THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY JUNE 6, 1917. The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNINO-EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD R03EWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR TRB BE! PUBLISHING COMPANY, PROPRIETOR. Enured at Omaha poatoffics s aeeond-claaa Biattar. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Br Carrier, ttr usil u.,i, u wiu, nfBooi.uo mijttW W Dully witsout Sunday .12? nmioi ud etundal.. a. ; W tnalu WUWUt Siude...7. " S . S-SS fuadar Bee only " m " l. ieadaotios id eunn of ddiw or immluiii is SiUmr to Osuu Bee, OrillHW DrpertPMOL REMITTANCE M drift, uptmt or costal onto, only l-omt stamps telea B eeronat of anil seoouata Personal sbsoa, aieepl OS Omaha tad WW! USCB.Stt. PO WKXPtoJ. OFFICES. Okim TM IN BelldJnt. IMomo People's Uu Htilltfln. Some Oml-fll M St New York JS riftk An. Council Bluffe-H H. MsIB It it Loule-rl. B'k. of 0" llnonbj little BalldlDg. Wesblnfloo T36 141b St N. W. CORRESPONDENCE AddnM MsnttntetttMit nlattaf to mm tot editorial SMUOT M Oram Ess. HMil DapsmaoM. MAY CIRCULATION 56,469 Daily Sunday, 51,308 Anwa eueolstlee fw IM noatas eabserlMd ead won M If Dwlet . Will la dm. Clrr-ul.Ua. ftlsaaeer. Subscrftere leertas the city should bavo Tin Bo. bhIIos) tkaat. Addreae cbaasatl efte. raojuaeted. Organization of "relatives' unions" will soon be in order. Ruth Law is a good, patriotic girl, even though she is a high flier. Sixteenth and Farnam is no good place for a loose-jawed slacker to go into action. , . It's too had "Uncle Hod" Boies could not have lived to see $165 fixed as a maximum price for corn. r As a vendor of booster stuff, Secretary Mc Adoo deserves a niche in the ad men's hall of fame. The least the folks at home can do is to supply the money for the boys who do the work: Buy a Liberty bond. It is worth while noting that Gabriel' d' Annun lia is one of few war-time poets who practices what he preaches The Chicago Herald dubs Mayor Thompson "a phenomenon." Outside of Chicago he is esteemed "a lemon." ' Omaha is waking up to its duty and may yet see its name on record as having provided all the men for the army allotted as its share. ' Returns from registration will be awaited as eagerly as were returns from the last election, but with no such uncertainty as to the result.' ' The April rush to the matrimonial bureau by this time should show a perceptible rush to re cruiting offices. iTwo months' training fits for active service. - 1 ' Iowa courts and juries are putting the quietus on "blue law" enforcement fad very effectively, but it will take action by the legislature to lay the ghost entirely. ' . ' " The patriotic citizen, who has done his full duty and wears all the buttons he is .entitled to parade under the circumstances, is . an awe inspiring spectacle these days. King Ak-Sar-Ben continues his kindly rule undisturbed by wars or rumors of wars. If all other montrchi were like Ak, the world would bt filled with wllljng subjects. Another Red Cross unit from the United States has safely reached the fighting front. And this, saving corps is but .the-forerunner of the fighting forces soon to be under way. : National respect for free speech Is so well rooted in the American system that we patiently tolerate the outgivings of the Emma Goldmans, Be Reitmans, the John D. Works and other knockers, ; ' If the senate puts the prohibitive tax on whisky without making ft retroactive, it will be conferring a never-to-be-forgotten favor on the whisky trust, which is reported to' have 300,000, 000 gallons safe in atorage now. Patriotic Nebraskans eagerly await the hour when the governor's gotd-Iace colonels muster in their regiments and march whither duty calls. The event will prove a fitting climax to the pageantry of the state's golden anniversary. a , , . . a Prisoners at Joliet are making poor return for the privileges accorded them under the mild discipline rule. The worst of it is that the out break will not affect alone the condition of those immediately engaged in it, but to some extent prisoners all over the United States will suffer as t result. One of the coal baron subsidiaries of Pennsvl vania declares a cash dividend of 30 per cent, pay able next month, beside distributing a package of new stock at par. A few short months ago the barons regaled the public with tearful regrets be cause they had to slip a petty wage raise down to the consumer Arguments for Corn Mloaeacoll Journal No Conscripts Here, but Patriots All. Registration Day is over, and one of the great est events in American history is a matter of record. Millions on millions of young men have put down their names as available for any service their country may require of them, consecrating themselves to duty, and by that act dedicating their lives, if needed, to humanity. These men are not conscripts in any degree, nor does the term "selective draft" carry with it any tinge of duress. It is