THE BEEt OMAHA, . MAY 1917. Want Ad Rates US THB TELEPHONE tf you cannot bn venlently bring or send In your ads. 'Auk for a Want Ad Taker and you will re ceive th aamo food service aa whn de livering your ad at this office, PHONK TY1.KR 1000. WANT Ah COLUMNS CLOSE EVENING EDITIONS 12:M M. MORNING EDITIONS 10:00 P. M. 0 AD TAKEN FOB LKHfl THAN We, ONE TIME, OB LESS Til AN 10e A DAT. f CASH WITH ORDER. C S"t 8olld No Display.) w PER WORD. EACH INSERTION. If Paragraphed or Displayed In Larger Type; to par tin time T par Una, 1 or mora consecutive insertion. SITUATIONS WANTED. Weekly rata 20o per line CARD OF THANKS. HEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. IH per Una each Inaertion (Minimum charge, (0 cents.) , MONTH LT RATE FOR STAN PI NO ADS (No chince of copy allowed.) On II n , 1. two usee or more., ..,.,. ...91. 10 ALL FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS. lo per word.. one time IHo per word, two or more conaecntlvo insertions. SPECIAL COMBINATION RATE. O IabjJ, l'ooltry and Other Advertising. THE OMAHA BEE fover 50,000 dally.) 10TH CENTURT FARMER (over 110,000 weekly.) A combined circulation which will reach both the city and rural resident. Special Reg. ' Ratea. Rate. I Inaertloni In Omaha Bee and 1 Insertion In loth Century ) Farmer, per word In Tc T Insertion! In Omaha Bee and 1 Insertion In 30 1 h Century Farmer, per word 10 Ho 13c ftvLtrart rate en application.) MOVIE PROGRAM Downtown. rm.NCESS, 1317 DOUULAS BEV WTI.RON inn NEVA OERBER In No. I of "THB VOICE ON THE WIRE" I.-KO COMEDT North. ALHAMBEA. S4TJI AND PARKER CHAPTER NO. 7 OF THE "KrSTERTlF THE DOUBLE CROSS" HEAHaT-PATHE NEWS ALAMO, 34TH AND FORT WW. VERNON CASTI.B In ELEVENTH CHAPTER OF "PATRIA" "THE SCRATCH Of A PEN DIAMOND, 14TB AND LAKE HERBERT RAWMNSON nd NEVA OERBIiR In "LIKE WILDFIRE" 5, 1TH AND BiNNET WILFRED LUCAS in "A LOVE SUBLIME" HROP, :4TH AND LOTHROP ' FRANCIS X. M'SHMAN .no BEVERLY HAYNE In No 11 of "THE GREAT'SECRET" PARK. ltTK AND CALIFORNIA NEAI. HART In "THB DESERT OHOST" . BEN WILSON AND NEVA OERBER III "THE VOICE ON THE WIRE" " South. ilTH AND LEAVEN WORTH APOLLO, i EDNA GOODRICH in j "the makino of maddalena" a paramount pictii re Boulevard, dd and leavenworth GLADYS BROCKWELL In ' "ONE TOUCH OF SIN" West. b UN DEE, BIST AND UNDERWOOD NO SHOW TODAY THURSDAY WILL BR W1LKRKD LUCAS In "A J..-VK SUBLIME" South Side. Waic, S4TH AND N ."AMERICAN METHODS" THIS IS A WILLIAM FOX PRODUCTION PHKUU, 24TH AND M MRS. VERNON CASTLE in FIFTEENTH CHAPTER OF , . "PATRIA" DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES jtOCHEFORD William, aged 42, May 20. Funeral from family residence, 1010 i South Thirty -second street, Thursday at t:lt a. m, to SL Patrlrk'a church at I a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre cem etery. Resides his wife, he Is survived by his mother, Airs. Cella Rochetord. He Is also , survived by one sister, Mrs, W. Stryker, and four brother, Arthur. Fred, Elmer and Ector, alt ot Omaha. BWANHON'-vJoseph G., aged 22 yean, at Aurora, Neb., beloved son of Mr. nnd Mrs, August Swansnn. S207 Charles St. Funeral Thumday afternoon at oMork from the Swedish Free MlMton church, . 001 8, SU interment at Forest Laws cemetery. StaVRIE Marti A., at th home of her -daughter, Mrs. Emma English, 2S2S Ames Ave.. Monday, May lllh, 117. Age 71 years. . - , Funeral from resalenca Thusday, May 11, 1117, at 8 p. m. Interment at Forest Lawn remMery. , - FUNERAL DIRECTORS. SE! il DODDER CU, Funeral "Directors. P. R, Fero, Mgr., 2 Id and fuming Bis. Phone Douglss 077. Auto ambulance. rrtiLHB at HIE PEN. undertakers "and em- balmers, 701 M. Ulh. Douglas 1520. DUFFY A JOHNSTON, rinbalmers and f neral directors. 717 S. ICth Ht. Tyler 1670. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and embalmer. 234 Iiavenworth. loug. 1660. ) FLORISTS. IbkiNU a member of the National Florists' Telegraph Delivery association, we are in position to delivery flowers on short notice anywhere lu tho V, & or -Canada. Heas A Swobnda, Florists, Y.AHOE8T aasnrtment of fresh flowers. L. HENDERSON. 1519 FARNAM FKSli! "LEE L. LARMON 1114 Douglas St. Douglas PaRKER Flower shop. 411 a. lth. d. aio: THE FERNERY, 001 8. IGth St. Doug. mi. HATH, National Florist, 1X04 Farnam Ht. : A. DONAQHUE, lilt Harney. 1001, BIRTHS AND DEATHS. s m Blrlhi Robert C. and JosoDhino LtVcke, S201 Marey, girl; Fred H. and Bente Miller. 0407 Snuiah Thirteenth, girl: August H. and He sen Caiatena, 43J0 Nina, girl; Joseph ana Rosa Btelner, 33Z! Sou t n Twenty-nrai, noy, :hrla L. and Ulna Larson, 1710 Blondo, girl. Deaths Clara Beaty, IT years. ISO New wort avenue: Salvatora Greco. 7 months, 1S1C Pine; Matt Miller, 70 years, hospital; James XocoureK, a years, en nicaory. LOST-FOtJND-EWARDS OttAHA A COUNCL ULUKFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Persona having lost soma article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the treat car. Many art lei ea each day are turned . and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. if YOU lose anything and will advertise It here you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. If yon find anything of value, tha noneat way la ta advertise for the owner. LOST- Crank to Mercer car on Harney or Farnam, between llth and seta. Reward If returned to McShaae Motor Co., at X6SI ramam. LOST Wire haired fox terrlor puppy, one black mark on head; food reward. Tel. Harney oa. SWAPPERS' COLUMN COIN collector would like to exchange anma of his coins for others, or will buy for cash. Describe your eolaa fully. Ad' dress Bog S100. Bee. &AVE Elk stick pin set with small pearls. . solid gold mountings; valued at What have youT Box 3306. Bee. FILMS developed free; one-day service. . Ktee Kodak Studio. Neville Blk., Ifita sjavd Barney. