Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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5 A
Germans at Messines Ridge
Are Bewildered by Bom
bardment from Many
(From a Correapond.nt of tho AsiocUted
(Via London), June 9. Comparative
(Via London), June 8. Comparative
quiet reigned today along the front
of the latest British attack, which
wrested the Messines ridge from the
Germans Thursday.
Tonieht the British have thoroueh
ly consolidated their gains and are
able to defend them against any coun
ter attack the temporarily bewildered
uermans may start.
Prisoners kept coming in in in'
creasing hundreds. Dazed- by nearly
a week of most terrifying gunfire, and
half famished as a result of the
'"starvation barrage" the British had
kept on their lines of communication
and supply, these men upon reaching
tne cool, grassy soots within the Brit
ish barbed wire stockades erected for
their anticipated arrival, stripped
themselves to the waist, tore off their
heavy trench boots and flune them
selves to the ground, where they soon
were lost in the heavy sleep ot com
plete exhaustion.
For them the war is over, and their
relief at being out of it was only too
apparent. The men who had seen the
greater part of their military service
on the Russian front were the most
' demoralized of all.
"We had heard much of the condi
tions on the western front," said one
of the captured German officers to
The Associated Press, "but we always
thought there was much exaggeration
about them. We had no realization
what war was. .
Division Wiped Out.
"When we came from Russia a few
weeks ago we were told we were go
ing against the British, but that we
need not worry, as the English were
not in a position to accomplish any
thing serious against us in view of
their offensive at Arras. The artillery
fire we experienced when we first
came to the Messines ridge was more
terrible than anything we had seen or
heard on the eastern front.
"Then a week ago the English
started their intensive bombardment.
It was terrible to endure. Few of us
ever thought we would get out of it
alive. There was a distinct sense of
relief when the mine was exploded
yesterday morning. We knew then
that an attack was under way and that
we soon should be dead or in a posi
tion to surrender. Most ot us can
frankly say that we preferred the
"This experience of ours should
end the war. We have no possible
chance to win. Iwo days ago my di
vision was made up of three splendid
German regiments. We saw these
men shrivel up in a hurricane of fire,
with which we could not possibly
compete. Now my division exists no
This officer had no complaints to
make against the German higher com
mand and no apparent desire to win
favor from his British captors. He
was so shaken by the ordeal he had
undergone that he seemed to find at
least momentary relief in expressing
in excellent English the thoughts
which were uppermost in his mind.
Great Artillery Triumph.
The experience of his division ap
narentlv is evidence that Germany is
not finding a solution here of its mili
tary dimculties in the transferring ot
its eastern units to the western front.
The battle of the Messines ridge
will ever stand out as a wonderful
triumph for the British artillery. The
deepest signihcance in -the striking
victory lies in the fact that the Ger
mans seemed to know the attack was
coming and had endeavored in every
possible way to detend tnemseives
against it.
But as fast as they brought up new
batteries, the British guns were upon
them. British airplanes always were
over the German lines, watching every
move, demonstrating very plainly
with whom rests supremacy in the air
on this front. .
AH the prisoners say they had been
warned within the last few days that
the English might attempt an offen
sive and that the main attack might
come in the Messines sector, with the
hope of nipping off the Wytschaete
sector all of which, it may be stated,
has beefi accomplished. British raids
just prior to the attack showed that
the German sentries always sought
cover from the British bombardments
as they had every good reason to do.
Prisoners say they were ordered to
hold the front line at all costs, al
though their commanders verbally ad
- mitted that this line would be taken
by the first assaulting waves. It was
hoped, however, immediately to eject
the British with the much talked of
German storming troops and "Stoss
truppen," which had been especially
formed to "knock" the British out of
any trench element they might enter.
Barriers Burned Away,
German troops who but recently
came into the line said they had seen
many guns moving toward the front.
This worried thern considerably, for
ordinarily German gun transfers are
made at night and in such a concealed
manner that even the German infantry
seldom sees them. The German pris
oners admit that they were complete
ly bewildered by the British tactics.
So many practice barrages and feint
bombardments had been directed
against them that they had no idea
when-to- expect an actual attack. Their
first line and communication trenches
l:kc had been terribly knocked about.
The British had to level many bits
of wood and then they sprayed these
woods with drums of boiling, blazing
oil, which burned them away and
made attacking across what would be
considered impregnable natural de
fenses quite an easy matter. The com
munication trenches were so damaged
that it was impossible for the Ger
mans to make their way along them
in daylight except on all fours. Ra
tion parties attempting at night to
come up over the open were badly
cut up by the constant British fire.