the application of common sense to the volunteer system, to make effective the man-power of the nation and to draw from each according to his ability, to ordain by orderly processes the use that is to be made of the mate rial as well as the moral forces of America. The event was accompanied by much rattling of drums and blare of bugles, by waving of flags and patriotic oratory, but by more of silent re flection, of serious contemplation and earnest resolution. The young men who will go out in the service of their country are making many sacrifices of which too little account is generally taken. Almost all of them are in some way breaking in on Jheir life's program, giving up prospects for an established business or profes sional connection, letting go of a good job that would lead to promotion and a promise of a future of ease' and honor. Their generation is called upon to lay aside for the time all personal ambi tions and enterprises, to give themselves wholly to an undertaking forced on them by circum stances, and the desirable outcome of which de pends wholly on the steadfastness with which they meet the emergency. None can doubt their unfaltering zeal, their courage or their faith, and with them freedom is safe for mankind; , The young man who' put his name down as ready to be called is deserving of a patriot'a full share in the country's greatness, and wilt receive it. The worfd never saw such a ceremony as that of yesterday, and may never see its like again. ' Our Ponderous Registration Machinery. Why is it that in a great civilized country like ours, in order to secure an enrollment of men eligible to military service, we have to go through the laborious process of registration such as we have just witnessed? No such system would have to be resorted to in any of the continental coun tries of Europe, although it might possibly be necessary in some of the British possessions, be cause Old World countries have comprehensive machinery working all the time to register and keep track of every person from birth to death. In Germany, or France, or Switzerland, coun tries where universal military training prevails, the class of 1917, or of 1918, or of 1923 is listed eighteen years ahead of time with names and ad dresses in the official records, from which they are stricken only by disability, death or emigration, and all that is necessary when they are to be called out is to give notice of time and place. We are not now arguing as to the advantages of either plan, but to invite attention to the fact as bearing on the relative preparedness of differ ent countries to meet emergencies. It is perhaps open to debate whether, in this free and enlight ened country of ours, the people would stand for the personal inquisition and government espion age that elsewhere is submitted to as a matter of course. The contrast, however, only empha sizes the exceptional degree of freedom which all of us in this country have enjoyed, but which at the same time has put us at a disadvantage when necessary to safeguard that freedom against the menace of militarism. Talk is revived on the necessity of teaching the Europeans to eat our corn. Doubtless enough of them would be glad to eat it, provided they could get , it But even greater is the need to teach the (American to eat his own turn. The early Yankees began eating corn from dire neces sity before the Thanksgiving holiday was estab lished, and laved their lives by means of this ar ticle of food which the Indiana taunht thirn tn raise, but the Yankees of today have largely auanaonea it in lavor ot wneat. But is there a finer or more toothsome article of food raised on this continent than commul mush, fried in butter and eaten with syrup? It is a dish for king and commoner alike. And the king who misses it is missing something the lack us wnico aiscrcaits nis roii laoic. . ' Then there is corn breaxt, a table delicacv in deed when properly made, and cornmeal mush, and corn pone, and the queen of them all, the In dian pudding of old New England in its sturdy days. This wonderful dish is not nearly so well known as it should be. When the cook knows the correct formula for Indian pudding, she will provide a dish that would lure a St. Simon from hia pedestal. It is one of the noblest contribu tions to the table yet made by America, v The Department of Agriculture provides sue Stations on various .palatable things that can be ibricated from cornmeal. Corn should be eaten not merely to save other and costlier foods, but because it is itself one of the best foods in the , Fixing Prices on Cereals, The Chicago Board of Trade has announced a maximum price for corn, at which all settle ments and deliveries are to be made. This action is in line with the course taken by the same body to check speculative inflation in wheat prices and brings up quite an interesting question. If the government has no authority to determine prices to be asked or paid for commodities, by