The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER Fair; Warmer VOL. XL VI. NO. 310, OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 15, 1917 TWELVE PAGES. Single copy two cents. PRESIDENT GIVES FLAG DA Y ADDRESS; SENSATION INMMAHA POLICE PROBE 5BT U. S. FIGHTS TO KEEP WORLD SAFE FOR DEMOCRACY AND IN DEFENSE OF ITS OWN RIGHTS President in Hag Day Address Says Stars and Stripes Are Going to Foreign Lands for Purpose as Old as American Traditions. . Washington, June 14. sembled here today for a Flag day celebration, President Wilson declared anew the aims and purposes of the United States in entering the world Standing in the shadow ed to the memory of George told thousands gathered on the grassy slopes that the United States has entered the war, not alone to keep the world safe for democracy, but also because the "extraor dinary insults and aggressions of the imperial German government left us no choice but to take up arms in de fense of our rights as a free people and of our honor as a sovereign government The Stars and Stripes are president said, for a purpose "For us there is but one "We have made it Woe be that seeks to stand in our way when every principle we hold dear-'f est is to be vindicated and made se cure or the salvation of nations. "We are ready to plead at the bar of history and our flag Shall wear a new luster. Once more we shall make good with our lives and fortunes the great faith to which we were born and new glory shall shine In the face of our people." President Wilson warned against permitting Germany to end the war now by an "intrigue of peace" while its aggressions were secure. ' All the central empires, the presi dent declared, have beben cemented into one great autocracy-ridden em pire, "throwing a broad belt of Ger man military power and political con trol across the very center of Eu rope and beyond the Mediterranean into the heart of Asia." "This achieved." he said, "it is easy to un derstand why Germany is fostering a propaganda for an early peace. Why Kaiser Wants Peace "Peace, peace, peace has been the talk of its foreign office for now a i vear and more." said the president. "A little of the talk has been public, but most of it has keen private. Through all sorts of channels it has come to me and in all sorts of guises. The military masters, under whom Germany is bleeding, see very clearly t what point fate has broSght them. If they can secure peace now with the immense advantages still in their hands which they have up to this point apparently gained they will have jus- tined themselves betore the Uerman people; they will have gained by force what they promised to gain by it." The president recited again the Ger man aggressions which drove tnc United States to war. He declared the purposes for which American sol diers now carry the stars and stripes to Europe for the first time in Jiis tory are not new to American tra ditions, because realization of Ger many's wtr aims must eventually mean the undoing of the whole world. Text of Address. He spoke in full as follows: "My fellow citizens: We choose to celebrate Flag day because this flag which we honor and under which we serve is the emblem of our unity, our power, our thought and urpose as a, nation. It has iu other character than tkat which we give it from gen eration to generation. The choices are ours. It floats in . ij.stic silence (Continued on Tage Three, Column One.) Vancouver and Victoria , -Traction Lines Tied Up Vancouver, B. C, June 14. Eight hundred strikers on the British Co lumbia Traction company's lines in Vancouver were joined today by the 500 men employed bythe same com pany in Victoria and not one car is operating in either city. The company says it unable to grant the demands tor higher wages because the com pany has been losing money on ac count of the qompetition.of the motor buses. Both men and company de mand that the latter conveyances be removed from the streets. Fifty Are Killed by Explosion in Factory London, June 14. Fifty persons were killed and many were injured by an explosion at Ashton-Under-Lrne, Andrew Bonar Law, chancellor of the Exchequer, announceu in the House of Commons today. Ashton-Under-Lyne is a manufacturing town near Manchester. AU German Planes Return Safely, Says Berlin ( Berlin, June 14. (Via London.) "A fleet o four large airplanes," says today's German official statement,, "yesterday bombarded the fort of London. All our airplanes returned unharmed. One English airman," the announcement says, "fell down over the Thames." Before a great audience as war. of the great monument erect Washington, the president going to a strange land, the as old as American traditions. choice," said the president to the man or group of men in this day of high resolution GERMANS FORCED TO YIELD GROUND' ON BELGIAN FRONT - Teutons Abandon Area Two Square Miles in Extent to the Southwest ' of Warneton. (Associated Preii War Summary.) .The German line in Belgium is crumbling under the British offensive there. Evidence of this appears today in the announcement by London of a German retreat on a front of approx imately two miles in the area south west of Warneton. After wiping out the Messines Wytschaete salient in the crushing attack last week General Plumer con tinued attacking the Germans