Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1917, Image 6

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSbAY, JUNE 14. 1917.
The Om'Aha Bee
Enteral mt Omhi poftefflM u Meondclui natter.
liy Can-itr. Br Mail,
Jiiiy n BwuUr per nootlh ts m mr, KM
(Hilf mutant Ban (hy 4Se " 109
C-eolnj tod Buodkj 40a 1.00
(twine wILbout BuBdv,.. " Ha " 1.00
iunilu Ba oolr Ma l
fnt m dnft, axprtw w pmuI order. Only l-oant fUmr Ukao u
pmtt of until aooounta. raraookl obtck, axcapt on Omtb ud
Maura ueoun, doc Hwma.
iHBtlu Tlrt Be BaHdJnt. Chicago Paopla! Ut Balldlna,
touih Omh-S318 N flL N Yorklilt, fifth At.
Onaaril Bluff 14 N. Main BL St. Lmjl New B'k. of Co mm ere
Unlo uuit Building. ftublngtoa-ru Hut 8L 14.
Addraaa eoBuaanlfiatlona relttlni to mm tod adltMlal mitta
'Mi am am, caitonai iMpanoMnt.
56,469 Daily Sunday, 51,308
(mil umlitln for 111 months rataorllMd tod mora 10 07 Dwljht
Williams, uireuistioa
Unusual Significance of Flag Day.
Flag day is an event of unusual importance
this year. The Stars and Stripes are again mov
ing to the battle front to lead the way to freedom
for oppressed peoples. No scream of the eagle
is heard, but the deep and resolute note of a
strong nation aroused in its might, in the sound
of which may always be distinguished the doom
of tyranny. The day should therefore bring an
enthusiastic climax to the drive for the sale of
the Liberty bonds, a pledge by America to the
world of devotion to the cause. In Nebraska it
will witness the conclusion of the state's jubilee
celebration with such ceremonies as properly de
note the vigor and strength of an established
commonwealth. Throughout the land Flag day
will have a significance this year beyond that of
any since the occasion was particularly so desig
nated, and as such will be observed by an aroused,
united and patriotic people, who will renew today"
pledges given to posterity by our fathers, and by
us to be handed on to ages yet to come, of all
that self-government means to man,
Drying Fruits and Vegetables
, By Frederic J. Haskin.
1"" ,, A M
Washington, June 11. Those who cannot ore
serve food by canning it this summer can dry it,
This is what Europe has done for the last two
years, and now it is our turn. It is up to the man
of the family to get out his check book or his
saw and screw driver and produce a drier. Fil
ing sneet iron ana galvanized screening into the
form of drying apparatus is not an easy job, but
the self-sacrifice is certain to be rewarded next
winter wnen your attic is lull ot string beans and
peaches and your less diligent neighbor is dining
un cncese ana cornmeal.
f I. J ( -. . ...
j iic arying oi 'runs anci vegetables is a very
simpie process, requiring less work than canning,
and the results are usually most eatifa-tnru
Many American women today still dry their own
pumpkins and sauash because thev make the he.r
pies. In the case of fruits, the original flavor is
sometimes lost, out tneir nutritive value is greatly
increased owing to the evaporation of water. As
to dried vegetables, there is no more attractive
winter dish than a pint of dried" string beans
iuukcu wun a iihic onion or Dacon.
Subecribera leaving the city should have The Bm aaalM
db tti.m. AUH cnanfed w olttn u nauMlM.
Another King in the discard. Next!
. King Corn is the one monarch wise enough
to play safe.
Deficits in our Omaha schools are not a new
discovery, npr an exceptional condition.
Too many hands atvthe wheel is right, also
too many wheeli turning in different directions
for the good of the Omaha police force.
Between the police fracas and the county as
sessor's capers, Omaha has plenty to talk about
these days without once referring to the war.
Public interest at well as the prosperity of
those directly concerned are best served by in
dustrial peace. One war at a time is enough.
King Constantine's Downfall.
King Constantine of Greece has been tumbled
from a throne on which he has for months bal
anced like an acrobat on a swaying wire. His
pro-German tendencies were his undoing. With
no ability as a statesman or craft as a politician,
he signally failed as head of the Greek nation at
a time when both strength and wisdom were re
quired. Since the outbreak of the war Constan
tine has been out of touch with his neighbors and
his late allies, preferring for his own reasons to
favor the side espoused by Bulgaria, with whelm
he was but lately engaged in desperate battle, and
so found himself unable to make headway against
the pressure of events.
