Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Daily Bee
.. .
Fair; Warmer v '
VOL. XLVI. NO. 305.
0 Trains, at Hdsli,
Nwi Stiite IU ft.
jn r im n
Capital City, With Sixty
"'Thousand Inhabitants, and
Six Other Towns Re- ;
ported Destroyed
San Juan Del Sur, June 8. An
operator who reached the edge of
the destroyed zone reports at 9:20
o'clock this morning that San Sal
vador was in ruins and that every
, thing within a radius of thirty miles
- had been destroyed by the earth
quake. San Juan Del .Sur'Nicaragua,. June
8. San Salvador, the capital of the
Republic of Salvador, with a popula
tion of more than 60,000, "has been to
tally destroyed, according to a dis
patch from San Miguel Salvador.
. No details as to the, manner in
which the city was destroyed Ijave
been received.. It is said tcS&ve been
the result of an earthquake or vol
canic' eruption.
Volcano in Eruption.
San Salvador has been eut off from
wire ' communication by the disturb
ance of an earth shock, apparently
accompanied by volcanic action..
At 7 o'clock last night the telegraph
operator at Tegucigalpa, Honduras,
reported th&t'.the operator at San
Salvador had ' informed him that
cathquakes had been felt-there. The
shocks were also felt at Tegucigalpa,
where the operator at 7:45 p. m. lost
communication with San Salvador on
' .all wires. .'. . '
From Sensuntrnpeslue, ' in north
central Salvador, flames were seen
arising apparently from a volcano in
the neighborhood of San Salvador.
Six Other Cities Destroyed. ; ,
A dispatch from Tegucigalpa, Hon
duras, says that in addition to the
wipiifg out rjf'San-SalvadoT'tlte'tcrwms
of Quezaltipeque,- Nejapa, Suchich
cto, Paisnal, Armenice and Mejicanos
also were destroyed. Mejicanos was
a suburb of San Salvador.
At 9:05 this morning there was stilt
no communication Ibetween San Sal
vador and Tegucigalpa.
The town of Santa Teola also has
been destroyed, according to the re
port. Residents of San Salvador arc
camping in the streets and park. At
the time the report was sent it had
been raining heavily for five hours.
The disaster is supposed to have been
caused by an eruption of the volcano
of San Salvador, at the foot of, which
the' city is situated. y
. Volcano in Eruption. '
Washington, June t: Dispatches
from American Minister Long at San
Salvador, sent at 9 o'clock last night
while the volcano cf San Salvador
' was erupting, said part of the city had
been destroyed by fire, but that it was
under control. Great damage was
The dispatch Said that about 6:35
p. m. yesterday severe earth shock be
gan and continued until about 8:45
with varying degrees of intensity. ;
At about 8:45 the volcano of San
Salvador began td belch forth fire and
smoke apparently on the side toward
Quctzaltepque. , There was later one
very severe shock, but the tremors of
the earth continued .with decreasing
Conttau4 on Fas Two', Colomn On.)
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair, warmer, '
Hourly Temperature at Omaha YeNtertlay.
99" ' t
tp 89
itt d z
'va z.l
ui 'V xi
ui " oT
ui $
'ui ' 8
L'r ::::
599 V'
B9 i 9 ,
aa "anon
Comparative Local Record. '
1917. 1916. ntZ. 1914.
Highest yesterday .V . 71 86 C3 8$
lowest yesterday .... 61 61 ' it 73
Mean temperature 66 Si if 79
Precipitation !i9 . T T .00
Temperature and precipitation- .departures
from the normal:
formal temperature ...,., w 70
Deficiency for the day , 4
Total rainfall since March 1...., .206
Normal precipitation 17 Inch
Bxcess for the day Inch -
Total rainfall alnca March 1... .11.14 inches
ffxeesa since March 1 S.U Inches
deficiency for or. period, 1916. 3-51 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1916. .61 Inch
Re porta From Stations at 7 P. M.
Station and Stat Temp,; High- Uln
of Weather. - 7 p.m. est. , taJl.
Cheyenne, part cloudy.. 68 70 , .01
Davenport, raining..... 66 80 .18
Denver, clear.,,..-..... 74 , 74 : .00
Omaha, olear ..& 71 .29
DedgtfClty. cleartw... 71 83 .00
. . h. A.TVALSH, Heteorolofftsu
Katzenjammer Kids
and AIL the. Comic.
