THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 3, ,1917. 4 C REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. .' dunpeelOts 11,480 Itard 8t. 60x116. South front just out of 62d. Bmi buy on th street $1,7508. W. Cor. 13d Ave. and Har ney, to Evanston, 70116. Paving and all 'Other iniprovemenla in. - g I.Sao- East fruijt en SOU Ave 71 fMt Berth of farnam. Paving paid 60x136, Hotith front on Dodge, tow lot oast of 4tth. No restriction-. 60x16. 44,40 Southeast corner 4th and Dnv nport, 109 16. Ideal location for apart View. v -j 4 46rtO R. W. Cot, td Ave. and Dodge. Eat front, tOstSi. Thl li only 160. 00 pnr front foot, bitf. wo want an offer for Quick sale. " ,-, , , . Armstrong-Walsh Company REALTORS. Tyler Hl. JJ Roae Bldg, :; $10 CASH Makes the first payment. Balance only lie per month. These special terms are offered by us to flow out 10 Iota located between 46th and 4 7 In Streets, Cumlirgs to Hamilton Street Alt art large lot being (0x160 fret ra rising In price from $200 to 160. Close to Dundee. Splendid trana porta tlon all within 1 blocks of car. Be among! the first to eeure one ef thoae. excop . tloaal bargains. , , . V.- W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1338 fara.m St. ' Till. Douglas 1.14. Kv. Hrf..r 4161. .- DUNDEE$6,250 Ideal arrangement aa follows: Large Mvitig room with fireplace, built-in book rusea; opening Into aun room or den; large dining room with French doora open ing onto porch; good stsed breakfast room and kitchen an the first floor. Com binatton stair landing wlih threa large bedrooma and sleeping porch on the. sec ond floor: oak floor throughout and oak finlah oa the firm floor and white enamel on the second floor. Oarage and drive - way.- Tan be handled- on terra. GLOVER & SPAIN, (Realtors), DuuitIrs HUE. Oia-50 City National. CLOSE-IN ACRES If yon want from on to five clone. In niren at far-out acre prices, Inquire, at dnoe. ' ' ' ' BENSON &CARMICHAEL . t (Realtors) U 811 Pnxton niork. - DUNDEE, $11,000 ' Brick and stucco, large aouth front lot. Mu IMng room arrangement with fire- place and sun room on the first floor. Four bedroomi and enclosed sleeping porch ' en the oeonnd floor and eervitnta' quarters n the 'third floor. Oak floors through ut, with- vapor heat; driveway and gar age for two ears; cittern. Located In Happy Hollow Urda, near car Una and the club house.- . . GLOVER & SPAIN, (Realtors), Douglas litt. UI-10 City National. DUNDEE BARGAIN Slx-rootn and bath, 'two-story, stance house. One and half blocks from oar. Prlco 14,900.00, Reasonable terms,. BENSON & CARMICHAEL . ; i (Realtors) TMIialaa 1t. ' "' 1 ' 8Jf PaaW Big. DUNDEE HOME 'lt-room. all modern house, 4131 Caaa Mm on car line, two lota, corner, full. . basement In four rooms, hot water heat, elegant oak fioore end finish, two man telet wo sleeping porchea, largo porch, lawn and trees, barn for .two autoa, choicest location In city, eaay terme, -Phono Leavttt. Walnut 1920. Douglas 171 5, IMS Omaha Nat. Bk WAw. HOMK8 and home at lea in uuuuic SHULER a CART. S04 Keellne. D 6074. S-AORU blk.. Fa Ira ere and BrowoeU Uafi district. .Snap. C. J, Canao. . BUNGALOWS MINNE LUSA ' We have: built and sold a great many fine bungalows in this beautiful addition and have several of them now being built Come out and see how THOROUGHLY they are constructed. ; They are MODERN, in architecture, finish and equipment FIREPLACES, built-in book- : crises, buffet, etc. v $3,300 to $4,000 . We are selling them on easy terms-by buy ing now, you can get choice of COLOR, FIX TURES, decorations. ; ; :. ' Come out today and see why they sell before completed. . . .. Mi O.Headley, Colfax 3482, or ' ' V: ' :. I 'V F,L Gallup, Colfax 120. 3 W. ;; Realtors ' ' ' 742 Omaha, Nat'l Bank Bldg. ' : Tyler 187. Have You a Good Lot? Which you would like to convert into a home 7 . We Have a Good Home Located in the New Restricted Dundee District,' , . ; modern, and exceptionally well built, on which' , we will take as a first payment a well located : ; '"; residence lot :' :. , v ', . . ": 14500 ; . . Is the price of this house, and it's decidedly less than cost No care or money was spared in its building to make it GOOD. ' - It is just the place you have been1 looking for if , you want a two-story, all modern frame house . with seven large rooms, including an enclosed . .. ' ' sleeping porch. The floors are oak and the fin- - ish oak on the first floor and French gray on the .' , second. :, . 