Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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BriejCity Nem
Ran Bool PrIM It Naw Btoon Frew.
Metal dies, pressw'k. Jubilee Mfg. Co.
Eight-Inch Elertrio Fan. tlfo
Aurtsew-viranaeo uo.
Try the noonday 35-cent Innrheon
ai me impress Garden, amidst plea
ant surroundings, music and entertain'
nient. Advertisement
-Many Does Electrocuted City Pond'
master Waggoner reports 550 dogs
impounded this season. Four hundred
have been electrocuted.
Showers Gtneral Over the State-
Scattered showers were the rule over
Nebbraska last night, but today It is
generally clear and much cooler.
Wooilrnnirh to North Platte Fed
eral Judge Woodrough will go to
Norlh Platte Monday to open court
there. He expects to be busy were
lor a week or ten days.
Postpones" Luncheon The Concord
club postponed Its luncheon today be
cause of registration day. A regular
business meeting will be held June 12
at the Henshaw at 6:30. at which time
a committee will present a program on
national conservation. 1
Daughters In Relief Work Daugh.
ters of Civil War Veterans, Tent No.
1, meets Thursday afternoon in Me
morial hall of the court house to be
gtn work for war relief. The women
win make pillows and chaussons for
me lect or wounded soldiers.
Given Suspended Sentence Ed
th was found guilty of having in
his possession Intoxicating liquor and
given a suspended sentence of thirty
days. He is employed as a clerk in
the Triumph hotel, formerly me Mil
der place, at 211. Sotith Thirteenth
Charges Cruelty Dawn Brown Is
suing Hal Brown for divorce in dis
trict court on grounds Of alleged
cruelty. They were married in Coun
cil D1U1LH DPpiUllluoi v, wii.
cruelty-Is also the basis of a divorce
action brought by Myrtle Winifred
.Harrold against Charles Harrold. They
were marled in Council Bluns iNOVonv
ber 6, 1814.
Weather Bureau Has Jobs '
For Lads Under Twenty-One
; Positions !n the United States
weather bureau, paying $900 to $1,260
year to start, are now open for
' young men from 17 to 20 years of
age. Colonel Welsh of the local
.,L. k. ........ .;M klinlc
from Washington and young men can
make application to. him in his office
on the fourth floor of the federal
"These opening are created because
men who are now on our list of eligi
blcs will be taken by the military
draft and the departments wants to
their places, said Lolonel welsh.
Hieh school students or high school
raduates ouElit to be able to quality
for these ooiitions. kxaaunations are
in hi waivert. Manv ot tnese vounc
men will be assigned to aerological
work which the bureau is doing in
connection wtih aviation work,
finding out about conditions in the
upper air. The positions are tempo
rary, but may be made permanent for
young men who show efficiency in the
work. I will fill out applications for
those who apply to me here and tor
ward them to Washington."
Banquet Graduate Nurses
Who Will Join Red Cross
Twelve young women, members of
the graduating class of the Nicholas
Senn hospital training school for
curses, were banqueted Monday night
at the Hotel Foiitenelle by the mein
bers of the alumni association. -
Previous to the banquet Dr. J. M.
Banister outlined the probable duties
of the voung nurses as America be
comes more deeply immersed in the
ordeal of war. All of the graduates
expect to join the Red Cross and
some have announced their intention
of entering foreign service. Mrs. F.
T. A. Williams of the sociology de.
partmcnt of the University of Ne
braska also spoke.
The graduating class consists of
Miss Rose Reich. Miss Nellie Web
ster, Miss Elizabeth Lubisher, Miss
Clara Gassman, Miss Addie Schultz,
Miss Kathenne Dorsey, Miss Ada Uu
line, Miss Mable Ashe, Miss Anna
MTinri'r. lYiiss i. aura .iwan am' iviis
iJorotny snimer. ,
Annual State Convention
S. A. Allen of Loup City, vice presi
dent of the Nebraska State Dental so
ciety,, is in line for the presidency of
the societv. which is now in annual
session at the Creighton Dental col
lege and the Hoterrontenelle.
This is by an accepted order of suc
cession, which makes the vice presi
dent of the society always the most
likely man to succeed the president.
