Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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Cut Flowers, at 3c
Beautiful Fresh Cut- Rosea with long (terns in all colors, sold
regularly at $1.00 per dozen, specially priced for Saturday, at 3c
Alto a large quantity of fancy fresh Carnations in all colors,
priced at 3c
We make a specialty of funeral designs. Orders filled on
short notice.
Flower Shop Entrance to Pompciaa Room
randas Stores
Initial Stationery
A special sale of Initialed Stationery,- box contain
ing 12 cards and 12 sheets of paper with envelopes
to match, the box at 29c
Main Floor
For Summc .- Wear
Ostrich Boas, unusual values,
made of long fiber, 0
A dainty collar goes with any
dress or suit. We are showing
a beautiful line of Georgette
and Swiss Collars that way have
priced for Saturday, at
50c, 75c to $2.98
Ribbon Offering
Espec. "y Suitable for
Graduates ,
Brocaded Ribbons, good colors,
8 inches wide; Satin Ribbons in
good different colors, 9
inches wide; Brocaded White,
Fink and Light Blue Ribbons,
7 and 6 14 inches wide, priced
We also show a full line of
White Moire and Satin Rib
bons. We are well equipped to
meet the demand for June Rib
bons. Main Floor
Remarkable Offering of 75 High-Grade Sample Silk Suits
On Sale
(Values from
Saturday, at $00 A
i $49,00 to $69.00) pOdJJ
While the quant'1-- is limited, this purchase was an extraordinarily fortunate one because these suits conic in the
various styles which are most in demand this season.
The very latest mnterals, the very latest colorings, the very latest models
ill Khaki-Kool, Heavy Silk Faille and Poplins, Taffetas, etc.
The colors Gold, light and dark gray, blue, purple, greer., :an, rose and yellow.
Also combinations of plain and figured materials, exquisitely smart styles. Most of the suits are high pleated
belt effects, large slipper pockets, bylton trimmed, large white and colored collars. The skirts are shirred top, de
tachable belt and large pockets.
We urge attendnice at 8:30 Saturday morning to give you opportunity to share in this 50
sale, your choice, while they last
Second Floor ,
New Summer Skirts for Women
New black Satin and black Faille Skirts, in draped and pirated effects, smart styles in
the new types that fashion favors, at. . . .$15.00, $19.00. $22.50 and $25.00
1,000 New Tub Skirts, real smart models in cotton gabardine, figured and striped
needlecord, cordeline, basket weaves, stripes and plaids and government khaki, large,
loose novelty pockets, separate girdles, all very moderately priced, at
$1.98, $2.50, $3.50, $3.98, $5.00 to $10.00
New pleated Gingham Skirts, .with large pockets, in green, pink, blue and tan, $3.98
Second Floor
New Coats and Dresses for Women and Misses
New Navy Taffeta Dresses, the desired travel wear, street and afternoon models, par
ticularly appropriate at this season of the year. Smartly tailored, with dainty Geor
gette vestces and collars, new pockets, buttons and stitchings, make these especially
attractive. Prices range from $15, gjo and $25
Women's and Misses' sizes in coats of exceedingly low prices. Splendid values in
Bolivias, Gunnyburls, Feather Fluff; Gabardines and Serges. All desirable shades,
Pricc'1' at - $16.50 and $25.00
Second Floor
Drugs and Toilet
Dorin's Brunette Rouge,
special, the box, at 24y
Pond's Vanishing Cream. .25c
size, jar at 14c
Lazell'a Talcum Powder, the
box. at 12c
Cream de Meridor, 25c size
jar, at 16e
Tweetie Pear Toilet Water,
75c size, at 59e
Ricksecker's Toilet Water,
75c size, at 59c
Pinaud's Vegetal Lilac, spe
cial, at 59c
Vantine's Violet Sachet
Powder, the ounce, at.... 79c
Sozodont liquid tooU) wash,
26c size, at 16c
Djer-Kiss Talcum, the box. 25c
Rubber Sheeting, yard wide,
the yard at 29c
2-quart Red Rubber Foun
tain Syringe, special, at. . . ,69c
Correctly Graduated Medi
cine glass, at 5c
Sloan's Liniment, 25c size
bottle, at 16c
Fletcher's Castoria, 35c size,
at 24c
Hires' Root Beer Extract,
the bottle, at ...Me
Lysul Antiseptic, $1.00 size
at 67e
Pluto Water, 35c size bottle,
at 24c
Putnam's Dry Cleaner, 25c
size, at 16c
Peroxide of Hydrogen, 1-lb.
