Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1917, Page 4, Image 4
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. MAY 31. 1917. The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNINO-EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THB BEE PUBUSHmq COMPANY. PROPRIETOR. Entered at Omaha poa to fflca aa second das matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Br Centar. , MrMtlL Ollt end under PH nootta, 5o sarmr, RW 011 without Sunday.. 450 "100 treeing and SonUr " 40a M tnoioc without Sunday Ho Z iM und Bee oolr m $0 too Brad notiee ef dunn of eddrtss or tmfnltrltr dsUwr to Outi REMITTANCE Rimtt hy drift tsiTCM or potJ order. On It l-mt sumps take tt smnrmi of entll amounts. FsnooW check, except on Oaths too lutn oxebuitt, mx seoepua. OFFICES. 0Kb-4M Bo Buttdtnf. Ctilcuo Ponplff't On flail dlfif. South Odubo 911 N Bt iff ior xw rm At. Omuwn Bluff-14 N. Mftia li . wote n Bi or u LlBoota littlo BulMlng. ffuhlnitoa 7M Hth M. CORRESPONDENCE IMroa onuisntrttiou raittim to news and aditoilil atttst M Onuba Boo, fctttortal DwrtoMOt APRIL CIRCULATION 56,260 Daily Sunday, 51,144 imn amlttMa fat tM moots, sstsortM ass MOT 10 br Dl W.UUjm, Clicolttloa Manasae. SnWorikara laavbf At dlr shimM km Tin Bm aulM t tkaa. AUres chanix! m till s rawattd. Get your little Liberty bond early. Tht beroei of 181, though now few in num ber, furnish the inspiration for the heroes of 1917. Price boosters put out I line of excues built fexpressily for the humorous department of funny papers. ' ' " The searchlight of publicity is still the best preventive and detective of official graft and corruption. - The heavier the Liberty bond Issue Is over subscribed, the deeper the impression it wilt make "somewhere in Germany." ' The weatherman can turn off the rainspout as toon as he wants to, the drouth being very gen erally broken in these parts. For little while Chadron will be a more im portant place than it has been since the track was built from Valentine to Bordeaux creek, - King George's daily stunt as t royal gardener affords a timely answer to the question: "What shall we do with our Ak-Sar-Ben kings?" Closing the money markets of America to for eign bonds will not hurt our allies any so long as Uncle Sam can loan them what they need. Holland has been compelled to add "leather cards" o the food cards, further illustrating the advantage of living next to warring neighbors. Among other old world problems advanced toward solution by the war is that of relieving congested" populationa of a troublesome surplus. A pro-German critic finds fault with The Bee's reference to the destruction of Belgium as "dia bolical.". Presumably we should have called it "angelic!" t ' V If all of our Nebraska members of congress were to "shoot aa they vote" there would be lot of cross-firing and also some guns hot shoot ing at tll. h ' it If "Doc" Middleton, "Billy the Bear,! Frank Grouard and one or two more of those boys could only see Chadron today well, they'd miss ''Mayor Jim." General Cadorna Is backing up his faith "with dynamite, and ia moving the mountains between his line, and Trieste much faster than the Aus trians care to watch. .' . ., ; Top, grades of flour in the market place admit t shrinkage of $3.80 a barrel from the top-notch figure, but the dime loaf shows no visible sign of swelling with pride. ",'. !. " Has, he become advance agent for the dairy men, or doesn't he think the milkman knows enough to advance price without a hint from the , city inspection department? A single car carried a load of lumber weighing 1 54,000 pounds from Idaho to southern Colorado. This is' just mentioned because some folks are of the opinion that 20,000 pounds should constitute a. carload. ' What our' representatives at Washington are doing to press Omaha's claims for an army train ing camp is not evident, but it ia plain that the champions of other cities are busily at work. Omaha must not be caught asleep at the switch. : Our Fighting Men ,. Albert G. Winterhalter. Rear Admiral Albert G. Winterhalter, lately detached from the command of the Asiatic fleet, has arrived in Washington to serve as a member of the general naval board. Admiral Winterhalter is GO years old and has served forty-three years in the iiavy. twenty of them -at sea. . He reached the grade of captain in 1909 and was promoted to the grade of rear admiral in 1915. While