The interest of Greece lies with the entente
allies, a fact clearly foreseen by Venizelos, who
has shown himself far too clever a manager for
tne deposed king. The combat between the i
former premier and the king has been fierce and
unremitting and has ended in moral if not mate
rial endorsement of the position taken by Veni
zelos in 1914. The presence of Greece in the war
The type of home-made drier which is now
being used extensively in the south, where the
Department of Agriculture has been stimulating
interest in drying, is one that can be used on a
wood or coal range or a kerosene stove, and is
easy to make. The botton is made of a piece of
galvanized sheet iron twenty-four inches long by
sixteen inches wide and six inches high. Upon
this base is built a framework of thin strips of
wood thirty-six inches apart, which act as cleats
to hold the trays of food. The framework is then
covered with galvanized iron, and you have the
drier complete except for the trays, a door with
hinges and another sheet of iron perforated and
a little smaller than the base which is suspended
by wires a couple of inches above the base, pre
venting the direct heat from coming in contact
with the product and serving as a radiator to
more evenly spread the heat.
An electric fan placed in front of an oven or
this form of drier is one of the most effective dry
ing devices. The trays for this drier are also made
of a frame of thin strips of wood to which is
tacked a sheet of galvanized screen wire, which j
forms the bpttom of the tray. It is best to make
me trays inree mclies shorter than the drier it,
self, so that the lowest tray when put in the drier
Proverb for the Day.
Convince a man against his
he's of the same opinion still.
One Year Ago Today in the War.
Economic conference of the allies
met in Pari.
Russians captured 31.000 prisoners
and expanded Lutsk salient.
Russian torpedo craft reported to
have sunk two German warships and
ten supply ships alt Swedish coast.
In Omaha Thirty Years Ago.
At a meeting of the county commis
sioners the following appointments
tor justices or ine peace were made:
C. Brandes, H. H. Raven, James Don
nelly, John O'Connell, M. Head, Lee
nvimf, j. Anderson, raui cj. Bea
brook, John C. Shea, dustavs Kroeger,
Abner C. Ludlow, George Karll and
Patrick A. Gavin. i
Somebody got tired of looklnc- i
the lying face of the clock in the
lobby of the postofflee and covered It
Th Sehuyltr Sun, F. L. Carroll, editor,
wee 46 years old last week.
The Burt County Democrat and the Swan
ton Clipper have discontinued publication.
Colonel M. A. Batea, the veteran editor
of the PJatteraouth Journal, wai 76 yeare
old June 2.
C. W. Clifton, who haa been in the em
ploy of the Mitchell Index, and Al Bhadeker
of Bridgeport will atari a aewBppr at
Bayard. The material for the ahop, in clod
ini a model 19 linotype haa been ordered.
Mm. Hannah Fletcher Whitcomb. wife
of Edward Whitcomb, who baa been editor
of the Friend Sentinel for nearly forty yeara,
died at her home at Friend last week. She
was born in Pennsylvania in 1848 and had
lived in Nebraska since 1870.
The Nebraska City Presa is defendant In a
160,000 libel suit filed by Russell M. Kiid
and Miss Margaret Jewell, former teachers
In the public school at Douglas, Neb. The
claim is made on account of a story printed
in the Presa more than a year ago relative
io some trouble in the school at Doug-las.
A Galway miglHtrate. who was a major
In the county militia, sentenced an olrl wn.
man to six weeks' imprisonment for shop-llftlns;.
Well, thanks be to the Lord." iYclalmerf
the prisoner fervently, "low a I am, there'
wan thing I'm thankful for not wan ot me
ktlh or kin ever had anythiu' to do with
the railijathy." Boston Transcript,
Mies JJewrlch Pa. I do wish vou wouldn't
.em afraid of the butler, and, for goodness
I eaksa, don't say "sir" to him.
Newrieh What'H I call him. Bally?
Misa N. What la his nameT I
Newrlch- Jamea.