bottle, at 24c
Juil received a . complete
tock of Thermo. Bottles, fil
lers and Lunch Kits.
Main Floor.
Two Remarkable Offerings
From Our
Muslin Underwear
At Very Special Prices
A beautiful assortment of
nice fresh Undermuslins, all
carefully sized and well
made garments, trimmed
with lace and embroidery in
sertions, envelopes with
yokes of embroidery and
lace, skirts with embroidery
flounces, priced
llf MM -M at
Si tm
Camisoles in Crepe de Chine
and Wash Satin, trimmed
with val. clunv or filet laces
'm.miM4 and offset with dainty rib-
bonuses, special, M gO,
Second Floor
Sale of Silver Plate Hollow Ware
at y3 to y2 Off Saturday
We bought about 1,000 pieces of the finest Sheffield Plate and Quadruple Silver Plate
ware from a New York wholesale house discontinuing their Silverware business and since
we were ready to buy the whole quantity for cash, we were able to secure this beautiful
ware at a tremendous sacrifice. We have divided this stock into the following lots:
Lot 1 Child's Cups, Fern Pots and Dishes, Card Trays, Odd Cream I Lot 6 Tea Sets (4 pieces). Water Pitchers. Bake Dishes, Sheffield
Pitchers, Sugar Bowls, Jam Jars, etc., worth $2.00 to $2.50; sale Bowls and Cake Baskets, "Candelabra 6-light," etc. Regular $9.00
price $1.00 ' and $10.00 values, sale price $4.98
Lot 2 Sheffield Bread Trays, Fruit Bowls, Syrup j 50c Cut Glass Jam Jars with silver spoon and ham
Pitchers, Sugar and Cream Sets, Sandwich Trays, 4. smSi. j . 1 ,
Crumb Sets, 2-piece Condiment Sets, Casseroles, Vlli P P' P 39
etc. Regular $3 to $4 values, priced, at. ... $1.98 1 111 S .,,,.
fl 14 B 50c Childs' Cups, sale price 39
Lot 3 Sheffield Plate and Quadruple Plata, Sand- II K ft ji. ,
wich Trays, Vases, Bread Trays, Serving Trays, Cas- ffcaKMrfFUmtd $1-00 Childs' Cups, sale pric KO
seroles, Fruit Bowls, Bon Bon Dishes, Crumb Sets, W&Aslit'l ft3m.'r
Compotes, etc. Regular $5 and $6 values, $2.98 JWjVW A'B0 induded thi a,e ' few cf ! hh
Lot 4 Tea Sets, Baking Dishes, Casseroles, Shef- P2JSr?PfiIU grade heavy Sheffield Plate, Tea Sets, Water Pitch
field Bread Trays with handle, Relish Dishes, Cheese ffjr i Sn' iw ttim . r ,, , .....
and Cracker Dishes, etc. Regular $7.00 to $8.00 TiTSjaJI prs' Vases and IarKe Bowl"' worth- 1B.00 to $50.00,
values, at $3.98 ssiSs sale price, about H . .$7.98 to $22.50 and $25i
Eastman Kodaks
and Photo Supplies
Complete Stocks
No. 2 Buster Brown Camera, special at $1.79
No. 8 Rexoette Camera, takes picture 814x414,
special at $3.59
No. 00 Cartridge Premo Camera, takes picture
114x114, special at 69c
Cyko Special Hypo, JMb. can, at 12c
M. Q. Developer, the tube, special, at 5c
Dark Room Lanterns, special at 18c
Kodak Albums, many to choose from, 15c up
t0 $2.98
A big assortment of Eastman Kodaks and'
Photo Supplies, Chemicals, Developing Tanks
Bnd Printing Boxes, Tripods, etc.
