Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1917, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER Cloudy VOL. XLVI NO. 306. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING. JUNE 11, 1917. S'-rsa-rirt. single copy two cents. WHOLESALE BOOST IN COUNTY TAX ASSESSMENTS BEING MADE; TOTAL WJJU0OUNT INTO MILLIONS; RESCUERS BRING 28 MkfALIVE FROM BURNING MINE SAVE MINERS AFTER GIVING UP ALL HOPE Brought to Surface Alive After Being Imprisoned in Work ings Since Friday Night; One Dies of Burns. BULLETIN. Portland, Ore., June 10. Twenty tight men entombed in the Specu lator mine since Friday night's fire disaster were brought to the sur face alive this afternoon. One was so far gone, however, that resusci tation was impossible. The finding of the men alive stimulated efforts of the rescue teams and hope was expressed that others might be found alive. Had Abandoned Hope. Butte. Mont., June 10. Al hope that any oftlie uraccounted for miners, believed tu number more than 175, had escaped from the North Butte mines, in which tire broke out Friday night, wa.s abandoned tonight when the helmet men penetrated to the 2,200-foot evel of the Speculator mine from adjoining mines, waded through water up '.o their arms, encountered strong gas and paw many bodies which they were unable to recover. Forty dead had been taken out up to to night. . It had been planned to attempt to hoist the bodies through the High Ore mine of the Anaconda Mining company, but a shifting in the air cur rents drove out the helmet men from the High Ore mine and others. Hoisting was started early tonight and the bodies will be walled in with concrete until some future day when the extinguishing of- the fire will per mit their recovery. The mine rescue organization of Butte is engaged in rescue work. ' Ring Danger Signal. Helmet men, when the 2,200-foot level was reached, rang the daivgar- signal,, which caused the wildest ex citement, '.I being believed that the signal had come from entrapped men who still were alive. Ambulances weie called and every physician m the city hurriedly sum moned to the North Butte. The re turn of the helmet men to the surface with news that it was impossible for any huma.i to live in the dense gas filling the lower workings of the North Butte spread gloom. The Granite Mountain shaft, 3,600 feet deep, was a roaring chimney, and with the destruction of its supporting timbers the ground is caving, com pelling all work to be directed from the levels connecting with adjoining mines. , , , The Speculator, another shaft about 800 feet deep, connects with the Gran ite Mountain on the different levels. Tonight that shaft also was in danger, as water from the levels was running into it and had caved a por tion. Thee was no lire in this shaft, however. Tons of water are being poured into ihe , Granite Mountain shaft and irom points on connecting levels with adjoining mines as near as it is possible to get to the scene of the tire. Danish and Norwegian Steamers Reported Sunk London. June 10. An Exchange telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen, savs the Norwegian foreign office re ports the sinking of the Norwegian ship Hafursf.iord. 1.668 tons gross, and Sangvand. The crews, were saved. The Danish foreign office reports that the Danish steamer Harald Klit gaard, 475 tons gross, has been sunk in the North Sea. One member of the crew was killed. Pick Up 16 Southland Men; 26 Still Missing Washington, June 10. A consular dispatch today reported that one of the two missing lifeboats of the tor pedoed steamer Southland had been picked up containing sixteen men. It was not known, the consul reported, whether the rnlsaing American, Rig i.ey, was in this boat. The other boat, containing twenty-eight men, still is missing. The Weather For Nebraska Showem, coolar. Hourly TwnpM-atur! at Omaha. Ttriaj. C-$Dk .6: r ::::-:::S! O 7 . m XT' a. m S" i 9 a. m.... J" T in a. m 73 7T Li In. m 80 3 p. m 2 D8 p m 83 4 m 84 6 p. m 83 p. m 82 7 p. m 80 Comparative Local Record. 117, 1014, 1918. 1914. Htrhest yeiterday 84 73 JO 90 Lowest ; iterday. ... 61 M 64 68 Mean temperature... 72 64 71 71 Precipitation 00 -T .16 .T Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal el nee March 1: Normal temperature 70 Ezeeu for the day 2 Total deficiency since March 1 208 Normal precipitation 16 Inch Deficiency for the day IK Inch Total rainfall since March 1 ... 