The Sunday Bee
Secretary Wilson Denies
Labor Dictator Planned
Washington, June 8. Secretary
Wilson today denied published re
ports that the government was con
sidering forming national Industrial
control No labor dictator he said
is needed. '.
Reaches St. Joseph in Advance
of Storm That Caused Her t6
Land for Time at Adams, ,
' . Nebraska.
St. Joseph, Mo., June 8. Miss
Ruth Law, avatrix, landed here1 tt
3:50 o'clock this afternoon, after
having kept ahead of a storm all
the way from Adams, Neb. She flew
from Lincoln, her flight having been
1 broken "by a stop at Adams. . j
Lincoln, Neb, June . Miss Ruth
Law left here at 12:30 today Mn her
airplane for St. Joseph after aban
doning the proposed- flight1 to
Omaha, because of delay in arrange
ments for leaving here.
She will drop "Liberty bombs"
during her flight in the. interest of
the Liberty loan bonds. From St
Joseph Miss Law will resume her
flight to St. Louis. ..
.Many Were Waiting. . ,
Omaha was disappointed when ad
verse weathejc conditions prevented
the announced flight .'of .Ruth Law
from Lincoln to this city. Many pe
destrians occupied sidewalk space at
Sixteenth and Karnam streets as early
as' 11 a. m., expecting to . hold vantage
points where they might catch : the
Liberty bond certificate which 'the
famous aviatrix was to drop, .
Miss Law started her flight, from
Lincoln Coumry club grounds. At 1,1
o'clock she ordered her mechanician
to fill the tank and give the machine
an inspection. She looked "at the
clcjudj andj finally announced hef' de-
ciajun ui inuMiijs uic inp 10 31. josepn
without detouring by way of Omaha.
' 'Balloon and Arrow.'
A stationary balloon at Fort Omaha
was raised as a guide for the intrepid
Chicago 'nier. A large arrow was
raised at the fort to point the way to
St. Joseph.
Dr. P. ,L. Hall was .at the Lincoln
Country club grounds to hand Miss
Law the Liberty bond .certificate
which .was to have been honored by
Xieneral G. H. Harries, of this city.
Ak-Sar-Ben 'colors were attached' to
the certificate
. Miss Law expressed regret when
she decided not to fly over Omaha.
Boosting Bond Sales. ',
Miss Law arrived hi Lincoln at 4
a.m. from Ohio. Her trip to at. Jo
seph is incidental to a flight to St.
"It was a Ruth-less day for Omaha,"
remarked the Careful Observer, who
stood at Sixteenth and , Farnam
streets until his feet were tired and
his neck sore scanning the empyrean
Miss Law is making flights in the
interest of Liberty bonds. She scat
ters literature as she flies. The Liberty
bond committee at the Commercial
club arranged to have the Union Fa
Miss Law appeared within telescope
range of Omaha.
cljic shops whistle blow as Soon as
Lands in Cornfield.
Adams, Neb., June 8. Miss Ruth
Law, flying from Lincoln to St. Jos
eph, was forced t,o land in a cornfield
near here, thirty miles from Lincoln,
after vainly attempting to proceed in
a storm of heavy rain and nigh wind.
At 2:30 o'clock,Miss Law resumed
her flight, although rain was falling
and there was a high wind.
Three Men Are Killed by
Tornadoes in Oklahoma
Oklahoma City, Okl., June 8.
Three men. are dead, another is re
ported to have been killed, scores
were injured and incalculable property
and crop damage done by tornadoes
and violent wind storms which swept
over parts of Oklahoma last night.
Hundreds of cattle 'are reported to
have been killed and many oil der
ricks thrown down.-
Hamburg Houses Flood Victims in
Opera House When Dikes Give Way
Hamburg, la., June 8. (Special
Telegram.) The entire southern part
of Hamburg is under water in depths
from one to eight feet the Missouri
and Nishna bottoms are flooded for
miles and dikes are breaking at all
The dikes at Riverton are still hold
ing, as are those of Atchison county,
Missouri, and those along the Mis
souri river. The railroad grade has
held part of the water off Hamburg,
but the 'dikes on the Vyse, Gottche
and Gude farms have broken and an
attempt has been made to build up
dikes along the railroad tracks to the
south. i ,
Farmers on the bottoms have most
ly moved off and their stock has been
sent to the bigh lands.
