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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1917)
THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. MAY 81. 1917. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. FOR RKNT BUILDINGS WHOLESALE DIS TRICT. Re vera t places of. three storle and bail ment. Ideal location. HuluUntUIly built aiid braurd to hold any kind of inorohHii illsc. Good levators, See ua fur further Stalls. THE BYROX REED COMPANY, D. 097. SI 2 8. 17th t-USlRABI-K store room, modrrn front, metal ceiling-, steam heat. t54-8 Ho. 16th St.; ilie SixbO: can be subdivided; low rent. Conrad Young, 323 Brsndeii Theater Bllp. lU'intUs 171. .NrW modern itorca on Leavenworth, be tween :Mlh and 5Mh St. IHO to ir.O. JOHN W. ItOBHINa. 1X02 FAKXAM ST. SMALL mudtru store roum, atm kVitt. 1613 Capitol Ave. Conrad Yum.ff. 322 Brandeis Th rater, pouglaa 1T7 1. 4Tufi.2f II "sf .. near 1'. O., JS5. E. 11. Benner. t. MO. MODERN STORKS AND OFFICES IN FAU nam B trig. Flrit Trutit Co. 1. ilODEKN atoro room, oorner lfith And Chi cago. O. P.,atebhln, 1UP Chicago, RB8T AURA NT with flxturea. gas atovea. stools, at 17 South 16th St. Offices arid Desk Room. CHOICE office apace Batrd Bldg., Douglas. McCague Jtiv. Co. Miscellaneous. LODGE AND CLUB ROOMS. I have for rent en aeoond floor, cen trally located building, on' block from post office, assembly room aultnble for lodge or club purpoaea; composed of one largo room for dance or lodge hall: three smaller rooms and kitchen. For further Information call Conrad Young. S22 Bran dels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1671. MOVING AND STORAGE j.G REED Express Co., Movlr 1807 Farnam St. Web. 2HX. Dong. Mt. Separate locked rooms for hoiisehf groda and pianos; moving, packing a "oMAtlX VAN AND STORAOW CO.. 02 S. 16th St. Douglas 4 1 ttS GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Parking, atom go and .It N. 11th at. Phone Doug las 394. FIDELITY S FREE Phone Douglas 2SR for compli-i list of vacant hounes and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. K,th and JiLrksi METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO.. Expert service; prompt attention. Your moving, your partting, your mom.-. Main Office. Central Furniture Store. lUb nnd Howard. Tel. D. 77S6. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, pack inn ii Tulnr iiM nr I Inmrlns 4 15 atorlrp Mae-o-ard ' V'itn and two men oo - Van and Slorsge Co., Moving, Packing, storage ami Shipping. Phone Doug. H REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Flvo room., strictly modern, finished In oak; located at 3Z3 a. sen, 13,150. Terms. Will take "mall cottage In tract., NOHBI3 NOBRIS. inn n. Blila. Pliono Dougla. 27. WKI;T FARNAM DISTRICT l.r. modern residence. Lawn Cxl24. Ridiculously cheap If Interested, .e. P. D. WEAD. 510 S. 18th Bt. North. PRAIRIE PARK 7 rooms modern. 2 nice corner lol?, h.dee ft-ncfl. garagf. sleeping porch, pav nig all Paid. Trice reducJ to $6,000 for tjuk'k sale. HIATT COMPANY, ;:-7-9 omhaXat. Bk. y W. .Ty'w '? . EIOHT roonis, nearly new, corner lot. 7xl'4 on boulevard; ho water heat, fireplace. booli.aacs, butM. liorcli. double garage, south rront. beauti ful shade trees; most beautiful home in Kount.. Place. Will take 15,000 less than co.4 of lot and house, tall lot prlc and terms. Webster tfiO. STRICTLY modern bunalow. 6 rooms. 83n and Ames Ave. Webster W- Six rooms, partly modern, 11,600. Terms. 2814 N. 31st Bt. Web. 4(00. C,,.l, MODERN BUNGALOW HOT WATER HEAT PRICE ONLY $3,250 Five room" nd den, strictly modern, choice, lot. nice lot shads and ahrubery; liOO down and $27. B0 p.r month. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bid. Tyler 4fl, inuinni iid niywri 4.T.OW Btueeo oopstruetloo. I largo light rooms. Oak Hoora. oak and namol flnlah. Prloo $:) $00. Eaay terma. Another new build ing for 13.660. Call Doug 11 1731 di Walnut 15SQ oven nga. trhri ;ta or lease, one or bolh lots, each liilKis;, at N, W. cor, of J&th. and Daven port tits. Make beat offer to Mrs. U. L. Hawyer. Melrose Hqttl. he j,e!eiil jCEAir26ih Ave. and Wool worth Bevel. room bouse with lawn. ?o137 feet, and fruit. vry cheap, O. Waad. 3i0 a mth St. aiX roomi. modern" oiuept ' beat. i,$oo. Terms. Sea Owner, tilt N. list St, Web ster 49(1(1. Miscellaneous "COTTAGE BARGAIN'S Four roomsi