what right does a private association of dealers estab lish such a limit? The law of supply and demand does not figure in this transaction, but the arbi trary rule of artificial control. The present step may be for the good of mankind or for the pro tection of broken who have been caught in deep water, but it is conceivable that the time may come when the power can be exercised to the public's detriment or to the undoing of the gam blers who are caught on the wrong side. In fact, good reason exists to think it already has been so used. In the case of the wheat settlement the price was put at a figure which has not since been attained, and all sales have been below the mark fixed as a maximum, although that was the actual quotation on the day when the action was taken. This is almost sufficient itself to support the mile gation that the price was artificial and not war ranted by the natural laws of trade. The ques tion is too great and too important in its bearings to be entirely answered while the presence of war demands consideration, but it will be well to keep in mind these steps, for the future must deal with the problem of price-fixing by law and by quasi-public bodies. Our Navy on Guard. One more little gleam of light on what the United States is doing in the war comes from Rio de Janeiro, "passed by the censor," to the effect that the presence of an American naval squadron in Brazilian waters has drawn a congratulatory resolution from the Brazilian congress. It waa well understood weeks ago that the American navy would take up the duty of patroling western Atlantic waters, relieving English and French warships that had been on the station for nearly three years, but beyond the mere conjecture noth ing has been said by our government, while the newspapers have kept silent as to the movement, This much of information is permitted now, that the public may understand that America is not marking time in the conflict, but is taking full part. Our navy is on guard, and well we know what that means. Our army is tugging at the leash, and soon we will be told that Yankee bugle notes have awakened the air that re sponded to Roland's horn at Roncesvalles and quivered to the call of many a hero ffom Roman days till now. Uncle Sam is getting down to business in this war job he has set about. Prince Udine of the Italian mission reviewed the midshipmen at Annapolis snd complimented them as the finest body of men of their class that he had ever aeen. Marshal Joffre paid a similar hearty compliment to the eadeta at West Point Expert opinion is all the more appreciated, be cause it is true. President Wilson and Son-in-law McAdoo ought to get in touch with one another. One in aista we are going to war to save democracy, and the other hmti that our purpose is to get rich, A little snore team work, please. Science on Wash Day By Frederic J. Haskin Washington, June 3. Science has invaded the laundry. After solving the puzzling problems of how many calories of proteid and carbohydrate we should Ket when we buy 11 cents worth of fish, the microscope and the test tube have deter mined how often a stiff collar should stand starching before it cracks at the edges. Seriously speaking, the problem of making the family cloth ing last as long as possible is hardly secondary to that of making the family food, go as far as pos sible. In war-time textiles are only second to foods in their value and importance; In Germany steps are being taken to enforce the burial of the dead in paper garments so that cloth may be saved for the living. , The recent investigations into the fine Doints of washing and the mysterious reasons for the rapid deterioration of some kinds of wash goods were made by the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research, which is connected with the University of Pittsburgh. The research was undertaken at the instigation of the National Association of Laundry Owners, but the results include many points of interest to any citizen who has clothes and sheets and tablecloths to wash, whether they are laundered at home or in a power laundry. The investigators find that there are three es sential factors in the long life of any- piece of wash goods. It must be of good quality' to begin with, it must be properly treated and it must be properly washed. The factor of quality has to be seen to when the ourchase is made. The mat ter of proper treatment is deserving of more atten tion than it usually gets. It is a fact not generally realized in the aver age household that the life of any article or gar ment which is washed regularly depends not only on the number of times it goes to the laundry, but also on how badly soiled it is.. If clothes and linens are badly spotted and stained they do not last as long, because tney must be washed longer and more vigorously. If you Dick uo a soiled towel or napkin to rub the dust off your shoes, it may come from the laundry as clean as the day