MUi N. Then rait him Tim n.u
Between the police fracas and the county asses
sor a capers, Omaha has plenty to talk about
these days without once referring to the war. iiuiii inc rear 01 ine lorces that are
operating in Macedonia and elsewhere against
the German forces in the Balkans. This theater
of the war is quite likely to become more than
ever important as possibly opening the way over
which peace yet may travel. Under any circum
stances, the settlement of the Balkan auestion
u,ill k. - I - .! - .., -
m luauc me easier wun oreece lined us
alongside ita allies in the struggle against
Let's trive the Sixth Nehraake nH et.t Sm sympathy might be expressed for Con-
but don't forget the Fourth and Fifth, both of ,tant,ne hsa l sincerity been beyond suspicion
King Ak-Sar-Ben is going to maintain a roll of
honor of all his men who enlist with Uncle Sam.
flood idea, and may both lists be found full.
In these days of big things' the government
ipender who pitches hit voice below the billion
tone runs the f isk of having his head searched.
il of greater value to the allies now than it was and pushed as far back as it will on will Ipgv.
some months ago. It removes the possibility of ? three-inch 'space in front. Then the next tray
. r w-v.. luc num, leaving a inree-
lncn space in the back. The other trays should
be alternated in the same day. Lastly, a good
sized hole should be left in the top of the drier
iu anuru ventilation ior moist air.
which regiments yet- need a few good men.
Two million Americana already have sub
scribed to the Liberty loan, and that many more
can get-in if they hustle today and tomorrow.
Omaha school teachers will have a nice little
problem in arithmetic for their vacation dayi if
they try to, figure out just what that proposed
pay really means.
His efforts at neutrality have always been open
to question, though, as serving only the cause of
Germany by blockading the way to relief for
Serbia and Roumania. A pawn in the great game
played by the kaiser, he has at last been swept
from the board and gone to the limbo of the most
useless things known to man discarded monarchs.
Joba After the War Is Over.
n. t . t. - Li i . , ,
v.i.. ui iiiv uiuuicius oi me volunteer so uter
has been the' question of his employment after
In drvinor vesretahlrs nnlv tin. !...
freshest varieties should be used. In order to
secure the best results, moreover, the product
must be perfectly clean. Hence scrub them well
before preparing. The Department of Agricul
ture even goes so far as to suggest that "if steel
knives are used in paring and cutting theyjhould
be bright and clean an as not tn dinrnlnr th
vegetable." After they are prepared they are
blanched. Blanching simply means to plunge the
product into boiling water and keep it there for a
few minutes. In drvinc veorptahlf. a win. ha.t...
or cheese cloth bag are better for this. The next
step is to wipe the water off by folding the prod
uct between two towels or hv nr.ln it
to the air for a little while. They are now
ready to be placed on the tray in a thin layer and
put in the drier. At the beginning the tempera
ture should be keot low not more than' lift if..
grees Fehrenheit but gradually this may be in
creased until 145 degrees is reached. The dry-
"g iiw"s usually requires aDout two or three
hours, but unfortunately there is nothing but ex-
wlth a piece of brokn paper, sugges
tive of a' moon in a reef of sleepy
P. H. Green of St. Mary's avenua
and Eighteenth, and John Christoph
erson, late local Omaha agent at the
Union Pacflc depot, have left for
Europe to be aone about four months.
ine omaha Turners have returned
from the Topeka turnfest and were
welcomed at the depot hy a host of
tneir admirers, amonc whom were the
lndomlnable Louis Heimrod, Julius
Meyers and a number of others, to
gether with the band of the Second
Infantry from Fort Omaha.
KRner Frank, c crk of the TTnltod
States court, has returned from Hot
Springs, Ark. He was carried there
a miserable victim of Inflammatory
rheumatism and his recovery has been
Chief, Seavey has received up to
the present time 130 applications for
positions on the police force.
Mrs. J. P. Mertes was robbed of $50
while endorsing a money order at the
rerlstry window of the postofflee. As
her house burned to the ground last
February and as her husband fell
from a Union Pacific train a few
weeks ago and was badly injured, she
believes in the old adage that "mis
fortunes never come singly."
Tha P&nhandtar Lady. I ... nut .lw.v.
Tb Lady Oulla trna h..fH.u
had tha oth.r arm tlad up. Puclr
m husbn pehm a week
r)r oqars how can i break
Him of the habiy?
Smoww os. ?c!ErriNi
New Waters
Every Day
There's a different boat trip
for every day the season in
the Georgian Bay Sumtnerland.
Innumerable protected inside
channels up and down the
shore are ideal for pleasure craft
of all sorts. Make vour vaea-
! Hon headquarters at
The center of a congenial summer
S?'ftfa.Iu?,m't' breathe' th.
healthful balsam breezes. Salllnr
swimming-, fiuhing, tennis or just
loafing. Interesting canoetripa with
competent guidea may be arranged.
