6 B fflE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 3. 1917. THJ' PHOTO PLAYS FOR, OMAHA DEVOTEES Ssel GRAND TODAY CARLYLE BLACKWELL JUNE ELVIDUE "THE PAGE MYSTERY" ALHAMBRA I4tk and Parkar TODAY WILFRED LUCAS, in "A LOVE SUBLIME" Jimmy Dala Serin No. 2 D0MDEEu8"ooa NO SHOW TODAY , Monday JAMES MORRISON in "THE ALIBI" SUBURBAN 24th ana Aa Ava. TODAjr ALICE BRADY la - "DARKEST RUSSIA" ruodar, J una 11 "Paar Ultl. ftlcll Girl" LOTHROP TODAY and MONDAY ALICE JOYCE and HARRY MOREY, in "HER SECRET'.' Special Aaaaimcanantl SATURDAY AND SUNDAT, Jim. -IO "WOMANHOOD, THE GLORY , OF THE NATION" Matlaaa Bath Dajrl APOLLOHltrte 28th and Laavaaworth Sta. Today at 2, 34S, S:30, 7:15, 9 Paramount Prasanta SESSUAHAYAKAWA "EACH TOHIS KIND" Alto ana of tha bast two-raal comadia. avar mada "WILD BEASTS AT LARGE" Maaday Fanni. Ward , Tnaaday William Dnnean Wadsaiday Marrnarita Clark Thurday Maa Murray -, Friday Alica Joyca SATURDAY SARAH BERNHARDT In tha only modara drama aha r Kal avar appaarad in "Mothers of France MAGIC Sauth SMa Today virginia'pearson I In a William Fox Faatura of Dual Partonalltiaa "Sitter Against SUter" Monday EDDY POLO r and ' MARY McLAREN . ' la a Buttarfly Pictura "MONEV MADNESS" Wadnaaday ALICE JOYCE and HARRY MOREY IN- "HER SECRET" 2 MUSE FOUR DAYS, BEGINNING TODAY LOUISE HUFF and JACK PICKFORD Tha Stellar Cnablnatloa Thai Charon la "Sanatem" WUI Aaaw h) On. . al tha Moat Famoua StorUa ol tha Aia. i FRECKLES" By Gen Stratton Porter. RUTH ROLAND in "THE NEGLECTED WIFE" TODAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY EARLE WILLIAMS la a hl( irmmm wrluan hr Jaana Olrrar Cwaaua1 af a au'l aoul bura.4 out la dldlluaioBBaat, hut ra-tora la tha aftarilaw al ahattarad (alth "The SOUL MASTER" THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Gbdys Leslie in "An Amateur Orphan" Tbia la a fraah, nrart c.nwaV-drana. chock hill al haart-httmat aa4 mnuual altuatfcaa, atarrfcif a chaming actraaa halM hr critic aa tha llttl. trl with tha mlUlaa dollar aailla WrHtaa ar Agaw fc Jahaai. Vaude.illa an J AdmUiioa, Opaa Daily, , . Photoplay ' 20c and 10c J, 11 A. M. ta 11 P. M. Bills for the 8 tread Tbres efenge of program ar announced by tha Strand management for the coming week, eonmnclng today, whea Jack Devereaux I en In a modern comedy drama, "Th Man Who Made Good." Devereaux la another of .those bright and breezy cusses, whtl tb tory just th kind to keep 70a amused and entertained. Path weekly will ebow the lateat event, wbtl comwly galore Is also promised. Tuesday till Thunder. Enid Bennett Is een In "Happiness." The Keystone comedy for the mid-week chance ts called, "A Maiden's Trust." with Ford Sterling as the principal funster. Friday and Saturday, Beasts Barrlecsle makes her reapperance In a society drama, "The Sna." Wonderful stage settlors add to the picture. Tbe Strand theater orchestra under direction of Harry Silverman, will offer appropriate and attractive musical settings for eacb obange of rrog ram. - SanA man's struggle agalmt a woman's past furnlehes the dominating theme of "Tbe Silent Lie," which le shown at tbe Sun today and Monday. Tbis great photo play stars Miriam Cooper, who plays the rote of Lady Lou, a girl of the northwest, who has Inherited tb hatred of her own father because of her moth ' unfaithful ness. Harry Myers and Hoiemary Theby are also shown In a comedy entitled "Rus ticating." Lionel Barrymore la shown on Tuesday and Wednesday In a Metro wonder play, "The Millionaire's Double," tbe story of a millionaire wbo. reported dead, poses as a claimant to bis own estate and falls In tove with a young woman who represents herself to be his widow. Mr. and