well and cistern; largo lot; good cellar; eleelrlo llghte; three blockfi from car line; built four years ago. A i-usy little place, with soma shade treea. This at 1021 S. 4th Avo. Can be bought for $1,450, on payment plan. Six rooms, entirety modern ana almoat new; a block from Military Ave. (Benaon and Deaf Institute car lines); extra large lot, with fruit and ahnde trees and chicken house. All for $3,750. N. 44a Decatur Ht. Posseaalon at once. All up in splendid condition. nt n Almost new bungalow at 2121 Grand Ave. (paved), with large living room In oak and a real fireplace, for $2.7uO. This han every modern convenience and la clean and uosy. Only two bodiooms. Ready to HARRISON & MORTON, 16 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. WORLD REALTY CO IZm B KOB1NSON. Real Estate and Insur nce. 44S Be. Blag Douglas 0 tTS, TltUl!BUl.U 1505 1st Nat. HIi. Olds. REAL ESTATE B'neit Pr'pty 1.' X. WOl.F, Ri-almr, Ware Blk, Specialist In downtown business property, REAL ESTATE Investment "BEK L'3 FOR" investment and SFfcUULATIviu rnurciu. A. P. TUKKT SON. REALTORS. 20 First Nstlon.l Bank Bldg. APARTMENT. 175,000 Income 12 per cent; on. year old: very fna location; mortKsse I2o.u00 and will accept 12". 000 In trad.; bal anc. casl) or iisirottabl. paper. CALKINS CO., ll City N.t. Ban Bid.. REAL ESTATETRACKAGE TRACKAGE Fine site on B. & M. R. R. Stse 5xl65. Can be bought cheap. C. A. Orimmel. Phonfa Dou glaB 1115. REAL ESTATE To Exchange HAVE client with 240 acres good lanfl I in astern Montana. Clear, worth ft.OOO; threo mllsa from good railroad town. "Want S to 8-room modern Omaha resi dence, valued $4,000 to $6,000. Joseph Pick. 2219 Evans 8t;i'vXa.bJj.88i OOdbMAHAlNCOME PHOPERTT, and part cash, to aachango lor Douglai or Sarpy county farm land. BOX 3542, BEE. 1 HAVE- a $36,01)0 hardware, doing good buslnssa, and $10,000 In money. Want western law er eastern Nebraska farm. S. 8. and R. E. Montgomery, $01 Omaha National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. AFTER look liif at MINNA LUSA 104 dif ferent buyets decided that It waa the oeat proposition on the market and they backed their judgment by buying Iota. IF YOU will com out today you will understand whr tbe otjers are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO.. T43 Omaha Nat. Bank Bids. Tyler 1ST. WE HAVE several lota located at ?7th and Corny and 37th and Maplt. three block' frimi new tchool location. Two of these re on paved atresia. Wilt sell at a bar gain. Cmi kIvk terms. Travers Brothara, Sit First Nat'l Hank Bldg. DANDY LOT. 60:OJS, two at reel frontages); aaay terma. Call Douglaa lUti or eveDiugi Harney 4I6H BEAUTIFUL 60-foot lota. Price Its, only !3jiKh and 60 oenta per week Dour- fitl. REALETATE WANTED" WANTED Five -room bungalow, "ran pay $700 or $800 ensh. balance monthly, Give price and i location first letter. Box itur. lit,., I LISTING houses to rent or sell on email catb payments, nave part lea waiting, weatern Real natate. 418 Karlmeh Blk. D. StiiiT LIST your 6 slid 6-rooiu houses with lid want V. Williams Co.. $01 Omaba Nat Hunk Bldg. D. 40. LIST jour 6 and 6-room houses with ua. WD t-KLL THEM. ObUOHNhi REALTY Co.. Tyler 496. i.KNDT A TAVliOlt can assist you. 2,atrd bt. Webster 3030. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE BARGAIN $6,250 Ideal arrangement as follows: Large living room with fireplace, built-in book cases; opening Into sun room or den; large dining room v. I tit French doors opening onto porch; good nitod breakfast room and kitchen on the first floor. Combination atalr landing with three large bedrooms and sipc-ping1 poren on tno second uoor onk floors throughout and oak finish on the first floor and whits enamel on the ni'ond floor. C-araae ami driveway. Yo- te union 1st of June. Can be handled on terms. GLOVER & SPAIN (Realtors) Hia-SO City Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 39; DUNDEE. Just listed, a $-room. strictly modern, full 2-storv home In Dundee: .1 rooms on first flour, fiiilrihrd tl) onk flours and oak woodwork ; 3 rooms and bath on second floor; full cement liascnient; furnace heat targe lot; paved street; paving all paid paved alley; nowly decorated and palnlod throughout; owner has reduced price i $4,600. A genuine bargain. TAYXE INVESTMENT CO., 637 Onii'ha Nat. Bank. Doug. 17S1. HOME