Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 A
THU OMAHA bbMDAl JOiNE, 10, liU7.
Elaborate Flans Made for Cele
bration of Festival at Lin
coin June Twelfth to
Aaaolatd Fraaa War Summary.)
Lincoln, June 9. (Special.) With
the celebration of the semi-centennial
of Nebraska only a few days away
the committees preparing the pro
gram and the arrangements tor the
observance of the three days which
will be given over to the event, have
about completed tha work so far as it
can be and there is every indication
that with proper weather conditions
it will be an event long to be remem
bered. That alt Nebraska is interested is
evidenced by the fact that in -the re
union of the old settlers who were in
the .state when the state, was still a
territory, indications point to over
l.uuu or the men and women who
helped to make early Nebraska his
tory. That day will be celebrated
with special ceremonies at St. Paul's
Methodist church, in which' former
Lieutenant Governor Thomas Majors
will preside and General John Lee
Webster of Omaha will deliver the
Governor! to Come.
Governors will come and governors
win go. 1 hey will all be welcomed
with open arms and with loud acclaim,
but the event of the whole occasion
will be when "Teddy Comes Marehini
to Nebraska." Colonel Roosevelt will
. arrive in Umaha over the Burlington
at 7 o'clock Thursdav mornimr.
!will be met by the special semi-cen-
iciiuhu (.uiuiuiitcc, wnicn is maae up
of prominent men of the state and
breakfast will be had on the special
diner prepared for Mr. Roosevelt. In
a special parlor car the committee will
escort Colonel Roosevelt to Lincoln,
arriving at o:w ana trom there he will
go to the Lincoln hotel.
' ' Roosevelt Program.
Visitors will be admitted In him
from that time on until lunch. At 3
ociock colonel Roosevelt wi be e
corted to the state house, where at
3:30 he will deliver an address on a
platform erected on the north side of
the grounds. At 6 o'clock sharp
luncheon will be served at the Lin
coln to the ex-president, who will be
the guest of the semi-centennial com
mittee. At 8 he will attend the pageant
t the state fair grounds, which will
be held in the coliseum. The build
ing, which seats over 4,000 people, has
beeii decorated in .tint shape, a num
ber, of big pine trees have ' been
brought from the Platte river and
form the forest needed to make a
background for the pageant. Mr.
Roosevelt will leave at 11:30 for the
Governor Capper of Kansas 'will
also be a suest of the cnmmlttra anil
will arrive during the early morning
hours and stay through the day.
Governor Harding' f: -Iowa '-"Will
come to town over the Rock Is and
Wednesday morning and will stay two
uys, assisting in me welcome to colo
nel Roosevelt on Thursday.
Governor Neville will give a lunch
eon to the visiting governors' on
Wednesday. . .. ...... i. .
Decorations Profuse.,. . "
Decorations for the event are very
profuse. ' Bright new flags are hung
along the principal streets and bright
electric lights of , the national 'colors
are strung across the streets.' Two
big marine searchlights with their
rays piercing the night for eighteen
miles around will be used from the
tops, of the highest buildings.
A yok of oxen shipped from Win
nipeg, Canada, arrived today and will
form a part of the exercises. They
will be driven by some old scttlerwho
has not forgotten the haw-and gee
language expected to be recognized
by Buck and Bright.
The day is coming, the stage is set,
and all that will prevent the greatest
event that Nebraska has ever seen
will be old Jupiter .Plnv, who. it . is
hoped, will lake oogriiiance ' of ' the
fact that Nebraska wants a square
deal, and will take his storm and wind
clouds down, In .Missouri and Okla
homa at least .until the celebration, is
over. ! ' . '
Man Despondent Over
Registration Kills Self
Aberdeen, S. D.,Juhe. 9. (Special
Telegram.) Oscar Forster, aged 28.
married less than-a year, committed
cuicide in a barn near Hecla, north of
here this -morning, k by hanging.
Korster had been despondent over the
war and on the morning of Tegis
tration day attempted suicide by tak
ing a dose of hydrocyanic acid, but his
lift was saved by prompt action of
physicians., '
Spouting Oil Well "
Discovered Near Edgemont
Edgemont, S. D June 9. (Special
Telegram.) A spouting oil well has
been discovered near here, 1,760 feet
deep. When tapped, oil shot 100 feet
in the air. The proposition was
handled entirely by Edgemont and
South Dakota men. The field is
contiguous to Edeemont. Manv rip
are working within a few miles of
Edgemont. Indications point to Edge-
muiu us mn ou -emier. ; .