1 ; " Let us take you out this place is worth seeing . and you can buy it on very easy terms. , George & Company , 1302 City Nat'L Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. HOME BARGAiN. REDUCED FROM 17.000 TO M.WO, IF BOLD BEFORE JUNE L Brick and stucao borne, all rooms and leaping perch. t borons bly modem throughout, all floors of oak. oak trim downs tat re; white enamel apatalrg; built in buffet, fireplace, bookcases, kitchen cabin s(ev etc; large lot Owner most sacrifice. Prefer to deal with buyer di rect Hot 410. Bee. 1147 DAVENPORT fit., modern i-room house; beamed living room and dining room paneled In oak; den. with built-in bookcases; sleeping porch and four bed - rooms including maid's roonv on third flooO.'eomblnntton hot water and hot air neat; 100-foot frontage. Inquire of owner. Walnut 2410. Florence. 9 ACRES Fine- laying fertile valley land with springs and running water; located a quar ter of a mils from paved road. Two miles weat of Florence and four miles north ef Benson ear Una on Orphanage road. Price 2,IW I640 cash, balance eaay terms. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Dsn 1711. Omaha .Nat. Bank BMg. 11 ACHEH AT FLORENCE, well Improved. Producing eaally 1, par eenl on Invest ment. I1M0O.O0. Will tak. torn. trdo INTKH-BTATB RBALTT COMPAKT ail-it citr Nmtion.i rom. South Side. HOMEKEBKKRg. ATTBNTIOrfl On ira.ll caah payment w. will bay the lot vou Mlect, build ft nom. after your own plana and hav. you pay for It on email monthly payment., without .itra tntareet. SOUTH OMAHA INVKKTMBNT CO, INCOHPORATBD CAPITAL 131.000. 4K! . 24th 8t. Phone South 12IT. at ACHES Juet over the Una In Harpy eounty, away from the all h aaaea. Rlrii. Iev land, flrat broken In Kit. He lead 4 eropa of alfalfa, 11.000. - Term, can b arranfed. . SOUTH OMAHA tWVESTMBMT CO. tfC 4,11 touth 14tb St. Phone South' 114T FOR 8ALR Good t-room modern houe. furnace haat, ,lotrlo llftht, . oily water.f food barn aultable for. auto, on. more irround, well Improved, oratd on Korti Crook Hlvd. Cloao' to arhool .and. elty, cari Call onr. South MH. : .: MiscelUncous. " 3 1-6 ACRES " WELL IMPROVED . ' $4,000 : " North of Fort Omaha on the onwn of the hltl and not far from car Una. Ground Ilea practically level 'and th Improve ments are only about, four years old and In fine condition. There la a good four-room ' hqase and barn and fruit of oil kinds. Most of tho threo acres la now In garden truck. 1,609 cash will handle balance monthly. 14 ACRES NEARY. W.C. A. SUM MER CAMP ... ... $6,000 ..." This plecs of land Ilea on th Fort Crook mad, very close to tho old Country club grounds, which has been turned Into- a girls' camp. While the land la a little rough It has several choice bonding sites on It from which the view of the sur rounding country and river la unexcelled;, It la not far from South Omaha and only ' about three blocka from ths Albright car tins, Terms .If desired, Armstrong-Walsh Company, (REALTORS) ' Tyler ItSf. S83 Rose Bldg. ACREAGE SNAP. - t acres; high, sightly location, In Key atnne farki convenient to paved road and Jltniy line. This la a rare bargain at 1 1,-04. Term. Call Owner, Walnut III. Martin & (Realtors), Phone Doug. 756 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN TscclUncoiu. 5 ACRES The Kensington I scree, with aplendld hoiias, barn and plenty of eheds; orchard, wall, garden, plants; algbtly outlook; still available1- at 14,100 cash. Bee this for price of a cheap house In town. Aot iulcklr, If interested. HARRISON & MORTON, fll bmsha National. 75 ACHES JOINING IRVINGTON ON PAVED ROAD Thla fin farm, with fairly good Im provement.., can be -purchased en terms of one-fourth cash, balance to autt. For further particulars call Tylsr 60 and ak for Mr. Benson. Office open evenlncs, 7 till t p. m. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) , 1614 Harney St. REAL ESTATE WANTED , ; CAKTER LAKE CLUB. Have two rlear, level high lota, weat "to exchang. for Carter Lake club lot Box 4473. Bee. : - , Lisf i NO houaea to rent or aell on amalf caab paytnenta. bava partlea waiting Waetrrn, Real Ketate. 4IS Karaeh Blk t QT LIST your t anil .'room houaea with Rd ward F JVllllim, Co, .lul Oraaba- Nal. LIHT your a and O.rbom booaea with oa. WB 8 FILL THEM. OSBORNa RBALTT ro.. Tyler 4, WANTED, TO BOTyvSnuU. Apartment: give partleulare; 'caab prlc. Dean. . 1441 M, 'Llnoohi, Nvb.: ' .'. KAL'TIKUL nix-cylinder Chamber, to trade for equity in .bungalow or will pay eaah difference on lot.- Ho& 4410, Bee.' ' fO RENT or Mll Votieu.' liat with ALLKN BARWBTT .iaBeo.PQOX VBB. - SUMMER RESORTS HALF lNTSHSiT 17J ., In lrineola.' plnea, on chain- lanee. me -eini county, n(c. autpmer rotux.; Prlc 13.000, or cottago 11.100. ' KU.lnicr, 330 .Laurel,1 St. Paul, I.'