The Missouri and Nishna bottoms
are lakes. Flood sufferers are being
nicely cared for by Hamburg and
they have been placed in the opera
houst, city hall, vacant buildings and
FamouLitttlvoman Now Makinz
Air Flight
Miss' Ruth Law
Daring aviatrix who
is boosting Liberty
Bonds from the Shies
: LI f J a f
-v 'J n ' fO
Zo . - "ri o
I K fj Vf
: lS7 jf ---
r V y:j Reader of The Bee r hers given
'X an intimate view of this courageous
i , Voung woman who-it devoting the
' full measure of her ukill to aid the
I nation in the war criaia. Mis Law
t came into- prominence as an
" , ,fi aviatrix when ahe made a success-
fT 3 ful flight over the English channel.
S na used plane abown in the
4 ' j picture in some of her most dar-
fc w ing flighU in the United , States
Krustaleff-Nosar Proclaims In
dependence of Pereyaslav;
Peasants Ask Army to
Defend Country. ' ,
Petrograd, June 8. (Via London.)
M. Krustaleff-Nosar, who was pres
ident of the executive committee of
the workmen's council at the time of
the Russian revolution in 1905, .has
proclaimed the . complete autonomy
of the Pereyaslav district -of Little
Russia, according to a telegram -received
here today from. Poltava. Mt
has refused to permit the district to
send supplies to the army. '
The provisional authorities and the
council of soldiers and workmen' del
egates have sent representatives to
the Pereyaslav district with a detach
ment of troops.
Brains of Revolution.
Krustaleff-Nosar was regarded as
the brains of the 1905 revolutionary
movement. He is the son of a poor
carpenter and obtained his education
under most adverse circumstances.
It was-through the efforts qf Krustaleff-Nosar
that the workmen's
council was created. In November,
1906, he and fourteen other leaders
(Contlnned on Pac Two, Column Four.)
homes. Boats and wagons were kept
busy all night getting the people and
their belongings out. Train service
on the Kansas City road is limited to
one train a day from Pacific Junction
and return. The tracks to the south
are all out aW the' Burlington has
given up hope of holding the track.
Largs gangs of men have been at
work for days and many loads of rock
and sand have been used.
Stanley Shuey, 15 years old,' was
drowned in Nishna river, this after
noon. In company with Carl Smith
they had been out in a boat and it
upset They were successful in get
ting to a high tension electric light
pole, which they climbed. At the
top they were knocked off by the high
voltage. Smith got back to the pole,
but Sliucy attempted to swim to
shore. The current was too strong
and he was taken under. The body
cannot be recovered until the water
goes down as the current is too strong
for any boat,
From Lincoln to St. Louis
f i us . y 1
'Ms A I- rH
Nebraska Named Distinct Di
; vision to Work Independ- .
ently of Denver and
- Chicago Headquarters.,
Frank) Judson lias been appointed
director of Red Cross work for the
entire state of-Nebraska. - This word
was received Friday morning by wire
from Edgar H. Wells of Washington,
D. C, general manager of Red Cross
in the United Stales, the result of a
recommendation made by Gould
Dietz while in Washington at the
National Red Cross conference.
Heretofore all inquiries for new
chapters outside of Douglas county
have necessarily, been' referred to the
Mountain division at Denver, and the
work in Nebraska has been delayed.
More than 100 demands for new
chapters in the. state have been re
ceived by the Omaha, chapter, and on
the average of six a day are made by
towns in the state. .
"I have not a doubt but what Ne
braska will have more members than
any other, state in the union, now that
we can work independently of the
Denver and Chicago chapters," said
Mr. Judson. . t .
Shortage injhe Winter Crop
is More Than Offset by In
creased Acreage Sown ,
to Spring Wheat. " -
Washington,' June 8. -America's
1917 crop, as forecast today by the
Department of. Agriculture, $vilL fall
far below normal, despite a prospect
for more' than) an ordinary" yield of
spring wheat,
A total yield estimated at 656,000,
000 bushels will give the country 1(3,-
000,000 bushels more than last .year s
crop; but with the heavy deWid
from abroad and virtually 'no re
serve store, it will riot meet war
needs unless the country practices
the most rigid economy.-
The department forecast a spring
crop of 283,000,000 bushels, a big
yield, but estimates of winter wheat
production give a crop of duly 373,
000,000 bushels,. 7,000,000 more than
was forecast from the May 1 condi
tion, but still' far from the normal
yield. , ,
Improved weather conditions dur
ing May and increased prospects of
winter wheat indicated a crop of 373,
000.000 bushels. .The crop began this
spring under adverse conditions, 12.
