Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1917, Page 12, Image 12

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Cheering Thousands Greet the
American Commander as He
Appears in Streets With
General Joffre.
Paris, Wednesday, June 14. Paris
opened its arms to General Pershing
and his staff yesterday and wel
comed them with an outburst of
spontaneous enthusiasm stall as only
Paris is capable of . No conquering
hero returning home could have
hoped for or received surh a tremen
dous reception as greeted the Amer
ica! commander as his automobile
sped, through hundreds of thousands
of cheering people.
When the special train reached the
station General Pershing and Field
Marshal Joffre were the first to ap
pear. Behind them came a stream of
American officers, each with a French
officer as his host. The first shout
of welcome became a continuous roar
that seemed to shake the station to I
its foundations. The police hurriedly
ncgan to clear a lane down which
half dozen automobiles moved at
snail's pace, between frantic throngs.
From hundreds of windows Ameri
can flags were waved by men, women
and children.. French girls, with fags
pinned to their breasts and their arms
filled with flowers bought from their
scanty savings, lairly fought for a
chance to get near enough to the ma
chines to hurl their offerings into the
laps and on the shoulders ot the as
tonished American officers.
Dinner at American Embassy.
A dinner was given last night to
Oeneral Pershing at the American em
bassy. Premier Ribot, Marshal Joffre,
Ministers Viviani and Painleve and
other leading military and naval of
ficers and public men were present.
The dinner was informal. Toward
the close, Ambassador Sharp pro
posed the health of the president of
the French republic and the president
of the United States and the success
of the expedition on which General
Pershing is entering. The premier
responded by greeting the American
commander as representing the
American army and people in the un
dertaking on which they are now em-
Darting. He wished them all suc
cess and proposed the health of Pres
ident Wilson.
Cornea to Fight, Not Talk.
Francos De Jessen, in an interview
printed in the Temps, quotes Major
General Pershing as saying:
"I came to Europe to organize the
participation of our army in this im
mense conflict of free nations against
the enemies of liberty, and not to
deliver fine speeches at banquets or
have them published in the news
papers. Besides that is not my busi
ness and, as you know, we Ameri
cans, soldiers ind civilians, like not
only to appear but to be, business
like. However since you offer me
occasion to speak to France, I am
glad to make you a short and simple
"As a man and as a soldier, I am
profoundly happy; indeed, proud of
the high mission with which I am
charged. But all this is purely per
sonal ana consequently migni appear
out of proportion with the solemnity
ot the hour and gravity ot events
now occurring If I have thought it
proper to indulge in this confidence.
it is because 1 wish to express my
admiration for the heroism of the
French soldier and at the same time
express my pride in being at the side
of the French and allied armies.
"It is much more important. I
think, to announce that we are the
precursors of an army that is firmly
resolved to do its part on the conti
nent for the cause the American na
tion has named as its own We come
conscious of the historic duty to be
accomplished when our flag shows
itself upon tht battlefields of the old
world. It is not my role to oromise
or prophesy. Let it suffice to tell you
we know what we are doing and what
we want.
Motorcycle Makes New
Coast-to-Coast Time Record
New York, June 14.-A transconti-
nental motorcycle tnpi which is de
dared to have established a record
was completed here last night by Al
lan T. Bedell, a member of the Los
Angeles Signal corps, it as
nounced today by the Motorcycle and
Allied trades association.
Carrying an official government dis
patch from Major General Hunter
Liggett, commanding the Department
of the West of the United States
army, Bedell left Los Angetes, crossed
the continent tn seven days sixteen
hours and sixteen minutes and deliv
ered the message last night to Maior
General J. Franklin Hell, commanding
the Department of the East. The
time was said to be lower by approx
imatcly three and one-half days than
a record set in ml.
Bedell's journey was made for mil-
itary purposes as a government test
of a type of motorcycle the Wtr de
partment is considering using for war
Captain Amos Thomas, Sergeant John W. Reel and Guide
George Keyaer leading troops at training camp.
