10 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1917. WOMEN GIVE HELP. ' IN REGISTRATION Women Members of Federated and Commercial Clubs Take Active Part in Work; Boy Scouts Assist. Suffragists and anti-suffragists, members of federated clubs ind un federated clubs, all loyal American women, were united Tuesday to assist registration at the 109 different polls scattered throuehout the city. Some were deeply moved while they watched the boys sign the application blanks, while others laughed and did their best to encourage some of the youths who looked and acted as if they were signing their death war rants. Fire barns, small dingy groceries, meat markets and basements of school houses, assumed an unusual and incon gruous aspect, and one might have thought it was the women who were registering, rather than the men, from the number of electrics and limousines gathered at some of the polls. Men and women were found remin iscencing at every poll about members of their families who had won dis tinction in the civil, Spanish-American and even the Mexican wars. At 10:30 the 20,000 copies of the president's mtssage, which were being distributed by the women, was ex hausted. Mrs. F. H. Cole, acting chairman of the Nebraska division of the Council of National Defense, was in charge of the, distribution at the Commercial club. Among the women who started out as early as 7 o'clock to deliver the messages and help at the different polls were: Mesdames J. M. Metcalfe, V. A. Smith, A. L. Fernald, William Berry, P. J. Farrel, N. M. Graham, E. L. Burke, Halleck Rose, John L. Ken nedy, J. W. Gill, J. W. Welch, N. H. Tyson, Charles l-randish, Charles Les lie, C. E, Johannes, Joseph Barker, W. F. Baxter, Victor Coffman, Cuthert Vincent, R. L. McKelvie and Mona Cowell. Boy Scouts also assisted in the dis tribution of the message. At the poll at Fortieth and Cum ing streets, Lee Johnson, when given the president's message by one of the women in charge, looked at it while , walking across the street, then came back and said, "Give this to some one who is interested in it, I am not," He also said he agreed with the Rev. Dr. 8811218 sentiments and only registered because he had to. - When Robert Connell, son of Dr. R. W. Connell. registered and was asked whctfH he had been vaccinated, he said he would not deny it and that he was perfectly sanitary. Father Dies in German Army; Son Would Fight for U. S. "Mine fatter und brudder Fredrich, mit mine cousins und ungels iss all got ge-killed fighting mit der trenches in because der kaiser t'hellmit him says dey, must! I'm Chermans und vas borned in Heligoland, but J vas Amerikin now und you bet I fighd for Ungle Zaml You bedt I buy vun from dem Libersties bondts und grad so soon ve I gedts de money I buys amulder vun I" This was the answer H. E. Gregory, assistant manager of the Hotel Fonte nelle, got when lie interviewed Karl, one of the bus boys. The Omaha Hotel Men's associa tion has subscribed to $20,000 worth of Liberty bonds, and of this sum the Hotel Fontenelle, having at pres ent 200 employes, expects to under write at least $5,000. Already more than half of the employes have agreed to each buy a bond. Hani Nitchl is an Hungarian scul lery boy who has been in the coun try only a few years, and most of his relatives, too, were forced into the war by the iron hand of militarism, so he, too, is bitter against despotism. He gets $1 a day and his "keep," and he told Mr. Gregory not to pay him at all, but to hold his wages until he got enough to buy a bond. Many of the waiters .and kitchen help are foreign-born and strangely these are the most eager to "do their bit," ac cording to Gregory. Mission for the Deaf . . At Dodge Street Church For the first time in Omaha a unique religious movement, a week of missions for the deaf, is in session at Sr. Mary Magdalene's church, Nineteenth ;and Dodge streets. The mission is for non-Catholic as well as Catholic deaf. The prayers, lectures and songs are given in the deaf and dumb language. Wednesday night the life of Christ will be given in an illustrated lecture. Father Gehl of Wisconsin is con ducting the mission in Father Sinne's church..' The mission opened Sunday and continues until next Sunday, services being evenings at 7:45, and concludes Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. - Father Gehl is connected with the School for the Deaf at St Francis, Wis., and acts as missionary in the middle west The