Good hotels and boarding houses
or have an island all your own,
there are many to choose from
among the 30,000 along the coaeL
Reached only by the 1
Canadian Pacific
For fjll eartlctlapa uii.
for Tour No. .ja ,
Ttaoa. J. Wall. Gen. Ail.. Paaa'r Deat,
224 So. Clark St., Chieaso. 111.
or consult your local agent.
Omaha school teachers will have a nir llnl
problem in arithmetic for their vacation days If ,he w,r over- Mlnv of these have left with perjence to tell a person how long a certain vege
tney try to figure out just what that proposed " "ci"u"un "a misgivings, good positions
pay resolution really means. . 11,(1 P"Pti of advancement, with no assurance
. i I whatever of being re-employed on their return
r r. J i a aaa ..... I Otha. 1.... . ......i. . .. .
t wcni utta tu near g,uw protests means tne I v guiic uut wun iuii assurance ot their
county board of equalization is going to be pretty mplyera that they would be reinstated on their
busy during ita tession. It meant one caae;very "turn, with no loss of rights or pay. A notable
five minutes for the full time. ' example of this policy it the course adonted hv
the employing printers of the country. By agree- crched, and under no circumstances should the
twenty nays to near s,uuu protests means the ment Between the Newspaper Publishers' associa- IemP"aiure rise aoove ISO degrees,
table should be dried
The matter of temnerature. howevrr i vrrv
....iu. lam, uu uicrciirc drying snouia not oe at
tempted without a theremometer. There are tnanv
good oven thermometers on the market which
cost very little and the ordinary chemical ther.
momeier ooes tne work when ananpnrfH in tn
drier. Great care should be taken to regulate
the heat so that the product does not become
tounty board of equalisation is going to be pretty tion and the International Typographical union
busy during ita tession. It meant one case every U printers who are employed on the papers rep
five minutet for the full time. resented in the association will h rei,tn,.ri .a
a. . '. 1 ,s . thtir employment after completing the term of
Another American merchantman haa added a a .;- .... .
IT.kA.t a .k. . i..: l- T, " " " ' ""ngciiieiii is recom-
, . . ..,, .nuwmi mat tne mended to the memhert of United Tvnn.b.t,,.
Simc UAH worlr tintli w.v. .nw anJ !.. V 1 I j ... . - 1
- . . '" aaimee ana oen frank in Llubs of Am.r - u
spank is bad thing to monkey with under any I
WlBltlona. v
rt.w t t i i .
tum wvaaiuD oi women into railroad machine
fbopa down eatt supplies a foretatte of what
Itaa happened abroad. The defensel of the Sont
fef Vulcan are but one of many breached by the
(oni ot Man,
Another American merchantman hail added a
tyboat to the list of missing, showing that the
fame doea work both wayt now and then.
nicee spunk a bad thing to monkey with j
naer any conditions.
Any green vegetable mav be dried and if
properly dried, will not lose its natural flavor and
food value. The young and unsophisticated string
bean, for example, may be dried whole, although
the older members of the family should be cut
into pieces before drying. Lima beans, garden
jieas, carrots, parsnips, onions, beets, pumpkin
Holland facet tha problem of conscripting
stickers who dodge military service and shirk
work. Considering the nearness of the battle
fields expecting more speed than keeping the run
oi the newt la clearly unreasonable. ,
It Is comforting to note that the Jamestown Port. included In this bill. Is One of the. thintr.
inis may oe vital tn an emergency, but surely is
i "s possioiutes ana mav onlv h
exercised with utmost of prudence and on most
conclusive proof that normal course of trade is
being turned awry. On behalf of the bill it has
Deen well nro-ed that tha r .u. a .
me recent seizure of a wireless nlant in I this time rennlrea h. i t. '
mr , - - ..... uiiuium (lUITtl UC V C 3 1 C
York City tuggests a source of news leaks hither- in one central control, and congress has given
to overlooked. :t.A .l 1 .l. .. . . B u"
------ j .c.o .iiiLjnt acnieve " tne president, wis use of it will mart
tent the employing printer. In the honk ,,u "V."' ' ".?,Da.gA,fa" "n"' a .1,. . lj ..... .. '. ""-J? "tying auojects.
