10 THE BEE: OMAHA, JUNE 1917. Want Ad Rates CSS THE TELEPHONE If in cannot eon vanlently brine or Mnd :n your ads. Aak for . Want Ad Taker and vou will re. celv. too tamo good eSrvlce a. whoa ce. Uverlng your ad at this offlre. t PHONB TYLER lOflO. WANT AD COLUMNS CL08B BVENIMJ EDITIONS 1I:M M. MORNINO EDITIONS 10:00 P. U. HO AO TAKEN rOM LEU THAN 100, ONE TIME, OB LESS THAN lOo A DAT, fl CASH WITH ORDER. C Bet SoHd (No Diepl.y.) PER WORD. EACH INSERTION If Paragraphed or Dlsplayad lu Larger Type: go per lino ona time To par Una, t or more conrecutlve Inserliona. . SITUATIONS WANTED. Weakly rata 20o per line CARD OP THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. 190 par line each Insertion (allnlmum charge, 10 cento.) MONTHLY RATH FOR STANDINO ADS. (No change of copy allotted.) One line II. 18 Two Unto or more $1.10 all foreign advertising under help wanted classifications. So per word one time J Ho per word, two or more consecutive Insertion, SPECIAL COMBINATION RATE. On Load, Poultry and Other Advertising. THE OMAHA BEE (over 60, "00 dally.) MTH CENTURT FARMER (over 110.000 weekly.) A oomblned circulation which will reach both tho elty and rural reeldent. , Special Reg. hales. Rata, t Insertion, ttt Omaha Bee and 1 Insertion In 20th Century Farmer, per word fo e to T Inaertlone In Omaha Bee and 1 Insertion la toth Century - Farmer, per word ,.,..I0Vto 12o (Oeatraet rates en apjuleatlosj.) Movie Program Downtowa FJUACEKS, 1917 UOUULAS FRANKLYN FAR N DM in BR1NG1NO HOME FATHER" AND COMEDY. North. ALAMO. atTlTAND iNKDICT i FORT KINGSLEY BEN 111 "THE INTERNATIONAL SPY." "LYONS AND MUR AN COMEDY. ALU AM BRA ' T4TI! AND PARKER MAURICE COSTELI.O in "THE CRIMSON STAIN MYSTERY." TRIANGLE COMEDY AND OTHERS. DIAMOND. JtTfTXND LAKE CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "THE CURB." UNCI.B SAM AFLOAT AND ASHORE." ORAND. I6TH AND UINNEI VALESKA SURATT in "SHE." LOTHROP, 24TH AND LOTHROP DOROTHY GREEN in "THE DEV1I, AT HIS ELBOW." . AND COMEDY. PARK, JUTII AND CALIFOIINIA , BARTINA BURKF.TT in "THE FOREST NYMPH." South. APOLLO, 2TH AND LEAVENWORTH MAE MURRAV in "ON RECORD." BOULEVARD. Jll AND LEAVENWORTH RICHARD BENNETT, in DAMAGED (iOODS." 1SOHLEK. MTH AND LEA VEN WORTH ROBERT WARWICK in "THE ARGYLE CASE." West. DUNDEE, 018T AND UNDERWOOD BESSIE LOVE in ' "A DAUGHTEH OP TUB POOR." AND COMBlir. South Side. HAOIC 11TU AND N BEN WILSON and NEVA OEKBKR In No. I "THE VOICE ON THE WIRE." ORPHEUM, IITIl AND M GRAND WILBUR in i "THE SINGLE CODE." DEATHS FUNERAL NOTICES BUTLER Mrs. William H., at Corpus Chrlstl. Tel., June 3, 1117. Funeral Friday, June 8, 181T, at t p. m., ( from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. , F. A. Nlsewangsr, Kit Norlli Twenty seventh street. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. ' ' SAVIDQE Ueorge H. Tue.ilay sight. , Funeral at Berwyn, HI. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. X. L. DODDER CO., Funeral Directors. . F. B. Fero, Mgr.. ltd and Cuming Sta. Phono Douglaa 677. Auto ambulance. kuLSE A RIEPEN, underlekera and em- palmers. 701 B. ittlh. Douglaa 1X28. t)UFFT A JOHNSTON, ombaimera and fu neral directors. 717 g. If Ih 6t, Tyler 17. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, unslertaker and ombalmer, 882. Leaenworth. Doug. ISIS. FLORISTS. BK1NO a member or the Netipusl Florists' Telegraph Delivery aesoclatlon, we are In position to delivery flowers on short notice anywhere In the U. 0. or Canada, Haas ' A Harohoda. Florists, LAROKST seeortment uf .fresh flowers. L, HENDERSON, 1519 FAR NAM. Fontanel. florists. LEEL.LARMON 1M4 Douglaa Bt, Douglas 1544. PARKER Flower shop, 411 a. lath. P. 11 02. THE FERNERY, 601 8. Klh St. Doug. SMf. BATH, National Flortat, 1804 Fur nam St. A. I ON AO HUE. 133 Harney. Dour 1001. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. " Births- Charlea E. and Cora" B, Martin, Omaha, boy; John and Mary McKeague, 4311 Burdtt, boy; Pa I tick E. ami Susan A. McUQvtrn. 3I1 South Twenty-sixth, girl; John J. and Mary Bureeh. Avery, boy; Joseph and Beeste Htanklewtca, 1320 K, fclrl : Francis E. and Ruth Newlon. 1134 North Nineteenth, boy; Ueorge N. and Kthel G. Lyon, hoe.pl t). boy; Francla L. and Helen I. Morgan, hospital, gtrl; John M. and Kdna II. Rhea. 3716 North Nineteenth, ftrl; Carl and Nona Helm, 1614 Bouth Thirty' l nth. buy. Death John B. McDowell, TO, SIT North Thtrty-eeventh; Anna Vlrgl, II. hospital; Ml lien J. Swift, . 401 8; Roae O. Colltne. 4 months. 4431 South Twenty-second; Roy 8. Hart, 31, hospital: Helen 1. Bramblett. CD, Omaha: John Pickett. 71. ttlT Parker; Frank Ptielle, 14, 2311 N; Frank, Tuchman, ISr hOKptlal. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to wed have been Issued io "be following: Nam and Residence. Age. William H. Oottach, Bennington, Neb.... 21 Oraoe Ttmperley, Irvlngton, Neb 31 Walter U. Hall. Fort Dodge, la II Minnie & Montgomery, Omaha 15 Philip Hennlng. Cedar Creek. Neb 14 Mattla Biieker, Graeow-od, Neb 34 Frank Dtltnger, Red Oak, la. 13 Edith B. Baton. Bed Oak, la 31 Charlea L. Vanderpool. Council Bluffs, lav S! Norm Btratton. Council Bluffs, la.,,,. -31 Cart W. Towne, Fremont, Neb II ' Ella Gaath, Fremont, Neb 30 Louis Marushak, Able, Neb S3 Mary Xutbanek, Bralnard, Nab. 34 Qaorga Spats, jr., Ablt, Neb 33 Mamie Docekat. Able, Neb 31 Charles N. Kirk pat rick, Qmtha 24 Alt J. Buaklrlc, Omaha 34 Andrew a SmJthberg, Loup City, Neb.. 3 ra ak. arixon, uman 19 LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM PANT Peraoaa having loet some article would oo wall to call up the office of the Omaha eV Council Bluffs Street Railway Company to aaoertala whether they left It In the Street oar. Many Article each day ere turned In and tb company is anxious t restore iwm wxpi rigntrui owner. IT TOU lose anything and will advertleo It