..". . . FARM AND RANCH LANDS I WANT A FARM or ranch with some good! farm land oh it. I have several first-class income, produc ing Omaha propertlea and one home In the ctty of Omaha with about five acres of ground. Thee are all clear" and 1 want to trade them for a clear farm or ranch My property is worth about 100.400. .The farm or ranch must be worth thla much. Dive .location and' full particulars la flrat letter, Ho 113", Be. SEN'D YOUR NAME TODAY." Receive offers from land owner, agents, every. WbUN.TD RBAtTf ASSOCIATES, . Jollet, 111. . Alabama Lands. IN THB most fertUs section of eastern Ar kanaas we are offering corn, wheat, cotton and clovstr lands at prices ranging from ISO to HO per acre. The eotl Is level, well drained and abovj overflow; Is aeceeslbie ' by sicellent publlo roads, near rellrnada, schools and churches, .slelow are three bargains: '. . .. f : t ' ' . On hundred aces, slxty-flvs In cultiva tion, looae soil, three miles from railroad station,, on publlo road. Pries $30 per ,. acre. -.... , Two hundred and forty acres. IflO in cultivation. Loose noli, well improved. Pries f 1,009. - v ronrtsen hundred acre, loamy soil, one- sUhUi nrtile-front, raUroa4 station. Xlsven hundred seres In high state of cultivation. Remainder la pasture. Pries 50 par aora. Corns before harvest and compare cur wheat crop with yours. j . -J , O. R. LILLY, 7 910 Cherry St. ' Helena Ark- Arizona Lands, FOR BALE Arlaona etock range. 1,100 head white-faced Harford cattle. Several sections patented lam) 10,000-acre range controlled; reservoir, good, wells. Build- ' Inge and full equipment. Pries 180,000. terms. Other outfits, carrying 1,000, 7,000 end 11.000 head of cattle , at present . Hugh & B. Brown, 714 Van Nuya Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal, t , . '. Colorado Lands. FOR ttALUV-We have a larga- list ,of lrrl- , gmtfKl . and- nop-lrrlgated lands, farms, ranches and graslng lands, have some fine .city realdenoe property la Colorado and Nebraska town foe sals. "Writs us for . Information, prices and terms.. - .., TRI'STATB REALTY CO., . " Bos tt. Tort Morgnn, Colo. low Lands. " A BAHOA1N. fmproVsd Harrlaon county. Iowa. H0-acre ,farm for sal oa saxy tsrms. Fries i40 per sore. . JLRCIIBR RVALTT COMPANY. ' lit) Brandela Bldg. Michigan Lands. LAND FOR YOtJ! STOP- WORKING FOR THB OTHER, FELLOW. Ton can buy fins land la Michigan's best oountle at lift to-IS S an acre: H to lait) down for 10 scree; flO to ISO. down, for '10 acrea; 9it to 1 00 down for 40 hcrea, :ftc, Batanofl email jnonthly- or yearly payments. General farming, stock, dairy ing, vegetables, poultry, .' fruit. Good schools-snd ' town B I Ml booklet free. Let -us giro you free Information.'; Swtgart . Land -Company.. Flrat Kstional .bank Bldg.. Chicago. HI. Montana Lands. FOR SALB Big bargain In Montana lands Inveatorc. apecuiators sna land nc&nts. plsase take notice: The following land la effsred aubject to prior ale; Section 7, township I Nj, rang 17 B. Sweet Orass county, near Bhawmut. Only Is. SO per acre. Section . I and 17, township 10 N.J section IT, township 11 N., all rang ti, Beat Rosebud eounty, near In- so mar. only is per sore.." Terme. one- fourth cash, balance In four equal yearly bay men t a. with Interest at 0 per cent. H. C. Johnson, cars Kred'k H. Bartlett A Co., s w. Washington Bt; chioago, ml owners. LA.ND In aouth or southeast part ef Mon tana: email or large tract that will pro duce enormous crops tn wheat, oats, bar ley, etc. Part Irrigated, from R up an acre. Cloa to H. 11. Home of thla land will ralae 10 busheia of wheat or 100 bu of oats or 4 to I tons of alfalfa to the aero. .Fins wafer, fine climate; sure Increase in land; eaay lerms, low n, it. far. Send me your address and I will mall you particulars, -C M. By lander, 164 ma" Wat t, mk. Ming. , . . ?EKKI.Y lower Yellowstone Valley' excur sions to Sidney. Mont. Round trip far I if. 40. For information aaareas cnaa Hanolg. 101 N. 44th Ave Omaha, or ball wai. ins. Nebraska Lands. 1T30 ACRES, located on Niobrara, river, alx miles from railroad (own: TOO seres good lev farm land; HO acres-In cultivation; 160 acres or Niobrara bo t turn, part of which Is ths boat of hay land, balance of ' ranch rolling to rough pasture, well grassed. River and Bear Greek furnish; an abundance ef stock water, plenty of timber for fuel, and tense posts, as wen aa ai farrllns nroteotton for stock. Improve ments iocs ted In s fins native grove In th , valley snd eonslat of six-room house, two -barns, silo ans oiner ouiminwe. ocnooi ' house located en ranch. Thl la a well balanced ranch. , Our pries. 