. . uuairy. i.iKe action ty
othert of the big employers of labor would have
a most encouraging effect on the young men who
are now hesitating because of not being able to
foresee what will happen after the war is over
and who would like something to look for
ward to, I
Paaaaaa nf .L,. t7.: n . i ,
i . a - w. , abofmiiagc jjiii,
The espionage measure as finally sent tn the
president for his approval contains some verv im- provisions ana comers on Mr. Wilson the
broadest powers ever granted an executive of this
government Some extraordinary, even imperial,
hitherto only implied functions, arc nnw r ah I
nrmea by law things that only can be tolerated
as war measures and which in time of peace would
oe ttrenuously objected to as carrying too much
authority for one man to have. Control of ex-
exposition site has finally been sold to the arovern
ment Therefore the three and a third billion
dollar war budget is passed. It is just as well
to get these important matters adjusted at the
The storaffe of dried ve?ptahle ia al.n a mat.
ter of grave consequence. It is necessary that
they should be keDt in a drv olace. for inatanre
and away from insects and dirt. If a lard can or
COItee bOX IS USed. It must he mntsttire-nrnnf
A tin box of some kind with a tight fitting lid is
usually the best, but failing this a very good
container is a paper bag.
Fruits submit to the drying process as well,
if not better than vegetables. Thev increase their
sugar content and hence their food value. Dried
fruits, moreover, are better known and better
liked than dried vegetables. Hence, almnat everw
cook book contains numerous recipes for prepar
ing mem. un not, ory aays rruit may Be drjed in
the aun until its surface begins to wrinkle and
then transferred to the drier. Otherwise the
process is the same as with vegetables.
fA new book hv the United Statea nn,
of Agriculture describing the new process of
home canning will be published in a few days.
A free conv of this book will he sent tn a
reader of The Bee who is interested. .Send your
name and address with a 2-cent stamp to The
Omaha Bee, Information Bureau, Washington,
D. C, and a copy of the canning book will be
sent to you as soon as published.)
This Day In History.
H6 Sir Henry Vane, governor of
Massachusetts colony, beheaded.
1776 Continental congress voted to
raise an army of 20,000 men.
1777 Congress adopted the Stars
and Stripes as the national flag.
1797 Congress subiected to a Ann
or iio.ooa and ten years' Imprison
ment any citizen concerned in priva
teering aralnst a friendly nation.
1864 Steam war frigate Merrimac
was launched at the Charleston navy
184 Federal assaults on Pelers-
Durg, Va., began.
I860 Prussia declared the Ger
manio confederation at an end pro
posed a new one, excluding Austria.
1897 Barnet Isaacs Barnato, "the
diamond king," committed suicide.
1898 United States marines and
Spanish troops engaged in conflict at
uuantanamo Day.
1899 Statue of ex-President Ches
ter A. Arthur unveiled In .Madison
oquaro, new xorK.
Exe Realan from tha club, aell mv aula.
mobile and move Into a cheaper hou.e Just
because I've been loelns a little money In
Blocks? I can't do that. It would make
Mrs. Exe It would. William. Ppnnlo
would say you had done a sensible thins lor
ynuy m jour me. Dosion Transcript.
well, Sprlnaer, e'nese you're rprtlne
ivnuy mr jour annual rounas or me farm
Inir district, takinc orders for ferMHx.r.
anu seeas.
'No. I don't bother 'em with thr.
thlnge any more. It's automobiles."
Krownins Magazine.
"What it 'poetic Justice,' pa?"
'' 'Poetic justice.' my son. Is when a m.n
makes such a Ions speech at a banquet that
he doesn't set home until 1 o'clock, and
then haa to listen t his wlfa until l
Shafts Aimed at Omaha
more effective results by centering his energies
less on statements and more on aggressive sleuth
x .
finally his ultimate claims to greatness.
Fremont Tribune: The manner in vib;,-!.
Omaha men have subscribed for Liberty bonds
inmcaies tnat tne loan is to Be made a tremen
June Brides
-Baltimore American
i. iit . i iiuiiLtitca in..
- - - foavvHaBa i.uucu mi MruiErsrv i uuua surrrsg :nmf nr Tnt-m man u-im n
authority over the presa of the country was prop- would have scarcely thought abie to do it, have
eny arnica oy congress, and freedom of oublira. I apiece, tne success ot tne loan
tion remains as it hat been since Tohn lvl.r.fc.ti'. w". ',nve,.Powertul " the proper pros
decision actually made the press of the United
The Day We Celebrate.
