THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6. 1917. 9 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. AN ATTRACTIVE HOME BUILT TO LIVE IX, NOT TO RENT. BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED AND DECORATED IN THE VERY BEST RESI DENCE DISTRICT. Thla Is on of tha belt built homei In Omaha. Stona foundation and basement, olid brick above; elate roof. The coal bin and fruit cellar of til. Practically o coat for palatini r rapairlnf. Library with built-in bookcase!, aolld ehorry; balls and stalrcaaa of oak; dining room Is paneled In Venetian oak All floors ara hardwood. Larva double storm windowed and icreaned aun porch, con tectud with both tha library and dining room by French doors. The walla of the first floor and upper hall are covered with hand-decorated burlap, except the music room; three bath rooms. Large closet with outside windows, wardrobes and chest of drawers. There Is s laundry fruit cellar, furnace room and space which can be finished for a blllland room fn the . basement, which Is cemented throughout. Large soft water cistern, f aa, not water heater for summer use. So well bum that 16 tons of coal will heat It throughout and with solid brick walls, it la wonderfully cool In lummtr, At the very crest of the hill, there Is always a breese there If anywhere. It Is convenient to the car line and In the choicest resldenoe section of Omaha. The price is very reasonable and term will be made to suit the buyers ooavenlencs. owner leaving the city. Address Box J68T, Bee. ,WBST FARNAM $5,250 Never been occupied. Seven rooms, with fireplace and built-in bookcases: oak finish on the first floor; oak floors throughout; white enamel and birch ma hogany on the second floor. This is a bar gain and can make easy ierma. Want an offer. GLOVER & SPAIN, (Realtors) Poul 8883. 813-30 City Nation,!. ".WEST FARNAM HOME" 8 rooms, brand new and all modern, oak finish downstairs,, white enamel kitchen, 4 bedrooms, all in white enamel: good at tic; rooms an decorated; corner lot, soutQ front. Price only Jo, 760. 11,000 cash, balance monthly, THE BYRON REED CO., Phong Dong. 337. 818 8. 17th. NEW BUNUALOW, FIT. rooraa. strictly modern, flntahed In oak: located at 8838 N. tub BL Prlo. J3.1S0. a.rmn Will tak. .mill eottag to trad. NORMS NORMS, 400 Bt. Bldf. Phon. Doug-la. 427. North. A PLEASANT SUMMER HOME as well as " A CHEERFUL WINTER HOME Northeast corner of 33d and Lincoln Blvd., 7 rooms, strictly modern, Interior 'brand new. The attractive features are a 67x60 ft. lot on the corner with a beau tiful' lawn, hedge fence around two sides, fine shade trees, on Harney car line, pav ing all . paid, and this property can be bought; for $1,600 less than it would i ml to place the house and purchase the lot. HIATT COMPANY, REALTORS. ?5-7-fl Omahn. Nat. Bank. Tyler 60. MILLER PARK ; -rooms,' strictly' modern, full 2-story home; living room, dining room, sun room and kitchen on first floor; finished in oak floors and oak woodwork; 8 nice bed -rooms and bath on second, finished in oak and white enamel; attic on third floor, all finished up with oak floors; has built-in bookcases; buffet; fireplace; full cement basement; furnace neat; south front paved street; large lot. This proper ty is Just a year' old and was built for a homo by day labor at a cost of 17500. Owing to the owner being transferred to Chicago, he has priced It this week at S5.500. Must be sold this week. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 537 Omaha National Bit. Bldg. 'P. 1TI1. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Just complt-ted ready for occupancy, three bd rooms, oak finish in living rooms, nicely decorated, full cement base ment, jiermancnt walks, east front lot nicely fmdded, located high and sightly, ,iust south of beautiful Fontenelle park. Price $3,800: $350 down, balance on terms. C. G. CARLBERG, SI 2 Brandeis Theater Bid. PIN KN ICY ST. BARGAIN. ' New bungalow of six rooms and sleep ing porch, oak finish, handsomely deco rated, worth $4,600, but you can buy It this week for $3,850 on Rasp terms (which are dead easy). Immediate action will get you Immediate possession. ' RASP BROTHERS, REALTORS, 210-12-14 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 71. AFTER looking at M1NNE LU8A $00 dif ferent buyers decided that it was the best proposition on the market and they backed their judgment by buying lota. JF YOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 712 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. STRICTLY modern bungalow, 6 rooms 22nd and Ames Ave. Webster 422$. South. MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW. Stucco construction. $ largo light rooms. Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price 3,800. Easy terms. Another new build ing for $3,660. Call Douglas 1781 dy walnut issu eninsjs. NEAR 26th Ave. and Woolworth Seven room bouse with lawn, 76x127 feet, and fruit, vary cheap. i X. Wead, 110 S. lSth Bt. SIX rooms, modern exoept beat, 91.590. Terms. Sea Owner, S$14 N. Slat St Web ster 4t06. Miscellaneous WORLD REALTY CO lunding? Sun Theater K. & TRCMBUU. 1808 at Kat. Bk. B16. P. Ill J. B. ROBINSON. Real l-,tat. ul Inaux nc. 448 B Bldr- Pongla. REAL ESTATE Investment CLOSE IN Income $1980-Price $17500 108 ft. frontage on 26th, only half block from Harney. Improvements, four attached two-story brick houses of 7 and S rooms, modern and in first class con dition. Located right for heavy Increase In ground value. Property half block away selling for $400 per front foot Part cash will handle. Ask us for particulars. Armstrong-Walsh Company, Trier 1S38. REALTORS. 383 Rose Bldf. APARTMENT. 178,000 Incom. II par cant; .a. eld; vary nn. location; mortgage ,ao,vuv and Will 120.000 In trad.; bal anc. cab or uogetlabl. papa. CAUUN9 4k CO., Poutla. 1313. City Nat BanK BWa SUB US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPBRTT. A. P. TUKET ft BON. REALTORS. 80 Flrat National Bank BUg. REAL ESTATE To Exchange HAVE client with 240 acres good land In eastern -Montana. Clear, worth $6,000; three miles from good railroad town. Want ft to 8 -room modern Omaha resi dence, valued 94,000 to $6,000. Joseph Pick. 1219 Evans Bt Web. 4866. t HAVE a 925,000 hardware, doing good business, and, 910,000 In money. Want western Iowa or eastern Nebraska farm. 8. S. and R. E. Montgomery. 906 Omaha National Bank Bldg. : OOOD OMAHA INCOME PROPERTY, and part cash, to exchange for Douglas or Sarpy county farm land. BOX 8642. BEB. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. WE HAVE several lots located at 27 th and Corby and 27th and Maple, three blocks from new school location. Two of these are on paved streets. Will sell at a bar gain. Can give terms, Travers Brothers, 81 1 First Nafl Bank Bldg. DANDY LOT. xl3, tvtn ,trat fniDtacaa: May t.rma. Call Douglaa 1064 or v.alDM. H.rn.T ,161, BEAUTIFUL, 10-foot lota. Prloa 1350. onlT W cub ud M cnt, par VMk. on till, . REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. CARTER LAKE CLUB. Have two clear, lewl htjrh lots, west, to exchange for Carter Lake club lot. va l u e SftO. Box 447.1. Bpc REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN J Dundee. HAVE YOU A GOOD LOT? Which you would Hke to convert into a home? WE HAVE A GOOD HOME Located In the new restricted Dundee district, modern and' exceptionally well built, on which we will take as a tint payment a well located residence lot. $4,500 Is the price qf this house and It's de cidedly less than cost. No care or money wss spared In Its building' to make It good. It is Just the place you have ben look ing for If you want a two-story all mod em frame house with seven large rooms, including an enclosed sleeping porch. The floors are oak and the finish oak on the first floor and French gray on tha sec ond. Let us take you out; this place ts worth seeing and you can buy It on very easy terms. GEORGE & COMPANY, REALTORS. Phone t. lift. 902 City Nat. Bank Bldr. DUNDEE HOME 10-room, all modern house, 4825 Cass Bt., on car line, twj lots, corner, full basement In four rooms, hot water heat, elegant oak floors and finish, two man tels, two sleeping porches, large porch, lawn and trees, barn for two autos, choicest location in city, easy terms. Phone Laavltt, Walnut 1820. . DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homes. Before buying bs aura and see GEORGE & CO. HOME BARGAIN. REDUCED FROM $7,000 TO $6,500. IT 80LD BEFORE) JUNB 1. Brick and stucco home, six rooms and sleeping porch; thoroughly modern throughout, all floors of oak. oak trim downstairs; white enamel upstairs; built in buffet, fireplace, bookcases, kitchen cabinets, stc.t largs lot Owner must sacrifice. Prefer to deal with buyer dl rect Box 4280. Bee. 7-ROOM home on Underwood Ave. Dundee. Easy terms. Priced right. INTERSTATE REALTY CO., gi-30 City Nat. Doug. $862. HOMES and home sites In Dundee. SHULER & CART, 204 Keellne. D. 6074. 6-ACRE blk., Fairacre and Browntll Hull district Snap. C. J. Canan. Miscellaneous. HALF ACRE NEW HOUSE NEW POULTRY HOUSE $1,650 $100 CASH Located at 87th and Wirt Sts. A splen did little place. Mouse on full cement Mock foundation with outside cellarway. House Is attractive. Has 2 large rooms with large porch; poultry house built ac cording to government plans. Monthly payments Including Interest, $16.60 a month. Office open evenings 7 till I p. in, HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1614 Harney St, Five Phones Tyler 60. REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments, have parties waiting. Western Real Estate. 