111 per sore. asy terma . . KXOKE JKVESTMENT . COMPANY. 141 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. 160 ACRES Improved, only i miles from Emsrson, Neb.: svsry acre good farm land i thsro la about is acres pasture that sill feed two head per acre about 6 aores alfalfa and 30 acres clover and a flandy orchard and grove, st only 1146 per acre on eaay terms, u. a. suii, Oakland, Nab. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. BUFFALO COUTT FARMS. This farm la ons of th most perfect farm homes and beat location thai I tiave on my list, price and all considered. Was Improved by the owner, extra good house worth about 11,000; barn In proportion, granary c rn crib, stock scales and stock sheils. Lots of woven wire tones In good repair. Farm Is In city school district; frutt and forest treea make It home-like. Lawn, cement walks to coal and cob aheda; extra jrood cistern. Quits a por tion of the land Is level, some Is a little rolling, pasture Is rough, but all good soli. 120 acres, price 176 per acre. . C K. DAVIES, Kearney, Neb. GOLDEN PRAIRIE ffoutheaetern Wyoming and ' Kimball county, Nehraitka. .Wonderful chances to make, money In small grain , Ons crop frequently more than pays for ths land. Why not get a section of thla land,, which we can sell at 111 to f 2b par acre on lib eral terms, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Douglas 27IS. 101 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 12-ACKE FARM FOR 8ALB Twelve of the beat acrea In Douglas county; lays practically level on a hill; mall Improvements: .-Mi acres In spuds, 1 acre In onions, .1 H acres In beans, 1 acre In orchard grove and improvements, balance In alfalfa; large shade treea; faces two main roads, one of which will be boulevard ed soon, Price. $600 an acre, very cheep. ', 1 '' 8. 8. st R. . MONTGOMERY. 637 City Nat. Bk. HM. Phone Dotur. 4S10. PIERCE COUNTY RANCH An onusnatly choke, ranch ofJOO acres, how carrying jlOO cattle, 160 acre tillable, all femwd ao other Improvements; .well , watered by tins Uoie lake, U miles from Norfolk, 7-. jntlas, north- Meadow. Qrove; -only 5 per sefe. No trade,. . GEOEGE. G. WALLACE, . rr-; REALTOR. " a . 'I -Keellne Bids. ' ' ' SOUTHWEST NI?BR. RANCH ' ,I0XO' acres' well - lmprcrved' ranch close tft food town In 2andy county, alt fevel 4 black loam- soil (ay subsoil 240' acres .under plow ;t do head stork ene-hatf Vegle- tered Short' Horn cattle. Raftcifvfully - eturtpped, F,tlc oirty $l.0 her cri saey termr. . A y - 'j- T - .s is? citt tnvKi- mi; mmx. flOtOOO first tnortsat on "tnortgate on Improved farm valued it -111,900 to .120,000. at per cent. ARCHER REALTY COMPANY, - ISO Biandela Bldg.,, Omaha, Neb. - KIMBALL COUNTY LAND. ,. A full section, &o,ncumbancet tofrede for fine "Omaha residence In choice loca tion. - . i ALLEN A BARRETT, lit Bee. Doug i in: t UAVB a 126,000 hardware, doing good buainees .and 1 10,000 In money. Want .WDBtarn Iowa or eastern Nebraska -farm. J. 8. snd R. E. Montgomery, bit 1 City national Bank Building. SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments 4 acres up W form ths fnra we sell you. The Hanger ford Pots to Growers' Assoctatlofi.tlLUh and Howard Bta., Oma ha. Douglas M7t ' AGENTS wanted to sell our ssstsrn Per kins county land; 1,000 scree; will divide to suit and sell on easy terms. Miner A Bradley,- Thummel Bldg., Grand laland. neb. WET landa msds dry enough for crop or no psy Is our .way of draining land. No trs!t too targe or too wet ' Guarantee Drainage Co., Oakland, Neb MY too acres range, water, hay, plow land. Box 1301, Alliance, Neb. -New Mexico Lanrte, STOCK RANCH. For quick ssls, 11,000 seres of fine graslng land In New Mexico, Price 13.60 per acre; csn make soma tsrms. Figure this out, stock men, and see what It means. Bee, write or phone. I Ev lar ger, wray, -Colo. Oregon Lands. FARMERS and cattlemen, for aale, ranch containing 1,400 acres; three tnllea of wa ter front and large portion of land under Irrigation; 136.00 pax acre. 3. W. Hartnett. Llnnton, Ore. ..' , . Texas ",ands. QOOD'eorn" laad. East Tsxas, t3"an 'acrs. ut my rre book, ? W ft FRANK. 301 Neville Block, Omaha Wisconsin Lands. BARGAIN 160, only IS, 000, t miles -good town. Polk county, wis. fine, rip-roofed bam, 84x48; small house, drilled Well, all fenced 46-Inch woven wire, Rich clay soli, rolling surface, largely cleared, smalt field. .Wonderful sheep and cattle farm. 'Nat ural blue grass snd clover pasture. .Baker, K-UT, ot. crow rane, wis.