Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1917, Page 3, Image 3
THE BEE: OJfAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 1. 1017. Nebraska. FRICTION CAUSE OF BARRETT'S ACTION Deputy ' Attorney General Re signs and His Chief Imme diately Names Successor. (Krom a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, ittb.. May 31. (Special Telegram.) Deputy Attorney Gen eral Dexter E. Barrett this morning tendered his resignation to Attorney General Reed. He will retire Irom -office lulv 1. Mr. Barrett was ap oointed dermtv attorney general in 1915 when Mr. Reed took office. He was reaooointed last January. Mr. Barrett came here from Nelson. His wife is a daughter of the late K. D. Sutherland, who formerly represented the Fourth district in congress. While the resignation of the deputy was set for July 1, or at the conveni ence of Attorney General Reed, the latter decided it "convenient to ac cept the resignation immediately and at once named Assistant & P. Roe,as the flenutv. Mr. Barrett .yill continue the prac tice of law probably in Lincoln. He gives as one reason for his resigna tion that the act of the legislature prohibiting state officials and their deputies from accepting outside cases deprived him of more revenue several times over than his salary amount ed to. ' ' It is, however, understood ' that there was some friction between Mr. Reed and his deputy which was really the cause of the resignation. Class of Forty-Five' . Is Graduated at York Yorlc,-Neb., May 21.-(Special.) The annual commencement exercises of the York High school closed this eve ning in the opera house. Ex-Senator Burkett delivered the address to the graduating class. Diplomas were pre sented to the torty-hve as tollows: Joe Afflerbach, Clifford Blssetl, Grace Bnvey, Harold Clark, I.lta Coburn, Hazel Cooper, Lauretta Deason, Mabel Doane, Kathryn -Doran, Waldo Frold, Howard Getty, Howard Glasser, I.uclle Green, ' Pauline Green, John Hall. Louise Hammond, Gladys Harding, Mary Harding-, Clyde Hurt. Clifford Hill. Ceclle Huffman, Bertha Jeflke, .Lonore John. Lewis John, Elva Laird, Ollle Mnpps. Cecil Marnhell. Ktma McOlnley, Iewey Jtlnckv, Ktta Morgan, Helen Morris, Laura Poor, Pauline Powers, Russell Rogers, Clara Rosentof. Louella Selover, Luclle Shnrthlll. Woodson Spurlock, . Vivian Shurloek, Carl Tllden. ' Gladys Trlvllplece, Callaway Van Decar, Clara Von Bergen, Eva Williams, Arthur Yost. HYMENEAL Jamison-Cory. Syracuse, Neb., May 31. (Special.) Xir. John Alex Jamison and Miss Mary Iva Cory, prominent young peo ple, were married at the home of the hrirle's sister by Rev. W. H. Wright. Tbcy will reside on a farm one mile north of town. ' . Pomeroy-Bagley. Atlcur Neb.. May .11. (Special.) Miss Klsie Baglcy. daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. A. E. Bagley. was united in marriage to Ross Pomeroy, also of Allen. Tuesday evening. The bride taught in the local public schools for the last few years and the groom is a prosperous young farmer of near town. They will make their home near Allen. Commencement at Madison. Madison, Neb., May 31. (Special.) Madison high school commence ment exercises took place at the opera house Tuesday night. Dean Mc-' Proud of Wesleyan University of Ne braska delivered the class address. Judge M. S. McDuffce of the Board of Education presented the diplomas. The class consisted of eleven boys and ten girls. Form Farmers' Elevator Company. Stella, 'Neb., May 31. (Special.) A farmers' elevator company has been organized at Shubert with a cap ital stock of $20,000 and a paid up capital of $10,000. The stock is lim ited to five shares each at $100 per share. At the meeting for organiza tion P. W. Carr was elected chair man and E. C. Riggs secretary. Class Play for Red Croaa. Burwell. Neb., May 31. (Special.) The