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. ATTENTION. , FURNITURE BUYERS. Do not buy any furnltur., run or itovn until you h.v. i..n u. flrat. W. oYf.r you 836.000 STOCK OF HIOH-ORADK FUR NITURE. RUGS, STOVES and COM PLETE HOME OUTFITS (or pr.ctlc.lly your own prlc. W. ar. forced to varat. our four-atory warehouae, and Ita entire cont.nta muat J). sold at once. Sala takaa plaee at our ealea room at tha corner of 14th and Dodc. streets. Do not fall to attend. It la an opportunity or a lifetime. Hundred, have already taken advan tea. of thla wonderful opportunity. Why uon t your STATE FURNITURE CO., P. U17. Cor, 171b, and Dodge St., Omaha. AUCTION! AUCTION! Furniture, I rooms, to be sold to tha highest bidder. Twenty dressers 10 beds, 7 Vernls Martin beds, lota of chairs and rockers, wardrobes, S ice boxes, several gas stoves, oil heaters, sanitary couches ana peas, a our lot or linen quilts, blankets, etc. Pillows and feather beds, kitchen utensils, linoleum and several other articles. Sale starts at 10 a. m. sharp Friday, June 1, at 205 North Seven teenth St "One-half block from pontofflce. You cannot afford to miss this sale. FOR SALE Leaving city; will sell cheap, library furniture, fumed oak, genlune up bolstering, -pieces dining room furniture In Early English finish, chiffrobe, chlffoner, brass bed, refrigerator, sllverwear, vacuum cleaner, small and room sited rugs, stair carpet, linoleum, electric lamp, ornaments, books, clock and 12 Wellington type writer. Tyler 1461. 004 South 17th Ave. Apt. 36. BARGAINS IN Fill .'ITURE. I gas Stoves, IB each; 24 beds, $1 each; I Iceboxes, rugs of all kinds, tables, chairs, china kitchen cabinets, buff eta, dressers, trunks, suitcases, leather Daven poite. All kinds of bedding. Full line ot poultry netting. 1830-47 N. 24th St. Tel. Webster 1607 Open till I p. m, b'ult SALE Furniture from 36 rooms, dress era, beds, tables, fine cotton felt mat tresses, pillows, good rugs, first-class spring. Address Box 4260, Omaha Bee. ICE CREAM tables,, off. fur., chairs, re frig.. ico coolers, garden hose, porrh furniture, Vlctrolasand pianos. Loyal Furn. Co., 323 N. 18th. City; Kurn. Co., 107 So. Hth. 100-lb. K'K iffiX. good condition, $6; also many omer pieces of furniture, Must sell this week on account of leaving city, loot William St. . FOR SALE Washing machine and wringer ana ironing board, excellent condition. Call i:oira hm in morning. rtUSH right down and get our share of all Kinds furniture at sacrifice. Ool N. 16th Pianos and Musical Instrument. FOR Ba'LB A dsndy Smtth organ; good ions; gooa wr cnurcn or noma; $Z2.0; bargain, tit N. lth St. Red 0121. WILL store planu for use of It, no chll- aren, wen. mi. Lumber and Building Materials, SAVk' HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. uross Sumner and Wreck. Co, Web. ISM. SECOND-HAND lumber and brick for sale. IIP B lllh Ave. Harney 4047. Cameras and Kodaks. ! LJIHL - .1 I, Pl7Yfl CAMKRAH, every click a pic 1V4JW ture. Green's Phirmaey. ISth and Howard, Clothing and Fura. WB hyjr and sell tailor-made spring and summer suns, liu uougias. uoi4g. t999. LADY'S spring coat, newest style also 3 ur .. iitoupjiti ion. Billiards and Pocket Tablea. FOR BALK BILLIARD TABLES, brand new carom ana pocKet,witn complete outfit, 1 60: second-hand tablea at re duced prices; bowling alleys and supplies; asy payments. Cigar store fixtures a areetalty. Son a for catalogue, TH10 BRUNSWICK-BALK B-COLLBNDER CO., 4(7f Houth 1 nth St. Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Barn hardt Pig. Co.. 624 S, 13th I Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES-- We rent, repair, sell needles and part . of all sewing machines. MICHEL'S NEBRASKA CTCLB CO., fiih nnd Hsrnwy Pts. Doug, Ifldl FOR SALE Singer sewing mat-hine, l&.iO; good running condltlnii. t!2 N. 10th St. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR SALE Rebuilt Remington, Monarch and Bmtth-Premler typewriters. Prices $11 and up. Fully guaranteed. Buy from manufacturer and be protected. Pay. menta. Remington Typewriter Co, Inc., 10th and Dougles. Douglas 124. ' TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired! , Rent an Oliver typewriter I months for Ifi. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1005 Fa mam. REMINGTON, Monarch and Smith-Pre miers for rent; sent anywhere.' Remington Typewriting Company. D. 1284. Guaranteed Typewriters. $10 and up. Write mr nsi. mifiiann Tvp. i'Q., not Don ge. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Fea t hers eteam renovated and made up In fresh ticks cost half tha price of new pillows. Call ua for samples of ticking and price. 1007 Cum ing. Douglas IU7. WW HAVE moved to new location. Wa buy. arii ana matte aesas, sates, showcases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., . w, Cor. lUh and Douglaa His. Phone Doug. 27:4. DRY KINDLI.NO BOX COMPANY. WOOD, ACME HARNEY 1037. WANTED TO BUY Old False Teeth. Doesn't matter If broken. . Pay $16.00 set. Call between 4 and f or send In nam and agent will call. Badger. Hen.- snaw nniet, DESKS DESKS : DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C, Heed, 1207 Farnam. D. ltU. JiLUMENTHAL "SSW ' men's clothing and shoes. Call Red lass. OLD CLOTHING n II 1 11 KMT FM1CES. DOUOLAS 0021 JENKINS Pays highest price for clothes. shoes, trunks. nm net., uoug. BU3I, LOYATi ' FURNITURE CO. will pay snecia Drtoes ror vour noune. hold goods. THtn't fall to call Doug. 4177, RAHTfOi CASH PAID FOR OLD DVUIViJ BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. 010 8. HTH. TYLER 2030. WANTED A second-hand Shetland pony, buggy and harness cheap. Address Box 240, Plattamouth, Neb. We Will Pay, good prices for your dis carded clothes. D. 0014. B. LAYT1N pays highest prices for old clothes, shoes snd hats. Phone Tyler BOO. DIAMONDS 400 S. 10th St. SOL BEROMAN A CO. WANT" pool hall 'or grocery store. 4JO Hose Ring, mono Tyier ins. WANTED Twenty loads of dirt delivered to 1731 wooiwortn. const HM, evenings, BOOKS Bought. Ktpser, Loyal Hotel Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. - XCCORPKON. aUle. knife, aunburet, bo: pleating, covered nuttona, all anea ana atylea: hemalltcblnr. Plcot edging, aye- let cut work, buttonhnlea. pennanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLB.ATINU CO- Oppoalta Rrandel. 