it was bought, but its life has been shortened. Particular attention was paid by the investi gators to the life of the starched collar.. In the course of the research a dozen new collars were taken and put through the process of washing and starching again and again. These collars had a lite of about forty trips through the laundry btr fore they began to crack at the edges. Similar collars that were being worn by customer usually cracked on about the twentieth trip, showing that the adtuat wear in use accounts for about half the life of a collar and wear in laundering for the rest. The scientists also state that much of the damage to collars is done by putting them on hastily and taking them off roughly, so' that by exercising care in these processes the wearer can greatly increase the lite ot a collar. That exposure to the air in drying tends to weaken cloths and fabrics was shown by another series of tests, which indicate that clothes should not be left on the line any longer than is abso lutely necessary. The substances contained in smoke are known to have an injurious effect on fabrics. This explains why curtains usually be-: gin to wear out on the line marked by the open sash of the window. Managers of large hotels have long realized this fact, and they have their curtains washed before they actually begin to look soiled in order to remove the substances deposited by the smoky air. I hat the washing of fabrics tc , frequently may not be a wise practice was shown by another series ot tests, which indicate that every washing, no matter how careful and' gentle, weakens a cloth somewhat. In these tests a number of handker chiefs were washed out in perfectly pure cold water and hung up to dry. After this process had been repeated eighteen times the handker chiefs showed, a toss in strength of almost 5 per cent These tests show that the most economical practice is to launder garments and linen as often as is necessary, but no oftener, and to take care that they are not unnecessarily soiled. Elaborate investigations were also made into the various washing materials. It was found that a combination of soap and washing soda is the best for use in laundry work. This combination weakens the cloth less than either soap and water or soda and water used alone. The investigators also concluded that one of the most important parts of the washing process is what they call 'lfr;.,a t.-Atm-n" Tk!. , Ua ai'tl n... ment should be given just the individual treat ment it reauires. according to the delicacv of the fabric and the degree to which it is soiled, whether it is washed in the power laundry or in the tub at home. 1 Unseen Forces in War . St. Louis Croba-Darnacrrt Mr. Balfour, whose office in the London cab inet corresponds to that of our secretary of state, told the Canadians that the British empire had staked its last dollar on democracy, and he re ferred to the empire as a government now made up of "co-ordinated British democracies." This result he calls a miracle. It has come to pass during the tug of a colossal struggle whose out come is still in the ordeal of battle, the sinking of hundreds of ships, and the mangling or drowning of thousands of men. Though an aristocrat by long descent, in the line of the Cecil, famous in the days of Elizabeth, Mr. Balfour's description of the British empire of today is a group of "co ordinated democracies," reaching from spacious Canada to spacious Australia. ' Such an expression would not have come from a British minister three years ago. Nor could it then have been supposed that Lloyd George would now be the British premier Not alone in the British empire is war legislating. Russia is un dergoing a profound transformation, with its for mer czar no longer mentioned in its public af fairs. The United States is about to send an army to France. We are preparing to defend our country, its rights and dignity, on an adequate scale. War is certainly legislating for us as well as Others. Only Junkerdom tries to stand im movable. The mills of the gods are grinding on. In every nation manhood is in the crucible. Let us hope that we shall not in any respect be found lacking in the assay. Mr. Balfour declared in Canada that "autoc racy, enthroned in the central powers, precipitat ed the war to gain domination of the world." It. is a larger order than can be filled, ; Shafts Aimedat Omaha York News-Times: Omaha and Douglas county officials are having a great row over charges of official corruption. Let them fight un til, like the historic Kilkenny cats, there is noth ing left but their tails. Kenesaw Progress: Some of the rottenness of Omaha is coming to the surface again. That city has been misgoverned -for years by a pack of looters, but it appears now that the day of reckon ing is at hand tor some of them. . Fremont Tribune: Even in Omaha the boot legger is getting it in the neck in a way that makes him look sick and discouraged. Nobody his fewer friends