Mrs. Sid nay Drew are on tb earn program In "Noth ing to Wear." Thursday, Friday and Sat urday William Fox presents Veleik Sural t, the woman of thousand gowns, In The Slave." a tense drama of tbe trials of a young working girl. The drama was writ ten and directed by William Nigh, famous for "The Blue Streak" and other film mw- Mne Loalse Huff and Jack Fiekford will appear on the screen at the Muse to day and until Wednesday In "Freckles." Tb story 1 by Gen Stratton Porter and the supporting east includes Hobert Bos worth, Lillian Lelghton, Our Oliver and, Little Billy Jacob. Plcturesqus out-door settings and speedy, thrilling action makes Its screen suuceee inevitable. The third episode of The Neglected Wife," featuring Ruth Roland, t entitled "In the Crucible." The punch comes In thl episode wben an auto runs off a tressle Into a liver several feat below. The news weekly will also be shown, In which the timely events of the day will be seen. Including 'Tb War." Thursday, Friday and Saturday Fannie Ward will be tbe offering tn "Unconquered," which has for Its theme, mother-love. Sat urday morning ther will be a showing of ths Bdlaon Conquest Pictures for the little folks and grownups as well. These pictures are mad up of clean comedy and drama. Empress Fa H Williams In "Tb Soul Master," a Vltagraph Blu Ribbon feature, will be the photoplay offered at this theater for the first half of this week, start ing today. This picture Is promised by the manufacturers to be on of the greateit of this favorite actor's many success. Harry ALAMOS TODAY RUTH CLIFFORD and . DOUGLAS CERRARD, In ! "ETERNAL LOVE" DIAMOND a--" TODAY VIRGINIA PEARSON f ia . "SISTER AGAINST SISTER" JACK DEVEREAUX In "THE MAN WHO MADE GOOD" PATHE WEEKLY COMEDIES GALORE 13 Current Week Watson will also be on the bill In a photo scream, 'Tbe Mishap of Musty Suffer." Tbe last half of tb week, Gladys Leslie will be the photoplay attraction Id the latest Path feature, "An Amateur Or phan." Tbe story deals with a rich little 'girl, wbo rather than go to a, fashionable boarding school changes places with a less fortunate sister, wbo Is 00 her way to the Orphan Asylum. Tb vaudeville for tbe entire week Is up to the high summer standard, which It being consistently main tained. Park On of tb best photoplay bills shown at this theater In a long time will make its appearance at this theater today. "Shorty" Hamilton will be featured In one of hie comedies, "Shorty Solves tb Wire less Mystery." Helen Gibson will b seen In ber latest railroad plct. -e from the series of "A Daughter of Daring;" "Recklees" Lar-, kind will be shown In the latest happenings of "O rant Polios Reporter," and Ham and Bud will furnish the comedy portion of the bill. Monday will be Bluebird day, when Frenklyn Farnum, brother of "Bill" end "Dusty," will entertain in "The Man Wbo Took a Chance." Lothmp Alice Joyce and Harry Moray wilt be featured at this theater today and Monday In the Vltagraph Blu Ribbon fea ture, "Her Secret" The usual big comedy will also be shown. Good picture mark tha balance of the week and Manager Jensen announces with some little pride that he has secured tbe second -run on the Vlta graph spectacle. "Womanhood, the filory of the Nation," said to be tb greatest pre paredness spectacle thus far made, for Sat urday and Sunday, June and 10, and that ther will be a matinee both days. , : Orand At this theater today Carlyl Blaokwell. Jun Elvtdge and Arthur Ashley will be shown In the lateat World release, "Tb Pag Mystery." Ths sett In is are laid tn the Adirondack mountains In snow times and It 1s said to have soma of tb best scene of this kind that have been