BARGAIN. ItEDlH'ED Kit OH $7,tl00 TO $G,E00. IF SOLD BEFORE JUNE 1. Brick and atucco homo, alx rooms and sleeping porch; thoroughly modern tliroua-hout. all floors of oak, onk trim downstairs; white enamel upstairs; built- in DUiret, lircpiaee, uooKcawea, luicnen cabinets, etti. ; lara lot. Owner must sacrifice. Prefer to doal with buyer di rect. Bn 480. Bee. 0147 DA V ENI'oKT IS(., modern l-ro-nu house. BoRined living room and dining room paneled in oak; den with built-in bookcases. Sleeping porch and four bed rooms (Including maid's room on third floor). Combination hot water and hot air heat. 100 foot frontage. Inquire of owner, Walnut 8490. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod em, attractive homta. Before buying be sure and see GEORGE & CO. 6-ACKE blk., Falracre and Browneli Hall district, bnap. C J. Canary South Side. . IIOilESEEKEftS, ATTENTION! On a small cash payment we will buy the lot you select, build a home after your own Diana ana nave you pay ior it on small monthly payments, without extra interest. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. INCORPORATED CAPITAL $25,000. 4935' S. 24th St. Phono Houth 1247, .!4 ACRES, just over the, lino In Sarpy county, away from the nign taxes, it ten, level land, first broken in lillti. Raised 4 crops of alfalfa, $(,000. Terms can bt arranged. SOUTH OMAHA, INVESTMENT CO.. INC. 3i nouin zm st. mono fouin rm. Miscellaneous. 10 ACRES with modern llltln atucco bungalow, on very sightly ground. Level, but hi eh. near Center St., paved road, overlooking Papplo valley, with Haymour Park to the southwest and Elm wood Park to the northeast. Fruit and shade trees and shrubbery planted two or three years asro, when the house was built. Price $7,000 and possession with planted garden and crops now. Terms, but no trades. Five acres, with good house and bear ing fruit and cropB, on Orphanage road, north from Bennon, and on the Red man road, west from Fort Omaha, This la high and sightly. Price $4,500 and Immediate possession. I HARRISON &. MORTON, 91B Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. FINANCIAL INSURANCE, Fire. Tornado, Autuii ol.'lc. Bldr. C. A, Urlmmel, 849 Omaha Nat I Bk. Real Estate, Loam, Mortgages. CITY AND FARM LOANS 6. H and 6 per cent. Also first mort gages on farms and Omaha real estate for sals. J. H. Dumont A Co,. 416-41$ Keellne Bldg.. it en ana Harney. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates o,o ana s pet. Heaaonahte commission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO.. 12 Houth 17th, Omshs, Nnb. FARM MORTGAGES. Well secured, bearing 6 pet. Interest. HARVEY J. HOOKER, 940 First Nat. Bk. Bid. Tet TvIf "ass F"PER CENT to 6 per cent on best class city residences in amount! 19,000 upt also farm loans. Reasonable commissi I nr. PETERS TRUST CO., 1822 Farnam St, MONEY to loan on improved farms and rancnes. we also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv. Co.. Omaha. $1,000 MTGE., bearing S pet aeml-annually B?.uicu vj prouervy vaiuea at Si.bUO. Tqlmage-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. H. W. BINDER. Money en hand for mortgags loans. ivinionai nana, tting. PRIVATE money to loan on Omaha resi dence property. E. H. Loogee, Inc., 638 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HO M E S, EAST NEB. FARMS. p'KKBFH R. E. CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. FARM and city loans, 6,5" and 6 per cent. jy. H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug. Hi NO IiKLAY IN CLOSING LOANS. UHAHAM. B04 Bee Bldg. SHOPEX ft CO.. PRIVATE MONET. SlOO to $10,000 made promptly. V. D. Weard, Wead Bldg., lit h and Farnam 8ts. C1TT GARVIN BROS., LOANS Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Money iiar (t i son & morton. 