than old John Barleycorn, and the number is growing less and less at asrapid rate. Aurora Sun: Omaha the last week made dis covery of two of its trusted citizens having "gone wrong." One of them was a prominent real estate broker, who departed for fields unknown and left his newly acquired partners holding the sack for several thousand dollars. The other was a trusted employe of a well known bonding company, who also decamped, leaving the strong box abort a nice sum. In neither of these cases, strangely enough, is any mention made of wine and women except in the case of the broken-hearted young wne wnom tne latter leiiow lett benine ly'Sx '. J, ay m Proverb for the Day. Circumstances alter cases. One Year Ago Today In the War. Germans occupied Fort Vaux, called "the key to Verdun." Russians continued vigorous drive against the Austrians, taking 29,000 prisoners. Further German attacks on salient, and a British trench gained at Hooge. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. ' A lunch party was given by Mrs. George W. Amtu, at which the follow ing ladles were present: Mrs. J. M. Metcalfe, Mrx. General Dandy, Mrs. Dr. Lee, Mra. W. A. Redlck, Mrs. Hall, Mrs, Kitchen and Mrs. Morse. S. S. Auchmoedy gave a supper to the newspaper reporters who have for the last year made dally visits to the county clerk's office In search of news Items. The St. Phllomena Literary society elected the following officers for 1887: President, William Doran; first vice president, Miss Nellie Garvey; second vice president, Miss Mollie Heelon; secretary, M. J. Scanlan; treasurer, Miss Lizzie Dwyer; trustees, P. C. Heafey, T. J. O'Nell and John Mullen. William Bpauldlng, the newly ap pointed depot transfer' agent, has as sumed the duties of his position. C. S. Hlggins has secured control of the St, Cloud restaurant on Doug las street. The Omaha Literary and Scientific club held a special meeting at the Omaha Business college and elected the following officers: Julius S. Cooley, president; W. P. O'Neill, vice presi dent; G. A. Rathbun, treasurer. At a meeting of the Leavenworth street property owners, held at Por ter Bros.' store, Euclid Martin was elected chairman, George H. Hobbie acting as secretary.- This Day tn History. 1786 Nathaniel Gorham of Massa chusetts chosen president of the Con tinental congress. 1798 Imprisonment for debt abol ished by act ot congress. 1799 Patrick Henry, patriot, statesman and orator, died tn Char lotte county, Virginia. Born at Stud ley, Va., May 27, 1736. 1804 Louis A. Godey, who pub lished the first magazine exclusively for-women, born in New York City. Died in Philadelphia, November 29, 1878. 1849 General Edmund P. Gaines, distinguished commander in the war ot 1812, died at New Orleans. Born In Culpepper county, Virginia, March 20, 1777. 1861 Count Cavour, the "regener ator of Italy," died In Turin. Born there, August 10, 1810. 1867 Attempted assassination of Czar Alexander of Russia, as he was driving in Paris with Napoleon III, by a Pole named Berezowskl. N 1898 Spanish cruiser Reina Mer cedes sunk at Santiago. ' 1916 Death ot Yuan Shl-kai, presi dent of the Chinese republic. The Day We Celebrate. Dan R. .Mills haa a birthday today, being 66. He waa born in Des Moinea and is president ot the Mills Advertis ing company. Alexandra, Feodorovna Romanoff, late empress of Russia, born in Hesse forty-five years ago today. Major Andrew Moses, member of the general Btaff of the United States army, born In Texas, forty-three years ago today. , Madame Rejane, for many years a leading actress of the French stage, born In Paris, sixty years ago today.' Hon. John D, Hazen, Canadian min ister of marine and fisheries and min ister of the naval service, born in New Brunswick, fifty-seven years ago to day. Rt. Rev. James A. McFaul, Catholic bishop of Trenton, born In County An trim, Ireland, aixfy-seven years ago to day. Ellwood P. Cubberley, dean of the new school ot education of Leland Stanford, Jr., university, born at An drews, Ind., forty-nine years ago today. Timely Jottings and Reminders. The American Jewish Historical so ciety attains its twenty-fifth birthday today. William J. Bryan is to deliver the commencement address today at the University of Kansas. Sterling, Kan., is to be the meeting placo today of the general synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America. A convention of the International Association of Policewomen is to open in Pittsburgh today and will continue in session through the remainder of the week. The present constitution of the com monwealth ot Massachusetts, in force for Upwards of a century, is to under go a thorough revision at the hands of the constitutional convention which assembles in Boston .today. Social problems arising from the war are to come up for discussion at the National Conference ot Charities and Correction, which asaemblea in Pittsburgh today for a session of one week. Plans for a consolidation of the Nor wegian