Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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    THfc BKK: OMAHA. FRIDAY, J LINK 15, 1917.
America's Fight is For Freedom
U.S. Fights to Keep
World Safe and for
Its Own Defense
(Continual From Pag. One.)
above the hosts that execute those
choices, whether tn peace or in war.
And yet, though silent, it speaks to
us speaks, of tl: past, of the men
and wjmen who went before us and
of the records they wrought upon it.
"We celebrate the day of its birth;
and from it birth unti' now it has
witnessed a great history, has floated
on high the symbol of great events,
of the great plan of life worked out
by a great people. We are about to
carry it into battle, to lift it where it
will draw the fire of our enemies.
Fight is for Freedom.
"We are about to bid thousands,
hundreds of thousands! it may be
millions, of our men, the young, the
strong, the capable men of the na
tion to go forth and die beneath it on
fields of blood far away for what?
for some unaccustomed thing? for
something for which it has never
sought the fire before? American
armies were never before sent across
the seas. Why are they sent now?
for some new purpose for which this
great flag has never been carried be
fore ,or for some old, familiar, lifoic
purposes for which it has seen itirn,
its own men, die on every battlefield
upon which Americans have borne
arms since the revolution?
"These are the questions which
must be answered. We are Ameri
cans. We in our turn serve America
and can serve it with no private pur
pose. We must use its flag as it has
always used it. We arc accountable
at the bar of history and must plead
in utter frankness what purpose it is
we seek to serve.
German Aggessions Renewed.
"It is plain enough how we were
forced into the war. The extraordi
nary insults and aggressions of the
imperial German government left us
no self-respecting choice, but to take
up arms in defense of our rights as a
free people and of our' honor as a sov
ereign government. The military fas
' ters of Germany denied us the right
to be neutral. They filled -our unsus
pecting cuminumucs wim vicious
spies and conspirators and sought to
corrupt the opinion ot our people m
their own behalf. When they found
that they could not do that, their
agents dilieentlv spread sedition
amongst us and sought to draw our
own citizens from their allegiance
and some of those agents were men
connected with the offjeial embassy
01 tne oerman government uscii nere
in our cwn capital.
"They sought by violence to de
stroy our industries and arrest our
commerce, hey tried to incite Mex
ico to take up arms against us and to
draw Japai. into a hostile alliance
with it and tnat, not by indirection.
but by direct suggestion from the for
eign office in Berlin. They impu
dently denied us the use of the high
seas and repeatedly executed their
threat they they would send to their
death any of our people who ven
tured to approach the coasts of Eu
rope. Ana many of our own people
were corrupted, lien began to look
upon their own neighbors with sus
picion and to wonder in their hot re
sentment and surprise whether there
was any community in which hostile
intrigue did not lurk. What great
nation in sue-h circumstances would
not have taken up arms? Much as
we had desired peace, it was denied
us. .This flag under which we serve
would have been dishonored had we
withheld our hand.
Democracy at Stake.
"But that is only part of the story.
We know now as clearly as we knew
before were 6urselves engaged
that we are not the enemies of the
German people and that they are not
our enemies. They did not originate
or desire this hideous war or wish
that we should be drawn into it, and
we are vaguely conscious that we are
fighting their cause, as hey will some
kday see it, as II as our own. They
are themselves in the grip of the
same sinister power that has now at
last stretched its ugly talons out and
drawn blood fr.m us. The whole
world is at war, because the whole
world is in the grip of that power
and is trying out the great battle
which shall determine whether it is
to be brought under its. mastery or
fling itscl' free.
"The war was begun by the mili
tary masters of Germany, who
proved to be also the masters of
Austria-Hungary. These men have
never regarded nations as. peoples,
men, women and children of like
blood and frame as themselves, for
whom governments existed and in
whom governments had their life.
They have regarded them merly
as serviceable organizations, which
they could by force or intrigue bend
or corrupt to their own purpose.
They have regarded the smaller
states, in particular, and the peoples
who could be overwhelmed by force,
as their natural tools and instru
ments of domination. Their purpose
has loning been avowed.
Extent of German Intrigue.
"The statement nf either native trt
whom that purpose was incredible,
paid little attention; regarded what
ucuiian proiessors expounded in
LucilU Thayer, daughter of Mr.