from time to time east of Messines and gained additional ground there. Further south tile British also have exerted pressure upon General Von Arnim's lines. Having lost the last of the com manding artillery and observation po sitions m this region when the Mes sines ridge fell into British hands, the Germans arc finding the pressure at some places beyond their ability to meet. One of the first results has been the abandonment of important sections of their first line between the River Lys and St. Yves. General Haig announces that the British are following the Germans cljsely and are moving forward east of Ploegsteert wood and in the neigh borhood of Gaspard village. On the French front conditions re main comparatively quiet. Last night the Germans, after bombardments, at tacked French posts in the Aisne re gion and northwest of Verdun. The French easily repulsed these assaults. German Horses Will Be Put on Rations Amsterdam. Tune 14. (Via Lon don.) Horses will be put on oats ra tions in Germany from June lb. ac cording to an ordinance issued in Ber lin, varying from on and a half to the three pounds daily. An agitation has been going on for the abandon ment of horse racing in Germany during war time, but the authon'ies, the papers say, have decided other wise on the ground that all the bel ligerents are continuing racing or have resumed the sport. Charge Four With Firing On Virginia Guardsmen Roanoke, Ya June 14. Four per sons, wto men and .two women have been arrested by detectives and de partment of justice operatives at Bull Mountain between Coeburn and Nor ton, charged with firing at members of the Second Virginia regiment on guard duty in that section, it was an nounced today. Several narrow" es capes from sniping have been report d since the arrest of W. V. McCoy and J. W. Phip'ps, May 27 orl a con spiracy charge. Reign of Terror "Reported In Separate Russ Republic London, June 14. A Petrograd dis patch to the Mail says that there seems to be a leign of terror in Tsar 'tsyn, where a senarate republic has been declared Tsaritsyn is a great railroad center and an important point for traffic on the Volga river Separate repulbics also have, been declared at Kherson and Kirnanova, but the situation is sajd not to be serious at either place Colonel Roosevelt in Omaha , On His Way to State Capital ''' ' Former President Theodore ton passenger station, where T.R. STARTS WAVE OF PATRIOTISM AS TALKS IN LINCOLN Great Crowd of Nebraskans in Tumult of Fervor for Country and Flag as Former Presi dent Gives Address. (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, June 14. (Special.) How many people were in Lincoln to meet ex-President Theodore Roosevelt to. day no one was able to say definitely. The streets were jammed. It was the climax of the semi-centennial cele bration of Nebraska's admission as a state. Escorted by the Nebraska National Guard, several bands, veterans of for mer wars and the Semi-Centennial committee a parade marched through the principal streets. Representatives of foreign nations were also in line, while the University band. Nebraska State band. Green's Omaha band1 were among those that played. Shouts of Welcome. Never has such a wave of patriot ism been seen in the Capital City. The presence of the typical American citi zen seemed to inspire everybody with a degree of enthusiasm which found vent in shouts of welcome which ap peared to fill the colonel with a great deal of satisfaction. Veterans of the civil war and othe" wars were given seats in front of 'he platform immediately below the speakers' platform on the capitol grounds. The parade reached the capitol at 2:45, a half hour ahead of the sched ule and Colonel Roosevelt walked from the Fifteenth street entrance to the stand through an aisle packed each side with a mass of shouting humanity ar.d "midst the bombs bursting in air," from which flags were sent floating hundreds of feet above the crowds. Greets Pershing's on. The first individual iith whom Colonel Roosevelt shook hands was Warren Pershing, the 6-year-old son of General Pershing, commanding the American forces in France. "I am glad to greet you, my boy," said the. colonel, as he grasped the boy's hand in both of his, "and my (Continued an Pago Tm,. Colama Four.) Roosevelt and Victor Rosewater photographed at Burlins the reception committee met the EXPECT LIBERTY LOAN TO GO FAR BEYOND ITS GOAL Big Bond Drive Enters Into Home Stretch With Indica tionsfhat It Will Go Over $2,000,000,000 Mark. Luther Drake, president of the Omaha Clearing house association, said after a meeting of the associa tion, if interest in buying Liberty bonds keeps up in Omaha as it ha'j during the last two days of the big drive, Omaha citizens by Saturday will have subscribed for $8,000,000 in bonds. Totals were not available last night either for Omaha or Ne braska. Washington, June 14. The Liberty loan campaign entered the h6me stretch ' today with every indication that the tremendous thirty-day drive throughout the nation woudl result in going well beyond the $2,000,000,000 From coast to coast the story that poured into the treasury all day was the same, a story of a whirlwind fin ish. Telegrams told of tolling bells and shrieking whistles .vross the con tinent, marking the last day of the campaign, of redoubled e.Torts by the many agencies at work for the loan's success, of enthusiasm at its highest pitch, of long waiting lines oi sub scribers in thousands of banks is every state of the union. Liberty Bell is Rung. The Liberty bell was rung again. the first time in years, at Philatkl-' phia, its reverberations being carried from coast to coast by the aid of the telegraph. Where Patrick Henry stood when he uttered hit immortal (Continued on Pace Three, Column Two.) One Killed in Million Dollar Fire in New York New York. June 14. One man dead, one missing, thirteen badly in jured and a property loss of Si. 000.. 