5co 9lfi Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg, LOW RATES CT G. CARLBERG. $12 Bran deis Theater Bldg. V. 685. Stocks and Bonds. TO MEET the Increased coat of living you must place your money where It will yield a greater Income A T per cent participating cumulative pre ferred stock with the highest grade of security means an ex ceptional Investment. This stock will not yield less than 7 per oent and participate In the profits of the company over that amount, making a. very attractive, secure Invest ment. For particulars regard ing thin Investment address Box SH3, Bee, LISTED and unlisted stocks, Investment securities, Industrial stocks. ROBERT C. DRUKSEDOW & CO., SbO Omaha National Hank Bldg. AMBASSADOR ASKS DS TO TRUST SLAVS Prof. Borris Bakhmetieff De clares New Regime Soon Will Launch Offensive Against Teutons. Tokio, May 30. "I am immensely satisfied with conditions in Russia, .ncluding Siberia," said Trof. Uorris Bak-lmietieft, the new Russian ambas sador to the United Stales, on ar riving here today. ''I think the new regime soon will be able to launch an offensive against the enemy." T'rof. liakhmeticlT is at the head oC a special commission of forty on it way to the United States. lie repudiated 'the idea that hU country would make a separate peace r.nd expressed appreciation of aid given the new republic by the United States. Difficulties have occurred, but they iad been exaggerated, and it was un ,'casonablc to assume that the ancient lutocracy could be overthrown with out encountering resultant obslacles, hvi.rywhcrc the work ot reconstruc tion was going forward rapidly, lie aid. "Russia's war aims are similar to America's," lie continued. "As sister democracies they are fighting hand. in-hand. I am going to America with complete diplomatic powers. 1 shall take up Questions ot munitions, sup. plies and finance." Among the members of the com. mission are General Knnn. who will be attached to the American army; M. LomonpolT, a railroad expert: M. Nontzky, representing the finance ministry; M. llorodkin, representing the ministry of agriculture, and M. Uranovsky, an artillery expert. Seattle, Wash., -May 29. Thomas Xclson Perkins, chairman of the ex. tculive committee of a Boston finan- cia! house, arrived in Seattle today from 1'etrograd, where he witnessed the revolution and establishment of the new government. He beiieyes Russia is determined uprn opposing German militarism to "So long as Germany clings to military rule," he said, "Russia's whole-hearted support of the war can not be doubted." To Ask Colonial Dames to Recall Red Cross Tickets A slight tempest is brewing in Red Cross circles in regard to the em. blem tised on tickets issued for the American ambulance film which is to be shown here June 9 at the Boyd theater under the auspices of the Colonial Dame for the benefit of the American ambulance field service. "We will have to ask that the tickets bearing the Red Cross emblem be recalled, since the affair is not un der the auspices of the Red Cross and no permission granted for the em blem's use," W. G. Ure, secretary of the local chapter, said. FINANCIAL Abstracts of Title. '.(err Till,, Ouarante. and Abstract Co, Slid R. 17th Rt.. crounit floor. Tlondcfl by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REKD AUSTKACT CO., oldest abstract of flco In NbniHka. 2 Brandeis Thftatr. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON Represent prompt pay Insurance com panies. 610 Brandeis Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Iowa Lands. A BARGAIN. Improved Harriaon cmuty. towa, ISO-acre farm, for sale on eary terms. Price $140 per acre. ARCHER REALTY COMPANY. &N0 Brandeis Bldg. Michigan Lands. LAND OPPORTUNITY. Inquire about my easy way to get a farm horns In Michigan's fruit and clover belt; pay only 125 to 200 down; 17 to $10 monthly for forty acres Lower terms for smaller tracts; $1B to 126 an acre. Ask about life insurance feature. All kinds of farming pay well here. For Instance, Mich igan leads In production of beans and Is socond In production of potatoes. Good st hoola. churrhra und towns. Booklet with full tnformution free. Owner, George W. Swlgart, i-245, First National Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111 Minnesota Lands. IMPROVED lUO-acro farm, 18 miles from Minneapolis 40 seres oultlvtd. balance meadow and timber; 13. OHO worth ot buildings. Will s;ll for 16.000; easy terma Hchwab Bros.. l2t Plymouth Bldg.. Mln- neatiolis, Minn. Missouri Lands. GRKAT liarr'iain, 6 down, 6 monthly buys 40 acren good fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri, rnce oniy sauo. Address Box DOS, Excelsior Springs, Mo. Montana Land's. FOR SALhr Big bargain in Montana lands. investors, snttciiiaiors and lana agents. please take notice: Tho following land la offered subjert to prior sale: Section 7, township 6 N.. range 17 E. ; Sweet ' Grass county, near Shawmut. Only $S,S0 per acre. .Sections 3 and 17, township 10 N. ; section 17, township 11 N all range 35, East Rosebud county, near In aromar. Only ID ner acre. Terms, one- fourth cash, balance In four equal yearly payments, witn intsreai at s per cent, tt C. Johnson, care Fred'k H. Bartlett & Cn 69 W. Washington St., Chicago, III, owners. Nebraska Lands. 