Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 20

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
Comb Honey
The Picnic.
Once more the picnic season looms
up with its joys and sorrows, its sun
' shine and rain. The picnic of today
does not seem to be what it was in
the long ago, when a boiled ham was
within the reach of all and the wild
wood had a clientele of generous
number. But the picnic season goes
on forever, just like the old mill
stream and the gas meter at home.
Each year has its picnic season, and
each picnic season brings us new
hones and joys and fears and
romances and lemonade.
There is the demonstrative miss
who screams when a caterpillar
crawls down her back and there is the
chivalrous vouth who plucks the
caterpillar from the young woman's
We will offer as exhibit A the
family picnic, that homogeneous di
vertisrment wherein filial, maternal
paternal and conjugal devotions blend
into a harmonious entity at the be
ginning of things. The best part of a
mcnic is eetting started and then eat
ing the provender. On the evening
before the day set for the picnic ma
gets the commissary ready ana pa
does a lot ol talking about wnat
great picnic engineer he is. Sister
Sue irons a lot of frocks for the oris
and Willie ties up a croquet set, ball
and bat, and a few other articles used
riurins lucid moments at a picnic,
Sue's steady young man joins the
family and ma admonishes Willie not
to use any 01 nis uncouin language 111
.the presence ot tue prospective son
' in-law.
; The start is made during the early
morn, with robins and larks singing
paeans of praise in their matutinal
ecstacy. Sue and her 'beau lag in the
rear and Willie does a quick-step
with his burden. Pa jogs along, smolc
ina hia nine. The scene of the pros
pective prandial frolic is reached and
pa remarks he is glad he did not have
to walk any farther.
After the lapse of a few hours,
Arthur, the 8-year-old, pierces the
woodland with this inquiry: "Say, ma,
when are we going to eat?" Sue and
her young man search for four-leaf
clover.' He carves a heart with his
knife in a tree and cuts initials inside
of the heart, while she looks on and
eicrn and siirha.
Do you remember the time I met
you at a picnic and you were so at
tentive to mer ma asxs pa.
Pa, reading the big league base bait
news, replies: "I'll say you have a
good memory."
"Well, iust get busy here and help
arrange the table. You've always got
, your face stuck into a paper when I
want a little help. You have a half in
terest in those children, Now, just
make the lemonade," says ma,
"I don't know what woman suffrage
is bringing us to," is pa's continuation
of the colloquy.
And they eat and eat, and the 8-
? 'ear-old eats until he declares his
ittle tummy aches and ma reproves
him for having eyes larger than his
They reach home again and ma
says, Well, there's no place like
"I told you that before we went,"
replies pa.
Mushrooms and MBshroomi.
; City Commissioner Hummel likes
mushrooms and so-does City Attor
ney Rine. Last week Mr. Hummel
confided to his friend the discovery of
a patch of mushrooms on the slope of
the Creighton university grounds on
Twenty-fourth street. Rine poured a
few gallons of gasoline into his super
six and the twain sped away to the
scene which aroused the commis
sioner. Rine sea ruied the fungus growth
and exclaffiied, "Those are toad
stools." ' j
"Well, that's why I brought you out
here; I wanted to know whether they
were mushrooms or toadstools, re
plied Hummel. " ,
Leat We Forget. j
Do you know where Chadrin is by
this time?
A Denial.
Ben Baker denies he is trying to
learn to play lawn tennis.
Liberty. ".
"I understand that Steve Maloney
bought a Liberty bond out at Chad
ron," said Patsy Havey to his friend,
Michael Doolihan.
"How's that?" asked Michael.
"Well," replied Patsy, "you see,
he put up a $500 bond and got his
liberty, didn't he?" . V
"And that's what ye be afther tell
ing me, is it? That's a foin joke and
let me tell you, Patsy, me boy, I
didn't think ye had it in ye at all,"
rejoined Michael.
Omaha's Thoroughfares : :
Part III of the Chapterjrom
It was the first building of that
magnitude erected west of Chicago.
Mr. White who was murdered by
Thaw in New York some years
ago, drew -the plans of the building.
This property in 1912 was purchased
by the Omaha National bank, to
which it moved that year, leaving
Joseph Millard, its president in his
' declining years to do business upon
the same lot upon which he lived
while raising his family from the early
' '60s to 1887. . .