411 Karbach Blk. D. 3607. LIST your and 6-room houses with Ed ward v., Williams Co $01 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. P. 420. LIST your 6 snd 6-room houses with us. WS eELLt THEM. OSBORNB REALTY Co.. Tyler 496. '..' TO RENT or aell home,. Hat with ALLEN BARRETT. 813 Be.. Doug 7768. ARXDT & TAYLOR ran aaalat you. Lalra St. webeter 208,. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Iowa Lands. A BARGAIN. Improved Harrison county, Iowa. 180acre farm, for sale on eary terms. Frlos $140 per acre, ARCHER REALTY COMPANY, 610 Brandeis Bids'. New Mexico Land's. STOCK RANCH. For quick sale, 13,000 acres of fine rraslna land in New Mexico. Price $2.60 per acre, can make some terms, figure this out stock men, and see what It means. See, write or phono. I E. Bar ker, Wray, Colo. South Dakota Lands. FOR BALE 160-acre Improved farm, near depot ana scnooi; also small store, stock, tools and crop If desired. Telegraph or write for option to J. F. Cochran, Faith, a D. LIBERTY BONDS FREE In order to aid in the sale of LIBERTY BONDS we make the following offer: We will give one $50.00 LIBERTY BOND free to each purchaser of a lot, regardless of price, in any of our additions named below. All of these lots are offered at our low, regular schedule prices and on easy terms. Lots in Orchard Home (South Side) $250 to $275. Lots in Club Terrace, $350 to $500. Lots in Leavenworth Heights, $500 to $750. Lots in Clairmont, $650 to $1,000. Mont Clair, $800 to $1,500. v Lots in Bensonhurst, $700 to $1,000. Lots in Dundee, $1,250 up. Acres in Benson, $650. Not one dollar has been added to the price of any lot on account of this offer. Here is a chance to aid your self and your country's cause at the same time. We make the same offer to the purchaser of any house upon our list. THIS OFFER GOOD FOR ONE WEEK ONLY TO JUNE 12TH Benson & Carmichael (REALTORS) - 642 Paxton Block. Douglas 1722. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Montana Land's. LAND In south or southeast part of Mon tana; small or large tracts that will pro duce enormous crops in wheat, cats, bar ley, etc. Part Irrigated, from s up an ai-re. Close to R. R. to inn of ihu land will raise 60 bushels of wheat or 100 bu. of oat or 4 to b tons of alfalfa to the acre. Fine water, fine climate; sure Increase In land; easy terms, low R. R. fare. Seld me your address and I will mall you particulars. C. M. Rylandor, lit Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. WKEKLT lower Yellowstone valley excur sions to Sidney, Mont. Round trip fare I If. 40. For Information address Chas. Hennlg. 8608 N. 44th Ave,. Omaha, or call Wal. 36U. Nebraska Lands. 1720 ACRES, located vn Niobrara river, six miles from railroad town; TOO acres good level farm land; SiO acres In cultivation; 150 acres of Niobrara bottom, part of which is the best of hay land, balance of ranch rolling to rough pasture, well grassed. River and Bear Creek furnish an ahundance of stock water, plenty of timber for fuel, and fence posts, aa welt as af fording protection for stock. Improve ments located In a floe native grove In the valley and consist of six-room house, two barns, slto and other buildings. School house located on ranoh. This la a well balanced ranch. Our price, $1 per acre, easy terms. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 843 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldr. SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments a acres up we rarra tne rarm ws sen you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' Aaaociation, Hth and Howard Sts.. Oma ha. Douglas 1871, WET lands mads dry enough for orops or no pay Is our way of draining land. No tract too large or too web Guarantee Drainage Co.. Oakland, Neb. 120-ACRE improved farm 8H milea from Benson. Well situated and with good roads. F. I. WKAP, IIP 8. 18th Bt. Weed Bldg. Texai Tands. OOOD corn land. East Texas, $25 an acre. ui my iree door. W. 8. FRANK. 201 Neville Block. Omaha, Wisconsin Lands. fiOO ACRES'11 th be8t part of UUV AUIVCiO oonsin, Limestone soli; mil from station; excellent buildings; fine location for pure bred stock raiser. For full description, address C H, Dunbar, Pickett, Wis. Miscellaneous. WE HAVE several highly Improved farms In the richest farming district of the United States at very attractive prices and reasonable terms. Write us for map and further Information. MID-WEST LAND CO., 1057 Omaha Nat'l. Bk Bldg. D. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Success. FINANCIAL 14,000 MTGE., bearing: 6 pet. semi-annually, secured by property valued at 112,000. Talma ge-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bid g, INSURANCE, Fire, Tornado, Automobile, C, A. Grlmmel. 848 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bide. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. FARM MORTGAGES. Well secured, bearing- 6 pot Interest HARLEY J. HOOKER, HO First Nat Bk. Bldg. Tel. Tyler 2868. 6 PER CENT to e per cent on best class city residences In amounts 13.000 up. also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PJCTER8 TRUST CO., 1823 Farnam St MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. . We also buy good farm mort ftagea Kloke Inv. Co.. Omaha. M.00O MTGB., bearing 6 pet semi-annually secured by property valued at 2,600, Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. U. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans, Citv National Bank Bldr. PRIVATE money to loan on Omaha resl- Keellne Bldg. SHOPEN St CO., PRIVATE MONEY. OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB R. B. CO., 101 Omaha Nat1,., FARM and city loans, 6, & and 6 per cent w. it, Tnomas, Keellne Bag. Doug. 1648 NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg. 1100 to 110,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Woad Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts. 5 CITY LOANS GARVIN BROS., Om. Nat. Bk. Bldf. 0 MONET HARRISON A MORT 10 tie Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldr. LOW HATES C. G. CARLBERQ. 312 Bran dla Theater Bldr. D. 68 Stocks and Bonds. LISTED and unllated atocka. Inveatmant aecutitlea. Industrial atocka. ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW & CO., 860 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Abstracts of Title. TtTatn Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., IVCIl golf 8. 17th St.. around floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest subtract of fice in NenrasKa. zus Mranaeia ineaier. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON Represent prompt pay Insurance com panies. 610 Brandeis Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. IF INTERESTED In ths Casper Oil fields write to Box 3Z&,, Casper, vyo. validat ing done. Liberty Bonds Taken at 108 In payment for lota at regular prices at any time. 600 and more lots to select from. Tht Real Estate Board Invested all their sur plus funds, ($1,6001, In these bonds and borrowed $25,000 to buy such bonds. D. C. PATTERSON 1623 Farnam St. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Wade H. Ross and wife to Lltsle C. Morton Ruth, Chicago street. 100 feet west of Poriy.aixth street, north side. 60x130 $ 1 Homestead company to E. A. llebel. southwest corner Thirty-fifth snd Madison strcrla, South Side, 80x134,. GS6 Homestead company to Ivan Morglu ctch, Monroe street, forty f-el eant of Thirty-fifth street, north stdo. 40x184 1 O. O. Olsen and wife to Joseph I.u cena, southeast corner FIfiy-flrat and Izard streets, 46x100 1,150 rirsi rrusc company, trustee, to Nona R. LeCompte, Farnam street, forty four feet east of Forty-first street, north side, 88x133 1,800 jvona k. i.ecompte to Myrle New. . branch, Farnam street, forty-four feet east of Forty-first street, north side, 88xlS3 ., jo josepn uanone and wire to Antonio Aldera, northwest corner Thirty fifth and Mason streets, 18x136,.., Albert A. Krlghaum to George A. Krfghaum, Thirty-ninth street forty. . two feet north of K street west side. 41.6x110 10 ueorge A. Krigbaum and wife to Al bert A. Krigbaum. R street 110 feet weet of Thirty-ninth street. north side, 88x126 , 10 ueorge a. Krigbaum and wife to Marie Krigbaum, Fortieth street, 160 feet south of P street, east side, 40x110 Osk C. Redlck and wife to Preston Madelll, et al, northeast corner Twenty-seoond and Sahler street. 43x124 TOO iiamiton Improvement company to Ernest Sweet, northwest corner Twenty-fourth and Farnam streets, 160x186 , Patrick X Datley to William J. Dailey, B street, seventy-eight feet east of Twenty-fourth street, south side, 160x186 Charles W. Martin and wifs to Julia A. Blomberg, Titus street, 111.1 feet west of Twenty-eighth avenue, north side, 42x120 EUia M. Fay to Louts Collette, Marcy street. 111.6 feet west of Forty- fifth street, south side, 60x120 260 Dundee Realty company to Olof Ho kanson, Fiftieth avenue, seventy five feet south of Dodge street west side, 60x186 1,600 rortsmoutn Trust and Guarantee com pany to William Parsons, K street, eighty feet west of Thirty-fourth street, north side, 60x60 436 Frits Muller and wife to C. J. Wheeler, et al, Phelps street, 230 feet east of Sixteenth street, north side, 46x112. 