bars you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. If you find anything of value, the honest way Is to advertise ior ine owner. STRAYED from my farm near Dais, Shet ' land pony and cofb Color black, 4 white . feet Colt brownand white. Notify Jim M. ChrUtUneen, Washington, Neb. LOST-FOUN D-RE WARDS LOST At or ne-ir Han theater, Elgin wrist walish; hHV -lumbera for loentirirallon, Literal reward. N Abbott, Hotul Harley, ouglaa SfiliS. LOJT1' Stuatl ault'-unR containing silk dress en, at 14th and Far nam or Harney Bt. . hullanle reward Rn LOST Child's slipper and mbbera between Pry's Hhne sloru and Hayden's. Reward. Walnut 3143. LOST On Uundee car, Tuesday afternoon, lady's pin set In sapphires and pearls. Re ward If relumed to Walnut 816, LOST An Eawtern Star pin. Reward will be paid. CU Colfa 3:' lift. FOL'ND3 Ji'lU goals. Call Ao. 2690. FOR SALE MiicellBneou Furniture and Houseliold Goods. ATTENTION, FURNITURE BUYERS. Do not buy any furniture, rugs or stoves until you have seen us first. We offer you I2K.0O0 STOCK OF HIGH-GRADE FUR N ITU RE, RUGS, BTOVfcH and COM PI.ETH HOME1 OUTFITS for practically your own price. We are forced t. vacate our four-story warehouse, and its entire contents must be aold at once. Bale takes place at our ales room at the cornrr of 14th and Dodge streets. Do not fall to attend. It is an opportunity or lifetime. Hundreds have already taken advan tage of this wonderful opportunity. Why don't you? STATE FURNITURE CO., D. 1317. Cor. 17th and Dodge Bts Omaha. illtAN'D new fur.ilturc, piirchHAed recently, must be sold tt once; leaving city; ma hogany bookcaae, 4 ft. long and 4 ft. high; fumed oik bp d room suite; laundry stove, kitchen chairs and table; no second-hand dealers need to apply. Colfax 3w4l. BARUA1N8 In furniture, Ice boxes, gas stoves, rugs, beds, chin snd kitchen cabi nets, tabids, chatra. buffets, dressers, trunks, aullcas'-B. Full line of poultry net ting, screen. 1HS9-4T N. 24th. Web. 07. ICC CltKAM tables, off. fur. chairs, refrlg., Ice coolers, garden hose, porch furniture, Vlctrolaa and planoa. Loyal Furn. Co., 2U N. ltith. CHy Furu. Co., 107 Ho. 14th. FQR BALE Duo Fold suite, chlffroba check protector, petl'-Ntal, 'loik, kitchen table and rhulrs, Tylor 1450. HUSH right down and get your share of all kinds furniture at sacrifice. 608 N. Ifllh 1430 AlAt'LK-Cumpleto ii-rom apt. for sale; leaving city, DAVfLNPORT and library tab1. new; of frfi, very chrwp. UousjIbh sii2 Jewelry, Diamonds and Watchci. FOR ORADUATION Watches and rings at Friedman s. 1211 Douglas. Lumber and Building Materials. HAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. Gross Lumber and Wreck. C. Web. 34. Cameras and Kodaks. RTTYri CAM 1311 AH, every click plc LUA.J turet oreen s Pharmacy, 16th and Ifoward, Billiards and Pocket fables. FUR BALB BILLIARD TAHLEB, brand new oarom and pocket, with complete outfit, 1 160 j second-hand tables at re duced prices; bowling alleys and supplies; easy payments. Cigar store fixtures at.erlelty. Btnd for ratalogue. TUB BRUNSWICK-HALK E-COLL1SNDER CO., 40. 9 Houth 10th Ht. Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Barn ha rdt Ptg. Co., 624 S. 1.1th Ht. - Sewing Machines. "SEWLN'G MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts Of all sewing machines, MK'KKIH NEBRASKA UVCLB CO., 15th snd 11 unify Hta. Doug. Una I'OR BALK Drop hsd sewing machtne. gooa running order, i us new; all attach ments, 410. Red 612. Store and Office Fixture. HOUND COHNKR cigar case, mahogany rinisn. marble baas, at sacrifice. Olympla Candy Kltrhnn. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR HALB Rebuilt Remington, Monarch nu omiLU'vremier lypewriters, faces sift nd up. Fully guaranteed. HV from manufacturer and be protected. Pay nienta. Remington Typewriter Co. Inc., arm mm iriiiinns, I J'niKllia Jell, TYPKWHITBKB sold, rented and repaired. m an unver lypewriier 3 months lor a. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1904 Farnam. REMINGTON, Muiiarch and fliiilth-Pre- inien ior rem; eeni anywnre. iteMmgion Typewriting t'nmpany, X Mi::t. auaranteBd Typewriters, 110 and up. Writs ior imt. Miillantl Typ. To,. 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO, Jfta there steam renovated and made up th fresh tlrks coot half the price of nrw pillows. Call us for samples of ticking and prices. 1407 Cum Ing. Douglas l'ttl7. WK HAVK moved to nsw location. We buy. hi nun mane aesKs, seres, snowrases, shelving, etc, Omaha Fixture and Hupply Co., a W. Cor. 11th and Douglas Sis. rnone uous;, DRY KINDLING WOOD, ACME B"A i;u.UfAiNy. H AHNEjT 1847. FOR BALE Rppd haby carriage, pritrtlcally riMfV lllnlfAi-u Itt . U-..... canal SWAPPERS' COLUMN HAVE Elk attckpln set with small pesrls. in 114 mvm mouiiunn; vaiuea a( o. nwt nave you? box 329b, Roe. FILMS developed free; One-day service. - nvuan diuuiv, .MVIIIf Bl-mi IVlB and Harney. FJVB one-month-old Belgian liarea to trade for 32-gauge rifle. Call Colfax 3404; WANT TO TRADE Small house andToTTo? socona-nana rora. S311 Madison Bt. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKSDESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold snd 'traded. J, C. Reed. 12Q7 Farnam. D. 4144, FUllNITURK, rugs, stoves, talking ma chines, etc. We pay best prices. Quick sales, reliable aervics. Phona Edwin, Har- iutjimi or jnerney oibf. BLUMENTHAL JS"Sai': moji-m cioining ana snoes. uall Red 136i, OL1TCLOTHING S H 1UH EHT PRirEfl. DOUOLA8 4031, JEMpTTMS blshtst prlca for tlAJlXVllNO fi0thes. shoes, trunks- stc. rteq sist. He. Doug, sou, T.OYAT, FURNITURE CO. will pay JJ A n.4J neclsl orlcea for your house hold goods. Don't fall to call Doug. 4177. SWIVEL office chair, with good casters. Telephone Harney. 