On the southwest corner of Six
teenth street in 1881 stood 1 fire en
gine house, the lot being owned by
the city of Omaha, which in 1884
sold it to the Omaha Board of Trade
- for $12,0001 was present at the time
the deed was signed and delivered
by Acting Mayor Murphy to Mr.
Ames, a member of the board. This
was in the' mayor's office about 5
p. m. of the day on which it was
signed. In 1885 the Board of Trade
' erected on the lot a six-story brick,
part of which was for offices, the main
floor being used as a grain exchange.
The city council occupied part of the
second floor from 1888 to 1891. It
was also the home of the Commercial
club for years. The building was
destroyed by fire on February 16,
1915, and the property sold ta the
First National bank, which intends
erecting on the lot a sixteen-story
fireproof bank, office and store build
ing, which is to be finished by 1917.
(Now erected and occupied.) The one
slurv Morrs west of this were erected
in 1888. This property has changed
Wis HisW of Omaha
All the truth ancl unWlt Mate fii to ltnow
By A. R. GROH. .
Chapter XVIII County Fairs.
Vegetables, hogs and other prod
ucts ot the sod began to nourish in
Omaha at an early day. Many of the
first families of the city kept a pen
of pigs in the back yard and a 1
vorite topic of conversation at some
of the social affairs of the city was
the health and welfare of the family
dim. That was before the days when
a false modesty had crept into our
"Our sow has a litter of nine pigs."
the society lender would say at some
Social caste w the early days
evening function to one of the other
"Oh, how lovely," the other would
reply. "Our low had a litter of ten
a week ago."
Sometimes this would occasion so
cial jealousies just as they are caused
today from other causes. But not
This devotion of the inhabitants to
agriculture gave rise to a demand for
a county fair. So they organized one
in 1858.
It was a great success. A man by
the name of Griffin exhibited thirty
different varieties of vegetables. Jesse
Lowe had some fine watermelons on
view. I ,
J. Tousley showed some fine hogs
and gained quite a social prestige in
the community by carrying off the
first prize of $5, which, while a small
sum in our eyes, carried with it an
honor not to be sneered at.
They had numerous side shows at
the fajr. There was the Wild Man
of Borneo, who, even at that day, had
risked the dangers and hardships ot
the frontier in order to gladden the
hardy pioneers with the wonders ot
seeing him.
There was also a two-headed call,
which was a product of a farm near
Omaha. As there was no advantage
in having two heads on a calf, except
as a curiosity, this bree'd was never
The bearded woman was also on
view at the small price of 10 cents,
with 5 cents for children under 7
years of age. The merry-go-round
and moving pictures completed the
I W. W. Scott, the photographer, not
only shoots with a camera, but he
shoots like a Daniel Boone with a
rifle. Rifle shooting is his hobby. No,
he belongs to no rifle or gun club. He
takes no part in state shoots, and
never goes trap shooting with the
crowd. If he did he would show his
companions something they are not
looking for. But quietly he slips away
once or twice a week, armed with his
beautiful little hammerless rifle of
blue steel, and with a whole knapsack
full of cartridges. Into the hills about
Morence or into the wilds of Child a
Point he wanders, and then the sharp
crack, crack of the rifle begins. He
tosses up clods of dirt as large as
walnuts and breaks them in midair,
one after the other, in a marvelous
succession of hits. He has been
known to break thirty of these little
flying marks in succession. If he
Ed Morearty's Recent Book
hands a number of times since the
building was erected, all of which now
belong to W. Farnam Smith. They
are an eyesore and should be replaced
by more substantial ones on property
as valuable as this. The old Patter
son block, 011 the southeast corner
of Seventeenth street, a three-story
brick, is another eyesore, which I am
informed by the recent owner, George
A. Joslyn, is soon to be replaced by
a substantial store and office building.