437,000 acres having 1o be abandoned
because of the Severe winter and other
causes. April 1 conditions indicated a
production of .430,000,000 bushels, but
during that month growing conditions
were so poor that the May forecast
was reduced to 366,116,000 bushels.
., Spring Wheat Area Increases,
' The increased spring wheat area
placed at 19,039,000 acres and the good
start of this crop under excellent
growing conditions indicate a produc
tion of 283,000.000 bushel's compared
with 158,142,000 bushels last year;
351,854,000 bushels in 1915 and 233,-
(Continued on Paire Two, Column One.)
Red Star Liner Southland Victim of
U-Boat; Thirty-Three May Be Dead
New York, June 8. Destruction by
a submarine of the "British Red Star
Line steamer Southland, with a oss of
possibly thirty-three lives, was told
in cable advices today to the Interna
tional Mercantile Marine company.
The cable said that five men aboard
j. the ship were killed outright and that
M organ & Company Invest
fcOfiOOflOO in Liberty Bonds
New York, June 8. J. P. Morgan
tt Co., have subscribed for
(50,000,000 worth of Liberty loan
bonds, it was announced today, of
which Drexel ft Co., the firm's
Philadelphia house, subscribed 10,
Weak German Counter Attacks
During the Night Are Re
pulsed; Von Hindenburg0
Gathers Forces.
(Bj. Anoelated rren.)
So far the Germans have reacted
hestitatingiy before the tremendous
thrust which the . British delivered
Into the long-held German line in Bel
gitim. . ' "
Only weak counter attacks were re
ported during last night, according
to the unofficial accounts from the
battlefield, and General Haig's troops
have held all the ground they won,
which reaches at points to a depth of
nearly three ml'cs. - '
Hindenburg Gets Busy.
Vast numbers of German troops are
being rushed forward by ricld Mar
shal von Hindenburg in an effort to
stem the British torrent which has
swept over the heights dominating
the Lille plain and threatens to sweep
the Teutons from the great industrial
section of northern r ranee.
As every succeeding clash between
the mighty armies on the western
front has dwarfed the one which pre-
ceded it, so the initial phase of the
battle of Messines promises to. be
merely a prelude to the struggle
which is to come.
Blow is Unexpected,
The British thrust follows aalmott
on the heels of -the triumphant an
nouncement by the German emperon
mat tne allied offensive in trie west
had been definitely checked, bearing
cut reports that the Germans had un-
Qcresumaieu me power ana resources
of their foes and were not ready to
withstand the terrific blow which fell
upon them.
From the captured heights the Brit
ish guns today are sending' their mes
sage of death across a low and level
plain of scarcely five miles in breadth
which separates them from the indus
trial capital of northern Franco.
' Center of Textile Industry.
Lille is the chief of a little group
of three cities in which, prior to the
war, centered France's great textile
industry. It formerly had a popula
tion of 210,000, and its two sister cit
ies, Roubaix and Tourcoing, were the
homes of about an equal number.
Tourcoing and Roubaix stand on ris
ing ground from four to six mites
northwest of Lille, the only highland
now in front of the British. To their
right, however, Lille is protected by
a ridge which stands between it and
Armerttieres, the town on which the
right wing of the attacking British
army rests. An advance into . the
plain will outflank this ridge.
. Batteries Taken Intact.
British Headquarters in France,
June 8. (Via London.) The number
of prisoners reaching the collecting
stations since the beginning yesterday
of the new British drive in Belgium
has now reached more than 6,000.
Many more prisoners are coming in.
No estimate of the number of auns
captured is yet possible, although it
is known several German batteries
were taken practically intact.
- The night passed quietly on the
front of the new attack, all the con
quered territory being held.
Prisoners say that scores of Ger
man guns were destroyed during the
British bombardment.
The German losses in their counter
attack were terrible. The full depth-
of the British attack was 5,000 yards.
Three counter attacks by the Ger
mans, which . were not delivered in
great force, were broken up last night.
Heavy Fighting at St. Quentin.
Paris, June 8. Heavy fighting con
tinued, throughout the night below St.
Quentin, the war office announces.
German infantry attacks between St.
Quentin and La Fere were checked by
the French fire. ' '-
The French positions were bom
barded with' especial violence before
the infaatry. attacks. Severe encount
ers occurred at various other points
on the front. The French took pris
oners in raids in the region of Souain.
. Berlin Announces Withdrawal.