8tor. IOC I0 Urown DI0 Pouglaa 1H VAN ARMAN Ureal Pleating and Button Co.. 3fl.T Paaton Blk. riouglaa lint. Accountintt. Dworak-Ure Audit Co. lit Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. lit. T Bakeriei. NEW ENOLAND BAKERT, 111 N. 16THT BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDBN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "BUTTER BAKED GOODS ." Batht. MAB8EUSB, batha, manicuring, phyalral cult. Ulaa Walker, Jit Neville Blk. P. )7. EXPERIENCED operator, b.tb of all klnda. Room l, Neville Blk.. Illb and Harney. R1TTENHOUSE Sanitarium; all klnda HIM. I1.-1H Balrd Blk., 11th Douglaa. CENTRAL Bath lnetltuto, 1601 Harney. pouglaa 1017 Kaxella. Royce. maiia.. chip, sat Neville Blk. Braat and Iron Founderies. Pemon-Mltchell Co.. Tth and Martha Sta. Cleaners and Dyers. I-PIECE ault ateam cleaned ft pressed, 1; pressed, the, livi Harney. Red 7I. Carpenter! and Contractors. LEtfSARD SON, 1021 Cumins. Ty. 1ISS. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment Dr. Burhorn, Rose Bldg. Palmer School Graduate. Douglaa H47. Chiropodist. Carrie J. Burford, .20 Peiiton faldk. R. 46IT. Detectives. OllAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, 100 lm Nat. Bk. I1g. Phone Tyler 3ftl0. JAMtB ALLAN. 311 Neville Blk. Evidence ecured In all caeea. Tyler Use. S. D. JOLLY. M Pulon. Red 701. Dressmaking. Engagementa with working famlllee. R. 1791 MRU. H. T. Mottai, tn 8. 37th. Har. iJ2. TERRY Dreeamaklng Co., 30th and Farnam, Everything for Women. SWITCHES made from comblnge, S atranila, II. Webeter 41 SI. 2l Qrant St. Paste Manufacturers. OMAHA PASTE CO. Douulaa I70. Fixtures and Wiring. . rtTTpTtXT Electric washing machlnea, electric Irona and reading lampe. 1211 Cuming at. Doug. 2111. Hat Cleaners. ALL klnda hata cleaned and reblocked; la- diea hata epectal. 1620 Harney. R. 4173. Amerlcen Hat Cleanera, til 8. 16th. D. 326S. Insursnce. BANKERS' LIFE OP LINCOLN, 11-14 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 3111. Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed fre. with print orders, odi day aervlce. Photo Craft Shop, 1401 Far. Masseures, FRED C ALLEN, acientlfic maaaeur; Swed ish maeaaga and vapor batha. 1117 Dodge. Uaaaage, chiropody. Minnie Nagle, 201-14 Balrd Bldg., 17th ana Doug. p. 34&B. CentraIBath Inat.. 1304 Harney. Doug. 7017. MISS LILLY, bath, maswage. 1322 Farnam. MISS WEST, manicure, manage. 210 N. 17. Osteopaths, Mra. J. R. Muelck. aulphor, ateam and euca lyptus baths. 102.3 Rose Bldg. Ty. '2343. Fainting and Paper Hanging. TO BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME KEB FRED PARKS. Wall Paper, Palnta and Olass. Picture Framing, Painting end Paper Hanging. 463 S. 2tth. Phone S. 101. Patent Attorneys. TUROKS STtlROES, U.' 8. and foreign patents and trademarks. 230 Baa Bldg. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national patent Co., eB3 Brandela. p. B6l. Pianos for Rent 12.30 per mo. A. Hoepe Co., 1511 Douglaa. Ragtime, . Learn to play popular tnuelc In 34 leaaona. 3114 N. 34th. I'h. web. 306B after . p. m. Safes. BAROAINS, 1311 Farnam. J. J. Dertght Safe Co. SAFES Shoe Parlors. RHINE, clean, bronze. 1823 Farnam. Tools and Fixtures. TOOLS DIES JIGS AND FIXTURES. We make jigs, fixtures and special tools at reasonable prlcea. With up-to-date equipment. AMERICAN MACHINE CO. lift S. llth St. Omaha. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits for rent, zoo n. nth, John Feidman. d. a I z. towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 H. 11th. P. BS. Wedding Stationery WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co., Tel, Douglas 044. Where to Eat. T5AT HOME-COOKED MEALS. NEW DELICATESSEN, 1806 FARNAM. BURROUOH'S CAFE. OMAHA. NEB. (Service), LINCOLN. NEB. am n. mm. b. istn Ht. AUTOMOBILES WILLYS-OVERLAND. INC. USED CAR PEPT. Dougles 13o. J047-I Farnam St. Touring oars and roadsters ot Overland, Studebaker. Maxwell, Ford Oakland, Mitchell, Butek and Hudson makes. TERM IF P RSI RED, Prompt attention given to all Intonated out-of-town buyers, 1916 PA IS touring, electric lights, starter, Dew tires, car In perfect shape. 1250. 114 Studebaker six, electric lights and battery. Delivery and seven -passenger body, good running order. $1 76. CROS8TOWN OARAGE, SIS 8. TH. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. J2fi Farnam. Douglaa SS10. 1911 Cole, ISIS Stearns Knight If IB Maxwell, $376. H Empire. 100. AUCTIONI AUCTION! 7-passenger touring car. In first class condition; also my furniture ot 1ft rooms, Friday, June 1, at 10 a. m. 101 No. llth St. Web. 1361. Tyrrell ft Co. C. W, FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. t(-ll Farnam St. Douglaa IBS. Almost any make at reasonable prlcea. FORD OWNERS EVERYWHERE Demo- strata the $10 AJax Ford starter, 130 to $50 weekly. Write quick tor territory to AJsx Ford Starter Co.. Keene, N. H. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 2107 Farnam St. Poug. S03S. TIRE REPAIRING, First-dans work at reasonable prices. THE TIRE SHOP. !. K Crow, SBla Farnam. Doug. 4171. TRAPS your old battery in on a guaran teed Ever-ready store re battery. Free In spection of any battery. Ever-rady Stor age Battery Co., 1208 Farnam St. WR will trade you a, new Ford for your old one, 1NPD8TRIAI OARAOE CO,, 30th and Harney. Douglas 1561 CADILLAC, 4-cyllnder model, excellent for speedster or ugiit delivery, fzie easn. Omaha Chandter Co., BUBO Farnam. i-PASSENUER Studebaker, first-class shape, at a bargain. Pouglaa 1481. C, 1 Lewis. TELL A B1NKLEY. WB BUY AND SELL USBP FORDS. 531 8 Harney St., Doug. 1640. ROADSTER, best Hupmoblle, Saxon or other car. Three hundred cash will buy. Bog 41;', Belleville. Kan. WK are the used Ford men. Auto Salvadfel BAROAINS In used Ford cars Holmes-Ad- kins Co., Mii-iT a. sttn. rhone s. ;7i BBRTSCHT "Kan-Ftx-lt," Southeast cor- ner 80th and Harney Sta. Douglas 2S61. PULLMAN, 11 touring car. St?tV T. O. Nortnwaii Co., am rarnam ct. can Ty. 38, BIGGEST bargain tn Omaha, B-pasnenger car, ins, otm Hamilton, wai. ami. 11T CHALMERS 1-10 touring, perfect. 