Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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Thirty Big Timepieces Indi
cate Gradual Increase of
Liberty Loan Purchases.
Washington, June 12. To the
town of PelU, la., has fallen the
honor of the largest oversubscrip
tion to the allotment of any one
community, it was announced to
day. The town has a population
ot approximately 3,000, and sub
scriptions thus tar amount to
$123,000, an oversubscription of
more than 133,000.
French War Bill Now
One Hundred Billion Francs
Paris, June 12, The French Cham
ber of Deputies has already voted
100,000,000,000 francs in war credits.
according to a report made by Raoul
reporter tor the budiret com
mittee of the Chamber of Deputies.
This sum includes the credits for the
third quarter of 1917 and 7,000,000,000
francs advanced to France's allies.
The report says in part:
1 he committee has introduced new
modifications in the pending bill. The
government asked for 9,B4J,000,000
francs and the committee increased
the figure to 9,871,000.000. The reve
nue receipts are mort and more sat
isfactory and the national defense
bonds are increasingly successful. The
total sales of bonds for March, April
and May total 2,960,000,000 francs.
"Finally, the committee endorses
the intention of the governmen. to
introduce a series of measures which,
according to estimates, will bring in
over a billion francs. These new
sources are de :!..ed to cover the per
manent expenditures, in which hence
forth shall Le included payments in
connection with the national debt
over two and a half billions interest
on the funded floating debt and over
two billions fr.- military and civil pen
sions. "As for war expenses, they will he j
continued to be assured by temporary
Order Issued to Curtail
Gas Service in Paris
Paris, where many industries are de
a I
now announced, however, that
Paris, June 12. Ordering the shut
ting off of gas for thirteen hours
daily has caused consternation in
pendent on gas for li
It is
the measure will not be applied to
the capital and suburbs and it is con
sidered doubtful if it will be applied
anywhere. The newspapers point out
so many exceptions that will have to
he made that the application of the
decree appears impossible.
Xew. York, June 1.'. Thirty
Clocks on prominent street corners
marked the progress1 today of the
, . Liberty loan in the second federal re
serve bank district and in the
The loan committee announced that,
although subscriptions in the reserve
bank of New York now exceed the
?JO,000,000 allotment for the district
made by Secretary McAdoo by more
than $50,000,000, the total is still short
of $1,000,000,000, the mark the com
mittee here set at the start.
First returns received todav at na
tional headquarters of the Boy Scouts
ot America trom tne lour-day Liberty
loan campaign oi tne scouts through
out the country show that $180,270 was
subscribed in fifteen cities and towns
today and yesterday. In small places
like Alexander, IM. U.t and Cuero.
Tex., amounts ranging from $1,250 to
$4,750 were obtained.
Harry Payne Whitney has sent in
a subscription tor $1,000,000.
Bif Deficit at Chicago.
micago, june c waving main
tained an average of more than $1,00,
000 an hour yesterday, volunteers so
liciting Liberty loan subscriptions
were encouraged today in their cam
paign to raise this federal reserve Hi.
trict'i allotment of $325,000,000. Chi
cago atill faces a deficit of $92,000,000
in its allotment.
New England Far Behind.
Boston, June 12. New England was
$156,700,000 behind its Liberty loan
quota today and renewed efforts were
put forth to make up the balance in
the three and a half days remaining.
, With less than half the allotment
subscribed the Liberty loan commit.
tee faced the task of obtaining sub
scriptions ac me rate ot aDout 40,-1
vw,vw a aay.
Virginia Less Than Half Way.
menmonu, vi, june u. A re-1
newed campaign for the sale of Lib
erty bonds in the fifth reserve bank
uisincr was Degun today when it was
announced that the district had talrn I
, less than half the amount of its ap-
jjuiiiumiicni. inc roiai reported sub
scribed up to last night was $45,254,-
wv, wnne me sum asked is
I W,UW,W, j
Espionage Bill Sent
To President Wilson
Washington, June 12. The admini.
stration upionage bill was finally ap-
uy uie cnaic lociay without a
.. roll call and sent to the White House
ior me president s signature. Provis
ions for newspaper censorship had
ueen sirucic out and material modifi
cation in other respects had been
nude. i I
The most important legislation re
.tamed ante the president authority
v ciiiunrgo exports, i ne law would
punish espionage by death or long im
prisonment; penalises interference
with foreign commerce; provides for
c.noi cement ot neutrality; authorises
seuure of shipments of arms designed
for unlawful purposes; fixes penalty
. for injuring vessels in foreign com
. merce or disturbance of foreign rela
tions and imposes ne restrictions
upon passports.