lectures and ser mons are interesting to the general public, as Father Gehl accompanies his gestures with spoken words and the public is invited. - Father Gehl is this week also tell ing of his work among the deaf at the various academies. Omaha Women Take Active Part in Registration of the Young Men Art... "'v!V' r lav J' J mi f Upper Picture Mrs. Jeseph Barker, 2d, registering Vincent C. Hascall, the first man to register at the poll at Fortieth and Cuming streets. ' Right to left, lower cut: William H. Thompson, 4512 Lafayette avenue, aged 21, University of Omaha gradu ate this year; Mrs. Charles E. Johan nes and Mrs. I. F. Baxter pinning on the registration button and giving the presidents' message. Taken at engine house, Forty-first and Hamilton streets. Af r ' t Mi w YOUTH REGISTERS IN LIBERTY'S CAUSE Rabbi ' Frederick Cohn Says Future Will Look Back With Pride Upon This Day. Convention of Special Agents is Called Off On account of the war the conven tion of the International Association of Railway Special Agents and Po lice scheduled to have been held In Omaha June 25-27, has been in- man, special agent for the Burling- iimi, ia m uicmucr ui mc association executive committee and after com- fnnniratiner u,itk hit h.ab decided that this year railway spe- tiu agenu win De too ousy to spend their time attending conventions. Thi convention of special agents, had it been held, would have brought 400 to 500 delegates to the city. Would Issue $65,000,000 Of Rock Island Bonds Springfield, 111., June 5. A petition filed today with the State Public Util ity commission by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad company asks authority to issue $65,000,000 of preferred stock pursuant to reorgani zation of the road, .which is now in the hands of a receiver. By RABBI FREDERICK COHN. June 5, 1917. , The day marks a red letter day in the history of America. Future ages will look back with pride and joy to June 5, 1917, as the day when the jouth of a whole nalioi stepped bravely forth to register in the cause of lib erty. The united manhood of all America proclaims to all the despots in the world that the day of despotism is done, that 10,000,000 of the noblest sons of the noblest nation of the earth are ready to sacrifice their all in the noblest cause that can enlist the- energy and the devotion of the flower of humanity in the safeguarding of democracy in the shedding of their blood if necessary, to assure that all America has stood for she shall continued to stand for that a seal shall be put upon ,her professions to be the land of liberty and oorior-1 tunity; that she puts into the scale all her resouces not merely of ma terial might and physical power, but back of every man that registers to day are the spiritual forces of an in vincible optimism and an unconquer able idealism. , Nay, it is in a holy spirit that our young men go forth today to consecrate themselves in a war for the liberation of humanity. This is one of the holy moments of mankind and holy are they, Priests of the Lord, who on the altar of their country and in the service ot the world's highest ideals, place their lives, their hopes, their plans and theic destinies. Let every man that goes forth to day to register his name on his coun try s records do so with the proud consciousness that he is writing his name on the honor roll of the nation, and that the same hand that affixes his signature to the document of lib erty is signing the death warrant of despotism and issuing the call for the nobler humanity of the future, when not only will the peace of righteous ness reign, but the happiness of jus tice be established. School Fund Swells from Fines Assessed Bootleggers Bootleggers did a rushing business Sunday, with the result that the school fund benefited by several donations of $!00 and costs. Barney M. Sorley, 810 North Six teenth street, pleaded guilty to dis posing of whisky to R. Ml Landon, 1909 Douglas street, who was arrested for being drunk. Landon was dis missed by reason of his telling where the liquor had been purchased and Sorley was fined $100 and costs. Thomas R. Lee, 5119 South Twenty, sixth street, was arrested, notwith standing the fact that he had care fully labeled a pint of whisky polish. When told that he would be shown leniency in case he would tell where the liquor was purchased, he told the court that it bad been purchased from Earl Grace, who conducts a soft drink parlor in the old Big 4 saloon