13.14 Inches "Bxcees alnre March 1. 1917..... . .66 inches Deficiency for cor. period 1916.. S92 Inches Half of Population Shows 4,716?68 en Registered Washington, June 10. Twenty states and the District ot Columbia, having all told more than 50 per cent of the country's population, had sent in complete reports of their military registration tonight show ing total registrations of 4,716,768 young men for war service. For the territory reporting, the census estimate was 5,372,296 eligi bles, and on the basis of the returns it was calculated that the grand to tal of registration probably would be close to 9,000,000 in place of 10.264,000, as forecast by the census experts. The report showed white registra tions totaling 3,501,456; colored, 634, 170 ;aliens, 277,057, and enemy al iens, 45,018. Possible exemptions totaled 2,508,624. FAMILY OF SEVEN SAVED FROM DEATH IN RISING PLATTE Flood Waters Below Gretna Sweep Over Island Home and Seven Persons Are Rescued. C-retna, June 10 (Special Tele gram.) Thomas Lukowski, a farmer living four miles east of here, his wfe and five children, the oldest 12 years and ranging down to 4, were rescued from an island this afternoon on which they had been marooned since midnight Friday. 0 The I.uknwkis were driven from their farm along the Platte river when art of the dike, more than a mile long, gave way. More than 800 acres of seeded land was ipuiidated and practically spoiled for this sea son's cultivation. The Lukowskis took shelter on an island nearby. Tlicywea-e not in need of food as they had moved a part of their belongings and provisions to the island. They were rescued with dif ficulty. -- - - The Riverside Hunting lodge, near the Lukowski farm and built on the edge of the bank, was washed down stream when the dike gave way. The lodge was owned by Omaha men. The Omaha-Lincoln-Denver high way near Gretna is under water and all traffic stopped. Farmers who report damage to their land by the water are: James Dillan, John Langdon, Joe McDonald, Kirk Speck ana Victor Tractor. Severe Hail and Rain Storm Strikes Harvard Harvard, Neb., June 10. (Special.! A heavy rain and hailstorm passed over this locality last night, between 7 and 8 o'clock. The storm was severe a few miles cast of town. Hail cov ered the ground to the depth of two inches qr more No material damage is reported. There was but littie wind during the storm. An eight-foot flag pole was set up on1 the public library building this morning and a brand new flag raised. The total of Tuesday's draft regis tration in Harvard city. and township is 112. Several claimed exemptions. Shells Fired at U-Boat Land in Spanish Town Madrid (Via Paris). June 10. In vestigation of the accidental firing of shells into Algeciras from Gibraltar last SaturJay shows that it was not due to a mistake during target prac tice, as was reported at the time, but that the shots were' fired at a subma rine which fled into the straits pur sued by three cruisers. The subma rine attempted to escape in the dark ness by rui.ning close to the shore. Gibraltar was notified of the ap proximate position of the submarine and in attempting to reach it bom barded the city. Only slight damage was done. Illinois Nurse Pays Visit To Nebraska Hospitals (From a Staff Correspondent.! Lincoln, June 10. (Special.) Miss Mary Wheeler, superintendent of the Illinois Training School for Nurses and also superintendent of the Cook county hosiptal, one of the most ex perienced and well known nurses in the Luiited States, is in Lincoln yes terday'and in company with Secretary McGreevcy of the State Nurses' board visited the state hospital and other hospitals in the city affiliated with the Cook county institution. Omaha "Good Artgels" Start Fund For Invalid Chair for Sick Mother Mrs. E. W. Nash and Mrs. George Hoagland were the first good angels to respond to the appeal published in The Bee Friday, asking charitably inclined persons to supply an invalid chair for Mrs. Albert Sockland of Holbrook, Neb. Each contributed $5 to the fund. Other contributors were: H. C. Hiller, Victor Roscwatcr, Monroe Reeves, Harry Goldberg and "cash," $1 each. The cost of a new invalid chair is $35 to $50. That Omaha has many kind and generous hearted citizens is demonstrated every day by the ' MARINE CORPS CHIEF AND SECRETARY DANIELS The picture shows Major-General George Barnett, Com mandant of the United States Marine Corps, and Secretary of the Navy Daniels. A regiment of marines, 2,600 strong, will be among the first division of United States troops to be sent to France. SECY: DAKIEZ'S 9 MAJ..