senior class of the Burwell High school repeated its class play at the Electic theater last night for the benefit of the Red Cross. The entire proceeds go to the Red Cross fund. - - Soldiers' Home Notes Grand Island. Neb., May 31. (Special.) Ex-Adjutant John T. Lane has aaked for yfiftenn-day leave of absence. ' Mrs. Matilda Bi;Mer of Doniphan wai a visitor at Burkett Monday. She looked over the grounds and buildings before making; application for membership. Mr. and Mrs. Su tiler, Mr. and Mrs. Carl and Mr. Easter are out on short furloughs. John Yager will leave soon for Moline, 111., where ho will visit a brother for thirty days or more. The weat hospital at present has a full quota of attendants. Mr. Graham, wife and son arrived from Hastings Monday. Mr. Well, who has had a position at the west hospital, will leave the first of the month for an extended trip through Texas. TEETH t JS. . .ft ' ! DR. McKENNEY Says: "It should be your grave eoneern to select dentists of known skill, ability and reliability. Yott will find we pos sess all of these qualification!." Heaviest Bridfte Work, per tooth, $4.00 Wonder Plates worth 115 to 25, Best Silver Fill tafe 50 Best 22 k Gold Crowns- $5, $8, $10 I 4.00 Wo please you or refund your money. McKENNEY DENTISTS let, and Fernim 1324 Faraan St. Phone Douf lee 2S72. "I invite all- my friends to join me at breakfast at the Henshaw on my wedding day. Jack and I are going to dance there in the afternoon, too. Madison Man Lies Under , Upset Auto All Night Madison, Neb., May 31. (Special.) James Nichols of this city, former county attorney of Madison county. and representative of the Nineteenth legislative district, narowly escaped death last evening, when - his car turned turtle, pinning him under it, where he lay in a stunned condition until after 5 o'clock this morning. Aside from being badly bruised, one leg burned by gasoline and a general stiffness from the night s exposure, He sustained no serious injuries. The ac cident occurred at 11:30 Tuesday night about half way between Norfolk and Madison. Nathan Rowlett dis covered the accident and, with the as sistance of John Davis, righted the car ana Drougni Air. rsicnois 10 iviaui son. Apparently no damage was done to the car with the exception of the wrecking of the windshield and crush ing one side. Gordon Guardsman Back From Fort Snelling Gordon. Neb., May. 31. (Special.) Rex Mosher of this place, now first sergeant in company 1. i-ourtn Ne braska National Guards, now si a- tioned at Fort Robinson, who was designated by his company command er for the l-ort Smelling school, has returned from that "point as rejected material, caused by a very slight de fect ot the ictt eye. Mr. .Mosher re joined his,company at Fort Robinson. Corporal Ellis, who has been on re cruiting detail, has been succeeded here by (Jorporal Barten. People of F.remont Join in Memorial Day Observance Fremont, Neb., May 31. (Special Telegram.) A parade in which city officials, fraternal and civic organiza tions, school children and other citi zens took part featured the observ ance of Memorial day. Following the parade exercises were held at the High school, where Rev. W. H. Frost delivered the principal address. Home Guard Company Is Organized at Arcadia Arcadia, Neb.. May 31. (Special.) A home guard company with 150 members has been organized here. Every business man in town is rep resented and the organization has twenty standard motor cars Fo,its own transportation. Adjutant Gen eral Hall has been formally petitioned to muster the company into the serv ice of the state. Funeral of Mrs. Johanna Woods. Syracuse. Neb., May 31. (Special.) The funeral of Johanna H. Woods, Syracuse pioneer, who died in Lin coln Tuesday morning, was held last evening. The body was taken to the