To Make Comfort Bags. '
Geneva, June 9. (Special.) The
members of the Women's . Christian
Temperance union have begun mak
ing of comfort bags for the soldiers
and sailors, and will work on them
this summer. A committee of wo
men waited upon Congressman Sloan
yesterday to ask his influence in se
curing prohibition and clean moral
surroundings about the camps. ;
Geneva Boy Injured.
Geneva, Neb, Tune 9. (Special.)
Raymond, the 17-year-old son of
Crosby Johnson, was seriously hurt
this morning, as he with the section
ew started to work on the Chicago
m Korthwestern railroad-. He was
thnmn off in front of the car and run
One shoulder and an arm were
miaow , ..,--.-. . '
Kewi Notes of Geneva.
, June 9.-(Sp'ecial.) Pete
TrtiP.r fes aold li is ices cream and
-wioy ekM to' Mr. Carlson.
V- tnftar tiucnvm the .local P. E.
V. '.iikvtor net with Mm. Koch let.
. n--mtx baric; invited a guest,
wmt owrraif Mothers7 day.
A iiian m vca ij the younger
Garfield School Base Ball Team
This Morning Will Play
for Another Cham
pionship. The Garfield school hall team won
the chamDionshio in District No. 1
which comprises all the South Side
schools. It plays at Kourke park
this mornine for the city champion
ship. The members of the team are
Uark Neiman. timer strow. Wii
liam Clifton, Ernest Braunum, Samuel
Nevins. Ralph Bernard. Eugene Clark,
Williamson lianktnson, Harvey saut
ter. Substitutes, Hugh Hodgen, Har
old Hancock, Wallace Grace.
Mafic CHf OoHlp.
Father Michael P. Otuba innt Thursday
end Friday in Fuller ton, wbr o field con
firmation aervlcea.
John Schutts, park commissioner, an-
nouncea a band concert at Marxian park,
Sunday afternoon, at t o'clock.
Dr. W. A. Cos. 1401 N street, waa on of five
dentlata recommended by the State Dental
society, for appointment on the Stat Hoard
oc LftnUl Kiaminera.
Children' day will observed at the
PrAsby tartan church. Twenty-third and J
streets, Sunday morning t 10:66. The
exerclae will be held In the upper audi
tori urn. A literary and musical pro ram
ou Deea prepared.
Rev, Robert L, Wheeler announce aervleei
at the Wheeler Memorial Presbyterian ohurrh
for Sunday a follow: At 9:46 Children'
day exercts with baptism and reception of
member. Young? People's Society of
Christian Endeavor, 7.' At S the churches
unit la attending- th bacealaureat aer-
mon at th htjrn school.
Diplomas Are Awarded
At Chadron Normal School
Chadron, Neb.: Tune 9. (Special.)
The commencement exercises of the
State Normal school at Chadron have
been attended by large crowds.
Professional lite and citv state cer
tificate were given to the- following:
Bess Remender Hssel Beckwlth
Nina Tttrechek Frank Krelsenbeok
First irrade certificates or normaf
diplomas: - 1
Misses Misses
Hasel Beckwllh MudaUst Leppla
Mlnnts Ben (hack Helen Lowry
Wllma Bruce ' Anna Smith
Bdlth Carpenter Marguerite Morrlssey
Gladys Cross Bee Remender
Ethel peLand Ruth Sweeney
Clair Gorton Nina Turechek '
Vivian Hyser Maotuerlt Walsh
Marl Leed Mary Wilson 1
Mesr. Messrs.
Walter Benthack F. Krelxenbeck
Clarence Kllao
Elementary. state certificates:
Misses Misses-
Alice Nelson Grace Falrhead
Elsie Rash Anna Hoffland
Verna Bunn Pearl Tall man
Gertrude Delaine Halite Calam
Ethel Memory Catherine Kins
Florence Teal Maud Bergman
Mr cordon Boltn
High school diplomas from normal:
Misses Misses
Btsl Rash Nellie Durham .
Q race Falrhtad Bernle Buxton
Verna Bunn Vlda Mackey
Theima Oratty Florence Teal
Minnie Tellman Pearl Tatlman
Frederick Malka Harold Norman
Alfred Iaham Helen Ollmor
Gertrude Delalng Haiti Calame
Junior certificate), Miss Alio Biancnard.
