians between 5 and 6 o'clock.
The Union Pacific railroad has
given the use of the parking just west
of the Tenth street viaduct, where a
long table will be set for the guests.
Sandwiches, cake, coffee, cigars and
other "eats" will be served.
Wives of all physicians are asked
to consider themselves members of
the Committee to assist.
Church Given $2,000 Bond
To Apply on Building Fund
F. W. Corliss, 2912 South Twenty
fourth street, has presented a $2,000
Liberty Loan bond to the Castelap
Street Presbyterian church as a be
ginning for a new building fund.
Pending the erection of the new
structure. Mr. Corliss stipulated that
interest from the bond might be used
to aid in defraying church expenses.
British Armed Merchant I
Cruiser Avenger is Sunk
London, 'June 15. The British
armed merchant cruiser Avenger was i
torpedoed and sunk in the North Sea j
on Wednesday night. All but one ,
were sJved.
Saturday is Boys' Day at
Drexels. Do not be satisfied with
the "good enough" kind get
real shoe made for hard wear
that a good, live boy will giv
If our kind of boys' shoes cost
a trifle more than the common
kind you will find them worth
more than the difference.
We guarantee every pair of
our boys' shoes to be satisfac
tory to tyf boy and to the par
Boys' Sixes,
1 to BJa..
Little Gents' Sixet, dJO C(
10H to 13 JS.OU
Drexel Shoe Co.
The Tone is the Dominant
Feature of the BURGESS-NASH
A Player of the Highest Artistic Class
These players are not of the
cheap variety, but the greatest
value that has ever before been
offered. With tha very strong
probability that prices will ad
vance materially within the next
30 days, we urge you to pur
chase now and save at least
We are putting these player
pianos out under our own name
because in this way we are able
to offer to the public exceeding
ly high values at a price that
we could not otherwise do and
because we know that these
Players will give the best and
most perfect service and will up
hold our reputation of giving
greater values than any other
Don't make a mistake and purchase a player before you have
examined the great values we are offering in this Burgess-Nash
Burgess-Nash Company.
For ten ddys only we are
offering these high grade,
dependable players at a
ridiculously low price and
on easy, liberal terms.
This is a Player of a "better
class" and has been called the
"Perfect Dependable Player,"
because no matter how much
work you subject it to, it is
always ready to play and play
perfectly with very little effort.
Some of its practical features
are: It is full 88-note, double
repeatingaction, self -controlling
melody lever, transposing de
vice, automatic (racking device,
metal tubing, and is especially
easy to pedal.
So that you may take advan
tage of this sale we are making
ridiculously low and easy terms.
The price of this player is with
in your reach and it means a
big saving to you if you pur
chase now. Your old upright
piano will be taken in trade at
its full value.
Commission Man and Three
Street Car Employes Prove
Their Youth to Satisfac
tion of Authorities.
Russell L. Rohrer, cashier for the
Fitzroberts Commission company,
South Side, arrested for failure to reg
ister for the selective draft, proved
to the federal authorities that he is
under the draft age and was discharged.
Kohrer is one of those who added
a year or two to their ages in peek
ing portions where is was necessary
to be .'1 scars old. Uc produced an
affidavit from his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. E. B. Kohrer of Heloit, Kan.,
showing that he will he 21 years old
July 28, 1917. His employers stated
that he would not lose his position
on account of his misstatement of his
"I hupe that in all such cases the
young men will not be discharged
simply because they added a year to
their aes in order to obtain their po
silion," said I'nilcd States Marshal
plynu, "There should be just as lit
tle disturbance of business as possible
in these times and if these young men
are making good at their work 1 hope
they will be kept."
Conductor is Released.
The marshal even will co-operate
with young men in such circum
stances. He slated that if any man
has given his age incorrectly in get
ting a position and if he is in reality
outside of the draft ages such a young
man should conic to the marshal with
proof to show that he is outside the
draft ages and thus publicity will be
avoided and the young man's posi
tion will not be put in jeopardy.
Harry Kratky, a conductor for the
jireet railway company, heard that
a warrant was out for his arrest. He
came to the marshal immediately with
proof that he is less than 21 years old.
Tjvo others, Fred Bahr and Royal
Kessler, conductor and motorman, re
spectively, for the street railway com
pany, were arrested by deputy mar
shals, but were released on their
promise to bring proofs that they are
outside the drait agys.
Information was given to Marshal
Flynn of two other conductors who,
the informers said, had not regis
tered. Investigation showed that they
had registered.
Others Under Age. '
Lynn Henderson, 110 Angel ave
nue, Council Bluffs, was reported for
failure to register. Investigation
showed that he is only 16 years old.
