Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Brie J ttity Neius
Hart Root Print II N Beacon Praia.
Metal dies, prrmw'k. Jpbilee Sit. Co.
Platinum Wedding ltlng Kdholm.
KIsht-liKh K.Litric f'nn. SJ.SO
Burgesa-Granden Co.
Ttj the noimclny 35-ccnl luncheon
,,it the Empress Utirden. amidst pleas
ant surrojndingrs, music and entcrtaiu
ment. Advertisement
To Klext Oflioern The annual meet
ing and election of otllcers of the Alli
ance Kraneaise will he held Thursday
evening at 8 o'clock in the lecture
rosm of the public library. All mem-g-irs
are urged to attend.
Helrt for Robbing Bojcurs M.
tonegram, giving his address as 3217
6outh Twenty-fourth street, and Leo
Hall of Valley, Neb., are being held by
the police' for breaking and entering
boxcars at Missouri Valley. It is
alleged that they stole shoes and other
. May Buy Bonds oiujnstnllnionts
Employes of the Associated l'ress are
given an opportunity to buy Liberty
bonds on weekly Installment uay
ments. Melville Stone, general mana
ger of the Associated Press, has an
nounced that the company will sell
these bonds to the employes and keep
$1 a week for fifty weeks out of the
salary of the employe "to pay for a $30
bond, or $2 a reek to pay for a $100
Navy to Substitute Wood or
Fiber for Brass Cups Re
sponsible for Death of
Bed Cross Nurses.
Washington, May 30. To make
impossible any repetition of the re
cent unprecedented accident on the
American steamer Mongolia, in which
two Red Cross nurses were killed,
the brass type of powder cup used in
American naval guns for a score of
years, is to be -abandoned for, wood
or fiber substitutes.
In making public tonight a report,
the special investigation board exon
erated the naval guard on the Mon
golia and attributed the accident to an
unexplainable deflection at right
angles of a portion of a brass powder
.. c,.t!irv rianipla announced
that, "while a similar tragedy might
not occur again in twenty years, yet
we do not propose to take the risk.
The change will )t a sweeping one,
(or great quarrtities of shells of the
kind used on the Mongolia are be
ing supplied .other merchant ships
ami an me vessels oi mc .
carrying small caliber guns.
Gun Solely To Blame.
The special board of inquiry, which
was headed by Captain F. A. Wil
der, retired, found that the blame for
I he Mongolia accident apparently
rested solely on the type of gun cup,
Tic cups used being perfect and the
i Tillers without faujl.
Attached to the report was a state
i"; ut bv Admiral Earlc, chief of ord-
cmphasizing that the shells
pit on the Mongolia atter removal oi
itll )hc old ammunition responsible
for previous accidents and of a type:
m!oitcd by the navy after extensive
rcirnrch and heretofore regarded as
i- Volutcly safe.
The board held specifically that the
nurses "were located in a position
nitli referenre to the gun, which -or-ciitv.rilv
would not have been consid
ered dangerous." They were 175 feet
i -ft and ten feet Shove the gun.
"Xo responsibility for the accident
.laches to the commander of the
armed guard or any member thereof,"
add the report..
D'nai B'rith Lodges to '
Be Consolidated Sunday
Prior to the consolidation of Ne
liraska and McKinley lodges of the
B'tiai Brith Sunday, McKinley lodge
will hold its last separate meeting
Thursday evening at 8 o'ilock in the
C nai Ami club rooms in the Lyric
building. Past presidents of the or
der since its inception more than sev
enteen years ago will review their ad
ministrations. Among them are Mar
tin Sugarman,- Arthur Rosenblum,
Jacob Sloiburg, Harry Wolf, Herman
Auerbach, Henry Monsky, Carl Ka
tleman, Isidor Reese, Sam Leon, Ed
ward Simon, Dr. Philip Levey and
Dr. Abe Greenberg. . ;
Three officials lugh in B nai Britli
dom will come Sunday morning to
effect the consolidation. They are
Hiram D. Frankel of St. Paul, vice
president of the order, who succeeded
to the presidency on the resignation
of Dr H I. Davis; Gus Loevinger of
Minneapolis, chairman of the propa
eanda committee, and A. B. beelen
freund of Chicago, executive secre
tary. . ' . '
Young Folks to Give an
Entertainment at Church
The Young People's society of the
German Congregational church will
,ive a musical entertainment at the
church. Twelfth and Dorcas streets,
Thursday evening, at which the fol
loiwng program will be given: nolo, Ellen Anthou.
v",i! l'"?"-, -
I Velele srlol Henry Schmidt. I
Honif. Limits' chorus.