- ONLY 11,000 down take 40, l ihflea station. on creek, near large lakea, oood frame house, '18x27, 16x11 barn, other buildings. SO acres field ot meadow with Alee sur fsce and clay loam soil. Bargain at 18,00(1 for Quick deal. Baker, 1-117, SC. Crots Falla, Wla. Wyoming Landi. GOLDEN PRAIRIE r , Southeastern Wyoming. ' Improved -160 acrea with house, barn, welL. .windmill, chtcken houae, cave,, ate. Nloa grove of trees, fenced and crosa fsnced. About lfiO acres In cultivation. Located eight miles -from Pin Bluffs and six miles from Albln. School acroas the road. Price 124. per sore 61,600 caah, balance 27S a yssr until paid. .O'KEEFE JLfiAL. ESTATE CO.,' .Douglas 8716. tOrt Omkha Nat. Bank Bldg. rthbXst nebrXska. - 440-aora. farm and ranch, welt Improved, eight mites from. A. R towo, lTfr- Allea from Omaha; 90 acre. fine hay land, J 50 aoreg under plow,' Plenty more good farm lands, all fenced and cross fenced; plenty flret-elaaa-pasture; one mile running wa ter. Dientv. of Umber.' This la an Ideal farm and ranch proposition. Price only 136 an -acre, worth noi very eaay terms. 627 Ctiy.Nat,- Bantt Biflgi umana. won. BUY . ON REN'FTEHMS. Quarter section lsndt fffty acres alfalfai 10 aores plowed: -full set, or. good bulld- Ings; saay terma No mtoraat tor , first two yearn. rice ?7B acre;-- v BIG- 4 REALTY GO. 1019-11 W, -p. W. .Bldg.- p. S4IS,' f( A PPPC m th bt of Wis OvVr1 AvliliOConsin. Limestone , soil; ' mile' from station; excellent buildings; fins -location for- pure bred atock raiser. For full deacrtptloft,. address C, 11, Dunbar, Plokvtt, Ws. - . Miscellaneous. 160-Acre Farm : Equipped, $100 An Acre From: Alfalfa. , wss the. receipt! . lor tne. crop on su aores nearny. torn, grain, noga ana caiii arc our money -ma Kara, -j nis larm is on main mad. near live railroad town with milk atatjon,. mill ami canning factories. ,100 - martm nraductlv. level, atone-free, wire- fences: ; valuable lot timber; 1-story, T-r. ' houss; 10-oqw barn, oorneriba and poul try houses.'. To settls affairs immedi ately going for 66,600 and If taken aoon horae, t mules, 7 cattle, I hogs, 100 chick- enn, drill, mower, Dinner, roller, piamer, wafoni: harnesses.- etc.. wtll -be -Included. For traveling direct lone aee -page 12, '"ptroufs Sprlpg Catalogue' Copy mailed free. H. A. 8 trout Farm Agency, PspL S073, 10b . Tftth St, Qmfcha, wep. WB HAVS .sevaral highly Improved, farms In the richest farming district of the United states, at very attractive prices and reasonable terma Write ua for nap and further information.' . . . k , MID-WEST LAND CO., 10(17 Omaha Nat i: Bk. Bldg, D. 1161 FARM LAND WANTED WANTED to hsar from owner of good bust- pees for aale, Stat caah price, lull par 'ticmara. u. r. nusn, Minneapolis, winn. FtNANf'IAL t. oon UTOE.. ttoartna I Dot. aMurd ' by property valued at lit. 000. Taimege.Loomla inv. Co., w. .p. w. mag. INSURANCIfi, Fire, Ternado, Automobile, C. A. (lrlmmol, II, Omaba Nat'l. BK. Bldg, Insurance! Fire. Tornado. Automot'ie. C A. onmmil. 4 Omaba Nat'l Bk. Bldr Real Estte, Loing, Mortgge FARM 14URTOAOE8. Well aecurfwl. bearing pet. laterMt. HARLEY I. HOOKER. . 1411 Flrat Nat. Bk. Blag, TeL Tyler I PER CENT to I per cent on met cl city raldencH In arn.unu 11.000 upl mix farm loan.. Reaeonapi. commiaaioo. PETERS TRUST CO 1111 rarnajn It. FINANCIAL Rttl EUte. Loan,, Mortgage,. MONBT to loan on Improved farm, and ranrhee. wm lao buy good farm mort gagea. Kloke Inv. Co.. Omaha. - 11.000 JJTQC, bearing pet eeml-annually aecurea oy properly vaiaea a, ,...uv. Talmaga-Loomla Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. II. W. BINDER. Money on band for .inortgag. loan. City National Bank Bldg PRIVATS money to loan on Omaba ml a. nee property. 15. li. liuge uo. ... Keellne Bldg. , SHOPKN CO.. PRIVATE 1IONET. OMAHA HOMES, EAST , NEB. FARMS. O KfcErB W. BE. W., lUiB UIMM net U PARM and city loana. 6. and I per cent w. H. Tnomaa, Keellne mag, uoug. ie.e. No DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. 0 Bee Bldg. 1100 collo.000 promptly, F. D. Wail weaq mag., ana .arnam ote. 5 CITT LOANS OARVIN BROS.. ' On. Nat Bk. Bldg. 101 MONEY HARRISON A MUKTUM. 9 10 1 ,l Omaba Nat'l Bank Bldg. LOW RATES C. O.. CARLBERO, 1U Bran- del. Theater mar V. ... Stock, grid Bond, LISTED and unlisted atocka, InvMUnant aecuntlea. induerriai aiocaa. ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW & CO., S0 omaba National ana pip... Abitract, of Title nw Title, uuaranieo ana Aoeirac. w, ft 0t & I7th St. ground HcHir. BOnaen OT Jl .... ponain, .im . v". REBD ABSTRACT .CO.. oldeat abstract of. flee In Nebra.ka. zo. inwur. Miicellaneom. GALLAGHER & NELSON Repment prompt pay Ineuranc. eom .nl.. (110 Brandela Bldg.. Omaba. Nab. IF INTERESTED In tho Casper Oil flelda writs io uox m9 vMvr. .