England Stops Importation
Of Books and Papers
Washington, June 14. Importation
into dreat ltritain ot newspapers,
magazines, books and catalogues,
other than Single conies sent through
the mail, is prohibited, the Postofhce
department anounced today.
In special cases matter of this char
acter may be sent by parcels post,
but weight must not exceed seven
Importation of printed forms, writ
ing paper with printed headings, cal
endars, show cards, labels, posters
and color or lithographic printing and
other printed and colored paper and
paper hangings' is also prohibited by
the English department.
m v let cf vi
1 1- - ". -'-
i 1
Committee on Public Informa
tion Says Harm Is Done by
One Per Cent of Publica
tions of Country.
Washington, June 14. Military in
formation which may "put American
soldiers and sailors in deadly peril'
is being divulged by 1 per cent of the
American newspapers, which re not
regarding the olunteer censorship
being respected by the other 99 per
cent, the committee on public infor
mation announced today in a new an-
peal to all U. suppress publication of
matter oi mat nature.
The committee's anneal sail.
"Not onlv is announcement made
of the . assage of troops, but the
names .-.rtd equipment are given in
detail; also exact information as to
the destination and date of arrival.
together with speculation as to prob
able sailing.
"Attention is again called to these
specific and repeated request., of the
government for suppression of news
with respect to:
"First Information in regard to
the train or boat movements of
"Second Information TetrrA'mo
the assembling of military forces at
seaports from which inference might
Finland is Given
Complete Local Autonomy
retrograa, June 14. (Via London.)
The conflict caused by Finland's
claim that the rights of the former
emperor as grand duke of Finland did
not pass automatically to the provis
ional government has been settled
by a new law which will be valid
until Russo-Finland relations are per
manently regulated by the constitu
tent assembly.
The right to decide all state trans
actions excepting affairs affecting
Russian subjects and also the right
to nx tne date lor the opening and
closing of the Finnish Diet, is con
ceded to the Finnish senate.
Finland also gets the right of leg
islative initiative, the right to confirm
the buget, revoke administration de
crees, summon the eccelesticial coun
cil and. finally, the riirht to nardnn
offenders, counted in almost all coun
tries s a sovereign prerogative. The
law practically confers on Finland
complete internal autonomy.
Consumption of Cotton
Is ncreasina Slowlv
Washington. June 14. Cotton con.
sumed during May amounted to 615,
171 running bales and for the ten
months endine Mav 11 it was ; f,9.i .
ju oaies, tne census bureau todav
announced. That compares with 575,
566 bales in May a year. ago and 5,
537,488 for the corresponding ten
Cotton on hand Mav .If in
ing establishments was 1,899,084 bales
ind in public storage and at compress
1,953,178 bales. Cotton spindles
active, during May numbered 33,459,-
loo compared with 32,290,374 a year
Foreign Miners at Butte De
clare Intention of Working
Despite Tienp for Sake
of Gove -ment.
Butte, Mont., June 14. Com
panies owning the mines in Butte
today refused he demands of the re
cently organized union, known as the
Metal Mine Workers' Union. The
demands declare in part for a mini
mum wage of $6, abolishment of the
card system of emoiovment and a
voice in the discharge of the miners.
lhe spokesman of the Serbians in
Butte issued a statement which said
that Serbians employed in Butte
mines will continue working even if
a strike is called. The spokesman said
that the Serbians consider that the
strike is being urged by enemies of
the United States. Butte mines have
been furnishing copper to the United
states government.
Unwritten Law
Is Written Law s
In State of Utah
Salt Lake, Utah, June 14. Arthur
Willard, 24, former University of
Utah student and now principal of the
Bingham High school, last night shot
and killed Cecil Holmes, 21, one of
his pupils, whom he had accused of
paying undue attentions to Mrs. Wil
lard, daughter of J. Holden Kimball,
one of Salt Lake's most prominent
church men.