Methodist church, of which she was a member, where a brief service was held. She was buried in Warner cem etery beside her husband, who died in 1873. Mrs. Woods was born in Germany, November 24, 1823, and came to this country when 11 years old. She and her husband came to Nebraska in 1866 and she has resided here since. , 1. Barn Bunted Near Stella. Stella. Neb.. May 31. (Special.) Lightning destroyed the large barn on the Jones farm southwest of Stella, where Otto Powell lives. One horse was burned and farming implements and a large amount of grain con sumed. Red Cross Chapter at Keene. Keene. Neb.. May 31. (Special.) Citizens of Keen " and vicinity or ganized a Red Cross chapter Tuesday evening. Dr. F. A. Wells, secretary of the Axtell, Neb., chapter, explained the objects and methods, ot Ked Cross work. Thirty-seven members were secured from among those pres ent. A membership of 100 or more is expected. STOCK YARDS WANTS HIGHER CORN RATE Applies to Railway Commis sion for Permission to Charge More to State , Shippers. (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, May 31. (Special.) Th Union Stock Yards company of Omaha has made application to the State Railway commission to charge a greater price per bushel for corn than that recently allowed by tlie commission. At a former hearing made on com plaint of certain shippers, that the company was charging too much for corn, the commission issued an or der allowing the company to charge 10 cents more per bushel than the prevailing market price. The company insists that this is pot sufficient to cover expense of handling and ask that the commission set a day for hearing in order that a show ing can be made as to the amount to be charged. Farmers Want More Men to Help in Fields (Froma Staff Correepondsnt.) Lincoln, May 31. (Special.) The demand for men on the farms is steadily increasing, according to Spe cial Representative Rhodes of the government connected with the State Labor bureau. He believes that the situation may be handled if every man looking for a job, who would be willing to go on a farm for the summer, would at once communicate witn the state labor commisiotier and.-make his wants known. New Red Cross Chapter at Clarkson Has 175 Members .Clarkson. Neb., May 31. (Special.) A Red Cross chapter was organ ized Here I uesday with 146 members. Every person in attendance at the mass meeting held at the Z. C. B. J. opera house signed the enrollment papers. During the Memorial serv ices held here yesterday the mem bership has reached the 175 mark. Officers elected were Mrs. Anton Dusatko, president; Mrs. Emil Folda, vice president; Mrs. J. J. Pechanec, secretary; Mrs. S. G. Allen, treas urer. , . - Omaha Alfalfa Mill Firm Appeals From Judgment ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, May 31. (Special.) The Omaha Alfalfa Mill company has ap pealed to the supreme court from a judgment secured in the Douglas county district court by Jennie C. Groveman for $50,000, for injuries al- Jeged to have been received when the president of the company, John f. Hughes rm over her with an auto mobile. . V Delicia ice cream pleases the Bride of Mystery so much that she has decided to have it in her home, after her marriage. whenever she has company. ... . Memorial Services at Clarkson. Clarkson,' Neb., May 31. (Special.) Despite the rain which interfered materially with the Memorial day services, there was a large atendance at the afternoon program, which was held at the L. u B. J. opera house. At the close of the Memorial serv ices special exercises were held for the benefit of the Bohemian National alliance branch at Clarkson, Volun tary subscription totaled nearly $125. Key. B. A. rillipi ot Llarkson was the principal speaker for both of these occasions. ' A A fi mm If if f.VA 1 . l eT AT V I .MM m TRY Velvet today and jii tt-j - the- you wm smoothest tobacco whose SMOKING .TOBACCO goodnessVowsv ; on you, because you like things nat ural and honest. And VELVET is naturally good to bacco mellowed by natural ageing. Try some Velvet! 