Mrs. C. F. Th.v.r, 3528 North
Twenty-eighth avenue, wet born
on Flag day, June 14, eight years
ago. The picture was poed spe
cially for The Bee.
e at peace. II
will fall within
Austria-Hungary was to be as much
their tool and Dawn as Servia or Bul
garia or Turkey or the ponderous
states of the east. Austria-Hungary,
indeed, was to become part of the
central German empire, absorbed and
dominated by the same forces and in
fluences that had originally cemented
the German states themselves. The
dream had its heart at Berlin. It
could have had a heart nowhere else.
It rejected the idea ofsolidarity of
race entirely.
"The choice of peoples played no
part in it at all. It contemplated
binding together racial and political
unit: which could be kept together
only by force Czechs, Magyars,
Croats, Serbs, Roumanians, Turks,
Armenians the proud state3 of Bo
hemia and Hungary, the stout little
commonwealths of the Balkans, the
indomitable Turks, the subtle peoples
of the east. These peoples did not
wish to be united. They ardently de
sired to direct their own affairs
would be satisfied only by undisputed
independence. They could be kept
quiet only by the presence or the con
stant threat of armed men. They
would live under a coivfmon power
only by sheer compulsion and await
the day of the revolution. But the
German military statesmen had reck
oned with all that and were ready
to deal with it in their own way.
Plan Partly Executed.
"And they have actually carried the
greater part of that amazing plan
into execution. Look how things
stand. Austria is at their mercy. It
has acted, not upon its own initiative
or upon the choice ot its own peo
pie, put at Berlin s dictation ever
since the war began. Its people now
desire peace, but cannot have it until
everything is granted from Berlin.
The so-called central powers are, in
fr.ct, but a single power. Serbia is
at its mercy should its hands be freed;
Bulgaria has consented to its will
and Roumania is overrun; the Turk
ish armies, which Germans trained,
are serving Germany, certainly not
themselves, and the guns of German
warships lying in he harbor at Con
stantinople remind Turkish statesmen
every day that they have no choice
but to take their orders from Berlin.
From Hamburg to the Persian gulf
the net is spread.
Turning Point Here.
"Is it not easy to understand the
eagerness for peace that has been
manifested from Berlin ever since the
snare was set and sprung? Peace,
peace, peace, has been the talk of its
foreign office for now a year and
more; not peace upon its own initia
tive, but upon the initiative of the
nations over whjch it now deems it
self to hold the advantage. A little of
the talk has been published, hut most
of it has been private. Through all
sorts of channels it has come to me,
and in all s6rts of guises, but never
with the terms disclosed which the
German government would be willing
to accept. That government has other
valuable pawns in its hands besides
those I have mentioned. It still holds
a valuable part of France, though
with slowly relaxing grasp, and prac
tically the whole of Belgium. Its
armies press close upon Russia and
overrun Poland at their will. It
cannot go further; it dare not go
back. It wishes to close its bargain
before it is too late and it has little
left to- offer for the Dound of flesh it
will demand.
Teuton Power Breaking.
"The military masters under whom
their class rooms and German writers rt ,k,,. fn- k u i :
set forth to the would as the goal of I If they fall back or are forced back
German policy as rather the dream
or minds detached from practical af
as preposterous private con-Uouse of cardsv It is their power at
ceptions of German destiny, than as
the actual' plans of responsible rulers,
but the rulers of Germany themseles
knew all the while what concrete
plans, what well advanced intrigues
lay back of what the professors and
these writers were saying and were
glad to go forward unmolested, filling
the thrones of Balkan states with
German princes, putting German of
ficers at the service of Turkey to drill
its armies and make interest with its
government, developing plans of sedi
tion and rebellion in India and Egypt,
setting their fires in Persia. The de
mands made by Austria upon Servia
were a nfcrc single ep in a plan
which compassed Europe and Asia,
from Berlin to Bagdad. They hoped
those demands might not arouse
Europe, but they meant to press them
whether they Kd or mat, for they
thought themselves ready for the final
issue of arms.
Peoples pnly Pawns.