Vocal solo. G.rtrud. Anthes.
Union, drill.
alio nolo. BUon Anlnes
'Vim solo. W. Hetherlnston.
H,.mr Hi'llM' chorus.
Vo"l . Jl.rn.rel Klm'.or.
Hcnilln-. .Minnie I.leltert.
Vocal solo, Gerlrudo Anthe.
Admission will be free, but a col
lection will, be taken up for the benefit
of the new organ fund.
Rillv Lawrence Gets ' v
Handbag on Departure
- A handsome traveling bag was pre
sented by the board of governors of
AkSar-Bcn to "Billy" Lawrence
Tuesday afternoon, on the eve of his
i r,,,r,. ior -New Orleans, where
departure -i or cw ;
?? B".1. reoresentative of
e "ffirWh People Mr.
awrence leaves Thursday. Charles
Wca'v'erwa: he high priest doing the
caer v. jr. Lawrence has
Er" vmm take n fitting lrt in the
At Sar"-Ben shows at the den one
Ah5?' rekbrated parts being
?h.tod ocW in th.
Of "p.
Pealers Say That Despite, Gov
ernment's Request, Consum
ers Are Laying in Sur
plus Supplies.
What does the man, fearing high
food prices due to the war, profit by
hoarding foodstuffs? This is the
question Omaha retail dealers are-
asking, and they point out it is in
direct violation of the government's
request that foodstuffs be not hoarded.
A grocer, whose average monthly
sale of flour is 500 sacks, sold 1,000
sacks last month, but indications are,
dealers say, that in the near future
sales will show a decided decline.
"Housewives and farmers, fearing
war time prices, purchased large
amounts of flour and other foods."
a grocer asserted, "but they have losti
money ior Hour in tne eastern mar
kets has dropped and it is very prob
able that with the proposed control
of the nation's food by the govern
ment during the, war, the price of
flour and other products, will drop.
"Hoarding' not only hurts dealers,
but hurts the purchaser." the grocer
coatinued. "Heavy sales have a
tendency tfx. boost prices, causes a
merchant to buy large stocks at these
high prices. Then sales drop, prices
drop and the dealer has to-flrop the
price of his high-priced article."
Prices Are Lower.
Even at present: dealers declare, it
is possible to purchase flour at a
lower figure than a month ago. The
customers had purchased for the
future and had stocked up lor a
month or so to come, while it llivy
had only bought their immediate
needs, they could buy flour now at a
lower figure than' they paid for the
flour hoarded away in their homes.
Not only has flour been purchased
in large quantities, but canned goods,
suear. dried fruits and other food
stuffs that will keep. And not only
Omaha merchants, but dealers in sur
rounding cities, in fact, almost over
the entire country, must meet this
condition. Some retailers in smaller
towns, keepers.of general stores, re
port farmers faying ill supplies of
foodstuffs in amounts almost large
enough to last them all summer,
through the harvest and threshing
periods. This, dealers declare, is
what demoralizes markets, what
causes high prices, and what may
eventually force absolute control of
the country's food supply by the government.
Kugel Recall Petitioners
Marking Time for Present
Recall petitions against City Com
missioner KUgCI, wnicn were siancu
two months ago, at a time when the
commissioner was stricken w,ilh ty
phoid, are being held in abeyance un
til the Chadrou case and city hall de
velopments have been aired and dis
posed or. .,
Three thousand signatures arc said
to have been obtained. Attorney Sut
tnn. who is handling, the legal end of
the recall project for Saratoga dis-
,erc of a newjoti carefully inspected, Itnct residents, said he had rece ycd no
turtner instrmuuns m ...ain...
.... Wanteds Produce Results.
Ziegler Withdraws as
' Candidate for Delegate
" Because of developnients since the
convention. Jsidor ziegler nas an
nounced his withdrawal as a candi
date for the Jewish congress, for
which he was nominated as one of the
delegates from this district. He has
addressed a letter to this eftect to
Harry B. Zimman, chairman oi me
election board, at the -same tune
thanking those who have given mm
-1 - A.