"One young man was arrested on
evidence of the age lie gave when he
joined a "booze" club in Hastings
last year. The young man showed that
he is under 21 years old. He said he
added a couple of years when he
joined the club in order to "be in"
on the drinki.
Sheriff Cain of Dakota county tele
phoned Marshal Flynn that he has
four men there subject to draft who
have not registered. Warrants were
issued for them and will be served
by Deputy Marshal Morgan.
Reichstag Legislative
Period to Be Extended
Berlin, June 1.1. (Via London,
June 14.) A further continuation of
the Reichstag legislative period is
now being taken for granted in govr
ernmental and parliamentary circle,
according to the Tagcblatt.
It is generally admitted that new
elections cannot lake place next
January, even if the war is concluded
then, as the return of voters from
all the fronts by that time is impos
sibly It is expected that the Reichstag
will be called on at the October ses
sion to pass on mandates providing
for a continuation of the Reichstag
until lanuarv 12. 1919.
Store Talk
It's a new deal every day in our
dealings with clothes makers.
Last year's reputation, alone,
never sells us this year's bill of
Making good today and living
off that reputation tomorrow is
not our idea of "Reliability."
America's best clothes
are hers because we're
quipped to separate the
wheat from the chaff.
Real store terries for
you why bo satis
fied with Ion?
-WM. L. HOLZMAN, Treas.-
j vr 1
VOU'LL be surprised
at the vast variety
and notable values we
offer in traveling goods
Not little side line
but a department here
larger than any exclu
sive trunk and leather
goods store that we
know of.
Buy Now Prices Will
Never Again be to Low
Suit Cam
$1.25 to $25
TraTeling Bag
$1.50 to $35
Standard Trunki
$7.50 to $25
Steamer Trunk
$5 to $18
Nererbreak Wardrobe
Trunk, wonder values,
t $16.50
Army Officers' Regula
tion Trunks
Red Cross Regulstion
Powerful Purchasing Force
Of this greater organization was never
more thoroughly demonstrated
Superb Summer Suits
at $15, $20, $25, 30 '
Unequaled at $20 to $40 Elsewhere.
VOU'LL thank us for urging you to buy a lib
eral supply of clothing for future as well
as for present use. Woolen prices are al
most out of sight right now. Nobody nows what
the future may bring forth, but this store still
maintains old prices through extremely fortunate
contracts. A wonderful demonstration of it in
superb suits from Rochester, N. Y., (America's
best) clothes makers, at $15 $20, $25, $30.
Style Leading Fashions for Men
Who Want WhatV What
New ideas in sport suits, belt stylet, soft roll two
and three-button, single or double breasted sacks.
New, not alone in model, but surprisingly smart new
patterns, new colors and combinations in super-quality
fabrics, actually worth 50 per cent more than our
prices today. Half, quarter or full lined. Greys,
browns, blues, tans, greens, homespuns, flannels,
checks, stripes, mixtures, pepper and salt conserva
tive or ultra fashions.
The Store for "Hard to Fit" Men
Vast stocks of special sizes enables us to emphasize our
ability to fit all comers. Stout, short, tall, slim, long stout, short
stout, extra heavy men here's clothes satisfaction you never
expected to meet in any clothes store, at
$15, $20. $25. $30. $35, $40
"Straw Hat Day" r-
That's what Saturday will be for eveiy man who
feels the burden of a heavy felt hat. We'll show you
the greatest values you've ever known thousands to
select from and careful service to help you find what
you want.
Panama Hats, f 4 to $10. Bangkok Hats, $ 4 to $6.
Porto Rican and Madagascar Hats, $2 to $2.50
Spat and Sennit Hats, $2 to $4.
Silk and Cloth Halt and Caps, 50c to $2
White Back and Felt fZm-wooTl Boy Scout Khaki
Hats, 50c
Hals, 50c
The Silk Shirt Store of Omaha
Presenting wonderfully complete selections of smart silk shirts; entirely
new patterns, including beautiful California dQ CA l 7
pjuv 1U pi
weaves. Unequalled values at.
OFT Cuff Shirts New mosaic, stripe and vari
) gated color effects; largest showing, $1 to $3.
NECKWEAR Vast selections of silk and washable
four-in-hands. If jt's new, it's here. 50 to $2.
Men, the Underwear You Want
Whatever your favorite style may be, it's here We feature leading lines from Vassar, Superior,
B. V. D. and other famous makes, including Hatch-one-button union suits. All wanted materials knit
ted, nainsook, linen, balbriggan, at $1.00 to $3.00.
Summer Underwear, in athletic quarter sleeve, long sleeve, knee
length, three quarter length, ankle length all sizes and proportions.
Tan, Koko Brown, Black Kid
and Calf Leathers, at
83.50 io 87. TO
Natural Linen, White, Grey
and Palm Beach, at
S2.00 to 84.50