1014. Saturday after noon. WANTED TO BUY Good trunk, or will exchange check protector for on. Tyler B. LAYT1N ' pays highest" prices for old ciotnes, snoes sna nais. rnone Tyler bis. POT, BtOnOMANACO. WANT pool hall or grocery store. e20 Rose Blflg. Phons Tyler T6a. BqOKS bought. KlPBer. Loyal Hotel BldgT BOOKS bought, 410 8. 16th. Tvler 2434, S ANNOUNCEMENTS TINO-O-LING New dry method dandruff destroyer and hair promoter. Until July 1, we will send 1 package; special terms to agents. Tlns-O'Ling Co., 114 Zd Ave., ueaar Kapias. la. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORD EON, ''side, knife. unburst, bos pleating, covered buttons, all slse snd styles; bamaUtchlng, plcot edging, ays let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., Opposite Brandeis Store. Brown Bldg, Douglas 14 VAN ARUAN Dress Pleating and Button Co.. 884-7 Pax ton Blk. Douglas 8101. Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co. 131 Ramg. Bldg. Phon. Poug. Detective!. OMAHA. DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, lot 1st Nst Bk. Bldg. Phon. Tyler 51 P. JAMES ALLAN, ill Neville Blk. Evtdenc. secured In all oases. Tyler Hat. g. D. JOLLT. til Psxton. Red T40L Baths. MASSEUSE, baths, manleurtng. phystcsl cult Miss Walksr. Ill Neville Blk. D. !7. RITTENHOUSB Senllerlum; all klnda hatha 110-114 Bslrd Blk., 17th Douglaa CENTRAL Beth Inetltuta. 1608 HaroeyT Douglaa 70.7. Retells Royce. maes.. rhlp. 121 Neville Blk. Buss and Iron Foifnderies. Paxton-ltltcheU Co., II th sad Martha Sta. ANNOUNCEMENTS Bakeries. ORTMAN'S NEW ENOIJIND BAKBRT, III W. HTH. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AMD HATDEN JlKOTllalRS. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED GOODS." ' Blacksmiths. Blanksmlthlng, Iswti mower eherpen'g, lswn mowers ror sale. A. Hmltn A son. w. Zb7 Carpenters and Contractors, I.E.1RARI) ae SON, 20:1 (.'unilng. Ty. !1I. Chiropractis and Spinal Adjustment Dr. curhorn, Kose Bldg. Palmar School (irs'liiate. Douglas 6347. Chiropodist. Carrie J, Burford, 3'l Paxton Bldk. P 45T. Cleaners and Dyers. 3-PIECE suit steam rlesned Jt pressed, 1; pressed, 3fcc, UOb Harney. Red 2741. Dress Making. MRS. H. T. Mottez. 63U H. 27th. Her. 6131. ptt KRRY Dressmaking Co.. SOth and Farnam. Everything for Women, SWITCHES mede from combings, 1 strands. II. Webster 4150. S43S,Orsnt St. Fixtures and Wiring. iiTTRTTM Electrlo washing machine.. iyUAVXVlJ.1 electric Irons and readjng lampa. 1333 Cuntlng St. Doug. 2511. Hat Cleaners. ALL kinds hats cleaned and reblocked; la dles' hats special. 1620 Hsrney R. 4673. Insurance. BANKERS' LIKE OK LINCOLN, 113.14 flly Nst, Hk. Bldg. Doug. nil. Kodak Finishim. FILMS developed free with print orders, on. any service, rnoto urstt nop, 140S Far. Masseur es. MASSAGE, chiropody. Alta Head. 101-14 aird yiog nth and Douglas. D. 1451. FRED C.VLLEN, scientific masseur; Swed- Uh jtiassage snd vapor hatha 1617 Dodge. Central Bath Inst,, 1306 Hsrney. Doug. 7017. MISS WEST, nisnlcure. message. 210 N. 17. Oiteonaths. Mrs. J. R. Mustek, eulphor, stesra and auea- iyptua Datna. loz-3 Kose Bldg. Ty. 2343. Painting and Paper Hanging. TO BKIUHTEN YOUR HOME SEE FRED PARKS. Walt Paper, Paints and Glass, Plctur. Framing, Painting and Paper Hanging. 4622 S. 24th. Phona S. 101. Patent Attorneys. STUROES A STURQES, U. 8. and foreign patente ana trademarks. 130 Bee Bldg. PATENTS procured, bought and aoid. Inter national Patent Co., 663 Brandeis. D. 6691. Pianos for Rent. 13.50 per mo. A. Hospa Co., 1611 Douglaa. Ragtime. popular mui Leam fa play popular musle In 14 lessons. asis n i 24th. Ph, Wsh. 1061 after I p. m. Safes. BARGAINS, lilt Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. SAFES Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full drees suits for rent, zoo pj. mh. John Keldmsn. a?. 1138. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th, D. 111. Wedding Stationery- WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co., Tel, Douglss 644. Where to Eat. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS. NEW DELICATESSEN, 1606 FARNAM. BURROUOH'S CAKE. OMAHA, NEB. (Service), LINCOLN, NEB. 316 , 16111. 132 8. 13th St AUTOMOBILES HUDSON it speedster, Klaxson horn, speed ometer, ttoscn mag. ana 5 tires, 1120. Yale Twin, In perfect shape, 160; Ztxi, !i6, 33x3 Hi tires cheap; Bunch d. I mag., Kellogg 4-ry Under air pump. Cross town Ultra, 3U S. 24th Bt. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 3209 PVtrnam, Douglss SUO, 191ft Cola, ISIS Stearns Knight 1918 Maxwell, $376. 13H Empire. 1400. TIRE REPAIRING, Flrat-rlRi-M work at reasons bis prices. THE TIRE SHOP, T. F. Crow. S618 Farnam, Doug, 4STR. WK will trads jou a new Ford for your old on. y INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO. 80th and lfarney. Douglas B281, TRADK your old battery In on a aruaran. ieea Ever-ready storage battery. Free lir-J ago Hatiory co., lstn Farnam Bt, C W, FRANCIS AUTO CO., Used Car Dept. f 2C10-IB Farnam St. Douglaa 881. Almost any make 'at reasonable orlces. WANTED FOltSPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS: oulck action: no delay. Auto Ex change Co.. 13107 Farnam St. Doug. 8086. - r. . - : : F lase.oo . i.almisrs. ill louring csr,' 3260 In good repair, must sell. Owner going east, "IV Omaha Bee. Council Bluffs. TELL & BINKLBT. WB BUY AND SELL USED FORDS. 5311 Harney St.. Doug. 1640. FOR SALE. A tarsal n (or cash; a four- cylinder huick Roadster. 1916 model; in good condition. Phone 6. 1604, -PASSENGER Hudson louYlng csr; In fine Phaps; slso two bicycles; party leaving city. Box 466!, Bee. BARUA1NS In used Ford cars Holmes-Ad-klns Co.. 411-17 S. 24th. Phons A. 271. 5ERTSCliT '-Kan-Flx-lt," Southeast cor ner SOth and Harney Sts. Douglas 3662. WV1 are the used Ford men. Auto Salvage Exchange, 110 8. 