Election of officers takes place
Dr. W. E. Cummer of Toronto oc
cupied most of the forenoon with a
clinical lecture on technicalities and
Some of the newer discoveries in den
tistry, which he illustrated with
The dentists plan a big banquet to
be held at the Hotel . Fontenelle
(Wednesday evening at 6:30. This is
open to ladies and gentlemen alike,
but the cigars will be served only at
the door"after the banquet.
Wednesday to Be Banner
Day in "Y" War Campaign
Wednesday is expected to be ban
ner day of the Young Men's Christian
tuociation war fund campaign. On
that day "Y" workers will endeavor
to raise the $6,076 needed to complete
the allotted $20,000. To date $13,024
has been raised. Smaller subscrip
tions Tuesday totaled $573. Other
lubscriptions were Stock Yards Na
tional bank. $100, and Judge W. D.
McHugh, $573. ' y
Wan Asleep on Lane Cut-Off
Instantly Killed by Train
Earl Helms, residence unknown,
went to sleep on the Union Pacific's
Lane cut-off and yesterday was
instantly killed by No. 13, the Colo
rado Special. The man was lying
between the rails and was not seen
by the enginemen until they were 100
feet from him. An effort was made
to stop the train, but it was impossible
until after the engine had passed over
the body. '
When you have a lame back or an
attack of lumbago, dampen a piece of
flannel with Chamberlain's Liniment
and bind it onto your back over the
seat of pain. J. H. Wood, Chicago,
writes, "Some time ago white at
I T f ...IX 1 - - .
ere attack of lumbago and used
HdlllMCI lAIII 9 l-ll till Willi CAWl
lent results." Advertisement.
Ninety-One Start for Training
Quarters Monday, of Whom
Sixty-Two Are
The largest number of army re
cruits turned out in one day from any
single - station in this district left
Omaha Monday, according to officials
at the army recruiting station. Ninety-one
men left for training quarters,
and of these sixty-two applied as
residents of Omaha. Of the eighty
four Poles who applied for admission
Monday fifty-three were accepted, the
remainder being rejected on account
of physical disabilities.
In preparation for the "Marine
Corps Week," which begins on June
10, the marine corps recruiting sta
tion is enlarging on its campaigh in
local picture houses. New slides wereJ
secured Monday and will be placed
in movies as soon as possible. The
three-reel Edison patriotic picture of
marine corps life, the "Star Spangled
Banner," will probably be shown here
during the next week also. Ser
geant Carpenter says -he' has not as
yet completed arrangements for its
appearance here, but hopes to be able
to secure it.
Registration day brought a boom
to all the stations. The marine corps
enlisted twice' the average number for
one day. The fact that a regiment
of marines will accompany General
Pershing is also believed to be ac
countable for this, as only six weeks'
training at Port Royal is necessary1
for service in' Europe.
Registration Notes
Friends Here,, These Tiyo Will
Try to Be Together in Trenches
v. tpj f - H
h m Mn V "V ... ..
At noon 108 had registered at the high
bchooi. -
Approximately seven out of every 100 men
registered by noon claimed exemption.
Two men, over age, applied for registra
tion at 1408 Harney street. They were in
atatant that they ahould be Hated.
In practically all big business houses and
down town offices the young men were
given at leant an hour off during the day
ao they might nave plenty of time to reg
ister. Registration day r obaerved as a
holiday In the federal building. There were
no sessions of federal court. The clerk's
office was closed all day and "some of the
other offlcea part of the day.
Martin Hansen, who gave hli home aa
Ncola, la,, waa arrested aa ah Inmate of an
ill-goverened house Monday night. He was
discharged Tuesday morning In order to al
low him to return home to register.
An extra clerK had been assigned to work
In the office of superintendent schools,
to look up ages of foreign-born residents In
connection , with conscription. Thla has par
tiuular reference to evening school attend
ants. 1
Commissioner Mourhead has ruled that
laboring men who are shut out of work at
present by the labor difficulties in Omaha
may answer Question 8 aa follows: "Tem
porarily unemployed due to labor dis
Eleven out of the first eighteen men to
register at the Central High school claimed
exemption. This proved above the average,
however, as only five out of the next twen
ty-seven were unable to deny their services
to Uncle Sam,
Twenty-two Greeks appeared at the elec
tion commissioner's office In the court house
In a body to Inquire where thrjr should reg
ister. They were railroad laborers and had
an Interpreter with them. They were regis
tered and given -buttons.