in com mand of the Asiatic fleet he held the rank of full admiral. "Black Jack," as his men used to call him. because of his heavv dark beard, is recoetv izcd as a most efficient officer, and though a strict disciplinarian, is popular with the commissioned and enlisted personnel. Edwin F. Glenn. Colonel Edwin Forbes Glenn, U. S. A., com mander of the great military training camp re cently 'established at Fort Benjamin Harrison. near Indianapolis, issone of the best known of ficers of the United states army, and he has fine record for efficiency. He is a native of Greenboro, N. C. was graduated from the United States 'Military, academy in 1877, and attained his present rank in 1911. His entire service has been with the mfantrv arm. Colonel Glenn is con. sidered an authority on international law and has written several text books dealing with that sub ject In army circles he is known as a "driver" as an officer of much push and energy. David W. Taylor.' ' ' ' Naval Constructor David W. Taylor, U. S. N. who haa been appointed a member of the new air. craft production board, has for some years held the post of chief constructor of the United States navy. At home and abroad he ia recognised as the leading designer ol the world for large high. flowered vessels. When the investigation foi owing the collision of the Olympic and the Brit tsh cruiser Hawke was held some years ago he was requested by the British admiralty to attend as the leading expert of the world on matters re latin g to certain phases of the investigation. Cap tain Taylor was torn in Virginia in 1864 and at the age of 21 he graduated from the Naval acad emy with the highest record ever made there up to mat time, j- , But Let Us Not Fool Ourselves. ; , . With the rules and admonitions of the Com. mittee on Public Information with reference to printing items that may be useful to the enemy, no patriotic newspaper will find serious fault, for the rules laid down are in substance precisely those every well-meaning editor would lay down for himself. Oversights and mistakes of judg ment may permit publication of information to which exception will be taken, but with the arter ies of news dissemination officially supervised and censored such unintentional slips are not likely to be numerous. There is, however, constantly this danger: that the zeal of the censorship to keep information away from the enemy may re sult in keeping our own people in the dark and, therefore, receptive to all sorts of insidious gossip and false reports. We naturally expect to keep ourselves fairly well posted as to the movements and the strength and weakness of the enemy, and it is no concession to the efficiency of the Ger man secret service for us to proceed on the theory that the Germans will keep themselves reasonably well posted as to what is doing over here. The prospect of fooling the Germans by news re striction is smalt where the dangerous conse quences of fooling ourselves are great. Recasting th Revenue Bill. The senate is making fairly rapid progress with its big job of recasting the hastily formed revenue law passed by the house. Very general reductions so far announced may be taken as presaging a determination on part of the senate to lower considerably the amount that ts to be raised immediately for war purposes. Several of the. novel sources of revenue proposed in the house measure have been abandoned, while old familiar forms of taxation have been retained. The prin ciple involved in taxation, that of seizing no more of the income of the country than may be taken without endangering extension of productive en terprise, and to establish the balance between the mount immediately paid and that which is to be set over for the future, is being more scrupulously applied in the senate. The measure is not yet sufficiently advanced to give an ac curate idea of what levies finally will be made, but the cut of $300,000,000 already announced is likely to be increased. Until the bill emerges from conference much of uncertainty must pre vail, and business conditions necessarily will be disturbed to that extent. Undue haste is not to be desired when t great revenue measure ia being framed, but the sooner the senate gets through with its present job, the quicker the country can get down to real work on its war basis, Russia' Fair Promise to America. Prof. Boris Bakhmetieff, new Russian am