Berlin, June 8. (Via London.)
The German forces on the Belgian
front have withdrawn from the salient
protruding westward to a prepared
position between the canal bend north
of Hallabeke and the Douve basin,
two kilometres west of Warneton,
army headquarters announced today.
twenty-eight are, missing. It did not
state when and where the Southland
met its fate.
A representative of the line said the
ship left Liverpool May 30 for Phila
delphia with cargo only. Hope was
entertained, he said, that the twenty
eight persons reported missing- might
be rescued, - . ,
Ship Bearing American Com
mander Escorted Through
War Zone, by Three
. U. S. Destroyers.
bulletin: '.
London, June 8. General Pershing
arrived in London this afternoon. He
was welcomed by. Walter HinesPage,
the American, ambassador; Lord
Derby, secretary of state for war; Vis
count French, commanding the Brit
ish home forces, and other officers,
including Lord Brooke, who will .be
attached to General Pershing's staff
during his stay in England. 1 ;
The expected arrival of General Per
shing and his party had been kept a
fiarly close secret from the London
public. Several boors of rooms in a.
hotel , had been reserved for the Amer
ican party and the hotel this morning
was completely transformed by the
placing of numerous signboards, the
installation of bureaus of information,
etc., designed to make the most effi
cient possible use of the place as tern
porary American army headquarters.
His Countrymen Appear.
Leading Americans in London ap
peared on the scene early today with
credentials as members of various
General Pershing and the twelve ;
officers of his senior staff are to be
guests of the British government at.
the Savoy.
It was shortly before 3 o'clock this
forenoon that General Pershing and
his party reached London and were
met . by Ambassador Page, Viscount
French, Lord Derby,' Sir Francis
Lloyd and General Lord Brooke.
Among other parsons on the station
platform were Rear Admiral Sims, U.
S. N., and Robert P. Skinner, the
American consul gerferahf--
v Arrives at Port. -
A British Port, June 8. Major Gen
eral John J. Pershing and his staff
arrived here this morning after an
uneventful trip. All the members of
his party were in good health and
spirits. Their ship was escorted into
port by American destroyers.
A hearty welcome was extended to
the Americans by official representa- ;
tives of the admiralty, the war office
and municipal authorities. The war
office has assigned a brigadier general
of the British army as aide to Gen
eral Pershing. He took up his duties
with the commander-in-chief as soon
as the latter reached here. ' ,
The formal welcome to the Ameri
cans on the landing stage was a stir
ring scene. A guard of honor com
posed of royal Welsh fusiliers was
drawn up at the landing with a regi- ,
mental band. When General Fersh- .
ing had been introduced to the mili
tary officer in command of the port,
he inspected1 the guard of honor while
the band played "The Star Spangled
Banner." , .
; General Talks of Trip i
General Pershing said to the Asso
ciated Press: '
"The trip has been-delightful, par
ticularly the latter stages, when we
were escorted through the danger 1
zone by our own destroyers. Speak
ing for myself and my staff, we art
glad to be the standard bearers of
America in this great wa for civiliza-'
tion. The opportunity of landing at
a British port and the welcome we re
ceived are very significant and are'
deeply appreciated. We expect in the
course of a short time to be
playing our part, which I hope will
be a big part, on the western frqnt.", .
General Pewhing and his staff pro-;
ceeded toward London. Before leav
ing the steamer, the general thanked'
the captain and crew for their cour-.
tesies during the voyage. ,
The British delegation which' wel-,
corned the Pershing party on -board ;
the deck of the liner consisted of
Rear Admiral Stileman, Lieutenant
General Sir William Pitcairn Camp-;
bell and theJbrd mayor of Liverpool. ,
The ship docked at 9 o'clock. ;'
Band Plays American Anthem '
After tlie band had played .the:
American national anthem, it ren-,
dered "God Save the King," all pres
ent standing at salute throughout.
The voyage was a quiet one. The
(Continued on Yts Two, Column Two.)
Fort Dodge Guardsmen. '; ,
Battle With Masked Men
Fort Dodge, la., June - 8. Six
masked men attacked the Iowa Na
tional Guardsmen who were guarding
a bridge here, it became known here?
today. The soldiers returned the fire
and a battle, which lasted for more
than twenty minutes, ensued. 'It was '
said one of the attackers was shot.
None of the soldiers was injured.
All the Features and
All the News at
Regular Price "
The Sunday Beef
M . .. .-..