600 Marie Queyrel and hunbaod to V, Blanch Gerard, Half Howard street, 160 feet west of Forty-second street, north side, 60x126 1,000 Jacob V, Shipley and wife to Frank Salting, southwest corner Bluff and Cook street, Florence, 132x130 300 Michael L. Clark, sheriff, to Omaha Loan and Building association, Rees street, 195 feet wist of Twenty fifth street north side, 22H0UO.. 100 Kathryn Cowan and husband to C. Goorge Carl berg, southwest corner Thirty-eighth and Mason streets, 62x126 S Earl R. Gibson and wife to Mary E. Hotaman, Forty-seventh avenue, fifty feet south of Miami street, eaat side, 60x1)5 1,660 Blanche D. Pettlt and husband to Frank G. Roberts, Thirty-third street 2t9.Z feet south of: Martha street, east side, 60x140 1,760 Omaha Ray Market, Receipts light. Market firm and higher on the better grades of prairie hay. Alfalfa lower, demand fair to good on better grades of hay. Upland Prairie Hay Choice, I31.004H2.OO; No. 1, $10.60(920.60, No. 2, S11.0091T.00. No. 3, I7.00ifiil0.00. Midland Hay No. 1, 920.09O21.00; No. 3, $13.000117.00. Lowland Hay No. 1. 12,00flH4.0O; No. 2, $8.l010.00; No. 3, 96.006.60. Choice Alfalfa 922.00O33.00; No. 1, $21.00 022.00. Standard Alfalfa 9I9.00O20.00; No. 2, 116. 00(17. 00; No. 8, $ 11. 0013.00. Straw Oat, $8. 0008.60; wheat, $7,000 7.60. Sioux City Livestock Market. Sioux City, la., June 6. Cattle Kecelpts, 900 head; market for killers, steady; stock ers, steady; beef steers. I9,60418.26: fat ctws and heifers, $8.0043)11.261 canners, 96.60 bjh.ov; stocKera ana feeders. I7.604D10.26: calves, 99.0018.00; bulls, stags, etc., 97.600 iu.du; leading cows ana heirers, 87.X6OV.60. Ho.j Receipts, 7,000 head; market steady to 60 lower; lights, $5.0015.15; mixed, 916.3,016.40; heavy, $1.636016.60; pigs, $12.01013.26; hulk of sales, $15.15016.40. Sheep i.nd LambsReceipts, 800 hesd; market steady to lower. Cotton Market. Liverpool, June 6. Cotton Spot firm; rood middling. lfi.Urt: middling. 14. fid: low middling, M.66d. Sales, 5,000 bales. LIVE ST0CK MARKET Beeves Ten Up, With Choice Yearlings Higher; Big Ruri of Hogs Goes for About Ten Lower. Omaha, June 6, HIT, Cattle. Hogs. Shrep. Ri'.tlita wcra: Official M.m.Uv , ,4M 6.170 .?;, Ks(imm Tticmlay ..nan Two dura thta week. .10,1,1 Samo riiya lust week. .14. OSS Sumo t.ya 3 wka. aan.lMTl Same duya 3 wka. a.o. 14.72a Sumo ilava 4 nki. ago.10,'90 Sum. laya a.t .. 11.134 10.600 17,670 16,366 ZM6 17.373 20,642 18,220 4.3n in.sos fi.379 .!4 11.174 a.tiafl Rerrlpta and dlanealtlon of lire atoek at the Union atoek yarda, Omaha, for twenty four hour, ending at S p. m. yaatevday: RECEIPTS CARLOAPS. f.. M. A St. P.. 8 1.. IVananh 1 .. MKsourl Pacific ,.13 a I'nlon Parlflo .... 41 (0 C. N. w eaat.. i S 1 t". N. V., .ill., ! 30 O., St, P., M. ft O.. Jl C, II 41 Q uat., S I 1 C, B. A Q., weal.. 43 U 7 C, R. I. A P., eaat 17 e. r. i. a p., o, t a Illlnola Central .... 3 1 Chi. Ot. Weat 3 Totar'racalpta ....31T 1J7 17 DISPOSITION HEAD. , Cattla. Hob,. Morrla A Co 001 i.iii Swift A Co 1.07(1 I. no I.0T1 1.703 1,074 107 Cudahy Packing Co, .1,101 Armour a co J. w. Murphy Morrell Lincoln Packing Co. a. O. Packing Co... Cudahy, Danver .... Wllaon W. B. Vanaant Co... r. B. Lewi. , J. B. Root A Co...., L. F. Ilu.l r. (1. Kallogg Mlggln Huffman Rlth Meyera , Baker. Jonea AS... . .Ranner Broa John Harvey Dennla A Francla . Pat O'Day Other buy.ra 1,014 :.7 .... 1,0m , .... 03 7 , 13 'lis S3 4 34 41 I 7 , 110 ..... , 32 (S 41 170 33 13 3! Totala 1 0,400 3.M7 0.710 Cattle Recelpta war. moderate thl. morning, making tha total for tha two day. 10,100 th. Ilghleet for a number of w.eka back and .lightly amallar than a year ago. Buyara wera out In the yarda In good aeaaon In tha morning and everything de elrahte In tha way? ot killer, waa dlapoaed of at an early hour, boevee being quoted atrong to lOo higher. The advance waa moBt noticeable on good to choice year ling,. Thar, waa nothing vary toppy In Bight to teat out th. full strength of the market, hut there were cattle good enoukh to bring I1S.30. Stockera and feedera were In light aupply and about ateady. Quotatlona on cattle: Good to choice beavea, 113.60018.36: fair to good bnevea, lll.SO0J13.6O; common to fair beevea, 310.36 11.60; good to choice yearllnga, 113.004) 13.10: fair to good ycarllnge, Ill.OOijJlls.oO: common to fair yearling,, 110.0010)11.00: good to choice hnlfera, OlO.Oll.SO: good to choice cowa, I0.76O10.76; fair to good cowb, I. 76 3.75; common to fair cowb, 37.0008.75; prlmo feeding Bteera, 310.001 11.00; good to choice feedera, 39.26(9)10.00; fair to good feedera, 38.60O3.25; common to fair feedera, $7.0008.60; good to chotca atockora, $0. 60010.60: atock hclfrra. 38.360 10.50: atock cowa, 37.00010.00: atock calvuB. 