The starvation barrage had been so
effective that the only Germans who
had had food for two days prior to
the attack were those who were pro
vided with' what are called iron ra
tions concentrated foods in tins. -
A tremendous amount of concrete
work was found by the British in
their sweep over the captured posi
tions. It included machine gun em
placements and big dugouts, some of
which were capable of holding entire
Soldiers Knocked Down.
The dugouts were crashed in by
armor-piercing projectiles and other
high explosive missiles found in the
catalogue of the modern artillery
school of fire.
The effect of these mines was
simply tremendous, even upon the
British troops, who were near them.
The Irishmen were just dpposite one i
of the biggest mines sprung. I hey
had just got to their feet in anticipa
tion of the final word to move for
ward as the earth opened 200 yards
in front of them. The force of the
explosion was such and the earth
shook so violently that every man
was flung down. The men were up
again in an instant, however, and
pressed forward, happier than ever.
The manner in which Catholic and
Protestant Irishmen fought together
over the Messines ridge will ever be
a bright page in the English history
of the great war. It was a stroke of
genius on the part of the army com
mander who thus brought them to
gether. They had stiff hand to hand
Lfighting at several points, and no
troops in the world are better in tnis
style of warfare, .today many snul
ing men from Ulster and from the
south of Ireland were to be seen in
their new trenches wearing German
caps and helmets with broad grins
across their laces.
"Tanks had their ups and downs in
the battle, doing effective work and
also affording much amusement for
the "Tommies."
Says Modern' Warfare
Depends on Railways
Chicago, 111., June 9. The thou
sand men of the Third reserve engi
neers, one of the nine regiments of
railway men of all grades who will
build, rebuild and operate the lines of
France, Russia and Belgium, were
given advice tonight by Samuel O.
Dunn of the Railway Age.
Ston railroads and the war will
stop almost instantly," the editor said.
there have been almost two revolu
tions in the waging of war. The first
was due to the invention of gun pow
der and the second to the develop
ment of the railroads. Her railroads
alone have enabled Germany to shut
tle cock hundreds of thousands of
troops from one front to another as
needs arose.
The vast armies of F.urope todav
could not be created or maintained
except for the ability of the railroads
to transport not only troops, but
enormous quantities of munitions and
supplies. Before the development of
railways armies were obliged to main
tain a base ot supplies which greatly
restricted their movement, particular
ly in any enemy s country, it is ot
the most vital importance to the al
lies that their transportation facilities
not only of their countries, but of the
United States, be most efficient and
reliable. Everything that is done to
help the railways of the United States
hel,js to win this war.
Kaiser Still Talks of
, "Wearing Out the Enemy"
Amsterdam, June 9 (Via London).
On the occasion of a demonstration
of. new defensive methods on the
western front, says a dispatch from
Berlin today, Emperor William deliv
ered a speech to the Brandenburg
troops, in which he said:
"The enemy is seeking a decision.
We await it calmly, placing our trust
in Gad, who heretofore has gracious
ly protected and aided us. Uur ene
my will be compelled to sacrifice men
until he is exhausted and lays down
his arms.
"You must hasten his. exhaustion.
When this is accomplished you will
have won for the German people tire
position which they are entitled to oc
cupy. Peace will be dictated through
Argentine Turks Destroy
Meat Consigned to Allies
Buenos Aires, June 9. According to
advices from Colon, in the province
of Entre Rios an enormous stock of
frozen meats in the warehouses of a
British company; has been destroyed.
The stock was intended for the en
tente allies and its value was estimated
at 2,000,000 piasters.
the persons engaged in the plot
are said to be,Turks.
"A Word to the
Wise is Enough"
AND when you're buying tires.cord or fabric, follow
Jl. Poor Richard's advice and say only the word
"Firestone." This word is not only the name of a
tire foremost in quality, it is the name of a man who
is personally responsible for that quality, which
means safety, comfort and mileage for you.
More and more you realize the value in a name, and
more and more you understand Firestone leadership
when you ride on Firestone super-size Cord Tires.
They combine luxurious, care-free riding with utmost
efficiency and with that pre-eminent Firestone
advantage, "Most Miles per Dollar."
Since the Firestone-stock distribution plan went into
effect you have 11,000 employes of the organization
working as one to uphold quality and keep down cost.
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company
2566 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Sophomores Are
With Two Essays on Temperance
Qevieudc 'Reynolds
Miss Gertrude Reynolds and Frank
Krampert of the University of
Omaha were awarded first and sec
ond prize, respectively, for writing the
best temperanco essay. Miss Rey
nolds wrote on "The Liquor Traffic"
and Krampert on "The Physiological
Kronstadt Will Share in
Provisional Government
Petrograd (Via London), June 9.