"Their plan vas to throw a broad
belt of German military power and
political control across the very cen
ter of Europe and beyond the Medi
terranean into the heart of Asia; and
an inch, their power, both abroad and
at home, will fall to pieces like a
home they are talking about now
more tha ntheir power abroad. It is
that power which is trembling under
their feet; and deep fear has entered
their hearts. They have but one
chance to rpetua: their military
power or even their controlling poli
tical influence. If they can secure
peace now with the immense advan
tages still in their hands which they
have up to this point apparently
gained, they will have justified them
selves before the German people; they
will have gained by force what they
promised to gain by it; an immense
expansion of German power, an im
mense enlargement of German indus
trial and commercial opportunities,
"Their prestige will be secute and
with their prejtige their political
power. If they failed their people
will thrust them aside; a government
accountable to the people themselves
will be set up in Germany as it has
been in England, in the United
States, in France and in all the great
countries of the modern time except
Qermany. If they succeed they are
safe and Germany and the world are
undone; if they fail Germany is saved
and the world will be
they succeed America
the menace. We audi all the rest
of the world must remain armed, as
they will remain, and must make
ready for the next step in their ag
gression; if they fail the world may
unite for peace and Germany may be
of the union.
Kaiser Uses Socialists.
"Do you not now understand the
new intrigue, the intrigue for peace
and why the masters of Germany do
not hesitate to use any agency that
promises to effect their purposes, the
deceit of the nations? Their present
particular aim is to deceive all those
who throughout the world stand for
the rights of peoples and the self
government of nations, lor they sec
what immense strength the forces ot
justice and of liberalism are gathering
out of this war. They are employing
liberals in their enterprise. They are
using men in Germany and without as
their spokesmen whom thev have
hilherto .despised and oppressed, us
ing them for their own destruction
socialists, the leaders of labor, the
thinkers, they have hitherto sought to
silence. Let them once succeed and
the men. now their tools, will be
ground to powder beneath the weight
ot the great military empire they
have set up; the revolutionists in
Russia will be cut off from all suc
cor or co-operation in western Europe
and a counter revolution fostered and
supported; Germany itself will lose
its chance of freedom and all Europe
will arm for the next, the final strug
Dupes At Work Everywhere.
"The sinister intrigue is being no
less actively conducted in this country
than in Russia and in every country
in Europe to which the agents anil
dupes of the imperial German govern
ment can get access. That govern
ment has many spokesmen here, in
places high and low. They have
learned discretion. They keep within
the law. It is opinion they utter now,
not sedition. They proclaim the liberal
purposes of their masters; declare this
a foreign war which can touch Amer
ica with no danger to either its lands
or its institutions; set England at the
center of the stage and talk of its am
bition to assert economic dominion
throughout the world; appeal to our
ancient tradition of isolation in the
politics of the nations; and seek to un
dermine the government with false
professions of loyalty to its principles.
"But" they will make no headway.
The false betray themselves also in
every accent. It is only friends and
partisans of the German government
whom we have already identified, who
utter these thinly disguised disloyal
"The facts are patent to all the
world, and nowhere are they more
plainly seen than in the United States,
where e are accustomed to deal with
facts and not with sophistries; and
the great fact that stands out above
all the i est is that this is a people's
war, a'war for freedon. and justice
and self-government amongst all the
nations of the world; a war to make
the world safe for the peoples who
live upon it and have made it their
own, the German people themselves
included, and that with us rests the
choice to break through all these
hypocricies and patent cheats and
masks of brute force and help-set the
world free, or else stand aside and let
it be dominated a long age through
by sheer weight of arms and the ar
bitrary choices of self-constituted
masters, by the nation ..which can
maintain the biggest armies1 and the
most irresistible armaments a oower.
to wmcn tne world has attored no
fiarallel and in the face of which po
itical freedom must wither and
"For us there is but one choice. We
have made it. Woe be to the man
or group of n . that seeks to stand
in our way in this day of high reso
lution, when every principle we hold
dearest is to be vindicated and made
secure for the salvation of the na
tions. We are ready to plead at the
bar of history .d our flag s'.iu ' wear
a new luster. Once more we shall
make good with our lives and for
tunes the great faith to which we
were born and a new glory shall
shine in the face of our pepple.
Says School Ma'am Gave Him
Forged Checks for Books
James Elliott, giving his address as
New York City, was arrested Wed
nesday morning and is being held
for Minneapolis officers. It is alleged
he forged three checks, which were
passed upon members of the Minne
apolis Retail Dealers' association. '
When taken into custody at the
postoffice here he said that the checks
were given him by a school teacher
in payment for books he sold her.
He said she now was living some
where in Tennessee.