88. tOOU. 00; veal calvea, 810.00JH4.25; beet bulla, atagB. etc., $0. 0010.76. Ilepreaentatlv. aalea: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 008 11 00 908 11 05 3 840 88 70 36 008 11 60 18 808 11 76 4 050 11 85 63 1071 13 05 40 1223 12 20 13 1073 11 30 21 1006 13 00 21 1087 13 10 16 1118 13 36 88... 13... 28... 15... 17... .1852 12 36 .1010 IS 66 .1208 13 05 .1248 13 80 40.... 38.... 10..,. 21.... .1283 13 60 . 994 13 00 .1312 12 75 .1286 13 85 1288 13 00 15.. 313 18 30 STRER8 AND HEIFERS. .10.15 10 2 840 10 75 700 11 85 682 11 26 687 11 40 4. 36. ... 716 11 60 880 11 60 18. 776 11 75 31. 723 11 85 41. 360 12 30 15. HEIFBRS, 470 36 1. 838 10 35 1. 880 10 75 1. .. 718 11 06 .. 000 11 80 .. 008 13 00 ., 7(8 11 85 .. 020 7 80 ,.1000 10 Oil ..1100 11 00 1 410 11 25 COWS. 1 850 1 800 3 465 1... 830 70 7 76 1. 780 1 00 8 00 6 .,..1125 9 00 35 4 002 76 1 1180 10 10 4 1125 10 25 1 1100 10 60 1 1000 10 00 4 800 10 20 4 1117 10 40 1... .1030 10 76 , 8I 11 00 BULLS. ...1030 8 6) 1. ... 403 60 1. ...1800 10 00 1. ...1770 10 26 3. ...1088 11 60 CALVES. ,,, 340 8 26 2. ,., 820 11 00 1 ... 220 18 00 3. .... 010 26 ....1010 I 76 ....1850 10 15 .... 015 10 50 185 10 50 240 11 60 190 13 60 ... 160 14 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 16 048 60 Hoga Fairly liberal auppllaa of hoga were on hand again today, 148 cara. or about 10,000 head, being reported In. For tha two daya th. aupply totala 17,570 head, be ing more than 1,000 larger than a week ago, but about 8,000 entailer than two weeka ago. and a falling off of nearly 1,000 head aa compared with tu. correapondlng day. laat year. eariy rounoa or tn. traae ware anaoiuteiy dead. Shlppera war. doing nothing and uackera early lOo lower blda failed to Inter- eat ealeamen, aa Chicago waa coming nearly ateady. In tha end, however, killer buyera had pratty much tbalr own way. Shlppera never did furnlah much competition and aellera finally gav. In and caahed tha bulk of their holdlnga at largely 10c lower flgurea. In tha middle of th. market ther. vara one or two apota whan good hoga aold not over 8o lower, but theae wera Juat flaahea, and tor th. moat part It waa lOo lower trade. Bulk of th. offerings aold at 116150 15.50, th. latter price being th. day'a top. Representative Bales: No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 40 15 lb 200 15 20 120 15 30 ... It 40 69. .100 ... 16 00 88. .193 88. .186 160 15 16 00. .308 70. .320 78. .200 10. .267 16 38 IS 8t 70. .280 . .330 80 15 60 SHEEP. The lamb trade was another very draggy deal. Packara were out for fresh decline, but sellers, who are fighting the break harder each aucccedlng day, held out for ateady for qulta a while, and although they had to make small conceaalona In the end the decline waa amaller than on moat re cent daya. A pretty good ehar. of tha offerlnga had been aold, the more desirable end of them at least at prices that ranged from around lOo lower on beat klnda to aa much aa 260 lower on othere. Quotatlona on ahoep and lamba: lamba, nhorn, 313.26014.26: lamba. spring, 813. 00 18.30: spring lamba, culta, 30.00013.00; lamba, feedera, 811.60014.00: yearlings, ahorn, I13.00O13.76; wethers, ahorn, 810.00 010.76; ewea, ahorn, 30.00O10 00; culla, shorn, 87.00O8.7. ReTeaaentatlv. aalee: 635 f'd, ahorn. lamba 01 276 California gprtng lamba 66 10 cull lamba awaa, 13 75 18 80 14 00 Kanaaa City Live Stock Market. Kanaaa City. Jun. 5. Cattle Recelpta, 9,000 bead; market ateady; prima fed Bteera, II2.E0OI3.40; dressed beef ateera, 110.00 12.25: weatern ateera, 80. 00013.50; cowa, 36.26011.00; helfera, 88.40O12.60; atockcra and feeders, $7.8010.00: bulk ot aalea, 7. 00010.36; calves, $7.0012.50. Hogs Raoetpts, 18,000 head; market lower; bulk of aalea, $16.26016.80; heavy, $16.76016.85; packara and butchers. 816.45 015.76; lights, $16.1016.65; pigs. $14.00 14.50. Sheep and Lambs Recelpta. 6,7000 head; markot lower; lamba, $18,000 '7.00: year lings, 812. 00O14.10; wethers. $10.75(212.00; ewes, $10.26011.26. Chicago 14 v. Stock Market. Chicago. Jun. S. Cattle Receipts, 8.000 head: markot, strong; native beef cattle, 30.10013.06; alockera and feeders, $7.85 10.60: cowa and helfera, $6.20jjill.70; calves, 80. 6014.00. HogB Recelpta, 18,000 hPatl; market woak, 6010c below yeaterday'B average: bulk of aalee. $15.4015.80; Mint, JH.SOtt t6.70; mlied, $16.25016.90: heavy, $16.20 15.90; rough, $10.6itft, 1 4.80. ' 8hep an! Lambs Recelyts. 