-GEN.BA3&NETT "Every young man who wants to have the honor of being a minute man of 1917, to share the honor of being one of the first in the light, has his chance now," said Mayor Dahlman, in commenting on "Marine Corps Week." "President Wilson has set aside the week of June 10 to June 16 as Marine Corns Week." the mayor said. "The object is to stimulate interest in this OFFICER HOLDS PRISONERS FROM SPRINGFIELD MOB Thirty-Five Would-Be Lynch ers Overpower Sheriff With Six Prisoners, But Give Them Back. Springfield, Mo., June 10. Some where tonight the alleged abduction plotters, held in connection with the investigation of the disappearance and death of little Lloyd Keet, were safe and unharmed from the mob that early today, overtook them at Stock ton. Mo., fortv miles north of here and endeavored to wring a confession fro1" them. This. city was quiet tonight after t1i HpninnUraHnns on the nubile square that lasted until abCut 4 o'clock this morning. The rrowd which had awaited until that hour, in belief that the prisoners were being returned and ...liir-Ii ,.-ac ttiren Iniiin cr tunh violence. broke up and did not reassemble. Paul .M. U Lfay, prosecutor ot (jreen county, issued a statement this eve ning stating that a mob of about tliic.r-l, n n.rcnns nvprnnwercH Sheriff Webb with six prisoners at r- . i . . , .1. - MOCKIOtl. lOOK me prisoners irom me jail and endeavored to gain a con fession from them. None was forthcoming and the six were returned to the sheriff's keeping. rotir are now nciu in inc .iiocicion iail The whpreahnitts of the other two are not known by Mr. O'Day. Guardsmen Wreck I. W. W, Quarters at Kansas City Kansas City, Mo., June 10. The downtown headquarters of the Indus trial Workers of the World here to day for the" third time was wrecked by members of a local National Guard unit. After the second attack on the hall a few weeks ago, it was abandoned for some time. Today word came to the euards- meil that about' a dozen persons had gathered in the re-outfitted rooms and were talking pacihci&m. A squad of artillerymen, under a sergeant, de scended on the hall, threw its occu pants outside and wrecked the place. scores of men, women and children woh are emptying their pocketbooks for the Red Cross and war relief work. Mrs. Sockland lies ill, on a bed from which she wil never be able to rise. Her husband is a laborer and is unahlc to buy the chair, so she may get out into the sunshine this summer. She is the mother of a 4-year-old babe, and is a beautiful, lov able and patient character. Any donation, farge or small, will help to bring sunshine to this little mother. Checks liould be sent to the editor of The Omaha Bee. branch of the nation's defense. Ne braska must not be found wanting in the great work of building up our navy. Four thousand men in the quota are expected from this district, and every young man between the ages of.20 and 35 has his chance. "Information concerning t enlist ments will be furnished at the marine corps headquarters, 1312 Douglas street." FEEL HUNGER'S PINCH AS RESULT FOODJOARDING Vrooman Say's Suffering Al ready in Wake of Speculation; Flays "Food Pirates and Economic Traitors." Washington, June 10. Assistant Secretary Vrooman of the Depart ment of Agriculture, who has just re turned from a tour on which he ob served the food situation, declared in a statement today that he has seen much hardship and suffering, especial ly among the poor, because of the "crime being perpetrated against the American people by the control of food prices by disloyal food pirates." "Everywhere I have found a grow ing feeling that soon there must come a reckoning with these manipulators of the nation's food-supply," he said. "Four classes of men are vainly trying to postpone that day of reckon ing. The Four Classes. "First, the impractical theorists, who on principle are so opposed to any increase of authority in the fed eral government, however temporary that may be, would rather risk the safety of the nation than to sacrifice their theory on