bassador to the United States, herald his ap proach with fair words from Tokio. It is easy for us to comprehend that Rusiia's aim Is similar to our own, the elevation of democracy and the establishment of peace on the firm footing of government by the people themselve. The ele ment represented by Prof. Bakhmetieff, the middle class of Russian society, i in full accord with American thought along these lines. It problem is not so much to convince Americans as to hold the Russians in line. Assured of the unrelenting hostility of the reactionary aristo cracy, the new government has on the other hand the greater work of restraining and directing the masses into the orderly operations and activities of their new life. Peasants and laborers, long submerged in the hopeless darkness of despotic oppression,' find the strong light of freedom too much for their power of vision, and blindly go about task to which they are unaccustomed and for which in a great measure they are unfitted. These must be brought to a development when their strength may be intelligently directed for the good of all. Statesmen In America fully appre ciate the perplexities of the new regime in Russia, and want to help in every way to bring about the perfect fruition of the revolution. Fair promises from the men at the head of the new government are encouraging, 1 but trank dealing it also re' quired, and mutual confidence will "bring general benefit. .' New Fish For The Table ' BR Frederic J. Haskin Washington, May 28. What a great many different species of fish need worst is a live press agent. The inland and coastal waters of the United States contain countless millions of high grade, finely flavored edible fish swimming around waiting for a chance to play a star part on me amner raDie ana Knock out tne props trom under the high cost of living. They don t get a chance because the consumer doesn't know them, or haa wrong ideas about them. Fishermen throw them back into the sea because there is no market for them. The United States bureau of fisheries has taken up the task of playing press agent for these deserving but unknown denizens of the deep and is bringing their virtues and possibilities to popular attention. There are half a dozen kinds of fish that the bureau is working on today that you probably never heard of, but that you will soon be eating and saving money by so doing. The bureau of fisheries just showed what it Could do in the case of the humble tile-fish. The tile-fish was playing a very subordinate part in the deep-sea chorus, living unknown to fame. The bureau knew that it was a high-grade food fish, and proceeded to bring the fact home to the American public with as much emphasis as pos sible. Last year over 10.000.000 oounds of tile fish were eaten in this country, and this year there win De even more, fresh trom this victory, the bureau turns to take up the cases of the bowfin, the burbot, the grayfish, the atkafish and the sablcfish, incorrectly known as the black cod. Readjusting th Army Unit, Latest reports in regard to the formation ofJ the new army indicate a reduction in the numeri cal strength of the division, which Has come to be accepted as the tacticat unit of an army, The brigade is also to be reduced while the company and battalion will be increased in size. These changes will in tome ways increase the mobility and will simplify the administrative work of hand ling the men. The real unit of the American army has always been the individual soldier. The American soldier leads the world in point of in itiative, of ability to take care of himself under any circumstances, and to remain effectively in action when his. officers are missing. This dis tinguishing quality has long been recognized, with the accompanying condition that its maintenance calls for uncommon efficiency of the company commanders, on whom falls the task of directing the potential energy of the individual soldier. More general officers will be needed und-r the new plan, which will facilitate troop movements, as it reduces the size of the bodies under com mand of division and brigade officers, making the unit for tactical, maninulation more flexible, and responsive. Decided advantages wilt follow tni arrangement, although these will be of a char acter more appealing to the trained aoldier than to the layman, who will concern himself chiefly with results obtained. , The