Building and Loan Ass'ns
To Take Liberty Bonds
Savines and loan associations are
planning to boost Omaha's porportion
of Liberty bonds. Informal confer
ences of managers mdicatea joint
subscription- of about $250,000. The
exact sum will be determined at a
meeting of officers of all associations
Thursday The intention is Ho for
ward the subscription direct fo the
secretary of the treasury.
Million Marks Bet on
One Race at Berlin
Copenhagen, May 30. (Via Lon
don.) All attendance records and
betting were broken at the Whit Mon
day races on the Gruenwald track
near Berlin, ine pan-iuuiucia
in more-thali 2.000,000 marks, halt a
million being bet on one race.
""The Morning After"
' (By DR.I W. BOWER.)
' One of the characteristic headaches
due to uric acid in the system, which
acts as a poison when it accumulates,
is due to alcohol taken the night be
fore. The kidneys do not succeed in
throwing ofr this poisonous accumu
lation, the stomach is nauseated, or
the blood congests in the head, caus;
ing throbbing pain, called headache
the heart is depressed, circulation of
blood poor to the extremities, the
muscles feel tired, or twinges of pain
w, and there are felt, and when
this uric acid is deposited in the tis
sues or joints it causes rneumansm
rtr I alwavs advise the drinking
of hot water, a half pint in the morn
ing, and a little Anuric. bometimes
the "blues" or a sort of rash, or a
pimply1 face, giving warning of an
"uric acid storm." At such times aN
ways take' Anuric (double strength),
which can be obtained at almost any
Amir tnre. and which you will find
dissolves the uric acid almost as hot
water does sugar.
Avoid too much meat, tea and alco
hnt. Drink an abundance of water,
both hot and cold. Take Anuric three
times a day until the bad symptoms
all subside. This is the best way to
avoid rheumatism and many of the
pains and tches due to a uric acid
condition. If you drink any alcoholic
beverage you should keep the kidneys
and liver active with Anuric, so as to
throw off the poisons which accumu
late. If your tongue is coated a dark
brown taste, breath foul, followed
sometimes by colds, indigestion, bil
iousness, constipation or sour acid
stomach, vou should take some vege-
table laxative. Such a one is made in
sugar-coated form from the May-apple,
leaves of aloe, and root of jalap,
and cfmmonly sold by almost all
druggists as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets. Thev are standard and have
been in ready-to-use form for earlv
fifty years. Advertisement.
Dandelion Wine With Real "Kick"
Said to Be Substitute for Booze
The once despicable cichoricacotis
plant. Taraxacum taraxacum, whose
:laurtine vellow blossoms are heralds
of death to, tender bluegrass lawns,
has found now long deterred tavor
with certain feverish perons whose
threats have been parched and cracky
since the firs of May when prohi
bition became effective. For this "ab-
oi red nest, known commonly and
generally in Nebraska as the dande'
lion, is about to relieve the drouth
thai has been upon the state for a
niot'tli. Dandelion wine is served fear
lessly, even quite' cheerfully, in many
homes where strong alcoholic drinks
once were, but are no more. And it is
aid the law knowcth not this wine as
an intoxicant.
"But let me. assqre you it has a
Kick." said one who admitted his ex
perience With drinks wfeich had kicks
,11 Wd3 ..V1UC. Jl luuiac, ll
doesiv't floor a fellow like potassium
cyanide (meaning whisks', he ex
plained), but the kick is there. There
is a great drawback to-it, Hiave
found. I had to drink a gallon of
dandelion wine before I began to feel
exuberant. Now think what a gallon
of rye would do, for instance"
There he stopped, possibly being
lost in contemplation of what a gallon
c.f rye would do to him. Later he was
seen industriously digging dande
lions. His wife had told him she
would manufacture all the dandelion
wine he could drink if he kept the
lawit clciir of the "pests." The man
promised to dig not only all the dan
delions in his own front yard, but to
trespass on the neighbor's lawn if
the supply should run short. It could
be seen his wife v?as pleased with her
hudiand. She said that was the first
time he had been guilty of hard man
ual labor since their marriage. A
neighbor who discovered most of the
dandelions the man had been digging
Hidden in the ash can was persuaded
to keep the secret the wife-assured
,iim she had saved enoagh dandelions
for at least five gallons of wine.
T he taste of the dandelion wine is
"a little bitter, but really quite satis
factory when its' made right."