- ing gone. PERSONAL "TIRED OF'POVERTY? Tf you sre ttred Of slatlnf for wages or salary while others around you ars grow ing rich and Independent, if you are ird of poverty and bavs the- ambition that every American ought to have, the determination not to stay poor in thla great land of opportunity, the determina tion to rise above ths poorly psld toll and social obscurity, write me now today. Let me tell you of a road to wealth. No work for yon to do. Plan backed by beat men and women of community. Don't pass thla by; it -may change your whole life for the better. Tear this advertise 'ment out right now, this minute.1 Send nsme and address and get interesting Illustrated book and full .Information all absolutely fres. . . Do It right, now, for this opportunity won't last Charles A. Saunders, 760 Broadway. Denver. Colo. THB Salvation Army Industrial Boms so licits your old e io thing, furniture mass ifnea. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4138 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new houae, 1110-H12-1114 Dodge Bt. SONO poems wanted; unuaal offer; we compose catcny music mo nup - ti llable publishers. Bong Writers' Service uureatt, siercnaniy aiauon, ou mun, mm. FIT -I sural! mt dauahtar bv slmnle dll co very; particulars free. z. l-epao, sua Island Ave., miwanaee, wta. SPLENDID home for two or three children under 14. intelligent personal cars aa N. 8Mb St. Web. 30, BATHS and massage. Centrsl Bath lnstl- luis, leus .nsrney nw awus. vinw evenings. . . . M18S FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage. 3?l Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 1BSI. MAE BHUQMAN, sclentlflo masseuse and UHins. aJUO vmnn jmu ... - LCELLA WEBSTER; massage and manl batna tvi H,aroacn hik. niaim. curing, eie n qiiu iu trtwv. ALL RIGHT private maternity home. Best cars, iono arnmi. ncu. two.- PRIVATE! Licensed maternity home, 4411 N. 8th St. Phone Colfax 1042. SCIENTIFIC massage, 620 Be Bldg. Phone Douglas 6373. Edna Williams, massage, bath. 228 Neville. Manicuring and mass. 162 Farnam. R. 10. E. BROTT, massaging. 1119 Harney. D. 0620. BATHS, massage. Phone Douglas 8"ol- ' "MEDICAL TT. . DR. B., B. TARRt ; . ; . , ::.! :. 'PILES. FISTULii .', '.' CTKBD. .' " ' Dr. B. R. Tarry enrea pile., ffktnla and , other, reotal dlaeaaea without aurgkcal op eratlona. Cure cuarantaed and no. htopey paid until cured. Writ, for book on Tec. tal dlaeaM wltb Uatlmonlaia. Dft K. B-TAflRT, . I, . 4K ptt Bldr.' . ' Omaha, Neb. WHY SUFFER 1 Latest Mid Most Scientific Treatment for All Diseases. . Dr. Cbarlea Barnea, 611-&24 Rose Bldg. Examination and Consultation' free. H. Is- curing thou widl WHY NOT TOUT Delay, aft dan gerous. If. you oan't .call, wrlt Houra t a. m. to t p. m;: 7;J0 to 1:30 evenings. -Sunday by' appointment' RUPTURE aucceaafully treated vrlihout a surgical operation, call - or writ. Br, Frank H. Wray ( Dee BUg' . .-. " ' Chiropractors. ; ' Drs. Johnston, llil i. O. W. Bldg. D. 6680. DR. KNOLLBNBERO, SANlfARTUM. Lady attendant t4tb and Farnam. P. 72.6, Dr. 0. 1. Lawrence; Balrd Bldg. D. 1161 Dr. Francce Dawson. 08 Rbt Blilg. T. le. Dentists. Dr) Bradbury. No pain. ,12 'W. O. W.'BIdg; Taft'a Dent. Rrm.. 308 Rose Blilg. D. 216. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, planba and notea aa security. $40, 6 mo H. gooda, total cst. I8..0. 'i 140, fl mo., endoreed notes, total coat, $2.60. Smaller, large am'ta, proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 488 Rob, Bldg,. ldth and Farnam. TV, e6C LgbAL RATE LOANS 124.00 " '"TH.0"' " -'" or more Easy payments; : .. . ntmoat privacy. 140 Palton Blk. . , Tel. Doug. Hit. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. Horses Live StockVehicle FOR SALE Martli. Jk Martin pinskla side ssddle. Harney 302. USB of horse for hia car. for a few days. ; Colfax 82, HORSES for aale. J711 Webster St AUTOMOBILES USED FORDS ALL PRICES. FORD ROADSTERS . . FORD RUNABOUTS ' FORD TOUR1NQ CARS . ONE Oil COUPLET. IN FINK SHAPE. If you are In th. market for a good Ford, don't fall to ae our big list All the oars are In' parfaet- condition and are well worth, the price. M'CAFFREY MOTOR-CO.. AUTHORIZED FORD AGENTS, 10th and Howard Sta. Phone Doug. 8600. lilt DAVIS touring, electric light., starter, new tlr... oar In nerfect Shane. 1290. ' - - 1914 Studebaker six., electrio lighta' and . battery. . Delivery and eeveri-pa,eaener body, gooa running orur, CROSSTOWN OARAGE, lit 8. 24TH. AUTO CLEARINQ HOUSE. ' 2109 Farnam, - Dougla, 1310. 1111 Cola. . . 1910 Steam. Knight 1.1 Maxwell, I37t. . ' :19H Empire. 