0,"00 head; market weak and 10035c lower; wethers. tt.50Oll,16i .wee, $7.60010,50: lambs, $8.75 LUTHERAN MEETING IS GREAT SUCCESS Clergymen and Laymen Ex press Satisfaction With Celebration of Reforma tion Anniversary Here. Omaha's celf bration of the 400th an niversary of the Protnant reforma tion was a great success. At the dot ing sessions of the three Hays' meet ing the local clergymen and leading laymen expressed great satisfaction with it. "The celebration has bound the Lutherans of Omaha and vicinity to gether more than ever, though they have alwavs worked in unity of spirit, said Rev. Dr. O. D. Baltzly. The two big mass meetings in the Auditorium were splendidly attended. The big choir came in fir a large share of commendation. Under direc tion of John S. Hetgren and with sing ers from all Lutheran choirs in the city it proved itself one of the very finest choirs ever heard in Omaha. Rev, Prof. C. J. Sodergren of the Augustana Theological seminary, Rock Island, III., addressed the morn ing session, Tuesday, in Iinmanuel Lutheran church, on "The Christian Luther and Lutheran Christian." Commanding Leader. "Luther," he said, "was a man of the greatest brilliancy and of com. manding leadership. At the age of 25 years he was already a professor and with such success that student and teachers came from all over the world of his day to sit at hit feet. At the age of 27 years he was elected by seven monasteries to bring an embassy from them to the pope at Rome. "Even apart from the reformation, Luther was the most masterful per sonality of his age. Carlyle speaks of him as 'unsubduahle granite, rising high into the heavens.' "His life is most admirablej Hi6 was the ideal Christian family life. His work as a preacher nd pastor was the marvel of his fellow-laborers. When the cholera broke out Luther stayed with the sick and ministered to them. Oh, he was afraid. He tells us he was afraid, 'but I held Christ by the hand and was strength ened,' he said." On the second part of his sub ject Prof. Sodergren said: "A Lutheran doetn't need to be told, 'You must lead a Christian life,' any more than a living man needs to be told 'You must breathe.' The light within makes him live a Chris tian life with joy and peace in the i-ord and his taitli. Rev. Dr. V. G. A. Tressler of Wit- tenlterg Theological seminary, Spring field, O., delivered an address on "The Historical Interpretation of Dr. Martin Luther." Rev. C. N. Swihart, pastor of Grace Lutheran church, presided. The prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Ring er of Council Bluffs. The closing session of the celebra tion was held Tuesday afternoon in Kountze Memorial church. Rev. Dr. P. M. Lmdberg of Immantiel Deacon ess' institute presiding. The princi pal address was by Rev. Dr. Guttav Andreen, president of Augustana col lege and Theological seminary, Rock Island, III., on Uur Heritage, lhe choir of Kountze Memorial church sang at this service. Celebrations like the one in Oma ha are being held alt over this coun try this year and also in many for eign countries. There are more than 75,000,000 Lutherans in the world. London Btoek. apd Bonds. London, Jun. 6. Thar, was Uttl. atten tion In the American aactlon on th. atock exchange loday. Sliver Bar, 38Hd per ounce. Money 304 per nent. Discount Ratea Short bill., 4 11-1$ par oent; three monthe bills, 44. per cent. London New York Btoek Price. Eaulvalant. Consols for money.... 664 Atchison loo'l Baltimore Ohio TIV, Canadian Pacific 176ft Chesapeake at Ohio..,. 4 St Paul 74 , 10114 701, 160 0't 7!ti Slit 101H 124 t 0B, 324, 63 ti 631, 2714 18414 127 Denver at Klo Grand. ,. 10 Erlo ., !t4 Orand Trunk.;.,., 9', Illlnola Central 107 LoulBvllla A NaahvU!e...4..130e Mlaaourl, Kanaaa A Texas., t. New York Central..... $1 Ontario AV Weatern 33 Pennsylvania ..,. ttt. Heading 17 Routhern Railway , 2t Southern Pacific. t7 union racinc.l lai. U. 8. Steel 134 Anaconda (tan aharaa) 14 St. LouIb LIto Stock Market. St. Loula, Jun. t. Cattla Receipts, 1.800 head: market ateadyi natlv. beef ateera, $7.50013.00; yearling ateera and helfera, $8.60013.00; cowa $8.00011.00; .tockera and feeders, $8.00010.00; prim, southern beef Bteera, 88.00Oll.t0; beef cowa and helf era. $4.3608.00; prim, yearling steers and helfera, $7.50010.00; natlv. oalvw, $0,000 14.00. . Hoga Raoalpts, 13.200 h.adi market lower; light, $16.15011.76; plga, $10,000 14.60; mixed . and 'butchers, $16.35016.86; good heavta. 116,80015.86; bulk 01 aalea, $16.85016.8W Sheep and Lamba Reoelpta, 1,900 hear!: market steady; clipped lamba, $13,250 14.35: clipped, $7.00O10.2t: aprlng lamba, $12.00 0 17.00; earners, $4. 1006.70. Now York Produe. Market. New York Jun. S. Butter Market ateady; receipt., 10,375 tuba; creamery, higher than extras. 414 0 42o; creamery ex tras, (32 score), 41c; firsts, 33ttO0Vao; seconds, 37 HO 38c. Ugffs Market Irregular: receipts, 38.83$ caaee; fresh gathered extras, 36t.0 89c; freah gathered, atoraga packed, firsts, 370 38c; freah gathered, flrata. 