Sentenced to Prison for
Stealing Irish Potatoes
Harry L. Anthony, pleading guilty
to breaking into a freight car in the
Northwestern railroad yards and
stealing three sacks six bushels of
Irish potatoes, was sentenced to from
one to seven years in the penitentiary
by Judge Sears, sitting in criminal
"A heinous offense these davs; just
as bad as stealing three bushels of
double eagles, your honor," said the
prosecuting attorney.
Robbers Eat Platter of
Spaghetti and Take $100
Burglars ct the sere n from a rear
window at the home of A. N. Carter,
4825 South Twenty-second street, a
clerk ior the Woodmen of the
World, and alter eating a large plat
ter of spaghelti, rauatked the home
of silverware, jewelry and more than
$100 belonging to the Woodmen of
the World, wlych Mr. Carter had at
Ins home at the tinu'. 1 he burglars
left some small change in the sack
Imnu which ihey took the larger
amount of money on the piano.
Mrs. Carter was calling mi a friend
at the time of the robbery.
Next door, 4HJ7 South Twenty-second
street, at ihe home of J. J. Chap
man, die robbers repeated their day
light operations by entering alter cut
ting out lite screen iroin a bath room i istermg
window. Mi. Chapman reported the
loss of $4. His home, he said, had
been ransacked.
Man Who Failed to Register
Says He Was Under Age Limit
Harvey Kyner, 62.1 South Sixteenth
street, arrested b) I'nited States Mar.
dial Flv.. ... il.e rharge of not reg-
was released Thursday
morning after he had convinccJ the
authorities that he was under regis
tralion age.
"I don't know how the thine; got
started." Kyner said. "I told the
I street car company, wher. 1 .- em
ployed as a conductor, that I am 2Z
years old. I had t.i do this so that I
rould hold my job. As .natter jf
fart I -m only 19 years old. How
the rumor got started that I was a
slacker is certainly a my;;crv to ."
'without urcs
"It Hhould be your grave concern to
selt dentists of known -.kill, ability
and reliability. You will find we poa
sea all of these qualifications."
Heaviest Brfdft
Work, per tooth,
Wonder Plates
worth flS to 92S.
55. S8, $10
Best Silver Fill
bife 50c
9est 22-k GeM
We please you or refund your money.
Mtb and Farnam 1324 Farnam St.
Phone Dougla 2872.
The Distinctive
Boston House
Tat Puritan Is one of the eiost
homelike Mils ki the voiM.
Usui Wtei'JM
A very fine line
of Fancy Scrims,
In large assort
ments, patterns
and colorings,
Drandeis Stores
Net and Lace
Curtain samples,
In white, Ivory
and Beige; worth
to J2.50 the pair,
each, at
Extraordinary o) O I
Offerings in tha d)
Extraordinary Specials in Ready-to-Wear
Five bis bargains in this two-day sale, at m-irc that are tho smnllpst.
this season. JUST THE AVEAKABLES you want, at savings that will
make the right appeal to every prudent woman.
1,000 Women's and Misses' Smuttier Wash Dress Skirts, made to sell at $1.25 to $2.00.
jvciy Bum is uun, ll-tu-UHtc styie, uig pockets aim lllgn Kelts,
etc., made of Pique, Gabardines, Honeyeouib, Fancy Light and Dark
stripe materials, etc. A lew ot them are slightly imperfect, not in
any way to hurt the wear, but called imperfect by the makers for
some small fault
800 Women'8 and Misses' Summer Dresses, for porch, house and street wear,
made to sell at ,$1.25 to $'3.0U. .Many different styicsTanili materials. They
are made of good quality fancy stripe and figured lawns, tissues, fancy
twills and suitings in sport styles, chambrcy, gingham, etc.
Many are samples
600 Girls' Right-Up-to-Date Summer Col
ored Wash Dresses, high belt and waist
styles, ages 6 to 14 years. They come in large
new plaid ginghams, fancy figured, flow
ered, and stripe lawns, etc. Pretty new
frocks, many different styles, Q Q
$1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 values OOC
Hundreds of Pretty Blouses, many dif
ferent styles, 75c and $1.00 values in
fancy colored woven materials, novelty
stripe materials, fancy cotton crepes,
sport materials, etc. All new right-up-
to-dnte styles-, with
big collars, at
Hundreds rff Women's House Dresses,
percales and ginghams, many different
styles, all good quality percale and ging
ham, all sizes, light and dark patterns,
serviceable and with much good stylo
and taste displayed in 'their 5Q
making. $1.00 values at OOC
Domestics, Dress Prints, Etc.