4I ACRES north of Valentin for sale or trade. 320 acres north of Tllden, Neb., for sale or trade. Improved, fenced, rye and corn growing. 10 acres In Holt county for sals, vory highly Improved. This is an excellent farm. P. H. BELL, Silver Creek, Neb. SMALL Nebruaka farms on easy payment! -6 acres up wa farm the farm wo Mil you. Th Hungerford Potato Growers' Association, i&ih and Howard fits,. Oma ha. Douglas 0371. AGENTS wanted to sell our eastern Per kins county land; 6,000 acres; will divide to suit and sell on easy terms, Miner Bradley, Thummel Bldg., Grand Island, Neb. WET lands mads dry enough for crops or no pay is our way oi Graining iana. no tract too largo or too wU Out ran t Drainage Co., Oakland, Web. FOR SALE Best large body high grade, medium priced land in Nebraska; very little money required. C Bradley, Wol- Dacn, i cd, ItY 940 acres range, water,' hay, plow land". Box 1381. Alliance, Neb. Texas ands. GOOD corn land, Ealt Texas, ii an acre, Get my free book. W 8 FRANK. 201 Neville Block, Omaha. Miscellaneous. 40-Acre Farm, $1,750 Four Miles to City of 40,000 people, a notad manufacturing center, Thirty acres dark loam; 10 acres wira fenced pasture, soma wood, variety fruit; l-room house, mapla Shads, tele plione If denlred; 40-fL barn, hog, wagon and poultry houses. To settle estate going for $1,700, part down. For details sue page 22. "Our Spring Catalogue," copy mailed free. E. A. Htrout Farm Agency, Iicpt. 3o72, 2ftS , lltih St,. Omaha. Neb. WE HAVE several highly Improved fa nun In the richest farming district of the United Stales at very attractive prices and reasonable terms. Write us for map and further in format ton. MID WKNT LAND CO., 1057 Oinuha Nat' I, Bk. Bldg. D. 1109. CLEVELAND DROPS TWO TO TIGERS Superior Fielding and Pitching by Jennings' Men Prove Pis astrous Combination for Home Team. Cleveland, May 30. Detroit took both games from Cleveland today, 4 to t and 5 to 1. Superior pitching liy Boland and Elimke and the bril hand fielding by Veach and Young were largely responsible for the vie tories which forced Cleveland back in to fourth place. Heilman made four hits in as many times at bat in the second game. Score, first game: Morning isms: DETROIT CLBVKl.AVD All H.O.A.K AW.H.O.A.K Rtinh.M, 1! 3 Young, tb Cobb.rf. IChap'n.BS S 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 s 0 aoio ONn'ksr.rr 4 14 0 OWain's.ab 4 3 10 4 11.01 4 0 0 0 OHarrta.rf 3 t T 1 OEvans.Ub i 0 0 4 OTuni'r.ab O'NMIU 31 $ :? 13 nahy,P Veach, If. Helln.rf Burns, lb Vttt.3b. Spencer, o Bo land, p. Totals Millings, 1 I I 0 0 0 0 Allison Wood Totals 3$ 111 1 1 Detroit 1 0 0 0 0 I 1 1 04 Cleveland ... 1 0 0 0 0 fl 0 01 Hatted fr Evans In seventh. Hatted for Turner In ninth, Batted for Bagbv In ninth. Twobaae hits: Bush, Young. Heilman. Stolen bases: Cobb, Speaker, WamabgaDa. Double play: Kvana. Wambsgsnss and auinto. Bases on balls: Off llolnnd, S. Htruck out: By Boland, 3. Umpires: Kal lln and Connolly. Afternoon game: DETROIT CLEVELAND AR H.O.A.K. All.H.OA.B. 4 111 OOraney.lf 4 0 10 Toung.Sb Cobb,cf Veach.lf. Helln.rf Burns, lb Vltt.Sb Sponrer.o Hhmke.p evhnp Ollarrls.rf 0 Wab'a,3b OlltllKto.lh 0Kvtns,:ih QltllllnaH.u 4 14 3 3X10 i o i a o 2 13 10 0 IT 0 0 2 1 t I 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ST II i 3 0- OOnultl.p Morton. D Totals 31 11 37 t 0Allkson Miller Totals Oslroit . , Cleveland 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0- Batttd for Gould In seventh. Hatted for ilulKtn In ninth. Two-baie hltn: Chapman, Billings. Stolen base: Veach. Double play: Outnto (unassist ed). Bases on balls: Off Khmke. I; off fiouid, 3. huh and earni-d runs: off tlould ft In sovon innings. Struck out: By Khmkt. 