order, just now Is interesting as a proof that our general staff is ready to apply lessons learned from the present war, and that when our army does enter the conflict it will be on I basis that has avoided all the early mistakes of the other nations. . Pancho Villa aa Unfinished Business. Pancho Villa, energetic and irrespressible,-obtrudes his unwelcome presence once rrtore, re minder of the work left unfinished along thetMex- lan border. Hit ability to remain in the field at the head of a very formidable force of rebels; and his success in arms sgainst the soldiers. of the Carranza government, stand a menace to Ameri cans within his reach. It is absurd that this na tion, engaged in preparing for actively sharing in the greatest of all wars, should find itself com' pelted to use considerable part of its available force to guard its citizens against the predatory activity of a bandit belonging to a neighbor with whom we are striving to maintain peace. - The im potence of the Carranza administration ia mirii- fest in this particular more than any other If the new president is sincere in his professed desire for friendly relations with the United States, he will do what he can speedily to remove Villa from the calendar of unfinished business, and write finis r., 1,!. . ... - . When you eat a smoked howfin some time in the next year or two, you will not only be eating a tasty and nutritious fish, but also a geological survival. The bowfin is a sturdy and determined apeciea that refused to die out with its contem porary type some millions of years ago, back in the good old days known to geologists as the Mesozoic. Old species died and new species de veloped, but the bowfin went on forever. It is numerous today all through the Great Lakes re gion and down the Mississippi valley from Min nesota to Louisiana, swimming about as a sort of surviving ancestor of the fishes around it. The Duwun, variously Known as me grinaie. me iaKe lawyer and the dogfish, is a eatnv. active fish, a hard fighter and a clean feeder. Its flesh is rather soft and very fine grained, and hence it is a bet ter fish to smoke than to eat fresh. Smoked, it has been pronounced delicious.' It has not been marketed in commercial quantities up to now, but there is no reason for this exceot groundless prejudice. Another and totally unrelated fish that the bureau is bringing to the attention- of the public is the rapacious sea fish, which has been officially named the grayfish. The grayfish resembles the well-known btuefish in its predatory habits, but it is even more wicked and dangerous toward its neighbors. It is a great nuisance to fishermen so long as there is no market for it. Several million pounds of grayfish are eaten annually in England. As 1 result of the campaign to introduce it in this country, however, the grayfish has practically established itself in the last nine months. It can now be secured in tins in thirty-one states and the District of Columbia. The bureau of fisheries permits the canners to state on the label that the fish i recommended and the pack approved by the United States,bureau of fisheries. In all such cases the bureau has investigated and approved the methods used. Another fish In the same class is the Pacific sablefish. long known as the black cod. Like the dog-fish, which does not resemble a dog; like the catfish, which ha little in common with the cat, or the fish known as a "tobacco box" in Virginia tidal waters, which cannot be regarded as a source of plug-cut, the black cod has nothing in common with the true cod. The bureau is trying to have the name sablefish universally adopted, not only in tne interests ot scientific accuracy, but also be cause the name black cod would cause confusion in marketing and would probably violate the mis branding section of the. food and drug act, be cause the fish might be mistaken for the true cod. the sablefish is not at all inferior to the true cod; it ia simply different The bureau calls it one of the best and richest of American food fishes. The sablefish has been utilized to a small extent by a few people on the Pacific coast, but it is just beginning to aooear in the markets on a commer cial scale. It has a flat, flaky flesh with little bone, which Inspires the department of home econo mics in the University of Washington to such en thusiasm that they declare it equally suitable for