00. .' . : C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. - Ueed Car Dept ; 1211-11 Farnam St. - Douglas ISX Almost any make at reasonable prices. FORD OWNERS EVERYWHERE Demo- atrata tho 110 A-jai Ford .tarter, 130 to 50 weekly! Writ. Oulck for territory to AJax Ford starter Co.. neeno, ji. n vctM RAL At an attractive price, .mall t-.yllnder car, uaed but ehort time aa demonstration oar. to perfeot condition and excellent order. Apply sen ra,nam. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 t'SElJ OARS; quick aotiont no-aeiay. Auto ex. change Co., 1107 Farnam St. Doug. 038. TfRE REPAIRING, . rirst-clrsa work at reasonabl. prloea. THE TIRE SHOP, D, T. Crow, 1811 Fa mam. Doug. 4171. TRADE your old battery In on a guaran, teed Ever-ready storaga battery. Free In epectlon of any battery. Ever-ready Stor age BatUry Co., 1204 Farnam St AUTOMOBILES N Willys-Overland, Inc., - 2047 Farnam St. Douglas 3292-L The foUowinir cars havincrbeen rebuilt and refiniahed, are now ready for delivery at bargain prices; twenty 2 1916 Model 83, Overland Touring. 11916 Model 75-B, Overland Roadster. 1 1915 Model 80, Overland Coupe. 11916 Model 84, Willys-Knight Touring. ' - " 11916 Model, Crow Elkhart Touring. ' 1 1915. Model, Chandler 6-cylinder Touring. ;: 1 1913 Model, Cadillac, 7-Passenger Roadster. 2 1916 Model, Briscoe Touring. 1 1915 Model, Mitchell Touring. 2 1913 Model, Mitchell Touring. . .. 11914' Model, Buick Roadster. 11914 Model, Maxwell Special Speedster (very fast). - 1 1916 Maxwell Touring. . " ' 11913 Model, Appperson. ' 11913 Model,' Regal. 2 19i4 Model; ford Touring. 11915 Ford Roadster. 11916 Model 83, Overland. Prices ranging from, 1125 to $850. Terms to responsible parties. Willys-Overland, Inc., , Used Car Dept. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Prices Ranging From $100 to $500 Two 5 and 7-passenger cars. Maxwells. Fords, Reo, 5-passenger; Briscoe, 5-passenger; ; Maxwells, 2, 5, 7-passenger; Maxwell, 6 cyL; One Carnation, 5-passenger; One Mitchell, 5-passenger;; One Harley-Davidson motorcycle. You must come and see these bargains as we, have the lowest prices for this week only, as we must leave the room. Terms on some of these cars if desired. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. (Maxwell Salesrooms 2216-18 Farnam, St., Doug. 853. Service Station, 2212 Harney Street WE ARE THE USED FORD MEN, largest assortment and best bargains in town, , T.OOK AT THIS LIST f17 Tour., practically new... ... Bargain '17 Tour., wed a little ..."6 ' '10 Tour., a good one 178 '1, Tour., uveraiia tires, demountabl, rim. ... . H Tour.. Ilk. new............... "J II Tour., repainted, svM tlree 148 M8 Tour., a-daudy.,' ......... JIB 18 Rds.. new tires, rung right 180 I8 Rds.. In good ahapo 14 '14 Tour., sprendtd oondltlon .100 . "QUALITY CARS" . i e xtnA r.ZA Ttiiiik Rda. mechanically nerfect ....1378 '18 Dodge Tour., look, and run. Ilka now , . Unrf at nv.rl.nd. reoainted and overhauled J 15 Maxwell Ma.', tuna and looka like 18 Maxwell Rd., a good on, 188 Every oar wld with money-baek-lf-not-satisfied guarantee. Parts for 100 differ ent makes, 60 cnU on 11. AUTO SALVAGE & EXCHANGE, AUTO EXCHANGE CO. BARGAINS : . AUTO CLEARING HOUSE Largest Dealers ih Automo biles West of Chicago isis Ttniftic llht ktx roadstar. practi cally new I 0 Jll Chevrolet louring, fin. shape.. 160 1918 Maxwell touring, good condition, 376 1,11 Stearns Knight touring, nearly new MM 1918 Overland roadstar, run very little . 478 191, Empire touring, nearly new... 400 1918 Dtxlu touring, run ,very little. 460 1918 Maxwell touring, good shape,. 160 1916 Ford roadster, fina shape through- out ............ .128 1918 Col. touring, alegant condition. 600 This is just a partial list of the cars we have on our floors at the present time more than fifty . to select from.' When motor buying pay us a visit It will pay you. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2201 Favrnam Bt TjL D. 10. Open nvtintngn. Open Sunday!. Th Drlcei on practically alt new cars have advanced, m&ktnr uie4 ari tnors valuabla. Tou caunot afford to buy a uiea car until" you aaa-our Una. . Ford touring, lota of extra qulpt..,.186 Ford touring, thoroughly overhauled., zoo Met! roadster 75 . Studebaker touring.-. . . , . . . , 16B Reo roadster 195 Cadillac apeedater, newly painted 196 Jtafifafy touring, eleo. It and itarter., 126 Mitchell touring, le. It and ntartr., 878 Overland touring, elee. It and atarter. 1st Regat touring, 1916, new tlree 17S ' Buick runabout eleo. It and atarter. 32ft -Mett runabout elee. It and atarter.