4; hy Gould, 1. Umpires: Nallln und Con nolly. Tanks Nab Bolli. Philadelphia, May 30, New York shut out Philadelphia twice today, In the morn In to 0, and this afternoon, in a fifteen Inning pitching duol, i to 0. With two men out In the fifteenth Inning, tho bases were filled on bases on balls to Peck in paugh and Caldwell. The latter had batted for Love and Walters got a slnste. A base on balls to MoUea forced tn Pecklnpaugh and Miller's single scored Walters. In tho eighth Inning of the afternoon game, Baker waa so badly hurt that ho was forced to leave the game. Thinking that Johnson In tended to bunt, Baker ran In, but the bats- man swung hard and knocked a fast grounder, which took a bad bound and struck Baker in the face. Boors, first game; HBW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A.R AH H O A R 4 10 0 4 0 0 0 0 Mlller.lf 0Myer 1 0 0 0 0 0Palk'b'g.p 0 0 0 10 OHalay.o 3 0 S 0 4) Cald' 1 0 1 2 S 1 14 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 4 0 1 Mattel. 2b 4 I 0 Drover, J b 3 14 10 Baker,3b 4 1 MyerstP 10 0 11 0'Lawrey 0 0 0 0 0 H'drlcrf I P'p' 4 0 Joh'on.rf I 0 0Rodle.1t I 1 OHelbold.p I 0 Alsx'der,Q I Walters, a 1 CutloptP 4 4 1 -Mcl' 4 1 1 0 4 1 Totals. .33 I 27 14 IHchnng.o Witt, as Totals. .11 6 27 13 J Ran for Haley In ninth. Batted for Johnson In ninth. New York I 0 3 0 0 0 t 0 I Philadelphia ..0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 00 Two-base httst Mages, Witt. Three- base bit: Flpp, R to I en bases: Wales I, Plpp. Bases on balls; Off C'ullop, lj off Falkenburg, I; off Salbold, 4. Hits: Off Falkenburg, I In on inning; off My era, 4 In two Innings. 8 track out: By Cullop, 6; by Falkenbtrg, 1; by Myers, I; by I bold, umpires: inidebrand and O Loughlln. Score, afternoon gams: NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. AB H.O.A.K. AH U.O.A.E. I 4 0 0 Witt, as 6 0 J C n Mil l.r, If 1 I I 0 ( 0 8 0 0 MaiMl,2b S 0 4 2 OBodle.lf.rf 114 10 6 1 14 1 OBateMh 6 13 8 0 Baker 8b 8 111 OMcl' 5 1 26 0 0 Aragon.Sb I 0 3 S 0 Meyers, o I I I 0 1 H'drlx.rf 10 0 1 OSchang.c 10 110 P'p' s 0 s a Ojohn'on.rf 3 112 0 Walters, o 6 114 OHaley.c 0 0 10 0 Love.p 1112 0Orovar,3h 6 0 0 10 phorketvp 0 0 0 1 ORehsuer.p 6 0 0 4 0 Caldwell 8 0 0 0 O'Lswry 0 0 0 0 0 - r. "Davis loooo Totals.,60 10 46 11 0 Totals. .41 I 46 36 1 Ratted for Lova In fifteen, Han for Meyer in eighth, Batted for Johnson in thlrlefnth. Now York 000 000 000 000 008 9 Phtlsdftphla 000 000 000 000 0000 Two-hass hit: Miller. Double plays: Bod is to Myer, Malsel (unanslstedt. Malsel to Pscktnpaugh to Plpp. Hits: Off Love, 0 In fourteen Innings. Baas on ballet Oft Love, 4 1 off Boheuor, 6. S trunk out; By Love, 0; hy Schauer, 2; by Shocker, 1, Um pires; O'Loughltn and Hlldebrand. Sena tore Prop tha Fourth. Washington. May 10. Boston made It four straight from Washington today by winning both gamea of lha double-header. It waa the ninth consecutive defeat for the locals and the fifteenth contest they have lost by one run. .score Morning game: BOSTON. WASHINGTON. AB.HO.AB. AB.H.O.A.H Hoooerrf 4 0 0 0 4 11110 Ja'vrln.ib I H'ltasMli I Lewis, If I flhort.n.flf 4 0 Qaro'r.Jb Hcott,ss 4 Agnsw,e 4 ghors.p 1 Bador.p 1 a a uroier,D s v v 12 0 4 2 10 0 4 A ORIca.rf 4 12 10 I 0 OMmlth.lf 4 110 0 0 0 OMorg'n.Zb 4 112 0 1 I 0M'Hrid,ia 1114 1 0 4 OHenry.c 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 OAlns'lth.o 12 10 0 0 2 OGallla.P 2 10 4 1 0 0 1 Jamieson 1 0 0 n o Ayren,p 0 0 0 1 0 Totals. 31 1 17 13 lMenoaky 1 0 0 0 0 Tolals..9t 10 :7 17 i Batlert for O.llla In, seventh. Batted tor Ayre. In ninth. Boston , II 1 0 1 0 1 1 1i Washington 00000111 i Two.bas. hit: Shorten. Duublo plays: Morgan to McHrlde to Judge (HI, frott to Janvrln to lloblltsel. Hases on balls: Otf Oallla, I; off 8hor, 1: off Ayrea, !; oft Bader, 1. Hits: Off Gallia, 5 In seven In nings: off Short, 9 In seven anil one-third Innings. Itrurk emt: By Oallla, 8: by Bhore. II by Bador, !. Umpires: Evans and Mnrlarty. BcoreAfternoon game: BOSTON. WASHINflTON. AB.II.O.A.C. AU.H.O.A.B Hooper.rf 3 o 0 OJudge.lh 4 0 10 1c .Ia'vrln,!b I I I 1 DKo,ter,3h 6 0 3 2 1 H'lueUb 4 1)4 0 OMIIan.rt 4 1110 Lrwls.lf 4 13 0 ORIro.rf 3 110 0 Shorten. ef t I 0 0hanks 0 0 0 0 0 Gard' 4 111 0MenoeHy 0 0 0 0 0 flintt.K. 3 0 15 OJam'son.lf 3 0 3 0 0 Thomaa.o 3 0 10 O'Gharrltr 1 0 0 0 0 Agnew.o 3 0 4 3 0Mors 13 13 0 Bader.n 3 10 1 OH' 3 13 3 0 Fenn'ok.p 1 0 0 0 OAlns'lth.o 4 0 110 Bhaw.p 3 0 0 1 0 Total.. .31 33T13 0'Smlth 1 0 0 0 0 John'on.p 10 13 0 i Totals. .33 0 2711 1 Hstt.d for Phaw In slilh. 