Beit gride pure Indigo Dye Apron Gingham,
all checks, the yard at.
36-inch Dress Percales, pS-lnch Bleached Mus-
Ilght aid dark grounds. ,"n" 8ft "n'""
, , staple brand; off the
rr-.iovci- 9y2c
27-lnch X r c e r 1 s e d
Poplin, all colors, full
bolts to Select from,
yard lJt
27-Inch fancy wah goods, printed Bitlate, Dimities, Lawns,
printed Voiles, etc., In floral and conventional de
signs; all pretty colorings; ton g thiol 6 yaFdsTTriday
yard ..
Tissue, neat
..stripes ) and
fast colors,
Mill Remnants and
Remnants from stock,
Dress Ginghams and
Apron Ginghams, Frl-
yard 7V2C
36-inch Curtain Marquisette and Voiles,
SB-inch Sport Poplin
Suitings, all the new
stripes and figures, off
the bolt,
Friday, yd
embroidered figures and stripet, special, yd.
36-lnch highly Mercerized Black
Sateen, hand loom weave, off
the bolt,
27-lnch Fancy Printed Voile, neat
printings, off the bolt, Q,q
White, Colored Wash Goods
36-lnch 811k and Cotton Foulards, whits and tan
ground, special, per yard ,'
Genuine Ripplette, fast colors, for
House DreRses and Children's
Rompers, Middles, etc., 1 1
27 In. wide, yd lUyZC
Printed Windsor Crepe,
wide, for Friday's
tne yara. ol
at 8V2C
Whits Dress Material In Cords, Plaids, Checks, 8atln Strloea.
for dainty summer dresses and btausea; exceptionally g
good material, 36 to 40 Inches wide, the yard liC
White Transparent Organdy, fme
quality, 40 Inches 1 r
wide, the yard liC
27-lnch White India Linon, itood
quality, Friday,' . L
t yard lUC
Linens at Special frices
Turkish Towel Ends, specially
priced for Friday's j
selling, at OC
EXTRA About 100 doien bleached
Turkish Towels, large site, heavy
fluffy kind, also fancy colorings
or blue, pink, yellow and lavender.
A Friday special,
each at
Padding, 60 inches
table protection, this Is the fleeced
kind, the yard, m v
Full Size Spreads, scalloped, cut
corners or hemmed ends, tn the
crochet kind, all pretty patterns,
special for Friday, A rt 0
a $2.50 value, at 3 1 .9H
Knit 1 Underwear
Women's line cotton, lace trimmed
Union Suits, all sizes, each.. 39c
Women's cotton gauze, sleeveless,
ribbed vests, all sizes, each..gc
Women's Fibre Silk Hosiery, black,
white and colors, all double heels,
tnee Ann roIah. and lisle garter
tops, seconds af 60c quality, at 3i
for $1.00. or each at 35c
Men's Cotton Socks, black and as
sorted colors, in double heels and
toes, the pair, at 12'SC
Children's fine cotton gauze, seem
less half hose, In black, tan, white,
pink and sky, sizes 4 to 9, the
pair, at 15c
,85 dozen Men's Uale Ribbed Union
Suits, white and ecru color, short
sleeves and ankle length, all sizes.
Exceptional values, the pair,
at 50c and 69c
115 dozen Men's Madras and Cham
bray work shirts, every shirt cut
extra full, seams all feld and lined
collars and cuffs, all sizes from
14 to 17, wonder values, at.. 50c
75 dozen Men's Sport Shirts, with
neat stripes, patterns and plain col
ors, made of good quality soisettes,
percales and etiambrays, all sizes
14 to 17, sale price 65c
65 dozen Silk 4-ln-hand ujes, all
new patterns, cut large and well
made, sale price 19c
600 pairs Misses' and Children's
Teiner Oxfords, good quality rubber
lace style, sizes 8 to 2, at... 59c
300 pairs Misses' and Children's
White Canvas Slippers, Mary Jane
ankle strap, stlth sole, sizes from
5 to 2, at 98c
2,600 pairs Misses' Barefoot San
dals, the best $1.00 Sandal now on
the market, sizes 4 to 2, at, . . -69c
250 pairs Children's Shoes, made
of light hand-turned soles, viol
kid, button sboes, patent or plain
toe, sizes 1 to 6, the pair at.-65c
150 pairs Infants' White Canvas
Mary Jane Pumps, ankle strap,
band-turned sole, plain toe, sizes
from 1 to 314, at 39c
1,600 pairs Women's Pumps, made
up In Patent Colt, Vlci Kid, White
Kid and Canvas, hand turned and
welted sole, 1 and 2-strap and plain
pump atyle, sizes from 2k to 8.