50ME men an' tome tobaccos get a reputation for bein' good just because they ain't particularly Md. But Velvet well, it's partic ularly good. -I HL-itMaLSzt--a ill If you want health you can have it, by heeding Nature's laws. ' Keep the stomach strong, the liver active, the blood pure, and the bowels regular, and you will seldom be llL Take good care of these organs, and at the first sign of anything wrong promptly take Beecham's Pills. you certainly need. the nelp and relief of this world -famed remedy, to keep the body in health. They quickly establish nor mal conditions, so the organs perform their functions, as Nature intended. No other remedy will so surely strengthen the system, stimulate the liver, regulate the bowels and quickly improve the general health as Direction, of Spadal Value Women are with Eree-y Bos. Sold by efanttbu thrawfhout the tjrarM. - la baaae, 10c, 25c Silk and Cotton 32-Inch Tub Silks in Black d Whit.' Stripes Only, Werth 45c yd. Very Spatial at 25c Economy Offerings From This Big Drandeis Stores Ll C w C " V Silk and Cotton Crapa da China, Snort Stripes. 36 inchas, worth 35c, to dote at 12,e tha Yard That Afford Savings Well Worth While THERE IS EVERY REASON why all of these Basement offerings should be .carefully read by every woman who appreciates the old maxim that "A ( DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED" and that this maxim applies to the announcements which come from this Immense Basement Department, is a fact not to be denied. Ready-to-Wear in the Right Styles At Bargain Prices in the Basement Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists and Skirts, for women, misses and children a stock that is unequalled anywhere hereabouts. 200 Women's and Misses' Coats, $4.00 x New style Spring Coits, $6.00 to $10.00 values. Every coat new, right up-to-date ; of different kinds of fancy" ma terials, all wool serges, poplins', stripe chinchilla, velour cloth, etc. New high colors, fancy plaids, etc. Plenty of staple colors as well as high shades and sizes to fit everyone. 300 Women's and Misses' Spring Coats, $3.00 Made to sell at $5.00 and $6.00. Many different styles, made of Poplin, Fancy Mixtures, PUuds, Taffeta Silks, etc. Sizes to fit most anyone. , ' 200 Women's and Misses' Spring Suits, $6.95 Your choice of any Suit in this stock that was made to sell up to $15.00. All wool materials, such as poplin, serge, fancy novelty cloths, etc. All the new high colors as well as stapje shades. Copies of high priced suits. Included are styles for stout women, made of all wool poplin and serge. Sizes 41 to 63. 200 Women's and Misses' Spring Suits, $4.95 Made to sell at $7.5(Tto $12.50. Not this season's styles, but practical models for wear. Made of fine all wool materials, many with coats silk lined and fancy trimmed collars, cuffs, etc. Late Spring styles of last year, but very exceptional offerings at this price.'' Women's and Misses' Skirts, 95c Made to sell at $1.25 to $2.00.' Many dif ferent styles in white and colors, made of pique, repp, Bedford, corduroy, honey comb, etc. Colors in fancy stripes, plaids, solid colors, etc. Right up-to-date Siynmer Skirts, makers' samples. Girls' Washable Play and School Dresses, 79c Girls' Dresses, 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years. Doiens of styles, all good, washable mater ials, middy blouses, new high belted effects, etc. Made of gingham, etc. Values $1.00 and $1.25. . Women's and Misses' Wash Dresses, $1.95 ' Fancy summer styles, for street and porch wear. Fancy white