'Batted for Biro In ninth. Ran for Hlianlts In ninth. Batted for Jarnleson in ninth. Boston ...3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-8 Washington 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 03 Twn-bas. httst MUsn, tiardner. Stolen bases: Alnsmltb. Ttlce, Bssrs on balls: Off Shaw, 2; off Bader, 3: off Johnson, 1: off Pennoek. X. Hits: Off Khsw, 4 In els In. nlngs: off Bad.r, 3 In seven Innings- Btrurk out: By Hliaw, 3; by Bad.r, 3: hy Ponnork. 3: by Johnson, 2. Umpires: Morlsrty and Uv-ans. Souther. Association. Nashville, !, II; New Orleans, i, 3. Mumphls. 4. IS; Atlanta, T, 3. Cliattiinuosa, 1", 2i Birmingham, I, 1. HARVARD ATHLETES LEAVE - FOR FRANCE JUNE 2. HWWI..I.HW I I. , CAPT. DADMUJST. The makeup of the latest Harvard unit of the American ambulance ser vice which will sail June 2 for for France has been announced. The sixteen men will include Harry 11. Uadimin, captain ot last years toot hall team: E. L. Casey, halfback; J. Mutclnnson, a mile runner, and Paul Squibb, manager of the track team. LOUIS CHEVROLET TAKES AUTO RACE Covert 250-Mile Course at Sharonville in Two Houri Twenty-Seven Minutes Gaston Chevrolet Third. Cincinnati, O,, May 30. Louis Chevrolet, traveling at an average rate of more than 102 miles an hour, captured the 250-mile international sweepstakes automobile race at the Sharonville speedawy today, his time being two hours, twenty-six minutes, forty-seven seconds, lie was only a few seconds in front of his brother, Gaston Chevrolet. Ira Vail was less than a sixteenth of a mile behind the second man. X he rtmamder of the hdd was well strung out. For just a moment while the racers were on their 2J6th mile, it appeared as thouRh Gaston Chevrolet would carry off the prize, but tire trouble at the last moment forced him into the pit and he had to capitulate to his brother, who had the distinction oi going through the entire race with out single stop St the pits. Ralph DcPalma looked like t strong contender for more than half the journey. Engine trouble forced him out of it after 150 miles. tarl Cooper likewise ran into hard luck with tire trouble, but managed to continue'and finish seventh. Tom Milton, who had been hanging within a mile or two of the leaders during the entire race, came strong toward the end and captured fourth position. Otto Henning was fifth and Eddie Hearne sixth. The race was remarkably free from serious accidents, ope caf catching fire on the back stretch, but doing little damake outside of destroying the car. Another machine went into fence on the lar turn ot the track, but did no damage. knginc trouble accounted tor sev eral dropping out entirely in the race. Rarev Otrlfielrl finished eighth in the race, Ralph Mulford, ninth: A. H. Patterson, tenth, and Joe I nomas, eleventh. Twentv-eight of the leading auto mobile race drivers of America were on the program, to start in the 250 milc race. The sum of $29,000 was hung up in purses for the event, the winnera share heing S12.500: second, $6,000; third, $3,000, and fourth, $1,7. List ot starters: PBIVBH. Karl Cooper Oeorga Busane Maurice Brltt Billy Taylor Louis Fontaine ... Walter Haines ... CI. M. ttwan Omar Toft ....... Ralph De Palm. . Andy Hurt" Pete Henderson . Joe Thomas ....... Kddle Hearne , , . , . Louis Chevrolet ... Duvo Lewis ....... Ira Vail A. H. Patlrrson .. Jules Pe Vlgnu ... .lark Lecaln Barney Cldfleld . . Charles Kltzpatrkk Rftlph Mulford .... Gaston Chevrolet ., Met Htringer Wllmer Monshen .. Otto Henning .... Tom Milton 8. Ostwif CAR ituts Itrott Bpeolal Crawford ...Newman Special Meroedes ..Meroer ,,,, CV.wfnsd Omar Packard Iflrbea Hpectal Mercer Mercer ........ Ditesenberg Krontenac ...Hosklns Special .Hudson Hudson Oc Lags !e Lag" ...Uldneld flpuclal Krontenac Hudson s'rontenac ...M. K. I.. Hpeuial . . . .Johnson Upsets! Ogren Dueeenberg Ostwlg Bpsclal Two Injured When Autos Crash on Fort Crook Road George Hughes of Council Bluffs, la., and Herman Hart, 5016 Chicago trt inii,ret in an alltnmnhite accident about 2 o'clock this morn ing near the Sarpy county line on tne Fort Crook road when an automobile trln k r..n,D HltOhoS rollided with a car driven by Charles Patrick, 4142 South iwenty-mtn street, sir, Hughes sustained a fracture of the .I...H -..1 u .rn- II.,, was tnlor.d in the right shoulder. Officers Shtt- han, Sullivan, piemmg ana riaugnmaii took the victims