at Ninth and Douglas streets. Grace was immediately arrested, but his hearing continued until Tuesday in order that witnesses may be found. Emil Bander, proprietor of a soft drink parlor , at 1102 North Sixth struct, plead guilty to serving intoxi cating liquors and paid a fine of $100 and costp.He promised to bring the balance of his supply into court to be destroyed. O. f. Vance, whose home is in Mar shalltown, la, had in his possession one one-tenth pint bottle of .whisky. He was fined $100 and costs. J. Bolker, 607 South Thirteenth street, was discharged on a charge of illegally having intoxicating liquor in his possession. Take Care of Yourself. If you want a clear head and good digestion you must not let your bow els h.rnm. Mnira.J .I.L ' b.VBeku puisonous waste from the body, as is always the v..o .mo you Decome constipated, froper food, an abundance of water and nntv nf n,..lAnH -u : , ,j , . w,uvvl cacii:ic snouia keep your bowels regular. When that fails you should take Chamberlain's tablets. They cause a gentle move ment Of th hnw.l. 1 - aiiu 4IC U3T 4 1! U pleasant to takc.-VAdvertisement 1 I t I - Robert Cowell Suggests Fund for Dependents of Those Who Fight By ROBERT COWELL. Everyone who can should own a Liberty bond. No one deserves any special credit for owning one. That much we should all be witling, nay glad, to do for our country. To loin money to the government is such a little thing. The security is, of course, the best in the world; the bonds are not taxable, the rate of interest is al most as good as can be gotten on any gilt edge safe investment, and equr.l to or in excess of what many savin 1 9 banks pay. To loan money to the government, give money, indeed, to our country, is so trifling, compared to offering one's life that it is shameful to baggie or hesitate over the doing of it. It is the barlrv of the breast to the bullet the tending of one's self (hat merits commendation. Talk at we may of oatrlotism. one's duty to his country, it is no light thing to leave nome, tamiiy, all that is near and dear, and risk sickness, mutilation, even death, for your flag. Surely, when so manv lives are to be offered on the altar of our country, it would be pitiably sordid to hesitate to offer our money. Nay, we should be willing to do more. I would like to see action either by the state, or by men and women vf means, to raise or provide a tund to supplement the war wages of Uncle Sam with a sum which would provide or dependents or accumulate to the credit of those who risk their lives. Might it not be a good thing for our men and women of wealth, our manufacturers and business men, to subscribe a certain amount monthly to such a fund? Wouldn't it be a commendable thing for Omaha to start such a fund, to set the pace, to show the real broth erly attitudsat this time? Shouldn't we all be willing to give until we feel the pinch, the hurt, when we ex pect, nay, demand, that our boys make, if necessary, the supreme sacri fice r The writer will be willing, yes glad, to contribute $50 or more monthly to such a fund while the war lasts. Where is the coward who would not be willing to give of his paltry dol lars ior sucn a country? it should be considered a real privilege to give of our means, as it is our duty to offer our lives, our all. Young Italians to March x To the Recruiting Office Under' tlje auspices of the .local Christofer Columbus lodne fiftv young men of Italian parentage will marcn through the streets to the army recruiting station to enlist. I he parade -will be headed bv the Christofer Columbus band and mem bers of the lodge. ' I he young men -decided to enlist following efforts of lodge members urging them to join the colors. ' "The war against Germany is our war," President Falcone of the Chris tofer Columbus lodge said. He will lead the parade. Ihe patriotic demonstration will start at 4 o'clock Tuesday from Co lumbus hall, 1108 South Sixth street, march to Tenth and Farnam streets, then west on Farnam to Nineteenth. where it will turn south to Harney and then east to Fifteenth. On Fif teenth and Harney the parade will go north to Capitol avenue and then west to Sixteenth street. Improvers Ask Suspension ' Of the Detective Chief "Chief Dunn has not spoken to Steve Malony for a year," announced R. J. Sutton, Trother of ' Detective Paul Sutton, at a meeting of the United Improvement club Monday night. .... Sutton of i the improvement club charged that a proposal to transfer Commissioner Kugel from the police department is an effort to "get things hushed up." , . The club adopted a resolution, of fered by Mr. Sutton, declaring that: Maloney be suspended forthwith, in vestigation' of police department be heUKwithout delay, and that Mr. Kugel be not transferred. Mr. Sutton further explained that Omaha now has three police depart ments, each with a head and three heads not even linked together in Siamese-twins manner.. Benson Enthuses for War At Big Patriotic Rally Benfton watt rafriH awav witU n- riotic fervor Mondar night at an open air meeting held at Main square. More' man i.uuu persons were present The Rev. I F P.