and colored Dresses, doi ens of styles, made elaborate creatjoni. Fancy all white lingerie Drdsses, sport colored Dresses, etc. Values up to $4.00. Women s Wash Dresses, at 95c Fancy Dresses, Porch Dresses, House Dresses, etc. Many differrent styles. Many i are samples, made of fine chambray, ging ham,4is8ues, fancy lawns, etc. All good, up-to-date styles. Values $1.25 to $2.00. Women's House Dresses, 49c , Percale and gingham House Dresses, many different styles, good 75c value. All sizes in the lot. . Women's Waists, at 49c White and colored Waists, many different styles, white and colors; woven stripes, or gandies, etc. Values 75c to $1.00. ' - Women's Waists, at 15c A big lot of Waists at this very low price. They come in white and colors and are really a bargain. Values 39c to 50c. ' ' Hosiery and Knit Underwear Knit Underwear Just received, a lot of women's fine cotton Union Suits, all lace trimmed with fancy silk taped and lace yoke, sizes are 4 to 12. Your choice, each, Friday and A1 ' Saturday '. 1 C Women's cotton Sleeveless Cumfy ' Vests, seconds of the 15c 11. duality, each, at ,lv Infants' cotton Bands, sizes 1 to 6, at Hosiery About 200 dozen of women's fiber silk and boot hosiery, in black and white, all sizes, seconds of up to 39c quality; your choice, OC per pair, at e&OC Children's Cotton Black Hosiery, all sizes, per 1 Ql pair lafisC Women's and children's cot- O ton Handkerchiefs, each, at e6C Men's good size cotton Handker chiefs, slightly imperfect, A at .i C 14c . Curtains and Materials Curtain Voiles and Marquisettes, large and beautiful assort- IP fnent, extra special, yard IOC Lace Curtains, large assortment to choose from, white and ecru, ex tra special, per t QC Window Shades, sizes 32 inches bv 6 feet. They are complete OQ and ready to hang, eaj'h ateUaC Voile Curtains, lace trimmed, in pair Wh white and ecru; special, OC. per pair OeJC Scrims in short lengths, in a large assortment. A bargain at li the price we quote, yard. . Dz C Notions Men's and Ladies' Collar Bands, all sizes, each. . .;t.2)o Large Elastic remnants, wortb ; to 20c yard, each , , 5c Shell Hair Pins, 6 in box, per ' box .3c Dressing Combs, good quality, each 7Je Best imported mercerized Rick-Rack, bolt, at 7 He 12-yard bolts , of Rick-Rack, white only, per bolt 18c One big lot of Chadwick's thread, black only, spool 3c Notion Boxes, each, at. ....... Be 0. N. T. Crochet Cotton, ball, at 8c "American Maid" and "Betsy Ross" Cotton, ball, at 6Hc Rust-proof Dress Clasps, card at 2!,e 50-yard spool of Sewing silk, spool, at 3c Shoe Laces, for extra high shoes, pair, at 3Hc Cedar Moth Bags, large 60c and 75c sizes, at 40c (Limit 5 to each customer) Hair Nets, per dozen Sc 8-in-One Machine Oil, bottle. 7 J, c Large Rubber Sanitary Ap rons, 39c value, at Se Cable Cord, black and white, all sizes, 12 yards, for .Sc J. & P. Coats' best 6-cord Thread, spool, at 4c Black Sleeve Protectors, 15c ' and 25c values, pair, at 10c Machine Needles, for all makes, tube, at. 9c Middy Laces, all colors, 10c grade, at ,4c Scissors and Shears, good steel, per pair. . , . 25c Towels , 7gc Huck Towels, at 5c - 'About 200 dozen bleached Huck Towels, 'fancy borders, hemmed ends (one dozen to each customer) 19c Turkish Towels, , 15c " These are full bleached, hemmed ends, soft and fluffy kind, large size. We advise early shopping on account of the limited quantity, 39c Towels, at 25c These are full bleached Turkish Towels, double twftted thread, hemmed ends, large size. - EXTRA: Turkish Towel Ends, at 2c Each SPECIALS Scalloped Cloths, 99c These cloths are made of a nice quality mercerized Damask in the round size, scalloped ends, pretty patterns. A $1.25 value. Women's Pumps and Oxford 98c and $1.98 This offering consists of an as sortment of low Shoes, in a variety