to the hospital in !. n.t.n! MMd ,1,,, unr, attended un. iiaiiwk am, - v by Dr. R. R. Losey. The occupants ot tlte Jiugnes ear were: nenry Howes, 3024 Chicago street; Herman 24 Angelus apartments, and Clarance Darling, 2UH soutn iinriy-sixtn street. Those in the car driven by Charles Patrick were: Bert Roberts, May and Madge Miner, i weniy-sixin and Harney streets. SAY PRESIDEST CAN END LIQUOR TRAFFIC Prohibitionists Claim Material Clause in Explosive Ship ment Bill Gives President Broad Powers. Washington, May 30, Prohibition ists called attention last night to a prevision in the administration explo sives' shipments' bill, completed in committee of the whole by the house during the day and put in a position for passage, which they claim will place in President Wilson's hands the power to enforce nation-wide prohibi tion. The measure, designed to give the government broader power over pos sible material for munitions, empow ers the president to regulate the dis tribution and use of smokeless powder and other explosives, "and the ingredients thereof." The house prohibitionists declare that since alco hol is used in making smokeless powder, the president would be given broad power over the liquor traffic under the bill. It has not yet passed the senate. Ban On Beer. H the administration exercises the prohibition powers proposed in the food control bill, pending in congress. "PHOTO PIAY. OFFERJ The spell J r :- tl modern cgypt fU J its spell about a great a ; hx tory, nd an interna- , II V tionally faraoui' US In Her First "The Undying Flame" A modern society story with a rein carnation theme and an army and polo field setting. "THE WAR" Official government pictures will be shown today only. Victor Moore In His Latest Comedy "MOVING" .Hliim IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHIIIIIIIHIHIIIIMIIIIIII IIIIIIII1IIIIIIH Today Friday Saturday Alice Brady IN Maternity" A stoiy of Marriage 1 and Motherhood, pictured 1 from a different angle. 5 One that will Appeal to Every Girl, Wife and 1 Mother. v 10c Always lllinilUllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllMlllMllinilllMlllllllllinilllllllllllMMIIIIMIIIllllllllll," 13imUHiHHIIlH..''f MARY PICKFORD -In "POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL" Mitinst Prices Sims as Night AMUSEMENTS, bo YD?:;;;.rs VERY GOOD EDDIE Brlghte.t sn4 Smartest .1 All Musical Comedy Hits. tram l New York tni S Months In Chicago. Price. Sue lo S2.00. Bee Want Ads Bring Best Results . : it was authoritatively stated today, the ban will fall upon beer, into the pro duction of which goes about 52,000,- 000 bushels of barky every year. The American people do not eat barley, but their allies in France wilt eat every bit they can get and for each busscl of barley exported for food, that much wheat can be kept for home consumption. Report Submitted. A complete report upon the relation of the liquor trade to the food sup ply has just been compiled for Presi dent Wilson after careful investiga tion by an expert. It will be used in connection wilh the new food admin istration's work and in dealing with all prohibition problems arising dur ing the war. , The report is said to hold that the manufacture of whiskey does not sub stantially alfect the food supply, be cause com is the chief ingredient and the 32,1100,000 bushels of corn con verted annually into whiskey is not an appreciable part of the country's yearly 3,000,000,000 bushel corn crop. Anv interference with whiskey manufacture by the administration, therefore it is asserted will be to in- 1 sure an adequate supply of alcohol for commercial and war purposes, not as a food conservation measure. Additional Sport Newa Will Be Found on Page Seven ' NO J FOR. TODAY' of ancient and a 1 ..., MADAM -4W v . t I war PETROVA Paramount Production V Alway 10c -;vMC:Mr:sftir HENSHAW CAFE Aftontooa ag Evontof DAN3ANTS "witli a Real ' JAZZ BAND Tho on. cool .pot in Omaha for tho tirod inoppi FINEST FOUNTAIN SBUVICB . NEW SHOW TODAY :' : "WINTER GARDEN REVUE" fssturlng th Fsmeus Winter Garden ur,a WILSON AND WILSON 'The Headman ana HI. BansT "MELVA StSTEKS ''Pr.iptyJ.yjppVintets' OSBAwA'VV'o l-O'-iCA f06s"T" "Ths. A .( 8U Inniiigsnia" . (UWi'N AuDEN. In "THE IRON HEART" Fe-i,re Photoplay ' ADMISSION SO usl tO. fl mmmm um I I sfiilpiT I 1 DINE A LA CARTE