the humblest home on account of its price and for the millionaire's table. The sablefish runs about fifteen pounds in weight, and ships well, both frozen and fresh. The sablefish was called a cod and wasn't a cod. Another fish which the bureau is bringing forward as a valuable food fish is a close relative of the cod, and from its various names it has been impossible to suspect the relationship. This fish waa known as the lawyer, the eelpout, the ling, the cusk and by various other unusual designa tions. It was always regarded as destructive to food fish and useless itself. Its real name is the burbot; it is the only fresh-water member of the cod family, and It makes excellent eating. It is found in America all the way from the Arctic circle down to the Ohio river, being particularly plentiful in the Great Lakes and the larger lakes of New York and New England. The burbot is expected to come on the market as a fish that combines good food qualities with low price.. Apparently every popular name for fish is a misnomer. There is a fish plentiful on the coasts of Alaska known aa the atka mackerel. The bureau of fisheries patiently points out that it is not a mackerel and nothing like a mackerel. But it is an excellent food fish, and can be shipped salted. Alaska canneries have been encouraged to salt this fish, which will be known as the atka fish, and it should make its appearance in Our markets in the coming winter. ' The bureau ia following the same process in popularizing these different fish that proved so successful in the cases of the tile-fish and the sea-mussel. Canners must be encouraged to de velop proper methods of canning, and then the public must be informed of the nature and value of the fish in question. When this is done de mand usually exceeds supply. . When all the fish mentioned above have become established on our market, they will add several' hundred million pounds a yar to our food supply. ,;. People and Events . Good roads in Illinois halts while lawmakers strive to cut a few slices of legislative "pork.". A measure carrying a $60,000,000 bond issue is said to be held up by a combine, which insists on get ting good roads in their neighborhoods. No. .1 is the big figure on the legislative score board. From janitor to bank president spans the uplift of W. R. Sanford of Springfield, Mo, president-elect of the Missouri Bankers' association. Left fatherless at 14 in a family of eight children, Sanford hustled a job, climbed the ladder as the years sped and showed 'em he could "deliver the goods'yn every task he tackled. , ' Though" owner of several,.' fvms jn Illinois and an income of taxing e'ize; Timothy Enright held hit pursestrings so tight that none of his thirteen children would take him in as a regular boarder without pay. The task fell to a Chicago niece fdr twelve years, but the, too, waxed weary of welt doing and invited Uncle Tim into court to settle. a board hilt of $25,000. Tim. seems to cherish the delusion that there a,re pockets in the. shroud,; '. , . - ? Three firebugs won a verdict of guilty in a St. Louis court last week.; The trio-included insurance talent, store owner and blaze-maker. The prize was $35,000 insurance placed on the goods ahortly before the fire, although -the top valuation of the stock was $10,000. Owing to the clumsy manner of pulling off the job the jobbers couldn't connect with the insurance treasuries. Instead, thev were pinched, but it took nineteen months to start them on the road to tie pen. Proverb for the Day. Birth la much, breeding more. One Year Ago Today in the War. French gained ground at Dead Man hill at Verdun. England began sending heavy rein forcement to the western front Fleet of Germany and Great Britain, off Jutland, engaged In the greatest naval battle of modern history. tn Omit ha Thlny Yeara Ago. Captain W. J. Broatch, mayor of Omaha, delivered the Memorial day address pefore the Grand Army of the Republic, while a special quartet com posed of Messrs. Rlggs, Bingham, Wil klns and Reed sang "The Soldier's Farewell." Nearly 1,0(10 veterans' graves were decorated. . Th committee of experts to ex amine the accounts of Secretary Conoyer, of the Board of Education, consisting of Messrs. Sudborough. Mc- Kinzie and Gelatte. announced that every account of Mr. Conoyer was In first class condition and every sum paid out was found backed by bills and