Lutheran synod, the Hauges synod and the United Norwegian Lutheran church are to be considered and acted upon at a convention which is to meet today at St. Paul. ' A conference has been called to meet In Washington -today under the auspices of the American League for National Unity, which is endeavoring to find a channel through which every man exempted from military service may serve the nation during the war. Storyette of the Day. Stubbs waa feeling his way to the kitchen stove In the dark when he fell over the coal scuttle. "Oh, John," called Mra Stubbs, sweetly. "I know what you need. You should get what they have on battle ships." "What's that?" growled Stubbs, as he rubbed his thins. "Why, a range finder." And what Stubbs said about wom an's wit was a plenty. Buffalo News. WAR TIME DRIFTWOOD. Tht tM-plsne can be launehed from a mr fthip under way. can fly ahead of it. and. by maani of wlreleaa, give notie of hoatila hlpt at laaat aixty miitt away from Its floatlni baat. The Revenue Cutter service, now a part or the united sutee eoait guard, . waa founded in 1700 and haa participated in every war on the aea in which our nation haa been Involved. , The United Statea army operates schools for baker and cooks- at Waahing ton 'bar racki, Waihlntton, D. 0.; the Preaidld, Monterey. Cal. : Fort Sam Houston. Tex., and Fort Shafer. Hawaii. The personnel ot a bakery company SotaJr Uty-ono men. Operating twelve ovena, auch a company will aupply bread tor 84,000 men. With an army In the field It la located from thirty to sixty mues behind the front lines. Soldiers' Dependents. Norfolk, Neb.. June 4. to the Editor ot The Bee: Are there any arrangements in effect, public or pri vate, whereby those subject to draft by reason of age and with persons dependent en them, can have those dependent on them taken care of as well as those who support take care of them in case any those subject to draft go to war? If a man were exempted because of this feature, but was willing to go If his folks were taken care of properly, are provisions in effect to do so? Kindly answer fully. Thanking you, I remain, yours truly, i E. C. M'CASLIN. Ans. No arrangements for caring for dependents have yet been made. It Is understood that only those without dependents will be first taken, but this is not decided on as a fact. Where Grant Got His Army. Omaha, June 4. To the Editor of The Bee: This clipping from the Na tional Tribune of Washington might well be published at this time: "Surprise is often expressed that there are so many veterans of the civil war still living. The fact is that the war was fought, at least on the northern side, by boys. Of the 2,159. 798 enlisted there were only 46.626 who were over 26 years old. The official figures of the age at enlist ment in the civil war were read in the house of representatives the other day by Joseph C. Cannon and they are as follows: Thoae 10 years and under.... 26 Thrwe 11 ypara and under.... 2S Those 12 years and under., - Those 13 yeara and under.. Those IS yeara and under.. Those lfi years and under.. Those IS years and under.. Those 17 years and under.. Those IS years and under.. Those 21 years and under (these iwo classes make the total number of en listments) 2,169,718 Those 22 years and over (these two classes make the total number ot en listments) 611,611 Those 26 years and over.... 46,626 "It will be noticed from this state ment that the greatest number of en listments were of boys 18 and under. In a great number of cases these boys became officers before they were 20, some of them even .reaching the rank of captain. The methods of war have so changed that in future armies there must be a far greater portion of ma ture men. There must be a large number who can handle the intricate, complex and death-dealing machinery and engines of destruction." 226 300 1.528 104, S7 231,0(1 M4.m 1,161,431 Plea for Socialism. Omaha, June S. To the Editor of The Bee: Instead of being tolerant and advocating tolerance on the part of others during the great world crisis you are trying to create a condition of intolerance and to usher in a period such as existed during the inquisition. No Insult was offered the United States flag when the mover of the motion to clean it made up his mind It needed cleaning. In fact he showed more reverence for it than thoso who unjustly hold up the price of food under its folds when people are starv ing to death in the midst of plenty. I also wish to call your attention to the fact that Just such intolerable condi tions as you suggest put Nicholas Romanoff out of a job and too much of this kind of talk might put the capitalist class in this country to work at useful labor. Do not be too hasty In condemning Others whose motives you do not know or understand. Be kind, be tolerant and help us in a peaceable solution of the great world problems. We ask the co-operation of all peaceable, liberty loving people to help us in our work and to frown