Transcript in Chadron
;.. Case Not Yet Completed
Chadroik Neb.,- June 9. (Special
Telegram.) Judge Slattery an
nounced today that he had not com
pleted the transcript in the alleged
blackmail case in which members of
the Omaha police .force are defend
ants. ' ' '
Robert Hood, whose name was con
nected with the case, but who was
out of town during the hearing, has
returned. He was at Fine Ridge In
dian agency, and in coming home in
Jits automobile, ran into a wind and
hailstorm. "His face was cut and
bruised by hailstones.
Kecnut Kuna Into Law.
Crawford, Neb., June 9. (Special.)
Edison W. Barton a recruit stationed
at Ft. Robinson was arrested for il
legally having intoxicating liquor in
his possession. He was convicted in
Judge Gooch's court, and was fined
$100 and costs. In default of paving
.the same he was taken to the county
jail at .naaron.
Prepare for Construction
. , Of Sixteen Soldier Cities
. Washington,' June 9,Nearly a
score of captains of the quartermas
ter corps were ordered today to re
port to. Colonel Little,' chief of can
tonment construction in preparation
for beginning work on the sixteen
soldier cities, which are to be ready
by September 1, to house 600,000
young men of the selective army.
Award of contracti for buildings on
the aeven sites already selected, prob
ably will be announced tomorrow.
Chillicothe, O., and Petersburg, Va.,
were added today to the list of can
tonment sites approved.
Breaks Flask on Sidewalk;
. Police Allege it Was Booze
A chemist probably will be called
upon' to decide whether a dark stain
on the sidewalk Hear Thirtyithrrd ind
Q atreets, South Side, was" the re
sult of dried-up booze or some other
liquid.- Upon the outcome will de
pend whether Walter Waskel, 3223 Q
street former South Side saloon
,man, will or will not be fined $100
ann costs. , . ..
Officers raided the rooms of Waskel
Friday night. Before they broke in
they heard a crash on the sidewalk
below. Upon investigation they
found pieces of broken flask on the
Officers accused Waskel of trying
to destroy the evidence. This he de
nied. He said the flask contained but
termilk. Thursday night Waskel was ar
rested on the charge of selling intoxi
cating liquor. He was released on
$100 bond. Saturday he was released
on similar bond. Judge Fitzgerald
has set both cases for June 13.
Balfour Party is Safe
Back in Great Britain
London, June 9. Foreign Secre
tary Balfour arrived at a British port
this morning on his return from his
trip to America at the head of the
British mission.
, Three Platte Bridgea Out.
Gothenburg, Neb, June 9. (Spe
cial.) The high water in the Platte
river the last week has been-cutting
on the south end of the bridge sev
eral ffavf anH waft-J... . 1. - t . I-
J " j -. j i. iv. inu ovum
spans, about ninet feet, floated down
uie rurcr, i wenty-two leet os water
I, nsiinr !-..!-- .1, . I. J . . 1. :
point. -A temporary foot bridge will
v vwiwuutico at once ana arrange-
as rapidly as posible, The bridgea
at oiwaj nuim ana juaxweu are also
out ... ,
NEBRASKA' 118,123
More Than Half Number Sign
ing Make Claim to Ex
emptions From Army
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, June 9. (Special.) The
total registration of the state now
complete as reported to the governor
is 118,123, divided as follows:
The cards indicating ex-emptions
do not set out clearly whether ex
emption is claimed or not, but are so
White 1UM
Blirk 1,4(7
Allien of countries at peaca with U. 8. 1.044
Alllei or countries at war wltn u. B 1,16
No. of whiten not aaklna exemption. 49,892
No, of whltei Indicating exemption. 63,774
No, of blacke not anklna exemption, 63S
No. of blaoki Jndlcatlnc exemption 122
' Only one county asks for pav for
acting on registration board and one
man in one other county asks for
Notes from West Point
And Cuming County
West Point. Neb.. Tune 9. CSne-
cial.) The total registration for Cum
ing county was 1,34b. Uf this num
ber 679 claimed exemption, 532 alleg
ing they were supporting dependent
relatives. Thirty-seven aliens regis
tered, as also nineteen alien enemies.
It it helipved that all trine availahle
have registered.
Marriage licenses have been issued
to the following: John Adams of
Lincoln and Miss Myra Krause of
West Point, Arthur Breutkreutz and
Miss Olga Hoehne of this county, H.
M. wicnoison ot Wisner and Miss
T.aiira Wel anil M T Tl.l.i;nna.
and Miss Lesta A. Flores.