Dr. B. B. Davis was born on a farm
near Fayette, wis., June 14, 1859,
Since he has been in Omaha he haa
concentrated his efforts upon his sur
gleal practice with a side line in dairy
John William Welch was born In
Tipton, la., June 14, 1874, and Is tht
founder and promoter of a chain ot
lunch rooms which are to Omaha what
Child's restaurants are to New York
and Thompson's dairy lunches are to
. Charles J. Magill, Jr., paying teller
in tha money order department at
tne Dostomce. Is 46 years o d todav.
He was born In Baltimore and went
into the postofflee in Washington In
1890. He has been president of the
Omaha Postofflee Clerks' association.
Queen of Greece, sister of the Ger
man emperor and whose Influence Is
held responsible for the failure of
Greece to Join the allies, born In Ber
lin forty-seven years ago today. v
Brigadier General Joseph E. Kuhn,
president of the Army War college,
born in Kansas fifty-three years aeo
John McCormack, popular operatic
and concert tenor, born at Athlone,
Ireland, thirty-three years ago today.
Moat Rev. John J. Glennon, head of
the Catholic archdiocese of St. Louis,
born In County Meath, Ireland, nfty
flve years ago today.
Robert M. LaFollette, United States
senator from Wisconsin, born at Prim
rose, Wis., sixty-two years ago today.
Dr. Livingston Farrand, president of
the University of Colorado, who has
been named by the Rockefeller
Foundaton to direct a campaign
egalnst tuberculosis in France, born
at Newark, N. J., fifty years ago to
day. Ray Morgan, inflelder of the Wash
ington American league base ball
team, born In Baltimore twenty-six
years ago today.
By Edward Everett Hale.
(Written la May,- nil, at the outbreak
of the civil war.)
Come, freemen of the land.
Come meet the great demand.
'true heart and open hand.
Take the loan!
For the hopes the prophets saw.
For tha swords your brothers draw.
For liberty and law
Take the loan!
Te ladlea of the land.
As ye love the valiant bend.
Who have drawn a aoldler'a brand.
Take the loan!
Who would bring them what she could,
Who would give tha aoldter food.
Who would staunch ber brothers' blood,
Take tha loan!
Alt who aatr her hosts pass by.
All who Joined the parting cry.
When we bade them do or die,
Take the loan!
Ae ya wished their triumph then,
Aa ye hope to meet again,
And to meet their gaie aa men,
Take the loan!
Who could presa the great appeal
Of our ranks of serried steel.
Put your shoulders to tha wheel,
Take the loan !
That our prayers la truth may rise.
Which we press with streaming eyes
On the Lord of earth and skies,
Take the loan!
S Buy Nicholas Oils THAT'S ALL
sThe L V. Kifholas Oil Company
PntilAnt S
fsf!CKEL Pate Road
Chicago to New York and
Return $31.70
Chicago to New York and
Return, via Washington. .$34.40
Chicago to Boston and Re
turn $30.50
Chicago to Buffalo or Niag
ara Falls and Return. . . .$18.35
Through Observation Library
Lounging Sleeper and Standard
Sleepers to New York. Write
A. B. Burrows
D. P. A., 787 Brandeis Bldg.,
The indications are coming strong that the
June weddings of this year 1917 are going to be
quite up to the ten-year average. It is possible
it teems even probable-that this June is going
to be a mattimonial record-breaker. Is the war
csll operating in way of a matrimonial hurry call?
Very likely and naturally so. Weddings that are
planned should be consummated. The weddines
will not interfere with the selective draft and the
selective draft should not interfere with the wed
dings. June is traditionally and as a matter of his
tone record the wedding month superlative All
months are wedding months brides bloom every
month in the year but June is the month when
clouds are highest up in the air, when a deeper
ini colors the burnished dove and when the young
man t fancy turns to thoughts of love. So Mr
Tennyson June is the month when the world is
young. The coming of the June brides is just as
normal, just as much a part of nature's beautiful
and wisely ordained scheme as it the blooming of
the roses. .
Down below the equator, where the season.
are reversed. December is the month superlative
ot rotes, nesting birds and blushing brides. Which
goes to show that approximately all the poets,
though not all the brides, have blossomed north
of the equator. Think of a poet celebrating De
cember or lanuarv aa the mnnl. r a i
Si . !u A th t't ""a" down in Patagonia
ecution of the war.