shown In a long time. Monday, Jackie Saunders In her latsst play, "Checkmats.H Thursday, Valeska Suratt In the screen version of H. Rider Haggard' amatory, "She." Apollo Starting today tbe attraction at this theater wll be Sesana Hayakawa In a Paramount production, "Bach to His Kind." On th same bill will be what Is billed as tb funniest two-reel comedy ever made, "Wild Beasts at Largs." which shows the excitement and fun that takes plan wben a circus train Is wrecked and the animals take charge of the town. Marguerite Clark comee on Wednesday In "Silks and Satins,' and Saturday Sarah Bernhardt in "uotners 01 Francs," which Is the only modern drama, and It may prove to be th last, she will ver appear In. " -.-- IHamond -Virginia Pearson and th liv able Lee children will be featured at this theater today In the William Fox play, "Sis ter Against Sister." Jt Is ft photoplay fin ished In the usual lavish manner of this company. Monday, Gladys Hulette In her latest Pathe Gold Rooster play, "Pots and Pans Peggy," which gives her an oppor tunity equal to "Prudence th Pirate" and "Her New York. Alhamnr Wilfred Lucas Is at this thea ter today in a Triangle play, "A Love Sublime, tb screen version of th novel, "Orpheus, which appeared in one of the popular magailneg a short tlms ago. Th story la of a poor working man who thinks hi sweetheart has died, and shows his de votion for her. EJ. K. Lincoln, on the same bill In th second chapter of "Jimmy Dal. Adventurer." called "Stolen Rubles." Won day, William Desmond In "Blood Will Tell," a story of a society man who turned crook. DnndeewFursuan t to th policy of this popular theater ther will b no show MlililM BoulevardHa 33d and Leavenworth Sis. : TODAY AND MONDAY ENID BENNETT T In "The Little Brother" 1 TUESDAY WILLIAM COURTENAY 2 in I "THE RECOIL" a W nail 1 1 m m 1 nl ' WEDNESDAY JOAN SAWYER and STUART HOLMES, in "LOVE'S LAW" THURSDAY ONLY I RICHARD BENNETT In the New Da Luxe Edition of "DAMAGED GOODS" Note Children under IS ' -not admitted unless o - companied by parents. i Friday BESSIE LOVEj I Saturday CRANE WILBUR "POPULAR OVER NIGHT" ROME. VINEYARD OMAHA'S DINE, DRINK AND DANCE PALACE Now Opaa With Olivar Willi mi Hi, Fir. Knight, of Syncopation lntarprating tha Lataat Dancing No Chart For Entertainment. TODAY AND WM. FOX MIRIAM COOPER in , "THE SILENT LIE" A awift moviaf lala af Ufa among tha taowa of tha f raat aarthwaat TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY LIONEL BARRYMORE in 1 "Tha Millionaire', Doubla" Stars Who Will Shine on Screen for X.Bushma.n At Hi BcuevaKt r . aV 7& Jack Pickford Parle Williams (miscj - itnpfttss) today, but Monday a Greater Vltagraph fea ture, "The Alibi," which features James Morrison, will be shown. It Is full of many surprising situations, Th Hearst-Pathe News will be offered In connection. Baby Marl Osborno will be at this theater on Friday In one of her sunshiny dramas of life, "Told at Twilight." , Saburban On- of the strongest bills ever shown at this tbeater la promised this week by Manager Hallgren, Today Alio Brady In "Darken RuBeia," A Keystone comedy will also be showa. Monday Bessie Love In "A Daughter of tbe Poor," Tuesday Fred erick Ward, Wednesday June Caprice. Thursday William Desmond, Friday Gladys Uulett and 'Saturday Charlie Chaplin. Alamo Through an error It was an nounced that the attraction at this theater last Sunday .would be tbe first Butterfly picture, "Eternal Love," featuring Ruth Clllford and Douglas Gerrard. This will be shown today. Monday little Zo Rae in "Chubby Takes. Hand," in which she Is said to be more Irresistible than ever, a drama, "The Trail of Hate," the Universal