Registrars ran out of buttons In some
precincts. Armed with their official regis
tration cards, the enrolled prospective army
men swooped down upon Election Comrals-
Hloncr Moorhead snd, demanded evidence to
wear on their coat .lapels. They got It.
County Commissioner Johnny Lynch, Pete
Loch and Harry Vymore all registered, al
though 'tis said several years have passed
since they haw the aunny side of 30. "Why
can't we register' If we waot toV they' de
manded. ."A man ia only aa old as he feels
and we all feel under 30."
Hundreds of young mn who registered
would not answer the question of whether
or not they claimed exemption. "If I'm
needed I m needed. said one youth. "I've
got dependents, but If they don't want to
exempt me, us an me name to me. iva
cinch I won't ask for exemption."
Tangier Temple Drum corps, under the
leadership of Dr. Zora, p. Clark, attracted
muh attention on down town streets ana
in the rotundas of public buildings, where
the drummers and fife players stirred their
hearers with martial airs. It waa the first
public appearance of the corps. The corps
visited the court' house, all recruiting sta
tions, many registration places and several
down town stores. Dr. Clark's men played
in. the rotunda of The Bee building and
were accorded generous applause Dy a crowa
which quickly gathered.
Fast friends throughout their high
school days in Omaha, 1912 to 1914,
Harry R. Weinberg and Warren L.
Johnson, intend to remain friends in
the trenches in France.
Both Jiave resigned good jobs and
disposed of their interests here to go
into the recular army. Together they
4cft last night for Fort Logan, Colo.,
to go into training in the infantry.
Harry R. Weinberg is alson of Mr.
;and Mrs. L. Weinberg, 2102 Califor
i nia street. He was graduated from
the Omaha High school in 1916. For
some time he has been a partner in
the Bergman Jcwejry Supply com
pany. He has disposed of his interest
in the company.
Warren L. Johnson is a son of Mr.
Fraternal Order of Eagles
To Buy Many War Bonds
Omaha Aerie of the Eaeles Jia
voted to subscribe $500 for Liberty
bonds, the Council Bluffs aerie $1,000
and South Omaha $1,000. The grand
aerie of the order has subscribed $1,-
000,000. It has also decided to assume
the dues of all members who enter
war service and to guarantee their
benefits during the war. A patriotic
fund will be subscribed to by the en
tire membership from which will be
paid the premium upon a life in
surance policy of $1,000 as an ad
ditional death benefit to members los
ing their lives in any branch of mil
itary service.
and Mrs. August Johnson, 1724 Lake
street. He finished high school in
1914. Since the organization of the
Arnold H. Edmonston Jewelry com
pany. Johnson has been a salesman
with the company.
Both boys dritled four years in the
battalion of high school cadets. They
attained the rank of non-commissioned
officers, and Johnson had been
recommended for a lieutenancy in the
The boys enlisted nearly a month
ago, and got special permission to re
main here for several weeks in order
to dispose of their business interests
and clear up other matters before1 go
ing into training.
Red Cross Notes
Red Cross authorities are looking
for new headquarters large enough to
accommodate all the activities. At
present the work
1b scattered In
three different
places-r-at the
head quarters at
1219 Farnam
street, the Balrd
building and the
Army building.
They either wish
to have the new
quarters donated
or to get It at a
low rate of rent.
"The work has
so grown that It will be necessary to
have a centrally located office, where
there la sufficient room for all
branches of the activities," said the
North Side Women to Help fit.
Mary's guild of the Church of the
Good Shepherd will begin work at
the Red Cross hospital supply depart
ment in the Balrd bull diner Thursday.
Mrs. C. H. Ross and Mrs. Henry Gould
are in charge of the new group.