1 he provisional government has ap.
proved the action of M. Tseretelli,
minister of posts and telegraphs, and
M. bkobelett, minister of labor, in ar
ranging the surrender of Kronstadt,
which recently declared its independ
ence, in agreement with Anatole Lam
off, president of the Kronstadt coun
cil of soldiers' and workincns1 dele-
eat es.
The government has decided to in
vile the Kronstadt council to desig
nate a candidate tor civil representa
tive of the government at Kronstadt
and proceed with election of a Kron
stadt municipal council.
The minister of justice has been di
rected to appoint immediately a mixed
committee includine renresentativer.
of soldiers' and workmen's delegates
at Kronstadt, to inauire into the cases
of persons arrested in that city. Those
neid lor trial by the committee will
be sent to Petrograd and the others
will be liberated.
Holland's Queen Escapes
Injury in Train Wreck
London. June 9. Queen Wilhel
mina of Holland had a narrow escape
from injury in a train wreck yester
day, Renter's correspondent at The
Hague reports. Four cars of the
train in which the queen was return
ing to The Hague were derailed at
Houten, near Utrecht. The queen,
who was unhurt, proceeded to the
capital by an ordinary train. .
A Central News dispatch says that
immediately after the accident the
queen attended a number of injured
passengers, giving them first aid, not
resting until she had ascertained that
they were well cared for.
Would Bar American
Machines From Germany
Copenhagen (Via London), June 9.
The German Association of Manu
facturers of Agricultural Machines
has addressed a demand to Chancellor
von Bethmann-Hollvveg for stringent
measures against the International
Harvester and Singer Sewing Machine
companies. They demand that the
German branches of these two Ameri
can corporations be placed under
state supervision, deprived 'of raw ma
terials and that exempted workmen
employed by the companies be as
signed to German factories.
Home Office mni Factory, Akron, Ohio.
' Branches and Dealers Everywhere.
Prize Winners
and Mental Effects of Alcohol."
The prizes, $10 and $5. are given by
Mrs. John Bekin. President Jenkins
presented the prizes. Both winners
are sophomores. Last year's prizes
also went to the present sophomore
Registration in
Nebraska 118,123
Lincoln, June 9. Governor Keith
Neyille today telegraphed Provost
Marshal General Crowder at Wash
ington the complete registration in
Nebraska is follows:
Total registration, 118,123; total
white registration, 110,466; total
colored registration, 1,457; indi
cated possible exemption, 64,596;
state's estimated eligibles, 129,000;
aliens of countries with which the
United States is at peace, 5,044;
alien enemies, 1,156.
Ottawa Takes jnterstate
"Dry" Oratorical Contest
Wichita, Kan., June 9. Kenneth
Cassidy, representing Ottawa uni
versity, won the interstate collegiate
prohibition oratorical contest here to
night. Charles II. Klippel of Morn
ingside college, Sioux City. la., took
second place and Beeler Blevins of
Park college, Parksville, Mo-, cap
tured third.
The following states were repre
sented:, Iowa, Kansas. South Dakota, Min
nesota, Nebraska, Wisconsin and
CreW of Cruiser Cormoran
Held as Prisoners of War
San Francisco, Cat., June 9. "three
hundred and twenty-two officers
and men of the crew of the German
cruiser Cormoran, which was sunk
outside the harbor of Guam to pre
vent its seizure by the United States
when war was declared, arrived as
prisoners of war at a California port
today, according to advices given out
here. The prisoners were in charge
oi nuy marines.
Nominate Alves for Head
Of Rio Janeiro Meetina
Rio Janeiro, June 9. Dr. Rodriguez
Alves has been nominated for presi
dent at a political convention neia
here. Delfin Moreira was named for
vice president.
JJr. Wenceslao Braz, the present
head of the republic, completes his
four-year term on November 15 of
next year. Under the Brazilian con
stitution. he cannot be a candidate
for a succeeding term. Dr. Alves was
president ot Brazil trom IWi to 1906.
Senator Gore of Oklahoma In.
troduces Several Additions
to Statute; Aimed at
Liquor Traffic.
Washington, June 9. A number of
prohibition amendments to the war
revenue bill were introduced in the
senate today by Senator Gore.
One proposes to increase the pres
ent retail internal revenue license to
$5.01)0 a year, making it prohibitory.
Another amendment would author
ize the president to commandeer dis
tilled spirits now in bond for the
manufacture of munitions and for
military and .ospital purposes.