: Miss Mable Brazda, teacher of the
Vifth grade of the public schools, has
resiornerl hr nnnitinn sin i.Mimt n(
failing health. Three vacancies now
exist in the teaching force of the
public schools here.
., Nicholas I Peirhlinoe ..( MS..
testa Flores were married by Father
z-eitz at ot. Mary s church. The young
people will spend their honeymoon in
0)maha. Thev will .. .... k. v.:-!..
X -"-.r .. wwup iitu-
linger farm northwest of town.
, n. mass meeting ot the citizens of
Cuming county is called to meet at
West Point Mnnriav fnr hm A.i-:.4.
tion of a county council of defense.
Weighed In the scale of
public approval, this com
bination machine and cab
inet registers another
Full ail Floor Cabinat
With VietroU VI
Victrola VI... $25.00
Cabinet ......$24.50
Private Concerts In our
Sound-Proof Music Gal
leries every day this week,
demonstrating, this won
derful offer-. -
Sold en Easy Terms
Charles II.
High Back Rocker
In Jacobean Oak, with
the "twisted rope" turn
ery, cane panel back and
loose Tapestry cushion
seat A very handsome,
well-made Chair that will
enhance the dignity of
any room ,
Handsome Axminster Rugs
In NeW and Popular Patterns
, Are shown in Chinese, Oriental and Chintz de- -signs
as well as plain colors. We have so wide
an assortment that any color scheme can be com
pleted with one of these highly desirable rugs.
9x12 size, $36.00.' ' Many small sizes, some .
quoted below:
8-3x10-6, $3.1.50. : ' 6x9, $20.00 -
s-incn Dy
Administration Measure to
Prevent Wilful Obstruction
of Commerce Debated in
Upper House.
Washington, June 9. The adminis
tration's priority shipment bill was de
bated in senate today and a final vote
probably will be taken tomorrow. The
bill would prevent wilful obstruction
of interstate commerce and would em
power the president to direct that
shipments of foodstuffs and other ne
cessities have preference in transpor
tation. Senator Smith of Georgia protested
against what he termed "the unlimited
power given one person regarding
war supplies" and introduced an
amendment which would limit the
president's power so as to permit him
to designate only the routing of mili
tary forces and supplies. ' -
Senator Gore introduced an amend
ment which would prohibit the ship
ment of distilled liquors.
An amendment by Senator Hollis
under which the provisions of the bill
could not be construed to curb the
right to strike was accepted.
Women Can Vegetables
In Holdrege School
Holdrege, Neb., June 9. (Special.)
Seventy-three women canned vege-
i . il. j! -r fli
laoics unucr me uireciion oi special
ists in the high school domestic sci
ence rooms and attended lectures and
demonstrations on drying and pre
serving Wednesday and Thursday.
This school was one of a series of
twenty-seven now being conducted
throughout the state by the university
extension service. Delegates were
present from women's organizations
in Aima, wxiora, wucox, -rvxteil,
Funk, Atlanta, Smithficld. Bertrand,
Loomis, four country circle and local
garden leaders. Misses Hall and Mc
Bride, had charge of the school.
Young Man Killed.
Hastings, Neb., June 9, (Special
Telegram.) A man, 21 years of age,
wearing a gray sweater on which
were the initials in red "C. M. S." and
No. 8 shoes was run over and killed
by a Union Pacific train here late to
day, while waiting to board a train
to Grand Island. His name ia not
known here.
American Walnut for Your Dining Room
This fine wood is to be seen at its best in Dining Suites. Exquisitely finished
in every minute detail, the beautiful soft color lending a charm to the furniture that
cannot be. expressed with other than Genuine American Walnut. William and
Mary, Queen Anne, Hepplewhite, Chippendale and Adams styles are to be seen.
The Suite, of which we illustrate the buffet and table above, is especially re
markable for its finely turned legs and stretchers, as well as the perfect detail of
the ornaments.
You Can Furnish Your Dining; Room in this
Beautiful American Walnut for as Little as
KltelMa Wares,
Kitchen Ware for
We ean think of nothing more desirable than a
set of Aluminum Cooking Utensils or Pyrex
Transparent Ovenware. Both time and trouble
savers in the modern kitchen.
the Pyrex Transparent Ware
PYREX dishes art beautiful on the table. By
baking and serving in the same dish you econo
mize labor and because Pyrex transmits heat
quickly and retains it a lonir time an economy in
fuel is effected. "Pyrex Sets" for the bride-to-be, make acceptable
gifts indeed. Attractively boxed, 85.00.