We develop your
films free when
prints are ordered.
We also enlarge
pictures from your
Main Floor
Hosiery and Knit Underwear
Timely Offerings and Attractive Value
Women's Hosiery
Silk Golf Hose for women, in high colors to match the Sweater
Coats, very durable for all kinds of sports, one of this season's
smartest fads, sold for $2.50, priced for Saturday's selling, at per
pair $1.98
All our fancy novelties in stripes, dots, floral design's, plaids, in
women's Silk Hosiery, that formerly sold up to $1.39, all to go
at $100
Women's Thread Silk Hose, in all colosa-and black and white,
fashioned high spliced soles, heels and toes, lisle tops, some all
silk, worth $1.00, the pair at. 79e
Silk Thread and Fiber Hose for women, fashioned and seamless
farter tops, all shades, high spliced heels, toes and soles, at 59c
iber Silk Hose in colors, seamless, also black and white, double
tops and heels and toes, at, per pair 59c
Women's Lisle Hose in black and white, spliced heels and toes,
at ,.15c
Men's Lisle and Fiber Socks, In colors and black and white, seam
less double soles, heels and toes, at the pair 25c
Knit Underwear
A very special offering in women's fine quality glove silk under
dresses, in pink only; Bloomers and Bodice Vests, Elastic Tops,
at $1.95
Camisoles, plain band or lace trimmed top, and Women's Silk Top
Lisle Body Union Suits, in pink; regular or out sizes, very special,
Rt $1.00
Women's Fine Lisle Union Suits, "Nushape" garments, also "Kay
ser" band top cotton lisle suits, regular $1.00 values, a very spe
cial item at . 69c
Women's Cotton Lisle Union Suits, a splendid value for.... 39c
Main Floor
Important Corset News
We have been advised by the Nemo Corset
manufacturers that on July 2d the price of Nemo
Corsets will be advanced on account of high cost
of material and labor, in the making of corsets.
It will be economy for you to buy your Nemo
Corset during this month. We are headquarters
for Nemo Corsets for Omaha and vicinity.
Nemo Wonderlift Corset is recognized by
leading physicians as a great help to women who
need abdominal support after surgical opera
tions or ill health. The Wonderlift Corset is
made in light weight material, girdle top for
slender figures.
For stout and extra stout figures, we have
the Wonderlift Corset in high, medium and low
tops, at $5.00 to $10.00.
The Nemo with back-resting feature, is es
pecially adapted for business women, the motorist and the dancer.
The back-resting feature will flatten the back and impart better
style. These are priced, at $3.00. $3.50 and $5.00
Wear a Nemo Corset and be happier, healthier and wiser, for the
wise woman will wear the corset that is best for her health, and
style and one that will give her the most service for money in
vested. It's economy to buy Nemo Corsets, quality and service
considered. Prices $2.00 to $ 10.00
Fittings by expert corsetiers, free of charge.
Second Floor
Saturday is Children's Day
For Graduation and Confirmation
Special Sale Girls' Dresses
$3.75 and $6.75
Made of fine Organdies, Nets, Lawns and Voiles, waist neatly
tucked, tunic skirt effects, high waist trimmed with fine laces and
embroideries; sizes 6 to 12 years.
Also for the growing girl, hard to fit; sizes 12, 14 and 16,
$3.75 and $6.75.
Second Floor , s
Boys' Suits, $7.25
Strictly Tailored Styles
About 400 of the moot stylish of strictly
tailored suits; all newest spring patterns.
Worsteds Checks
Tweeds Plaids
Cassimeres Stripes
Serges Plain Colors
More than one-half of the lot made with
two pair of pants '
These Suits were made to sell at $10.00 d J Of"
to $J5.00, priced for Saturday, at.... V .SO
Boys' Blouses and Shirts
59c, 65c, $1.00 and $1.25
Scores of sport blouses and shirts in all colors
and patterns, light or dark.