3flO'37toc. i Cheeae Market firm; rec.tpta. 18.087 packagca; atat. fresh apeciala, 23HS0 24C; do, average run, 33tf23c. Toultry Alive, market unsettled; no prices quoted; dresBcd, quiet; prices un changed. Oil and Rosin. Savannah, June 6. Turpentine Firm ; aalea, 656 bbta.; receipts, 076 chli.; shipments, 66 bole.: stock, 14,476 bbls. Rosin Firm; aalea. 2,184 bbla. ; recelpta, 3.370 bbls.; ahtpmenla. 3,870 bbla.; atock, 04,881 bbls. Quote:. A. B. $6.6006.00; C, D, $6.8005.05: E, $6 705f 6.80; F, $5.7006.85: O, 36.73H05.96: H, $6.7595.95: I, ti.OittO 5.85; Kl 85. 85O6.80; M. $5. 9500.00; N, 86. It 06.20: WO, $6.2008 36: WW, $8.25O6.t0. St. Joseph Mo Stock Market. Bt. Joaeph. Juno t. Cattle Receipts. 1.800 head: market ateady to atrong; ateers, I0.00O12.00; cowa and htlfers, $8.00012.35; calves. $9.000 13.00. Hogs Recelpta, t.800 head; market 8c lower; top, $11.00; bulk of aalea, $11,100 16.70. fheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,700 head: market uneven und lower; lambs, $15,000 17.50; ones, $8.00011.10. Chicago Produe. Market. Chicago, Juno 6. Butter Unchanged. Ksgs Lower: receipts, 26,860 caaea; firsts, 32'4038!4c: ordlnsry firsts, 30ttO31ttCi at mark, cases Included, 82033c. Potatoes Higher; new, receipts 40 care; Texas, Louisiana and Alabama, $3.6008.60. Old. rocelpts, 11 cara; 82.7603.00. Poultry Alive, unaettled; fowla, 20O 2U,c. Dry flood. Market. New York, June 6. Dry Gooda houses mndo reglfttratlon day a virtual half holi day. Tha market waa quiet, but tta atrong features continue. The government la in tha market for a largo volumo of Stti-tncb ti.i ounce khaki duck. RAILROADS PLAN : TO SAVE MILLIONS Presidents Have Scheme by Which They Hope to Keep Up Efficiency of the Lines. J ; President EarKng of the Milwaukee ;2 railroad system, in a letter to officers -and employes of the road, informs them of a method that has been '" agreed upon by the railroad presi dents of the country, working in con-. junction with the American Railway association special committee on na-' " t.on, detenJe by whkh jhe , cm be kept up t0 a ,,igh -without impairing the efficiency and i .t the same time reduce expenses mil- ' lions of dollars. ... Mr. Earling recently attended a meeting of practically all of the pros- '. idents of the railroads of the United States, and it was at that meeting that the, action was taken., In his diag- " nosis of the case, and as a member of the committee, he asserts that the war in Europe is largely responsible " tor the great increase in traffic on the-,-American railroads, adding that this -increase has continued until officials of the roads have come to the real-" nation that they must act. Fewer in the Shops. : In pointing out what must be done Mr. Earling asserts that, taking the. country as a whole, IS per cent of the locomotives art ordinarily in tlie:" shops, undergoing repairs. He says :.i the number can be reduced to 10 per "1 cent, which would mean an addition of 3,325 locomotives to the service. - On an average locomotives run sev- enty-live milea per day. By quick turning, double crewing or pooling, imp'roving the condition of water and less repairs the .mileage could be in--creased to ninety, which would be ' equivalent to adding 13,300 machines. By loading freight cars to capacity, ' ty employing more speed in unload--ing at destination and increasing the '"' average daily run from twenty-five to thirty miles, what would be equivai " lent to 515,000 cars would be added tp .; the equipment. , . Mr. Earling points out that hy co operating of officers, employes and.. people along the lines this efficiency in railroad operation can be brought about. PHOTOPLAYS. TODAY A Vitagraph Suoer-Feature Earle Williams In m drama of a man's Mul rafcorB fai tha fiarlaw ft ahattarad faith. "The Soul Master" ! In addition ta tha only variaty pra ram praam Ud ta Omaha at thia tima. Last Tima Today LIONEL BARRYMORE ' la - "THE MILLIONAIRE'S DOUBLE." Thuri. VALESKA SURATT ENID BENNETT "HAPPINESS" K.yaton "A Maid.n's Trust." wmmm "!,M7 1 Laat Tims Today Violet Mersereau la The Great Problem MUSE LOUISE HUFF JACK PICKFORD in "FRECKLES" "Th. NEGLECTED WIFE." AMUKEHENTS. BRANDEIS.. EST. ST- Ratinel. D. Koven'a UD.L LI' Jn Tuneful Llfbt Opar. KODHl HOOd f;i EM,'.i.7"The Serenade" SUNDAY. JUNE 10TH I TO i P. M. By Arrant nent With tha "Strand Wm. S. Hart 1" Adm.. 10c Any Part of th. Hauae. Only Vaudeville Show tn th. City Featuring , ELSIE WILLIAMS and CO., in the Et.m.l Queatlon '!WHO WAS TO BLAME" HARVEY TRIO Orltlnatora .1 Basket Ball aa Bicycle. BASEBALL Omaha va. Dea Motnaa, Juna 4-8-C-7. ROURKE PARK Gamaa Called, 3tlS. 0 to T "iff. A rr T