the altar of national efficiency. "Secondly, the fanatical pacifists, who are unwilling to take any steps that will make this government into an efficient war machine even after war has been .thrust upon us by the greatest and most relentless military powef the world has ever seen. "Thirdly, those sordid, unscrupu lous denisons of the business jungle, who in this decisive world conflict between democracy and despotism are intent upon only filling their own pockets with the price of economic treason to the republic and the blood money of hungry men, women and children. "Fourthly, the enemy within our gates, disloyal American citizens, who, with treason in their hearts and a ly iniz Dretensc of loyalty on their lips, are seizing on every trifling detail of proposed defensive legislation as a pretext for a bitter opposition to everything that will help us to a quick and decisive victory. Hunger Causes Suicide. "The other day in Chicago a Polish priest told a government official that during the past two months five women members of his congregation either had gone insane or had com mitted suicide because of their in ability to feed their children. "I stand in wonder and admiration before the patienie andj forbearance of the American people. "Out of a confidence that congress is going to give the president power to protect the people from spoliation by food sharks is borne a calm toler ance under injury such as none but a lenient people like ours would ever evince." r Twins Arrive in Time To Claim Liberty Bonds General Harries must settle. Hi offer to pay double Liberty bonds for twins must be made good. Late reports show that Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perry, 2S08 N street, j are the parents of twins bom st 5:45 Saturday evening, a boy and a girl. Dr. W. M. Davis says they are both strong healthy kiddies and as he left the home they were mak ing a great effort to sing the "Star Spangled Banner" and expected to claim their Liberty loan bonds. Fourteen babies were reported be fore these as having been born Sat urday and as making claim for Liberty bonds. GERMANS STILL STUNNED FROM HAIGTVICTORY Armies of Crown Prince Rup precht Make Little Effort to Recover Lost Ground; British Again Advance. BULLETIN. London, June 10. Today's of ficial statement announces further British gains at several points. Paris, June 1. The French made a surprise sttsck last night on the bank of the Moselle, near the eastern end of the front. The war office announces that serious losses were inflicted on the Germans. Violent artillery fighting occurred near Craonne and Chevreux. (Br AMorlatd PreM.) The German army binder Crown Prince Rupprerht of Bavaria appar ently has not recovered from the blow, made against the lines south of Ypres by the Second British army on Thursday. Shaken by the mine explosions and the terrific bombardment of the Brit ish guns, the Germans lost more than 7,000 prisoners and have made no strong effort to retake the Jost posi I lions. Their unavailing attacks of Friday having been stopped, the Germans on Saturday ' failed to renew their at tempt and were content to use only their artillery in a duel with the Brit ish. The newly gained ground hav ing been torn by the mine explosions and filled with shell craters, the Brit ish were busy Saturday in organizing the' new positions. They found time, however, to extend their gains slightly on the right flank of the nine mile front. In addition to losing more than 7,- 000 prisoners in fhe British drive and the subsequent fighting since Thurs day morning, the Germans lost a large number of guns, machine guns and trench mortars. Another British Advance. Meanwhile the British troops in other sectors of the front carried out an operation that was much more than a mere raid in force along the line from La Bassee to well south of Lens. In one stretch of two miles south of Lens they penetrated half a mile into the German positions, cap turing prisoners and machine guns and inflicting heavy losses. These seem to presage a speedy attempt to c.ean up the situation around the T ens coal district, to which the Ger mans have been clinging tor several weeks. Reports from the Messines battle show that more than thirty guns were ta' en from the Germans in the Brit ish attack, while many others were burie '. in the debris caused by