To Make Hospital Supplies The
First Presbyterian church Red Cross
auxiliaryMias volunteered its co-operation
with the Mesco Burnasco Red
Cross auxiliary. The women will make
all hospital supplies and the girls at
the M. E. Smith and Burgess-Nash
firms will furnish the money. Two
boxes are now nearing completion and
cost 16L50 apiece.
Make Money at Cacds The equal
franchise benefit bridge parfy held at
the Country club netted $200 for the
war relief work.
Approved as a Teacher Miss Mar
garet Lewis, instructor in the diete
tics classes at the Young womens
Christian association, has been ap
proved as a teacher, according to a
telegram received by Miss Etta Pick
ering, Young Women's Christian asso
ciation secretary, from Clara D. Noyes,
director of the Red Cross Nursing
Service at Washington, D. C. Miss
Lewis is a graduate of the home eco
nomics department of the University
of Nebraska.
Funeral Directors Start
Three Days' Session Here
The Nebraska and Iowa Funeral
Directors association met this morn
ing at Hotel Loyal for a three-day
session. Following the invocation by
Rev. G. D. Grissmas of Council Bluffs,
Mayor Dahlman delivered the address
of welcome. The remainder of the
morning was taken up with appoint
ments of committees and applications
for membership. The special feature
of the convention will be the demon
stration by Dr. G W. M. Poynter,
head of anatomical department of the
state tiniveristy. The manufacturers
and jobbers will entertain the con
vention at the Field club at 4:30 this
afternoon with a dinner and dance.
Rabbi Frederick Colin will address
the assembly tomorrow afternoon and
Thursday the reports of committees
will be heard and the elections of of
ficers will take place. Six hundred
attended the opening of the conven
tion. Lumber Firm to Start
Deliveries This Morning
The Missouri River Lumber and
Coal company will begin deliveries
this morning for the first time since
the teamsters' strike began.
Canning Classes Will Be
Held at the High School
The laboratory and domestic science
room of Central High school will be
used for" canning classes to be held
June 11 to 16, inclusive, tinder direc
tion of Mrs. Rivett of University of
The hours will be 9 to 1:30 and
from 2 to 4:30 each day. Mrs. E. M.
Syfert, Mrs. F.. M. Fairfield and Mrs.
Rose Ohaus are arranging the details
of registration.
this delightful
American food
is enjoyed all over
the world
An active, persuasive, well
appearing and highly reput
able business man with wide
city and state acquaintances,
man trained in insurance
or other solicitation, -c
knowing something about
building preferred. Will have
to travel considerably. Good
salary. Describe qualifica
tions and experience and ex
pectations fully.
Addrs Box 4606, Be.
I Circus Coming
Tk. .1..... t- I J 1- 1L
Carey Canning Co. coming afttr your
old neckties. For ten cents we will
clean and press them like new. Just
tell Webster 892.
Nature Says
"I can remedy most ills, and
help you to escape many ail
ments, if you give me timely
aid." Naturally, Nature prefers
Largest SaU of As Medlcir la th World.
Sold TrTwhee, la box, 10c 25c
No Need to Look Old
Natural Color Comes With
the Use of Q-Ban, the
Great Scientific Discovery
Not a Dye.
There is no longer any need for nensible
people to let gray hairs spoil their looks or
make them appear older than they really
are or feel. Now that great chemists have
succeeded In discovering a way to bring back
a natural color to gray and faded hair in m
'perfectly healthful and nleasant way with
out dye and without likelihood of ridicule
thousands have banished their gray hairs
for good. This way is by the use of Q-Ban
Hair Color Restorer, a harmless and efficient
liquid, all xeady to use.
' Ironclad Guarantee,
Q-Ban Is guaranteed by the makers to give
satisfaction or your money back. Not a
oatent medicine, nor a dye. Only E0a at
Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. Stores and
all good orug stores, or writ Hesslg-Ellia
Drug Co.. Memphis, Tenn., mentioning drug
gist's name. Illustrated, interesting book on
"Hair Culture." sent free. Try Q-Ban Hair
Tonic, Q-Ban Liquid Shampoo, Q-Ban Toilet
Soap, also Q-Ban Depilatory (odorless) for i
removing superfluous natr. Advsrtisement.