The 8-inch Casserole (illustrated) , is priced at ........... . . $1.50
ou-mcn, $3.50.
Miniature Commencement to
Be Held in Tori Snelling
Camp, Followed by Home
Cooked Dinner.
Minneapolis, Minn., June 9. (Spe
cial Telegram.) It was learned today
that forty senior students of the Uni
versity of Iowa, who are attending
the officers training camp, are to re
ceive their diplomas next Saturday at
camp under unique circumstances.
Officials of the university will come
here and hold regular graduating ex
ercises, which will assume all the for
mality and regularity of a real home
commencement. Afterwards there will
be a treat for the embyro officers in
the form of a home cooked dinner to
be served at Minnehaha Falls.
Recruiting Air Pilots.
Orders have been received at the
camp to obtain applications from
men of the student personnel of the
required age and tempcrmental ability
for service as officers in the aviation
corps. The list of applicants will be
forwarded from week to week to Har
vard, where the officer's corps of the
aviation service is being formed.
No official information has been re
ceived relative to the second officer
training camp at Fort Riley, and until
such information is jt hand it will not
be known whether men rejected for
the first training camp will be eligible
for training in the second camp.
Ames Instructor Arrives. .
Lieutenant W. G Langwill, mili
tary instructor at the State Agricul
tural college, Ames, la., arrived today,
having been assigned to duty with the
Forty-first infantry.
Services for Captain John R. Mc
Ginnins of Kansas City, Thirty-sixth
infantry, who met death by a fall in
a bath tub-in his quarters Tuesday
night, were held at the post chapel to
day. Unfilled Orders for
Steel Show Decrease
New York. June 9. The unfilled
tnnnac rtf 4h ITni'tert Qtte
corporation on May 31 was 11,886,-
jyi rani iccoraing to tne report is
sued today, a decrease of 296,492 tons
from the April 30 figures, which were
the highest in the history of the cor
poration. f
A Large Part of Our Profit
Lies in What You Think of Us.
Dowa Stair
the June Bride
Aluminum Ware
Sets of Pure Aluminum Ware
are very acceptable in the New
Home. The values we are
offering may be well gauged
by this 8-qt Preserving Kettle,
which is offered
-Orchard & Wilhelm Co.vflrWb-r
On Easy Terms j
(sent on approval, if desired)
We'll gladly send you at once on approval no j
deposit required j
This Latest Model $50 j
Test it thoroughly. Convince yourself that in tone !
in brilliance, and in mechanical perfection, this initni- j
ment cannot even be approached at the price. We'll j
arrange to deliver same on a small first
and by Easy
Steps to ... .
Your Windows
Decide the Ap
pearance of Every
Room in Your
if you will consider
for just one moment
how greatly a room is
improved by suitable
curtains and draperies,
you will realize how
true inis is, ana ine 1
ways and means are not
Duchess Panel Curtains
Dignified Exclusive Adapted for windows of any
width, each panel being from 9 to 14 inches wide. As
many panels as each window requires can be purchased
in one piece.
Prices, Per Panel, $1 .50, $2.00, $2.50
The desirable summer time drapery. Effects suitable
for bed room, sun room, living room, etc. ; wide assort
ment, from 18 to $2.00 per yard.
Filet Net Curtains
Plain or figured centers, with narrow borders, in white,
ivory and ecru, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50.
Sunfast and Tubf ast Drapery Fabrics
.We are still able to guarantee quite a large percentage
of our drapery materials against fading to sun and
water. These are shown in all the desirable drapery
colorings, in effects suitable for any room. Prices
from $1.25 to $4.50 a yard.
payment balanceon easy monthly terms.
See us about it today! ' j
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.,
1311-13 Farnam Street i
"Home of the Columbia Grafanola"
p2 wrx
Delightful Gifts
For the Bride
To Be
This Chinese Lacquered
Table has raised orna
ments in gold and terra
cotta characteristic of all
genuine examples of this
pleasing Furniture.
In common with hun
dreds of other charming
gift suggestions, the price
is NOT excessive.
In choosing Gifts for
the June Bride we would
suggest that you walk
through our store and ex
amine the many useful
and beautiful things that
are capable of expressing
your good will.
Gifts, from ,
$1.00 to $1,000.00
That will serve
your purpose well