Other provisions are for censorship
of the mails and extension of the use
of .search warrants.
, . ,
Airplane is Answer .
To Submarine Peary
Washington, June 12. Rear Ad
miral Robert E. Peary told a sub
committee of the senate military com
mittee today that the airplanes was
t he cheapest and quickest answer to
the submarine, and that if 1,000 air
planes were aent abroad they would
do more to curb' the submarine
menace than anything else that could
be done.
: "With the same concentration of
effort as Von Tirpita exerted to de-
, velop the submarine in Germany I
think we will have an answer to the
submarine and a quick decision of the
war," he declared.
dmiral P"y appeared in support
of a bill to establish a department of
aeronautics with a place in the cabi
net The general opinion among ex
perts, he said, is that the war
decided in the air and that soon air
planes will be fighting in brigades of
from 500 to 1,000 fliers.
: U. S. Nurses Are Given
Enthusiastic Welcome!
Boulogne, June 12. Another
sianment ot the vanguard of the
rvincncaii army nas arrived in France
. in the form of 150 ambulance drivers
and seventv-five nursei. VrcA.A k
a British military band, they marched
through the streets to their quarters
amid the enthusiastic cheers of the
Registration in New York
More Than One Million
Albany, N. Y., June 12. New
. iorks total registration was 1,036,
573, according to a telegram sent
today by Governor Whitman to Pro
vost Marshal General Crowder. The
,, indicated possible exemptions were
ilfUH. The states estimated eligi-
hi. ....... I I , inAm, a
, , .
Ba Concert at Bemis ,
Park Wednesday Night
l A municipal concert will be played
.Wednesday night in Bemis park by
the Mid-West Concert band, led by
A. A. Wedemeyer. Women of the
neighborhood will sell refreshments
for the benefit of the Red Cross so
ciety. , ;
' ' Cause of Despondency.
Despondency is often caused by in-
- digestion and constipation and quickly
disappears, wMn Chamberlain's Tib
lets are " taken. '. These tablets
strengthen the digestion and move the
bowels. Advertisement, . .-
S - $1.75 and Up to $3.00 I V 7 9 71 'I I I $1950 to $25.00 i
5 g if rv JllJl UMfith DWG Tilnr1 Suite rOli?
House Dresses
On sale, Wednesday
and Thursday, at
"Forget cost and orof its Brink the crowds Wed
.,S1L5rie(1 out is hown V the ensational items contributed for Wednesday and Thursday. If you want to practice SENSI-
"z"' De nere ror tne c"jv5 VALUU in stylish apparel featured this
Over 500 Silk and Cloth Skirts
Made to Retail at $8.95 and $9.95
The Big
gest Skirt
Sale of
UT i
3 :flH
i- a? 'tM and 1 hursday, at ,n I . I . i
Ij www ll f I li i II in ivi if i A iisy III Il'IIDV r 1 Alt I. ill I irt rnv ?
v mi i i v j i ii uii iifii iif nii i-j uiiii rr. inii i iitj i ' aiii iiiii wj r i .?
3 IIIII i K I II 1 V 1 w sf "-l wx--w Wfl 1 T A III II III ft I V V
1111 Un I K 1 1 I' I R A in"nninviiViw UllU I tr
S I II I 111 ll l II IV II U iv 110 lUJirCWUPnV ' ' "yj-JAM'llUJ
v iiiii iii f - 111 II I II VCJ w 1 V
i if in v i is i ir-i - i
SI KlAlisaa
I fflkJ Made in Keorgettei I, I
1 WW and crePe de chines, W I
V. Crepe de Chine. VA mmafXWSBk,
? ' MSSESS HI1 the
? r i Tnr rrT season
I Chine and Lingerie, I B--. 'iK'i. toJ
l ' !
I sK- sW mmm is-1
I t& r m
s .R" Blouses
I &L Crepe de Chine, Lin.