On the southwest comer of Sev
enteenth street stands the Douglas
county court house, a magnificent
five-story stone building, which occu
pies one-half block in width and one
block in length on the Harney street
side, leaving the iiortr) side for fu
ture extensions and maintaining a
beautiful lawn. It was erected in
1912, taking the place of the old, un
sightlv, inconvenient old court house
built in 1885. . v
On the northwest corner of Sev
enteenth street is the Omaha Bee
building, in which I have had my of
fices for the last three years and
where I have written all of these rec
ollections. This seven-story building
was erected in 1887 by the Bee Build
ing company through the efforts
of the late lafncnted F.dward Rose
water, founder and editor of The
Omaha Bee, who did more than any
other dozen men to build up not only
Omaha, but this entire western coun
try. For years he lived on this lot
in a small white cottage. When the
street was graded in 1883 the house
stood about thirty feet higher than
the present curb line. The Omaha
Morniug iind Evening Bee are issued
Everbo Jylias a HoBty !
line of amusements at the county fair.
One great feature of this fair, which
we must not omit from our history,
was the horse race in which promi
nent society women of Omaha were
the riders of the steeds.
Miss Augusta Estabrook, Mrs. Boyd
and Mrs, E. V. Smith were the
equestriennes in this race. The course
was but 200 feet square (2UU ft.)
which made it all the more dangerous
for the fair ones, especially as they
rode sidesaddles and not in the astride
fashion, which in these times has
come to be considered to be all right
tor ladies.
Miss Estabrook rode a little pony
ana Mrs. smitn a wnite pony. 1 lie
records do not state what kind of
steed Mrs. Boyd rode. But she is
mentioned because she fell from her
flying steed near the end of the race,
which was a cause for regret by all,
though it resulted, fortunately, in no
injury to Mrs. Boyd.
The prize, a beautiful side saddle,
was awarded to Miss Estabrook, who
proved herself a cool little rider even
when flying along at full speed on her
fleet steed. .
The county fair, starting in small
beginnings, led up finally to the great
Trausmississippi exposition at Oma
ha in 1898, which brought people from
all over the world and was certainly
a grand affair, well worth the 50 cents
admission charged. Children were ad
mitted for 25 cents and ministers free.
The present historian (then a boy),
visited the exposition frenuentlv. im
proving his mind and incidentally
gaining considerable skill in climbing
high-board fences. Lack of monev
could not keep him from enjoyment of
the intellectual treasures of the expo
sition and especially the Midway.
"Where there's a will theres' a way."
Questions on Chapter XVIII.
1. What was a leading topic of con
versation in society circles in early
Z. Mention some sideshows at the
county fair.
3. What was the admission price to
the Transmis.sissippi exposition?
4. How did the historiarrithen a
boy) enter? Why?
were stationed in the bow of a mer
chant ship in the war zone with his
22-caliber rifle, he would shoot the
mirror out of the periscopes and thus
render the U-boats helpless.
Collecting nickels of the issue of
1883 is the hobby of Robert C.
Druesedow. By mistake the first is
sueof that year omitted the word
"cents" beneath the figure "V." This
makes this issue an oddity and
Druesedow has for years been look
ing these up. He now has 350 of
them in a sack at his home on Geor
gia avenue. Several street car con-1
ductors, friends of his, keep on the
lookout for these nickels to sell to
Druesedow. One morning when
Druesedow was walking to Leaven
worth street a conductor on the Leav
enworth line saw him coming. He
stopped the car for one and a half
Farnam Street
of Personal Reminiscences
from this building, the plant being
in the basement. West of it, on the
northeast- corner, is the city hall, a
six-story stone building, erected in
1890 during the administration of
Mayor Cushing at a cost of $250,000, a
monument to the memory of that ad
ministration. Its original foundation,
which cost $4,000, was laid by Brcn
nan & Whelan. On my entrance into
the'City council in 1890 I caused an
investigation to be made as to the
durability and strength of this work
and a committee consisting of Dan
Wheeler, W. G. Shtivcr and myself
was appointed and reported its de
fects and recommended it being torn
down. Our report was accepted and
the present foundation was put in its
place. The building, while in good
condition, is sadly ill need of up-to-date
remodeling. In 1880 W. A. Tax
ton tcsided on that lot
On the northwest ' corner now
stands the Davidge block, a two-story
brick used for stores and a rooming
house. In 1880 T. W. T. Richards,
an attorney and owner of the Omaha
foundry and machine shop now the
l'axton & Vierling iron works
lived there. He was one of the suf
ferers from the grading of this street,
he being left some thirty feet on
high embankment.
On the southwest corner of Sev
enteenth street lived for years Oma
ha's first police judge. Judge Porter.