-!,:, .h companied the Fifth Nebraska to the "'ti uorucr as cnapiain, was one of the principal speakers. "The man who fails to register should h nKfrariT-) anA ... of the country," he said. now many ot you young men are reartv In intn tk- pnln.." 1.. --I..J following his address. More than 100 raised their hands. - i The Rev. A. J. McClung, pastor of Bcson Presbyterian church, and the Rev. John Calvert of the Benson Methodist church made short patriotic appeals. The meeting was called to order by the blowing of trumpets. Hundreds of school children sang patriotic songs. J. V. McDowell, Omaha Pioneer, Buried Tuesday John V. McDowell, 70 years old, a resident of Omaha for more than forty years, died Monday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Coit Campbell, 327 North Thirty-seventh street, with whom he had made his home for the last two years. Death followed a stroke of paralysis suf fered a week ago. Mr. McDowell was active in busi ness until two vears aco. when he retired. He was associated with the New York Life Insurance company oi-umana ana tne Anglo-American Trust company. He is survived bv two daughter Mrs. Frank T. McConnell, La Grange, 111, and Mrs. Coit Campbell of Oma- na; one Brother-, .fcam t., St. Louis, and a sister, Mrs. Ella Moore, New York. Funeral services were Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock from the Cole-McKay parlors. Burial was at Forest Lawn. Man Who Bought High ' Power Rifles Locked Up Vernon, Tex, June 5. George Dod son of Vernon, secretary of the local orders of Farmers' and Laborers' Pro tective association, was taken into kustody yesterday charged with con spiracy against the government. Sheriff J. D. Key received tele graphic instructions from Federal District Attorney Odell of Dallas or dering that Dodson, his father, C. F. Dodson, and W. H. Emith of Vernon be brought before the federal grand jury at Dallas. This jury is investi gating alleged anti-conscription con spiracies. ' i Vernon arms dealers, after receiving what they term unprecedented calls for high-powered rifles during the last two weeks, reported the matter to the sheriff. Say No Attempt Was Made To Wreck Gen. Wood's Train Chattanooga, enn, June 5, Rail road officials investigating the finding of a large timber on the track in front of the train which last night bore Major General Leonard Wood from Chattanooga to Birmingham are inclined. to believe the obstruction fell from a passing freight train and that its presence was merely an accident1 OMAHA RAIL MEN CALLED TO COLORS . Leave in Few Days as Fart of Engineering Force to Re build and Operate the French Roads. Company C, made up of officials and employes of the Great Western road, has been called to the colors, accord ing to information received in Omaha. It is expected that within a week or ten days members of the organizations will be on their way to France, where they go as a part of one of the six regiments of American railroad men to rebuild and operate the roads of that country. Omaha and Council Bluffs employes of the Great Western, who have en listed, are not going to be out of jobs whenthey return. They go abroad with the assurance that upon their return they will be given their old positions' or ones equally as good. They expect to get them, too, for Samuel H. Felton, president of the road, is in charge of the entire rail road reconstruction in France, and it is asserted that lie will look after the future welfare of every railroad man under him who makes good. To make life in France pleasant for the Great Western men and that they may find bright spots along the way, employes remaining in this country have started a "comfort fund." Each employe is voluntarily donating a sum equal to 1 per cent of one month's salary. A committee is to be named to expend