IS I mrm itene and Voile: t'.
i s ' a w x
a- 'Blouses j ffi l
A M Of fine Tub 8ilk,M , I , XA)sf -A III
l Lingerie end Crepe y. . I W Hyil rTiJ I w
tV All1! ne Chine, Wednea- f. I f G fq . I M
t? Ti&i day and Thursday K 1 A , W jT T I M
v :$2.45 XUiSIry J i
ism ..i.pJ,c,1eJa w t 1
Blouses j. . ,l c U . I
, J w Of choicest Lingerie "L-A 3C? w
(Si(0?,nd Str'Ped Vo'les. l TQ-tJOC-1 fly
5 IfllAiQW'edneaday and K W i
U.&J7 Thursday K 11' '
i $19.50 to MS
JI Women's and Misses'
Pershing and Staff
Guests of Ear! Derby
London, June 12. The elaborate
plana that had been made for the
entertainment today of the enlisted
men of General Pershing's party were
cancelled this morning because of a
military order that all the men re
port at-a local hospital for inocula
tions which would occupy the entire
While General Pershing and his
staff were guestr of the Earl of
Derby, the minister of war, at a
luncheon this afternoon. Lord Den
man escorted the other American of
ficers through the House of Lords.
I A large number of the officers also
found time to visit King's college,
where they saw the "intensive" teach
ing of French and other foreign lan
guages to British officers.
The government's dinner to Gen
eral Pershing and his staff this even
ing, at which Premier Lloyd George
will preside, completes the social pro
gram for the party in this country.
W. Rockefeller Takes
Two and Half Millions
New York, June 12. William Rock
efeller today subscribed $2,500,000 to
the Liberty loan.
Bee Want-Ads Produce Results.
Waltz, Fox Trot and One
Step Are Leading Dances
New York, June 12. The waltz,
fox trot and one-step will continue
to hold sway as the "big three"
dances, according to dancing instruc
tors here attending the fourth annual
convention of the International Asso
ciation of Masters of Dancing. While
the instructors are sure of the per
formance of the three dances, it was v
announced today that at sessions of
the convention, which will continue
throughout tI-3 week, many new steps
wil be demonstrated. About 200
members of the assocation are at
tending the convention.
Orkin Brothers
On sale, Wednesday
and Thursday, at
(Bright color only.)
Offered Wednesday and
Thursday at Only
Like These
Ought to
6ring Big
Satin Striped Taffetas - Fancy Plaid
Silk Plain Colored Taffetas Stunning s
Silk Failles, Serges , and Gabardines.
In all colon anil striking combinations. Skirts fashioned In clever sport effects, with quaint pockets; other models
ttractively shirred, flared and pleated. s
San Quality Silfc and Sam Exclusive StyUs You'll Su in Othr Stor..' $10 and $1S Lin...
At End-of-the-Season Prices Now
Women's and Misses'
$12.50 to $15.00 Cloth
Sacrificed at
n;::r:!nNiiini:nin!:!:ii;fi!imii.iitHnri;iii:ri!M;!ai:;ii!,nn"iu:n:::n;rn:t' nHirii::::.;!;,!:
Women's and Misses'
$25.00 to $29.50 Cloth
Sacrificed at
Crepe de Chines
Beautiful styles for
street and afternoon
wear, all colors, all
sizes. t
Sale of 200 Navy Blue
Upto$29lS0 Values, Wednesday
and Thursday
season. f , JMl f?
$4.95 to $6.95 r""ya ?
I Smocks HB$n- s
1 All colon, all irJiT Lift
$1 sizes, Wednesday flifJ lY Of V
$J and Thureday luKttTI t
If do r r nrTvi Y
I Middles l f
. Made up of th fin jYv 3
1 11 AAand 1 ' 1W I 3
Blouses rEwi
In a vast assort- 'XcJbv lw I
ment, all sizes, JffiJu9rYll 5 I
7 f s fl
I Women's and Misses' m. -cu. I 4
1 $17.50 to $19.50 Cloth f I WaS5h SklFtS J
f: a Of fine Gabardine iUJra, t
I Pll ATC nd Pique. Wednes- yflHWi 3
I VVAIO Si day and Thursday- IPd A A
I Sacrificed at 9 ' ' 1
1 '.:, Latest styles, choic- Iu
IllliiSlillBIICIIlIilSlffiSltSSllia est materials, Wed- MlM
I r 1 t 8$ nesday and Thura-i I l . Ik ,
i Women s and Misses ; ifday- jn; n
$32.50 to $37.50 Cloth f $2 98 HIV S
I Sacrificed at- Wash Skirts A I S ;
i C 3 M tJJ ll II a J $J Piques; all sizes and jT'TrTVya V
W T , W styles, Wednesday ft JLl. J
I M i f and Thursday CTnjJJ' r
1 B .. II
$15 to $20
Women's and Misses'
Lace Net
Crepe de Chines
Distinctive styles, all sizes
inthelpt. The most won
derful dress values to be
found in the whole city.