Screen Magazine and the funny Gal Henry in "Left in th Soup." Rohlff George Waleh, "The King of Smiles," will be the attraction at this the ater today la a William Fox feature, called "Ths Island of Desire." The Hearst-Pathe Newa will also be shown, as welt as a Nestor comedy; Monday Myrtle Gonzales In a Bluebird production, "Southern Justice," Thursday will be Henry B. Walthall In a drama full ot quaint humor called "Little Shoea." Wednesday and Thursday Robert Warwick in a superfeature, "Tbe A r gyle Gas,'1 a detective story-of the very high est type. Friday Madam Petrova in "The Black Butterfly,", a Metro wonderplay writ ten by herself, and Saturday will be th big comedy, day, ''. Boulevard Enid Bennett .will be the at traction at this tbeater today and Monday In the Triangle play, "The Little Brother." TODAY AND MONDAY FRANKLYN FARNUM IN "Bringing Home Father" TUESDAY AND WEDNksDAY VIOLET MERSEREAU "The Great Problem" THURSDAY ON1y , RUTH ROLAND "The DeriF Fate" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY LITTLE ZOE RAE "The Ciwurof Life" Hita in JAZZ MUSIC. EVERY NIGHT " EXCEPT SUNDAY Open From 12 to 12 Daily. MONDAY Praaaata y THURS., FRIDAY and SAT. VALESKA SURATT in ' . ' "THE SLAVE" aVaWVH 1VA "V ---w a'-s4' iCjj.-,. ?mAJkUZS ? fj -rm c V jm I .SYlJm m :v . . r .--. ITI m jr VtrSinia Pearson af .m.mmm-.. Bessie BaMscde 1 Just a Peep Into Good Mary Flokford.. , .In Houa Peters........ Fannie Ward Ann Pennington... Miriam Cooper Charles Ray.. Bessie Barrlscale..., Wilfred Lueae... Emmy Weblen Rmlly Stevens Kthel Barrymore,.... Ethel- Clayton Carlyle Blaokwell - Alice Brady , Robert Warwick Jak Mulhall Juliette Day..,. Marjorle Rambeau. ... Jackie Sounder , Jan Grey ., Myrtle Gonzales. ...... Dorothy Phillips , Franklyn Farnum...., George Bickle Mary Manning , .to la ,,ln In .........In .... ...In In In .. ..1. ...In In ........ .hi ...in ..in ........ .In ...... ...In ....... .In .........In .........In In ...fai In .In This Is th tyre of ptatur that will b en- joyed by young and old alike. The offering Thureday Is "Damaged Goods," featuring Richard Bennett. Children under 15 will not be admitted unless accompanied by their parents. Hipp Frenklyn Farnum. brother of Bill and Bustln, wilt be th feature attraction a this popular Harney street snow snop 10 dav and Mondav In hi latest Bluebird com edy-drama, "Bringing Father Home." The story Is based on two big questions, phohl bttloq and suffrage. Tuesday and Wednesday violet Mersereau in - rue ureal rrooiem, which deals with the social outcast Thurs day only Ruth Roland in "Tbe Devil's rate,' while Friday and Saturday comes llttl Zee Rae irf a Butterfly picture, "Th Circus of Life." , Marie (South Side) A splendid bill has been arranged at thl popular South Side theater by Manager cut tie ior tne coming, week. Today will see Virginia Pearson and llttl Katherjn Lee In a William Fox pro duction, "Sliter Against Sister." It ts a double exposure picture. In which little Katharine Lee plays a dual rol In th first part and then th grown sifters are played by Miss Pearson. Monday Eddy Polo and Mary McLaren In the lateat Butterfly pro duction. "Money Madness." Tuesday Orrtn Johnston, Wednesday Alice Joyce and Harry Morey; Thursday, "The Voice on the Wire;" Friday Myrtle Gonialea and Saturday an Artdrama production. f Exposures BY KILOWATT TS IT CONDUCIVE to a good night's rest to buy a peck of potatoes and at night I put them under the bed tor sate Keep- IngT This is th question worrying Manager Thomas of th Strand. An auto- mobile was heard by th man In question In the dead of. night stopping on the corner where his house Is placed. Silently