17th. 1917 CHALMERS 8-30 tnurlng, perfect. (001 Tirei and Supplies. TIRE PRICHfVRECKERS. THIS IH NO I IN 1 TIRE, Second-hand tires and tubes; expert tire and tube repairing. Douglas 1.873, COMBINATION TIRE FACTO RT, Jackson. Agts. wanted. Omaha. Neb. Auto Livry and Gara ge. EXPERT auto repairing. "Service car al ways ready. Omaha Oarage, zoio Har ney St. Tyler 666. Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto ws can't repair. ".oils repaired. Haysnorrer. no N, 18th, Motorcycles and Bicycles HARLET - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines, Victor H. Roos. "The Motorcycle linn 1 7th and Leavenworth. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Boms so licits your old clothing, furniture maga slnss. We collect. We distribute, Phons Doug. 413S and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our ntif horns. 1U0-1H2-1114 Dodge St. THIS Is to notify the public I will not be responsible ror any. debts my wife. Mrs, Ella Outhouse, may make from now on. D. P. OUTHOUSE. SPLENDID homo for two or three children under 14. Intelligent personal cars. 3934 N, 3Sth St. Web. 430(1. BATHS and massage. Cenfra) Bath Instl tats, itof uarnsy at, Doug. T0I7. evenings. Open MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage, . Bran. Thea, Bldg. D. 166S. MAE BRUQMAN, sclantlflo masssuss and hatha. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 1727. LUELLA WEBSTER, tnaasags and naant- curing, sis yaxton gm. Kea 34t-o. MANICURING, electric and scientific ; sage. 107 8. n't, gt. Miss PeBar. ALL RIGHT private maternity horns. Best cars. 260S Bristol. Web. 3fl. FRIVATE licensed maternity horns. 41( N. astn st. rnone couax 302. SCIENTIFIC massage, 630 Bee Bldg. Phone uougias ejiJ. Edna Wtlllsms, massage, bath. 33S Neville. Manicuring and mass. 1023 Farnam. R. II. rBATHS, masitags. Phona Douglaa 8761. BUSINESS CHANCES 1100,000 CORPORATION, manufacturing talking machines, wants territorial man agers with 1300 to 3600 eapltaj to finance contract; plays and squats any 160 instru ment Pries lis. Big money-maker. Will payxpensss to Chicago If you ara man WfyVant, Address Sales Manager, 1834 Republic Bldg., Chicago. FOR SALE -The best hotel In up-to-date western Missouri city, having paved streets and street ears. Can be bought at right pries and on eery terms. Dr. C W. mum, r. u. m t. Bldg., Bioux city. la. CONTROLLING Interest in a small wall es tablished Jobbing business for sals. On account of owner having to leave city, wilt sacrifice, sipek valued at 34,000 tor 81,600. Hox 3311. Bee. TO OKT In or out of business oall on OANUKSTAD, 433 Bee Bldg. Dong. 8477. - BUSINESS CHANCES FOR RENT Butcher shop, completely saulDDed. In' town of 600: good location! rent reasonable; good opening for bustler. Address First National JJana, nnoenoni, Wyoming. FOR SALE Garage and dwelling. Good paving business. Selling out on account of other business. Ford contract goes with offer. Write Boa 3f, Rosaline. Neb. WANTED A once, clrolc sawyer for small mill; one familiar wHh engines preferred. Would sell half Interest In same tn right parly. Write or wire K. Scull, (.'a tuna. Ia. BAKERY, I co creum parlor, confectionery, sterk, tools and future nil complete; j splendid location; good opening; cheap. First National Bank Mlsiiourl Valley la. CAN use good, clean-cut man with a few hundred dollars to travel with stats right feature booked sol 1-1. Inferences required. Manager, 210 Bromley Bldg, U YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming bouse call on Bum-h & Borghoff, 720 Wnrld-Hrald Hldir. PjCone D. A BLACKSMITH SHOP with full equip ment for sale or trade for reel estate. Wish a quj' k sa Is. Bo t T 64. Bee. MOVING PICTURE machines, new snd re built, all maks; supplies. Western Sup ply Co.. 2.0 Nat. Bldg. MOTION picture machines (nsw ami re oullt), theaters supplied. Omaha Film Ex change, 108 S. 14th St. WANTED An experienced collector to buy Interest In welt paying detective and col lection company. Box 4506, Bee. SELL or trade grocery and shulf hard wars store. Address Box 1158. Auburn. Neb. FOR SALE Thirty-Uiousaml-dollar stock gen. merchandise. Address 278, Crswford, Neb., 1 guarintee sale of any business or real ea tate. F. V. Knlest, Bee Bldg., Omaha. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO.. W. O. W. Bldg. Red 328S. 1120 MEDICAL DR. E. R. TARRY, 340 BEE BLDG. PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. B, R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op srattona. 1 Curs guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writs for book oo rsc tal disease with testimonials. WHT SUFFER? Latest and Most Scientific Treatment for All Diseases. Dr. Charlea Barnes, 613-&34 Rose Btdg. Examination and Consultation free. He Is curing thou sands. WHY NOT TOUT Delays ars dan gerous. If you can't call, write. Hours a. m. to 8 p. m.; 7:30 to 8:30 svenlngs. Sunday by appointment. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or writs Dr. Frank H. Wrsy, 808 Bes Bldg Chiropractors. Drs. Johnston, 1326 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 8629. DR. KNOLLENBERG. SANITARIUM. Lady attendant, 24th and Farnam. D. 7308. Dr. C. J. Lawrence, Batrd Bldg. D. 8461. Dr. Frances Dawson, 602 Rose Bldg. T. 2360. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 812 W. O. W, Bldg. Taft'a Dent. Rrm., 808 Ross Bldg. D. 2188, SITUATIONS WANTED Male. WANTED By experienced road aalesman. A-l references, sny staple line; eaalern Neb, territory. E. A. Cross, Bristol, la. YOUNG married man wanta position aa chauffeur, mechanic, Davis. Tyler 631-w, WHITEWASHING, Windows washed, rugs beaten, screens repaired, hung. WaL lBbs. EXPERIENCED houseman wants work by the day. Doug- 869. Jos. Baker. FINE paint, carpet and paper cleaning at cut prices. Doug. 7841. Housecleanlng and day work Tyler 823. FOR plowln ft cultivating. Call Doug. 270. Female. ENERGETIC woman, experienced traveler, wants position selling goods or demon strating. Omaha reference. Box Y 69, Bee. WANTED By Scandinavian nurse, confine ment cases. Mrs. K. Nellsen, sit B. 4Qta St. Telephone Harney 0673. SITUATION wanted by young lady ss as sistant bookkeeper or general oillcs worn. Lock Box 296. Bloomfleld, Ia. REFINED woman wants position as house work in small family; plain cook. Harney 2643. YOUNG lady wanta position tn some doc tors or lawyer s office. Cal-oug. 7761. LAUNDRY work, days each week, by Danish woman. Walnut 234. Xd. Dractlcal nurse wants position. D. 6206, . '-.r : . - Laundrw and Dav Work. EXPERIENCE D"aundrens want washing and Ironing; fine clothes a specialty; soft water used. . Harney 1S04. 2630 Chicago. TWO RELIABLE colored ladles want day work washing. Ironing or cleaning. Tyler 3947, ask for Clara or Gussle. WANT cleaning, sweeping or laundry work for Tuesdays to Wednesdays. walnut 3178. WANTED By reliable colored woman. cleaning and laundry wortt. ttarney o.&f. WANTED Position as housekeeper, In or OUt 'of city. Box 4442. Bee. DAY work wanted by colored woman. Phone Tvler 8534-W. . CLEANING, day or hr. Mrs. Scott Web. 3746 DAY work, housecleanlng, col. lady. D. 437S. AY WORK. Call after 7 p. m. Web. 0B94 DAY work by re It a. colored lady. Doug 34S8 LAUNDRY or cleaning, day work. Web. 2973 ANNA wants day work. Webster 2327. DAY work and housecleanlng. D. 7084. WANTED Day Tork. Douglas l97. BUNDLE washing. Call Walnut 269. DAY work wanted Webster 3327. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Office. ROAD salesman (auto), 3100, Exp.; book keeper, (fins future), 186; stenographer and clerk, 76: typlat and clerk, $60; of fice clerk, $46. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO,, 1016 City National Bank. NO FILING FEE. WE NEED AT ONCE Bookkeeper, S0; ledger clerk, 370; comp tometer opr.. $66; steno., $60; steno,, $78. Thirty-one others. THE MARTI CO.. 1817 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, $100; bookkeeper. $76; stenographers, 886, 175, it, 1&0; cierK and steno., $06; typist, $60. -WATTS REF. CO.. 1st Nst. Bank. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, state experi ence, send references, salary expected. Ad dress John Herrod, North Platte, Neb. BKPR. AND TYPIST, auto firm WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS N., 738 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED An experienced assistant 000k- keeper. A. B. Alplrn. 7tn and Douglss. Professions and Trades. WANTED For operation of cement mill, head machinist, 3i cents: gnoa disck smith, 30 cents; electrician, fs miliar three phase motors, 30 cents: stesdy work as sured. Nsbraska Cement Co., Superior, Neb. ' WANTED Glaziers on stork aath, steady employment; day or piece work. Apply St. Louis Sash and Door Works, St. Louis, Mo. TWO men to handle lumber and two sawyers. Steady work. Good pay. Omaha Box Co. East Omaha. WANTED An experienced man to cut Iron with oxygon torch. A. B. Alplrn. 7th and Douglas. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1016-18 City National Bank Bldg. LEARN barber trade; low rates now. Call or write Barber Coliego. 1124 Douglas at. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN to call on garages, machine shops, blacksmith or .repair shops, plum bers, furnace dealers, manufacturing plants of all kinds. References required. Berroo Supply Co, 1118-33 Harney St.. Omaha. Neb. WANTElA-Four high class ' salesman to call on Veal retail merchants. Big money proposition for high grade men. Must be neat appearing, above military age. Experienced men omy need apply. Call after 4 p. m. Plasa Hotel, Mr. Cohen. TRUCK sslesmsn watfted. Apply forenoons. Henry Co.. 1518 N. 16th 6L NEBRASKA manufacturing corporation' wanta real live wire salesmen. 821 Bran dels Theater Bldg. SALESMAN WANTED. Call 831 8. lth St HELP WANTED MALE Trade Schools. LEA UN barber trade: bo Independent; mors than make your expenses wnne learning. Wages or percentage. Ws don't over charge you to begin. 1403 Dodge St. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. NOW Is the time to set If you are going to enlist In the army or navy. Learn the barber trade nrst; jodi waiting, special summer rates. Catalorues tree. Moler Bar ber College, 110 80. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 407 S. ZUth and 2069 Farnam. Boys. BOYS earn good wnges while learning trade. .Tunt like .being paid to go to school, Must be Hi ears old. liOKDON-LAWLESS CO.. 8th snd Dodge. CAN always ute boys who want to work; minimum wage, $1.40 per day. Good chance for advancement. Omaha Box Co.. East Omnhn, Miscellaneous. WANTED I'mc.tat farmer, single, to do general iarm worn, on larm near Arling ton. F. C. Bliss, 264 Exchange Bldg., South Omaha ATTENTION, farmers. If you want help we ran supply you. Bluff City Employ tnent Bureau. IMS' W Broadway. P 43 LA BOR ERS wanted ; steady work; good wages. Apply Sunderland Bros. Co.. west vard, 4 I'd and Izard Sta. LABORERS for Lewlaton, Mont Ship dally. Free fare Emerald Lab. Agy.. 322H 8. 10. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Oitices. STENOGRAPHER, (fine future), $G6-78. Stenographer (autol, $86. Stenographer (small office )i $.6. Bookkeeper and typist (small office, $66.) Stenographer (beginner), $36-$40. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016 City National Bank, NO FILING FEB TO PAY HERE. Register free. No waiting. See us. Good positions open today. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N., Room 1202 W. O. W. Bldg. WE can place five stenographers at once at $6fl to $65. Also one bookkeeper at $60. NO FILING FEE. THE MARTt CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $100, $86. $76, $65. $50. Steno. and P. B. X. Opera., $3&-$40; Biller, $60. WATTS REF. CO., f138 U Na't'1. Bank. OFFICE CLERK, bank cxp $6& WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N., 736 First National Bank Bldg. WE NEED stenographers, bookkeepers and office clerks. Co-Operatlvo Referencs co. STENO., good beginner, $7. THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEB BLDG. Professions and Trades. THE Nebraska . Telephone Company offers an exceptional opportunity to young laoies to learn local and long dtstaj.es telephone operating. Permanent positions, opportun ities for advancement; good, wages. A salary Is paid whlla learning. Parents desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other details ars especially Invited to accom- ytlliy IU gl,riJ MUSS.! lira, , Apply to C. F. Lambert, 18QT Douglas Bt WANTED Girls for attractive piece-work position. Itan Biscuit Co., 13t& ana Cap itol Av. LEARN barbsr trade. 1403 Dodge St Household and Domestic. WANTED A middle-sged woman with no encumbrance to do nouaeworg; gooa home, all modern, four in family. Call at 2881 Saratoga St. WANTED A competent, willing girl for cooklnsr and sen era 1 work. References re- qulrad. 206 S. 32d XV e. Phone Harney 206. worn, biti 1 1 iBLiniiy, uro-. ui J. S. Brady, 3628 Jackson St. WAITED Experienced whits girl for gn- rai nous worn; reioruncoo ioyuireu, N. 34th St. Harney 38. COMPETENT white girl for general house work; 2 in family. Mrs. v. x. .euros, Telephone Harney 207. MAID for second work, private family; good wages; private room, and bath. 3709 Jones St. Harney 672. COOK for prlvata family; good wages; pri vate room and bath. 3709 Jones su Har ney 672. t' ANT ED Experienced cook. Mrs. G. C. Wharton, 604 8. 37th St. Harney 238. WANTED Girl to take care of child and assist with housework. Walnut 3170. WANTED Experienced white cook. Mrs. John u Webster, oi o. zoin Ave. COME to 114 North SOth SU Whits girl; two In family: small house. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Chambermaids. Apply to house- keaper st Hotel Fontenelle. EXPERIENCED light chambermaid wanted at Hotel Boquet. WANTED Cleaning 1 women. Apply to housekeeper, Fontenells Hotel. Miscellaneous. QIRLS WANTED, COLORED PREFERRED; STEADY WORK ALU this xjuak BOUND. OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO., 18TH AND MARCY. WANTED Ladles to stamp transfers and make aprons at home. Good pay. Apply 3219 Douglas, between and 9. HELP WANTED Male and Female. SALESMEN AND SALESLADIES WANTED TO SKLL MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHIL DREN'S SHOES; ALSO EXTRA SALES PEOPLE FOR SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. O. R. KINNET CO.. INC., :0i.20 N. HTH ST. WANTED Men snd women of pleeslng ap pearance; eslsry unlimited. Cell at Room 839, Flret National Bank Bldg. EDUCATIONAL BOTLES COLLEGE DAT SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. ' 1 Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy typewrit ing, telegrsphy. civil service all commer cial and English brsnchea. Catalogue free. BOTLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1,66. 18th and Harney Sta. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY 30TH AND FARNAM. Special low rates to permanent guests. HOTEL ROOMS, IS week; apts. with kitchenette; steam heated. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bes office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms jn all parts of the city. New lists Issued every week. ' 8&S & 38TH ST. Beautifully finished, cool rooms, single or en suite; large lawn and shade trees, private home, hot water all the time; phone Hsrney 4604. LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms, priv ate oam. running water; also room with kitchenette; walking distance. Harney 5807. 709 So. 29th St. ONE nicely furnished front room, first floor; can be used for light housekeeping; clean and cool, second floor. 421 No. 18th St. Douglaa 8M23. - ATTRACTIVE eouth front room for married couple, or 3 gentlemen; etrlctty modern; good location; walking distance. Doug las S4;i. HANSCOM Park district; two large, south. ne.-uuiuiiy Turnianea rooma; nreajtrtst op. tlonal: gentlemen preferred. Harney 4205, SOUTH 2STH ST., SI 4 Nicely furnished rooma. convenient to ieavenworth car line: reasonable. 1011 S. 3IST ST. Cool aouth room; -private home, breakfast aerved; reaaonable. Bar ney 4113. TWO beautifully furnished rooms; all con- veniences; gentlemen preferred; reaaon able. Webster 4J. 111S SOUTH 10TH ST., Apt. 6 Modern, newiy rurminto rooma, private, ooara op tional. Douglaa 1421. 118 N. KTH. Apt 3. strictly modern rooma, housekeeping privilege. Fbone Douglaa T901. 2713 JACKSON St., newly furnished mod ern room; gentlemen preferred, references required, Harney 1612. 4832 H SO. 34TH ST. Housekeeping and aieeping. modern, on car line. South 1790. CONN"ECTINQ front rooma. gaa range, re frigerator; children admitted. 101 N. 36th. GEORGIA AVE., 1001 All or part of mod em lurnisnea nouae, narney 2oi. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. MODERN furnished rooms for rsnt at 1614 N. 34th St.; for colored. Webster 1401. LA ROE front double room, suitable (or two ooara ir aeslred. ZZl Park Ave. 701 8. IHTH Rooms, with or without board mwc tn. wmiem, a no Barege. lsll CASS ST. Furnished rooms; clean; pries reasonable. Red llll, 2218 BURT ST. Furnished rooms, modern rcaatunapin, near car line. NICELY furnished room fota gentleman rrivats iamuy; reasonable. Harney 7143 114 a. 26TH ST. Exceptionally good sleep ing- rooms; warning distance. 818 6. 10TII HT. Nicely, furnished room In modern nouse. 13 week. 1011 HOWARD Furn. rrns.. 12.60 week up. Housekeeping Rooms. !01 S. 24TH ST. Two and 3-room suites desirable; 4 or 0 people; laundry prlv tl Ices. FARNAM, 2823 Two nice housekeeping rooms; reasonaoie;, sisctriety; gas range; refrigerator. 