Largest Flags in Omaha
Are Thrown to Breeze
What are believed to be the largest
flags thrown to the breeze in Omaha
are hung in the center of Douglas
street, between the Nebraska Tele
phone company's building and the
Hotel Fontenelle. There are two of
them, and each measures almost forty
feet in length. They are suspended
from a line attached to the top of the
telephone building and stretched
across to the fire escape on one of the
upper floors of the hotel. Tonight
two great spotlights will be installed
to illuminate both flags.
The two emblems were made in the
hotel's linen room by the Fontenelle
housekeeper. She has also made four
other flags, representing the blood
red emblem of New Russia, of France
of Great Britain and Belgium. These
will be used to decorate the hotel
lobby, overhung by great American
flag. For several weeks each table
in the dining room has been decorated
with silk flagif America and our al
lies. -
"Alkitis" is New Drink that
Tickles the Thirsty Palate
Bert Brodrick alleges that Monday
he went into the L. D. Hopkins Drug
store on Sixteenth and California
streets, where he asked for "Alkitis."
He defines this drink as diluted alco
hol and peppermint. He again Tues
day morning Viade a similar purchase
hut was arrested before he had an op-
portunity to take a drink. L. M. Price,
a clerk in the store, he says, sold him
the liquor. The case has been set
for hearing Thursday in order to have
an analysis made of the liquor sold
and that found in stock to see if it
conforms to the formulas prescribed
by the prohibition law.
Nuxated Iron Makes Strong,
Vigorous, Iron Men and Beautiful
Healthy Rosy Cheeked Women
Dr. Howard James, lata of tlte
Manhattan Stata Hospital of Naw
York, and formerly Assistant Physi
cian, Brooklyn Stata Hospital, aayst
"Iron is absolutely necessary to enable
your blood to change food Into living tisue,
Without it, no matter how much or what
you eat. your food merely passes through
you without doing you any good. You don't
get the strength out of it, and as a conse
quence you become weak, pala and sickly
looking, Just like a plant try in to grow in
a soil deficient In Iron. A patient of mine
remarked to me (after having been on a sii
weeks' course of Nuxated Iron): Say, Doc
tor, that there stuff is like magic
"If you are not strong or well you owe
It to yourself to make the following test;
See how long you can work or how far you
can walk without becoming tired. Next take
two five-grain tablets of nuxated Iron three
times per day after meals for two weeks.
Then test your strength again and see how
much you have gained. From my own ex
perience with Nuxated Iron, I feel it Is such
a valuable remedy that It should bs kept in
Geet That' there atuff (Nuxated Iron)
acta like aaaglc. It certainly puta the
ginger ef youth Into a man.
every hospital and prescribed by every phy
sician in this country."
Nuxated Iron, recommended above by Dr.
Jamea, la for aale by Sherman McConnall -Drug
Stores and all good druggists an an ab
solute guarantee of success and satisfaction
or your money refunded.
Burgess-Mash Company.
Tuesday, Jun. S, 1917.
Phon. D. 137.
The June Sales
demand your attention every department of this big service store contributes to this
underpnee movement. Among them are
In every instance the "Sales" are important from every point of view because they bring mer
chandise of a wanted sort when you need it most and at a price that goes a long way in cutting down
the cost of living. '
i Uwn a
"Liberty Bond"
Should be the proud boast of
every man or woman that can
possibly save fifty dollars or
this is a war of the people,
for the people and it must be
supported by the people.
Full infomation given and
subscriptions taken at our
credit department. 3d Floor.
Ask Mr. Foster
a thoroughly systematized
organization of trained special
ists for supplying, without
charge, advice and information
concerning travel by all known
methods. Make use of it. Co. Balcony
These Are Really Wonderful Values in
Tailored Suits
For Women and Misses, at
THEY'RE suits that
have been taken
from our regu lar stock
and reduced to this
price for the sale
Suits that were
made especially for
us and measure, up to
the Burgess - Nash
standard of quality
in every respect.
Serges, gaberdines'
and poiret twills.
We consider them
really extreme values
at this price.