All in one big lot, Friday and Sat
urday $1.98
Summer Hardware-House furnish 'gs
Enamelware One lot of odds
and ends in enamelware, con.
-j-nfl of MiiBerrinKel
ties with enamel covers, 12
qwrtteTjalls, 2uart
Coffee Pots, Walef"PaTis",
Dish Pans, etc.,
at half price.
A fine line of Picnic
Baskets, at
One lot of odds and ends in Enam
elware, consisting of 6-quart Ber
ia Kettles with tin covers, Hi
quart Coffee Pots, Preserving Ket
tles, Large Mixing Bowls, Large
wasn uaslns, eto., aa
at half price i)C
"Polly Prim" Floor Polish, 1-
quart can (one to each
customer), at
1-quart Cans of Screen
Paint, green or black, at.
Best grade Grass
Shears, at
Hand Garden Weeders,
very Bpecial, at.
One lot of Paint and Varnish
Brushes, worth Uf 30c, t r
at 19C
A good band-forged steel Dande
lion digger,
Garden Trowels, very
special, at
i-burner Gas Plates, an unusual
JJ.98 value, re
duced to
A very high grade
Mower, with
strip laid steel
cutter bar, at..
Boys9 Clothing
Splendidly tailored suits in neat pattern ef
fects. 2 pair pants with each suit. Oreat
wearing fabrics; pants fully lined with
reinforcement at knees and seat. A,
$5.00 value, QCJ
2 tables of extra values In the newest of
sTyles of wash suits. Plain colors or fancy
stripes. In all colors and com- m j"
blnallons, at OC
Lots of Sport Blouse Waists, with fancy
collars or fancy stripes in different colors.
Sizes 6 years to 14 years,
Wash Knickerbocker sassai
tan with dark stripes and
aizes to 16 years, f"f
at OiC
Wash Pants for little fellows, plain colors,
also stripes in bluo and brown, sizes
3 to 8, fi 4
at 21C
In grey and
plain colors.
Friday we offer Ihe following
special items lhat will mean
a saving of money for you;
Corset for large figures, medium
bust, long hip, with wide elastic
gore set in at back, extra wide
front steel, a wonderful corset
for ' 98c
Summer Net Corsets, medium low
top, long hip, with 4 garters at
tached, rust-proof and well boned,
an ideal corset for warm weather,
at 49c
Rug Specials
Guaranteed Carpet Sweeper, regu
lar $2.60 value, j gg
Hit and Miss Rag Rugs, nr
$1.00 value, at OOC
Blue and White Rag Rugs, size 25x
tu, regular Boo value, J)
Rag Rugs, 4x7, regular h 17Q
$2.50 value, at pl.i
urex Hugs, 18x36, regular
75c value, at
Large pieces of Elastic, each at K0
Shell Hair Pins, box, at 314,5
Notion Boxes, each, at 5C
Slightly Soiled "American Maid."
Betsy Ross and O. N. T.. (no mall
or phone orders), specially priced,
tne ball.,.,
Scissors and Shears, the pair.'lfjn
Cedar Bags for storing clothes, oae
lot, each... j
Children's Skeleton Waists, all
sizes, the pair gOc
Sanitary Aprons, 39c -value.
eicl1 ....90
Cable Cord, 12 yards for 5C
63-inch Shoe Laces, 15c value, the
Pair g0
Best Brass Pun and Safety Pins.
the card
Fast Colored Darning Cotton, all
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One big tot of Bias Tape 'and othe
braids, .11 .iighny iolled pw
Men's Clothing
Men's and .Young Men's Suits, tn
extra good selection in dependable
suits, all newest styles for men
and young men In worsteds, caesi-
SfSJ" tWfed8' 0ther tore k
$15.00 and more for these same
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Hundreds of
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steds, dark and I
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30 to 44 waist.
Men s Knaki s-OV
Pants, special,
285 Men's Slipon Raincoats
in 3 Big Lots
Lot No. 1 1 Lot No. 2 Lot No. 3
$2.98 $3.98 $4.98
Omaha Exclusive Distributors for
Cashart Overalls.