2013 NO. 18 TH Nicely furnished house keeping rooms, laundry privileges; also pleasant sleeping rooms, 11.50 to 82. TWO connecting, newly furnished housekeep ing rooms, souin ann east exposure. 14 p, 3 jj hi. Harney 3Sh8. LINCOLN APARTMENTS Furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Tyler inicago. SUITE of aouth front rooms, clean, neatly lurnisnea. suitable for housekeeping. 3902 Dodge St. THE AONEW -Modern furnished, two-room apartment. 2B23 Lea von worth. Call Har ney 3230. NICK, large front housekeeping room, also nice sietping room. 6:3 N. V"th St. Phone Red 97tft T SUITE of twu housekeeping rooms; also uime sleeping room. z&BW Harney, 2410 CAPITOL One desirable Jargs house- Keeping room; one sleeping room. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 2114 Chicago, Board and Rooms. 118 S. -6TH AVE. Nicely furnished, well venule. tea rooms wim gooa ooara, walk ing distance; references required. Har ney 3473. WELL furnlshfld front room; board for two in private noma; walking distance, 3424 Jones, uougiaa 8132. 2661 DODGE Attractive room for two; gooa ooara; warning aistancs; reasonable; Hist Bin t.11 room. 303 N. 20TH ST. Excellent board and room. Douglas 4420. Orey Gables. 21S NO. 23D Board and room, reasonable. rnone uougias 1762. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. APARTMENTS, all slse. and prtcea, splen- m location, aim sna ramam. t. 1.71. Mod. 4-r. Apt.. Har,. ,141 or Wal. !257. Aparrmet.ts and Houses. NIFTY, completely furnished apartment mui silvan., uuiu. io 0, aist 01. iiar, '4330. BEAUTIFULLY finished apartment. 26th ana narney, seu.nu. uoug. 8392. FOR RENT HOUSES West VACANT JUNE 1. '$55.00 PER MONTH. Nine-room all-modern house and sleeping porch. This place la lo cated In west part of city. THE BYRON REED CO., Douglaa J7. Jli 8. 17th St. 138 SO. 3STH ST. 155. 130 So. 35th St., 6. Phone owner. Douglaa 2221. 2538 DAVENPORT ST. 4 rooms, 8)8. E. SIX rooms, stl modern; walking dlatanc, lei. narney zu,n. NEW five-room bungalow, modern. 817 S. gstn Ht. f f North. FOR RENT, 2035 Maple St. 'Rental, $30. - 1 rooms, all modern. 'Will decorate afd put In first clsss condition. THE BYRON REED CO., REALTORS, Pouglaa 7. !ij n. 17th St. 122.51) PERJllONTH 6-r., all modern house. newiy oecoratea, very desirable, 1807 Lo cust St. WORLD REALTY COMPANY, Douglas 634. Bun Thester Bldg. FOR RENT. $15.00. 241 Cspltol Avs., fi rooms, modem ex cept heat. THE BYRON REED CO., Douglaa 297. 213 S. 17th St. 7-ROOM house. 2203 Burdetta St.. all mod ern, gooa location, beautiful lot, good aur roundlngs. ALFRED THOMAS. 808 Farnsm Bldg. BUNGALOW, story snd bslf, 8 rooms, all modern, 1Z5. 1713 N. 28th. Red 1881. 7-ROOM m dern houeo. 2308 Sherman Ave. Young, webeter 3743. MODERN 8-room house with garage. Wal nut 3723. FIVE-ROOM modern hones. Web. 871. South. FOR RENT 8-room hoase In Hanseom park district and household furniture for sale, 3103 Dorcas, narney 4070. Miscellaneous. PARTLY MODERN. 1802 N. 27th St MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 2508 Pierce St 817 N. 18th St STRICTLY MODERN. 301S Dewey Av.. 3875 Decatur St ' 701 Dorcas St , 1824 N. 37th St 1033 S. 30Ul Ave 219 Park Ave 3901 N. 17th St 8815 Farnam St 569 8. 2th St , 2221 Dodge St FLATS, ' STRICTLY MODERN. 207 S. 30th St APARTMENTS. -R., 4-R.. .0-R., 8-R., B-R., I.R., 6- R., 7- R., 8- R.. SR.. 8-R., -R., 10.- R. .813.50 .815.00 .822.50 .837.50 .918.00 .276.00 .221.00 .326.00 .822.60 .330.00 .360.00 .832.50 .340.00 STOECKER, 828 S. 24th St. -H. 203 Apt. 10 91B .PORTER & SHOTWELL. I. '17th St. Doug, and 123 5013. LET OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY help you find that vacant houss you are looking for. Call or aend for our weekly printed list. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. Resltors, 1814 Harney StJ Tyler 60. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. TIZARD PALACE BLOCK. Close In, of the bent In everything, 3 or 4-room apartment, also 4 -room flat. Of fice 220 North 23d. ELEGANT ub-baseraent apartment, 26th ana Harney, 132.00. Doug. 3392. Mod, fur. 4-r. Apt. Har. 4Hl"of Wal. 12ff?. North. VERY COMPLETE t-ROOM APARTMENT. Entire tile bath. Come and aee. Private garage. ISO! Sherman Ave, MODERN, four rooms, steam heated, f 18 and up. Cloee In O. P. Stebblna, 1610 Chicago. 4-ROOM modern apt., steam heat; aummer rate, $20. U14 'Maple St. Red 1881. South. ' BOSWORTH APARTMENTS. 2217-19 HOWARD. , S rooms and bath and dressing room. Furnished and unfurnished. Unexcelled In the city 826.60 to 137.60. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler lei. REALTORS. 333 Rose Bldg. FOUR modern rooma to adults; otl heat; 130. 1311 S. 26th Ave. Colfax 3454. Miscellaneous. IP TOU ace looking for rental property of any kind, call OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY for their weekly print- ' ad rental list. It will help you. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, Realtors. 1814 Harney St. Tyler 60. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA Horss Live Stock Vehicles FOR SALE Martin t Martin plnskln aid addle. Harney 311. HORSES, S heavy teams, wagon and har aeaa, Xnqulra 101 Douglaa St. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. FOR RENT. BUILDIKGS WHOLESALE DISTRICT. Several places of three stories and base ment. Weal location, substantially built and braced to hold any kind of merchan dise. Good elevators. See ua tor further detaile. THE BYRON REED CO., Douglaa 27. 212 S. 17th St. DESIRABLE store room, modern front, metal celling, steam heat, 624-S38 So. 16th St.; size 82x60: can be subdivided; low rent. Conrad Young, 322 Brandela Theater Bldg. Douglas 1671. FOR RENT. Well lighted brick building, 2 etorla and basement, with trackage; convfl. -lently located: rental 3125 per month; lro mediate possession. THE BYRON REED CO., REALTORS, Douglas 297. J13 S. 17th. LOW-PRICED modem offices. Farnam Bldg., 13th and Farnam. (Old let Nat Bank Bldg.) Flit st TRUST CO., Tyler 600. SMALL modern store room, steam beat, 15I-Cpitol Ave. Conrad Young. 