and stealthily he stole his way to the window, armed with bis trusty Bill Hart six-shooter. Now, let us explain at this point that his wife Is a regular patron of the gymnasium and Is such an i expert at basket ball that she has an aim sure ana deadly. Tne omen breathing of H. M. T. awoke his spouse, and, raising up In the bed, all excitement, she saw the flirur of a man silhouetted against tbe window, so picking up one of his small m shoea she nut her whole soul Into th throw and now they are on speaking terms, again., ; e , , Fearing that his salesmen would be con scripted, Lester Sturm, local manager of tbe Fox Film company, has put Into service his young son, whose arrival was announced a PARK lth Mi California TODAY, SHORTY HAMILTON, la "Shorty Salvaa tha Wiralaaa Mratary" HELEN GIBSON HAM AND BUD "GRANT POLICE REPORTER" Ull llll HI !! ROHLFF 26th and Leavenworth Today, Starting at 2 o'clock GEORGE WALSH ia ' "The Island of De.ire" MONDAY MYRTLE GONZALEZ in "Southern Justice" TUESDAY henry b. walthal "little'shoes" WEDNESDAY THURSDAY ROBERT WARWICK . Ia Hii First Superfeature "The Arrele Case" FRIDAY MADAME PETROVA 'The Black Butterfly" Saturday Comwly Day Omaha This Week Vitfred Luck MMfichlff Lone) Barry more Alice Joyce Photoplays Coining Soon "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm". .Artcraft "Heir of the Ages''... Paramount "Her Strang Wedding ,.; Paramount "Th Little Boy Scoot".. ......Paramount "The' Innocent Slnnes",., Fox "Hmldea Jim" Triangle "MHadl of Tag and Tatters"... .Triangle "Her Kxcelleney the Governor1.,.. Trlanjrl "Th Daehees of Doobt". ............ .Metro "The Slacker" ... Metro "The Greatest Power-..,, .....Metro "Chasms" ..................World "Th Wastes' .......a...... ..World "The Spurs of Sybil" World "Tb Shadow of Night"'.. ......... .Selsnlck "The Fires of Yoatb". ......Butterfly "Betty th Bnoeaneer". Mutual "Mary Moreland". ....;.,... .'i, ... . .Mutual "A Bit of Ktndjmg".. .Mutual "When My Skip Come In" Pathe "The Cod of th Klondike" Bluebird "The Vengeance of th West". .....Bluebird "Th Ciena Up"., Bluebird 1 Comedies , , .General "Strictly Business"... , . O'Henry -General few weeks ago 1a this paper. This Is a fact, aocordlng to Manager Goldberg of the Bub theater. Be announces that Sturm called htm on tbe 'phone the other day, telling him that be was sending a salesman down to see him, so- Goldberg, being of a hojpltal na ture, grabbed tbe rung of a chair that was bandy and wont down In front to- wait for him. But th mighty salesman arrived In bis special carrlaire and was laughingly look in u at him before- knew It. That smile aofteped hfs heart and we think it's a 10 to 1 shot that he'll book htm yet Did yon aver hear a frog atngf We didn't. We've heard 'ro croak, but never sing. O. S, Ftndh, manager of the Diamond theater, though, announce that "Frog, th Barber" will sing "American-Here's My Boy" at his theater tonight. Upon close questioning, though, he admitted that he la a singer of not and his nam is Ackley. Manager 8h4rl4 of the- Mns ts Just hav ing "Freckles" this week. That's funny, we had 'em a leag, 6ng time ago. We had warts, too. St Is rumored that a local movi house ts soon te atinounc that ft has seenred the Goldwln pictures, which are soon to make their appearanc before the public. - From the present outlook they will be g'eat Here are some of the actors and actrtss already engaged: Mae Marsh. Robert Harron, Mary Garden. Jane Cowt, Maxlne Elliott, Madge Kennedy. And others equally as popular ar soon 10 d annonncea. If Charlie Chaplin could have seen his lo cal representative, Herman the 'Great, at- tired in the latest rage