000 resulted from the fire and explo sion last night at the American sugar Refining company's plant in Brook lyn, it was announced today. Several investigations have been begun to determine the cause of the explosion. The company has large orders for the entente allies. colonel and his party. OMAHA FAILS TO GET ANY SUPPORT AT WASHINGTON Business Men Amused at the Efforts of the World-Herald to Shift the Re- . sponsibility. v Omaha business men are amused at a story in the World-Herald that gives W. J. Leahy, passenger agent of the Iowa district for the Rock Island, credit for landing one of the army cantonments in Des Moines. While they are amused at the story they arc indignant over the fact that Senator Hitchcock, owner and pub lisher of the World-Herald, failed to raise his voice to protest the location or raise a hand to secure the canton ment in the vicinity of Omaha, al though the senator is a member of the military committee. Mr. Leahy is not only .1 agent c the Rock Island, but he is a member of the federal board that inspected cantonment sites that were .offered by different cities and subsequently recommended their acceptance. Omaha Presets Case. Omaha was in ti.e race for one of thv' cantonments, and that its claims might be creditably presented a meet ing of civic organizations was held. At that meeting Charles C. George, Randall K. Brown and H. F. Myers were appointed a committee to pre pare and present what was known as the "Omaha brief." These men se cured the data, showing the land available in the vicinity of Fort Crook, its adaptability for army train ing purposes, the railroad facilies of Omaha, the street railway lines be tween Fort Crook and the cjty and the many other advantages that might accrue to the government bv the lo cation of a cantonment here. The brief was presented to the fed eral board and Omaha business men and others felt pretty certain that this city would be named as one of the points at which a cantonment would be located. But, according to the business men of the city, there was other w rk to be done' and not a hand was raised to do the work. I" Hitchrnrk mj T.nhrlr Mt9 After the local committee had pre sented the "Omaha brief" and done everything n. its power to secure (CantlMMd on Thrw, Columa Four.) CAPTAIN MALONEY CALLS KUGEL "THAT DIRTY RAT" IN HEARING BEFORE COUNCIL Mrs. Maloney, from Her Seat in Gallery, Calls Sutton Liar When Detective's Testimony is Being Heard; Investigation Furnishes Thrills for Large Crowd Present Captain Steve Maloney, under charges before the city council, injected a dramatic situation during the morning ses sion by pointing to Superintendent Kugel and referring to him as "that dirty rat!" Maloney reiterated the words and added embellishments not allowable in public print. Prom her seat in the council chamber gallery Mrs. Ma loney added another thrill by calling the lie on Detective Paul Sutton, who was testifying at the time. A Both situations brought a solemn huth over the crowd, which was expecting something more. "Sutton and that dirty rat," pointing his finger directly at Kugel, "framed this up," exclaimed Maloney. Ku gel's face reddened. Sutton's testimony which aroused the outbreak related to the case of a man whose name was given as Mayfield. The wit ness stated that Pipkin arrested TAXPAYERS ARE UP IN ARMS OVER BOOSTJIN VALUES Douglas County to Pay, Twelve Per CenJr-oi-AH Taxes in ' "': the State if Boost Stands. Douglas county, which ' means Creater Omaha, will pay 12 per cent of all taxes in the state this year, if thi , wholesale and enormous boosts in assessments made by County As sessor Fitzgerald go through, accord' ine to County Clerk Dewey, a mem ber of the County Board of Equaliza tion, now sitting. Indi-iant taxoavers are swarming into tue equalization board s cham bers and standing in line to await their turn to protest against the raises, as first related exclusively in The Bee. More than 5,000 notices were sent out to business houses, manufactur ers, private individuals, in fact, every class of taxpayers, notifying them their assessments were boosted, some several thousand, per cent. Only a Few Passed. The boosts total millions. In two days the equalization board has passed on only eighty-two protests, representing for . the most part, smaller amounts. The majority of these eighty-two protests were compromised on, the county assessor's raises holding in only a few cases. Membcrsof the equalization board, composed of the county commission ers, the county clerk and the county assessor, believe it will be possible to hear only a small per cent of the protests in the twenty days provided by law for