His son-in-law, Ed Hancy, owned and
occupied the house from 1881 to 1906,
when it was sold to F. D. Wear, who
erected on it the present three-story
trick tor store and office purposes. It
is known as the Wead building,
v i
HoW Omaha
Tossed a penny 4o decide
ielideen Omaha and Chicago
and OmkhsL u)on
He flipped a penny to decide
whether to go to Chicago or come to
Omaha. That is how Frank Ken
nedy, editor and publisher of the
Western Laborer, came to Omaha.
"Heads, Omaha; tails, Chicago," he
said as he tossed one of his last pen
nies on a stone table in a printing
office in Burlington, la.
"Heads," he said, as he picked up
the penny after it had stopped spin
ning. And so Omaha acquired Frank
As a boy, Kennedy was more ambi
tious to be a base ball player than an
editor. The -Kennedy nine was fa
mous in Burlington. There were nine
boys in the family and all were ball
players. They organized their own
team, beat all the amateur teams in
the municipality, and even plotted
and schemed for a game with the
league team, but couldn't get it.
There were John, and Jim, and
Frank, and George, and Bart but no
matter what their names were the
nine was full from shortstop to catch
er behind the bat.
Frank dug his toes into tlie pitch
er's box and hurled at the bat for
some years, until his brother Jqhn re
turned from .Chicago, where he had
worked and played ball a short time.
Then Frairk's pitching days ended,
except that he was pitched bodily out
of the box when John took charge.
John had learned to pitch a curve In
minutes while he Starched his nickel
register for these odd nickels to sell
to Druesedow. x
Police Detective Pete Jolly's hobby
is fancy skating. For many years
he was one of the fastest ice skaters
in the northwest. He could jump over
six barrels and was one of the fast
est relay skaters. He gave many ex
hibitions on artificial ice in many of
the large cities.
Mr. Jolly says, "Ice skating is the
most exhilarating exercise in the
Mr. Jolly is still a skillful skater.
Prosecuting violations of the Ne
braska dry law is one of the hobbies
oi City Prosecutor T. J. McGuire.
McGuire not only works in court dur
ing the day to prosecute cases, but
clings around the police station at
night helping the officers to ferret out
violations. Their McGuire has another
hobby. He likes thoroughbred live
stock, particularly cattle. He owns
no cattle ranch, but he wishes he did.
When he can get away lif runs to the
stock yards and attends the sales of
thoroughbred cattle, just to feast his
eyes on the beautiful lines of thor
oughbreds. Drinking coffee is the hobby of
Fritz Sandwall, the jeweler. Mr.
Sandwall likes his' coffee better than
anything else in the world outside his
family, his church, and his business.
Every afternoon at 3:30 sharp, 110
matter how much business is waiting
for him in the shop, he turns the de
tails over to the clerks and speeds to
the nearest coffee house. There he
relaxes his nerves and sips his coffee
quietly and slowly. He then returns
to his work with much more enthusi
asm and vigor.
Noah Webster, who some years ago
acquired something of a reputation as
a writer of dictionaries, refers to a
Lhobby as "a topic, theme, or the like.
unauly occupying ones attention.vor
interest." And if there is one man
more than another who has one of
these hobbies that he thrusts upon
the attention of himself and those
with whom h talks, that man is
Frank Roach, advertising agent for
the Union Pacific.
Frank Roach is a good fellow and
though comparatively young in years,
he is old in the railroad advertising
fame. While he knows it from A to
, his strong card is working on peo
ple who desire to go on summer
jaunts and don't know just w here .they
ought to land.
Although he has not visited all of
them. Roach has read up on those that
he has not seen and as a result there
is not a western summer resort with
which he is not familiar.. Regardless
Chicago, and he came back to sho
Burlington' a touch of high altitude in
base ball circles.
John Kennedy still bears the reputa
tion of having brought the first curve
ball to Burlington. He also enjoys
the distinction of having curved his
brother Frank out of the box by the
As a youth Frank was left at home
to guard his younger brother George.
George was but 7 years old, and want
ed to go swimming in the Mississippi
To be put in girls' clothing was the
worst punishments of the age in Bur
lington among' the boys, so big
brother Frank put a girl's dress on
George. He felt sure George would
not have 'he heart to go upon the
street or to the river under the deep
disgrace of wearing a girl's dress. But
young George was determined. He
tried repeatedly to get away, dress
and all.