Special Announcement
if i
Clark near Jackson Boulevard
The Hotel Success
of Chicago
'The hotel's excellent service,
' its convenience for the quick
transaction of business, its
proximity to theatres, shops
and public buildings make it
.i i .1 . r '
me Iiifai iieautjuaricis lur a
' crowded day.
450 Rooms
$1.50 up
With Bath
$2.00 up
r. n j i
BeeWant Ads Are Business Bolsters
United State, to Retain Finan
cial Supremacy, Will Frown
on Floating of Outside
Bond Issuei Here.
Washington, May 30. To enable
the United States to retain its pres
ent supremacy in international finance
throughout the war an aim with
which the entente powers are under
stood to be in full accord and to
emerge in a strong financial condition
afterwards, officials have in mind the
enforcement of a program, the salient
features of which trtl
Virtual closing of American money
markets to further foreign govern
ment bond issues throughout the war.
Stabilizing business conditions, so
far' as posiible by the contemplated
international purchasing board.
Centralisation of the country's fi
nancial system by the admission to
the Federal Reserve system of
thousands of strong trust companies
and state banks at present non
members. Work Along These Lines.
Virtually all financial plans of the
government, including the flotation of
the Liberty loan and the program of
financing the entente government as
well as the efforts to continue the
c.ui. try's present prosperity, arc
made with those features in mind.
Closing f the money markets here
to further issues of foreign govern
mei.t bonds is regarded as imperative
if the government is to remain master
of the financial situation. To this
end it is understood the government
will notify bankers contemplating the
underwriting of fbreign bonds of its
To Close Market.
The investment market so far as
the government can control it, is not
to be disturbed by outside bond is
sues for the big proportion of Amer
ica's savings, it is felt, will be needed
to finance the part America will play
in the war.
Co-operating with the United States
in this respect, Great Britain changed
its plans upon America's entrance into
the war, to issue $200,000,000 in bonds
here, secured by Canadian Pacific se
curities. Great Britain borrowed
what funds it needed from the Amer
ican treasury instead.
In line wit!1 this policy the govern
ment "may find it necessary to induce
the government of Cuba to accept a
loan of $.50,000,000 instead pf raising
this amount, as contemplated, by
floating a bond issue here.
Stabilization Necessary.
Stabilization of business conditions
is regarded as essentia: by treasury
officials in order to permit the coun
try to remain in a strong financial
With a commission spending as
much as $U),000,000,000 a year the
estimated extent of the proposed com
mission's purchasing powers it is
felt that virtually all lines of industry,
whose efforts contribute toward win
ning the war would be assured of
steady employment at a fair profit and
that producers in all lines would not
run the risk of fluctuating markets.
Fluctuation Necessary.
A certian amount of fluctuation is
regarded as desirable and this it is be
lieved would result from the opera
tion of the law of supply and demand.
At the'saine time, with the commis
sion operating at full power, produc
ers would be enabled to estimate their
requirements in raw material at a
fairly stationary figure, it is thought,
and would not run the hazard of pur
chasing at high prices to face a fall
ing market a few weeks later.
Vntvmltr of Omaha Notoi.
Oo-d actlvltlei hv tmkn ft d-Mil
lump lnr a lra numbnr of th ynunv
mm itudmta hftvo left collet fr work
on furmi.
FltiRl examination will itirt Monday
morntna at i o'clock. They will lnnt two
laya. Henlora who hava carrleil their work
for tho aentealor with an averare of 10
per cent or abova have been exrueed.
Henlora of the Vnlveratly of Omaha will
anterlaln the atudent hotly at a farewell
parly Friday evening on the campus. A
military profram will ha carried tout.
Alumni hava been Invited.
New Corn Remover Causes
Big Run On Drug Stores
Since the virtues of Ice-Mlntasa corn re
mover became known In this country Drut
Slats have been having an extraordinary de
mand for this yprodurt and It la predicted
that thla eummer women will wear smaller
and prettier shoes than ever.
The fact that this new discovery, which
la made from a Japanese product, wll,
actually remova coma roots and all and
without the allghteat pain or aoreneaa, la ot
course mainly responsible for Us larie sna
Incresnlna sale.