Many styles in blacks,
navy and mixtures. The
most wanted materials to
make your selections
from; including uits
gathered from our most
interesting assortments
and every model has been,
specially reduced for
Wednesday to $24.78.
Burgesi'Nash Co. Second Floor
You Can Buy Linens Here Wednesday
at the Prices that Prevailed 2 Years Ago
An Opportune Time to Select June Wedding Gifts We Solicit Comparison
PRICES that prevailed before the gr,eat advance in cost of production ; linens that
are the product of the best looms, offered to you way belov. the present market
quotation. If you have a need for this sort for present or future, it will be greatly to
vour advantage to profit by this announcement.
Hemstitched Lunch Cloths underpriced
Bleached pure linen satin tamask lunch cloths:
neatly hemstitched, bordered all around, assorted
patterns. .
Cloths 3fix36 inches, for $1.75.
, Cloths 45x45 inches, for $2.50.
Cloths 64x64 inches, for $3.28.
Odd Table Cloths Greatly Reduced
A big selection of odd table cloths; mostly
large sizes, but all sizes represented, in a cleara
way that affords urasual saving advantages.
Bought before the European war and offered at
the old prices. Splendid selection of patterns.
Linen Damask, at $1.39 Yard
Bleached Satin damask; pure linen, good
weight, assorted patterns, 70 inches wide; we con
sider the value very unusual.
Fine Large Linen Towels, 75c
Hemstitched pure linen towels; huckaback
weave with satin figured borders, a good time to
lay in a supply, also ideal for wedding gifts, 75c
Burfeii'Nash Co. Main Floor
Linen Bleached -Napkins, $3.45 Dozen
Heavy pure linen napkins; size 22x22 inches,
silver bleached, assorted patterns, way below pres
ent market cost, at, $3.48 a dozen.
Hemstitched Guest Towels, 35c
1 Fine hemstitched pure linen buck towels, size
15x24 inches, a big lot of these at a very low price.
The Expert Repairing of Oriental
Rugs Is an Important Branch of
the Activities of this Stor e Service
THE work is accomplished by a native of the East,
'who is an adept in the artistry of rug weaving. In
view of the added durability given to choice rugs by
skilled repairing and reinforcing, the charges for the
work are reasonable. Estimates of cost submitted.
Oriental Rug Specials Wednesday
Every one Individually under the present market value.
Belouchistan Rugs, $12.00
So desirable for table covers; beautiful range of colorings,
in dark blue with soft red and green.
Size 3-3x2 feet, for $12.00 I Size 3-6x2-2 fect, for $12.00
Size 4-3x2-3 feet, for $12.00
Shiraz Rugs, $18.00 and $20.00
Small medallion in center with dark blue covering the field
around, also floral figures.
Size 4-8x2-4 feet, for $18.00 I Size 4-6x2-6 feet, for $20.00
Size 4-4x2-6 feet, for $18.00 I Size 4-3x2-6 feet, for $20.00
Khiva Rugs Underpriced
Soft shades of red and dark blue, one of the best and most
serviceable qualities.
Size 8-3x5-9 feet, for $58.00 I Size 8-1x6-3 feet, for $70.00
Size 7-1x6-1 feet, for $75.00 Size 5-2x6-4 feet, for $52.50
BurgM-Noih Co. Third Floor
We Invite You To Visit Our
Pattern Department
To Meet Mln J. M. Burke
Special Representative Of
The Pictorial Review Co.
of New York
Ml.. Burka Will Explain
The Many Distinctive Features -
ol v
Pictorial Review Patterns
Which Make Thsm Superior To
AH Other Patterns. T
The Patent Cuttlne end Con
et ruction Guides furnished Only
Pictorial Review Patterns
Save Time, Labor and Material
in Every Case. They Show Just .
How to Lay Out the Parti of
the Pattern on the Material. To
Cut and How to Assemble the
parts in completing the Garni eat.
Don't Fall to Meet Miss Burke
and Learn of the Many Advan
tages contained in
Pictorial Review Patterns
Not Found in Any Other Pattern.
Burgeee-Naah Co. Man Floor
, - N . '