th . board to sit. Under New Law. This is the first year that the burden of hearing protests on raises has been ? laced upon the Equalization board n former years assessors, when they thought returned schedules were too low, called hi taxpayers and endeavor ed to reach a fair compromise before the Equalization hoard met. County Assessor Fitzgerald had the notices of boosts prepared in advance, but waited until the eve of the meet ing of the Equalization board before sending them out. Taxpayers had no alternative but to appear before the board. A representative of a big implement house, raised from $40,000 to $100,000, appeared before the board and said he was willing his schedule should be raised to $80,000, providing others in the same line of business were equal ized on the same basis. Percent County Pays. The following table, prepared by County Clerk Dewey, shows the as sessed valuation of the state and Douglas county and the percent the county bears to the balance of the state, from 1906 to 1916, inclusive: dyaEce-T- aluntion or Valuation of P. C. Htitte uoukIhm County D. Co. I'M ....1313,06(1,301 330,633,068 9.78 1007 .... 22f.4K.li4S 32.616.25S 9.87 1108 .... 39(,731.4 14,587.913 1.82 1909 .... 398.985,819 36,768,843 8.98 1910 .... 412.138,607 37.696.864 9 14 1911 .... 416.670,07: 40,283,313 9.88 1913 .... 46J.371.8SI 44,417,079 9.69 191 470,690,414 46,829,116 8.73 1914 .... 471.940,191 46,767,081 9.90 1915 .... 481. 931, 338 48,104.884 9.98 191S .... 600,127.3 4 11,514,446 10.38 "If the of the state paid its just amount of taxes, in proportion to what Douglas county pays, taxes wouldn't be so high here," said Mr. Dewey. "If Douglas county is raised, for in stance, $5,000,000, the balance of the state ought to be raised $50,000,000, but they won't 'kick in.'" Mayfield here and the prisoner (?was returned to Kansas City, where I , i . . i .,! . : ... he it supposed to be st this time. Sut ton said he had sent s man to Kansas City to get definite information on the case, admitting that his4nform tion thus far had been imparted to him by others and had not been checked np. AN AUTOMOBILE MYSTERY. He left the impression that the su tombile said to have been stolen by Mayfield was 'turned over to Ma loney and that an effort to determine whether Maloney had purchased a mschln of that make from the local dealer had been -futile. "We could get information retard-' ii.jt any other person from the local agency of this kind of automobile, but were told it was none . our business when we inquired about Malontj." -said Sutton. Mayfield was connected with the London hotel, whicfi Sutton, previ ously in his testimony, referred to as a place where automobile thieves were said to have stayed. "THAT'S A LIE," SHOUTS WIFE. "That is a lie," shouted Mrs. Ma-' loney from the balcony. "It is an awful lie. I have the receipt for that automobile. It cost $1,400. It Was a Christmas gift to me. I cannot sit here and listen to such lies told with out saying something. You can ask Mr. Foley of the Cadillac agency about this automobile. I even spoke to Mr. Kugel before we bought the car." Whereupon it was decided to sum mon Thomas Foley regarding the sale of the automobile to Maloney. The hearing was attended by a crowd of snxious listeners who craned their necks when the cross fire of questions and answers grew acrimonious. Mayor Dahlman an nounced that alt-day sessions will be gin Friday morning at 9 o'clock. If all witnesses whose names have been furnished to the city clerk for sum mons are -ailed the hearing will run well into next week. Detective Sutton was on the stand nearly all morning. The only other witness called was Officer Sanko who was questioned but a few minutes. " Echoes of the Chadron affair re verberated frequently through the council chamber, much of Sutton's testimony being a repetition of what he said at the Dawes county prelim inary hearing. He attempted to show that Maloney has been interested in a hog-feeding ranch at Fiftv-sixth and Center streets and that in arrests of garbage haulers Maloney s hog ranch was favored. This informa- (rjontlDttcd on Fata Five, Oilnmn One.) Big Sum in Gold Will Be Released by New Law Washington. June 14. More than $350,000,000 in gold will be made available for war use by reductions in gold reserve requirements of the Fed eral rserve banking system by amend ments to the Banking laws as accept ed today by the house. The senate is expected to" act favor--' ably, -The federal reserve board will have power to regulate exchange charges by non member banks. The chairman of the banking com mittee told the house that a lobby of twenty-five bankers with headquar ters here had been "winning and din ing representatives in an effort to ob tain their support for a flat exchange provision." San Salvador Shaken by More Earthquake Shocks San Salvador, Republic of Salva dor, June 14. Several earthquake shocks of varying intensity were felt here yesterday and today, but no dJfriage has been reported. The various relief committees are distributing provisions to the desti tute and shelters are being built to . house the thousands of homeless who at present are encamped in the streets. The wounded are being at tended bv the Red Cross. Several bodies have been recovred at Armenia and Quezaltepec. J