You apply Juet a Utile on a lender, ach
ing corn and Instantly the aorenesa la re
lieved, and soon the corn la so shriveled
that It may be lifted out with the fingers
root and all. It la a clean, creamy, anow
while, non-poiannoua . aubelance and will
never Inflnme or Irritate the most tends
skin. Cutting or paring oorns too often
produces blond poisoning and peopla are
warned to atop II. Just aek In any dru
storo for a little lce-m!nt and you can quick
ly end your corn mlsei-M, and maka your
feet feel cool and fine, where la nothing
belter. Advertisement.
Lighten the house
keeping by serving a
ready-cooked, ready-to-eat
food that contains the max
imum of nutriment at low
est cost, and with the least
tax on the digestion. Shred '
ded Wheat Biscuit is the
real autocrat x)f the break-:
fast table the one cereal
food that holds its own
against all comers, with
increasing sales every year.
It is a boon to the busy
housewife, a welcome relief
to the jaded stomach that
has wrestled with meat
and other heavy Winter
foods. Try it for breakfast
with milk or cream; for
luncrieon ordinner with ber-,
ries or other fruits. Made
at Niagara Falls. R Y.
The Real Secret ot
Rejuvenating the Face
Hhe holds the true secret of facial re
juvenation who haa learned how to remove
the dead eldn partlclca aa fast aa they
pertr. tt'a a secret anyone may posse
The nffed, faded, or discolored, surface ekm
may be gradually abeorbed, in an entirely
ante and rational manner, by the nightly
application of the ordinary mercnllaed wax.
Within a, week or two the underlying akin,
youthful and beautiful to behold, haa taken
the place of the discarded cuticle. 80 little
of the old skin la absorbed each day there'a
no Inconvenience at all, and no one euspectn
ynu are putting anything on your face. The
mercollxed wax, procurable at any drug store
(an ounce la sufficient). Is applied like cold
cream. In the morning It la erssed with
sosp and water. It's the best thing, known
for freckles, blsckheads, pimples. moth
patchea, liver apots and fine 'surfaca wrin
kles. For the deeper wrinkles and crowsfeet an
excellent sndjiarmleea recipe Is: owd-red
saxollte, one ounce, dissolved In one-hair-pint
witch haael. Ilathlng the face In the
aolutton produces quick snd wonderful re
sults. It Is fins for saggy cheeka or chin.
Bee Want Ads
"Supply Wants
One Cent Per Word
Burgess-to Coiipaiiy.
Wednesday, May 30, 191f. STORE NEWS FOR THURSDAY Phone Douglas 137.
Announcing Beginning Thursday
A Series of Important
Throughout the Store ,
Presenting Buying Advantages That
Are Quite Out of the Ordinary
rpHEIE "special" June events are the result of well laid plan's.. In some in
stances they will be in the nature of "clearawaysV of certain lines of desir
able merchandise which, for one reason or another, we have decided to dis
pose of, while others will be specially bought summer merchandise which we
were able to secure at much below the usual market price.
Every department contributes to this big underprice movement. Among
them are ' ' '
In every instance the "Sales" are impivrtant from every poinjt of .view
because they bring merchandise of a wanted sort when you need it most and
at a price that goes a long way in cutting down( the cost of living. . , "
Do Not Fail to See Our Battery of Display Windows They Present a
' Series of Demonstrations of Rare Saving Possibilities. i '
For a Limited Time Only j
Beautiful Enlarged Convex Portrait,
For 19c
Thursday In the Down Stairs Store '
PROBABLY you have a small picture of someone who is gone a mother father,
sister, brother or a near and dear friend. Bring it in at your first opportunity
and have an enlarged portrait made of it.
We guarantee safe return of small photos, and an
exact reproduction in large size on the portraits.
There are no strings or red tape connected with this
liberal offer, and you are under no obligation of any
kind other than to pay 19c. f
Bring any small bust photograph, postal photo or
cabinet picture, and while this special limited time-offer
is in effect we will enlarge it to a beautiful oval
bust-style portrait, 14x2,0 inches in size, for only 19c
This is truly a remarkable offer to our customers,
and we want every one of them to take advantage of it.
The portraits are of the latest and most up-to-date
size and style and are real works of art. Every home
will be proud to have one of these beautiful lifelike
portraits. See samples displayed in our windows and
throughout the store. : ;
Our Special Offer 19c-For a Limited Time Only
Burgsta-Naah Ca Dawn Stslrs,3tr ; a -