Another would tax distilled spirits
in bond less than five years $5 a gal
lon, with an extra tax of $1 a gallon
for each additional year. Another
would put the tax upon grain, cereals
and other foodstuffs used in manu
facturing distilled spirits at $t0 a hun
dred pounds.
Taxes on beer and other malt li
quors also would b increased under
another amendment by $1.50 a barrel
upon products containing less than
2'A per cent alcohol and $5 a barrel
in excess, a rate regarded prohibitory.
Hitchcock Asks for Data
On School of Irrigation
(From a Staff Orrffaiiondenl. )
Washington. I). C June . (Spe
cial Telegram.) With the object of
obtaining data upon which to base an
effort to secure backing of the federal
government for a school of irrigation
at ScoffsbhifT. Senator Hitchcock
has written State Senator Bushee of
Kimball, ard Representative Frank
Steams of Scottsblutf for informa
tion and suggestions to aid in draft
ing a special hill which he will in
troduce in congress.
Senator -fitihcock found after con
ferring with nfWrs of the Interior
and Agriciltural departments that
as the matter stands now there is no
way the federal government can
supplement anpropriations made at
the last session of the Nebraska
legislature for the proposed school
except by special act of congress.
Strong Opposition to ,
River and Harbor Bill
Washington, June 9. The annual
river and harbor appropriation bill
carrying $27,000,000, was taken up in
the house today with indications that
lie -9ir l tiarHllllt wrtlllH hp nilirll
harder than usual, because of the war
emergency. Besides the group of rep-ronl-itiifc
anrl ariatnra who alwavs
oppose such measures as pork barrel
legislation, there are many wno oe
lieve most of the new improvement
tm nrnnnserl can as welt be DOSt-
poned until peace.
Chairman Small ot tne river ana
harbor committee in bringing in the
Kill rtrr-larprl till new nrnircts were of
pressing national importance.
.mihiirm I Mnnn ann Krn-
resentative Frear, republican, attack
ed the measure and many members
A w k III! Peacock Is made of pure fruit juices
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on both sides of the chamber assailed
Chairman Small with a bombard
ment of questions that seemed to in
dicate widespread opposition.
More Suits Are Filed
To Recover Oil Lands
I. os Angeles, Cal June 9. The
total ot oil land withdrawal suits
pending in the United States district
court here was increased to thirty
four today when the government tiled
suit agaiiHf the American Oil Fields
company (Ltd.) and the Standard Oil
company to recover the northeast
quarter of section S2, township i2,
range 24. in Kern county.
The complaint alleged that no oil
had been discovered on the land be
fore the date of executive order issued
September 2, IW9, withdrawing it
from entry to establish a fuel oil re
serve for the navy.
Seventeen of the suits are included
In what arc described as the "Hono
lulu" cases, set for hearing in Fresno
July 12. These involve seventeen
quarter sections in the Midway held,
valued by the government at $20,
00l000. International Fisheries
Dispute May Bs Settled
Ottawa, June 9. J. I). Hazen, min
ister nf livhnripa. annrttinrril in narlia.
ment tonight that negotiations were
iciiuiUK mill i 4MMHKIUII vwniii
promised a spredy settlement of all
between the United States anil Can
ada. Equal rights in the use of ports
and fishing grounds will be the basis
of settlement, it is understood.
Unveil Statue of Gen. Lee
On Gettysburg Battlefield
Gettysburg, I'a., June 9. A memo
rial surmounted by a statue of Gen
eral Robert I". Lee was unveiled on
Gettysburg battlefield today.
Firt Yaara
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"Enlist in the army of our satisfied patients. Perfect health re
quires perfect teeth. Our skilled and experienced dentists will solve
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Beit Silver
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NOTICE Out-of-town patrons
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For health, for coolness, for
a refreshing, energizing and
stimulating drink, try
The Aristocrat
Rebel Chinese General
Arrives at Tien Tsin
Peking. June 9. General Chang
Hsun has reached Tien Tsin with 5,
0U0 troops. He received almost foyal
honors and was guarded closely.
General Chang Hsun will confer with
the military governors in Peking on
Sunday. Three thousand of his
troops already have reached the
Chinese capital.
General ('hang Hsun declared that
a settlement of the present political
strife is possible providing that Par
liament is dissolved. Today there
was no quorum in Parliament which
indicates that it probably will dissolve,
thus easing the position of President
Li Yuan Hung.
Bathhurst Says England
In No Danger of Starving
London, June 9. Captain Charles
Bathhurst, parliamentary secretary to
1 he food control department, speaking
at Guilford tonight, said the im
mediate danger of national starvation
had been removed, thanks to the
prompt and generous assistance of the
United States.
A A"
Phone Douglas 9513
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Share the harvest of money maktnr In
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