Third Floor
Boys' Summer Headwear
Boys' Wash Hats, Rah-Rah Styles, combinations
and solid colors, priced at 25c and 50c
Boys' Straw Hats, at 50c, 98c and $1.50
Boys' Light Weight Golf Caps, priced at 25c, 50c,
65c and $1.00.
Arcad. to Men's Building
Summer Millinery for Children
Specially Priced at $1.00
200 hats, made of Black Milan, Leghorn, Milan
Hemp, etc., in both dressy and tailored hats for
girls 4 to 15 years, colors are black, white, gold,
old blue, old rose, green, etc. All the newest
shapes of the Beason; values to $2.50, QQ
Second Floor
Children's Hosiery and Underwear
A Ve- y Moderate Prices
Children's "M" Knit Waists or Cambric, all sizes,
at , 29c
Boys' Gauze Union Suits, sleeveless, knee length,
all sizes, a very special offering at 25c
Children's Knitted Waist Suits, well taped, sup
porter attachment, bone buttons, all sizes, at 29c
Children's Hose in black and white, spliced heels
and toes, 6 to double toes and heels, worth
19c, at 15c
Fancy Top Sox from 4 to 9'j, for children, a
good assortment of colors, at 25c
Main Floor
BILLIKEN--The National Shoe for Children
THE BILLIKEN SHOE is the greatest success ever developed in
Children's Footwear. No tacks, no threads, no nails to hurt (he
Teet. incy are made over natures own last. A pair of BILLI
KEN SHOES will outwear any ordinary pair of shoes thereby sav
ing you big money on your yearly shoe bill, and children like
BILLIKENS because they arc so easy.
We have a complete stock of all sizes. Call and let us show you the
merits of the BILLIKEN. Every pair sold under a guarantee to
give satisfaction
Priced according to size and style.
Here Are New Blouses
at Very Moderate Prices N
Dainty Organdie, Lingerie, Linen Striped, Dimity, lace
or embroidery trimmed models. Others '. semi-tail-
ored at $1.00, $1.45 and $1.95
Extra fine quality Voile and Organdie Blouses, trimmed
with French or German Val
Lace and tucking, Frill or Fichu
models, at . . . .$2.65 to $5.00
New Georgette Crepe Blouses
in Whitei Flesh, Peach, Blue,
Gold and Maize, priced at
$3.98 to $10.00.
Crepe de Chine Blouses in
Semi-Tailored Models. Others
with frills, at. .$1.95 to $5.00
Smock and Middy Blouses
for Sport or Outdoor wear.
They come in Rose, Blue,
Maize, White and Flesh, at
$2.95 to $5.00.
Middy Blouses in extra quality
Galatea or Khaki, priced at
$1.00 to $1.98.
Second Floor
3F v
A Sale of High Grade Shoes
$8.85 and $12.00 Per Pair
400 pairs of women's novelty colored
Kid Boots, made by a well known manu
facturer of high grade shoes, to be sold
Saturday away below the prices you would
pay ordinarily.
Silver Gray Kid Vanp and Foxing with full
Louis heel, covered; light hand-turned soles,
light gray corkscrew cloth top, lace styles,
9-inches high, per pair $8.85
An Ivory Kid Vamp and Foxing, full Louis
Heel, covered with light hand turned soles.
Ivory colored corkscrew Cloth Top, lace
styles, 9 inches high, per pair. .'. .$8.85
A Patent Kid Vamp Shoe with full Louis
Heel, light welted and stitched sole with
Kid Top, lace style, 9 inches high, at
An all-over Ivory Kid Lace Style, 9 inches high, with light hand'
turned soles and full Louis heel, at, per pair $12.00
An all-over White Kid Lace Style, 9 inches high, with full Louis
heel and light hand-turned soles; the pair, at $12.00
These are all made of Blumenthal's Kid and are in
all sizes from 2'a to 8, and widths AA to D. ,
Main Floor
a Cocoanut Brown