Frank cut down the clothes line and
securely lashed his brother, dress and
all, to the gate post. "There, I guess
you won't go swimming today," exult
ed Frank, and he went away to play
ball in tjhe alley.
When he looked at the gate post
again, George was gone. The clothes
line lay in a tangled mass at the foot
of the post.
Frank ran to the river, found the
kid brother in the dress, threw him
into the river in his rage, and then
of whether it is by the ocean side, in
the fastness of the Rocky mountains,
along the trout streams, or on the
shores of some lake, you ask Roach
about it and he will tell you just what
you will see, what you will find when
yen get there and what the cost of the
outing will be. He has made a study
of the west and on anything pertain
ing to it, is a sort of a walking
encyclopedia. It is this that makes
him valuable to the Union Pacific and
at the same time causes him to be
looked upon as one of the good fel
lows. Judge Sears of district court ad
mires "hosses" race horses. It is no
secret that he follows the ponies. He
even owns a nag that can step it off
in something like a mile a minute,
more or less. That is what he calls
his avocation, not bis hobby.
The judge has a. hobby, an hoiiest-to-goodness
hobby that of writing
poetry. Beneath a rough exterior
lurks a deep spring of human sym
nathv and sentiment. As juvenile
court judge he touched the soul of
the child and in that judicial capacity
he was slow to send a boy or girl to
a state institution.
His emotipnal nature has found ex
pression in verses filled with deep
feeling. He has a broad point of view
of the frailities of human nature.
His verses square with the golden
rule and with "A man's a man for a'
A. S. Eorglum, manager of the Dar
low Advertising company, is a man
of much pep1 and several hobbies. His
chief hobby is 8 years old and her
name is Jean. But aside from her, he
has two other hobbies, hiking and tar
get shooting.
Every Sunday morning at an early
hour, he fits himself into a khaki uni
form, and with a knap-sack over his
shoulder, filled with kitchen utensils
and grub, he hits the road for a day
of it. lie does not have any definite
camping place beforehand, but goes
whithersoever and as far as the spirit
is willing. He claim- that dull care
can always be outdistanced on a long
He spends part of each evening
target shooting. He has a thirty-foot
range rigged up in his basement, and
contends against his wife and daugh
ter. Jean, for marksmanship. Seven
bull eyes out of ten tries has become
a habit with him. At that, he insists
he finishes a bad last in this trio of.
shooters, but there's a bull's eye for
Collecting guns is the hobby of
Captain C. VY. Hamilton, jr., of Com
pany B, who is on guard at the Union
Pacific bridge. His home is at 1112
had to swim in and rescue him to
avoid a funeral ,
"He can't do it today," says George,
who is now a big athletic fellow em
ployed in the county judge's office in
the Douglas county court house.
Very early Frank learned the print
ing trade in Burlington. When the
secretary of the union absconded with
funds, the union wanted to. imprison
him, and Kennedy alone stood out
for giving the fellow a chance to pay
back the money. For this stand he
was looked down upon and repeatedly
refused jobs in the printing shops.
In the Burlington Hawkeye office,
just after he had again been refused a
job, he drew a cent from his pocket,
Park avenue. He is said to have the
most remarkable collection of guns
in the central west.
Colonel William E. Baehr of the
Fourth Nebraska plays tennis.
Sergeant Donovan is a foot ball
player "of the past," he says, but is
getting too old for that sport. Fish
ing for trout is his favorite sport.
He says all forms of athletics except
golf are common in the army.
Captain McKinley is reported to be
especially interested in helping en
listed men in getting appointments
as officers. His troop in the Elev
enth cavalry is said to have held the
record, when he left it, for the pro
portion of its members who received
commissions. He may tell of the
school he is reported to have organ
ized for enlisted men in his troop.
Lieutenant W. W. Waddell of the
navy recruiting office, who was grad
uated from Annapolis in 1909, is said
to be an expert on torpedoes, though
he is too modest to accept that ver
dict, according to men in his office.
He has a habit of Walking ten miles
for exercise whenever he can find
time, it is reported.
"Reading novels is my hobby,"
says Sergeant Hansen at the army re
cruiting station. "I learned the En
glish language by reading novels,
Danish being my native tongue. I
A few little rays of sunshine
Falling in Oinaha,
Would make glad hearts for the
With hats from Panama.