4001 8. 34th. Tel. South 4360. BARGAINEIectrlc.otplendld condition. Tel. A BARGAIN MUburn Electric. Id fine con- dltlon. W IK Bee. Auto Liver snd Garages. EXPERT auto repairing. "Service car al ways ready." Omaha oarage, 3010 Har wey St. Tyler BBS. Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto wa can't repair. roils rfpeired. Baysdorrer. HO r. isth. Tires and SuddIIcs. TIRE PRICK WRECKERS. s THIS IS NO I IN 1 TIRE. Second-hand Urea and tubes; expert tire and tube repairing. Douglas BK7I.. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. 140SH Jackson, Agta. wanted. Omaha, Neb. Motorcycles and Bicycle H A R L E Y - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Baraslns In used machlnea. Victor H. Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man." llth and Leavenworth. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so Helta your eld clothing, furniture, maga slnea. We eolteot. We distribute. Phona Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1UQ-1U3-11M Dodge Bt. - BATHS and massage. Central High insti tute, IBOI Ha ey Bt Doug. 1017. Open evenings. MISS FISHER, sulphur, ateam batha and massage, 37t Bran. Then. Blag. iJ. hvb. MAE BKUQMAN, sclentltlo masseuse and batha. Sol Ks roach Blk. Red 17 ST. LUEI.LA WEBSTER, massage and manl curing, sis Paxton Blk. iteq aoo. ALL RIGHT privets maternity home. Beat care, 105 Bristol, weo. i?os. SCIENTIFIC maaaaga, IZS Be Bldg. Phona .Douglaa MIL PERSONAL Edna W(1tiams,"'ms8sage, bath. 238 Neville Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 1. E. BKOTT, massaging, 2120 Harney. D. tBS. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos and notea as security. 140, mo., K. goods, total cost. S3.60. $40, 0 mo., endorsed notes, total coat, $J-40. Smaller, large aro'ts. proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 431 Rose Bldg,, Hth and Farnam. Ty. SM. LEGAL RATE LOANS 924.00 1240.00 ' or mora Easy payments. Utmost privacy. 140 Paxton .Blk, Tel. Poug. 2205. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, MEDICAL dr. b. b, tarry. pTlSs-fistola 'CURED. ' Dr. B. R. Tarry urea ptlea, ftatula and other recui dlaeasea without auraleal op- eratlona. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured, write for book on ro tal dlaeaae with testimonial.. DR. B. R. TARRT. 3(9 Be. Bids. . Omaha, Nab. WHY SUFFER? Liteit and Host Scientific Treatment ror All Diaeaaea. Dr. Charles Barnes. 313-334 Roe. Bids. Examination and Consultation free. He la curlns thou aanda. WHY NOT TOU? Dolaya are dan serous. If you can't call, write. Hour, t a. m. to 5 p. m.; 7:30 to 1:30 evenings. Sunday 4y appointment. RUPTURE successfully treated without a aurslral operation.-, call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray, 303 Bee Bids. Chiropractors, Drs. Johnston, 1331 W. O. W. Bids. D. (2. DR. KNOLLENBERO. SANITARIUM. Lady attendant, 24th and Farnam. D. 729B. Dr. C. J. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 8441. Dr. Frances Dawson, 303 Rose Bldg. T. 2366, Dentists, Dr. Bradbury. Ho pain. 13 W. O. W. Bldg. Ted's Dent. Rrm., 301 Rosa Bldg. D. 2133. BUSINESS CHANCES GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET Located on Omaha a busy atreeu This Is a very desirable location tor a man who understands grocerlea fend meats. Will aell al Invoice price; about 11.300. BIG FOUR REALTY CO. 1016-18 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 2480. GOOD CHANCE FOR POCTOR. Doctor, with good established .practice at Snyder, Neo., recently died; will aell his lease, office fixtures, drugs, automobile and all instruments and equipment. For Information addresa J. F. Murphy, 4811 South Twenty-fourth St., Omaha. RESTAURANT FOR SALE Only restaurant in town of too. located on main street, for aale oheapf Proprietor la sick and muat sell. Will sell for lump sum, or will Invoice. Mra. Burnt. Beagle. Fairfax, 8. D. FOR SALE Oarage and dwelling. Good paying business. Helling out on account of other business. Ford contract goes with offer. Write Box 116, Rosaline, Neb. HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID for atorea and stocks of merchandise, In city or country : quick action. Omaha Salvage Co., 7f0 Omaha Nat. BanK, u. 768. OPPORTUNITY for couple to reduce cost of llvtng and save, small grocery ana con fectionery with living rooms; cheap tor quick Bale. Must leave city. ll 8. Hth. CAN use good, clean-cut man with a few hundred dollars to travel with state rignt feature booked solid. Reference required. Manager. 110 Bromley Bldg. DO you want a business without Investment to you 7 At home, spare time, eometmng everyona wants. Send your addreaav A- B. Hngeinan, Gibbon, Neb A BLACKSMITH SHOP, with full equip- ment for sale or trad for real estate. Wish a quick Bale. Box T S4, Bee. IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on Bunch BorgholT, 720 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. 3J MOVING PICTURE machlnea, new and re built, all makes; supplies, western sup- ply Co., 301 Nat. Bldg. MOTION picture machines (new and re built), theaters supplied, uroana. rum ex change. lQg B. Wtn MI- RESTAURANT, town of 1,000; big 4tTslness; no opposition; railroad division point. Ad dress Box Y 4364, Bee. FULLY equipped, paying meat market, in connection with grocery, rot rent cneap. Call Douglas 2147. SEJ.iL or trade grocery and sHelf hard- war iwrii auuicii bu aos, auuwi u. Neb. GOOD opportunity for young doctor, south east Nebraska.. Address Box T e, Bee. TO OET in or out of business call on QANOESTAD. 422 Bee Bldg. Poug. 8477. i guarantee sale of Any business or real ae tata, F. V. Knlest. Bae Bldg.. urn ana. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO.. U2 w. -o.w. Bldg. Red azst. FOR SALE Pool ball with sight tablea. Jos, muck, Harlngton, neo. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 30o PER LINE. Bustnens sds, regular ratea. Male. WANTED Position tn office . aa office manager or assistant, Hava had aeveral years' 'experience In th business world. lleld last position over ten yearn and loot t through dissolution ot firm. Poaseaa gonna aelllng ability with plenty ot com mon aenae) 45 yeara old, tn axes! lent health. No bad habita and can furnish siceptlonal reference. It you ar will Ins to Py moderate salary until I demonstrate my ability, addreaa Box 4358, Bee,' s MAN. St. fair education, office experience; booHkeeping and correspondence, desirea High olasa oil lea position, would, assume management of email office. Road propo sition constdored. Beat references. Inter view. Box 4367. Bee. SITUATION wanted, have had experience aa solicitor and. collector: wui arwe rora car or will accept Any straight business proposition. Addresa Box X 4764, Omaha Bee. WANTED To work on farm or ranch: young man of good habita and wilting, to worn; can a carpenter worn ana etc Box 3202 r Bee. YOUNO tnan with motorcycle would like work with automobile or aupply company, rar driving car. t Webster 8430. Colored. Wanted Position aa porter or janitor from I to I hours a day, omitting Sunday, by experienced, reliable man. Web. 8308, COLORED chauffeur wanta steady position, understands machinery; win do own. re pairing. Oood references. Box 4339, B EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and general countant, open tor position; good record and references, box ijio, wee. YOUNO' man wants work evenings, from I to 10 p. m. Clerical or atenograpntcai. Box 43J1, Bee YOUNO married man wanta position aa chauffeur-mechanic. Davis. Tyler 3l-w, WHITEWASHING, Windows washed, rugs beaten, ecreena repaired, nung. wal. ises. EXPERIENCED houseman wants work by day. Phone Doug. 8fil4. wm. I'eianey. Houseclcanlng and day work "'yler 823. Female. LIVE bualnesa woman with wide Experi ence on the road wanta position aelllng goods or demonstrating, box tzaft. nee. I.XPERIENCED business woman wanta po sition. Hotel, hospital or Institution work preferred. Box 4334. Bee. TINTED Position as companion, educa ted, reflm-d young woman, moderate pay, Box Y S7, Bee. ; WANTED Practical nursing by mlddle- aged lady; elty referencaa. Call Webeter eu)o. SITUATION WANTED By competent cot ored i AUND ored maid, house work. Harney 1605. LAUNDRY work, I daya each weak, by Danish woman, walnut 1341. PRACTICAL nurse desires position, no Ob ject ion tiagoingoutoreuyBotun POSITION aa professional nurse. Box 4231, Boa. SV ANTED A place to assist with house worn or nurse gin. v abater ini. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERT laundreaa wants washing, -Tough dry, all flat work Ironed, any also bundle, So lb., washed and Ironed, 0o a dosen; lace curtains, tha pair, Callsd tor and de livered. Pouglaa em, 1 SITUATIONS WANTED Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundress wonts washing and Ironing; fine clothes a specialty; soft water used. Harney 104. 2630 Chicago. SHIRTWAISTS done up, lb cents. Clothes washed, 1ft cents a piece, r ancy ciotnes a specialty. Harney 4052, WANTED By reliable colored woman, cleaning and laundry work. Harney 6 .'67. WASHING to take home by competent wo man; rain water used. Webster 7Z". DAY work or chambermaid work. Compe- tent colored lady. Call Webster 4645. DAY work, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, colored lady. Call after 8. Walnut 3176. Laundryday or cleaning work. Web. 1C21. C LEAN IN Q, day or hr. Mrs. Scott. Web. 8746 DAY work, housecleanlng. col. lady. D. 4370. DAT WORK. Call after 7 p. m. Web. 8894 PAY work by re He, colored lady. Poug 1488 Curtain & wool bankets laundered H. 1130 DAY work, washing or cleaning? WgT2638 LAUNDRY or cleaning, day work. Web. 7i DAY WORK by exp. women. Dg. 6661. ANNA wanta day work. Webster 2327. DAY work and bousecleanlng. D. 7084. WANTED Day -vork. Douglaa 4997 BUNDLE washing., Call Walnut 3268.,- DAY work wanted Webster 8337. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. NO FILING FEB TO PAY HERE. Register free. No waiting. Sea ua. ' Good positions open today. ' BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS N., Room 1202 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Thoroughly experienced and capable bookkeeper for loan and real estate business. Young man preferred, not subject to draft. Addreaa P. O. Box 118, Council Bluffs, la. , BKKFR,, 90; bkkpr., 86; bkkpr., 876; ateno., 886; ateno., 875; steno., Bt; omce olerki, SS0, $76, $00, $60, $40. WATTS REF. CO., 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. GROWING corporation wants manager for branch office. Small investment required. Liberal salary. Addreaa Box 621, Aber deen, 8. P. BOOKKEEPER .$66.00 BOOKKEEPER 1 $60.00 THB CANO AOENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. WANTED Four young men for soda fountain work. Apply Barkatow Bros., 814 S. 10th St. OFFICE CLERK, under 21 yr $66. - THE MARTI CO., 1317 W, O. W. Blflg. EXPERIENCED collector, $86-$10O. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS N. BOOKKEEPER, mfg. firm, $76, THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. BlOg. GENERAL office assistant. $86. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BUNIJ A (WW. Professions and Trades. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City National Bank Bldg. BARBER WANTED Good, steady work man, at once; $16, and H over $20. J. w. Davis, Newcastle, Neb. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wanted at J. P. Kraus, 6316 Railroad Ave., B. Side, Tel ephone South 286. ' WANTED Soda man that has had good experience. Owl Drug Co., 16th and Far nam St. LEARN barber trade; low rates now. Call or write Barber College. 