receipts. . A movement Is on foot in this city to raise funds for the purpose of erect ing a monument over the grave of General John O'Nell, whose remains rest in Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Archie Lewis, with Blake. Bruce & Co., wholesale druggists, has returned wnn Din bride trom Red Oak, la. The directors of the Board of Trade have met and appointed a commit tee consisting of Max Meyer, P. B. Iler and John Evans to decide as to the best manner In which to open the new board building. Water Has been Introduced Into Prospeot Hill cemetery, a number of lot owners in the cemetery, under ths leadership of Judge Baldwin, having taken up a subscription to defray the expenses of sams. The civil engineers of Omaha gave a complimentary banquet to George Lederle on the occasion of his de parture for Oregon. James W. way acted as toastmaster and the follow ing gentlemen responded to toasts: G. B. Christie, Dr. Smith, Mr. Gunkls, Q, W. Tlllson and William Cleburne. This Day tn History. U07 First colonists sailed from Plymouth, England. 17&Z John Brooks, governor of Massachusetts for seven consecutive terms, born at Medford, Mass. Died there March 1, 1826. lslt Cornerstone laid for the Pennsylvania state capltol. 1821 Roman Catholle cathedral In Baltimore dedicated. 1841 Canton taken by the British. and afterward ransomed for $6,000,- 000. 1851 The colossal statue of Fred erick th Great was unveiled In Berlin. 1892 The price of corn In the Chi cago Board of Trade dropped from II a bushel to 49 cents. 1909 First memorial erected to the troops of the regulr. army who fought at Gettysburg unveiled by President Taft. 191" General Carranza, demanded the withdrawal of the American troops from Mexico. The Day We Celebrate. Walter Wills, real estater. was born May 31, 1862 at Cornwall, England. He came to this country In 1884 and was for eight years accountant In the county' treasurer's office. Guy H. Pratt, commercial superin tendent for the Nebraska Telephone company, 1 just forty-two. He was born in Lorraine, 111., and studied at Chaddock college, dating his work as a telephone man from 1895. Duke of Devonshire, governor-gen-, eral of Canada, born forty-nine years ago today.' Sir Francis Younghusband, cele brated English soldier, explorer and administrator, born fifty-four years today. Dr. Charles G. Abbot, director of the Smithsonian Aatro-Hysicaf Observa tory, born at Wilton, N. H., forty-five years ago today. William K. Rockefeller, brother and business partner of the "Oil King," born in Tioga county, New York, sev enty-six years ago today. Captain Constant Cordier, TJ. B. A., now the head of the military depart ment of Harvard university, born in Louisiana, thirty-nine years ago today. Arthur W. Overmyer, representa tive tn congress of th Thirteenth Ohio district, born In Sandusky county, Ohio, thirty-eight years ago today. Timely Jottings and Reminders. Stockholders of ths Chicago, Mil waukee ft St. Paul Railway company hold their annual meeting; today. The duty of the aurgeon In th present war will be dlacussed at the annual meeting of the American Sur gical association, opening today in Boston. A national conference on com munity music will open today at the Hotel Astor, New York City, and con tinue In session over tomorrow. New Orleans haa planned for an elaborate celebration today In honor of the completion and opening of ths Jefferson Highway, from New Or leans to Winnipeg. . Representatives of railroad and publio service commissions - will be heard by the Interstate - Commerce commission at Washington today; In opposition to th application of the railroad for permtesion.- to make a general advance In freight rates, Storyeti of the Day. ; . - A sarcastic lawyer during the trial of a case made use of the expression, "Cast not your pearls before swine." A little later, when he arose to make the argument the Judge facetiously re marked, "Be careful, Mr. X., not to cast your pearls before swine." "Don't be alarmed, my lord, I am about to address the Jury, not the court." was th lawyer's "comeback." -r- Boston Transcript. OUR ALLIES. Columbia-Britannia, Odd spd the en thy wny. With dd8 ot ml km, in Freedom'.) fight, Td hvi tha world today. - Th hour of sleep and ilumbr deep Ara paat; th day haa coma. With alth and tnoana and dying aTroana , Tha world la stricken dumb. t k , , , v, -mi All ii and frlendi, to make amende, . Wa brim oar wealth untold. 