upon intolerance and repression. Let us be a united people in our fight for a true and worldwide democracy. JESSE T. BRILLHART. Feed the Mothers, Says Jerry. Omaha, June 4. To the Editor of The Bee: I read with pleasure In your great paper articles by Mr. A. R. Groh. ' However, there is a topic which Interests me above others, and I would feel grateful if lr. Groh could give It some attention. It is the great est problem that confronts the na tion. It surpasses forts and fortresses, for it goes deeper than a submarine, and battleship appropriations, and the buying of Liberty bonds. It is more elevating than aviation. It Is the only "Conservation and Council of De fense" that does any good, and Is to see that the mothers of the American race are well fed. I believe that the solution to this problem could be reached If our distinguished heroines who are joining aviation corps and learning to become crack pistol shots, etc., likewise volunteering to work in the farmers' kitchens, care tor the children and keep them neat while their mothers work in the fields, would volunteer to investigate the "small sal aries'' paid the "working women." While there is not -as much osten tatious patriotism about feeding the mothers as learning how to knit socke for their sans, nevertheless, the act is more meritorious and humane, for the government is supposed to look after the soldier boys, but. lo and be hold, society is doing nothing syste matical for the mothers. JERRY H3WARD. Calls for Patriotic League. Omaha, June 4. To the Editor of rne uee: a patriotic league buquiq be formed in the city of Omaha. No danger awaits our country so great as when the heart and soul of the coun try does not enter into the government ot the country. No danger awaits a community, and especially a metro politan city like Omaha, so great as when its duties -or its business affairs are interfered with by arbitrary ac tion from any portion of its people. This organization should be founded so deep in the love and spirit ot the people, so patriotic for the destiny ot our freedom, so deeply sensible for the rights of all, so profoundly secure in respect for constitutional law, or der and liberty, that no one could with impunity assail a single principle of freedom involved in the great world war that Is upon us. or to interfere with any measure necessary in th mobilisation of our army or navy, or In financing and equipping the same; to command respect for the American flag and the righteous spirit of human liberty it represents. The time hw come when every available force and impulse of our country ehould be invoked to do their full duty. It should be a patriotism so strong that race distinction will be set aside; there should be but one thought, and that America. Our sol diers will soon take their places In the forefront of battle in Europe. Let our support be so loyal to them that their ranks will be strengthened so their valor and fame will place Amer ica's name foremost in liberty's cause, commanding the respect and challeng ing the admiration of the civilized world. The time has come when we should revive the sentiment of Gen eral John A. Dix of New York, "If any man attempts to pull down the Amer ican flag, shoot him on the spot." C. E. ADAMS. Shells fired from tha ffreat suns of tho modern battleship start with a veloeiay of upwards of 2,000 miles an hour. THE FIRST DUTY OF EVERY PATRIOT Is to "keep things going" just sb though there were no war. To "hold buck" or "retrench" in the purchase of household needs or comfort giving articles because we're at war would be one of the most unpatriotic acta imaginable. For, now, more than ever. It Is to the interests of the whole country and every individual in it to keep all kinds of business normal. Each man each woman must do hti or her part to "keep things going." Our stores will ever do their part by using President Wilson's admonition, "Quick Service and Small Profits" as our guide, i SHERMAN & M 'CON NELL DRUG CO. i S Good Drug Stores. .MIIIIIHIIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIII A GOOD TIP 5 U LOCOMOTIVE AUTO OIL Tha Bt Oil We Know. -The L. V.Jfholas Oil Company 5 S PiasUnt S GRAIN EXCHANGE BLDG. S TillllllllllllllllllMllllllillllllllllllllllllllli? SMOOHTas SILK i Perfectly lubricated, the motor spinning smoothly on polarinei THS STANDARD OIL FOR ALL MOTORS eats up the miles Without friction loss, carbonization or overheating. Every drop pure lubrication. Makes your car worth more. Look for the Polarine sign it means a reliable dealer who will give you What you ask for. Use Red Crown Gasoline, the power-full motor fuel. ' 11 STANDARD OIL COMPANY ' (Nebraska) OMAHA aVaawaaBaaaaVawaw aavaaawawaanawaai aaaawawaaaawsv - - mmmanmmim THE OMAHA BEE INFORMATION BUREAU Wasbinfton, D. C Enclosed find a two-cent stamp, for which you will please send me, entirely free, a copy of the Bread Book. Name ,.. Street Address.....'.....'. .' City , .v Stats...