1124 Douglaa Bt. WANTED A meat cutter Lthe Washing- ion mantei, iv( uougias oi. YOUNG man from 18 to 20 to learn trade. Apply 633. Rose Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED With automobile. to solicit trade from the farmers and smaller towns for two of the best selling articles ever offered. Articles sell from $8 to $26 each. Good aalesmen can make from $10 to $25 a day tho year around. They are high class and legitimate. Op portunity for a permanent and profitable buatnesa in any county for the best of aalesmen. Address, Coast' Culvert ' ft Flume Co., Portland, Ore. SALESMEN AND SALESLADIES WANTED. APPLY TO O. R. KINNEY ft CO., INC., 307-09 N. 16TH ST. HAVE several temoararvvtravellna Doeitlona open, paying all expenses and salary uood proposition lor students; experience unnecessary. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N. WANTED High-class experienced atove and furnace salesmen for Wyoming ter ritory, with headquarters In or near Cas per. State age, experience, reference and salary. Address Box Y-60. Omaha Bee. SALESMAN WANTED. Call 623 S. 16th St. Trade Schools. LEARN barber trade; be Independent; mora tnan make your expenses wnlie learning. Wage or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. 1402 Dodge SL TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. NOW la the time to act if you are going to enlist in the army or navy. Learn the v barber trade flrat; joba waiting. Special her College, 110 So. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 407 S. 30th and 3059 Farnam. Boys. BOYS earn good wages while . learning Trane. jusc ime Deing paia 10 go to scnooi. Must be 16 years old. Gordon-Lawless Co.. 8th and Dodge. CAN alwaya use boys who want to work; minimum wage, $1.40 per day. uooa chance for advancement. Omaha Box Co., Eaat Omaha: WANTED Errand boy, .quick, active and attentive: written references required. Mt-Cord-Brady Co.. 13th and Leavenworth. BOY with wheel, after school, good wagea. W. A. Reid, 18th and Farnam. Miscellaneous. SEVERAL men, 22 to 30 years old. Must have some selling experience with successful record. Moderate salary and good commission paid to those who qualify. Short hours. No canvassing. Apply 214 Bee Bldg.. Manager. WANTED At Casper, Wyo., man to drive truck and work in warehouse ior wnoie eaJe grocery; also warehouseman to han dlerutt; also stenograph? r. uooa salary, permanent position; experience required; give recom men dat lone, previous experi ence, salary desired. Address Box 263, Casper, vt ye. WANTED An unmarried experienced farm hand to do general work on my farm near Arlington. Good place, good pay. Inquire F. C. Bliss, 254 Exchange Bldg., Bo. Side. ATTENTION, farmers. If you want help wa can aupply you. Bluff City Employ ment Bureau. 916tt W. Broadway. P. 431. LABORERS wanted; ateady work; good wagesv Apply Sunderland sros. uo.. weei yard, 2d and laard Sta. LABORERS for Lewlston, Mont, Ship dally. Free fare. Emerald Lab. Agy., 332 H S. 10. PLEASANT home to nice elderly man only for tending garden. Box 4382. Bet. WAITED Help In garden. 3427 3. 13th. Persistent Advertising is I lie Road to Success. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. YOUNG lady with 6 mo. experience wishes (position aa stenographer; best of refer ence. Tyler 721. STENOGRAPHER, good position, $65. THE MART! CO., 1317 W. CK W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $100, $85, $76; $66. 150. WATTS REF. CO., 1st Nat BankvBldg. STENO and secretary, $86-$100. , WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS N. WB NEED stenographers, bookkeepers and office clerks. Co-Operative Reference Co. WANTED-A etenographer, permanent po altion. Washington Market. 1407 Douglaa WANTED Experienced cashier. Beaton's Drug Store. Professions and Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone Company offers ad exceptional opportunity to young ladles to learn local and long distance telephone operating. Permanent positions, opportun Hies tor advancement; good wages. A salary is paid while learning. Parenta desirina- to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other ' details are especially invited te accom pany the applicants. Apply to C. F. Lambert. 180T Douglaa St. REMBRANDT studio. 10th and Farnam. wanta a girl In photographic studio; per- eon out of town considered; experienced ntlp preferred. Douglas IMS. WANTED Girls .for attractive piece-work position. Itea Biscuit Co., lltn and Cap itol Ave. WANTED 1 sewing machine girls, piece work, guaranteed. Omaha Auto Top Co., 709 s. istn. 'LAN barber LraUe. 1803 Pvdaa T" HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. WANTE D Woman or girl for general housework on farm. Good cook, No wash ing. No objection to child- over 8 year. Referencea exchanged. Mra. F. H. John son, Weeping Water, Neb. COMPETENT girl for general housework; email family, no laundry work, good wagea. Mra. H. H. Fish. 1311 Wool worth Ae, WANTED A nurse maid to cars for boy I years old; references. Mrs. L, S. Clarke, 135. N. 14th St. Tel. Harney 86. RELIABLE white girl tor general house work: referencea required. 3910 Barney St. Tel. Harney 2164. WANTED An experienced second girl; good references required. Mra Frank T. Hamilton. 210 S. 32d Ave. WANTED A girl to assist with housework and handle a 4-year-old boy. Harney 8033, 408 N. 39th St'. WANTED Lady cook in cafe; Job year round. Irvin Carroll, Box 326, Nelson. Neb. 1 WANTED Good girl for light housework. No washing. Telephone Harney 4286. WANTED A competent second girt. Mra. Casper K. Yost. Tel. Harney 16. EXPERIENCED woman cook wanted. Com mercial hotel, Hay Springs, Neb. NEAT willing maid tor housework. 114 S. 85th Ave. Harney 4858. Miscellaneous. LADIES wanted for pleasant home employ r ment; make $6 to $16 weekly. Apply 221$ Douglaa St. between t and 4. HELP WANTED Male and Female. THOUSANDS government war positions open $100 month. Examination every , where. Lift free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 237 F. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Named men and women wishing government positions, $76 month. Hun dred war appointments. Box Y 49, Bee. EDUCATIONAL VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. A ten weeks' summer course in the fol lowing subjects, taught by professors from the University of Nebraska, beglna June 18; Business Administration, Advertising, Finance and Investments. Banking. A six weeks' summer course for house keepers, taught by an experienced teacher of domestic science, beglna June 18th. WAR-TIME FOOD PROBLEMS. The business world NEEDS YOU. Enroll any Monday tor the following oubjects; Shorthand. Bookkeeping. Typewriting. Comptometer. Office Methods. Dictaphone. Summer boura 8 Co 1. 220 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha. BOYLES COLLEGE DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotype. typewrit ing, telearaphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free, BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1666. 18th and Harney Sta. Y. M. C. A. Day and Night School. vFOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY I0TH AND FARNAM. Special, low ratea t permanent gueata. HOTEL ROOMS, $2 week; apt, with kitchenette; steam heated. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! If you fail to find the room you ,L desire among these aids call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description bt vacant rooms n all parte of the city. New list Issued every week. , FOR- RENT Comfortable furnished front room, four windows, shade; good loca tion, y blk. from car; private family; no other' roomers; lady preferred. 821 South 29th St. Tel. Harney 4490. EXCELLENT aurrountdlngs, strictly modern home, Farnam car, largo porch, newly decorated In bird's-eye maple, rent rea sonable. Breakfast optional. Red 8488, 131 SO. 36TH ST. Double and single room, plenty of hot water, electric lights, home cooking, make rates, first door south of new Ford hospital. Poug. 6068. FOR RENT Suite of two rooms, newly furnished, on car line, Hanscom park; rent very reasonable to ateady tenants. Phone Harney 6201. NICELY furnished bed room with use of din ing room and kitchen In a atrlctly mod ern home to young married couple, 668 0, 26th Ave. ATTRACTIVE front room, white furniture, cretonne covering, modern Conveniences, suitable for two, walking distance; board near, narney axss. LARGE, airy room, nicely furnished, large library, mahogany bookcaaea, modern southeast exposure block from Farnam car. Harney 3473. , VERY large, nicely furnished room, well ventilated, large halls, large porchea and . lawn, walking distance; references. Har ney 8473. WEST Farnam Dist. ; very nice room, suit abje for 2; modern, quiet home; no room- ers: gentlemen preferred. Walnut 3666, NICELY furnished large downstairs room, outside entrance, private family, Han scorn park; also garage. Harney 4636. HANSCOM PARK Very desirable room to gentleman, new, modern bungalow. Park West car llne Harney 123". TWO furnished steeping rooms for one or two persons in private home; ail modern. Telephone Web. 2624. COOL, south room, all modern, large closet, 1 walking distance, one block from car Una. Tyler 831-J. ililhk CALIFORNIA 2-8 furnished rooms, modem, "rat floor, nice yard. Harney 4001. 818 S. 19TH ST. Walking distance, elegant furn Ished room, In modern house. Cheap. DUNDEE One large room, also one room with sleeping porch. Walnut 2668. VERY nicely furnished front room to gentle. man : reasonable. Walnut 866. A VERY PLEASANT HOME FOR NURSES. CALL DOUOLAS 7910. ONE room In good home, $1.7$ per week. 838 B. 2.'0. 1611 HOWARD Nicely furn Kit. $2.60 up ' Housekeeping Rooms. ,568 DOUGLAS Large west room.""excep- tionally well furnished. Everything com plete for housekeeping. Suitable for couple ot one giru walking distance. SUITE of housekeeping rooms, very reason able; all modem; laundry privileges; walk ing dlatance. 2987 Harney St. FARNAM, 2822 3 nice housekeeping rooms, reasonable, electricity, gaa range, refriger ator. 2111 DOUGLAS, two rooms for light house keeping; walking distance. 1611 HOWARD Housekeeping and sleeping rooms; reasonable. BEAUTIFUL front aulte of two rooms. Everything furnished. 264$ Podge. Board and Rooms. NICELY furnished front room and board for two young men; no objections to young girls If employed; strictly modem heme. Hanscom Park district Harney 1866. LARGE southeast room, beautifully furn ished. Hanscom Park district. Good board. Phone Harney 1796. BOARD and room in private home, reason able, near two cars. Ha. 6164 or (04 8. 85th St. t FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY; ' BOARD OPTIONAL HARNEY 4179. CHOICE room and hoird, $6 week. Home cooking. 2226 Howard. PLEASANT room, good location, with board, walking distance. Tel. Har. 4703. BOARD and room tor young man. Har ney 6702. Unfurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED, modern semi-basement rooms; clean and reasonable. Phona Har- bb tm a FOR RENT HOUSES West. VACANT TUNE 1 $55.00 PER MONTH room, all modem bona, and eleeplnt porch. Thia place la located la weat part of cltjr. y THE BYRON REED COMPANY. ' Douslaa 337. ' Hi So. 17th St 133 S. 3STH ST. Eight rooms, sua parlor. Sleeping porch, P. 3331. I FOR RENT HOUSES West. 364 Jtf. 4Uf'H I nil. Hut water ht. Dou ble sarasa. 94U. E. U. Beoner Co. V 3404. 3U7 DAVENPORT tiT.. roouia. 343.6(1. E H. Banner Co. p. 8404. SIX i-ooma, all modern. Adulta only. Tel Harney so"t. North. FOR COLORED. 3337 Patrick Ave, 6-r. modern ostcit heat, IK. THE BYRON REED CO., Dous. 337. :i: So. 17th St. FOR RENT $15.00. 2441 Capitol Ave., I rooms, modern cept heat. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. D.397. 212 a. 17th Hi. '-ltOOM house, 2SU2 fiurdotte St., all inoti ern. sood location, beautiful lot, sood sur roundlnsa- ALFRED THOMAS, . 303 Farnam Bids'. 325.00 7-room tnoderu house, newly deco rated and papered. iZVst Caldwell St. SCOTT Si HILL CO., ,MeCagua Bldg. Douglaa 1003. 