'Tie our to chooee. and thine to : ' , There a naufht we would withhold. Ftr T-tbarty, Fraternity. And Juatlca to the weak. For ntrhteoueneea, to wronra redress, .-.We iiledge our lives to seek. Britanrtla-Ttalla. And Franca so fair and true. We riaan thy hands; we love thy lands, And Russia born anew. Far Honor sake, the sword w take, . At Ood'a and Freedom's call. And aid by aide, whate'er betide, Huocena shall oorae to all, pmaha, . K. U HUMPH RET. Thanks and a Boost. Omaha, May 29. To th Editor of The Bee: At this late day allow me to thank you for running in The Bee two weeks ago the picture of my two small boys In the scout uniforms. Everybody, I think, saw the picture, for most every one of our friends and acquaintances spoke about it to us; and the ten or dozen copies of the pa per which I mailed to friends in other parts of the country brought re sponses with a complimentary word. The Bee Is certainly an excelienj ad vertising medium, Judging from my little experience in the reading col umns of the paper. ZANE THOMPSON. Germany's National Hero. Somewhere In Nebraska, May 26. To the Editor of The Bee: The Ger mans are almost universally indus trious, thrifty, honest, law-abiding and sober. As farmers their suc cess is practically universal. Ger mans, as a rule, are equally success ful In whatsoever they undertake. Their services to the union during the slave-holders' rebellion can hardly be praised too highly. It is not an idle conjecture that the German ele ment In the United States saved the union. There were 177,000 native Germans in the federal army and Faust estimates 500,000 of German extraction. Eighty-one of every 1.000 Germans In the United States were In the federal army and only sixty-nine of every 1,000 Americans were there. There was a larger proportion of Ger mans in the union army than of any other race. The Germans of Missouri kept that state in the union. This alone may have turned the scale. The Germans are the only farmers who have entered into an alliance whose avowed purpose is to perpet uate the language, literature, cus toms, traditions, history and ideals of their quondam country. What are these? We Judge a cult by Its prophet, we Judge a nation by Its hero. The national hero of Germany is the man they call Herman the name Herman was coined four or five centuries after his death: It means lord-man. Armlnius whose Germanlo name 4s unknown Is the Herman of his countrymen. Armin ius, or Armin, was deified by his pa gan countrymen, and the destruction of his shrine was a part of the reform of Carl the Great in his attempted overthrow of paganism. The man Ar mlnlus has been eulogized by histo rians from Tacitus to Creasy. Henty has entitled one of his medleys of history and romance-: "The Young uartnagenian." in this tale hs makes Hannibal's cousin the remote lineal ancestor of Armlnius, and pictures th eternal hate of Rome entailed for alx generations. Poets have sung the praises of the liberator of Germany until, in popular conception, Armln ius nas Decome a pure ana disinter ested patriot, who. like Moses, re. Jected honor, wealth and ambition out of unselfish love for his people. The Germans have christened a national fraternity, the Sons of Herman, for this man. Near the town of Detmold, proximate to the Teutoberg forest, stands a statue to the memory of Ar mlnius. A German family without one Herman is an exception to the rule. This conception is as mythical as Washington's cherry tree or Barbara Freltohie'e heroism. Without arguing the Importance of Armlnius as a historical chajacter in which field there Is room for discussion I will say that from ths facts, related by his friends th treason ot Armintus Is not eclipsed by Flaviua Josephus, George Monck or Benedict Arnold, or even, if we subtract , the divine oharacter of th. victlm-r-by Judas Iscariot himself. Ipoor Arnold was th only one of thes five who made a failure. Had he succeeded Wash ington would have been a factious and unsuccessful rebel, and might nave owed his life to the Intercession of ths man whose name ia now. a synonym for treason. Armlnius was born in what Is now West Prussia, 18 B. C. He went to Rome, in his boyhood and waa edu cated at the expense ot the state, was made a Roman citizen, admitted to the Order ot Equltes (knights) and served in the Roman army, in which he attained high