Tht shooting took place in Bing
ham, near here. Holmes was a
boarder in the Willard home. '
Under the laws of Utah. Willard. I
who was arre ted, will be freed at the
preliminary examination if the con
tention that the slain student was in
timate with Willard's wife is sus
Expression of Regret at Exist
ing Conditions Interpreted
as Precurser of Inter-ference.
Japan Will Send Special
Mission to United States
Washington. June 14. Tanan will
send a mission to the United States.
The mission will have broad powers,
lhe committee which oresented the a V i i j...: '
, . . ., , .., aiiu ia cAuciicu ij leave jduaii uuuuk
demands to the employers, will re-1 tne firsb cart of lulv.
port late today to the union, at
mass meeting What action the union
as a whole will take tfie committee
refuses to say.
No additional workers have quit
the mines, according to the employers,
although men who are members of
the new union -said that additional
workers refused to go under guard
The number of men who have quit
is considerable but definite figures
are not obtainable.
A telegram to an Industrial Worker
of the World publication at Duluth
was publishei' in Butte today and. ac
cording to the employers, the tele
gram . hows that the new organiza
tion here is being fostered by tile In
dustrial Workers of the World.
The telegram asked the publisher
to request that William D. Haywood
send to Butte Italian, Austrian and
English-speaking organizers. The
telegram said the situation was rine
and that everything was ready. The
telegram sent six days ago is said to
be -.igned by a Finnish boardine
house keeDer.
The Davis Dalv mine, which was
shut down because of labor troubles,
resumed work today, lhe him Orlu,
a mine owned by former United
States Senator. W. A. Clark, where
tne men first walked out, beg;, work
last night with a part of its regular
May Allow President
To Fix Price of Coal
Rvnnrra amnnntarl (a 17 C Q?? t1..
them for ,Z,"Vh" emMrl fmP" bales a year the mine or elsewhere was introduced
. . ... , nKV
Washington, June 14. A joint reso
lution to rezulate the nrodurtinn. anH
sale of coal and to empower the presi
dent to fix a price for coal either at
The mission is regarded as offering
an unparalleled opportunity for a
closer understanding between the
United States and Japan through a
full discussion of many complex ques
tions which have arisen as a result of
the war and the revolution in China.
Viscount Kikujiro Ishii will head
the Japanese mission. Vice Admiral
keshita, who is well known in the
United States, licads the naval sec
tion of the mission. The army sec
tion is headed by Major General Su
gano American Commission
Arrives at Petrograd
Petrograd, June 14. (Via London.)
A large delegation of Russians and
Americans, including several minis
ters, the chief of the local military
staff and the entire personnel of the
American embassy and consular es
tablishments, greeted the Root com
mission on its arrival here yesterday
afternoon The commission was
escorted to the winter palace of the
former emperor, where the principals
were lodged.
Workers in Laundries
At Seattle Go jn Strike
Tokro, June 14. The American
government's note to China express
ing regret over the dissensions in that
country and a sincere desire that tran
quility and political co-ordination be
established, caused surprise and un
favorable criticism in Japan, where the
action is regarded as ignoring Japan s
special position in China.
The feeling as expressed in official
circles is that the situation would have
been better treated by exchanging
views with the entente and espe-jlly
Japan, which is described -as- rigidly
adhering to a policy of non-interference
in Chinese domestic affairs.
The newspapers call the action of
the United States glaring interference
and warn thp crnvf rnmpnf tkat it la
probably an epoch-making precursor
ot iurtner activities.
Officials here expressed the opinion
that the Chinese situation will be set
tled by a compromise.
Due to Misunderstanding.
Washington, June 14. Japanese re
sentment over the American note to
China is ascribed wholly to the pub
lication of a garbled version in
It is admitted here that although
both countries have beeen striving for
a better working understanding, they
have not succeeded in reaching it.
Despite efforts of the Government.
Japanese effort often has been inter
preted here as in denial of China's
sovereignty and American policy has
been interpreted in Tokio as undue
interference in Chinese affairs and
disregard of the special position Japan
claims for itself in China, much the
same as the position of the United
States with regard to Mexico.