003 N. 17th St, dandy 6-r., all mod., 137.60 RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 72! BUNUALOW. atory and half. 3 rooms, al modern. 32S. 1713 N. !th. Red 1331. 33:10 M ANDERSON, 6-rooin cottage. 312. uO. Rlngwalt, Brandela Theater Blilg. 7ROOM house, all modern, reasonable rent, 3728 Cummg St. Harney 3692. S-ROOM houne) lot ror garden. Wall 1417 N 131)1. FIVE-ROOlf modern house. Web. 471. South. 312 FLAT 8 rooms, one atory; gaa, eleeirl, Ughta. aink, toilet, water paid. Just Ilk. new; no children. 3030 8. ISth. Red 4902 t-ROOM houae, modern but heat; best con dltlon. 330. 330 8. Slat St. Harney 3703. MODERN 4-room house. 4608 S. 22d" 81. Phone South 447. Miscellaneous. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 4-R. 2606 Pierce Ht 313.00 7- R 1313 Capitol Ave 20.00 6-R 817 N. 18th St 22.60 STRICTLY MODERN. I-.H. 8875 Decatur St $11.00 6- R. 1824 N. 27th St 21.00 8- R. 213 Park Ave 22.60 7- R. 103 S. 30th Ave 26.00 8- R. 207 N. 23d St 30.00 8-R 3901 N. 17th St 30.00 8-R. 3816 Farnam St 60. 0( 8-R. 663 S. 26th St 82.61 10-R. 3221 Dodge St 40.08 H-R- 101 N. 18th St 70.00 APARTMENTS. 4-R. Apt 10, Stoacker, 821 8. 34th St. 318 and 123 PORTER 4b BHOTWELL. 103 S. 17th St. Doug. 3011. Oftlcea with HOME BUILDERS. FOR RENT. 8 room, and garage, Harney 8t., $36. 8 rma. and Bleeping porch. 38th Ave., $68 8 rooms, West Farnam, $60. ALLEN & BARRETT. 813 Be. Bldg. Dougla. 7738. IF YOU are looking for vacant property to rent, call Omaha'. Largest Rental Agency, or aend for our weekly printed list. Hastings & Heyden. .1614 Harney. Ty. 80. $60 3007 BT. MARY'8. 10 rooms, modern. $11 1668 N. 20th., 4 rooms, water paid. Rlngwalt, Brandela Theater Bldg. HOUSES In all parte ot th. city. CREIOH. SONS t CO.. 808 Baa Bldg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. THE PLYMOUTH i2S7A FARNAM ST.- Brand new S and S-room, apartments, havlnty tiled bath and Murphy In-a-door beds. Move Into somethlnaT brand new and clean. New wall paper, new (as atove, new refrigerator, idea! location, easy walking distance and splendid car aervlce. Call ua and we will be glad to take you out. PAYNE & SLATER, Realtors, 616 Omaha Nat Bk. Bids;. D. 1016. BEAUTIFUL 6-r. mod. flat, new, 207 Pax ton Court, close In, walking dls.; very choice; bet. 25th and 26th, Douglaa A Farnam, oak finish; nicely decorated; Indirect lighting fixtures, gaa range, re frigerator, window shades St curtain rods furnlahed. 135. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AG'CT. HASTING & HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 50. VICTORIA, 27th & Harney, choice 2-r. Apt, with butlt-ln bed, practically new, very good, $27.50. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AG'CT. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 161 Har. Ty 60. TI2ARD PALACE BLOCK. Central; interior and exterior of tha best 4-room apartment. 8 -room apartment. 4-room flat. J Inquire 220 North 23d. In building. DEWEY, 3301 Dewey, NEW 2-room apt, with 6-r, accommodation, very choice, sub-lease, 27.50. 1 OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 1614 Har. Ty. 80. North. THB SHERMAN. Very nice 5 -room apartment, tile bath, private garage. Webster 4526. 2501 Sher man ave. ' 4-ROOM modern apt, steam heat; summer rate, $20. 1814 Maple St Red 1881. FIRST-CLASS apartments near r. iO. Lots rent. O. P. Stebhlns, 1610 Chicago. $27.60- 1914 Burt. 4-room mod. apartment. Rlngwalt, Brandela Theater Bldy. South. EXCELLENT location, 32d and Pacific, choice 6-r. apt.; large living room with fireplace and bullt-lti bookcases, dining room, 2 large bedrooms, exceptionally Urge closet space, nice light bath, and kitchen; good cond.; 2125 Pscfflc. vacant June ; each tenant baa Individual laun dry. r OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. Hastings ft HeMen, 1614 Hern ey. Ty. 50. BOSWORTH APARTMENTS,' 2217-19 HOWARD. Two rooms and bath and dressing room. Furnished and unfurnished. Unexcelled in the city. $26.50 to $37.50. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., (REALTORS) 832 Rose Bldg. Tyler 1536. BERKELEY. 19th Ave. ft Jones, close In, Apt No. 1, tenant must sublease, NEW, large living room with disappearing bed. dressing room with built-in chlfflonler, kitchen and bat hi oak finish up-to-date, very choice, $30 OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AG'CT HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1614 Her. Ty 6ft. MILTON, 1954 Jones, close In, Apt. No. 1, sublease. NEW, 2 rooms with built -Hi bed, making practically a S-r aptj very reasonable, $20. x Hastings ft Heyden, 1614 Hatf. Ty. 50. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AG'RY. A LOVELY two-room apartment, bath and telephone. Very reasonable. Close In. Call H arney SfiO for appointment Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. FOR RENTFURNISHED Apartments. APARTMENTS, all sizes snd prices, splen did location, 24lh and Farnam. D. 1472 RANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WE want more houses and apartments to rent The fact that we have practically cleared up our big list Is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental aervtre. I' yon want to keep your place rented sen , Payne ft Stater Co., Omaha's Rental Men, AIS Om. Nat. Bk Bldg. Doug. IftlS. Furnished Houses and Flats. WANTED Rooming house,' muat be clone tn, 20 or mora rooms, have furniture. Box 3573, Bee. - Offices and Desk Room. WANT uss of desk with telephone, grouiu. floor. C. W. Spencer, Hotel Delmar, 24 tb and Farnam. Miscellaneous. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY wanta to secure a desirable tenant for your vacant property; aervlce unexcelled; tenants waiting. Call ua. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, U14 Har. Ty. 50. HAVE a client for mod. I -room, nearly new, mod home. Must have 4 bedrooms. Prlt r. $4,000 or less; $1,000 down. INTER-STATE REALTY CO.. 31-20 City National. Douglaa SH62. WE) have several good tenanta for all mod en. houses and apartments. F. D. WE AD. 11 8. 17th St Doug, life