222 Brandela Theater. Douglaa 1571. 4718 S. 24th St., near P. 0 386. E, H. Benner Co., D. 8406. RESTAURANT wlUi fixtures; gaa stoves, stools, at 107 S. 15th St. Miscellaneous. LODGE AND CLUB ROOMS. 1 have for rent on aacond floor, cen trally located building, ona block from postofflca, assembly room suitable for lodge or club purposes; composed of ona large room for dance or lodge hall: threa mailer rooma and kitchen. For further Information call Conrad Young. 822 Bran dela Theater Bldg. Douglaa 167L WANTED TO RENT j a , Irrrr- . Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. wHAThavTyoTior rent In the war ot Jour, ... .,u an. room moaern useto.dat. apartments? Preference will be given to tloee In better districts of th. city. Wsnt to deal direct with owners, No agenta. Miscellaneous. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY .u .ciue a ueuiraDie tenant lor your vacant prcperty. Service unexcelled. Tenanta waiting. Call us. ...HA8TIN0S HEYDEN, Realtors. iis narney Bt. Tyler 8. LIST your houses with us for rent. The list "". we nave a, waiting J. M nimnv, a ft n , 418 Keellne Bldg. Phone D. 688. 1 WE are featuring Dundee and Field club nmnartla. r. n ... - , . - v.. uuyer ior you. INTER-STATE REALTY CO.. H-I0 City Nat. Doug. 886J. WE have aeveral good tenanta for all mod F. V. WEAD. 81 s. 17th St Doug. 171 MOVING ANG STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, atorag. and moving. il N. 11th SL Phon. Doug- FTi"jF,T,TTV rental FEEE SERVICE a.v" uuuBiti. .ss ior complete list of vacant houses and apart menta. Also for storage, moving. xoin ana jacKson Hta. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Kipert service; prompt attention. Tout moving, your packing, your atorage. Main Office, Central Furniture store. ivth and Howard. Tel D. 7788 eritirDnrt. xwr i on.. .n. ....... . ...... n.Kbjiuuae. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 808 8. 16th St Douglas 4168. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, pscklng and storing, call Tyler 28a or Douglaa 4338. Mairtrard !? nd '.wo me e.-so per nour. Van and Storaae Co.. arovln p.i,vt Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1488. CRRF.D Express Co., Moving . 1VUULI Packlna and Rtnr.r,. 1807 Farnam St. Web. 3748. Dong. 8146. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. AN ATTRACTIVE HOME BUILT TO LIVE IN, NOT TO RENT. BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED AND DECORATED - IN THE -VERY BEST RESI DENCE DISTRICT. Thl. Is one of th. best built home, la Omaha. Ston. foundstlon and bassment, solid brick above; elate roof. Th. coal bin and fruit cellar of tile. Practically no cost for painting or repairing. Library with built-in bookcase, .olid cherry; balls and staircase of oak; dining? room Is paneled In Venetian oak. AU floors are hardwood. Large double atona ; windowed and acreened sun porch, con- 1 nected with both the library and dining. room by French doors. The wall, of th first floor and upper hall are coverW V,vl hand-decorated burlap, except the m..i room; three bath rooms. Larn clo.I with outsld. windows. waiefJbe, ..'J cheat of drawers. There to a lsnndry fruit cellar, furnace room and apace which can be finished for a blllUrd room In the basement, which 1. cemented throughout Large aoft water cistern, gea. sot water heater for eummer uee. So well built that 18 tons of coal will heat It throughout and with solid brick walls. It Is wonderfully cool In summer At the very crest ot the hill, there la alwaya a breese there If anywhere. U la convenient to th. car Una snd In th. choicest residence section of Omaha. The prlca la very reaaonable and terms will be msd. to suit the buyer's convenience, Owner leaving the city. Address Box 8687. Bee. WEST FARNAM f-nremi, strictly modern, ityl 2-story home on 35th St., north of Farnam; 4 large rooms on first floor; 4 bed rooma and bath on second; oak finish and oak floors; larca lot; east front; on paved atreet; price reduced 31600 (or quick sale. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 637 Omaha National Bk. Bldg. D. 1781, NIFTY BUNGALOWT K-rooma. all modem, just being com pleted, oak. finish In living rooms, full cement basement with hot and cold water, coal bins, house nicely decorated, exterior stucco and frame, east front lot nicely sodded, Creea planted, located high, and lightly on 47th Ave. near Bedford; price 13,400, 200 down, balance monthly, C. G. CARLBERG, Realtor, aiv-nia nrnnmw i nrnier a tag. WEST FARNAM HOME" 8 rooms, brand new and alt modern, osk finish downstairs, white enamel kitchen. 4 bedrooms, all In white enamel; good at tic; rooms all decorated; corner lot, south front. Price only 15,750. 11,000 cash, balance monthly. THE BYRON REED CO., Phon. Doug. 77. 212 S. 17th. North. HALF ACRE NEW HOUSE NEW POULTRY HOUSE $1,650 $100 CASH Located at 37th and Wirt streets. A splendid little place. House on full cement block foundation, with outside cellarwav; bouse Is attractive; haa 3 large rooms, with large porch; poultry, houee built ac cording to government plans. Monthly payments, Including Interest. tH.-O. Of fice open evenings 7 till . HASTINGS & HEYDEN, ' - (Realtors) 1614 Harney St. Five Phones, Ty. 6ft. ' Exceptional Bungalow $500 Down Five large rooms and bath; oaft finish; all the built-in features. Including sun room with French doors; choicest of hades and flit urea; full floored attlo. Let ua show you. OSBOtVNK REALTY CO., 701-3 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 4H. STRICTLY modern bungalow.1 t rooma, 13nd V