It has been previously explained
that the American note was inspired
simply by a desire to aid the rival
Chinese factions to come together.
Large Cash Prizes for
Best Grains and Meats
New York, June 14. Announce
ment was made here todav that the
bureau of awards and prizes of the
Seattle, Wash., June 14.-Workers . "al 'Agricultural league has .p.
in twenty Seattle laundries struck to
day for a general increase in wages.
The workers decided on the strike
when they learned the proprietors
were planning a lockout of the union
employes next Saturday. Sixteen
hundred inside workers are emnloved
in the twenty-four laundries belonging
to tne Seattle i-aundrymen s associa
tion. One-third of the employes are
propriated $50,000 to be awarded in
prizes to -stimulate the production of
food products throughout the United
States. Awards ranging from $500
to $5,000 will be made for the best
quality and greatest quantity of
various grains and vegetable. There
will be other prizes amounting to
$25,000 for meat products and poul
try raising.
Of the
The Business Men's Association, in a series
( of .statements during the last week, has presented
to the public the issues and causes of Omaha's
labor strikes.
y - i
The Association deems it proper, for the in
formation of the public and to correct any mis
understanding that may exist, to re-state at this"
time the principles which guide its membership.
These purposes are fully set forth in the fol
lowing article of the constitution of the Associa
tion: 1. The mutual benefit, association and
intercourse of the business men of Omaha
and vicinity, and the securing of co-operation
and concert of action in the develop-
. ment and up-building of the business inter
ests of this community.
2. To protect its members in their con
stitutional rights. .
3. To secure for employers -and em
ployes freedom of contract in the matter of
, '4. To discourage boycotts, sympathetic
strikes, restriction of out-put and unreason
able demands that savor of persecution, as
a menace' to industrial progress and detri
mental to the interests of employers and em
ployes alike. r
5s To encourage industry and thrift by
enlarging the opportunities of young men to
learn trades and become skilled mechanics
and more useful and prosperous citizens.
The object of the Association was stated
publicly at the time of its organization. This
statement still holds good :
"This organization is known as the Busi
ness Men's Association, and its purpose is
purely defensive, and made necessary by
the apparent determination upon the part
of the labor organizatidns of the city to
either control or ruin every business enter
prise, i
"It is the purpose of the organization to
maintain the principle that every man has
certain rights, one of which is to seek and
obtain employment upon such terms as his
x services warrant, in order that he may sup
port himself and those dependent upon him.
The organization seeks no fight with or-
ganized labor in any form, so long as its
members' rights and the rights of the public
are not interfered with.
"The Association's position is that, while
organized labor has the undoubted right to .
become associated together for any lawful
purpose,' yet when it becomes a breaker of
the law by resorting to intimidation, threats
of violence, or by picketing and boycotting
, those unwilling to submit to its dictation
or wnen it takes upon itself the duty of cha s
tising persons who are seeking to make an
honest living it then becomes an unlawful
and unpatriotic combination which must be
met by whatever organization is necessary
in order to preserve and protect the right
of individuals to life, liberty and the gaining
of a livelihood in such manner as they mays
These are the principles to which members
of the Business Men's Association have subscrib
ed. These members include practically every
employer of labor, business institution, factory
and contractor in the city of Omaha large and
small. The small and the large are protected
equally in fact, one of the Association's princi
pal purposes is to guarantee protection to those
least able to protect themselves from being
driven out of business by union organizations.
The Business Men's Association is not fight
ing to crush the unions. It asks no man to desert
the union. It only asks and insists that a union
man be deemed to possess no 'peculiar rights or
privileges beyond those held by other men. It,
stands for equality for all. and for the freedom
of every individual to work, regardless of mem
bership in any organization.
That is the principle upon which" the Busk
ness Men's Association has stood for fourteen
years and stands today. That is the principle up
on which it bases its conviction that the continued
maintenance of the "open shop" is for the best
interests of every man, woman and child in
1 , v
We appeal to every citizen to use his influ
ence and to co-operate with us to maintain the
principles for which the Association stands.
Men's Association of Omaha