If all the advertising men in the
world had "Bob" Rosensweig's dis
position the life of an ad solicitor
would be one glad, sweet glorious
While motoring down town the
other evening Louis Lepke noticed
the car ahead had no tail light. When
he sailed past he hollered: "Your tail
light is out." Imagine his chagrin
when the other guv oneried 'er up and,
on passing him. shouted, "So is
yours." And it was.
Don't Stop.-
When someone stops advertising,
Someone stops buying.
When someone stops buying, ,
Someone stops selling.
When somepne stops selling
Someone stops making.
When someone stops making,
Someone stops earning.
When someone stops earning,
Everyone stops buying.
Keep going Don't be a slacker.
Behold Fred Hoover, amateur gar
dener. He ariseth in the A. M. and
goeth forth to his patch full of hope;
he spades and digs around, throws out
his chest and comes downtown to
tell us his radishes are a foot high,
tomatoes as big as pumpkins and the
fence around his garden is only the
onion tops.
Speaking of gardens and flowers,
why not plant a few water lilies.
R. D. ShirlJV cities a funny instance
that happened at one of his children's
motion picture performances a few
Saturday mornings ago. A fond and
loving mother had brought herin-
I H T.
tossed it once, picked it up, and took
the train for Omaha.
Thirty years ago last February h'
arrived. He worked in the newspape
offices for eight years and bought th
Western Laborer.
Last week, June 1, he celebrated hit '
twentyrsecond year as editor and pub
lisher of the Western Laborer. He
has been active in the affairs of Oma
ha for many years., is now a member
of the Weliare board, has been in the
thick of many strike fights for years,
and still has a regiment of friends 011
both sides of all strike controversies,
Next In Thle Series "Ho Omaha Got J.
like the stories of Harold McGrath
and Peter B. Kyne and E. P. Oppen
heim. For twelve years I have been
doing office work for the' army, and
have acquired the habit of resorting
to a novel wnenever time permits,
which is not for long during thest .
.Work rooms usually occupy' costly
space. Every cubic foot is a golden
vacuum as it were. How much
product per cubic foot comes from
each of your departments?
Intensification is the order of the
day. To obtain a greater product per
man, per minute, per foot. These
comprise true units of measurement.
We are speaking of space. All men
prefer roomy quarters. But roomy
quarters are economically wasteful.
Experience and analysis have taught
that a compact force, working at close
quarters, with no feet to spare, yields
the maximum of effect.
Steps -waste time and effort. Men
stimulate each other. The presence
of others to the right and left, before
and behind, accelerates production.
This is a psychological truth which
may be turned to account. Do not
spread your working fortes through
out vast spaces, but harness them
comfortably together in close work
ing contact.
It's team play that counts and team
play based on this truth. News of
the Woods.
fant delight to see the performanc
and an educational subject was beinf
shown on the screen, and the follow
ing intelligent conversation was ovei
Mother Look, Harold, see the bu
turtle with his armored hide.
Little Harold Oh, isn't he a whop
per; an', what is that funny lookin;
M. That, dear, is an ostrich.
L. H. Gee, look at the periscopi
he's got.
Sam Goldberg has a brother going
to school in the east and' in a letter a
short time ago' asked him if he was
learning much. He just received an
answer from said young brother and
this is it:
"Not so very much. Today we had
two reels in history, a travelogue in
geography and a split reeler nature
study. Teacher said she was going
to put on a serial on physical culture
next week."
Now Sam wonders if he is spending
all his time in deep study.
Tailor Beck has taken unto himself
a new "gas bus." After purchasing a
book called "How to Run an Automo
bile - for1 Fifteen. Cents," and then
studying said book diligently for
weeks, he finally admitted to himself,
that he new all the different "holts"
by their first name. Then he took the
"critter" out before a host of ad
mirers and jumped in the saddle for
a trial spin. After several unsuccess
ful starts he complained the engine
was cold. One of the crowd sug
gested that he make it a fleece-lined
vest, but Beck said he wasn't that kind
of a tailor. From later reports he is
even able to "Beck" his car.
One of the few homes at Carter
Lake club last Tuesday morning
that didn't have water either in 'em or
under 'cm was William Holzman's,
and he hadn't moved down yet. 01-
well, such is life.