-., lift Cadlllae touring, eleo. It and tarter. 360 Kir. tone Columbua, et It, and atarter 200 Maxwell touting.... its Caw 40, UU aluminum body Sfto . Jeffery Six, 11 Bargiln ' Idatheion Six apeedeter to trade for . l touring car. , Harley-Davidson twln-eyL, motorcycle,' fully equipped . 7S . Preito tanka, large alse..w Wltfdahleldl 6.00 Open Sandava and Evening1. If you are dtiaatlafled with your old car, trade It tn and get one you oan use. Make mall payment each month. We itore It for -you antll you want tt AUTO EXCHANGE CO., , : . 2107 FARNAM POTTO LAB Mil. WB will trade you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO.. 10th and Harney. Douglas S3S1. CADILLAC, 4-cyllndr model, excellent for apeedater or light delivery. 27ft cash Omaha Chandler Co., 1520 Farnam. AUTOMOBILES - five of them: , Distributors) TBLL ft BINKLBT. WB BUT AND SELL USED FORDS. . tilt Harney St, Doug. 1H0. FOR SALB 1-ton truck cheap, 1A good order.. cAlio oonereto mixer, en feet to. batch. 3C01 8. isd St m Harney mt. ROADSTER, beet Hupmoblle, Saxon or. other ear. Three hundred cash will buy. Bdx U3, Belleville, Kan. ' ' BARGAINS In need Ferd cara Holmea-Ad- ktns Co., 411-17 8. Hth. Phone S, 171. BERT9CHT "Kan-Ftx-It," Southeast cor ner 20th and Harney Sta. Pougl 8581. 1117 CHALMERS B-S0 touring, perfect Ooi S. Z4iO. . Tel. BoptB lacp. A BARUAIN Mllburn Electric to tttA con dition. W 11. Bee. Tires and Supplies. TIRB PRICE WRECKERS7 THIS IS NO 1 IN 1 TIRB. ' Second-hand tlrea and tubes; expert ttrt ' and tune ropalrl.,g. Douglas 887-3, COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, " 1403ft Jackaon. Acta wanted. Omaha, Neb. Auto Livery snd Garages. MT brand new, absolutely modern and fire-, proof garage at Cornlea, Neb., la now open for rental. 2,800 square feet of floor space. Reasonable terms. M. J. Clark, Owner, Cornlea, Neb. EXPERT auto repairing. "Service car Al ways ready." Omaha Oarage, 2010 Har- ney at Tyler 655. Auto Repairing and PaintingT PAINT your own car for $6. Free booklet and eolor card tells how, Aotonamol Co., Rochester, N. T. I1Q0 reward for magneto wo can't repair. Colls repaired. Baysdorfer, 210 N. llth. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E T - DAVIDSON MOTO RCTCLES. Bargains In uaed machines. Victor U. Roos, "The Motorcycle Man 37 th and Leavenworth REAL" ESTATE TRANSFERS , Leonldas A.- Taylor and wife to Carl V. Taylor, northeast corner Main and Brlgn street, Florence, 66x68. .,.,,$1,000 Mary A. Dunn to Edward W. Palmer and wife. Twenty-sixth street,' 160 feet south ot Marcy street, - west side, 60xl24.S 3.S0O Margaret Hayes and husband to Elisa beth King. Twenty-fourth street, ' 106 feet aouth of Florence boule vard, east side, 44x166 J.OiO Emma N. Bradshaw to Frank W. Car michael, California street, 100 feet east of Fiftieth street, south side, 60x136 1 MateJ Rak and wife to Joxef Halskl, ' Thirty-ninth atreet, 13 feet south of . H street, east side, 41x130 260 Ben Davis and wife to Marian E. Martin. Sixteenth street, 109 feet north of Missouri avenue, west side, 40x130 , ., 4oq- Herman Borsky to H. D. Brown, Twenty-first street 47.S feet north of Oak street west side, 77.5100: Twenty-first street, 125 feet north ' of Oak street, wsst side, fftxLOO., 1 Herman Borsky to H. D, Brown, Charles street 143 feet east of Thirty-third street, north side, 10x137.6 .,.,., 1 Ida L. King to Samuel W. Crocker . and wife, northeast corner Twenty seventh and Fort streets, 62x104.. 2,333 Eta Rosa Maloohoen to-Millie Crounse,-Twenty-second street, 82 feet north of California street west side, 26 m 80...... r. t.OOO Helen I. Bramblett to, Cora B. Kent, ' Evans street, 60 feet east of Seven-. . . teenth atreet, south side, 60x126.. 1 George H. Ooodenough- and wife ' Michael J. Dillon, northwest corneT Forty-third and Chicago streets, . 42x100 ; 1 August C. Godenschwagor and wlf fo : Arthur C, Crossman. Fiftieth street, J 78 feet south of Webttsr street, wast side, 60x100 1,500 Klla M. Smith and husband at at to Robert H. Mantey, southeast corner Thirty-Tfth street and Poppleton avenue, Irregulai approximate, I3X 116.., I Mary M. Flwood ahd wife to James ' W, El wood, southeast corner Forty- -ninth avsnuo and Dodga street, I6x 75 , I Laird W. Elwood anl wire to James 1 W, Elwood. Dodge street. It feet west of Forty-ninth avsnus, south side. 6x76 1 Conservative Savings and Loaft Asso ciation to Mary j. Rinn, northwest corner Thirtieth and Chicago streets, 66x120 t ' Jessie Lavefle and husband to Charles F. Bergstrom, northeast corner Twenty-second and Llrd streets, 80x62 .1 Persistent Advertisimr is the Road to Success, k mtstnm 'wp