Beatrice Express:
nrnhlhia the sale nf nrewrtrL-a tnr
.a..i, .uuject to criticism ana under the full light July. ttterting that there is no necessity for the
States free. The c,.r . .. Dc.t" "P" V"" ?mc!als re !ing
- ..... -........,...1 . gu 0 JU ,e lo proniDis tne sale ot are
un reasonaoie puoncity. No newspaper will
deliberately betray our country and ample means
ior punishing such exists without the especial
power the president asked.
Mr. Wilson it no longer leader of a party, but
is head of a great nation moving magnificently
iu me accompnsnment ot a great end. He is
charged with the utmost of responsibility, now
heavier than ever, and therefore he it entitled
to nave more than ever the cheerful support and
hearty co-operation of all the people. Thit will
make his load easier to carry and, if anything,
"Biiicu me toucn oi tne law on all.
Justice nods wearily and tilts the scales scan
dalously. Take the matter of railroad passen- j
ger rates. Quality and safety of service con
sidered, i cents a mile it a bargain rate on tome
roaat ana
useless expenditure of money on fireworks. It
mignt also be added that there is no necessity for
the useless expenditure of life which always goes
with insane Fourth celehrations Suffirient nnw.
der is being exploded in Europe to warrant our
changing the custom this year.
Neligh Leader: Nebraska has had ita fir.t
month of prohibition and confessedly it has
brought some surorises to evervhndV. In the first
place the most surprising thing to the people out
in the state is the seemingly honest efforts being
made in the cities, particularly Omaha, to enforce
the law. It had been anticipated the officers in
such centers where public sentiment was opposed
to the law would wink at its violation hut anrh
does not seem to be the case. In the second
place, the rapidity with which the many buildings
in Omaha and other cities formerly used for the
liquor traffic are being turned to other uses. The
Omaha Bee on June 1 made a census of the
buildings thus used in that citv with the fnllnwinc
results: Number of buildinsrs occunied hv aa.
a gouge on others. Yet tha I loons and 1 buor houses before Mav I 111 Tn.
ucai leniently with the poor and pinch the first 1 " """J ei8my wre used lor other pur
class road.
According to Swiss disoatches. the kaiser i
working overtime insnectina fortifications on the
west front. The shocking aha 1ft-1 If. alt Xft-tt-lMaAE
Z uV Ch.u i-j"""1 ,tm "P ' December miVtf increased vigilance imperative in a mon
pr January at the bride month. arch Jitb hi. back approaching the wall.
poses and of this number 224 were for the tale
of soft drinks. This would seem to answer the
question what should take the place of the' saloon
in the city as a "ooor man's club" and also indi
cates that the passing of the saloon has not been
as disastrous to the real estate interests as pre
dicted. In fact, it would indicate, that hv tha
end of six months the rental proposition will be
entirely solved.
Timely Jottings and Reminder.
Birthday greetlnga to the Stars and
Stripes; 140 years old today.
The American Flag association holdB
its annual meeting today In New Yqrk
Theodore Roosevelt la scheduled to
speak on "Americanism" today at the
Nebraska semi-centennial celebration
at Lincoln.
Governor Lowden of Illinois and for
mer Governor Morrow of Kentucky
are to speak at flag-raising exercises in
Chicago today under the auaplcea of
tne ants.
Philadelphia, the birthplace of the
Stars and Stripes, Is to celebrate Flag
day with a great patriotic demonstra
tion at Independence hall.
The annual convention of the Na
tional Hardwood Lumber association
opens In Chicago today and will con
tinue In session over tomorrow.
Storyette ot the Day.
Robert Mantell tells of a barn
storming company In the west In the
old days that made a try at Shake
speare. Considerable complaint was
heard relative to the efforts of th
man who essayed to do the ghost in
One day a dramatic man on a local
paper said to the leading man:
"That fellow who plays the ghost
does not suggest the supernatural."
"I should say not." assented the
leading man with alacrity, "but he
does suggest the natural super,"
Everybody's Magailn.
My dear ones, your country calls you
In its hour of direst need.
And although my heart be breaking.
1 win giaoiy say, "Godspeed.
And If on the field of battle
You should fall to rise no more,
We will know 'twas for your country
And th dear old (lag you bore,
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