tl:' ter rific bombardment and mine explo sions. Expect Austrian Attack. . The Italians have indicated that they are expecting an Austrian of fensive in the Trentino. There is no ndication of any such contemplated attack as yet, the report announcing only ordinary activities in the Tren tino. The Austrians are still contest ing the ground occupied by the Ital ians in their notable thrust for Triest, however, and attacked several times rriday night. The Italians beat off all these assaults. There has been little military ac tivity along the Russian front, but the Germans have evidently been busy in other ways. Ask Russ for Armistice. Petrograd reports a wireless mes sage sent to the Russian armies by the German commander-in-chief on the eastern front in an attempt to in veigle them into an armistice and secret negotiations with the German leaders. The council of soldiers and workmen have denounced the German effort to induce the Russians to play their allies false. Ute Indians Threaten Whites In Towns Near Reservation Durango, Colo., June 10 Uncon firmed reports received here from the Ute reservation tonight indicate that Ute Chiefs Polk and Posey, with sev eral followers, qave begun threaten ing demonstrations. They are well armed. The Indian agent at Ignacio, headquarters of the reservations, re fused to comment on the report. Reports from towns near the reser vation are that families living on out PROPERTY VALUES OF DOZEN LARGE OMAHA CONCERNS ARE RAISEDTO ENORMOUS FIGURES Three Thousand Notice of Increase in Vault at Court House to be Served in Few Days Under Assessor Fitzgerald's Orders; Some of the That the County Board of Equalization, which will meet this week, will have a busy session is assured by the information given exclusively by The Bee. A wholesale boost in assessments has been undertaken by County Assessor Fitzgerald. Confirmation of this was had from Mr.- Fitzgerald himself. Despite the secrecy maintained and the careful guarding of the 3,000 notices of assessment raises reposing securely in the court house vaults awaiting delivery within the next day or two, The Bee has succeeded in obtaining a few samples indi cating the extent and character of the changes proposed in the assessment roll, subject,'of course, to revision by the equalizing board. Here are just a dozen of them : MEN OF MEANS TO BUY IF LIBERTY BONDS ARE TAKEN Little Fellows Are Doing Their Share, But Big Ones Will Have to Save Big . War Loan. The middle west will probably reach its fUj quota in Liberty bond subscriptions! if hard, intensive cam paign work if continued this week and men of means come forward with rea sonably large subscriptions, in the opinion of William H. Hodge, who has been representing the Federal Reserve bank of Chicago in organiza tion work in Iowa for two weeks. Mr. Hodge, who was formerly con nected with The Bee, spent Sunday in Omaha and Council Bluffs, and will continue his work in Iowa up to Thursday, when subscriptions will close, as they must be in the Federal bank's hands by noon Friday in order to be considered. Wage Earners Doing Shsre. "The wage earner, many of the small farmers and the banks are do ing their part in the initial financing of the war," said Mr. Hodge, "but the individual of means is either hold ing off until he last minute or is will ing to let his safety and prosperity he protected with other men's dollars. There are plenty of instances of peo ple putting all they have in the world in $50 and $100 bonds; of old farmers driving for miles through rain afld mud to put all they have in Liberty bonds; of children investing their sav ings but mighty few subscriptions of $5.(100 and upwards outside of the large cities. Iowa Coming Through. "If Iowa comes in for its full quota of $59,000,000 bonds, as it no doubt will, it will mean less than 5 per cent of the annual value of farm products in that state. Most of the folks with whom 1 talked seemed to think that this was little enough. "I came across little places having but one bank and not more than three or four hundred people where individ ual subscriptions had been received from as many as 1J5 persons. Cer tain communities largely settled by Germans were doing well, such as that of Mineola, for example, where l$27.0O0 had been subscribed up to last 1 , People Are Patriotic. "In general I found sentiment