from Panama, he euro would have turned green with envy. We wonder If Befi Cuttle, when he named his picture emporium on the Soath Side the Magic, thought he would hear the magic word that would make him a Benedict? Am way, about a week or so ago he took unto himself wife and he is eo happy that ne aon't care ti tbe show rune or not: think that's so. because we can't never find him. It sure was mean of him, though, to sneak away and not say anything about tt. The base ball team down at the Universal film service Is looking for mora worlds to conquer In the base ball world. Not that we ve heard of them copd1i.it any nennants. but they wanta game anyway. Their hopes are high, too. They understand that the umarta police force have a team and they'd like for one of them to "beat" it to a phone and call Tyler $30 If they desire mortal combat. They say they will sure "cop" the high score. One Way Out. It was the day before their first "hop wer," and the regiment was drawn up in mass behind the lines to listen to a "few words" from the colonel. He pointed out to them at somj length the straight and nar row path whtrelu their' duty lay, and after giving them the .general direction of the road to glory, concluded with th lines: If we gt forward we die. If we f backward we die. ; Better gr forward, and die. The awed silence which followed was broken by the languid voice of a BlUUm- in the rear, "Yatrs." he drawled derisively, "a bloke's bra chance Is to be a bltnkin' rab!" Sydnav Bulletin, HEARST PATHE NEWS Synopsis of Events Covered In Hearst Path News. Released Today. NEW YORK CITY The steam yacht, Surf, loaned by Dr. John A. Harris to th United State Navy. Is commissioned for the American Red Cross, BRAINERD, Minn. Forest fires rage on th iron ranges of northern Minnesota, de stroying millions of dollar worth of need ed timber. STATEN ISLAND. N. Y. Cavalry squads of tb National Guard engage in frequent maneuvers while waiting for the country' call to battle. NEW YORK CITY A multfpl nossl. de signed for us tn fighting a bias m the hold of a vessel, is tasted by th fir de partment. PARIS, FRANCE! An impressive spectacle Is witnessed in the Jardm de Tuuertes, as President Poincar review tb new re cruits. LONDON. ENGLAND Th Stars and Stripe ar unfurled on St. Paul as th united Kingdom pay tribut to it American ally. BAYWARDS, CAL. Western scientists ar breeding species of wild game that have been gradually growing extinct in this country. NEW YORK CITY Th Holland No. I. mother of undersea boats and the first submarine owned by the United States. ts brought her for exhibition. SAFEGUARDING TH E SEA American mine-sweepers ar ready to aid in the tank of clearing ocean line to prevent diiaster to passing ships. CARTOON Magastn Section MWha Will U rthiww OU TMi .Borden r OSCAR BOHLFr STARTS WELL AS MANAGER. OSCAR J3. ROHLFF Oscar B. Rohlff is a new man in the exhibiting end of the motion picture business and is at the present mana ger of the Rohlff theater at 2559 i.Mvnwrtrrh - triit - . whirli Bffdiit opened its doors . last Wednesday to canacitv huftines. Hit hax. hnwvftr. been a devoted - fan of the silent drama and, from the manner in which iic is idmjig uuiu vi uic uimittgciucni. 