rank, and was sec ond In command at the tragic event hereinafter related. He was always loyal until Rome had a war with Ger many. Armlnius accompanied Verus, the Roman commander, to Germany. Verus had been warned of the treach ery of Armlnius, but refused to credit his detractors. The traitor prepared a German ambuscade, into which he beguiled the Roman commanders This man, who had taken the sac ramentuin the oath of ths Roman soldier directed end personally as slated in the slaughter of his com rades The survivors was sacrificed at the shrine of the Teutonic god of war. Armlnius wa afterwards !:' by his own countrymen because 1ij aspired as they thought to kingly power. They knew him better than we can know him. The ambitious man may have aspired to found a univer sal empire, whose sovereign he hoped to be. The allotcd sum of human Ills that remained to him h was 28 at his death was longer by six years than Alexander's. Had Armlnius succeeded in his effort to nnlte Ger many he would have anticipated Bis marck by more than 1,800 years. In the present war between United States and Germany, what are we to expect from a race in our midst whose beau ideal, whose racial hero, la the traitor of Teutoberg forent? DER HEIDE. SUNNY GEMS. Rassd Roffr, Strang, hftw fw of our youthful drr.nis rnm true, iln't It? Frayed Phil -O. I flunno. I r number ho I one. yearned to wear Ions panta. Now I sueaa I wear 'em longer than any man la th, country Bolton Tranicrlpt Llttl. Helen Daddy. I hav, been playing llko I waa mamma Dad Ia that so'? What did you do, dearie? Little Helen 1 bought you a sire preaent and sad It charged to you. Indianapolis Star. "I underaland the woman's party In that aaaorlatlon are going to run a dark bora at ths elertlon tor. preeldent." "Why don't they assert the supremacy of their sax and run th, gray mare?" -Baltimore American. Wtr-Don't you think a great big, tall, married man ought to be taken Into th, army Just the aaiue aa anybody else? Hub Sly dear, hs oMy look, tall: aa matter of fact, ba la probably abort. Judge. . m WSm RAMBUS -HOW "Everybody la folnf In for vardeninr now "I know." 'Dolnf your bit?" "Yet, I'm Improving a few achers," tha dentist replied. Louisville Courier Journal. Victim What has happened? Where am I? Doctor You have been seriously injured In a trolley accident. But. cheer up -you win recover. . Victim How much? New York Times. Jack I told your father that I would five you every luxury. Bess And what did he say? Jack Said be would withdraw his money from the bank where I work- Boston Qlobe. Dasher What are the surgeon's terms for your operatfon? Pugilist Five hundred dollara, win, loss or draw. Life. "There In something queer about Miss gtarlelgh's acting as Lady Macbeth." "Whats that?" "She can murder sleep, hut she don't know how to kill time." Baltimore Amer ican. Willie Pop, what are ancestors? Father Well, I'm one of yours and your granddad Is another Willie Oh, but why is It that folks brag about, thpm? Everybody's Magazine. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. 50c Per Gallon. iThe U Vjtfhote OB Company I GRAIN EXCHANGE BLDC iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? Tourist Fares-Season 1917 $31 Baltimore & Ohio 70 Chicago to New York Ticket, os aal. Jus, lit to Sept. Soth Enjoy the Great Circle Tour Wid choice of route,, Including rail and water $1440 1TC Roue Chicago to Rouo-tri, New York Correapondlngly low far, round trip, to Ticket, on tale May 19th to Oct. Uth. All trains via Washington , Stop-OTefl everywhere Latest type of modern electric-lighted steel train. Famous dining car service. Drawing-room, compartment and lounging observation sleeping cars, . Tha Washington Special Leave Chicago 10:45 a.m.,arriva Wssh ington8:45a.m., New York 2.35 p. m. The New York Limited-Leave, Chicago 5:45 p.m. Tht Washington-New York Ex press Leave, Chicago 8:25 a. m. The Night Expreaa-Lava Chicago 10.-00 p.m. All trains leave Grand Central Station, Fifth Ave. and Harrison 8u, Chicago, C C ELRICK, Traveling Paeaenger Agent. sis woooinao ot tn, wqrid omg., Phone Douglas 967 A ThtScmk y Rout to II 5 Baltimore Ik Ohio uur passKiiyeni arc our guests THE OMAHA BEE INFORMATION BUREAU Washington, O. C. unclosed find a two-cent stamp, for which you will please send me entirely free, a copy ot the pamphlet, "Preparing Vegetablea." Nam Street Address. City.......... State.