of styles left from our former sales. About 2,000 Pairs In colored, white canvas, tan, Rus sia, patent leather, dull and vici kid, low, medium and high heels, hand welted and light, hand turned soles j nearly every size and width, on three big tables; values up to $3.50, at $1.98 About 1,200 Pair in patent, dull leather, vici kid, tan, white canvas; a splendid variety of styles, slightly soiled, but splendid values; sizes up to 6, on one big table, special, for Friday nlv. at 98c Domestics, v Remnants and Off the Bolt Mill remnants Dress Batiste, lengths to 16 yards, all "f 1 ' neat styles, Friday, yard iJC Mill remnants fancy Pongee Suit ing, neat designs, fast lOl colors, Friday, per yard lawljC Mill remnants, 36-inch bleached and" unbleached Muslins, lengths to 10 yards, all grades; Fri- Q 1 day, per yard OzC Mill remnants, 36-inch Dress Per cales, light and dark styles, lengths to 15 yards, Friday, jfer loi yard la&zC Mill remnants Embroidered Cur tain Swiss, lengths to 20 yards, all neat figures, Friday, spe- 1 P cial, per yard . ...... . . IOC 27-inch fancy Voiles, sheer, crisp quality, off the bolt, per 1 Al yard' 1U$C Pure Indigo dye apron Gingham and best grade Dress Q 1 Ginghams, per yard 172 C Genuine Everett Classic Dress Ginghams, all the favor- 1 ite stripes, per yard .... 1 2 C Beautiful Woven Voiles, 36 and 40 inches wide, fina quality, Q ' sheet and crisp, per yard laC English Shirtings, repp and pon gee, all neat sty les, S per J g Rugs Rag Rugs, sizes 34x36, OQ. regular 66c value, at.... OtC Black and white Rugs, sizes 27x54, regular $1.00 value, 79c Scotch Wool Rug, size Q QQ 9x12, regular $20, at 4a7.a70 Mottled and plain Wilton Rum. regular $5.50 value, J Boys' Clothing Men's and Young Men's Suits, at $12.50 A sale of real smart look ing and durable two-pa pant suits that stand wear and tear at prices that are within reach of everyone. 2-Pair-Pant Suits, at $4.35 Boys 2-pair-pant Suits, a real value. The same style and fabric as you will see in suits much higher in price. They come in dark gray, light gray, fancy stripe effects, splendidly tailored in the new pinch-back coats. Both pants are fully lined. All sizes 6 to 16 years. A Sal for the Little Fellows Wash Suits, at 75c Two tables full of real bargains. A big variety of $1.00 and $1.25 Wash Suits, in all the new styles, colors and patterns. A few are slightly soiled. Sizes are 2 to 8 years. I TTnilHtlflllv ornnrl alalia ot- ilnia rlr VoUvl, el,n4 e " " ,n,g . in,. . auuvo Limb dlC carefully chosen and represent the utmost in durability and smartness. : A varied assortment of models and patterns to satisfy all-who would economize on iheir clothing. Suits for Young Men, at SI 0.00 Young men's Suits in worsteds, cassimercs and tweeds, enlonrlMNr maa ai.aa 93 n 1Q V.. Men's Trousers, at $1.98 to $2.98 300 to 600 pairs men's Trousers to choose from at a big sav ing. Prices, are ii.fla tn ?oa Khaki Pants, at $1.00 to $2.60 We are exclusive distributors for "Carhart Overalls." EXTRA. SPECIAL . Men's Raincoats, Divided in Three Lots 300 Icon's Raincoats, all seams strapped and cemented: Lotl , Lot2 , Lot3 $2.98 $3.98 $5.00 Negligee and Golf Shirts, at 75c 78 dozen men's Negligee and Golf Shirts, made of extra good quality percales and cord ed madras, all new patterns. About 'A of the lot with soft attached collars, in all sizes 14 to 17. Fine Furnishings for Men Specially Priced .4f ft i Work Shirts, at 50c . 126 dozen full cut Work Shirts with lined collars and cuffs, faced sleeves, in fancy stripes, blue and gray chambray s; all sizes 14 to 17. Union Suits, at 50c Each 175 dozen men's athletic and ribbed Union Suits, made of good quality pin check and ctobs bar nainsook. Also cotton ribbed Union Suits with short sleeves and ankle length. Sizes are 34 to 44. . , , . T