1. . V.. .1 L t. ..i TT. bounces that in addition to the list of productions already given out that he has just, signed a contract for the new Douglas Fairbanks and Mary PtiMrfil-H .itnevnixhirM Billy Didn't Say It, But V It's Shown Just the Same There is one spoken title in the Lasky-Paramount production of "Un conquered," which will be seen at the Muse theater on Thursday, Friday ad Saturday,' with Fannie Ward in the stellar role, which is ascribed to Little Billy Jacobs; Little Billy, however, has issued emphatic denials of having The incident in the picture occurs when the little hoy takes his cannon and smashes his -tin soldier. His mother picks up one of the broken toys, shows it to Little Billy, and, ac cording to the 'title, Billy says, "Well, mother, war is hell." But Billy would not say this Miss Ward, Director Reicher and all' the members of the company tried to induce him to say it, but he positively, refused. He as serted that his mother told him that hell was, a naughty word and he wouldn't say it. They finally com promised by having him say when they were photographing the scene "War is war." - What Billy will -say when he sees the picture on the screen and discovers that the .wicked word was put into his- mouth by the heart less company is yet to be recorded. Valeska' Suratt, With a Lot Of New Gowns, In feature .Valeska Suratt portrays the most powerful role, of her career in "The Slave," her current William Fox pro duction which shows at the Sun theater Thursday, Friday and Satur day, a story of the struggles "and temptations of a working girl when brought into contact with the gaudy luxury oMier companions. In addition to displaying Miss Suratt's acting skill, "The Slave" gives anv opportunity to wear more of her astounding creations. Never has she worn gowns more certain to charm the eye of her woman admirers than Lituac aiic una 111 ljiis urama. "The Slave" was written and di rected by William Nigh and is about a working girl who sees a chance of escaping her humdrum life in the mar riage proposal-of an aged man of wealth. A dream warps her of the fate of girls who become victims of such alliances,-but on awakening and seeing another day of dreary work be fore her she consents, willing to chance the unknown future rather than continue as in the past. Film Feature, "The Soul Master," Staged by Woman "The Soul Master," James Oliver Curwood's remarkable drama, has been filmed by the Greater V'itagraph company as a Blue Ribbon feature with Earl Williams in the title role and wilt be the attraction at the Em press theater today until Wednesday. The play, which has a salesgirl for its heroin, was directed by a woman," Marguerite Bertsch. "The Soul Master" tells of a mer chant, a devoted husband and father, who loses his soul when his wife de serts, him. taking their baby daugh ter with her He succeeds in busi ness, but earns the hatred and scorn of his fellowmen and the poof girls who work under him. He does not regain mastery of his soul until one of the salesgirls, who turns out to be his daughter, .stirs the parental love in him. Several of the scenes in the play, show a large department store during One of its busy hours. The salesgirls waiting on hurrying customers, aisles crowded, floorwalkers handling the crowds Hke a traffic policeman everything is faithfully recorded. Applied Suffrage and '. Prohibition in a Film "Bringing Home Father" is the title of the Bluebird to be exhibited at the -Hipp theater today and Mon day, with Franklyn Farnum and "Brownie" Vernon, in the principal roles. Followers of Bluebirds will re call with pleasure the appearance of Mr. farnum and Miss Vernon m the Clock, "The Man Who Took a Chance" and "A Stranger from Somewhere three comedy dramas similar in style and construction, al though vastly different in plot, to "Bringing Home Father The new Bluebird touches on the subject of equal suffrage and prohibition as ap plied to a municipa' campaign, but is no preachment upon either issue, poli tics serving simpl- as an enlivening means to a comedy end in furaiihurf clever enter taauneat ,