this fund, but in what man ner, the rank and file of the employes have not been advised. ' In addition to helping provide the comtort tund, women employes of the Great Western are going to spend all their spare time this week making "housewives" for the boys to take along with them to Europe. These "housewives" are khaki cases contain ing needles, thread, buttons and all such articles that a bachelor, or a married man away from home would need when he started out to make minor repairs on his wearing apparel. The Great Western has taken up the Liberty loan proposition and is giving the employes remaining at home an opportunity of taking over as many of the Liberty bonds as they desire. The company is assisting in the purchase by allowing employes to pay for the bonds in twenty-four equal semi monthly installments, the amounts to be deducted from the wages. If an employe leaves the company service, the obligation to continue payment of the bonds ceases and all money paid on account is refunded, together with interest at 3'A per cent to .him or his legal representative. Detective Suttdn Given Another Leave by Chief Detective Paul Sutton, who figured in the Chadron case, told Chief Dunn his wife is ill when he asked for an extended leave of absence of twenty seven days, which has been granted with the O. K. of Superintendent Kugel. When asked if he granted the leave, Mr. Kugel said: "Sutton asked the chief for a leave. I don't know how long it was for. The chief will know. Leaves of absence go through the chief." Sutton's first leave some time ago was ordered through Mr. Kugel with out reference to the chief's office. Mrs. Thompson Wins Omaha Alleys Trophy Second Time Mrs. A. P. Thompson defeated Miss Lulu McGreer by 115 pins in the third round for the Omaha alleys' trophy. Mrs. Thompson Shot an 884 total for five games to Miss McGreer's 769. This is the second time Mrs. Thomp son won the trophy and if she repeats next week she will earn permanent possession of the cup. Scores of the match were: Thnmn.nn ,.,,. ... ... ... McOrr V.161-125-16S-136-179 ? Wednesday night a mixed doubles down and mil rnntoct n.:il l. l.l,l the Omaha alleys. $cvipp& -op fa Light, but Powerful CCRIPPS-BOOTH mechanism moves witn little efiort. 1 his means low run ning cost light wear. It is easy to control; easy to ride in; easy on gasoline and tires. ' Its motor is quick, lithe and pliable and at the same time a storehouse of energy for every demand. W. M. CLEMENT MOTORS CO. S14 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb, Phone D. 5218 Four-Cylinder Roadster - t W5 four-Cylinder Coupe ... 1450 Eight-Cylinder Four-Passenger 1285 Eight-Cylinder Town Car - 2575 Four-Cylinder Roadster jl During the Summer I Round Trip Ticket V Atlantic City a r Variable Route Tickets ToNewYorkandBoston Direct through Philadelphia or via Washington All Rail or Rail and Steamer Go one route Return another v. Liberal Stopo vera Long Return limit For particulars consult Local Ticket Agents or address) I COAL and LUMBER Theres GMC EVERY NEED' I I COMPANIES v Au I have been mong this . -ifi ffS1j' I'naaSypPr!'1'1 jl 'jl IIP 1 ' " f!r,t COnCe, ' Where Greatest Pulling Power Is Needed GMC Trucks Excel Out in the busy lumber camps of the great Northwest far removed from the traffic of cities, you will find GMCs daily pulling thru the roughest going and out of holes considered im possible for two wheel driven trucks. Go into.the cities where the big con tractors and supply houses have enor mous quantities of lumber and build ing material to move quickly and you will daily see GMCs under the bur den of staggering loads overcoming driving conditions that have proved the Waterloo of many a good truck. 1 ' And rightly so, for into every GMC truck is built that abundance of re serve power which has made GMC trucks famous greater power by far than is needed under normal condi tions spare power for emergencies. But it is there for two reasons in case of sudden need to enable .. GMC- to accomplish white others may fail second, to protect the truck, for when it is not necessary to press a truck to the utmost in ordinary work the opera tive cost is less per ton mile the de preciation less over a given period. "Put it UpMo US to SHOW YOU" Nebraska Buick Auto Co; Lee Huff, Mgr. Omaha. H. E. Sidles, General Mgr. Lincoln. S. C. Douglas, Mgr. Sioux City. HENRY & CO., Distributors Omaha,, South Omaha and Council Bluffs SMfiMllliii " IB- - - . .Z-.Z "