ex tremely patriotic and people glad to invest in the bonds once the serious ness of the situation is brought to their attention and thev realize that' no one in the world is waiting for the results to be tabulated with keener in terest than Kaiser Wilhclm. "During the remaining days of the campaign special attention is going to be given to the wealthy citizens who have failed to come across with their proportion of bond orders." lying ranches are moving into town because they fear trouble from the Indians. Confirmations of the reports is practically impossible, owing to dif ficulties of communication, but citi zens of six towns reached by tele phone from here describe the situation as alarming. All the Indians involved refused to register Tuesday. The reported dis order is a result of objection of the Indians to registration. Big Ones. I SOME OF THE BIG ONES. Paxton ft Gallagher, wholesale gro cers, raised from $449,000 to $850,000. Byrne-Hammer Wholesale Dry Goods establishment, raised from $316,000 to $600,000. M. E. Smith Wholesale Dry Goods house from $550,000 to $900,000. Smelting works raised from $1,200, 000 to $2,000,000. Union Stock Yards raised from $700,000 to $1,000,000. Cudahy packing plant raised from $600,000 to $1,000,000. Morris packing plant raised from $300,000 to $500,000. H. J. Hughes, wholesale grocery, raised from $75,000 to $150,000. Drexel Shoe company raised from $25,000 to $75,000. Browning-King & Co., raised from $68,000 to X9G.000. Simon Bros., wholesale grocery, raised from $10,500 to $75,000. . Fry Shot company raised from $25, 000 to $45,000. The star boost Is said to be the raise of the Iten Biscuit company from $225,000 to $4,000,000, explained on the theory that the revenue law re quires full value assessment of the corporate stock of the Nebraska cor poration doing business outside ss well as inside the state. Makes Even Boost The figures for the banks and fran chise corporations are not available. The fact that there are approximately 3,000 notices is taken to mean that Assessor Fitzgerald has not been playing favorities, but has made pro portionate increases all along the line. Members of the county board, when questioned as to their opinion, pro fessed ignorance of coming assess ment changes, except as foreshadowed in The Bee. Tom O'Connor, chairman of the board, deftly side-stepped. "County Assessor Fitzgerald hat the right to make such raises as he wants to," he said. "He is probahly adjusting and try ing to equalize things. Anybody wha is raised can have a hearing when the; board meets Tuesday and if he has any objection he can make it then." County Commissioner Lynch de dared: "I don't know anything about it but I don't favor wholesale boosting; of assessments at this time. Business is upset enough now by the war con ditions and war taxes without need lessly piling up more." Read It in The Bee. Commissioner Jeff Bedford pleaded! dense ignorance and had no opinion to express. "All 1 know about the matter it! what I have read in The Bee." County Clerk Frank Dewey, who also sits as a member of the equaliz ing board said; "I have heard of what is coming hut have no delinite information. I doubt if merchants are carrying as much stock as formerly and if so t boost laxes'Sirbitrarly would be an injustice." County Commissioners McDonald and Compton could not be found ot reached by telephone. Hastings Commercial Man Secretary of Bluffs Club Haslings, Neb., June 9. (Special Telegram.) Richard A. Blake, secre tary of the Chamber of Commerce for the last four years, tonfght an nounced his acceptance of the secre taryship of the Commercial club of Council li tuffs. He will begin his new duties July 1 Mr. Rlake has been notably sue cessful in his work here and there i$ much regret among business men thai he is to leave the city. The new post carries a substantial increase in salary. As Mr. Ulake did not make his de cision until tonight, the local body has taken no steps to find a new sec retary. Retired Army Officers ' Recalled for Assignment Washington, June 10. Major Gen eral J. V. Alshire, retired former quartermaster general, was recalled to active duty today and assigned to the Council of National Defense. A score of other retired officers were recalled to active duty and assigned to various educational institutions as military in structors.